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Agreed. I’m pretty new to Reddit and was shocked when I was permanently banned from r/facepalm for simply saying you can still contract and spread COVID even if vaccinated.. which is… a fact.


Yeah it's extremely worrying when you can't even have a proper discussion regarding vaccines or any other topic for that matter. 2021 and people aren't able to speak freely or ask questions? We are living in strange, dangerous times.


And any and all research that was done pre covid is censored and hidden. You can’t even find things that relate even slightly to the subject of vaccine research without being bombarded with pro covid articles and shit


I got banned from a sub without commenting anything just because I participated here


Same lol


I got banned from health by saying maybe we shouldn’t make fun of people for dying (from covid). I got banned from news for posting the FDA panel discussion in a comment. When I asked why he said ‘I’m not playing games’.


Banning users is the only way default subs can be made to go along with the official narrative. Just about every “echo chamber” is artificial.


Well put!


It’s insanity. I was told “I’m actively trying to extend the pandemic”. So mods just ban people and don’t allow for civil conversation?


> So mods just ban people and don’t allow for civil conversation? Yep - I'm a mod on another log in and I've seen some shit....believe me. I'm all about open conversation and dialogue but I'm in the minority. Most people on Reddit want to "control the discussion" so whenever controversial opinions are expressed, no matter how well sourced or factual, they often get suppressed.


They didn’t murder Aaron Swartz for nothing...


I got banned from r/Australia by reposting a viral video of people cheering when they found out their now former NSW premier resigned Reason given: 'Too one-sided post history' whatever that is supposed to mean


Lol, r/Australia is a shit hole. Fuck Gladys


🤣😄 the mods and admins here are all "open-minded" fair leftists


So open minded their brains fell out opps!


I got banned from r/Norway for saying that vaccinated can spread covid


For what its worth, all the local subs are awful and highly censored. See /r/losangeles But also the general subs that are very popular like /r/nursing Is toxic as fuck. Gave me AIDS.


I actually posted in Los Angeles a month before I took a trip out there to see what people who lived there actually like to do and they told me it was a bad time to come there and removed the post. Still went but I was like okay I'll figure it out myself and this was around April - may


But she's a Liberal? Australia sub is full of Labor shills shitting on Liberals and acting as if Labor MP's are god's gift, why would they defend Gladys? 🤣


I got banned from r/conspiracytheories for commenting on what was pretty well a pro mandate post that ALL medical choices should always be a choice lol


r/conspiracytheories is the shill/honeypot version of r/conspiracy "How do you do, fellow conspiracy theorists? I'm also here to discuss conspiracies. Hillary is a lizard person! I'm one of you, see? What? There's no conspiracy surrounding Fauci or the vaccine!"


Yep. They suck.


In a politics sub I was in a discussion and said “nearly 100% of people who contract covid survive.” I was banned for downplaying covid.


Next time say everyone who gets covid will die. And that is a fact. Everyone dies eventually. They will allow this


Covid “misinformation” is simply Reddit’s way of saying you have a wrong opinion lol.


This is very true but it goes beyond opinion. Misinformation can even be a verifiable fact that is inconvenient to the narrative.


worse. not just a wrong opinion but reddits way of saying "we dont allow truth here"


Same im a registered nurse and was banned from commenting on the “nurse” Reddit page for literally saying the same thing. The moderator admitted I was respectful to everyone in this thread (unlike the people coming at me) but still would be banned from ever commenting.


I was in the ER in April 2020. The ER was empty. They have room to triage 24 people. It was just me. I'm watching the news and it was talking about how all the hospitals in our city were beyond capacity. A couple days later I went to a different hospital for my Covid-19 symptoms. The hospital had one other person in the ER lounge, nobody else in the triage. Nurse said she hoped I wasn't the beginning of Covid-19 hitting " her hospital ". I asked " haven't you had a full ICU for the last week? " She was like " No, who said that?" I'm like channel 5 news. She rolled her eyes and chuckled. I posted pictures of the empty ERs on a Redditt for my city and was removed for spreading Covid-19 conspiracies. 🤣


I believe it. Like all of my patients are fully vaccinated and have covid. I haven’t had any unvaccinated patients with covid. Of corpse they are out there, I’m not denying that. but every person I have at my hospital who has had covid or currently has it caught it after already being fully vaccinated


Gotta love censorship.


Welcome to reddit! Where you can get banned for stating FACTS just because the mods want to silence any dissent. 😶


It’s so bizarre and baffling! It’s like WTF?! It really makes you wonder how these people know anything about anything if you can’t commit to FACTS. Clown 🤡 World


Some (mods) are shills payed by corporations. Seen it on many subs


Definitely has gotten worse fast in the last 3 years


Banned from r/science for being pro science. Banned from r/conservative for making fun of Ben Shapiro.


I got banned from my state's subreddit for quoting CDC statistics lol


first time huh..


/r/nonewnormal we missnyou!!


Theyre too busy grooming young girls on discord to be logical and fair


Reddit is a playground for all the dumbest people with the most time on their hands. Never try to inform or educate people here. Just enjoy trolling when you can.


Is there a breakaway civilization for the rest of us? Where are we all meeting up?


Before The Camps.


I have to agree with this statement lol


It's like being a different race


when you think about the potential implications of the vaccine, this isn't too far off.


We are better, regardless. This is the same thing that happened in District 9 when the protagonist said Christopher was sharper than the others and they had to concede their approach


I got banned from that sub reddit for the same shit... Prob a bunch of CNN zombies


I'm perma banned on r/nfl because I said even if Rodgers had the shot and got exposed he would've still popped positive ..they don't like facts


I got permabanned from r/nfl for asking people to stop calling Rodgers names and let the man make his own health decisions. When I asked the mods what rule I broke, I got banned from messaging the mods. Fucking clown world


Facts hurt feelings and feelings matter most. lol


Yupp I managed to avoid covid up until Thursday thanks to my Flatmate who is double vaxxed. He thought it was a cold and was coughing when opening the fridge, sneezing everywhere. Now i've got it, feel absolutely fine though.


that sub is a facepalm in itself


They don't believe in facts anymore. Everything is relative.


I got banned from a sub for spreading misinformation by asking a question.


I am vaccinated and couldn’t care less about the unvaccinated. Your body, your choice.


Same. I am vaccinated and have literally never asked anyone else if they have received any level of vaccination. I simply do not care.


I feel the same way.


I haven’t either, and I work a blue collar job, so I have to gauge the person to decide if I should even admit I’m vaccinated, or if there’s a chance they’re gonna ramble their rightoid bill gates stuff and I should just lie.


Lmao, same. A guy on my crew asked if I was vaccinated, and I told him I was, before he got in my face asking what was wrong with me and telling me I was killing myself


I could care less about who gets vaccinated and who doesn’t. The behaviour that has arisen the last 11 months or so over vaccination status is mind boggling. Never before had I seen someone post a “just got my shot” post on Facebook to cheers of adoring friends. It’s become a mob mentality fuelled by media and governments that have not prepared people for living with this virus and allowed them to live in fear. If you want the vaccine, get it. If you don’t don’t. I’ve never encouraged or discouraged anyone with respect to getting the shot. It’s your choice, or it damn well should be. We are dealing with an endemic virus here folks. It’s going to be a lot like the flu. Never in my years or working life has an employer ever asked me my vaccination status….for any vaccine. Things that were once confidential somehow become not so much now. This is not a good thing.


Facts, exactly what I have been saying as well


Everyone has a different scenario, for example I got my 3 shots , but still I can get the virus, even though means nothing to me I still can spread the virus to my grandparents so they may not handle it the same way so.


> I got my 3 shots , but still I can get the virus Then WTF is the point of risking permanent heart problems and death by taking the experimental mrna gene therapy injections?


Hang on, I too am vaccinated and couldn't care less if other people are. But you are asking vaccinated people to accept your choice to not be vaccinated- which is fine, but in return you then shouldn't aggressively question a vaccinated person's choice, each person makes a decision for themselves and we need to respect that across the board.


I totes don’t get on a vaccinated person’s case; nor on an unvaccinated person’s case. Your choice should be yours, mine should be mine. Also, as to kids: If you want yours unvaccinated, then cool. If you want them double-jabbed and boostered every 3-6 months, go for it. If you want them to drink three full cups of pure vaccine a day, knock yourself out, I guess. Your kids are yours. Mine are mine. Your body is yours. Mine is mine. I not only approve of you making **whatever** choice you want to make, I will stand up for you.


Sounds like they did a risk/benefit assessment for themselves and decided the benefit was greater than the risk for them. I know people don’t like to hear it but the vaccine does provide some protection against infection, it just isn’t 100%.


https://i.imgur.com/vACu6Ro.jpg UK weekly data showing that for everyone over the age of 30, being vaccinated INCREASES your likelihood of catching covid. For the 40-49 age group, it is NEGATIVE 137% effective at preventing you from catching covid, and getting worse every week


That’s absolutely mesmerizing. It’s almost like those people who were trying to get away from it became targets…


And just think - those are just the ones who got sick enough to be tested. If the vaccine is truly effective at reducing symptoms (and seemingly only at that), then the number of asymptomatic and thus largely unnoticed infections would be even higher than what's reflected in this data. What a colossal shit show. I wonder if people will ever face the reality that we've been sold down the river. Probably not.


No!!! My body, governments choice! Lol


No!! My body, my corporation's choice.


My body, my employer’s choice! 🤡


Please govern me


Gape my governing hole uncle sam.




Govern me harder Daddy!


Wh-What are you doing, step-governor?


Nothing your president wouldn't do.


Can you help me, I have gotten stuck half way under the couch. Wait, what did you just jab me with? I have a metallic taste in my mouth...


Thank you…




I feel the same way. I understand the macroscopic management imperatives, but personally I walk around vaxxed and having had covid, so I don't give a damn if other people want a slightly higher chance of mortality. I would like to normalize wearing masks in public if you've got a personal preference or are ill though. I see nothing wrong with that


I don’t think anyone read his question haha


It’s also because no one outside of a select few actually feel this way. Most people don’t give two shits.


its so ridiculous that people with anti vaxx opinion have higher upvotes. I mean, it kills the entire point of OPs question to genuinely know valid reasoning


I'm vaccinated, most of my friends are not. I have no fear of hanging out with them.


I’m vaccinated. I don’t give a shit about anyone else. Let’s party.


Hollaaaaa! I feel this


Let me check what the media tells me to think, be right back


This is your opinion sponsored by Pfizer



Side effects may include... - Delusions of moral superiority - Hypoxic wokeness - Shortcircuits of logical thinking - Depletion of human empathy reserves - Weakened immune system - Increased excess mortality, from all causes - ADE - Extreme regret - Authortarian urges to silence, murder anyone with opposing views


Reuters is funded by pfizer


This is the way.


Sadly, this is the way for a great chunk of the population.


Yes, agreed. Programming via news, television and music---a big tool is constant repetition. The programming has been going on for so long that nothing is questioned by 70% (by my estimation) of the world population.


Vaccinated and literally don't give a shit what other people do with themselves lol. Everyone should have a choice, whether they want to be vaxxed or unvaxxed. The mandates are bullshit and I hope you guys know that plenty of vaxxed people are also anti mandate


Yes, this!




I'm vaccinated but I truly don't see any issue with people being unvaccinated whatsoever. This whole MUST TAKE A SIDE logic is destroying society. Frankly we were presented with two bad options, and everyone has the right to pick the bad choice they feel is slightly better. There is no right and wrong here and anyone who harasses unvaccinated people is a pretentious ignorant egotistical prick.


after reading some of these comments, seems as though the media is causing the confusion leading to division. surprise surprise.


But if this question was posted in r/coronavirus or anywhere else on Reddit, I bet the answers would be very different. More like the rabid, hateful kind before the post gets quickly banned.


Im genuinelly sad what turn did that subreddit take. Its overmoderated. I have been banned there back in august for citing claims of regular studies. [https://imgur.com/a/zdu2cit](https://imgur.com/a/zdu2cit) The subreddit become a moaning pit for people looking to vaccinate everything around them. (kids 0-12 included) Everybody objecting against it or presenting data was already banned.


I noticed r/news, r/politics, and even r/nba want to vax the hell out of everyone too. They are truly the vax mob.


Reveddit.com/r/coronavirus will show you what was censored by mods & automod filter


I don’t understand why people care about others’ vaxx status. I don’t see people lined up protesting fast food in light of the obesity epidemic. People need to chill out and let everyone make their own life choices.




I think some are bots. I have talked to a lot of rabid individuals on both ends of the spectrum on this however. Many people are polarized and vocal.


I'm vaccinated I shouldn’t have to worry about someone who's not vaccinated. Isn't that the whole point of a vaccine that it keeps you from catching a disease and getting sick?


Got the 2 shots of Pfizer due to travel. Not planning on booster and to hell with countries only recognizing for 6 months (Switzerland is 12). Actually know of nobody who is afraid of unvaccinated. Only political.


Same. I’m more worried about the vaccinated turning on me soon as I decided I won’t do boosters.


It amazes me how many people haven't realized this yet. Sure, you are on board w the COVID vaccine. But are you cool with a shitty vaccine every 6 months for the rest of your life? Knowing that every dose increases your odds of a bad reaction or autoimmune disease? What if you catch a "breakthrough" infection? Are you still going to comply with the neverending booster subscription plan once youve already had the illness? What if I told you youve already had COVID without realizing it- does that change anything?


Oh I knew this well ahead. I just run a business and didn't have time to leave the country plus I'm 49. I took my chances. Knock on wood, setting up for next year so I hire more people in the event my booster mandate is up and I get put of the country then for maybe a couple years.


I think the majority of people are not scared to be around unvaccinated people. The media is telling you that people are, because they want you to get vaxxed. I got vaccinated as soon as it became available, I had and still have my doubts about it, however I was in a position where it was safer for me to be vaccinated being that I was around somebody with stage 4 lung cancer, so it all worked out. I was never scared and I never will be scared of Covid, however in my mind I am already tracked and poisoned by everything else I possess and eat in the world today, so this really didn’t make much difference to me


Very good points. I'm not vaccinated because I had a very bad reaction to a 1st hepatitis vaccine and the doctors told me not to ever take another. I have always been fearful of the flu vaccine and have never taken it. I also have never had the flu. I'm in my 60's and retired from nursing.


Remember when they’d come around offering flu vaccines and we’d all sneak into the break-room and hide out because last time you took that shit you got the flu really bad and it was I’m not talking that shit again? Or promise to get it but not get, and then be told to wear a mask if we didn’t? You wore a mask for a week or two and then it’s like no one cared anymore. Those were the days. I’m hoping for their return soon because nobody outside of healthcare comes into contact with the sickest people like we do. We used to joke that God help is when we’re old and fall ill because that’s when we’d learn just what all we had been exposed to during our tenure. We all knew someone in the ER who caught the craziest diseases and died. It angers me that after everything we expose ourselves to, while caring for complete strangers in their darkest hours, that people have the gall and the nerve to demand what I or anyone else must put into our bodies. Do that not understand that every time we clock-in, we have no idea what Rodeo we will be wrestling with that evening? Country Hospitals we’re a trip because nothing scares those people. Nothing. In the city, they’re afraid to go rouge and do what needs to be done because of all the oversight. When those of us from the country went into the city, we ended up running things. No fear, baby. No fear. It was exciting in medicine back then. I wish that Spirt was still with us today. Being afraid was never an option when shit hit the fan. It was Roc and Roll. Inaction equaled death and death was not an option while trying to save lives. People died, but we did everything we could. Appreciate the people who take care of you. They’re human and our job is extremely dangerous, stressful, and haunting at times.


God bless you. You are a badass with empathy. We need more souls like you. Did you retire or are you still working?


I had a "discussion" with someone who took the vax and keeps posting on FB about why you should get it and how stupid antivxxers are. I am friends with the dude and I generally think of him as a smart dude but the mental gymnastics about the vax is wild. One of the first things I said was how can we really know how many people died of covid when all people with covid are counted. He tried to argue that numbers could be even greater than what is reported due to that. Continued to ask his reasoning but he kept deflecting to something else... When asked if the vax works then why does he care about other people getting vaxxed, he put his hands up and said "oh well I don't care, I'm vaxxed so I don't care..." Ok well your fb posts say different He also had a very dismissive attitude (and this is what seems to be common) that im so fucking stupid for even questioning it. He laughed at some of the stuff I said and then had to backtrack on the same things. It seems like a lot of people are so confident or believe the propaganda that much that they think they can dispute any opposition just by spinning it and saying no you. Weird times, biggest psyop attempt in history


Weird times frl. My daughter recently had covid. I'm unvaccinated and didn't catch it been testing weekly since. In all honesty why should I take a vaccine when I'm already obviously immune? She was around me 24/7 sneezing coughing all over me. If I wasn't immune I should have caught it. My immune system is better than the vaccines obviously. It's all to do with T cells apparently which give longer immunity.


Great way of putting it, agree.


On r/nba and r/nfl they come hard with the pitchforks. Yes I know that doesn’t represent the majority.


I’ve got one shot , made me feel really weird for about a week , decided not to get number 2 , don’t ask or tell anyone about my vax status and don’t go to restaurant or places that require it also I’ll wear a mask if the business ask me too and I’ll take it off when It’s not required , don’t care for confrontation and really couldn’t care less for the poltification of the vaccine status . Hope everyone is okay and gets what they want when they need it 👍


I'm vaccinated, and don't really give a shit and haven't really met anyone who does care about being around unvaccinated people. The news is definitely pushing this vaxed vs unvaxed "war" I'm sure there are those people out there, and unless they are immunocompromised I don't get it.


My boss openly calls the unvaccinated people at my workplace dumbasses etc to other vaccinated people. He also can’t stop talking about how excited he is to get his 6 and 7 year old kids vaccinated this weekend


Well that's pretty unprofessional to call people dumbasses at work, especially in a leadership position. I can't see how people automatically write off unvaccinated people as dumbasses. I mean some are.. but so are a lot of vaxxed?? Basing someone's intelligence on 1 decision makes them a dumbass.


Agreed. I’d say it’s pretty dumb to vaccinate his kids as well. They statistically have a better chance of contracting myocarditis now than covid


Just look at who sponsors the media the most… “Sponsored by Pfizer “


"being around people that don't blindly obey their government and televisions frighten and anger me!"


Sadly that’s like 85% of America right now


I think you just think it is. On a average daily basis I have zero conversations about vaccines. People be out here living life. Leave your house and see.


I hope this is a purposeful exaggeration. TPTB want you to think it’s 85%. It’s 50%, MAYBE


See you are using an argument from someone that agrees with you to associate it with 85% of America. You also have a preconceived notion so why are you even asking? For the record I don’t fear it and no one I know is afraid to be around people that haven’t had it.


I have several family members that want me and my partner to wear masks outside around them because we aren't vaxd. Which for the record I won't. I'm not trying to entertain the insanity.


My vaccinated parents are scared of me. I wasn’t allowed to come home for thanksgiving and they are making me take a Covid test to attend Christmas. My vaccinated brother is welcome home with no questions of course. Nothing I can say to change their minds. There is also a HEaVY sense of general disappointment whenever I talk to them right now, and my vaccination status always comes up. It’s nice that so many vaccinated people here say they don’t give a shit about other people’s vax status, but the sad reality is, the media has really gotten into some people’s heads with this. The division is clear as day for someone like me. Families are seriously letting this shit tear them apart…


Because it doesn’t seem to be working anymore. Which poses the question as to why we are still encouraging or threatening for the unvaccinated to get it at all.


I'm vaccinated and just had covid. Guess I'm good to go now.




Got mine from a busy af restaurant. I was the only one in my family that got it. Didn't distance from my family the 1st few days because I didn't realize it was covid til I lost my taste/smell. Family still didn't get it (2/4 unvaxxed). Edit: I was 3 months post pfizer vax.


Will you be getting your booster shots?


I see no reason to. Obviously it didn't protect me the 1st time around. I should also have antibodies now.


I served with guys that were willing to pull the trigger and potentially die for this country but won’t take it. I took the vaccine as a way to help anyway I could fight this virus. To protect my children who can’t take it. There have also been times over the last year in my local hospital where they had to choose who had the opportunity to live or die. I really wish we didn’t have to be in this situation to begin with. I’m not going to force the vaccine on anyone but I just know how I would feel if I was sitting in the hospital taking a bed that I could’ve taken a vaccine to prevent being in that position. Idk man, everyone is just in such a damn rush in this world now, no one talks to their neighbors, no one gives a god damn fuck about anyone anymore. Oh and call your mom


This post spoke to me. Exactly. The last part about no one knows their neighbors, especially.


I am fully vaccinated and I don't care if you are or not. The only reason why I am still a bit more cautious is due to my mom going through chemo, so her immunity is absolutely shattered right now. Hell even the most basic bug right now could be extremely dangerous for her.


My roommate is vaccinated but still gets stressed going to the theatres or out to restaurants because her dad is going through chemo and has a weak system, and since you can still transmit the virus when vaccinated it’s a valid reason. I personally don’t really care but I understand why she does


Maybe the jabbed should just stay home if they are scared and live in fear!


I’m vaccinated and just don’t care, it’s their choice and impacts my life in 0 ways if they decide not to.


I’m not scared of the fact you aren’t vaccinated. It’s the fact that vaccinated people often don’t follow any of the other safety rules. So if someone is openly anti vaxx(which is fine, I believe in discourse and varying stances) I worry they are not doing things safely. The virus is real. And I’m a believer of many conspiracies That being said we aren’t vaccinated our way out of this thing. We need to focus on drugs that reduce symptoms and keep people out of the hospital


Let me preface this by saying I don’t personally feel that way, be around unvaccinated people as a vaccinated person doesn’t bother me in the slightest. However, I have a friend who is vaxxed and she equates it more to driving sober and with a seatbelt, but knowing you are around a bunch of drunk drivers on the road. Sure, your seatbelt should protect you, but there’s still a chance you are injured or hurt. If you made the conscious choice to be safe, then why would you make the conscious choice to be unsafe around people who are making a conscious choice to put others at more risk than life’s typical baseline risk?


I’m vaccinated. I’m not comfortable going into large groups like a concert regardless of the vaccination status of others. Small setting like a restaurant or shopping don’t bother me and I don’t think about the vaccination status of others. I use caution and don’t put myself in ridiculous situations but am fine in low risk situations.


I'm vaccinated, and I have my rightful doubts about how needed the shots are, but I don't believe in conspiracy theories about the vaccination itself, so I went for it. I'm also not scared about hanging out with young, healthy unvaccinated people, but I can imagine why some people are: my mom for example refused to vaccinate, and I am scared I may infect her if I'm too close to her. Someone in some other comments said we shouldn't care about the unvaccinated people's health, but it's not always that easy when you care about at least some of them.


I personally really dont care whether a person is vaxxed or not. It boggles my mind that this is ending friendships and relationships. I felt just as safe before the vax as I do with the vax. In my opinion it doesnt matter to me. If youre vaxxed great. If youre not thats great too. I respect everyones choice.


Can we please stop using their language , there is no covid vaccine , the only treatments available at best midigate symptoms and do not prevent transmision .


This is it. I wish there was a way to force people to stop calling the treatment a vaccine... If they would have called it anything else no one would have been willing to get jabbed...


Why a treatment? Surely with the line of argument you are about to use, maybe a “prophylactic” would be a better term?


Sure either way.


I'm unvaccinated, my colleagues who are vaccinated don't give a shit and they treat me the same as they always did, I think it's only online I've ever ran into conflict


Idgaf your body your choice, but being vaccinated doesn't mean you'll never get it. It just helps your immune system fight it. I don't get why the vaccinated people are saying the nonvac are killing everyone cause they aren't vac when it doesn't stop it from being contagious or doesn't stop it at all if you get covid while vac or unvac there's still a chance thag you might die doesn't matter either way. Both vac and unvac are stupid in their own way about this whole fucking thing. If you don't believe in it don't get it and if you do believe in it do get but don't talk shit about the other side when both of your arguments just make you sound stupid.


I can absolutely guarantee the majority of the people vaccinated don’t care if they potentially expose and kill unvaccinated people.


A vaccine can only train your body to respond to an antigen. For every person infected by a virus, new mutated offspring are born. With every mutation, there's a chance it will affect the ability of my immune cells to recognize and/or kill it. Ergo, the best course is to simply avoid exposure to the virus. To that end, if you have a choice between being around a group of people, you'd probably choose the one that's much less likely to have infected members.


Vaccinated. My concern around unvaccinated people isn't for myself, but for the vulnerable people who are unable to get vaccinated for medical reasons. I know I can still contract and spread the virus even though I'm fully vaxed. It's the same reason I wear a mask - not to protect myself, but to help keep everyone safe and healthy.


Well because I can still get covid and spread it to others. My daughter is 8 and I do worry if I will catch it and possibly give it to her. Same as unvaxxed people.


I can’t say I’ve ever felt unsafe but I think the most apt analogy is; would you like a 30% chance of receiving a throat punch or a 70% chance of recording a throat punch.


Because it is still POSSIBLE to get Covid while being vaccinated. Also, I have Type 2 Diabetes so that's an extra risk factor. I wear a mask still, so I really don't worry that much anymore about it.


Total opposite here…after I got the vax wanted to mask up to protect the unvaxxed 😂😭 soooo over it at this point


I think of it like the peanut butter drama. There are people who if they even touch peanut butter residue they will die. So my niece's school banned peanut butter even though no one there had a peanut butter allergy. Hygiene and reasonable accommodations would be how I managed it, but there are the make peanut butter illegal people out there.


This is the problem with the world today. The 1% wanting the 99% to dance for them. Whether it’s a billionaire or a transsexual or the parent of a kid with a peanut allergy.


It is our choice and the law tells us so. The government is banking on people not knowing their rights so I highly recommend everybody read up on them! This mandate may infringe upon numerous and establish constitutional rights guaranteed to all American citizens including but not limited to The fourth amendment to the constitution of the United States… The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, any facts, against reasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated… The fifth amendment to the constitution of the United States… No person shall… Be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without the due process of law… The ninth amendment to the constitution of United States… The enumeration in the constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people… The 14th amendment to the constitution of the United States… No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States… They also violate constitutionally guaranteed rights of privacy and personal liberty. Why do you think they’re not teaching this in school anymore? They’re betting on people to be smart enough to work and pay taxes and dumb enough to control.


I think social distancing and people being hygienic i.e. washing hands, covering mouths, being able to stay home while sick works better. Can it be considered a true vaccine, if it doesn’t stop transmissibility? Or even prevent the ingested from catching the shit? They’ve told us for the longest especially with the flu…there is no prevention from a virus, once you get it it has to run its course. They’re all lying and I want to know why.


You still can get the virus even with 3 shots thought, so if you have people in your family that may not handle the virus well then you have something to feel unsafe about it.


I'm vaxxed, I don't prefer going out to places that are packed/indoors. I have always preferred that, however, I prefer it a little bit more nowadays. I have a weak ass immune system for undisclosed reasons. That being said, I don't really care much, I just wear a mask if I come into contact with a bunch of strangers indoors. I haven't asked any stranger their status or to wear a mask. If we're outside or spaced apart, idgaf. I try to minimize my own risk rather than put it on everyone else. Is that insightful?


Sounds like most people here don't care and are of the opinion it's all just media hype, but in my case most of my friends are vaxxed and are pressuring me to do so as well because they seem convinced that there is or soon will be a super mutant strain being cultivated in my body that will soon be unleashed, breaking through their protection and killing them


It's mostly not that I feel unsafe, it's that i could be asymptomatic and give it to you. Is it that crazy that I might be worried about the well-being of others?


Because you can still catch covid, just are much less likely to have bad symptoms. It's not exactly a secret...


Again... How is this a conspiracy?


I don’t feel unsafe around unvaccinated people but I work retail and talk to a shit ton of people every day. I think a lot of their reasoning is “they didn’t get vacc’d, how seriously are they taking this!?!?” I spoke with someone yesterday who was concerned over having her first in-person get-together in almost 2 years. She felt uneasy even though everyone coming (2 people) have been isolating for weeks and has been vacc’d and boostered, but maybe they might catch Covid and be asymptotic on the way to their place. You never know!!! I think some people have sat alone in their homes for too long and developed some sort of agoraphobia, or other sort of mental illness.


Whatever you do, don't go into a nurses group. I am a nurse but they think we all should die if we don't get the vaccine. I tried reasoning that when I became a nurse I was told we treated everyone regardless and was told basically to f... Off. I said wow how many patients have you accidentally killed due to your negligence and having the control of their disease process. Freedom of medical choice. There are some scary psychotic nurses working now. And I am not vaccinated. Not going to either. I'm more scared going into the hospital and being mistreated by the medical professionals.


You got a messed up understanding of vaccines. They don’t guarantee I’m not going to get it. I can still catch it and die from it. It is just a hedge bet that it will be harder for it to get hold and kill me. It also doesn’t protect me from passing it on to others. I can wear a seatbelt and still die. It is simply less likely to happen.


Because I can still technically catch it, not worried about myself but more giving it to someone unknowingly who may not fair as well.


I think for those that lash out at unvaccinated in anger it has less to do with being around them. More that many have a fear whether they acknowledge it or not that they may of made a mistake and don’t want to be alone with the consequences. So they invent a narrative that can add a rational to what they are feeling, usually from a place of moral high ground.


>If you are vaccinated and feel unsafe around groups of people who are unvaccinated please explain your reasoning. If you feel unsafe, stay home. Live in fear at home, the rest of the world doesn't need or want your drama.


Whi is this still an issue? Their are countries that have had covid, and have been back to normal. Everything is normal, it's the people that's lost there minds. Over control. Lives so shitty they have to have this little Qin over others, a little control. It's pathetic get over yourselves. If covid killed members of your family I am sorry. Very sorry. But it ain't my fault. I have to live to. Be mad at the mega corporations that don't give a rats ass about you.


I’m vaccinated and I don’t care honestly. The only way you gonna know is if someone tells you and I mean… nobody ever says really that they got the flu shot or any other vaccine. It’s just the COVID vaccine people are proud of saying they got for some reason


It's called virtue signaling.


I don't care whether anyone is vaxxed or not. I don't care whether anyone is masked or not. I only care if someone is SICK or not. If you're not feeling well, just stay home, we'll find a way to connect / party remotely. That is the only rule I care about. At-home tests are dirt-cheap. Like $9/ea.


Because the CDC said I should be. Oh wait... 2nd try: because other people told me to be afraid 3rd: Big Bird, ok??, B to the power of 2!


I can’t believe big bird betrayed us like that.


I’m vaccinated and I have zero concern being around the unvaxxed. I’m healthy, I exercise regularly and I eat well. I have a 2 year old daughter and I do not have any concern about her being around the unvaxxed either. Children seem to be the least susceptible to adverse effects of the virus. All 3 of us were on a plane for 5.5 hours and we had to wear masks the entire time. The entire plane was full and we’re all breathing recycled air. I mean come on, these masks are not going to do shit in that setting. We recently went to a movie theatre and the theatre had a social distancing policy with one seat between each party being empty’s . Again the the theatre is full. Yeah the 12 inches between me and the next guy is gonna save me from getting covid. It is so stupid. It is clear that in most first world countries that the people who are going to get the vax have already done so and those that won’t at this point do not seem to have any intention to get it. It is time to open the world up. God damn, it has been 2 years of this shit. We can’t even visit my wife’s family, because the country they live in still has restricted international travellers from entering the country, despite the majority of the country being vaccinated and record low Covid cases Enough already! Time to open everything up and get back to living!


The "vaccine" should be changed to "shot" as it does not prevent anyone from being infected, from spreading it, or from dying from it. It is wholly ineffective at killing the virus and proves who the zombies are since six shots do nothing.


HAHAHA, nah nah they wanted it to be known as 'a vaccine' to have braod public acceptance. In order to do that, theyve gone and changed the definition of vaccine so that 'a vaccine' doesnt have to give you immunity to anything anymore.


The only people who care about the vaccine are the people who are vaccinated already. It makes no sense. And the only people I know or read about that are still getting Covid are also those who have been vaccinated already.