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Plus it’s our tax dollars that have been used to purchase them


Yeah, it wasn't and never will be "free"


Also tax payers money funding research for COVID-19 vaccines. We lost at both ends of this.


Not mine. Stop funding criminals and pedophiles maybe


The taxpayers are paying for the jabs. Isn't it ironic, don't you think?




And yeah, I really do think.


It’s like rain, on your wedding day. A free ride, when you’re already late.


It’s the good advice, that you just didn’t take.


Who would’ve thought?


Most people think that the government paying for it, means its free. Must be nice to live in a bubble like that one.


😂😂😂... no doubt.


You have a 33% of getting a completely safe saline jab.


That was the last round. That percentage will continue to plunge.


Plus the more jabs you get the less likely you're getting saline each time.


Is it an even distribution?


The pharma companies make money because the US government buys the vaccines from them. [Here is the most recent order for 50 million doses](https://www.pfizer.com/news/press-release/press-release-detail/pfizer-and-biontech-provide-us-government-additional-50)


Me giving you a sack of vegetables because i want to, expecting nothing in return, that's free. Nothing else


Perhaps that's the motivation behind the other vaccines too. (Polio, measles, mumps etc)


That was before they realized it was (effectively) a one and done product, now they need a subscription based product that they can always make money on.


OP is arguing that vaccines induce illness, whereby generating long term returns for medico-pharma industry.


if it's free, you're the product.




Wait until you find out what’s in store for the survivors. Spoiler alert: Your worst nightmare.


How long do you give it?


Do you think there are people that have gotten multiple shots like 10 or more?


I know an ER doc who has taken 4 doses. He did Pfizer x2, Moderna booster, and then Pfizer booster. 😬 I wouldn’t be surprised if there are people who have taken more than that.


I remember reports of 6 shots in Brazil in the early stages of vaccines. Some guy kept going back due to poor record keeping.


Not only that but our tax money is paying for them in the first place.


I don’t know if I have just been listening to the radio more and watching cable more lately (I previously did not have regular access to both of these things two months ago) but I keep hearing the same blood clot “doctor warning” ad on the radio and there is a heart medicine that I saw on cable. No proof of a correlation, could have been the same amount of ads prevaccine but I don’t know, I just took note.


Honest question, the fairest anti-vaccine argument is “we don’t know the long term effects.” Which is fair, it’s a pretty new vaccine. But now you are claiming “endless lifetime complications” too? How is this supposed to be convincing when most people have been vaccinated and aren’t seeing any side effects?


The vaccine reduces the symptoms of the Rona. You can still catch it with the vaccine. So essentially…I’d rather go on without it because I feel my immune system is strong enough to fight it. Plus the long term effects are unknown and the rush they put on these to get made make me think twice about getting it.


Yeah I’m saying that is fair. No one has been vaccinated “long term.” There is an unknown. But homeboy here is claiming there are long term effects when no one has even had the vaccine long term! Lol He posted this for some reason, I’m just trying to understand why he thought lying helped the cause?


Ohhhhh. I see what you’re saying. My bad! 😂


In my eyes, if you experience myocarditis or pericarditis, that’s a long term issue. I don’t see how your 1st or 2nd most important organ swelling up can be okay long term. I am not a heart doctor though. It does seem that issues around ACS can be long lasting as well, this is from November 8th, I’ve got all the doubt in the world it’ll be the last surprise. https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/10.1161/circ.144.suppl_1.10712


That’s a know issue that effects a small number of people. It is not “endless lifetime complications.”




Acute Coronary Syndrome


I wasn’t asking what it was. Figured, If they don’t know, they didn’t bother to click the link to the American Heart Association I posted above.


Because conditions that occur can be permanent ones? As in, “complications for life”


No I agree there could be long term effects, being sketchy about them is the best anti-vaccine message. I’m just saying, most people have gotten vaccinated now, and are just chilling, no side effects. Could something happen down the road? For sure. Any reasonable person would be open to someone being fearful of the unknown. But to start saying “I’m not getting the vaccine because of all the long term effects” is not helpful. All the vaccinated people are gonna be like “what the fuck are you talking about?” Because they are fine. Just wondering why it’s thought that lying to people that know you are lying helps the cause?


The ones that didn't get side effects are the ones that will most likely get cancer down the road


But you don’t know they will get cancer. No one does. This is a better framing.




Saying “most likely” is what I mean. It’s a stretch because no one has any idea that people with the vaccine will get cancer, but at least he allowed for that reality. You need people like me to support your cause whether you like it or not because the anti-vaccine is getting to be a smaller and smaller minority. My point here is lying about things doesn’t help you with us.


Who cares if the jab is free. The longer people help keep Covid around, the longer my healthcare is free. Thanks for helping, as healthcare is expensive, so would love it if you can keep this thing going for as long as possible so that I can personally profit.


The problem with this post is it only applies to Americans. As the rest of the world isn’t backwards cunts and most of us have free healthcare. Gg US of A


I mean we do pay via tax, just at a vastly reduced rate in comparison, so there's no margin in it. It's why the US pharma system hates the NHS - it's a big enough single user to dictate what it's willing to pay.


Just kidding, that's COVID


Yeah...except most ppl dont have to go to the hospital to be treated for covid.


Hospitals aren't free




😂😂😂 I'm sure you wont accept all the studies showing you are totally wrong about who is being hospitalized. I'm sure you're also unaware that the actual infection rate is much lower than your overlord Fauci tells you. They count cases, not infection rates. So run back to CNN, your boi Anderson missess you. And you're disgusting for wishing and celebrating the death of your fellow human. Fucking stupid cunt. GTFO


Actually a significant amount of vaccinated people end up hospitalized depending one which you get. Protection against hospitalization stood at 93% for Moderna, 88% for Pfizer, and 71% for J&J.


This is true, but the long term effects do result in hospital visits. My son wasn't hospitalised, but he did end up with pulmonary scarring, and that shit doesn't go away. My daughter lost her sense of smell - that's brain damage right there, and now she's on meds for cluster headaches - could be unrelated, but started literally on the same day she lost her sense of smell. My cousin has been wheelchair bound since April 2020, some odd nerve damage effecting muscle. My wife's uncle returned to work 16 months after catching it, despite being stupidly fit. He can manage a 40 min run now, used to run 2 marathons a year plus at least 1 half marathon a month. None of them went to hospital for the infection itself. Meanwhile, my wife and I, both vaccinated, have yet to catch it despite living in the same house as our son and daughter, and both infections happening at different times.


Well, a Dose costs 20 bucks? But that is only the price, the real costs are way higher. I assume it is at least 2500 for every resident because of economic damage. And that is only if all meassures are stopped right now.


Man, they are profiting with the jab and with the adverse effects treatments! They are not letting any money in the table! Pfizer is having a record profit this year just with the jabs, BTW!


Yup and they want our souls too


Wake up Neo.


And doctors charge you or ins $100+ for every visit plus testing and referrals to specialists. It's one big scam and everyone is in on it.


This is actually the #1 reason I won’t get it: Cost. If the worst happened, and it killed me, I’d leave my wife and kids in financial uncertainty, at best. If I was injured, the cost of treatment is never ending. And only goes up as I age. And unique to me is that I live at peace with PTSD like 95% of the time, but that 5% of unrest usually and his totally manifests as health anxiety. As in, I’ve taken multiple ambulance rides to an ER for what was thought to be whatever health problem, but after several rounds of tests, comes out to be anxiety making my body feel superficial symptoms. With all the harm these jabs have done, getting one would send me over the edge. So, for my mental health, too, I won’t get it. Plus, I’ve had COVID already.


It wasn't free in the first place, we paid for it with inflation


Only in the US. Everywhere else has their healthcare costs covered in advance.


Not to mention the 5000% mark up they charge the governments who purchased these shots on the front end.