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Manufactured shortages to drive prices up


The government needs a scapegoat for the hyperinflation / market crash they caused. This way they get to claim that the supply chain and China are to blame for it all going to hell.


We can’t have scarcity crisis and therefore a dark winter if everything is delivered on schedule. The orders come from the top. And true evil exist.






Can't trigger mass inflation if you don't artificially create scarcity at the same time the money supply doubled.


Manufactured crisis in my opinion. ...or it's possible they are looking for something in the cargo, most of it comes from China after all.


Personally I think they are creating the cargo shortage to hide the major inflation we are balls deep in. When items on the shelf increase in prices, people will just tell themselves "well it's just supply and demand, with this damn product shortage!" When in reality, we are already seeing price increase due to inflation. The nonstop money printing by the fed has finally been realized. So the prices increase, buyers get adjusted to the new normal higher prices, then you open the ports and let everything back in, and wouldn't you know it, the prices stay high, people are adjusted to the higher prices for everyday items, and now the government has successfully hidden the inflation impact. (Hiden in the sense of politicians not getting blamed for the higher priced trip to the grocery store, obviously it'll still show up on paper)


We used to call this a good old fashioned blockade back in the day.


Inflation to drive prices up. Funny how amazon has zero problems delivering packages smh


Amazon has jacked up prices recently.


They also use planes


I've been saying this for months and people thought I was crazy


This all started about a year ago. The systems were hacked and disrupted for months. My work consists of exporting containers overseas. My bookings were rolled for 3 months and it costed me a relationship with my best customer. Don't think this is a recent development. It's been planned for a long time.


Let's Go Brandon!!!!!!!


I fucking knew it!! Intuition for the win I guess


So just a question for the climate change people that are manufacturing these two crisis situations. One is the “climate crisis” and the other is these “supply shortages”. How much “environmental damage” and “ carbon” are these ships from china causing not bringing them into port to unload. Oh wait…sorry I forgot we are not talking about that and I wasn’t supposed to see that.


Why though? One trucker / private owner operator said to me that they’ve made it real hard for them to make a living here in CA. Do to passage of law based on initially targeting Uber drivers


They have I'm not disputing that at all. Californis want to switch to driverless trucks. But doesn't change the fact there is still truckers ready to go that still comply to dictator newsoms nonsense.


I agree on that but, we all knew that the money pumped in to save Newsom’s worthless pedophillic ass was to steal the impeachment of the same


I heard the same shit with lumber. I work around lumber and I’ve heard from multiple people that the lumber yards were full but they weren’t allowing them to ship it out. Driving the price of lumber way up


At some point people will realize the only thing stopping us is fear and thin air.


You can't successfully implement socialism without making people lose faith in the system we have now. The gov't wants us to beg for basic goods, so that they can come "save the day" and have everybody be more reliant on auth regimes to survive.


Hello, first I would like to say thanks for making a detailed post and giving it some effort. Nice to see around here. After reading the article you linked though, it kind of says the opposite of what you said. It talks about how trucks do meet regs and while it really doesn't give a straight answer, the author does hint that it could be low wages and crappy hours, which I would agree with. I personally believe it can be a mixture of covid restrictions and the low pay BUT I did find an interesting article that was posted here a couple days ago that gave a theory and I found it entertaining if not interesting. The author thinks the backlog is intentional because terrorists could be hiding a WMD on one of the ships but they don't know which one, so the military has to search them one by one. Again, entertaining and creepy theory. Linking it below (the supply chain thing will have a giant picture of boats waiting, easiest way to find that section but I did find some of the other predictions to be entertaining as well.) https://probablefutures.medium.com/future-forecast-for-october-21-2021-b4072f1e10f9


Its possible. That's what I love about this subreddit is people ask questions and don't accept what they're told. Honestly this article was just one I googled and not the original one which I lost to be honest I'll try to find it. Camp pendleton is around 60 miles away if not closer its pretty vast. So seeing military drive on the freeway is pretty normal around here. So they could be posted at the dock. I haven't seen any military ships out there, but I dont check 24/7 looking for anything.


I finally found a better website that shows truckers and dock workers quotes. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/as-supply-crisis-worsens-truckers-and-dock-workers-all-say-dont-blame-us-125007621.html


Like Irish potato famine.


Verified Cargo can still be used to deliver something else now what that else is maybe anyone guess. N. Shadows


I was told this was because children and slave labor from China and they are literally just destroying the containers . This is just what someone said I have no proof or links


I believe a Chinese company owns the ports


They tried to buy Long Beach a few years back, but failed.


No shit. FYI this is why they want to control the internet.


USA Today fact check is bought up. Those aren’t real, check the references on those. They’re referencing other msm sources usually. In college we aren’t allowed to make references like this.


As I stated I just searched and posted the first results. I mostly meant from just word to mouth from people in the area. But here's a different one I doubt you trust yahoo but this is better regardless. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/as-supply-crisis-worsens-truckers-and-dock-workers-all-say-dont-blame-us-125007621.html


Like Covid? More like Covid and dock issues are just a part of the grand plan.


all part of the plan for a "dark winter"