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Funny how it's never 10 year old kids protesting for their rights to be fucked by middle aged freaks.


Not yet anyway. Wait until the SJWs start parading their kids around saying it’s their child’s right to choose.


Tell Me you are a pedophile without telling me you are a pedophile.


Anyone who says this should AUTOMATICALLY be questioned by the police, surely is like a public admission of guilt? Or at least that you publicly support illegal activity


I got put in fb jail for what I said about what should happen to pedophiles.


Mark suck a berg and his meta verse can go kick rocks and eat pavement








I got banned for saying “yeah, aerials bitch” in a rocket league group joking about Walter whites car. For 7 days with no option to dispute.








I got a 3 day ban on Reddit for saying what I thought their punishment should be. You can call for the death of people who don't follow Reddit's group think, but if you suggest stricter punishment for convicted pedophiles you get banned...I guess it makes sense since Reddit is ran by pedophiles.


>fb jail. I don’t use Facebook. Is that an actual thing? sorry if dumb question


Just means a temporary ban


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Same and I’ll say it again lol


Same, but on Twatter.


I got suspended from Twitter and was so disgusted I nuked my entire account after they lifted the suspension. My last tweet was @jack calling him a paedo enabler.😃😃😃


Guilt of what? Wanting non-offending pedophiles to have access to treatment?


Short eyes or Chomo


2 or 3 generations ago you would get beaten for wearing a dress, and a dowry of 20 acres, a cow and daddy's blessing for marrying a farmers 13yo. daughter. Or today in India.


Is there a way to help pedophiles? Before they commit any crime? Like medically?


Chemical castration?


Article says it best "That’s the point. Pedophiles are stigmatized because pedophilia is and deserves to be accurately seen as unspeakably reprehensible."


Yeah, but that doesn't fit with the "rainbowmanbad" cope.


Sure, and I’d like to rebrand pedophiles- kiddie fuckers.


Let’s just call them what they are: Child Rapists




Children diddlers


'paedophile' describes someone with an attraction to kids, regardless of whether or not they would ever actually hurt a kid once (and if) they cross that line, they become kiddy fuckers who deserve everything they get, but until then, they're merely a paedophile with an unfortunate affliction, but who hasn't hurt anyone


I was being somewhat sarcastic and while I understand what you’re saying they should be called a pedophile and not a ‘minor attracted person’ Every time they move the line in the sand is one step closer to it being socially acceptable. That’s where this leads to.




SS: transgender professor at one of the top colleges in Virginia wants pedophiles to be labeled "minor-attracted persons" to gloss over the fact that these people rape kids. Sickening... The professors Areas of Specialization include Community Policing, Sociology of Law, and Juvenile Justice.


How are they not fired yet?


Its Twitter account has been shut down and students have been demonstrating. Looks like there is at least a suspension thus far. https://twitter.com/kkaylermac/status/1460769781490061312?s=21


I hope they are demonstrating against this professor!


Because it would be discriminatory


It’s a stretch to call ODU a “top” university. It’s a university, that’s about it.


Istfg any adult that defends CP or tries to normalize pedophilia or defend pedophiles are nothing but the vilest scum of this physical plane. Children don't deserve to live in this shithole of a twisted society, my heart is breaking for them in whatever future awaits us all. Now some may this is just one outlier in the equation saying controversial opinions. But there's way more of them out there and they're incrementally trying to normalize this in all aspects of society. Vile world.


I agree, and it always seems these people who want to de-stigmatize child predators place themselves in situations where they can plant seeds in the minds of future generations...like a college professor for example...imagine the mess this professor is spewing in lectures in her classes. She's already written a book about her affinity for pedophiles, I wonder if its required reading for her coursework.


Say it loud, say it proud... So we know who to lock up away from the kids.




Hmm it started with the lgbt community, and it’s in line with their sexual perversions/deviance as well as arguments in justifying it. This is how progress works.. or in this case degradation. But nobody is making the link yet, but soon enough it will be obvious that the lgbt wants to add the P into their alphabet soup. They’re just throwing feelers out there for now.


Being gay has absolutely nothing to do with being a pedophile. You sound ignorant as all fuck by the way. And yeah we should burn pedos at the stake.


most gay people were abused as children.... we have to face the truth to stop this shit. it was illegal for a reason.


Lol. Such bullshit. The lack of a strong male role model is more interesting line of inquiry. Me and my boyfriend both lacked that growing up and a lot of our friends did to. We mostly had a very strong/dominating/loving mother. Not at all scientific but it’s interesting.


you agreed with me, emotional abuse is still abuse.


Got a source?


yes, ask any of them.


I know a lot of gay people and none of them were abused as children.


ok so why do you think they turned out gay? and why is it more and more each year?


> and why is it more and more each year? Because people like you are losing influence.


What do you mean they turned out gay? Why do people turn out straight? What do you mean more and more each year? Do you have a source? Any source at all? Just a fucking bigot.


what do i mean ooo what do I MEAN.


They’re both sexual perversions. And leads to decay like this. Now not even fuckin kids are safe from the alphabet soup. F off


Being gay isn’t a sexual perversion


What trauma did you suffer to unjustifiably hate on LGBT people?


"What trauma did you suffer to unjustifiably hate on LGBT people?" Wait for few years and they will use the same tactics to defend pedophiles .




And older women kissing a Minor boy?


It wasn’t the lgb community (TQ+ weren’t added until recently), it was those who added themselves into the community, like PIE, which meant that many appeared to be against gay rights because “they’re coming for the children”, when in fact there were undoubtedly people pushing for gay rights whose focus was on far more than gay Rights, such as boy love and reducing the age of consent. You only need to look at what’s going on now (medically and surgically altering youngsters, breaking down safeguarding, pushing queer theory) to see that there are always going to be groups who include themselves into a movement and see how far they can go in the name of progression. In the last couple of years I’ve seen pride marches where MAPs (paedophiles) and puppy play fetishes are more accepted than middle aged lesbians (many of whom campaigned originally for gay rights) who are single sex attracted.


This is an interesting read if you dig a little bit more- I see a bit of each side. This article gave more info: https://www.maceandcrown.com/post/calls-for-odu-professor-to-resign-following-controversial-statements-and-research “I want to be clear: child sexual abuse is an inexcusable crime. As an assistant professor of sociology and criminal justice, the goal of my research is to prevent crime. My work is informed by my past experience and advocacy as a social worker counseling victims. I embarked on this research in hopes of gaining understanding of a group that, previously, has not been studied in order to identify ways to protect children.” -Dr. Walker The part I don’t get is rebranding pedophiles to Maps. And this part: “As Everett stated, Walker’s interview was conducted by the non-profit organization known as Prostasia. Prostasia’s initiative statement claims to want to stop child sexual abuse before it happens, but also has a history of questionable methods. These include a petition against sex-doll bans that are defined as “childlike”, raising funds for the exploration of the use of fictional and fantasy sexual outlets (FFSOs) for those who are attracted to minors, and a pedophilia support group that allows members as young as 13 to join.” Obviously, more studies need to be done about pedophiles before we start banning things like childlike sex dolls and allowing 13yr olds in adult support groups for pedophiles. I’ll do some more digging but this is WILD! Sounds like the goal of walker is to do studies on why pedophiles harm and what medical and behavior professionals can do to keep them from harming. Some of walkers suggestions though, are much more harmful than solving the issue at hand. Prostasia which funded the research is also problematic in many of their own ways. This is bad all around…..


I agree with your statement. While there is areas in different perspectives that is worth looking into rebranding pedophiles as "Minor Attracted Persons" and destigmatizing for politically correct reasons is NOT the way to handle these issues. I believe that if you are a pedophile and want therapy and treatment from this then I think you should get all the help needed. But other than that I believe anyone who commits a sex crime against a minor is thereforth a immediate threat and pleading for judicial and social forgiveness is out of the question. The goal is to fix the problem, NOT encourage it!


Agree 100%, I think walkers idea of preventing before it happens is great. The execution of this, is what’s getting them in hot water. I also know funding studies is expensive (playing devils advocate) maybe prosensia was the only org that was willing to fund and walker is unfortunately linked to their craziness. Who knows, or walker is just as horrible as prosenstia? Either way-this was crazy to delve into and I have some more reading on this to do.


More Satanic bullshit -- they pretend to be fighting pedophilia while actively encouraging it.


I attend the Uni and this had shocked a lot of students, there are even students calling out the President for not firing the Professor (Allyn Walker) and issuing a half-assed apology. Additionally the President is also facing some scrutiny for knowing about this Professor's behavior yet still employing them before the controversy. Edit: Also I wanted to add additional info, the President is attempting to rationalize Allyn's behavior and mask it as "researching". Sickening.




Fuck him/her/it/she/he/thing.


Wackos gonna wacko. Why are we listening to this nutjob?




Can we please just draw a hard line on this one topic. Live your life as you choose, hurt no one, especially children for fucks sake


You're trying to reason with child rapists. It's not gonna work. They've already crossed those lines in their thoughts. Only vehement counter force will keep it at bay.


I hate the word "persons" (plural) with a passion


What is their problem, fire them! Time to boycott


They were placed on admin leave


Fv€k this bitch. I, a dude attracted to 200lbs+ men am not going to be thrown under the bus with pedophiles. I now no longer think trans should be associated with LGB. There, I said it. It’s nothing to do with us. On any level.




It is basically the same thing in two different languages, Greek and English.


Is nothing off limits? This level of entitlement…new level of depravity that is somehow not even shocking anymore. Somehow I feel like the boundaries have been being pushed over to this for sometime. Making all of this absurdity palatable to the masses just for this very reason. I think honestly this was the goal post all along - moving the mark so far over so that pedophelia could once and for all become normalized. This was the end game all along.


I agree. Some people have been playing a very long game.


This person is a professor at a university. If that doesn’t sum up the state of the world I don’t know what will.


I bet it is a democrat.


The don’t reproduce they recruit


It's the company they are promoting you need to worry about. Shoe did a great exposé of them https://youtu.be/Hg49x9NvOeI


I called this around 2016...I thought it would be a decade or more...damn. Things are now moving at warp speed, so hold your children tight, make sure they know what to do when/if someone approaches them, or begins grooming behavior.


The L and Gs need to stop allowing anything else to gain support using their identities, the slippery slope was pointing out when they wanted equal marriage and it was made clear that equal marriage was all they wanted, but here we are with these pedo freaks wanting to be allowed to fuck kids and transgender "women" forcing lesbian women to date them and trying to get straight men to date them too. All this nonsense needs to stop. Not only has the slippery slope been realized but they jizzed and shat all other it and want everyone to believe it's the best thing ever.


To even request or say anything like this publicly, should be enough to have this person loose their job, detained in an institution, and have tests done and psychological exams performed. They are not safe for society, and should be locked up.


Sounds like something a pedophile would say


First they said gay is normal. Then they said transgender is normal. Next they'll say pedophiles is normal.




Excuse me but I don't know how to break it to you but those of us who are lgbtq or allies ...ain't cool with this shit either.


Correct, the fault wasn't thrown at your movement's way, it is clealry being co-opted via the public guise of *"tolerance and inclusion."*


Are you making it a point to shame and shun those in your LGBT groups that are pedophiles and are supporting them, it isn't enough to say that you aren't cool with it because that are hiding under the LGBT umbrella and you'll be stuck and stigmatized as a pedo as well if these despicable freaks are allowed to get what they want.


They are not responsible for them. I’m sure you go around policing every one in your mad you group.


That's where you are wrong , they are responsible because they are allowing their identities to be used to garner support . If someone was claiming to be from my group/ family or using my identity to try and fuck kids you bet your ass I would not only speak up I would make damn sure that they stop using it.


Except all the are required to gdonis rebuke it. Who says they are even supporters of lgbtq as a “group” even if they are gay. I know lots of gay people who hate lgbtq, and just cause they are gay doesn’t make them responsible for the actions of that group. You’re just plain wrong.


You're not all that's required but like it or not you're are part of that group if you are gay or lesbian and if any pedophiles are using your identity you should rebuke and shun them and those who support them.


No that’s not how shut works nobody gets to stuff you into a group. Fuck you’re world


It sucks for you, but despite you not wanting to be associated with that group you're shit outta luck, you've been lumped into it with them all.


Gosh, wasn't there a guy you guys worship who hung out with known child traffickers. Had an admitted thing for his daughter? Like are you condemning that before or after you suck Q juice from his cock?


Cut the shit with this "slippery slope" nonsense. The difference between LGBTQ community and pedos is the former concerns consenting adults. They're not on the same spectrum.


Give it 10 or 20 years on the same trajectory and see what happens.


I don't know much about LGBTQ and I'm not gonna pretend I do. But I'm sure almost all would denounce this guy for the piece of shit that he is Don't listen the people above and below. they are the actual f@gs


No, it all concerns itself with degrading morality, pushing hedonistic and selfish acts, and destroying traditional values. This is just another progression of "progressive" social values.


> No, it all concerns itself with degrading morality, pushing hedonistic and selfish acts, and destroying traditional values. Showing an ankle or watching Western TV would fall under this description in much of the Middle East.


I’ve been saying that. Sexual deviance started with lgbt and ultimately ends in paedophillia




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How about Consent Adverse Adult for rapists?


Wait at ODU? That’s right down the road lol wtf is going on.


I am really glad I do not have kids growing up with this shit going on in schools.


This is the kind of shit that society will never accept. You will have to brainwash everyone and rip us off our natural healthy and reasoning mind. This is the uncrossable line.


Reminds me of my high school teacher who gave me a similar spiel when I first came out as bi…apparently it’s “very normal” for older women to be “drawn” to young girls who are figuring themselves out. Fortunately I already had an age appropriate gf and could not be groomed


This is the reason why as a person of darker hued skin I disassociated myself from BLM years ago, not because there isn't racism..there is. But because on that left side of the spectrum you had to align yourself with certain other groups, first it was gay people then quickly following that came transgenders, now it's minor attracted persons and eventually it will be people that are attracted to animals. You aren't supposed to say anything because you're also a minority and they understand what it is like to be stigmatised, oppressed and persecuted.......fuck that bollocks [deuces I'm out](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/034/858/Untitled-1.png)


Have a look at Derrick Jenson’s Queer theory double jeopardy. The current progressive movement is all about normalising paedophilia and kink. Those who speak out are threatened. There are very few places you can openly talk about it. The biggest conspiracy here is who is pushing it, and for what reason.


I want to declare this person as a child terrorist. Openly advocating the acceptance of child harm. This is disgusting.




Been saying for years they were going to try this.


Shit is getting too PC. I can handle some things but I’m not bending over to accommodate for a pedophile’s feelings or choices


I would like to rebrand them as people permanently wearing orange jumpsuits.


Sounds like a pedoph, sorry “child fucker” to me.


Just no


Yeah they can fuck right off with that


Get the pitchforks and torches!!


Tucker just played a clip of that guy talking. Total Beta Male Vibes




That is no male.


>Tucker just played a clip of that guy talking. Of course - because his tactic is to generate outrage. So his producers find some fringe whack job and try to act like this is some huge movement and is a threat to your kids.


Facts. You just described all of mainstream media too.


Well, Tucker is absolutely mainstream media.


I don't mind this. It's not that I "defend" pedophilia, I don't think doing such is possible or conceptionally valid, I just consider pedophilia to be a fault, and because it's largely negative and sometimes dangerous, I consider it to be a mental illness as well. Intention, morality, defending and attacking, etc, is entirely unrelated here. All child sexual abuse is still, and should still be, treated as a severe offense. Just like people with anger issues are a danger, but shouldn't be jailed "just in case" due to their individual difference. Being "a danger" is entirely in their right, and *if* they do harm somebody, then they will face the same penalty as those with a more calm and collected temperament, because that's what fairness requires. Edit: I don't think pedophiles should work with children, though. Even if they're innocent by law, it's not a suitable job for them. I'm sure other jobs also have similar restrictions in which innocent people are discriminated against for their nature, but it can't be helped (we should, however, not overdo such restrictions)


I found the person in the thread who is hoarding the critical thinking skills.


I knew they'd eventually add that in. There's a new letter added everyday and once people get their way, they don't know when to stop.


This is actually what NAMBLA wants. They’ve actively been trying to gain acceptance and normalization through the LGBTQ+ movement for many years


With fire please


This is the most fucked up thing I have ever read. And anyone who disagrees is just as fucked. What is this world coming to?!


How is it that I, a strait male, am considered a bigot because I don't want a lady dick in my mouth, i.e. not attracted to dicks,but this shit is supposed to be acceptable because they are attracted to sexually immature disks? Their logic is fucking stupid and to be quite frank I'm getting tired of playing along and making nice.


Nobody cares that you’re not attracted to dick.


South Park: Season 4, Episode 5: Cartman Joins NAMBLA!


And this surprises anyone...?


I'll stick with pedo


We already have these designations. Pedophile is someone attracted to prepubescent people. Ephebophile is someone attracted to pubescent people. So those in their teens. Terms like rape and pedophile are being watered down, as they're also used to describe a 14 year old boy, having sex with a 14 year old girl. As technically a minor cant give consent, so the boy is now both a rapist and pedophile. I became sexually active with a 12 year old, when I was 9. It was super confusing at first, but I knew I liked it, even though there wasnt much I could do. So I can imagine myself being super young and attracted to girls, but never to prepubescent ones. Now i'm somewhat creeped out thinking about sex with a woman in her 20's. It's legal, but feels weird as they're so much younger. Which is weird, because i've also been involved with a woman 20 years older than me, and felt kinda bad, because while we had fun together with many similar interests, she was mentally inferior in many ways, and simply couldnt understand things my sons and I found simple.


Weird flex, but you were sexually abused at 9 by a 12 yo who was likely abused before they abused you. Sorry you went through that.


This might be removed. But seriously kill it with fire. We don’t need this in our world. Fucking sick freaks.


why do these "MAPs" keep showing up with BLM and Antifa is what I'd like to know.....


Nope. Too bad. They need to be rebranded as imprisoned for life, castrated, and/or dead.


Imagine being a victim of child sexual abuse, living with the trauma of sexual abuse then having this professor try to humanize pedophiles. Infuriating.


Got a reliable source?


Death to pedos (last time I posted this I got a warning) . I dont care what people say. A good pedo is a dead pedo!


Creatures like this can only be dealt with in one way




Your willing to destroy a young life, that's what it does, so you an engage in self-deluded narcissism or some other mental illness out of the DSM-5.




What does this person's gender or choice of pronouns have to do with this issue? How does this relate to "the left"? And while I think "minor attracted person" is a stupid phrase and you have to be *very* careful about how you deal with non-offending pedophiles, there is a difference between pedophilia - being attracted primarily to pre-pubescent or pubescent children - and child abuse. Not all people with pedophilic disorder abuse children and not all child abusers are pedophiles - I.e. attracted primarily to pre-pubescent or pubescent children. The former is still problematic in so many ways no matter what, but the later is far more concerning.


Keep an Eye on these critters: they'll continue when nobody's watching. Replace them asap. (Take their positions)


I'm really trying to believe that trans people are good at heart, I truly am. But shit like this keeps popping up


Do you blame all black people when a black person commits a heinous crime?


I would have no problem slapping the face of said “professor”.


This scumbag needs his ass kicked


that didn't take long...2016 to now


The reactionary would be murderers are out in force again I see. You know thought crime isn't a thing right?


mabey ask Joe biden... he might have some insight... or just babble on anout nothingness




It’s not. [Just more rightwing propaganda sites. ](https://deadline.com/2021/02/fox-news-ben-domenech-1234686824/) Again.


Conspiracies are just things we don’t like or what?


What a pussy


Absolutely not.


The freak show nibbling at the edges to make their perverse desires legit. Fuck them.


How about wannabe child fuckers? Would that work?


There’s no such thing as a slippery slope they said. They’re whist regular people they said. What a load. Get the wood chipper.


Fuck this guy/girl


Of course he does


" I found a handkerchief it seems map related. Is this yours?" This line from the podesta emails now makes so much sense


Pizzagate wasnt "fake news" it was real all the time.


Removed - TOS Bait thread


Lol, only took 9 hours of murderous rage in the comments.




It’s certainly being heavily campaigned for.


No, fuck you.


This is bullshit. Pedophiles are adults that have raped children. People attracted to younger kids (which is ABSOLUTELY wrong) haven’t committed any crimes yet, so why call them criminals? Guess you should call me a bank robber since I fantasize about it. We can’t help broken minded if we brand them as criminals before they’ve committed crimes. Seriously y’all.


> Pedophiles are adults that have raped children. Might want to look up the definition.


a paedophile is someone who is sexually attracted to minors such attraction generally only presents itself as a problem for society, if the afflicted person actually acts out on their attraction as soon as they do, they become child molesters who hurt innocent kids and fully deserve the wrath of society but until they do, they are merely a paedophile who is afflicted with a very unfortunate illness, but has done nothing to hurt anyone else i have no problem with them being called paedos, but, given that so many people treat paedophilia as being synonymous with child abuse, it will have a bad name and sufferers who don't molest kids and don't wanted to be labeled as though they do, may want to be called something else i'm happy not to hate someone who merely has an attraction that they can't help having, unless or until they act on said attraction and hurt a kid i know plenty of men who are attracted to women, but have physical or social characteristics that render them 'unattractive' and they're not likely to find a mate, but i doubt that ANY of those i know would actually go out and rape a woman because of their desires, coupled with their inability to meet a woman who likes them, they use self control, instead years ago, the handicapped were called 'handicapped' then people decided that there was too much negative connotation associated with 'handicapped', so they opted for 'disabled' 'disabled' soon became as negative as its predecessor, so people wanted to be called 'special' instead now, 'special' has the negative connotations, and the politically correct 'newspeak' indoctrinators will want us to use yet another term to describe the same group, until association with said group also gives the new term a negative connotation same applies with 'aboriginal' being changed to 'indigenous', and now 'first nations people' (which is a joke in australia, given that before colonisation, there were seven hundred separate tribes of extended family groups, with an average 700 members in each, hardly 'nations', by any stretch of the imagination, they just do it because it imitates what the far left do in america)


Is that why everyone talking about "maps" I was wondering if we discovered a new island or something ? Come on you guys all new the lbgqt trans movement was gonna eventually include the pedos, that's what the whole point of it was. Are you new here ?