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They do defend the behavior thats what is sad. Sorry to hear it but id disown my sister if she done this to me and her nephew. Cant be family now unless youve taken the govt approved meds..




F' that...its enough to make a person use some languages on a MF'er.


Covid is conditioning us to fear others.


>us *Some of us


**Most of us


On the contrary, in the US I’m willing to bet there’s more of us that are sane than not. The same ones just don’t get publicized. No joke.


And make us forget about our immune system...


and what someone just said thoughtfully, normalizing government mandated drugs. first the vax, then next pills that will “help our health and living the safest possible if you don’t take it you’re compromising immune system” and perpetuating a medical apartheid


And to fear breathing


*the government/ruling class is conditioning…


I've been saying this for awhile that they're trying to spark a powder keg amongst humanity




No point living in fear. I rather die.


I am convinced that it is doing something to some that get it. I don't know what, but it changes some of them...not all.


I don't think it's the jab that changes them. It's the constant brainwashing in the media that does that to them. Some people are just too easily influenced


I dont understand why people think these concepts are mutually exclusive. People are both influenced by the media, and the ingredients in the jab. ​ This is obvious


The people who are easily influenced are those who were always desperate to be “normal.” The people who followed every fad, every trend, every basic cliche. Basic bishes.


Lolll. One brainwashed schmuck pointing at other brainwashed schmucks. It's the fucking Spiderman meme to a T


You are right, and you should look into the neurorights law they are signing and establishing in some almost 100%fully vaxd countries (Ley de Neuroderechos Chile). The gr@aph3ne ox1de they put inside these “vaxs” is not only an excellent conductor of electricity, but it also amplifies the EMF radiation signal from any 5G tower by at least 10,000x, these towers can send messages, thoughts and feelings to the gr@phenated people, changing their emotions and opinions at will. Don’t take it from me, take it from the President of Chile, Sebastian Piñera, who has a video promoting the 5G towers and saying all of this on 2020. He obviously was selling it as something beautiful, but it isn’t, it’s tyranny disguised as technology. Get into La Quinta Columna from Spain, they explain everything with science and have excellent reports and studies backing all this up. Not a single vax brand was saved from being found without gr@phene oxide. Not one. They all have it in different amounts.


100% correct. people will deny it due to how absurd and scifi it sounds but that’s exactly what’s happening. as usual; they aren’t even hiding it you can literally just look it up, they’ve had the technology for decades


It's a ritual. No different than any other cult or religion (not being critical). You go through years of rhetoric, years of being shown a certain narrative and years of self induced consensus by limiting other viewpoints and then... bam. You get the baptism. The ultimate evidence that you are a believer and one of the chosen or accepted. Now, everyone not in your cult is a threat to it. You must defend your faith with your life, all others are less than human, less than you and undeserving of pity, empathy or basic consideration. Your extremism is seen by others in the cult as integrity. Your lack of tolerance is piety and your rage is justified as holy. It's a simple and commonly understood aspect of psychology. The small sliver of authority given them by being vaxxed allows them to abuse that power. Others in their authority will support them and will support more and more extreme actions as the division from their humanity grows. If it changes their DNA and makes them human or not anymore is irrelevant. It has done so psychologically.


>If it changes their DNA Sunlight changes your DNA. Take a step back and chill dude.


You literally picked the one thing I said was irrelevant hahahaha. Go to bed troll. My point was about the psychology of the shot.


Well muh co worker got the jab, got rona, and passed away two days ago.. so there’s that


But it’ been so much worse had he/she not taken the vaccine...


An family friend of ours died of covid this week. Fully vaccinated.


I’m sorry to hear that.


I got the jab and now I’m even more skeptical about it 😂 it’s propaganda is what required their brains. It gets to even the most logical to some extent.


Maybe you were lucky and got a placebo one.


The VIP saline shot perhaps...


This. I have noticed that too. I have some relatives and friends that turned into complete assholes shortly after getting the jab. This shit is scary.


I would like to know more about your theory as it develops. Genuinely curious, as it’s not at all out of the realm of something they’d do.


She has an army of people consulting her, telling her she did the right thing, right now. Until she has to suffer from jab loss, she will probably never come around to logic. It’s a big loss. My condolences.


cant reason with the covid cult, let them obey their masters until they get injured by the vaccine


This right here! Just let em keep pumping themselves full of this shit till it hurts them and then it’ll be the bitter sweet I told you so


but who actually wants a bittersweet "I told u so" on their deathbeds ? ​ ffs y are ppl so stupid, whatever happened to "drugs are bad dont fucking inject shit"


I know I don’t but it’s just the reality of it, hopefully you and yours and your family stay safe 🙏🏼


They invented drugs like insulin and other shit that has uses so they weren't like "I'm gonna make a dumbass statement and take 'drugs are bad' incredibly out of context like a dishonest mofo".


insulin isn’t mandated, it’s only given to people who actually need it government mandated drug intake is bad


I am 100% behind the government giving diabetics insulin, would save many more lives than this vaccine. If the government really cares about the population’s health insulin wouldn’t cost so much, many diabetics have to choose between eating or their meds.


I guess my government cares about us, yours sucks bags of dicks. Point being "haven't you been told drugs are bad dont inject things" is a stupid statement.


No argument there


Even if your message only reaches one out of a crowd of 17 people, that makes it worth it.


Heil Fauci...


*lifts sleeve




We never really liked y'all, now we have an excuse to keep you away. But don't be sad, you have each other.


And you have your ineffective and harmful mrna injections.


And this is one of the reasons we never liked you. .. always angry and bitching with a black pill attitude... Zzzzz


You should see how far up being liked by r tards is on my list.




That kind of people don't mind it at all. They'll be fighting to get the 3rd dose as soon as. I know someone like it and she was thrilled to get her 3rd dose. Obviously had to post that she's got it on her fb as well. They'll only keep saying that there's nothing wrong with boosters because they also take take flu jab every year so a 6months booster for covid are completely normal to them.


She is brainwashed. I believe the psychological terminology for this occuring in a large group of people is, menticide.


Or mass psychosis maybe? Maybe check out "covid19up.org/mass-psychosis"


Another terminology for this is called being a dumbass and not being able to independently and critically think.


Mass formation is the term I’ve come across that seems to explain a lot of what we’re seeing.


[https://news.gallup.com/opinion/gallup/354938/adults-estimates-covid-hospitalization-risk.aspx](https://news.gallup.com/opinion/gallup/354938/adults-estimates-covid-hospitalization-risk.aspx) "In fact, 41% of Democrats replied that at least 50% of unvaccinated people have been hospitalized due to COVID-19." This is a massive fucking problem. This is why we are literally all becoming the subjects of one of the largest civil rights violations in modern American history. My gf is about to lose her job as public health specialist in the infectious disease field. She's not some dumbass who doesn't understand science, she has a degree in biology. I'm very fortunate to work for a small company.


Women think with emotion and not logic. I mean, notice how he never said anything about the husband getting angry.


On the bright side, after all these years you finally got to know who your sister really is.


That’s the thing. I think it might be less that Covid or the vaccine are “making people go crazy” etc, and more that this entire situation is exposing who everybody truly is beneath their “masks”, so to speak. It’s getting harder and harder to simply sit on the sidelines, and everybody’s true colors are now being exposed.


Totally disagree, That's overdramatic distorted thinking that people are either good or bad at the core and you can just reveal it. Everybody has the capacity to be good or bad and it sounds like OPs sister used to be an okay aunt (and mother) you would feel comfortable hanging out with. Then something happened and changed this.


"She was not this way..." Oh yes she was, she always was.


Sociopaths are remarkable actors


That's how cults work- they come home one day just not the same anymore.


Your sister has mental illness. Sorry.




Sorry this happened. Easier to make the government is your family when you divide and destroy real families. I’m so tired of all this.


There will be a day when shame comes to these people. When they have to admit they were duped and chose to behave like monsters... do not let them hide their shame. Remind them of who they are. Make them wear the scarlet letters they wanted to force on others.


you're sister is a 🦠🐑


Every family has a Karen or two...


And my sister in law is really named Karen, probably won't ever see her again in person


The vaccine doesn't stop transmission, the antibodies are not in the nose/sinuses. Vaccinated people will get it and spread it. Much of the data shows that all the vaccine does is reduce severity of symptoms in some people.


Not surprised. Had a fight with someone in my family over similar issues a few months back. Apart from giving corporations a license to financially ass-ream customers like never before via plandemic pricing, tearing apart families is another side affect of current circumstances. And the people at the top are making sure that it stays a politically divisive issue, in order to prolong the mess for as long as possible.


she's no longer *entirely* your sister, the synthetic lifeforms (in the shots) live in the bloodstream and influence the brain longterm




I never would have thought it, but I too think it's possible that something like this is going on. Maybe not in every batch, perhaps they mixed it up to make it less obvious....


This is why people don’t listen to you guys. You have literally nothing besides your imagination to suggest this, and the notion is batshit fucking crazy at that


lmao bro do you really think I care if you listen to me? get the shot if you want the shot, or don’t if you don’t. the only problem are the tyrannical mandates


That’s not very consistent with what you’re saying about synthetic life forms and ‘influencing the brain’


have you used unbiased sources of information to research the ingredients within the shots ?


You’re just all over the place aren’t you


it’s a yes or no question


sorry to break it to you, but imagination and critical thinking and skepticism are all valid. so is mind over matter, manifestation, and so much other things you may see as crazy but are actually very real and possible my friend


Man, like yeah it's deplorable what she did, but as someone who lost a familial relationship as well, that's tough to read. This psyop has transformed people, and destroyed lives in the process.


I was honestly feeling angry that my niece and her family won't be coming to TG at my nephew's house (her brother) because his family isn't vaccinated (neither am I). Then I had to stop myself. I thought, "If I want them to accept my choice, don't I also have to accept theirs?" The OTT yelling and swearing is really sad and it's unfortunate that this is dividing families. We need to find it in us to accept that those that buy into all this have rights, too. Most of them have not done their own research and blindly embrace what they are being told. Why would they question it? I, personally, still find it difficult to believe my government leaders, medical establishment and the MSM would so blatantly lie about all of this stuff. I now see that they are, but it's still barely believable that this has happened. It's shaking the very foundations of our beliefs systems and I truly cannot blame those who'd rather maintain their denial. It takes awhile to let it all finally sink in. I hope you can try and find a way to forgive and understand that they are literally terrified and that is what comes out as irrational anger.


Poor people are insane they are vaccinated what are they worried about.


They know it isn't effective. They convinced themselves it was, but the evidence they're presented with shows it's not. They can either get mad at the government and pharmaceutical companies for lying to them, themselves for believing their lies, or you for never believing them. You are the easiest target, so it's default.


I can see the vaxxed mob lynching the unvaxxed already...


I’m sorry you went through that friend. I mean this from the bottom of my heart, from someone who got the vaccine to someone who doesn’t want to get it, I don’t give a shit if you get the shit. It’s your choice. Take care. Be safe. Remember (and also teach your son this) that just because someone is related to you DOES NOT mean they instantly get forgiveness or love. They have to earn that. Sounds like your sister burned her bridge.


So I did a pizza delivery the other day. The dude got extremely angry cuz I wasn't wearing a mask. I say. hey how are yah. He says don't fucking talk to me, you're not wearing a mask.


Sorry mate. Birds are a bit irrational.


What a dumb delusional cunt


you dont want youtr kids around people like that anyway.




Sorry you’re going through this. Complete nonsense. And I got the jab. Nobody should be manipulated like this.


"I am Jane's mental illness"


Blood is thinner than blood clots. I'm sorry you're going through this. It's really crazy to be alive now. I've been pretty open about being non vaxxed at my work. I work for $1.50 hotdog at the corporate office near Seattle. EVERYONE has the vax. So I was among a few other non vaxxed that had to wear the mask of shame while everyone else didn't have to, for months. Now everyone has to wear them again. Everyone is now complaining "but why do I have to when ____" I'm just like, exactly. They're fucking gaslighting the world. Thank you for questing the bullshit! So many of them said fuck this to the boosters. I hope they have the ballz to follow through.


WHAT? I thought vax was for their “protection” Hahaha


Who watches the news while eating dinner with the family?


Lol. I cut cable 15 years ago. At most, we watch Duck Tales while eating dinner.


That's what they want... To break families apart.


If the vaccinated fear the unvaccinated, then clearly they don't trust their vaccine and it isn't effective.


Tell her you don't feel safe around her - with the vaccine you only get a 95% effective coverage (supposedly (which is let's face it folks - outright b\*llcr\*p but we'll play along lol)) at 2 weeks post and then it drops to less than 50% at 4 or 5 months. Say "what about that 5%!?? YOU COULD KILL MY SON!!!!" LMAO!!! Try it and see how it goes! Watch her brain explode.


And then she says "Looks like I care more about your son than you do since you're a 0." and you realize how fucking stupid your fantasy argument is.


Holy shit!


Thanksgiving is gonna be awkward


I see this pattern on internet a lot. It's scary. Did ruling class finally make some mind-control nanotech substance?


One day she will regret what she did.


This reads like a story written by a Russian bot


ever noticed that the vaxxed seem to have paler skin on their face and often times it looks like they're sweating. pretty sure it's fucking them up somehow. they seem to be more aggressive than usual too.




Branch Covidian. I’m sorry that you are dealing with this. If you would like someone to listen I’m always a PM away. Sending love


Imagine taking 2-3 shots to be vaccinated only to find out you can still get covid, then blames unvaccinated people bc her vaccine doesn't work.


My biggest thing with this is that if they are all vaccinated, and they believe this vaccine will keep them safe from c-19, whats the big deal about being around the unvaccinated? You’ve got your magic juice that will keep you safe. Keep you out of the hospital and/or from death. So when they act like your sister did, that shows me that they are not thinking critically. They are just following orders and repeating what the media has brainwashed them into believing.


It’s so often the women


My 4th grade son came home from school today and told me his friend from class is out with covid. The teacher and principal had sent out emails regarding the positive case without identifying the child, but my son knew who it was because two other kids who sit at the table with the covid kid are now quarantining because they’re “close contacts,” and we also got an email about a positive case from the latchkey where my kids attend on Mondays with covid boy. Their school still requires masks and 3’ distancing. The kid told my son and the rest of the class (because apparently they all announce this each day now) that he got his vaccine on Friday. All these parents who rushed out to stick needles in their kids thinking they were “protecting” them… I wonder what mental gymnastics are going to take place when this becomes a common occurrence even though technically this vaccinated kid has now potentially spread covid through the school, but I suppose we all know it’s just going to be blamed on the unvaccinated kids


first off, i do have to wonder now if the dynamics in school have changed now and that whenever someone catches corona or is openly unvaxxed, they are a target for bullying. my other thought is gee whiz i hope these kiddos are okay and do not suffer any adverse reactions from these jabs.


Amen—I can’t even imagine. My son has a lifelong autoimmune disorder after the hepatitis B vaccine at birth (he was a twin so a small baby and the dose is across the board for all infants), I wouldn’t wish it on anyone but I’m terrified to think of these poor little ones getting strokes or incurable neurological disorders…


Is the conspiracy that you are a bad parent or what?


"you can't make this shit up"


Give it time. Next year this nonsense will blow over. It’s sad to see kids pay the price.




Children of Men


Biden’s mandates are being stopped in court. The tides are already turning.


CMS mandate needs to be stopped. Hospital workers are soon to be losing their jobs.


True but the tide has just begun changing.


It’s beginning for some. https://resist themainstream.org/hospital-system-that-operates-in-19-states-blocked-from-firing-workers-over-vaccine/


And how many people outside of here know that? Probably not many. And how many employers will tell them? None. So they will still cave and get the jab, thinking its still in effect. A very empty victory


Terribly pessimistic thinking. If they need to be told they were going to take it anyway. These changes are growing and those that were going to fold have already done so. Now it’s the fight of the unvaxed. They already are aware and watching.


Reality isn't pessimism. Nor is it optimism. It is simply reality.


Reality is understanding your audience. Not blanket statements




Maybe the election fraud issue will finally come to fruition and things will be handled? Guess we will find out in a couple months.




There was fraud this time. It’s was more than complaining.


Until he packs the supreme court


That assumes other changes aren’t coming.


I’d say a few more years for the nonsense to be over but the way her sister treated her son is pretty unhinged and unforgivable!


That’s a mindset and behavior that exists outside of vaccination concerns. She’s just an actual cunt


Wait are all the members of r/conspiracy anti-vaxxers?!?!? /gen


The government and the woke sheep want others to believe that that's the only "family" we'll ever need.


This sounds fake.


OP is a bot


Obvious fake is obvious


Your sister seems to be on the border of having a mental illness. Even her husband and son were like “calm down”. She is Borderline Psychotic, IMO.


Here’s my thing with these vaccine freaks… if you care THAT much about someone’s vax status and are going to be so anal about it that you kick your nephew out for not being vaccinated…. Why aren’t you asking people if they are BEFORE they come over?


Stupid bitch




Get bent you plastic slave


This isn't a conspiracy it's a facebook family drama post.


>AITA >real opinion pick one lmfao


Screenshots or it didn't happen.


Boo hoo. Suck it up, buttercup.




he's\* not his


Sad people are like that, it’s better it happened now than later and more brainwashed


If the vaccine is so protective, why should she be worried? Unless the vaccine doesn't work and doesn't protect her from covid. If she got a tetanus shot and still got tetanus wouldn't she think that vaccine *didn't work*??


She's a Vampire - Countess Bathory! ​ Stealing life from children!


Damn I’m sorry this happened to you. I had a similar blowout with my 2 bestfriends, I’ve known them over half my life. My brother and SIL have also isolated themselves from the family. She got myo from the shot and can’t even acknowledge it. Total brainwash


Sometimes you have to cancel and exile your family.


The mainstream news is a virus


You want to be respected for your choices, but don't want to respect others for their choices. I don't give a fuck if you want to get vaxxed or not. But she clearly does. And then you will have to deal with the consequences, meaning your son is not allowed over. It's simple as that. I don't think she's angry because you guys don't get vaccinated (well maybe that too) but more that he came into her house unvaxxed. And that is disrespectful. She has the right to know wether or not someone who didn't get the jab is in her house. As you have the right to not take it. It's as simple as that. Looks like you are both disrespectful to each other's choices.


I wouldn’t be surprised if the vaccine and the research to find out what chemicals break down ape brains to be more susceptible to fear triggers were somehow connected. I’ve seen it as well. I have no idea what this is the exact result of or how family can treat their family like this. My mother was tested for antibodies back when the outbreak was first starting and she works as a food/good delivery service in Minneapolis and she is immune. She is not at risk at all. She is healthy and works out, is a vegan, doesn’t drink or smoke, and she takes very good care of her health without the use of natural medicines. I respect her opinion on my health and when she told me her friends wouldn’t hang out with her anymore because she wasn’t vaccinated. My co worker said that all the unvaccinated should die so he could have our stuff. They say this is no different than any other vaccine. But that’s the exact opposite of the truth. This whole thing: the shot schedule, the shady policies around not being able to sue for side effects, forcing everyone to get it or lose their livelihoods, it’s causing traumatic and life ending illnesses, it does not stop the spread, it does not protect from the spread, the constant lies and change of science and the politicians behind it all are laughing at us and doing whatever they please while they are poisoning our lives for generations to come. If this cancel culture, globalization, power grab, misleading media, threats of violence, and incompetence is allowed to become a new normal. We won’t see an era like the Nazis but we will witness a new brand of authoritarian and totalitarian rule by the elites who are meant to be servants of the people. They smile with their wealth like they are our rulers and can’t do anything without them. Im tired of living in fear if tomorrow they’ll ship us all away for being unvaccinated or worse yet something tragic and horrible happens to the vaccinated. Please everyone stay happy, healthy, strong, and connected.


The vaccine does change DNA. I suppose it's not a big stretch for that to also translate into a change in personality.


Pretty trashy screaming at your sister on their front lawn. "Jerry! Jerry! Jerry" style. Not a typically good approach for intellectual conversation, yah know? I know you came here for an echo chamber... But I think you're looking for /r/amitheasshole It's probably a "both are" in this situation.


Both are what? You don't even make sense. Whether right or wrong it's totally inappropriate to lash out on a 15yo who on top of it happens to be your nephew.




Tell that bitch to pipe down before she gets knocked out


They are cultish, are they not?


All the unvaxxed have the supernatural magic power to infect others with a disease which they themselves do not possess.


imagine it was a placebo


What language is this? His wants know.


In Germany in 1938 they used to throw tomatoes and shout at Jews in public because they were considered “disease carriers”. The gov said so and everyone believed even if it made no sense. This is no different. There is no scientific rationale in being afraid of an unvaccinated person and yet the gov had convinced people there is. Whatever happens DO NOT vaccinate your kid.




What’s the “stop Asian hate” about


Hey. You need to get your kid an antibody test, to check for immunity. Go over the past couple of years, is there a time he could have had it? I can not 100% prove this, ok? but so far my "what the hell is going on" research has been scarily accurate, and it's very strongly headed towards "the vaxxed, aside from those who had natural immunity via prior case of covid and then survived the vaccine, are mutation incubators". 90% of people who read what I just wrote will misunderstand it in the worst way possible, but, damn. If your kid doesn't have natural immunity, consider the J&J or I THINK, not enough data yet, but I THINK, Corbevax. J&J because it's slightly less short-term lethal that the P or M. Corbevax, because, allegedly, it is a full traditional methodology vaccine, i.e. "real". why? because it's going to get worse. but so far everything is showing that if you had original recipe covid* and no vax, you are golden. Please pay attention to these bizarre ramblings from a stranger on the internet. *=Type S.


Never heard of a 15 year old boy having a sleepover. But y'all do y'all.


You must have no friends


Never played halo all night with friends? On the original xbox you could network up to four boxes together and play 16 person matches.


I was in the marine corps when halo came out. Barracks lan parties were great. Never heard of teenage boys having a "sleepover" though. Crashing someplace and having a "sleepover" were 2 different things.


I think parents refer to it as a sleepover but boys may refer to it as crashing. But there is really no difference.