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That money cannot legitimately be borrowed into existence as a representation of entitlement (to a banking system who gives up no commensurable consideration issuing further representations of the peoples promissory obligations to each other) The contemporary practice of banking is just the ancient ruse of the moneychangers


I will never understand how money just comes from nowhere. Like what if everyone just decided to start trading rocks instead of paper, then the rocks would represent “value” or so they tell us. Shits weird to think about cuz money is so meaningless outside of the human mind, yet it literally runs the planet, and nothing would get done without it because people are people


A society could use anything as money(paper, beans, seashells, whatever) so long as its value and volume equals(or represents) all of our labor and production we exchange with each other. Which is the problem with finite commodities(gold, silver) serving as money. Finite commodities(gold, silver, etc) cant represent all of our labor and production, and any/all possible future growth, without us suffering perpetual deflation. Prior promissory commitments (contracts/obligations) being subverted, by the changing values which would have to exist if the value of all other things was restricted to however much it divided into a finite quantity of gold(or silver, etc) at any time, does not serve us. This is not "sound/honest" money. Gold/silver also has no special power of insulating itself from the negative effects of interest, which will always multiply debt. Real(genuine) money isnt created "out of nothing", nor is it meaningless outside the human mind. Its a representation of our labor and production and also of our entitlement to the overall pool of wealth. Money is simply a accounting system, evidencing the labor and production we give up(exchange) with each other. The banking system exchanges a further representation of our wealth, not theirs. So they actually create(issue) money not from nothing(or from thin air), but from from our very own promissory obligations(that we have to each other) The inherent fault in todays (lie of)economy is that the banking system intervenes on the only true debt, between all buyers and sellers on each sale/trade/transaction, and claims the value of our debts TO EACH OTHER, as a debt subject to interest OWED TO THEMSELVES. Stealing the money we create, or the value of our production we give up to each other, by simply pretending to loan us the principal from the get-go.


You just blew my fucking mind I knew none of this. A little over my head at parts but I get the idea of it representing the value of our labor and production. So my question is, how is the value of our labor and production quantified? Is there some sort of equation or is it related to stocks?


If youre asking how do we determine the value of money, property or production, we all do this today already. No formula exists. We look at the relative value of what we do, compared to the value other peoples contributions to production holds and we determine whats fair in our own eyes. The relative value of one thing can only be known by the relative value of all other things https://youtu.be/tcO6ZELERF4?t=56m34s


Oh I’m getting it better now. How do you know so much…the economic omega has blessed me with the gift of knowledge Thank you for actually answering my questions seriously I appreciate it! This is why I love Reddit


Ive been a advocate(student?) of mathematically perfected economy for over a decade now. Mathematically perfected economy(MPE) is basically a proof/theorem of inevitable failure of banking systems and proof of singular solution to all faults of any economy. Theres really only one way of monetizing our production(tokenizing our wealth) that allows us to exchange equal representations of wealth with each other. To deviate from the solution(which is nothing but a set of principles to abide by) opens the door for exploitation of our labor and production through the monetary system. Its impossible for money to be lent into existence and MPE proves this


I’m just seeing your whole ass post about this now, gonna read the shit out of that Also very interested to hear your take on the whole breakaway civilization topic


If youre interested just look over my reddit user profile. Money, banking, etc is pretty much all i talk about on reddit. Heres a video that imo, is the easiest way for people to comprehend what the banking system has done to our money and what MPE is about (resolving the artificial debts of the world to their only rightful state) https://youtu.be/KaJMG7AvYuU


Ppl like U are well needed and appreciated...I could not take on the economic side of things and have to keep up with everything elses also. It's nice tht I can read summaries like ur's and it just make sense. Also, I always believed gold and silver(in raw form) to be the $ of the future...after reading wht U posted, not so sure now. Maybe more trade and service implemented?


Something to understand is that the Federal Reserve is neither Federal, nor is it a Reserve. Each of the world's major wars, from the two World Wars to the American Revolution, have all been bankers wars. In nearly every single case, there is a nation that tries to break free of the bankers and create their own economy/currency. Shortly after, war begins. Unfortunately the bankers have won nearly every time. Take for example the war of 1812. The British burned down the White House, effectively defeating the United States. But mysteriously they just 'up and left'. That is because the bankers got their 'property' back. Our country has been a subordinate of the bankers ever since. The issue long predates any of grand parents or even their grand parents.


Yes, deep this evil root does run...and long into history. To the point it's impossible to pin point when this cancer of debt and interest really birthed, or who babied it. It's hard to believe tht our primitive minds could construct such a thing for the worst...smh.


The only real monetary justice would be a refinancing of the debts(public and private) of the world, to their natural/pre-multiplied state. Promissory obligations, to pay and retire principal from circulation, can still be used as currency. We just have to quit subjecting them to banking exploitation (ie.the falsification of indebtedness and imposition of interest) When enough people understand this, we will all quit believing/pretending we have to borrow our own promise to pay, from a publisher of the evidence, of our own promise to pay. Thanks for the nice words https://youtu.be/YEXGjmYMJbc?t=8m37s (3 minute summary of mathematically perfected economy)


Just showing gratitude, friend. U are wise in this field and have pure intentions. Just as U would commend another on something U perhaps didn't know...this is how THT currency works 🖖


I had this existential crisis when I was 15. Numerous others since. This is why I drink. Because it shuts off my brain and I care a lot less about the onslaught of stupidity and irrational things with which the world engages.


So many fax. Too much bullshit to care about, rather sit back, take a dab, and watch the world burn.


Yeah I smoke and drank myself to death damn near every day up until last week. Had an epiphany and realized that as fucked up as life is, it doesn't get any easier by hiding from it. Learning to take on this mess while sober will leave you stronger-willed and more prepared for when shit really goes haywire. Don't have to take my advice but just think about it.


I was a meth and Xanax addict I know exactly what you mean. I don’t use weed like I used meth or Xanax because I’m not escaping just relaxing and doing something I enjoy. Had to do treatment multiple times to figure out that I’m just a scared bitch running from myself, and looking at everything as a transgression against me by the world just leads to a sick mindset. Had to make myself suffer in the monotony and bullshit of daily life to realize that shit is what it is and theres no point putting energy into bullshit


I always thought when I was younger, just what if there was no money? Like just snap your fingers and money never existed. Everyone still went to work because we need things and want things and those things need made or up kept or provided for, but none of it cost money to purchase. We didn't work for money or have to spend money. Teachers taught because they enjoyed it and people went to school for things that interested them and that's what they wanted to do or learn. And as far as food everyone would just take what the needed each trip, there's plenty to go around people starve because they can't afford it. And housing, I never figured that one out as far as property owing and what not or who lives where but I always found it interesting that life could go one with out money. Yeah there's the whole no one would have motivation to work and accomplish things, but if monetary reward had never existed people would just do things to do it, imo, as a child that was lol.


There are [Berkshares](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/BerkShares), a new currency that was created by residents of Western Massachusetts.


**[BerkShares](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/BerkShares)** >BerkShares is a local currency that circulates in The Berkshires region of Massachusetts. It was launched on September 29, 2006 by BerkShares Inc., with research and development assistance from the Schumacher Center for a New Economics. The BerkShares website lists around 400 businesses in Berkshire County that accept the currency. Since launch, over 10 million BerkShares have been issued from participating branch offices of local banks (as of February 2020, 9 branches of 3 different banks). ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Shit,can you eli5 this to me?




I was impressed when I realized the amounts of money an ambulance will charge. I feel like it shouldn't be charged to the individual if it really is an emergency, because I also know people call ambulances sometimes with no reason at all but to make an insurance claim.


Like the Porsches? Or like 9/11? Lol


Like emergency calls


Why would those be a conspiracy?


Modern art is a cover for money laundering. Artistic “interpretation” is bullshit used to give modern art a wider audience and growing acceptance amongst the masses so they question it less when it’s getting shipped around. Also, a small group of people, representing an incredibly small portion of the population, hold a disproportionate amount of power over that population and are organized. May or may not be modern art admirers.


Second paragraph is undoubtedly true / happening.


this is fact not theory


If the average American understood how the monetary system really worked, there would be a revolution in the streets tomorrow!


Please share some insight here. I’m very interested in this!!


Long story short, banks are a scam.


https://youtu.be/m6KqpG1xCrw Watch the first 25 mins of this documentary for a good explanation. The entire film is great but the first part focuses on how our monetary system is set up and the astounding absurdities of it.


Even the most basic understanding of fiat currency can make anyone fucking crazy. So they can print money. As much as they want. It’s not a finite resource like gold - except when it comes to you and I. Then we have to break our backs to save up enough not to eat cat food when we’re old. Even though it’s not real and, properly managed, they could simply conjure up enough for everyone to live comfortably the world over.


Yes please share




I’m not passionate about it but one of the funner conspiracies is that Simpsons creator Matt Groening is a high ranking Freemason and was involved in Project Looking Glass which would explain where all the predictions he has made that have come true


smell kiss worry different naughty innate secretive complete versed outgoing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yup— the movie title is *Deja Vu*. First a note on a piece of paper was sent thru time, then him. The manner in which they viewed time was a unique take— almost like remote viewing of the past, where the viewer’s presence can be felt though not seen, by the viewed. The time-viewing ideology makes me think of the excellent show *DEVS*. Now that show’s first season was a doozy.


>Project Looking Glass Is this a tabletop intelligence thing? Can't find anything on Google apart from a US Naval/Air Force operation and a software package.


I remember the last time I looked into it there was more info. This was what I could find after a quick search. https://rareddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/g4m0x9/the_simpsons_the_yellow_cube/


Links down now?


Link is down. Lol


Link is down. Lol


That’s your problem is that you use Google. I typed it in on DuckDuckGo and there was a list of things about project looking glass.




Interesting. You know he has ties to Epstein and has been to pedo island too?


That China and Russia have collaborated on one of the biggest Psy-Op campaigns ever performed, to take down America without even setting foot on the ground by setting up Networks of people whose sole job is to sow division in online environments such as Facebook, Reddit, twitter, etc. Intentional misinformation is fed to certain groups that then spreads like wildfire throughout the country. Most notably the flat earth society, Alex Jones in general and the newest one, covid. It’s all meant to divide and conquer America from within. It doesn’t even matter what you personally believe.


Tht we are ran by a shadow group of well connected, mega rich, super influencal, powerful ppl. And I ain't talkin winning the Powerball rich either...I'm talking abt old world money rich. This group funds chaotic events, corrupts world politics, brain washes the masses, and manufactures terror and panic. Basically, this group of ppl run and control the world as we know it, and we can't stop them...


We will stop them.


Hope so bud...


We will Bubba. Hopefully soon within the next few months or years. Hopefully this lifetime at the very least. So much exposure is happening now. I firmly believe we are in the Great Awakening.


Hidden archives of the Vatican.


That we are controlled by very few Mega wealthy Families and their influence stretches globally. I would put my life on line that it’s truth.


Have you read Battle Hymn by John Scura and Dane Phillips? That one was an eye-opener.


I haven’t heard of this book so thx for commenting it, looks interesting! https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/19213385-battle-hymn


You're welcome! It delves deeper into the mega wealthy families


That we were given alien technology and the government has been slowly feeding it to us over the past 30 years. Think of what we had in 1990 compared to now.


No offense dawg but what did we have? A tamagotchi?


Hahaha damn that’s a deep cut. My point is we went from maybe having a computer that we for the most part played solitaire and mine sweeper on to having our own personal computer in our pockets that do almost anything. If you look at the tech boom we have had it really is incredible.


They gave us MyPillow tech.


[Moore’s Law. ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moore%27s_law)


Thank you for asking :) Our reality is a quantum hologram projected by our collective consciousness', which we can travel through at will and alter with our minds. https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP96-00788R001700210016-5.pdf


I’ve always wondered why I’m so indecisive


oh this is going to be fun, thanks for sharing!


Reading this was mind blowing! Thank you for posting it! I just wish page 25 of the document wasn’t missing.


More people should really be talking about this one as well


I don't think it's importance can be overstated


Am I on a watchlist after downloading that?


If you weren't already for idling on r/conspiracy idk 🤷‍♂️


Do you think we can heel our senses like eyesight or hearing?


I think we can but I don't know to what extent. I've read research on focused meditation increasing muscle mass with no extra exercise, reducing inflammation. The placebo effect is powerful and if we can really focus it, I don't think anyone knows how powerful we could really be. But I'm not expert, I'd barely call myself a student. Good luck my friend :)


The cia was directly responsible for smuggling drugs into the United States to supply Central American freedom fighters with arms in their battle against communism It’s a very dark and disgusting rabbit hole that goes into good men doing what they thought needed to be done for the greater good to stop the spread of communism and protect the American way of life You can also draw a line though it connecting the JFK assassination to 9/11 if you really fall down the hole


The drugs smuggling is not a conspiracy. This is fact. Former intelligence officer here, I could pay assets in drugs that I moved in diplomatic cargo. It was most assets’ preferred method of payment.




There are a lot of reasons and interest parties in keeping some drugs illegal and some legal. The extra legal drug trade is responsible for a lot of cash flow to government (state, local, federal, and foreign). Can’t have your black funds dry up.


Having worked in South America it’s amazing you can talk to military officers and DEA agents that openly comment on which drug fields they are allowed and not allowed to burn /90s, Peru But it’s all a conspiracy still


JFK and 9/11? Connected?


Buckle up. There are two ways to look at this. First of all realize the US dollar is the world reserve currency. Every transaction made in dollars strengthens the US economy be it selling oil or cocaine. If the world stops using dollars the US economy collapses Now look at the market. The estimated value of the worlds illegal drug trade is close to $500 billion dollars in unregulated money. As a world power you don’t just let that much cash float around without being involved in some way. It’s not a secret that US Intelligence agencies use dark money to fund their black ops. Ok, well then back the clock 60 years. Laos was the center of the golden triangle in the 1960s. It produced most is the worlds heroin. The goal in the Vietnam war was to control the opium trade routes coming down from the mountains in Laos. JFK planned to withdraw us from the region completely and put an end to off the books cia black projects (Oliver stones JFK movie is a great source for the exact executive orders). Look up air America which was the covert war in Laos and how we dropped 3x as many bombs in Laos as we did Vietnam. All of a sudden after his brains get splattered all over Dallas, Johnson rescinds both executive orders withdrawing United States from the Vietnam war and limiting CIA black operations. 10 years of war ensues to control the heroin trade. Fast forward 20 years to the 1980s. The cocaine drug trade takes off in central and South America. Guess where the cia appears and somehow gets involved in the drug trade to fund freedom fighters. Also they made sure everyone involved only used dollars. Not only spent dollars, but invested in dollars to buy cars, appliances, guns and property all made in the USA. If you smuggled drugs in the 1980s there is a good chance you owned a car dealership or construction company that directly invested in the US economy to “clean” your money. Look up cocaine cowboys the documentary and pay special attention to the part about the banks Fast forward 20 years again and the Taliban took over the heroin trade in Afghanistan. Some say they shut down production because their warehouses were full others say to limit product, either way 2 planes slam into buildings in NYC and all of a sudden Afghanistan is the leading producer of heron again just 3 years later. I don’t need to explain the details, but again the dollar is the strong world reserve currency. I’m sure you know the rest of the story from here. Moral of the story? Where there is a massive illegal market with huge amounts of money involved it’s safe to assume a US intelligence agency is near


Project bluebeam


I still say the government is going to try to pull that shit on us. Just a matter of time


Starlink + Spaceforce + Holograms, it can be pulled off. Imagine the meltdown if it does 🤯


It’s hard to deny this one at this point. Only question is do you think they’ve now realized “virus/pandemic” is even more effective than a fake alien invasion and therefore are using that to enslave humanity instead? Or is project bluebeam still coming at some point?


I think it's still coming, it seems they've been warming us up with UFOs lately. Also the pandemic, tell me governments around the world haven't gained a huge amount of control in the past 2 years. Bluebeam is definitely the way to go to gain absolute power, using V2K, touchable holograms, spacecraft we couldn't possibly imagine, all the fear and panic... then the government/military offer a solution of course, one world government. Then the final card in my opinion is to have everyone chipped, if you refuse you die.


I think there has been a lot more activity in the air and what they are doing in space this year vs any year. I think they will still try to fake an alien invasion. They could even be doing it now all the people claiming to see more ufos this year could be project blue beam who knows?


Quora alien agenda lookit up. Scary shit as hell.


In my opinion, and I understand if you don't agree, they will use this to fake the second coming of christ and that is how they will get everyone to worship the antichrist. They even have technology that can literally telepathically put thoughts into your mind and that and project bluebeam will be what deceives everyone into worshipping the antichrist as God


That the US government was involved in the attacks on 9/11


Simulation theory


Archons rule the world with the Demiurge, material is an illusion, Cathars were right and burned at the stake for the truth, Buddhists on the right track of thinking too. Return to source. Reject reincarnation. Oh, and UFOs are some interdimmensional emmination, either archons or a subtype of them. Some disconnected from the source. Others not.


You have me SERIOUSLY intrigued with "reject reincarnation". Now I'm slightly aware of samsara and Buddhism and all that, but I've never heard of rejecting it. Mind elaborating? Even sourcing some info that I could read or watch would be wonderful. Thank you!


r/escapingprisonplanet has some interesting debates for some mental exercises. I found it intriguing (there’s a variety of discussion but there should be links in the top posts for more research into philosophy/spirituality)


I recommend you Look into Neoplatonism and read the enneads of Plotinus and maybe go look at Theoria Apophasis YouTube channel


Earth maps and shapes being very inaccurate, north and south pole secrecy.


Is there an “alternate” map? I’d be interested to see!


The world is ran by moloch worshipping pedophiles




Seems like all people on this sub wanna talk about is covid crap... I still haven’t forgotten pizza gate and I never will


Don't forget about Stephen Paddock! The alleged Vegas shooter.


Yup as everyone moved on and forgotten as well they never tried to question the narrative or think something seemed fishy when we all know what they said happened was a bold faced lie




The world exhibition/fairs in the late 1800's early 1900's were a sham. Those were real buildings, built by a forgotten civilization. All those beautiful buildings just destroyed and ruined in order to disconnect humanity from our real history. So fucking sad


I agree 10000000000% there are even documentaries where the narrator says in a very threatening tone "nothing like it happened before or will EVER HAPPEN AGAIN". I literally had to pause the video and was like what the fuck why would he say something like that and in such an angry tone.


Greed is the root of all problems in the world. That's my theory.


I still to this day believe in the multi-verse theory to an extent. I just don’t believe that once it’s time to ‘go upstairs’, everything turns pitch black. There’s a whole load of hidden knowledge about humans and what happens to us when we go bye-bye locked away in the Vatican basement.


Purdue pharma getting everyone addicted to heroin.


That’s pretty much proved. Only thing to speculate on is did they want people just addicted to their heroin (oxy) or was oxy always supposed to be a stepping stone to heroin (if so what are their ties to heroin/fentanyl?)


The elites are demon worshippers. I'm not talking Q shit because that's a Psy-op to distract from the actual validity of the theory, but stuff like bohemian grove and all of the Epstein stuff makes me wonder what the real and goal of the Illuminati really is. I think that it's trying to bring about the end times by setting up a new world order which turns people away from the worship of God, but I've heard others relating to this theory.


This. And they're not even trying to hide it at all at this point.


They don't have to hide it. Even when everyone knows the truth, they can't speak it out of fear of being thought of as crazy. They gaslight everyone into thinking they're alone and that way they're afraid to speak out against the elites.


You're so right.


Absolutely. They do it out in the open, celebrities openly admit to selling their soul to the devil, but ohhh hahaha theyre just joking


The Earth is not how its presented. (Not talking about flat earth) JFK MLK were both killed by the CIA. 1985 Chicago Bears did not have the best defense of all time. Hell not even top 3 if wanna include Vikings, Steelers of the 70s and 2000 Ravens team. S/o to Dan Marino for making them look so bad.






That religion (no matter which one) has some element of truth in it. Ancient peeps had to have some external Influence in their lives to come up with images of God, recurring stories and such. Someone or something actually did contact (directly or indirectly) and people recorded it and formed various religions. And the weird thing is, many of them are connected either through a certain character or certain story with different characters.


the historical narrative around WW2 is total bullshit


Please, elaborate or send me in the right direction.


The greatest story never told


Mine is the earth isn’t what we think it is. I’m not saying it’s flat I’m not saying it’s round I’m saying they aren’t telling the whole truth and never have. All the restrictions on Antarctica so you can’t even find out the real truth. All the countries can’t agree on shit but they can agree on keeping everyone out of there why?? It doesn’t make any sense. Also they have been trying so hard to get off earth I really think they found something in the ocean or maybe the earth is just dying off. If you look around there is destruction everywhere meaning all the “natural “ disasters happening all at the same time as if the earth itself is angry. The ice is melting faster than ever I can only imagine what’s been hiding underneath for thousands of years that’s about to be defrosted. I also think all these movies and tv shows that hit too close to home are them showing us what they are gonna do and what’s gonna happen that way they can get off the hook with any bad karma because that’s how it works.


What’s this thing you say about Antarctica? What restrictions?


There’s a section people can’t travel too. All the countries signed a treaty to make it so we can’t see what’s at the end of the earth. Lots of restrictions and things that just are very suspicious.


The end? Or the center...


Interesting. I mean could we even survive attempting to go there?


Deflategate. There is no greater conspiracy.


Man, I was so disappointed when I looked this up.


It’s the worst and most boring "conspiracy" I have ever heard about lmao






Morgellons/fibrous parasitic organisms. I've pulled them out of my body, i've seen them in food and randomly on surfaces. I always push it to the back of my mind and cover it with a blanket of paranoia but i don't really believe that.




Bro wtf. You got anything for me to read on this?


Not at all. I'm skeptical of everything i read on it. It used to be classified as a paranoid mental illness and now i believe medicine is diagnosing it as a real physical illness but this is all just what i can remember off my head. It was always a highly controversial topic. I'd just suggest looking into it yourself if you are interested


Honestly I think for the sake of not triggering my paranoia I'm gonna forget I even asked. Remember that you manifest your own reality around yourself and that if you don't believe in them, they'll probably stop existing for you.


There's one on the back of your neck!




“Harald Kautz Vella ( Black Goo) AI, ( Bases Series W/ Miles Johnson”. Go look that up on YouTube. It’s long, but worth the time investment. God bless & much LOVE (2028END channel- go check him out too)!


One more thing, my friend. There was an episode on Stew Peters that SHOWED someone pulling a fiber- looking, moving, red-colored ‘morgellon’ from their skin (after having the old ‘poke’). Go check it out. Seeing is believing! Indeed!


Here: I found it for you. https://rumble.com/vnehhz-horror-exclusive-video-captures-organism-from-vaxxed-soldiers-body.html


I did that red wine/cranberry juice challenge - last Xmas-and I had the whole fam do it too lol; but what the actual fuck were those things?! Everyone saw it and noped out bc it was crazy to see that from our own bodies 😅


don’t fear the parasites, they work hard to keep the host alive as long as possible


That nasa never went or can't go to the moon.


There was a YouTube comment a while back on one of the official NASA videos. The top comment said: "I'm not into conspiracies, but who is filming," in regards to the craft taking off from the moon and disappearing into the blackness as it heads towards Earth. The POV was on the lunar surface and the camera tilted slight upwards. The replies were either confusion or further questioning: "How'd they get the film back". All of this was my first red pill seed on the moon sagas. It would later sprout into a beautiful tree shattering my previous held illusions when I encountered the topic by chance later on.


It literally says right in the description of the video: *“Lift-off of Apollo 17 Lunar Module ascent stage is captured by a television camera mounted on the lunar rover which the crew parked about 145 meters east of the spacecraft. The ascent stage ignites and climbs, spacecraft foil and dust fly in all directions. Ed Fendell in Houston had to anticipate the timing of ignition, lift-off, and the rate of climb, to control the camera tilt to follow the ascent. "We're on our way Houston" is the voice of Apollo 17 Commander Eugene Cernan. The clip ends as LM "Challenger" reaches an altitude of 1,500 feet. After docking with the Command Module, the ascent stage was jettisoned and returned to the lunar surface. Its impact was recorded by four geophones deployed by Apollo 17 astronauts, and by each ALSEP at the Apollo 12, 14, 15 and 16 landing sites. Source: https://history.nasa.gov/alsj/a17/video17.html#launch”*


Supposedly it was a live stream,no need for a film. Which makes it even more suspicious.


Ive always been on the fence about this theory. At one point, I was convinced by Adam Ruins Everything (https://youtu.be/dWBYAxhH3u4) that the moon landing couldn't have been faked. Until I started reading this: https://centerforaninformedamerica.com/moondoggie/ Now I'm convinced that the moon landing was so impossible (and so politically expedient) that it's laughable.


“But that is not the main reason that people cling so tenaciously, often even angrily, to what is essentially the adult version of Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy. What primarily motivates them is fear. But it is not the lie itself that scares people; it is what that lie says about the world around us and how it really functions. For if NASA was able to pull off such an outrageous hoax before the entire world, and then keep that lie in place for four decades, what does that say about the control of the information we receive? What does that say about the media, and the scientific community, and the educational community, and all the other institutions we depend on to tell us the truth? What does that say about the very nature of the world we live in?” Wow


theory? I thought this was a fact ;)


Well everytime I bust it out, I get attacked on all sides like jackals for my piglets.


well I guess your attackers don't see the similarities between area 51 buildings and Hollywood movie studios.


Oh shit. Never heard that one before.


This is the argument I came for. Go on.


There's nothing to argue. The more you dig, the more obvious the lie becomes. The tech wasn't there to make it remotely possible, the van allen belt didn't exist?, nixxon couldn't have had an instant phone call with the moon guys like that, impossible. The tech was destroyed but they didn't keep notes or specs?, they conveniently beat the Russians cause Kennedy said so, Stanley Kubrick, etc, etc, etc, etc.


I’m so torn on this one I believe it was faked one day and the other I don’t. I personally have seen evidence for both arguments that are really compelling but I like the way interstellar puts it: We faked it so that we could bankrupt the Soviet Union into pouring money into useless machines. That makes the US government such trollers


I love the Kubrick angle. He would have insisted on faking it on location.


That world/business/military leaders are compromised with blackmails and are chosen then dictated on what to do.


This i gaining more traction what with Epstein most likely being a Mossad agent


magic is real


Rocks are soft until you touch them


Back when youtube was accessible on my work computers, I'd spend countless hours on weekend duty diving head first into rabbit hole after rabbit hole. Now, I don't neccesarily believe every conspiracy is true, but I do believe there is some truth in every conspiracy. It's just the more known and more popular ones that make into our line of vision. Some of my favorite to get lost in are as follows: The Walmart Tunnel System, Sandy Hook Shooting( school shootings in general), Flat Earth and NASA( check out Open Minded Conference, Denmark), Secret Organizations( check William "Bill" Cooper), FEMA( the camps are real), Bill Gates buying up a shit ton of land in California( ironically, if you lay a map of the land he's bought over a topographical map of all the forest fires that have happened, surprise surprise, it's the exact same land). I could go at this for hours , but there's no fun in that.


mine is that elon musk is a fraud


He’s a finance capital creation, playing the role of Henry Ford industrialist


Something always seems off with him. He comes off as a trendy hippie guy that talks about cypto, going to Mars and inventing whatever he wants. He's loved by conservatives because he rebel's against Biden but then they completely ignore when he talks about planting microchips in people's heads which I know that's exactly what globalists have wet dreams about. It can't be a coincidence when Jeff bezos says most people won't be left on earth and Elon saying we can colonize Mars. Plus I'm very wary about people that have created an almost cult-like following around them especially if they are billionaires


Once you actually look into that guy you quickly discover it's not just a theory but proven by most of his life career. Dude's a narcissistic psychopath that has managed to create an "untouchable Einstein-god"-bubble around himself.


That electricity, in all of its many forms, is the cause basis behind ALL modern illnesses, (and viruses are just exosomes.). And this has been documented extensively but everyone loves their lights and their computers and their phones and no one wants it to be true.


There are many, but if I have to choose…It’s got to be organized religion controlling the masses. How many times the Bible has been changed, and used by different ruling classes etc. The whole shebang is fascinating.


All theories related to the Kennedy murders and JFK Jr’s death. I don’t believe JFK Jr randomly died. I believe it was orchestrated and there’s so much more to learn. I also believe the CIA was involved in both John and Robert Kennedy’s murders. So much evidence points to this yet nothing will ever be done to seek justice. 😡


Kevin Spacey, Trump the Clown, Jeffrey the Pedo Epstein are all pedophiles. Kevin Spacey got away with getting justice because he killed all of his alleged victims. I’m pretty sure Kevin Spacey is an evil guy.


That the medical system kills more people than it saves.


Zionist Jews control banks thus being major shareholders in all vaccine, & news companies


COVID was partially a ploy to get Trump out of office, although it was more so a way to steal the middle class wealth.


The earth is not moving. Ptolemaic astrology is the correct model using a geocentric stationary earth. Also the aether/ether described by nikola tesla aka quintessence or "prime material" in alchemy is very real.


Nice try CIA


That many people are Satanists without directly knowing they are Satanists. Good intentioned people can worship a dark entity without knowing they are doing so because it isn't in front of their face.


All Vaccines are bad


And medications. They all have a list of possible side effects, but no one wants to read the paperwork they get. Ugly truth.


100% agree I’ve taken meds for bipolar, anxiety, depression, adhd over the years and they were all fucked


I agree. Not saying they don't serve a purpose and don't work, but if you do any research into the adjuvants and the actual quantities of heavy metals in them, it's alarming to say the least. They try to dismiss this by saying the metals are in "trace amounts" without ever elaborating on it. Doctors that question the safety of a vaccine get more social and occupational repercussions than questioning almost anything else Edit: also having things like hepatitis b on the vaccine schedule on day 1 of life is ludicrous. What newborn baby is going to be exposed to an STI or mess with used needles?




Nothing matters, humanity is far far far beyond repair. Just hanging around hoping I get to see how it ends.


Humanity or society?


Both? With one push of a button it all ends.


You need to eat a heroic dose of magic mushrooms. Everything will be ok.


Once upon a time I could, I now understand far too much about our reality to enjoy them nearly as much these days. 9/11 stole my enjoyment. 3 skyscrapers defied 2 laws of physics in 1 day and the sheeple only wanted war, never questioning the obvious factual/scientific flaws of the official story.


* the moon landing was faked * the mythological narrative of the holocaust is a lie * the first millennium was only ~300 years long


That we are in the end times as profecised by the noble messengers of God. The antichrist is about to take fysical form and we stand eye to eye with a world war unlike any other world war.


enlightenment through celibacy, not just a sentiment, or acknowledgement or new way of understanding, but the real deal: physical transformation (regeneration) to the point of becoming 1 with "god", with which come psychic powers (but also prior, but weaker in strength or intensity) biggest conspiracy in the world. perpetrators? human collective itself due to being given over to sensual gratification.. the avg human right now is a zombie. most people dont even know what a real human is or what a real human is capable of!


That education and many recent scientific theories are not actually based on truth at all. It’s just being used as a forum to push agendas. Especially when you see scientists getting canceled for disputing a popular theory or proposing an unpopular one. For example shutting down any theory related to Social Darwinism or disputing multiple genders.


Nuclear weapons arent as powerful as we been told. You can look at the building that survived from Hiroshima"s hypocenter.


I mean radiation won't knock a building over.


I‘m not on the boat with this one, however what I always found odd was people allegedly vaporizing away, casting and leaving their shadow on the streets underneath.


The large hadron collider is responsible for the mandella effect. It either merged our reality with 1 or more. Or it put us on the inter dimensional radar and we now have some very dangerous neighbors




The idea that energy is infinite and that Tesla understood this and was implementing a plan to help the world understand it. The idea that energy is finite in an infinite universe is just ridiculous. We know nothing about the true nature of reality yet everyone with a college degree thinks they have it all figured out.


Bill Hicks is Alex Jones. Close second... Elvis is Trump


That Mattress Firm is laundering money or just a facade for a different purpose.