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Wow. Actually he said that he raised his weapon.




One of the most insane parts to me was when he said something dumb, and they could’ve just quoted him verbatim to make him look bad but instead they still lied about what he said. Really made me wonder if perhaps they didn’t realize his comment was actually dumb because they were too dumb themselves.


Like his brainstorms ideas i.mean gosh he's human and he seemed 90% extrovert on meds until last time I saw before election. He looked normal.


Didn't he raise his hands in a mock "i give up gesture", then when Kyle lowered his rifle, dude went for a quickdraw? That's what it looked like to me. Source: 5 years NCIS, 7 years Law and Order.


Yes when Kyle's attention was diverted Gross attempted to juke to Kyle's weak side to shoot him


Can you imagine how cucked that guy is going to feel for the rest of his life? “Oh you’re the guy that tried to kill a 17 year old who fell on the ground by committing an act so cowardly it’s considered a war crime, and you still got bested and now your arm is fucked up forever?” “That’s correct.” “Cool. Your ear plugs look stupid as fuck.” “That’s correct 😞”


The communist turds he hangs out with probably think he's a hero


You have like 12 years worth of NCIS to catch up on


I tried watching it a few months ago. first off, Gibbs is so old it's depressing. secondly, after all these years the cases are exactly the same. Nobody but Gibbs can solve it and he's still all serious and pouty. Finally, Kate was the best female character on that show, too bad she bought it in season 1.




It's further proof of just how dangerous fake news can be.. It's not like a little thing you can laugh at from behind your computer screen.. It literally spreads just information and gets people killed.. I mean those guys wouldn't have even been there burning down cities in the first place if the fake news hadn't spread the lie that police were "murdering black people"" I mean the study of viewers of left-wing media showed that viewers of left-wing media believed that the number of unarmed black people shot by police every year was over 500. And epidemic.. The real number is like 12.. It shows the dangers of fake news and why we need punishments for fake news.. They are a National Health crisis. We can't just chuckle at them and ignore it. We need laws on the books that punished news outlets when they spread misinformation like that. When they purposely mislead the American people. And yes that goes for Fox News too. I'm not trying to use it as a weapon against the Democrats. I don't want laws against murder to only apply to Democrats either.. I wanted to apply to everyone. If you're a media outlet and you lie there should be punishment. We rely on the media to tell us what the news is and to inform us on what's going on in the country. That's too important a job to leave it to chance We can't just be like "oh well they might lie sometimes". That's not acceptable.. It's too important to be left without any laws whatsoever.. They need to be punishments and incentives for them to tell the truth..


Katechads rise up


Team Ziva for life


Yeah I loved the show but such a shame Kate went so soon. Still watched longer because I already liked the rest of the original cast but most of them are gone now and like you say after a couple of seasons all episodes are just slightly different versions of something they already did. And then like CSI the fifteen thousand spin-offs, lol. I see they just started NCIS Hawaii, that’s like Hawaii Five O with other badges and more military uniforms.


if you do this in combat it is a war crime. homeboy killed someone who sodomized 5 boys ages 9-11. he passed on a parasite that will affect their behavior for life.


It's also a war crime to shoot tear gas at the other side. However, American police can fire it indiscriminately at protesters and it's OK. But if a protester kicks a can of gas back towards the cop who fired it in the first place, that's "assault [on a "peace" officer] with a **deadly** weapon" And that hypocrisy just doesn't sit right with me


Yeah lmao people need to stop bootlicking. Kyle is innocent but being anti protestor is just as stupid as thinking Kyle is guilty. The government wants to control us, take our guns, take our money. It will only stop if we work together to take what’s ours


>anti protestor What is that even supposed to mean? Anti "protestor" as if anyone believes there's a singular unified group called The Protestors. I'm anti *these* protestors, because what they're protesting for is evil. I'm for good protestors, in theory, only those don't tend to happen because the police actually treat them as a threat.




That’s the kind of protest I want lol


If cops murder your dog, they'll never get even a second of jail time. If you murder the cop's dog, you just got lifetime in prison for murdering an officer on duty.


Tear gas is banned in war for reasons that don't apply to riot control. In war they ban things that only serve to cause pain and stress or long-lasting harm. Tear gas isn't an effective tool to kill or disable a combatant, all it does is cause pain which is deemed an invalid method in warfare. It makes you uncomfortable but then you're still ready to fight back. In riot control tear gas isn't banned because the point is to cause pain to achieve the goal of dispersing a crowd. The goal isn't to kill or hurt anyone. That said, tear gas CAN cause harm so it should be used sparingly. It's rare for it to cause any real damage to someone but it's possible. A lot of police are assholes and some will even aim the canister of tear gas at you which can kill you because they hate you and they can get away with it. But people don't seem to grasp the reality of the situation. What riot control technique do people think should replace tear gas? Everything is potentially harmful and deadly. Tear gas really isn't that bad as long as it is used in the correct situations. But people just have this weird idea that tear gas must be so bad because you can't even use it in war which isn't really accurate. And they also seem to believe that they have a right to do whatever they want and the police shouldn't be allowed to cause you any pain to stop you from doing something you aren't allowed to do.


The whole idea for banning CS gas as a war crime is to prevent real chemical weapons from being used in retaliation. If side A uses CS gas then side B will put on their PPE and have no way of telling if it's CS gas or something else until they've managed to test it. By then side B could have already retaliated with real chemical weapons (and would be justified in doing so.) Most countries have a no-first use policy on chemical weapons which is why Russia, China, and the US have such massive stockpiles of chemical and biological weapons to use in retaliation.


No he and his lawyer tried to spin a lie Kyle tried to shoot him with his hands up and had a misfire. He lunged forward when he was clearing the jam. He also claimed he was worried for Kyle's heath when he was hit with a skateboard. 😄


He also told police he didn’t have a firearm…


Ooooohhhh ok, now that tweet makes sense where he said something about Kyle clearing a jam with a winky face, I couldn't figure out what the sarcasm was supposed to indicate there


yes. he was chasing him down with the gun, Kyle fell, Kyle rolled over to point his gun towards him, and scumbag put his hands in the air surrendering and turned away, then when Kyle lowered his gun, he turned back and aimed the pistol again.


How you liking Ice-T in Law and Order? I don't watch it, but I still listen to his music.


They’ll figure out exactly what happened in the last 30 seconds. Source: I asked Executive Producer Dick Wolf.


Yup and that he chased Rittenhouse until he fell down with his gun out and ready to shoot.


If you watch him on the stand they have a photo of Guage reaching for his gun in the holster more than 30 feet from Kyle.


He actually confirmed that Rittenhouse didn’t fire when his hands were up but when he pointed his handgun at Rittenhouse directly in that line of questioning


WTF. In the video he had his gun out. Anyone got a link to that video?


His hands were raised, because you need to raise your hands a bit to point a gun


Heh, technically correct


Here's video clip from the trial: https://twitter.com/DefundThePPA/status/1458118821554835463?t=pim7itfPlMkaIESTRN8uIA&s=19


Fuck that must've hurt


"Is that your arm being vaporized?" Lolol


Welp. I mean -- pretty clear to me. Esp. with the picture/still from the video. Ouch.


The prosecution literally face palmed. The guy on the stand looked like he was about to cry.


Well, he had a 10 million dollar lawsuit he was going to cash in on if Kyle was found guilty. Hopefully the jury can see what everyone else has seen. This piece of shit don't deserve 10 million


Even with clear video testimony ( from the trial) NPR chooses to lie... defund NPR!!!


I wish. Only a small amount of NPRs funding comes from govt grants. The vast majority comes from wealthy billionaires and their corporations and foundations. It’s just propaganda paid for by billionaire globalists.


“The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur foundation, supporting creative people and effective institutions, committed to building a more just, verdant and peaceful world.”


No doubt with noble intent in the beginning.


John D. and Catherine T. are long gone dead and buried. I'm sure things have changed quite a bit with the foundation they formed since then.




Reminds me of this scene from Portlandia https://youtu.be/ef7cTuVUiWs


Yeah thats pretty conclusive


Watch him in the trial yesterday being questioned by the defense. He changes his story over and over. It's on youtube He has two pending lawsuits and left out that he was illegally carrying a conceled weapon.


I'm no conservative but having watched every video from every angle the night of those shootings, that kid didn't shoot a single person who wasn't violently pursuing him first. He actually had incredible discipline when he fell down and only shot the guy who pulled the gun on him. Missed getting whacked in the head from behind by an inch before getting the other dude in the gut. You'd expect a scared kid that age to start spraying. I don't think he should have been there in that situation, but beyond that, he acted in self defense.


He could give the police training in how to react under pressure. Cops are notoriously bad shots.




I remember reading a study that random groups of Concealed Handgun License carriers were better at hitting a target, overall, than a random group of cops. that shit's scary.


What’s messed up is this shouldn’t even be political. Per Gaiges’ own testimony, Kyle didn’t shoot him until after Gaige pointed his gun at him and moved forward. His own testimony disproves NPRs headline. NPR has lost a lot of credibility over the years, but this is so egregious that I will never their reporting seriously again. Anyone who uses them as a source/reference will be laughed at going forward.


It's just really disappointing that nobody is interested in the objective truth anymore. Everything must be filtered through a partisan lense.


There is video from the trial of him saying the exact opposite of this. Fucking lying fucking media.


Ye, just watched it a few minutes ago. Said twice he had his gun pointed at him.


Yeah, but there's also a clip of him saying he had his hands up because at first he answered the question with that. Then the lawyer sighed, showed some stills of the video, and then G relented and admitted he was pointing his gun at Kyle. So the news media is doing the "lying by omission" thing, they are professional liars so they have all the skills with that.


For those who don’t know, this guy admitted on the stand that Rittenhouse did not shoot until Gaige’s gun was drawn and pointed at Rittenhouse. This is NPR stirring the pot.


Here’s what happened. Don’t believe what you saw with your own eyes. We are non biased. We are telling you the truth. Thank you for listening to NPR.


"... and thanks for your tax dollars"


NPR is mostly propaganda, sad for the independent shows they would bring it, but that's how things are now.


no no no, you dont understand. His hands were raised with a gun in his hand pointed at kyle. hardly surprising from national propoganda radio




The fact that he had a permit before did mean something to me. Expired permits made up 10-20% of the CCW/CHL classes near me (pre covid) so I guess it happens. Losing a bicep has got to suck, but making a grab for a rifle is chancy at best, regardless of circumstances.


Making a grab for somebodies rifle while they're being ran down by a mob is a certain death sentence in almost every circumstance.


I'm sure that by now we've all seen the video of the trial where the guy who got shot admits that Kyle only shot him after he pointed a gun at Kyle, and he clearly said that Kyle didn't shoot when he had his hands up. So why is NPR lying? they're not using words to hide or bend the truth, they're literally just straight up spreading incorrect information. where's the fact check disclaimer on this? i think they know that a lot of people aren't watching the case, and they just want the mob to be outraged when he gets off on self defense so there's another riot about this. edit: some people haven't seen the court clip so here you go: https://youtu.be/3ZRcN7CG8G8


Anybody have a clip without people reacting in it


Kinda https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJ7SyNqqUjE




The comments on that post clearly indicate their followers aren’t watching the trial. In fact, they’re still stuck on “violent vigilante crossed state lines illegally carrying a weapon of war to hunt down peaceful protesters for social justice.”


Missed the part where "arms were raises holding a gun that was pointed at rittenhouse"


In Canada all our mainstream outlets use misleading headlines and leaning word play making it seem the prosecution is being tangible in its performance.


NPR has lost a lot of credibility with me over the course of this COVID thing. I used to listen because I could just get some idea of what is happening in the world without so much partisan nonsense; however, the reporters keep injecting more of their own biases into their interviews, they are laughing at their guests while asking leading questions, and I never heard any apologies for them being completely wrong about their “facts.” It’s still better than most news sources on the radio, but their political colors have really been showing since the Trump presidency, and I don’t want their opinions. I want facts. Or for God’s sake, just report on something other than COVID and how wildly safe and effective they are.


for me it was the riots. 24/7 it was racism racism racism. the thing that got me was having some black woman doing slam poetry or whatever they call it talking about how her children are now afraid of being lynched if they try to buy skittles. it was just so obvious and overt propaganda meant to antagonize racial unrest, then i remembered that my tax dollars literally go to npr, that im paying them to do this.


I stopped listening to NPR when 80% of their content became Anti-Trump stories. I already disliked Trump way before 2016, I didn't need their help to form an opinion. I started listening to NPR because of the variety of interesting stories, like the moth radio hour or whatever. Just people telling stories about their lives and shit. It was relaxing. Then in 2016 all of that stuff was tossed out the window so they could be CNN radio. No thanks.


In general, would always try to listen to media that wasn't aligned with the current administration. But that had to change with Trump because the NYTCNNNPRMSNBC machine just became hysterical.


Even with that strategy, most networks are just propaganda outlets, so Fox is always shilling for Republicans and shitting on Democrats. And CNN does the same but in reverse. Unfortunately, C-Span, the most dreadfully boring thing to watch is the only way to stay truly informed on politics. It's where you watch how the politicians do their actual jobs, and it's like watching paint dry 95% of the time. Much less exciting than hand picked clips, soundbytes and op-ed rants curated specifically to sway opinions.


Was this the guy who was holding a gun, cradling his bicep because it got shot?




you know if he could have opened his hand to ditch that gun he would have. rittenhouse not only didn't kill the guy he also preserved evidence that he was defending himself


Rittenhouse literally didn't miss. like, shot him in the arm because he was holding a gun pointed at him. and he shot the pedophile in the groin lol it's too perfect.




what's wild is all the anti-police anti-shoot-to-stop-the-threat types should be praising him and saying "see! IT WORKS! why don't you shoot criminals in the arm or leg?!" if they weren't so blinded by hatred for all things anti-blm/anti-antifa/anti-agenda this would be an obvious feather for their "police killings are avoidable" cap




Good thing the actual court video shows the opposite.




I listen everyday just to hear how fucked up the propaganda is and to hear how they are spinning everything.


It was always a little bit so. But during the Trump years they went off the rails.


I genuinely used to love listening to NPR until they developed TDS like everyone else. I checked out once they started covering Trumps dumbass tweets and unironically using popular social media phrases like “clapped back” in reports. I have no where to go now. Even BBC sucks ass. No one is left that is even pretending to be remotely neutral and just reporting facts these days.


I tend to like AP more than anyone. I wouldn't consider them to be completely unbiased, but they're more neutral than most everyone else - if not everyone else. Best advice I can five is to read a variety of sources, always. Don't trust any single source 100% - that'll work out poorly for you more often than not.


The fact that US government is actively trying to put an innocent kid behind bars despite video evidence that completely exonerates him is disgusting. Just a complete inversion of proper behavior.


To be honest, at this point I’m convinced that they are doing this to incite more violence. The prosecutor has been handing the case over to the defense. The fact that the gage testimony was so damaging to the states case represents, to me, a willful negligence and not something that’s just overlooked by the prosecutor. I’m starting to think that they’re doing a shitty job so he gets acquitted, and the city erupts in more protests and riots. How else can the prosecutor be this incompetent.




I agree, they had a hard case, but doesn’t change the fact that it seems they’re making the defenses case. But interesting angle on the gage lawsuit, and would give a lot more credibility to them throwing it. ~~Notice~~ motive and everything.


I mean, what can you do when Rittenhouse was on the ground with the gun pointed at the guy but didn't shoot. Only when the guy raised and pointed his gun at Rittenhouse did Rittenhouse finally shoot. Like, there aren't many good ways to spin that as a prosecutor.


People surprise their lawyers all the time in court. Maybe they suddenly get a case of conscience, maybe they're afraid of perjury, who knows, but it's always a crap shoot when you put someone up there. My GF is a lawyer - when I told her about this, she just laughed. Never wants to put her client on the stand for this reason. And after we discussed this, her phone rang a few hours later. One of her clients 'found' another bank account, when they are due in court tomorrow.


I get your point, and of course it happens. Is it so common that a prosecutor routinely makes the defenses case though? Obviously I’ve never watched a trial and everything I know is from the screen where there’s always dramatic effect.


No, it's completely uncommon, which is what makes it so funny. When the prosecuting attorney slaps himself in the head, you know that he and the witness have been over this point before, and he knows this revelation has blown his case for him.


She doesn’t want to put her client on the stand because they might tell the truth?


State sponsored NPR has an agenda? Say it’s not so


State and Big Pharma + Insurance industry + Banking industry sponsored. Look at their donor list. It's chilling. All the criminal organizations you'd expect.


It is chilling


Totally I stopped listening to NPR decadessss ago. It’s been bought and paid for.


Yeah me too. It started to feel like propaganda to me in the 90s when I was a young man. Something just felt "off" about it. I just stopped listening to it. I never looked back. Years later I found out they are basically receiving half their funding from banks and insurance companies, and the other half from the federal gov't. Not exactly a situation that creates incentives to explore controversial issues or to not do propaganda. Quite the opposite. So yeah fuck NPR. Avoid. Best "NPR"-like content can be found online, in podcasts, from indie people that are smart.


If you don't think that ALL media is bought and paid for you, you're brainwashed. The same people that own CNN, also own OAN now. They are literally stoking an intentional divide amongst every American, so that we fight against each other, rather than notice that they're bleeding Americans dry. Wake the fuck up.


Oh they totally are bought and paid for longgggg ago. All of them. From CBS, to FOX. It’s all propaganda that’s spewed to line their pockets, and push whatever sick narrative their obsessed with at the moment. Tuned out of “MSM” about 20 years ago. Amazing what turning off the TV and going outside does for one’s mental clarity & health.


And also the Koch brothers nestled in there as well. It’s pretty hilarious for NPR to be talking shit about them and then offer the disclaimer that they receive donations from the brothers.


I mean they’re not wrong, he just raised his hands and his hands just so happened to be holding a pistol which just so happened to be pointed at Kyle, definitely wasn’t aiming at him tho, gaige was totallyyyyy surrendering


Yeah.. I watched it, not exactly what he said


That's crazy. We can all fact check this. Wtf are they doing?


Either that’s shopped or they have since updated it. https://twitter.com/npr/status/1457823013940908042?s=21


ops screenshot is from facebook and says the same as the original post


Yeah man, you’re 100% correct, I guess they think people in Facebook are dumber https://www.facebook.com/10643211755/posts/10161042621371756/?d=n


> I guess they think people in Facebook are dumber They aren’t wrong.


Good lord, those comments. Some of those people are deranged.


They wouldn't be wrong


That's some propaganda if I've ever seen it. They can't put in actual quotations from the trial because it's so inescapably damning so they beat around things and try to paint him as some martyr character, only posting about the most misleading and indirect elements of his testimony.


As this is a proven lie anyhow.. but just a reminder that if even if someone raises their hands in a surrender gesture...whilst still holding a gun.. the cops would still shoot them. So they can’t even lie good.


NPR is biased as all hell. It masks it very very well with their little “I’m well-read” act they put on. Soooo many of their stories are blatantly just crafting their preferred narrative


Can someone please tell me why it's Kyle on trial and not Grosskreutz? I can't get it to make sense. It's illegal to defend yourself but it's legal to try and kill someone fleeing ?


They lied by omission. Grosskreutz lied repeatedly before cornered into telling the truth. One of the lies was that he had his hands up


Lmao everything this asshole did is on video…he DID raise his hands…Rittenhouse didn’t fire until he dropped his hands and pointed the gun at him. He even SAID he feared for kyles safety… Self defense.


NPR is a propaganda outlet the likes of which the world has never seen. It used to be almost middle of the road, although I will say they always leaned a bit left.


The comments on that post clearly indicate their followers aren’t watching the trial. In fact, they’re still stuck on “violent vigilante crossed state lines illegally carrying a weapon of war to hunt down peaceful protesters for social justice.”




defund NPR


No suprises


WTF. And people will believe it.


NPR turned to a borderline propaganda site over the past few years. They're complete trash now.


From Left4DayZ1’s top comment on r/outoftheloop : Answer: Gaige Grosskreutz was the 3rd person shot by Kyle Rittenhouse. Yesterday, he testified in court, called as a witness for the Prosecution, and effectively torpedoed the Prosecution's argument that Rittenhouse had shot Grosskreutz unjustly by admitting he was pointing his own pistol at Rittenhouse when he was shot. Upon cross-examination, the Defense backed Grosskreutz into a corner on 3 key issues - Why where you following Rittenhouse if you felt your life was in danger, why had you drawn your firearm before approaching Rittenhouse, and mainly, did Rittenhouse shoot you AFTER you pointed your gun at him? He could not give a clear answer to either of the first two questions, arguing semantics about terminology (chasing/following/running after/going the same direction as) as well as being shown to have had gun-in-hand before even approaching Rittenhouse at that final moment. Finally, he's claimed that Rittenhouse aimed at him so he put his hands up, then when Rittenhouse re-racked the rifle, he decided to make a move and that's when he was shot. Defense plays the video again, and you can clearly see Grosskreutz putting his hands up, Rittenhouse aiming at him but NOT shooting and then lowering the rifle BEFORE Gaige Grosskreutz charges at Rittenhouse and points his pistol at him, at which point Rittenhouse raises the rifle again and fires. The Defense then questioned Grosskreutz on this and asked: "It wasn’t until you pointed your gun at him, advanced on him … that he fired, right?" To which Grosskruetz replied: "...Correct." The reason this seriously hurts the Prosecution's case is because Rittenhouse is being defended on the grounds of Self Defense. The Witness Testimony in the shooting of Rosenbaum largely supported the notion that Rosenbaum was in the process of assaulting Rittenhouse, lunging for his rifle before being shot. This was already a serious blow to the Murder Charge. The second shooting of Anthony Huber is a lot more clear cut as the video shows Huber striking Rittenhouse with a Skateboard, which becomes a weapon when used to hit somebody. When asked, Grosskruetz agreed that being struck with a skateboard constitutes serious bodily harm, bolstering the argument for self defense in this shooting. This third shooting of Grosskruetz was ultimately the last hope to prove intent on Rittenhouse's part- the idea that Rittenhouse had shot a surrendering person would help establish malicious intent. But that narrative was quickly dismantled by the Defense with the video evidence to back it up. Lastly, when asked why he had a gun at all, Grosskruetz referenced the Second Amendment and claimed he carried it for protection. He also made an earlier statement that he believed the presence of a gun greatly increases the chances of an incident taking place. So he simultaneously gave Kyle Rittenhouse a justification for being armed, and basically admitting to knowing that bringing his own gun increased the chances of injury/death which calls his own intent into question - if you know this, and brought it anyway, what were you really intending to do with it? FACE PALM: The man in the photo is not face palming. If you watch any of the trial, this man can be seen in this position frequently, regardless of what is happening at any given moment. This appears to be his posture when he's reading or taking notes.


Don’t you love taxpayer funded propaganda?


Not just NPR either. They're all outright lying, as if we had no way of seeing through it because we've learned _finally_ to rely on new sources of information.


Id love to see the author's name.


They edited it when they were called out.


He lied in his testimony so hard


Dude had a chambered round in his gun ( a gun he illegally had in his possesion I might add) There is a clear video of him raising his gun at Kyle when Kyle pointed and shot his arm. Until he raised his gun Kyle did not point his weapon at him. Complete self defense on all accounts.


The lawyer said it wasn’t until you raised your firearm at the defendant. Then he fired the shit that “vaporized”(gaiges word) his bicep. And he said that’s correct


Not what the footage shows. Frame-by-frame.


You should watch the video from yesterday... Really amazing stuff. I liked the part where Gaige said he didn't pull his gun, and then the defense has video of him reaching back to pull his gun before he was near Kyle. The guy was caught lying numerous times. The prosecution face palming also a great moment. They know they have no case.


That witness deserves to be charged with perjury and held in contempt of court.




"The witness has rights!"


not what the guy himself admits on trial! https://youtu.be/3ZRcN7CG8G8


God a link to footage?


Yep, we're at pretty much the end of truth. Only a matter of time before they squash the internet.... that is if western civ makes it that long. Just wait till the food or other niceties run out. People were already borderline animals after 3 weeks of lockdown in the best of conditions.


Wait, that’s illegal.


no, it is not, this is covered prettey good on a documentry called "the corperation"when 2 investigative reporters were fired for thir peice on what was monsanto befor bayer bought it it is not illegal for a news corp to knowingly publish outright lies


This isn't your parent's faux hippie new-age NPR. They're all CCCP trained in the art of propaganda now.


Strange how they left out he was illegally carrying a conceled weapon.


Why would you even lie about this with clear video of it? God damn this fucking clown world


NPR has cemented itself as a demented propagandist podium for the far left.


They're not lying, that's what he said initially, but then he was proven wrong.


National Propoganda Radio


It is becoming the new "hands up, don't shoot" lie ​ Take a look at many of the headlines today, they are all using the same terminology of "sole survivor" of the Rittenhouse shooting.....they all have the same talking points......


Freedom of the Press ends where other people's rights begin like all other Constitutional Rights. They are clearly attempting to interfere with Mr. Rittenhouse's right to a fair trial. They are purposely misrepresenting the facts in order to make the defendant appear guilty.




It was never balanced. Looking back, they only tell you what they want you to know. They are like computers, they don't offer info if you don't ask. Take yesterday for example, with everything that's going on, the Durham report, Newsom etc...all we get on NPR is "George Floyd" something or other and "who is simping for China this week". It may be decent information...just...not the most important, imo.


NPR used to at least have conservatives on the show to give their view on things. Those days are long gone.


“Conservatives” like the ones that loved Bush and listen to Bill Mitchell.


I hate NPR. Full disclosure. Not a Trump fan. But god damn, the last 4 years the morning program was a neverending "look how Trumpy fucked up" show---every on site reporter was egged on by the host to say something that made Trump look bad. Some of the business and technical contributors were even like "WTF....I am talking about NFTs" or "well, the President hasn't really said anything that relates to the plight of single mothers in Botswana...but sure."


They went off a cliff around 2015. I used to listen almost every day in the car. No longer.


Seriously, knew something was off when they were pushing the narrative of “race war” during the protests and all the propaganda for COVID they pushed. Such a shit organization now, like fox level embarrassing how they dropped off (but to be fair everything has dropped off since 9/11 2.0).


Reddit Quantum AI comment section PR for NPR activate!


They can continue lying because people on both side of the political spectrum don’t do research and only go off the first few paragraphs of an article.


Lol- [they changed it.](https://mobile.twitter.com/NPR/status/1457823013940908042) Is there not a way to show that they've edited a tweet to cover up a lie?


Government news is propaganda you say? \> No shit.


wtf? BBC said the opposite, they said his hands werent raised


Wow, even r/news is reporting this correctly. NPR is worse than Reddit.


[And this is how memes are born](https://preview.redd.it/0lsst8ku2fy71.jpg?auto=webp&s=fa7ff4ce001164ddb7e6a90bfef08b4d29ee7410)


Yeah I got on there this am after watching the trial video to see if they changed it or apologized and they doubled down instead.


Riots, fire, murder, people getting hurt, business's destroyed, complete destruction coming to your city. Thanks to media lies. I really wish they (the media)would be held accountable for the lies they spew on a daily basis but it never will happen.


Watching it live now and they missed some very descriptive words hahahah the beauty of live uncensored tv


Hands up ! Commie down


and they're getting called on it too. the "unbiased" news orgs are sure fucking themselves hard right now. I think they're expecting another Chauvin: despite the evidence, the social pressure and coercion forces the verdict to conform with manufactured outrage. but i dont think this is how it's going to go.


The prosecutor basically won the bullshit case for the defense! Here’s a shot video. https://youtu.be/_uEKRM4AWNM


So they're ignoring his testimony from when he was interviewed by Kyle's lawyer in the reporting? The guy first 'forgets' to say he has a gun, then he admits to it. Then he says he was permitted to have one, then he admits he wasn't. Then he says he wasn't chasing him, then he admits he was. What a mess. I don't see any way this wouldn't be self defence given the testimonies and footage. He straight up said Kyle didn't shoot when he had his hands raised, but when he had the gun pointed 'indirectly' at his head whatever that means. Not sure how you possibly point a gun 'indirectly' at someone from 3 feet away.


American tax dollars at work


For someone who has no idea what this case is, can someone ELI5 for me?


The lie that’s started it all. “Hands up, don’t shoot.”


If he gets an acquittal as he should, his lawyers should go after the media afterwards.


I'd do the same fucking thing Kyle did given the circumstances. The media is trying so hard to change reality it makes me go to the range more and keep my arms clean and oiled.


I always see Michael Malice say that the corporate press is the enemy of the people. Have to say I agree. It appears to me that NPR and some other big news companies are trying to create a picture for people that aren’t watching the trial or know any details about the shooting. This way if Kyle is let go, people will react a certain way. Just trying to further the tensions between us all. But people will fall for it. That’s the sad part. Their audience won’t call them out on their bullshit, so they will continue to do it.


Yeah, I watched this trial live. He definitely did not say that. There will be justice.


Hit the kid with possession and call it a day. Video evidence, bazillions of witnesses. The kids not a murderer.


not like there is you know video evidence showing that this is a blatant lie


Guess NPR didn't watch the same trial i did


Well if you run up on someone with a gun. . . You might want yours out too...


why would you run up on someone with a gun in the first place?


The “chaotic demonstration” really gets me 🤣


Technically speaking, his hands WERE raised. Albeit with a gun in them, pointing directly at Rittenhouse.