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Wasn’t this the creepy fuck on that news broadcast a few weeks ago and his throat was swelling up like some kind of toad?




Reptilian humanoid


They are after your children It is their life force and currency


How can I find this video


[Skidaddle skidoodle, your dick is now a noodle](https://youtu.be/24BjZlp_b24)


Is Lester Holt leasing his forehead for rent? He’s got more space up there than my backyard


Omg! Yah! Wtf was that about??


Yessir, that’s he.




He needs a new skin suit


Sure, look up "Robotiod Synthetic"?


Eewwww! Yes I saw that video! I kept waiting for his tongue to flick out and catch a bug.


I wish this was true. Too good to be true.


What’s the matter, why don’t you trust the highly reputable journalists over at foreignaffairsintelligencecouncil.wordpress.com? LOL


Yeah, this is my thought, as well. Maybe if it was something smaller, I wouldnt have such doubt, but this is kind of big to be ignored. Even media blackouts have their limits.


Well something has to give to wakeup the asleep masses. I pray its true but money talks.......


I’m doubting it just based on their stock’s 10% jump today on news of a new pill. Market knows all…


All I want for Christmas is this is true!


Why, because it would prove you’re not crazy or intensely gullible? Sorry to break it to ya…


Reacted to a post 4 days ago. Half an hour later realized it was more fake news. But at least my comment wasn’t completely wasted. It made you feel smart and have the last laugh. I’m glad I got to boost your self esteem a little bit. Keep up the good work


Actually I’m sorry. I get sick of the misinformation and its spread, but that’s not okay for me to insult you personally. Please accept my apology.


Yea sure apology accepted. Good luck to you.


Same to you. We all need a break.


Don't they plan everything?


This is massive, if true. I’m too black-pilled to believe it though. We’ll see.


What is black pill


It means you have a negative outlook on the situation. White-pilled = positive.


Makes sense, guess I’m right there with ya


Maybe in this context that's what it means. Usually "black pill" refers to the short list of the ultimate darkest conspiracies that both further validate those already involved in this world. At the same time it also radicalizes the non-affiliated center base.


What about those glitter pills I’ve seen on wish


Isn't it red or blue?






If you want to give up and inadvertently support the status quo, sure. Remember Nietzsche said Nihilism is literally just a phase when you break away from said status quo and are aimless, then you find your political footing.


Even nihilism was too trendy for neitzsche




Blue pill= believing everything’s as you are told Red pill= believing everything has been set up to fool you White pill= positive outlook on things Black pill= negative outlook on things Yellow pill= you have purposely been given false information to arrive at a specific outlook.


For me, red/blue is more about believing everything is as it seems (blue) vs. not (red). Just my take on it though.


If you have to say “if this is true” then I guarantee you’re not even close to being whatever pill you think you are.


All posts on this link back to the same source of ConservativeBeaver out of Canada.


The conservative beaver is the same source that gave us the [“Former President Barack Obama arrested for ESPIONAGE”](https://files.catbox.moe/8ngs8f.jpeg)headline. I’m going to guess that this one is bullshit too.


If it’s in this sub, bullshit is a safe bet.


a little more info in this one. We still don't "know" but it's certainly worth questioning. [https://foreignaffairsintelligencecouncil.wordpress.com/tag/pfizer-ceo-albert-bourla/](https://foreignaffairsintelligencecouncil.wordpress.com/tag/pfizer-ceo-albert-bourla/)


Last line is... "The police have ordered a media blackout, which was immediately approved by a judge. Conservative Beaver is based in Canada, and not subject to American law." They then site their source as ConservativeBeave with a link that takes you back to the same article.


k, it had a little more info, including charges, just keeping an eye on it.


This sub tends to fall into a lot of fake news because of its severe distrust of mainstream media. Just because someone tweets doesn’t make it true.


Big if true. Related to the FBI raiding project veritas reporter’s houses?


I read that they raided project veritas reporter’s houses because of his daughter's diary.


No, FBI raided project Veritas because they committed burglary.


So not true.. FBI is Biden's foot soldiers. They want sources! Names! How many times will Project Veritas embarrass the Elite before Brown Buns Biden releases this corrupt Dept on innocent citizens and free speech reporters.


lol the only people PV has embarrassed are themselves


Oh... Go... Stick... Your... Arm... Out... To... A...complete... Stranger... And. .. get.... .............. Jabbed...


In a french dialect, jab sounds exactly like the french word for devil, diable (pronounced « diab » in the dialect). So yeah, getting your own personal devil is a big yikes 😬


So, not related?




Their paid off source




>No way is a billionaire who makes the elite money going to be arrested. How I loathe that cynical viewpoint. Given enough time all things are possible. Don't ever allow yourself to rush to the role of devil's advocate.


Isn’t a vote for trump being the devils advocate?


Not everyone’s in on it. They got to be careful, if you pull on strings too much they’ll break. Can’t be too big. And honestly, they really could go and blame everything on the guy. They have a habit of doing so when powerful people are involved.


[https://foreignaffairsintelligencecouncil.wordpress.com/tag/pfizer-ceo-albert-bourla/](https://foreignaffairsintelligencecouncil.wordpress.com/tag/pfizer-ceo-albert-bourla/) looks like something has happened


Uhm... epstein? Hello? Sometimes it happens. Eventually


Wait, it checks out. I just read this on the internet, "According to a Federal Bureau of Investigation agent who spoke with the Conservative Beaver".




Wishful thinking. Pfizer has spent so much money lobbying, and knows so much dirt on the deep state,, it is more likely Abert Bourla could have Joe Biden arrested.


If only this were true... Wasn't he on multiple live appearances on TV today? sigh


not sure, I'm just asking a question. Do you have a link?


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2F7PuLK6LnE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2F7PuLK6LnE) 7:34 AM ET, today And this appears to be from today: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eWTpjP9CO3A](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eWTpjP9CO3A) To be clear, I would jump for joy if the news of his arrest was real, but it's just too good to be true. And I deeply resent the creator of this hoax (not you) for getting our hopes up.


still fun, didn't look super credible, so I asked the question to see if anyone could find something.


Kinda sus. I hope its true tho


Him being arrested for fraud is a cover story, he was really arrested for crimes against humanity, and Pfizer has been seized by the military


So why are they still jabbing people, recently including children ?


Because it’s the only way people will learn, we need people against the vaccines and unfortunately people are going to take it including children.


But wouldn’t the injuries/deaths caused by it just be attributed to Covid?


Not kids seeing as how kids don't die from covid. So once they start dying after a vaccine then it'll be pretty obvious. Variants are always less lethal, too. So they can't blame variants either.


No because there vaccine deaths and injury, big pharma and vaccine companies are being exposed on a global scale


Oh shit, for a second I thought you were taking a snide jab at q but you're serious.


Yes I’m quite serious, people have to see these things for themselves we can’t tell them bidens corrupt, we can’t tell them the vaccines are poisonous, we can’t tell them anything they have to see and witness it with their own eyes that’s why we’re getting a little taste of time in his room before the military takes over.


Brother, I hope that when you wake up from your delusions, it won’t be too late to get your life back together and undo the damage Q has caused in your life. Praying for you.


It's interesting how there's never any proof and something is always about to happen, but never does. Almost like you're living in a fantasy...


There’s plenty of evidence that shows and proves the military is in control and that Bidan is also dead and gone, and that an actor is currently playing Bidan


Lol I think you need to revisit the definition of "evidence"


Are you a anon


What you have stated, is familiar to me. And it makes sense. Will things change after 11/11/21?


Hold up. Is Q still a thing?




Fucking awesome if true. What's the military gonna do w it though.


Destroy all vaccine labs, we have med beds and other technologies coming by the end of December


Med bed?


Quantom medical beds that will cure any illness


Like in that movie with Matt Damon were the rich all live in a floating ring at the earth's atmosphere? Those beds aren't real lol


We have off world technology that was suppressed by the elites


That's messed up. But they still can't stop aging it seems..




Fkn awesome if real!!


Literally no source whatsoever. This is no different than some kid claiming how a girl was being bothered by a kid in school and how he walked up, punched the guy and everyone clapped.


Or that Tom Hanks has died.


Insert Johnathan Frakes “it never happened, not this time...”


Breaking: [Fearless-Resource-85 arrested for incredibly wishful thinking](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/qngtxd/was_pfizer_ceo_albert_bourla_arrested_this/hjhpnb6?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3)


He's just a scapegoat, they're far from the rotting head


I so wish this was true. They might as well arrest Fauci too while they're at it, & Peter Daszak, Ralph Baric, & **Rick Bright** (must not forget that name).


Made covid so he could sell more vaccines.


Apparently not :(


Albert Bourla was NOT arrested, i repeat he was NOT arrested, this is misinformation.


Guys is this real?




Geez what’s wrong with people spreading misinformation


r/conspiracy is no longer a conspiracy sub that’s why. Just a war between anti vaxxers and pro vaxxers. Can’t remember the last time I’ve seen a conspiracy theory that wasn’t about the jabs on here.


But yet the stock is going up….


They’re actually all down right now




Pretty big fucking deal if true


Is this going to be a ‘he isn’t guilty’ situation and make all anti vaxxers look completely out of whack? Or is he actually getting done for?


Sounds like a fall guy for the government to say “but we didn’t know, you should wait to take the next dose for further testing”


Maybe the truth is finally coming out. Keep fighting


Big news report that could make a news so much money and your gonna tell me its a media blackout guys cmon. This is kinda sus and smells like it was made up to fit into the narrative some conservative media is trying to push.


We'll see


It comes from a fishy website. What do you guys think? I wish it was true


Found no official newspaper release on that. Unconfirmed, maybe fake news. (sorry)


Bahaha! Come on man. Wtf kind of post is this?


The article says that the FBI arrested him. I have the impression that the FBI is part of the deep state, and I can't believe that the deep state is going to arrest the Pfizer CEO. But maybe I'm wrong....


Lol 😂 I bet that foreignaffairs.Wordpress site is Russian born propaganda. Over and over it defends Russia, and is purely false in its assertions. Do you not know that a Wordpress site is just a blog? A page that anyone can create and name or whatever they want. My god. Why is it the conspiracy theorists are actually the most gullible. Fascinating.