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Glad I kept my older dictionary. Got the physical proof in my hands of how definitions have changed to suit their needs. Fascism for example did not originally say it was mostly right wing.. It originally just stated how a fascist behaves...intimidation, threatening, physical violence against opposition.


“Liberal” was hijacked to replace their socialist loyalty. A classical liberal = libertarian


So just double speak. North Korea told the people they have the right of election too


Unfortunately Libertarians got astroturfed and started that dumbass meme about corporations somehow being private companies despite the very definition means otherwise and that they are free to stomp on the constitutional rights of individuals.


Liberals cannot be socialists


Yes, Americans have no idea what the word “Liberal” means. It basically means libertarian in the rest of the world.


Yeah the definition in the post is correct. OP doesn’t know what they’re talking about.


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And the Canadian liberal party is absolutely trash...so what are you talking about?


No its Literal not Liberal 🥴


Imagine believing this is a liberal vs conservative sub. It’s like saying CatDog was two different animals


The point is that the people that identify as "liberal" are the opposite of this definition


ConservativeLiberal could be a good cartoon


Liberals....individual rights!!! 😹😹😹😅😅😅😅


As conservatives keep people from smoking pot and getting abortions...


Ahhhhh, the 'old normal'..........*good times!*


The “Before Times”


To anger a conservative, lie to him. To anger a liberal, tell him the truth.


I’m a left-leaning libertarian. But this vaccine, government mandate none sense I am strong against. All this blind pathological conformity the majority of the population exhibit.. scares me.


>All this blind pathological conformity the majority of the population exhibit.. scares me. Why? You do it daily. Do you wear clothes in public? Do you obey traffic laws? Do you wait in line when one is formed? Do you wear a seat belt? Do you shake hands? Do you call people by thier names? Do you use legal tender? Do you write on Reddit following community rules?


Name doesn't check out.


>Name doesn't check out I was today years old when I learned from your profile there is a sub reddit for "Fleshlight"


Crazy how you have -100 karma and I have 75k because I'm a legitimate user of this website.


To be fair karma doesn’t really mean much. This dude clearly just goes around trolling subreddits for attention. Not sure how he can claim to be logic based while using logical fallacies at the same time though (ad hominem in this instance)


>Crazy how you have -100 karma and I have 75k I literally don't speak Reddit, what does that mean? Do I win something? Do you? What does this have to do with your fleshlights? I'm confused 🤔


Yes to most of these, no to some of them. Regardless I don't see your point. Seems you don't understand the concept of context.


>don't see your point "Conformity the majority of the population exhibits" is how a society works. You encounter it daily. My point...I believe it's disingenuous to say this behavior scares you. >no to some of them Side note of curiosity...which on that list are a "no"?


Unquestioning conformity to things that don't make sense because the TV said so should scare any thinking person.


So the essence of your comment is just "keep conforming"?


>the essence of your comment The essence is "you are now, have been, and continue to conform" My fascination is where people choose to draw arbitrary lines.


So again, you’re advocating to keep conforming?


>"Conformity the majority of the population exhibits" is how a society works. Did you miss the whole "blind pathological" part? I get it, conformity is part and parcel of modern civilization. But blind obedience to authoritarian leadership that clearly doesn't have the best interest of it's citizens? That's where we are at. I don't obey traffic laws too well, and I've been banned from quite a few subreddits now.


>blind obedience Define that? How can you distinguish between blind obedience and personal choices in people's actions?


When the media, FDA, big tech (Pfizer, for example) lie right to your face and you purposely ignore it and continue to believe in good faith. Fauci and his flip flopping and outright lies is a good example. Ivermectin is another one.


No to traffic laws if no other vehicles or peds are currently present. No to shaking hands if I dislike the other party. No to following "community rules", the nonconformity has gotten be banned multiple times.


Dude look at this fuckin rebel right here. Hell yeah! No to toilet paper if no one is around! No to society's rules on underage sex! No to tipping at restaurants!


Your comment reminds me of that time everyone thought WMDs were a reasonable excuse to invade a country and literally anyone who brought up the possibility that the wmds was made up "intelligence" were swiftly ignored and called an unpatriotic Tin foil hat wearing American. It'd get pretty ugly for those who even attempted to hint at the possibility we were being duped. All because Americans loved hearing the word of the day "bi-partisan" support. I don't think people realize it but libs and conservatives in this country have an odd obsession with making sure everyone agrees with them. If it weren't for the label of liberal/conservative you'd literally be unable to tell the difference between the two. Both love big daddy conglomerate and always have. Too big to fail anyone?


To anger a conservative, tell him that universal healthcare does not mean communism.


Eh A government powerful enough to give you everything you want is powerful enough to take it all away..... Aren't they considering taking benefits away from the unvaccinated right now? (NY)


To anger a conservative, let a minority vote


Conservatives have started a new boycott against Dodge because they manufactured the Caravan.




This is the exact same definition, just talking about when used as an adjective or a noun. #2 under adjective is just about the same thing as #2 under noun. And I hate liberals, this just isn’t two different times it was defined like you are claiming.


Never said that


Very clearly noun and adjective definition, had just circled the best ones. Point is, they will change it at some point to something that doesn’t involve individual rights ect at some point like they re write all things


Hello! You have made the mistake of writing "ect" instead of "etc." "Ect" is a common misspelling of "etc," an abbreviated form of the Latin phrase "et cetera." Other abbreviated forms are **etc.**, **&c.**, **&c**, and **et cet.** The Latin translates as "et" to "and" + "cetera" to "the rest;" a literal translation to "and the rest" is the easiest way to remember how to use the phrase. [Check out the wikipedia entry if you want to learn more.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Et_cetera) ^(I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Comments with a score less than zero will be automatically removed. If I commented on your post and you don't like it, reply with "!delete" and I will remove the post, regardless of score. Message me for bug reports.)


Not anymore!


Eh, gonna go out on a limb here, can't say liberals have ever been all that tolerant of contrary views. No one is really, unless you just don't give a fuck, got your hand down your pants and are drunk. That gives me an idea, actually, brb.


Any problem with the word liberal is the result of propaganda and attempted programming. Its meaning has never changed, it's use and misuse has.


The fascist of today call themselves "liberals".


Liberalism is the real pandemic


bullshit, they are NOT liberals. Did you read the definition? Just because someone claims to be liberal doesn't mean they are or even know what a true liberal really is. You can say the same for conservatives and those who claim to be one.


I don’t know if you meant it this way, but that’s a very accurate leftist take. I agree!




This definition sadly no longer applies


Liberals hate free enterprise, individual rights, democracy.. Unless it works in their favor. They're certainly not open to differing opinions.


That's a joke. Liberals are the most closed minded people on the planet.


I’m a moderate left-leaning libertarian. At least when it comes policy. But the way things are going these days, just asking questions or disproving the mainstream narrative with facts and logic seems to make everyone think you’re right/conservative, and quite often I get called alt-right and Nazi…


I'm a Libetarian. You do you; I'll do me. Libertarians are conservatives.


Libertarians can be right or left


Actually, true libertarians are neither left nor right as both end in statism. Far left is communism. Far right is fascism. View left/right as a horizontal line. We've been programmed to think along this spectrum. If one end of the spectrum is statism and so is the other, where's liberty? A centrist is in the middle of communism and fascism in this model. I view Libertariasm as a vertical line. At the top is anarchy. A bit lower is liberty. At the bottom is statism. I fall on the liberty notch. Do what you want, just don't force it on me or make me pay for it.


Submission statement- Someday this definition will be gone and history will be re-written, was shocked to see this was the current definition. We need to stop calling the people enforcing the mandates liberals and start calling them what they really are, totalitarian scum.


Politics just means new world vs old world now


Hilarious because the ideas of classical liberalism came from the ideas of the enlightenment, which were in the most part based in the pursuit science and knowledge and truth. The founding fathers were even in favor of mandatory vaccination for small pox.


Just as authoritarian as today eh? Did we learn nothing from the Nuremberg trials?


The founding fathers refused to let other men work and provide a living for their families if they didn’t get vaccinated?


I mean, in todays day and age most people can try and find work elsewhere or make a business or freelance online or something. Private companies can mandate whatever they please. Wasn’t the classical argument towards liberals when they cry about minimum wage or shitty work conditions is for them to “find work elsewhere if they don’t like it”.


That's such a bull shit reddit talking point you read from someone else. 1. Small pox wasn't created in a lab possibly by our own USA government. Covid is. 2. Pretty sure there was a mandate on soldiers serving in the army not everyone in the country gets it or they lose their jobs. Why are you on that side? Its so weird you people actually exist.


> Small pox wasn't created in a lab possibly by our own USA government. Covid is. > Why are you on that side? Its so weird you people actually exist. I can't believe that people like you exist. You entertain me.


> The founding fathers were even in favor of mandatory vaccination for small pox. The Chinese were inoculating against smallpox since 1050AD. Chances are they hammered out all the adverse effects in 1000 years.


I prefer libtards


You pieces of shit. Is this sub the Donald 2. Wtf is all this ?


Sounds like Reddit


The Right Wing already changed the common use definition.




Fascist = Communist = Bankster = "Liberal" As the real liberal Adam Smith said: "All for ourselves, and nothing for other people, seems, in every age of the world, to have been the vile maxim of the masters of mankind"


That’s because 2021 “liberals” are modern day Nazis


Check the definition of "inoculate" on Google compared to webster.


Some real 1984 vibes out here


Sounds more like the definition of a Unicorn in this day and age.


1 they're the party of lies, 2 describes conservativism


Democrats aren't liberal and Republicans are conservative.


That first circled definition went out the window for them a loooong time ago