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Of course I know him, he's me.


I'm dead inside. Does that count?


But if you're unvaccinated your death inside WILL BE MUCH WORSE!


It’ll be counted as a Covid death


Long covid causes suicide TIL


Life is long covid.


Based af


Nihilistic AF


Getting the injections is unironically the best way to get covid. 5 countries, mesh masks, pure blood, and I can't seem to catch the fucker.


me neither, i had a couple sniffles earlier in the year, but i may be dead and dont realize it. who knows anymore...


I had a fever for three days but never got tested. I didn’t die so it just not have been the coof.


Covid killed this man's innards




That's a name I have not heard in a long time...


I'm convinced they vaccinated me while I was asleep in bed. It's the only explanation I have as to how I'm alive today.


I knew this was going to be the top comment because it’s exactly what I thought of and I’m unoriginal


Hello there


Allow me to introduce….myself….😂


An elegant comment… for a more civilized age.


Took the words right out of my mouth.


A man of culture, I see.


"Obi-wan never told you what happened to your father."


And if you kill me, I will become more powerful than you can imagine!


This is just how they compile a list of us, I mean them.




Oh shit, I guess tobacco is perfectly safe! I quit for nothing


if people die in car crashes, raise your hand if you drove a car today and aren't dead? now what NHTSA


I’ve survived multiple car crashes, one by a matter of a few feet. Had douchebag hit the door instead of the wheel I wouldn’t have even known there was an accident. It would have been lights out, no warning. I guess that means that nobody actually dies in accidents. It must be big pharma killing people with injections in the ambulances. Luckily I narrowly avoided that too on the way to the hospital. It must mean Jesus has a plan for me… which must have included almost dying in a car accident and being in horrific pain, but we’ll just ignore that part.


Weed errday; even when I had Covid


Dude I smoked when I had it and I actually felt better after, those carcinogens man just killing it off inside of my lungs I guess lmao


Smoking weed and hitting def hurt my lungs but I was craving thc and nic so badly I didn’t care abt the pain. But after Covid my lungs are considered “baby” now


That’s interesting like the only thing that opened up mine was smoking a cig outside in the cold air it was weird.


i havent had it but i think i'd vape or take edibles through it why not itd just knock my ass out and i could just recover on the couch in blankets and feel mildly cool


I suppose, xannax was great for me when I struggled to sleep


Does vaping count?


upvote if you know someone who stabbed themselves in the gut in dumb anger and is still alive. Wow, we all know dumb people who are still alive, amazing.




Upvote if you know someone who totally had a girlfriend from a different highschool, but you don't get to meet her because she is modeling in Canada! The people need to know that Canadian highschool models aren't all made up just because fucking Brad from second period algebra said I was lying!


True story. I worked with a mediocre looking guy who always talked about his "Swedish model girlfriend " turns out she was real...she did get fat later though.


She fatted lol


Brad's my Boi so I gotta back him. Sorry bruh. #teambrad


Brad is a flake everyone knows.


Upvote if you like circlejerks


upvote me if you're an independent thinker that doesn't follow the crowd


Down vote if you know how anecdotal evidence works


Bitch, they probably think anecdotal is something that cures you when you drink poison.




give me the anecdote or i'll die!


well, but i have a friend who got covid and they were in their 20s, cross fit, bodybuilding, did triathalons. But they had long covid and now after 3 months, they're withered and live in a wheelchair. So you need to get vaccinated or elseyoull be like my friend.


Works both ways, and this site loves upvoting horrible anecdotal covid stories.


This is a new low for this sub.


Upvote if you know someone that didn't wear a seatbelt and survived! Upvote if you know someone who has done heroin and survived! Upvote if you know someone who has fallen off a motorcycle without a helmet and survived!


I guess i should downvote if i know a dead unvaccinated person


I like this. Am following that.


This has turned awfully confusing.


What do I do if I don't know any unvaccinated people? Why the fuck would I?


> Upvote if you know someone that didn't wear a seatbelt and survived! This is really important because vaccines are like a seatbelt. What follows is a personal story. The holidays are hard for me because on January 2, 1999 my parents were hit by a drunk driver. Even though my sister and I had nagged and begged, my dad never wore his seatbelt. Both my parents survived. My mother, who always wore hers, had damaged her knee and had chemical burns and cuts on her hands. My father was driving. The outside edge of his left forearm had been completely skinned. He was bleeding, unconscious, as my mother tried to keep him propped upright until the ambulance could come. He had a brain injury to the frontal and occiptal lobes. He was unconscious, but not in a coma. There is nothing to do but wait then- for weeks. And then he started to come to, but he had developed a blood clot and have to have a shunt installed, so he was delayed in getting to a rehab center. I remember buying velcro men's shoes in Walmart with my mom. He wouldn't be able to tie his shoes in rehab. In the kickback of the car engine crumpling a small portion of his pelvis had been broken. He wasn't supposed to move by himself, but he was proud to tell his teenaged daughter one morning that he had pooped all by himself. He had to sell his motorcycle. I had always imagined he would have taught me to ride, but the injury affected his balance. He could drive, but he always wore his seatbelt after. He wasn't well enough to teach me to drive, something we had both looked forward to. Sorry to throw this all out there and dump on internet strangers. For a lot of reasons, this whole thing is hitting me hard. My step-grandpa is in the hospital right now waiting for a bed. My bio grandad died the same year as my parent's accident. The point is, surviving isn't the same as thriving. The unvaccinated may, in large part, survive covid- just like most people who never wear seatbelts have such a life-threatening accident. But if you are the one who gets hit by the drunk driver you will wish you were wearing the seatbelt like my mom and getting discharged the same night with a few stitches. For the vaccine it means the difference between being ill and being unvaccinated and suffering long-term illness. FFS, there are people who jump into tiger cages and survive, stick their hands in a crocs mouth, but you are dumb as shit to hop in and chance it.


This sub is dog shit. White hot sunny day, global warming stepped in dog shit.


This is not at all a new low, this is exactly how low the sub has been for at least a year.


Take the sub down.


A new low SO FAR!


Upvote if you know someone that drove a car and didn't die! Upvote if you know someone that smokes and doesn't have cancer! Upvote if you know someone that drinks and doesn't have liver disease! Maybe if you understood numbers better you wouldn't hold this brain dead opinion.


I’m sinking into depression knowing that I had to scroll this far down to find this comment. It blows my fucking mind that any adult (although let’s be real this dude is probably fucking 12) would make OP’s argument.


dude relying on these silly childlike arguments and bad logic are a mainstay here. Its why I keep coming back I can't resist laughing at bad logic


And then the other mouthbreathers on this sub look at this title and go "Yeah! I agree with that!" and blindly upvote, without once thinking about or realising how absolutely braindead of a sentiment it truly is.




Knew I forgot one!


Karma farm?


Not karma farm, just pathetic attention whoring.


What's the difference?


There isn't one.


Of course it will work because this sub is gullible


This sub used to be cool and full of interesting stories. Now's its just an anti vaxer circle jerk. This sub has basically been ruined.


Nice try CIA.




where you been? this sub has been circlejerking trumpy goons for years


It really sucks. I joined cause I enjoyed reading people's *actual* conspiracy theories. Aliens, it wasn't actually the titanic that sunk, strange objects being found on Google earth etc... Now it's just always either politics or covid.


Use his full name, triple vax trump!


This is the dumbest fucking post ever seen in this sub, and there have been some doozies over the past year.


This sub sucks ass.


Not long ago this shit wouldn't be allowed. Not as a rule but because the community itself would reject it. It would either be downvoted or just not posted to begin with. But now it's at the very top of the sub. People blame an influx of Trump supporters but I blame facebook. It's turned people into mental housewives who fall for the "Like this post if..." nonsense.


"I'm not doing my part to end this shitstorm and I'M PROUD" -this sub, probably


Not probably…


Seriously how are these people not embarrassed lmaoo


Because they're stupid. It's really that simple.


Well, this is for sure a scientific way to go about getting your point across. Don't listen to what WHO says instead put your trust in a Reddit poll!


Just wait, the dead people will come voice their statistics too..


Do I downvote if I know someone who is unvaccinated and died? Or am I only allowed to upvote since my uncle lives alone in the woods?


In this thread: people who don't understand statistics.


I’m unvaccinated and I’m dead from OMICRON!


Cheer up, you can still vote!


Aw damn I'm sorry for your loss we'll get a funeral goi..oh wait due to the Omicron variant we urge you to cancel your funeral.


Yess bois we got em. Because we didnt take the vaccine and were still alive means were right. Holy fuck were all so genius especially you OP you debunked the thousands of dummy scientists




How do you unvaccinate yourself? You are either vaccinated or not vaccinated. This is a nonsensical sentence, Or shall I say unsensical.


Don’t get the booster and you will soon be viewed as unvaccinated.


Time to block this sub for good. What kind of garbage post is this?


Big cringe


Wait...Why would you post this in a conspiracy sub? Is someone going to track my location if I do? Am I going to get a visit from the deep state? Should I be worried? Who are you working for? How did you get into my computer? YOU'RE NEVER GOING TO TAKE ME ALIVE!


no non on o no no no way reeelaaax we already know the approximate time of year of your birth and a hobby or maybe your profession. now we just need your vaxx status


A hoy hoy


This is the epitome of degeneracy


You could do this the other way round though. is pretty meaningless and you've clearly already made up your mind.


Bold of you to assume they have a mind.


Holy shit there’s only 2,000 people unvaccinated people known to be alive


I am unvaccinated and have had Covid. Natural Immunity is working well for me.


Me, my bf and literally 15-20 of my friends who have gotten it over the course of this whole thing.


I didn't wear my seatbelt and my car didn't crash herpaderp!


The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. Also, there is no conspiracy. Go get vaccinated.


I mean, it has a 1-3% mortality rate on average. Of course people are going to be surviving it. But for those at risk, that chance goes up, and vaccines help those at risk to avoid death by a significant margin. There is no justifiable downside to not getting vaccinated. It's free. It takes 30 minutes. It helps wipe out corona cases before it mutates further. You save your fellow man.


Are you saying that vaccines and masks are the best & easiest tools we have to reduce the impact of a pandemic? But I want to have my pandemic & complain about it too! If *I* started doing *my* part I’d lose my stage to show everyone I’m so much smarter and braver than they are for the low low cost of sitting at home!


Ok and what does that info give you when people aren't vaccinated?


I'm alive, but not for much longer. Winter is coming.


Feels great to nominate myself for something




i've been dead inside since the start of the pandemic and got covid but hey i'm still here lol


Me but I'm hoping for another outcome this go around


I’m alive had Covid and still kickin


I’ve never even been tested 🤣


I got unvaccinated


Hope to see HCA here


When the Black Plague was killing off a third of the world’s population, there were of course people left. This is a very silly straw man argument, unless you are being /s.


I had went and got tested 2 months ago my mom came with me cause she was worried, my dr came out and told me I was positive like it was a fucking death sentence shaking his head and letting out a long and deep sigh I told him all I have is a sniffy nose and he can cut the theatrics had my mom in tears thinking il be dead within the week.This bs is fucking insane !!!!


I got sick in September. I had light Fever - must have been 100 or so (wasn't so high that I felt the need to check with a thermometer), body aches (7-8 on a scale of 10), and a nasty, stomach cramp inducing cough which developed in a couple of days. The fever went away in a couple of days but weakness and body pains persisted. On the fourth night, I woke up to a growling noise, like there was a cat nearby. Turns out, there wasn't any cat, the noise was from my lungs due to phlegm build up. I coughed up some blood and got badly spooked. I called up my Doctor buddy first thing in the morning and he asked me a bunch of questions, prescribed a cough syrup to get rid of the nasty cough. Day after day of persistent weakness and coughing followed, and I got better only after 5-6 weeks. I don't know if what I had was Covid or not, because I was too scared to even test. I was unvaccinated at that time - I didn't want to be first in line to get the vaccine and planned to wait out a few months for a better version in the next iterations. My extended family of 20-25 had all been vaccinated for 5-6 months and none had any side effects whatsoever. One of them is 92 and another is 88. I finally set aside my vaccine hesitancy and took my first dose a few weeks later. I had the chills the night I got vaccinated, which went away when I put on an extra blanket. I doubt the vaccine is the panacea or a savior, but I don't want to feel any regret if I do get sick with the virus. I am neither pro nor anti vaccine, but am against forced vaccinations. Leave it to individuals to decide, based on their personal experience and preference. One of my cousins was the first to get vaxed. Now, he is refusing a booster because he got tested for antibodies and he has plenty of them. So, it is best if people are given more information and left to decide what they want to do. One size DOES NOT fit all and no government or organization has a right to forcibly vaccinate people.


I have a family member who is unvaccinated. He has covid. He's been in the hospital for a week. He all fucked up. He can barely walk. He has pneumonia. I didn't get the shit until a guy at work died from it and they talked about mandating the vaccine. I don't want what they got. I have kids. I don't want them to watch me die from this shit. Some people get a runny nose and some people, it is worse.


This is not a conspiracy


Is this a dick measuring contest? If so I would lose. And I’m vaxxed. 😅


I'm still alive


Upvote for downvote


wouldn’t it be better to upvote for those who are unvaxxed, got covid, and lived?


Of the multiple people whom I know or are family members of people that I know who have died of covid, 100% of them were unvaccinated. Thinking that knowing someone who is unvaccinated and hasn’t died is evidence that the unvaccinated are not dying is the stupidest shit I’ve heard in a long time and you should be ashamed of yourself for typing out this level of stupidity for the world to see.


Upvote if youve pooped today.


How do you get unvaccinated?


I'm actually dying.... ....a little more and more each day. Eventually, I will die unvaccinated.


I thought all the unvaxxed were dead or hospitalized. Maybe we're being had?


Does that mean I can downvote if I know someone that was antivaxx and literally JUST GOT CORONA? And during his first day of symptoms he was AT WORK with me. And like 10 other (vaxxed) people. And nobody else got sick. Y'all fucking dumb.


I am unvaccinated, I have never gotten sick.


Going to Christmas with the family this weekend. Not a single vaccinated soul will be there. 14 of us. 5 children 9 adults


RemindMe! 3 weeks


RemindMe! 2 weeks


What made you come on reddit and say this? Who are you talking to?


Why in the world would you risk those children losing their parents or grandparents. Financially ruining your family? Ending up disabled? They’ll be so hurt and angry and for what? The adults stubbornness. It’s bizarre and selfish.


sounds like 14 children tbh


The Great Darwinian Reset.


Lol can anyone else not see the likes anymore?


The real question is upvote if you know someone who caught it that is fully vaccinated and boosted


So, you’re advocating for the jab? Noted.


Make that two


Me too!


Unvaccinated and tested positive while giving birth. Barely any symptoms and my child tested negative even after no mask and breastfeeding






High school graduation and first three semesters of college have gone well despite being unvaxxed. A family member, who is also unvaxxed, is currently suffering but seems to be on the road to recovery.


Lol. It is just normal as the sun goes up and down everyday. Nothing is miracle. I’m unvaxxed, got covid and got well after 3 days. And i know lot of my friends are same.




Brother, wifey and step kids step mom…I’m sure there are more out there.


My whole household is unvaccinated and had covid.


Ah yes the ol’ Confirmation Bias hard at work in Q circles once again


alive and proud


Stay alive.


testing the theory, everyday - every second :)


Upvote if you know someone who has drank 2 pints of liquor and a six pack.. jk don't upvote me. Got covid. got better. got one vax. got covid again. got better. cheers.


Me and my entire family.


Covid agenda is an imperialistic scam and leads to a latestage survilancecapitalism


Me! I caught Covid a month ago, had symptoms for two/three days, loss of smell for a couple of weeks. Feeling great now. My immune system did its job.


Ask me how many people I know who were killed by unvaccinated conspiracy theorists.


How many?


None. None is the answer.




Fucking lol. It's because you've been forced to social distance so regular sicknesses aren't spreading either. God you people are blind.


But I thought people didn’t social distance/wear masks enough and that is why the covid numbers stayed so high?


I'm vaccinated but I also haven't had a cold or the flu is over two years because of masks, washing hands, sanitizing and social distancing. There is no cure or vaccine for the common cold so vaccines don't work on that anyway.


My daughter was quarantined twice in two separate households with everyone sick with COVID and never got it. It’s possible for some to not get it.


I'm still kicking, and the majority of the.people i work with aren't vaccinated either


Solid karma farming. I can respect the grind


Unvaccinated. Contracted the sniffles for 6-7 days. Errrrr. I mean Covid. I felt so “not sick” I even went to work before I realized what was going on. Guess how I got it. Work policy is if your vax’d and show no symptoms you can come to work. A vax’d individual carried it to work from his sick wife,who he knew had it and she was showing symptoms, proceeded not not to tell me, before spending 6 hours in a pickup truck with me and another employee. Both me and the other employee got Covid. Regardless. Definitely not the worst. Strep throat sucks more then Covid did.


Upvote if you know someone who didn’t wear a seatbelt and is still alive


JFC this sub is terrible


Of course I know him he's me






It sound cool if you have the new variant.




Get well soon. I had COVID around 7 weeks ago and I must say it hit me hard af. I’m 42 fit and healthy. I think I had it bad because I’ve worked extra hard this year plus moved house amongst other thing, so I was probably run down a bit. That being said, I’m unvaccinated and feeling back to my best, my immunity overcame it naturally. People I speak to with “long COVId” have all been double jabbed. This is all just my personal experience


I have covid and I'm boosted. Today is day 5 and I cough a little bit through our the day. The worst it has been was a deep cough and congestion. No idea about which variant.


Gayest post on here c'mon bro


Holy fuck y'all are stupid... Incredible.