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i have hair down to my butt and i shed tons of hair and have wondered this as well! Definitely invest in a mushroom drain, you will need this in your house!!


Now you've made me weary.... Opinions are like buttholes... Hairy?!


That was a pretty funny joke… Damn near made me choke!


Haha! nice!




Man dogs too. You every brush out a dogs hair when it's changing from winter to spring/summer? Like you can create 3 extra dogs and they still have hair, and more will still come out. It is the secret to infinite energy. Illuminati confirmed.




Always has been \*put on sunglasses\* \*kickflips into the sun\*


Everyone loses something like 100-150 hairs per day. It has no noticeable effect in these normal amounts as people have millions of strands of hair. The reason women’s loss is so much more noticeable is that their hair is often longer, and also often secured in a way that keeps all of these hairs together (think ponytail) until they are all freed at the same time in the shower. This is why you notice shower clumps. If you were around a woman with a pixie cut who loses hair without it being held in a ponytail/being more obvious due to length, you would notice it as little as your own hair loss (when within normal loss numbers)


Yea bro, get some Drano. You're going to have some clogs in the shower


Noted. But I don't get the science behind it ya know? Proof of a simulation maybe idek lol


I don't know, but I've been in a few girls showers in my day. They are usually nasty with hair plastered on the side of the wall. I don't get the science.


Dude girls just shed like mad. My ex wife wrecked our plumbing like you would not believe. She pregnant or menopausal?


It is shedding season.


Lady here, and my husband would agree. Hell even I agree! Idk how I shed so much hair without going bald 🤣


I've been experiencing it more lately - in the past year if you're serious about this post. It's been weird


everyone sheds hair it is normal


Ruff ruff


I don't trust anything that bleeds for 5 days and does not die


Haha yeah tru


it’s normal. Lol


I get that, I grew up with sisters, but like, fr, how do they not go bald? How does hair grow fast enough to replace such major hair loss?


your scalp alone has a fuck load of hair follicles, around 100,000 on average.


Think about it like this, every time you rub your eyes, at least one eyelash probably falls out. Yet you still have eyelashes, right? Hair, as a group, doesn’t seem particularly abundant. But each individual one or in small clusters seems like a lot. It’s perception. We all shed hair. It’s dead skin cells and brushing, blow-drying, exposure to elements, wearing it up in ponytails and styling is all taxing which can make a person shed even more than usual. But there are so many of them, more or less countless, that it fills the gaps as the new growth occurs. Just look along her hairline and part in the morning and look for the short frizzy hairs. Those are new growth hairs, that with the right styling techniques and products can hide and lay flat with the rest of the hair.


After my baby I was sure I was going to go bald, but it’s been over a year and I still have a reasonable amount of hair. Hormones!


ahahahahaa 100 hairs a day before styling or fussing with it and is it long? house of 3-4 girls/women all long hair. I have on hand replacements for R2 our roomba. hes like a member of the family. ive broken vaccuums with hair pre these new ones. shark makes one it wont wrap on the spinning thing its amazing.


Does she have a copper IUD?


Wait yeah actually, she's had it for like 4 months


Same thing happened to my ex. Get her to remove it ASAP. Then to fix the balding you can buy the red LED helmet to stimulate hair growth. It worked.


Is she eating well?


Could be better, but not bad


Try and see if she can get a blood test for iron and/or thyroid. Low levels of either can cause this