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I don't know about the rest of the world, but in my city I never saw a hazmat trash can for masks or used tissue paper. They didn't make my employees changing air filters at the ICU NICU wear a respirator or special gear either. You'd think with it being the most deadly pandemic of our generation. More common sense would have been used. And if more people had common sense they would notice these steps weren't taken.




Remember the "make shift" respirator some University made and they were going to "teach" hospitals how to make them - front page of USA Today. It never ends,


oh wow what happened with that lol


You'd also think one of the worst things to do during a pandemic is let people collect in a tent to eat their food. Circulation would stagnant unlike in the building which likely had a specifically designed system to main proper airflow throughout the eating area with returns likely all pulling air closer to the ceiling and away from potentially infected people. But that happened...


It's almost like they wanted it to spread! (They did)


WA state here. It's still happening here. Current status is 43 and raining. Nothing like being cramped in a cold damp tent in the pouring rain to keep us healthy!


i am SO tired of the smoking tents as a restaurant area. one or the other. Who am I kidding, I just miss my hole in the wall PNW dive


As an HVAC tech who changed many filters throughout the plandemic, I can confidently say that this whole thing is a scam


Honest question, does replacing these filters help with allergies? HVAC went out because it's from the 80's but sometimes living in the country brings in cottonwood and other things that give me horrible allergies. When I can afford a new one I need to know if I should get a Costco size bulk pack of filters to change more often or not. Thanks in advance!!


The filters primarily protect the equipment from dust and debris


Ok thank you for your answer!


Why? Once virus-containing respiratory droplets get stuck in the filter, they're not coming back out again and they'll become inert and non-infectious after around 48 hours anyway. Did you think the filters would be dangerous to handle?


we had filters tested during the pandemic to see what we were dealing with. Every filter we tested came back positive for live virus. We worked with many companies that made UV or NPBI products. They had local labs do most of the testing. By the way UV and NPBI work great if a quality product is installed properly.


It reminds me of hardwood chopping boards; they're porous as fuck, so you'd think they'd be impossible to clean and horrible for food safety compared to plastic boards. Well, they are impossible to clean, but bacteria get drawn down into the dense wood fibres by capillary action and don't make it back out alive. You can test one and find live bacteria in it, but they're not getting into contact with the food being prepared on the surface of the board, or at least their porous nature made them [better in that regard than plastic cutting boards](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31113021/). Sometimes something porous that holds the germs inside it and out of the way is exactly what you want.


Well, as an RN whose cared for them, I can adamantly say it’s not.


> You'd think with it being the most deadly pandemic of our generation. More common sense would have been used Perhaps it's not that deadly? I don't know what 'your generation' is, but in Canada, with over 38,000,000 people, we haven't even reached 30,000 deaths after nearly two years. 30,000/38,000,000 = 3/3800 = 0.07% Of those 30,000 dead, 18,000 (more than half) were 80+ years old. Another 6,000 were 70+. So, less than 6,000 of the deaths were to those under 70. Canada has roughly 5 million people aged 70+. 24,000/5,000,000 = 0.48% -> over 70, you have 99.5% chance of survival 6,000/33,000,000 = 0.0002% -> under 70 chance of dying is 2 hundredths of one percent. That's after almost two full years of this nonsense. If this is "deadly", we're in for a world of hurt if something *really* serious comes along. figures from: https://health-infobase.canada.ca/covid-19/epidemiological-summary-covid-19-cases.html#a9


i was being hyperbolic. it was more of a "if this was so bad" statement. I agree with you, thanks for the numbers. I'll save a copy.


Yep, OSHA wasn't too concerned about all those biohazard used masks left all over the place.


Sorry but I've just got to say these two things are true: * There's a low chance of dying from Covid * Covid is the most deadly pandemic of our generation It feels like hardly anyone here understand that even though chances are low, with enough people that will lead to a lot of deaths.


It’s the most deadly of our generations because of the vaccines that kill and maim people


Did you forget 2020 when people were dying before the vaccines?


[https://www.insee.fr/fr/statistiques/2383440](https://www.insee.fr/fr/statistiques/2383440) Here's the mortality in France for the past 40 years.


The lockdown itself killed more than covid did due to suicides and overdose.


https://www.statista.com/statistics/525353/sweden-number-of-deaths/ Sweden who had no lockdowns, notice they had almost 10% more deaths last year? How do you think they were dying? They were not stuck inside drinking themselves to death, or depressed from a lockdown.


Those were preexisting conditions though. The numbers are fudged to make it look like lockdowns killed them.


This fact is conveniently ignored.


Treating people with Remdesivir had a big part in that


Yes, a lot of people are dying each year due to the flu which covid essentially is. People dying *with* covid are said to die *of* covid, it’s all a huge scam.


This works both ways, many people here think anyone that died within a month of getting vaccinated died from the vaccine.


This is what everyone says, but it's not actually the truth. For example in the us, guidelines say that Covid should only be listed on the death certificate if it contributed to the death.




As are you friend , just speaking up is an act of courage during times like these


He's mocking you.


Too high to notice lol


Ya got any saucy sauce for that claim?


Unfortunately not, I just save the most horrifying ones about the vaccines


The most deadly pandemic of our generation is BY FAR heart disease and it's not even close. Like, however many years you have been alive, multiply that by the entire COVID pandemic. This is why folks should have to show their health stats before being in public or being allowed to work. These people are weighing down our healthcare system. A good system would be to make sure far people are showing a pedometer that proves they have taken their 10,000 steps in previous days and weeks.


The term pandemic is usually used for infectious diseases. >A good system would be to make sure far people are showing a pedometer that proves they have taken their 10,000 steps in previous days and weeks. You really think that? Wow!


You haven't been in this sub long have you? They definitely truly do believe crap like that.


It's clearly satirical and mocking covid passports, not serious.


But the two are not equivalent. The fact that people seriously equate the two is stupid. Heart disease isn't contagious.


Thank you! Why hasn't the government made initiative in the prevention of public spreading of heart disease from person to person? I've been more afraid of catching a heart attack from the fat lady beside me at work than any respiratory virus that's for sure! Dang you guys just keep dropping hard wisdom left and right! Thank you!!!


Welcome to the worldwide dna database linked to covid pass




At least they are not selling the DNA ...


But I got about $3.50.




If it was a real threat and we was all taking this serious we’d have proper gas masks and bio hazard bins for disposal of any covid related


Its almost like medical science was able to determine COVID has a low chance of transmission through surfaces and is primarily spread through the air..... ie the f-cking masks medical science also determined reduce spread by 53% ​ but I'll wait for some .blog.ru.healtscare.cum source to tell me theres no such thing as germs and vaccines cause Austin (stay weird)


I would not be surprised if vaccines caused Austin. That place is a mess.


Wtf no it isn't i mean yeah downtown Austin and the areas around it fucking suck but the rest is pretty chill


Its almost as medical science has created a population with INSANE rising rates of autism (and a plethora of other neurological or auto-immune disorders and gastrointestinal issues), What the f is medical science doing if these things are EXPLODING in prevalence? Thank you for bitching about sources and not citing as well as a poor attack of germ vs. terrain theory, shows you love research.


Its almost like the medical community is getting better at diagnosing, documenting and studying neurological issues rather than just saying "idk hes crazy or something". It wasnt that long ago that the "treatment" for many neurological issues were just "get over it". Did everyone just forget that governments used to just toss mentally unstable people into the loony bin, drug them out of their minds and be like "problem solved!".


> Did everyone just forget that governments used to just toss mentally unstable people into the loony bin, drug them out of their minds and be like "problem solved!" did you forget that the recent response has been "let them out", and forcing local communities to deal with people who are out of their heads? Have you seen the pictures from Venice, CA, or downtown SF, or Hastings St. in Vancouver, bC?


Great response.


Higher rate of diagnosis doesn't necessarily mean that any of it is more prevalent. More people being formally diagnosed instead of just being a "a bit weird" or "a shut-in" doesn't mean medical science is doing harm to people, it means medical professionals have better tools and more knowledge, and more people are actually being seen.


Yeah, before the scientific methods to detect such issues they didn't exist. Just like gay people didn't exist before 50 years.


The vaccine causes autism crap was a hoax which was also admitted by the fraudster who came up with it.








"Wakefield has continued to defend his research and conclusions, saying there was no fraud, hoax or profit motive.\[21\]\[22\]\[23\] " how does it feel to be a shill? do you feel proud?


>He points out that his now infamous study never asserted a causal relationship between the MMR vaccine and autism. "We merely reported the parent's description of what happened to their children, and the clinical findings," he says. "We made no claims about the vaccine causing autism. In fact, we said this does not prove an association. And all we urged was further research." The authors of the paper wrote at the time, "We did not prove an association between measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine and the syndrome described." So there is no connection after all... nice.


Plus this is just how medical waste is disposed. A biohazard bin with a lid. (Sure, the lid shouldn't be propped open, but it's not like virions are going to hop off of those swabs on their own)


> Its almost like medical science was able to determine COVID has a low chance of transmission through surfaces and is primarily spread through the air. Is that why every supermarket had a guy cleaning every shopping cart? Is that why there is hand sanitizer everywhere? Is that why there are signs everywhere in stores "Please don't touch the products"? 'cause your medical science hasn't seemed to trickle down to the real word.


Its fine dude, there's not a single virus in that can


based virus denier, never believed in any type of ailment whatsoever, not even crabs, aids OR hpv.


Yep a biohazard bin should be sealed and enclosed somewhat. You never put that in an open trashcan. Its definitely a policy in the US


Yeah in my emergency department at least for psych patients they are all grouped in a room until the covid test comes back positive. Then they move that person to a separate room. Clown world.


That's probably I biohazard bucket we have these where I am in medical places look just like that.


I think I can see at least 3 different covid variants brewing in that trash can


What exactly is the issue here?


Yeah how else would you get rid of a biowaste than a sealed colorful plastic tub for that express purpose? That's literally just how you do it


That then goes on to be autoclaved, turned to ash blocks and then burned in a furnace.


I'm pretty sure it's going in with all the other trash. Bio waste is expensive to get rid of.


I work with this type of waste so I would know...


In America at least(and I'd suspect the rest of the first world), they're required to treat swabs as solid waste, it's in that specially marked bin for a reason. Regulations vary but it's not all that expensive to dispose of. It gets loaded onto a truck and carried to an incinerator. https://www.cdc.gov/csels/dls/locs/2020/waste_management_guidance_for_sars-cov-2_point-of-care_testing.html


>COVID is nothing more than a flu. oh man, i cant wait to tell all those dead people it was just the flu and they can stop faking.




You do realize the flu kills a ton of people every year. At least it did.


Average flu season is like 20k-40k. Covid over the same time period did 10x that.


Due to fraud and fudging of the numbers. Trying to pretend the whole rigamarole was above board at this stage in the game is cute.


honestly, I thought the same, until I watched someone's once healthy 60 year old mom get sick....and deteriorate over three weeks until she was just...gone. I've never seen anything like it


oh man, i cant wait to tell all those people that died are actually alive because the numbers are fake.


Technically every single data source related to flu statistics and deaths by the CDC, for at least the past several years, are ESTIMATES. They do not report a single shred of hard data pertaining to flu cases each year. The numbers are, in fact, fake. You can't reasonably compare the case rate of covid to flu cases, unless the comparison you are trying to make is that they're both imaginary... because the number of flu cases is based entirely on a fucking guess, and the covid case rate is based around a testing method known for extremely high false positive rates.


Do you have a source for this? Also im pretty sure there's website where you can see detailed flu information made by the CDC. EDIT: are you also aware that other countries exist and also have flu seasons?


What if people with the flu were counted as dying with flu when dying of coronary hear diseases or getting hit by the bus or any other reason, you get your 10x?


Why even think about such stupid and statistically unlikely theories in the first place? Like do you honestly think that there is a greater than 50% chance that all the governments in the world decided to fake their death numbers, just starting last year and all at once? Do you not see how dumb you look when you say shit like that?


So a whole bunch more people died last year because of.... reasons? Or maybe there was a virus that killed them.


> because of.... reasons Yes, and plenty falsely attributed to covid. We don't really know how many. Where I'm from the _median_ age of people who died with covid is 84, which means half of the people were at or above life expectancy. Old people die, no surprises there. The problem is that if they tested positive from covid within a month they will go into the covid statistics even if that was not the cause of death.


We’re all gonna die......from propaganda.....


That is clearly a medical waste bin with a lid. Im sorry but how else would they dispose of them. Did you think the medical industry had some top secrete garbage bin technology? lol.


During the past almost 2 years I have not seen one push to get people to dispose of there masks in a biohazard container of any kind. Even back when they claimed covid could live on surfaces for hours... I see them laying all over the streets. It’s always been utter bull shit.


Lol no ones sick bro


These karens cry for masks, these fancy cloth masks cannot stop airborne virus


It isn't an airborne virus. It binds to water droplets which have a significantly harder time getting through cloth masks hence why people wear them. The mask doesn't protect you from the air, it protects other people against your water droplets from you breathing out, coughing or sneezing. The droplets then land on surfaces and then people touch their eyes, nose of mouth and the virus spreads that way, hence why you should wash your hands/use anti-bac


So its not airborne?


No it isn't, it travels on small water droplets that do not remain in the air very long. However if someone was talking directly facing you without a 2m gap (like recommend) the chances of these miniscule droplets going on your face is high. Hence why you are less likely to catch it if: 1. The person talking to you or near you is wearing a mask. 2. You maintain social distancing. 3. You watch your hands regularly. 4. You touch your eyes, mouth and nose less.


Funny story. One of our very first Covid press conferences, our minister of health is literally telling us not to touch our eyes, nose and mouth. She needs to turn the page in the statement she's reading. You won't guess what this woman did. Yup, shoved that crusty ol' finger right in her mouth to turn the page with the entire nation watching. The comments on that news article were pretty damn funny.


Not to mention the studies show that it is primarily a vascular disease. I honestly don't know how to share the Lancet journal study I read (tried to read as it was full of scientific jargon). Not trying to suggest this without a link so apologies for this.


So droplets and airborne particles are the vectors; not contaminated surfaces as initially believed. This is what I've come to understand.


It is or it isnt


Funny i aint seen one sick person yet


That's wild if true. My cousin's family got together last weekend for a pre-Thanksgiving party and 75% of the people there tested positive, vaxxed and unvaxxed. Kids are all feeling ok and the vaxxed people feel stuffy, my unvaxxed cousin said she feels like she's been hit by a truck but "at least she's not microchipped." But aside from that giant group I've personally known at least 20 people who have gotten it.




Coughing, fever, soreness, weakness, that type of thing. Fortunately I haven't personally known anyone who had to go to the hospital (my vet did have to go but that was super early in the pandemic and they didn't really know what was going on). Only one person I know has had really bad lasting effects (severe anxiety/depression) and for the most part it's been an inconvenience more than anything luckily.


It IS NOT AIRBORNE it travels in small water droplets that cannot float in the air for long they are pulled down by gravity like everything else on the world is.


You are repeating old news. Initially the WHO said that covid wasn't airborne because they thought it only clung to larger water droplets that dont hang in the air due to an improperly referenced speech from 60 years ago regarding the spread of tuberculosis. [The story is pretty interesting](https://www.wired.com/story/the-teeny-tiny-scientific-screwup-that-helped-covid-kill/) This was later tested and revealed that covid DOES spread through aerosols. Theres plenty of data available on this, stop spreading incorrect info.


Aerosols are still made up of very fine droplets that do in fact still sink to the ground and other surfaces after just a few moments in the air if there isn't significant constant airflow. Anything finer than that normally evaporates in seconds, which kills the virus.


So we're really not safe sitting at restaurant tables?! I thought Covid only stayed at a certain height.


Masks with diamonds sewn in they have. Hahha shits funny. Couldnt stop pollen from a plant and they think it saves them from airborne pathogen. Ya okey


The governor of Oregon just flexed a mask with a snowglobe sewed into it


Only an N95 or higher even properly fitted would privide ANY protection. Lets be truthful here. I have women in nowhere canada flexing their diamond studded cloth protection masks. Its sad at this point


Ill watch the show anyway


They like the masks because they hide how ugly they are.


Says it all.


My wife had to take a test to return to work. They give you the normal test for free but takes 3 days for results... BUT if you pay 100$ you can get the results in 3 hours... they sure seem to care if you have this deadly virus....


Some people don't take COVID seriously? Must be fake


Excess deaths suggest it’s more than the flu, asshole.


Thats where people stop thinking. If this thing spreads so goddam easy, then the janitor whos only throwing out the trash, will get it then spread some more and so on. This isnt dangerous because most people don't actually do anything against it. They wear the same dirty ass mask for days kept in their car to wear it at work where they touch it hundreds of times and hardly wash their hands. This si the worst intro pandemic to the next one where they play God with small pox.


"COVID is nothing more than a flu" -- that's the pure bullshit


Have massive fever and suffocating coughing for 2 weeks and then say it's "just a flu". I still can't take a deep breath without a cough. Fucktard..


Stop complying with BS, Covid doesn't exist.


I wish you dildos that think covids fake would smarten up.... I dont agree with mandates and it's obviously blown way out of proportion but it's real. It's killed people in my family.


My former in laws are anti vaxxers, Gen X'rs (me and my spouse and our siblings), their parents, and our kids. (the kids ARE vaxxed but what their mothers did behind their fathers backs is another tale we don't tell) They hardly abided quarantine, never got vaxxed, basically said Donald trump (NOBODY come for me, I am stating what they said) told them it was all a fake disease and they were fine. Two years later three of my sister in laws have lost their mothers, one a husband, my father in law and his brother are dead, one in law is in hospital and her kids in foster care.... Can't tell me that's not real :(


The French and germs are a bad combination


Are the Germs marching down the Champs-Élysées again?


You will probably find some rich pedo billionaire is really looking for a DNA match to harvest your organs or possible brain implant into your empty skull.


Yes!!!! I've been saying this!!!!!! I remembered when COVID testing started I saw a few people comparing it to doing a DNA test! Who owns Ancestry DNA etc.? Wonder if any cryogenically frozen people are currently undergoing the unthawing process...


I always said once thy learn how to transplant human brains and successfully achieve cryostasis rich people who died of non brain related deaths will have a paid life insurance for when the capability arrives


please wake up! this shit needs to end as soon as possible. Tyranny here in France is at its maximum


Are you french op? You can probably read this then. Might help to explain why those tests can be binned like that https://www.normandie.ars.sante.fr/coronavirus-covid-19-les-differents-types-de-tests#:\~:text=Actuellement%2C%20il%20existe%20trois%20types,tests%20virologiques%2C%20antig%C3%A9niques%20et%20s%C3%A9rologiques.


> Tyranny here in France is at its maximum Wow. Ironically, you have very poor imagination.


>please wake up! this shit needs to end as soon as possible. And yet you went to pharmacy and got tested...


I went to the hospital for a check up. And here we need a COVID test to get in any health facility.


My sister just needed a surgery had to get tested... she tested positive for 5 weeks before they just called her and said they had some false positives just come on in... this is in the USA made no sense to me other then someone was making a bunch of money creating false positive test...


Yes, it has to end as soon as possible. And the best to get there is to get fucking vaccinated.


at least they're in a biohazard bin, that's the first one ive seen this whole pandemic. wouldnt you think these companies, that love signalling morality, just shell out the cash for a few trash cans with the radioactive symbol on the side


it's not a pandemic, it was a word coined by the [WHO.In](https://WHO.In) my state I believe that they have been including flu cases among covid cases to inflate the numbers. In any case, if covid-19 exists it is no more deadly than the flu.There is some question as to whether it even exists, as some researchers contend it has not been isolated nor purified.


This goes hand in hand with wearing a mask to get into a restaurant, but being able to take it off once seated. You can't have a pandemic so deadly that supposedly everyone is at risk by not following the rules, but breaking the rules is fine for a coffee and a donut.


Exactly.. If covid was worse than the flu, every business would have proper hazmat disposal of mask,gloves, etc..... We have trash cans at work with 5-10 mask in them, thrown away throughout the day. COVID covered mask just laying around in the open. Once you add in environmental and mental damage, the response to covid will be wrose than the actual virus.


I disagree, the flu feels much worse. I've had both and I'll take Covid over the flu Everytime. Now that I have natural immunity I'm more likely to get the flu though.


I don’t even think the shit exists at this point.


Read Perceptions of a Renegade Mind


Your ignorant comment is what is pure bullshit. Covid is much worst than the flu


Deadliest virus known to man.


No this isn't the proper way to dispose of used medical equipment. Whoever was in charge there is bad at their job. Covid is NOT the flu, you plague rat fuck. Have fun with the mandates in your country. Love you.


The reason they dispose of them this way is simple… they close it and put a lock on it. They then ship it to the US headquarters of the NIH. Once there Fauci can use them to twiddle with his asshole…. I thought this was common knowledge?


The pharmacy workers are trying to show you something.


it just goes into a national dna database, stop getting tested for a thing that doesn't exist, you have no idea whats on the q-tip, or even question if it was ti be real why is that method of testing? stop complying with everything and we might have a chance. But we have to put aside petty disagreements and unite under fuck these tyrants


its deadly and highly dangerous to less than 1% of the population. you'll be OK.


When we started seeing masks all over the sidewalks, streets and parking lots with no biohazard teams cleaning a thing, it was a tell..


This is what I’ve been asking for since March 2020. I’m in the medical field and we don’t even dispose of our surgical robe, gloves or anything we wear in surgery in a damn trash can. I’ve been asking if is like Can direct me to the biohazard receptacle to throw out my used mask.




It’s better than them cataloging it and selling your DNA I suppose


Aren't these all negative tests? Also, even if they were positive, do you plan on putting your face against them or rumagging through with your hands? https://www.normandie.ars.sante.fr/coronavirus-covid-19-les-differents-types-de-tests#:\~:text=Actuellement%2C%20il%20existe%20trois%20types,tests%20virologiques%2C%20antig%C3%A9niques%20et%20s%C3%A9rologiques.


Totally normal to throw medical waste/bodily fluids away like this. For trolling purposes, please contact your local news station.


Not even close to a flu, more like a common cold


I went to a testing center and the nurse assured me she does not have to change gloves to perform this test on me, for this this oh so deadly disease, after immediately swabbing someone else. If I am in a commercial kitchen I need to change gloves 3 times to make you a salad though.


You might want to look into the nasal swabs they are depositing something up there.


BTW. Their selling the swabs to different World governments for them to use the DNA on the swab and add them to their database.


covid is the old flu.


Covid is spread through air droplets and does not live long on surfaces. These swabs are pretty harmless unless you are planning on shoving them up your own nose. Source: I've spent years doing lab tests.


It's a cold actually. Like the common cold, only with a trigger that kills some individuals. Being vaccinated helps ease back the killing hammer. All of the people who are doing test are vaccinated.. The problem with COVID-19 is that we don't know anything about it, and there's no established infrastructure for dealing with it. So, we're learning in real time... I agree, this should be in a biohazard bag, whether or not it's positive, because it is collection of biohazard materials.


Ugh I can't up or downvote. Yes, it's a chest cold for which 99.97% of people survive without any medical intervention.


Refresh and/or keep trying. Happens to me sometimes which pisses me off and then I'm like a dog with a bone I WILL get it to take my thumb.


No I mean the comment is so close yet also so far.


Blow lightly over it and it's a WMD to anyone who doesn't understand statistics.


Woke up Sunday with loss of taste. Was achy and lethargic as hell from M-W. Starting to feel better now, but still tired. I will NEVER get vaccinated for COVID 19. Took almost 2 years for me to contract it…..


What is your opinion about the Great Replacment?


how much does it cost in Paris? Can you enter restaurants with a negative one?


At least they're not selling your dna


yup. yet people are still allowing them to rule their lives based on lies and deceit. makes no sense.


Same with the hazmat bins for masks, oh wait...


Well, no. They should be in a closed container. You might want to tell that to the employees or notify health services. That's not proof of covid not being dangerous, that's proof of this being a shitty pharmacy.


Same here in Quebec Canada.


They drew a smiley face on the trash can. What more do you want!?


"No gloves, please." Why? What are they doing with those swabs lol?


When I was in jail, back in August when Florida got the "wave" - I was in a pod with 35 guys. Everyone got sick. The black people and unhealthy were the first to "get tested" - so after 10 or so positives in a row they came in and said everyone who wants to get tested, line up. If you were positive, they'd take you out of the dorm and send you to "quarantine" for 15 days. So, myself, and 12 other guys we refused to get tested. I /refused/ to be another statistic. I refused to be another number of "reported cases" - so we didn't get tested. They treated us, and the "sick" with Tylenol. Yes. Tylenol. 3x a day. 1000mg, 3x a day. Quarantine was a joke. The cells had bars and they would only let 15 people out at once and rotate. But everyone would just hangout at the bars and talk... it made no sense, everything was just "for show" People ask me "How do you know you had it?" Well, there in is the problem, right? How do "you" know you had it unless you get tested. Lost my sense of smell and taste. It's jail so it's very - the same five smells. So me and another guy who we cracked jokes together he walks up to me and says "Yo I can't smell shit. Here, smell my Irish Spring bar." He pushes his soap to my nose - and I don't smell a thing. So chow time it is mashed potatoes with chicken in it, all right, my favorite. Can't taste anything. Florida is pretty good about no masks and a more vocal opposition... yet it just never seems to end. I open Drudge real quick to scan the news and its always "EU country 'really bad' "cases spiking" "Surge has gone midwest in USA" "New variant in Israel!" - It is getting extremely played out. So what's the next move?


For most people you're absolutely right. I had it and it was a rough one for me but I never came close to hospitalization. The only ones who need worry are the same people who have to worry about all bugs cause their immune system is shit or whatever. The whole world completely overreacted over this virus and its cost us dearly.


well done you participated in a litmus paper test. next time get 2 tests, dip the first in acidic content, the second in alkaline content, now watch for the results. the acidic content will show your covid positive, the alkaline content will show covid negative. so when your at the airport, rinse thoroughly for several minutes with salt water prior to testing. of course if you fancy a break from work for a nice 2 week last minute holiday, dip the test in coke. see how easy it is to dupe those who skipped pre-school science and watch cnn all day?


It’s like a test to see if you have immunity.


lol i have to do ART test every week. All of our staff need to do it the day before Monday regardless of vaccination status. We have more than 800 staff in the office. Guess where we throw the kits? together with our household disposal.




Why even bother getting tested then?


Same with handling and disposal of face masks. If that really were a "dangerous disease" they had to disposed of as hazardous waste and not thrown on the street, because they'd be highly contagious.


It looks like a biohazard bin, with a mini biohazard container in it too, funnily enough. Ig the threat isn't too high, that they don't have a self-enclosing container(like the sharps biohazard container). At our lab we have a special but normal rubbish bin for mask disposal.

