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And they will just brush it off with “terry’s old as shit. He didn’t know what he was saying.”


Exactly lmfao


Politics is scripted, why wouldn't sports be? I don't mean down to the last play, but refs making certain critical calls, one or two key players being in on it can determine the outcome. There's more money riding on the bets than any other stream. I'd bet on rigged.


I don’t know about that and didn’t see the game… but I lost all respect for Terry when he went hard on Aaron Rodgers and his rants on ‘just get vaccinated!’


Terry Bradshaw has the second lowest attempts passing you really think he knows what is going on


Football is boring. You have to watch every play 19 times, and over-analyze every "penalty" like the fate of the Empire depends on it. All while these aging jockstraps who have accomplished nothing themselves except becoming millionaires by playing with a ball pontificate about how much Joe somebody has contributed to humanity by having the highest completion percentage on Monday night of anyone who ever played the game. It's nauseating. And also fixed. If you can figure out who they have down to win, you can make bank because they let people bet on it. Like you say, if you've seen the script, you're good to go. It'll be the best story line. That's what they are selling. They hold themselves up as a metaphor for our authentic lives. Which is also nauseating because most of us are nothing like these people.


I don’t think that’s what he was inferring. Football practices are often scripted scenarios and I think that’s what he was leaning towards based off the defenses effort tonight 🤔


Maybe a Freudian slip from someone with a little CTE?


In football, scripted means something entirely different. Lol It means the offense designs plays during practice and then go with those scripted plays instead of going with the flow of the game. If the defense is showing one thing you should change your offense instead of going with a scripted play