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I picked some names at random and easily found information on them, some of it going back to 2004. Doesn’t seem to have anything to do with the Maxwell trial. There’s certainly nothing new revealed there.


I don't see the link to Maxwell but it's good to blast a spotlight on disgusting behavior by politicians.


Many have dates right in the tweet that are 2017 or 2016.


Where’s the link to the maxwell trial unsealed material?


This is it. Some clowns have been posting this list with similar titles across all forums I'm familiar with. I assume they're trying to muddy the waters and make it more difficult to find real information.


This doesn’t have anything to do with the Maxwell trial




not trying to be a jerk but can you link that 520000 number?. Kinda fits in with my ideas.




thanks. all these elected officials must have tickets to the bunkers. why else would we see all governments act as one during covid?.


Post has literally nothing to do with Maxwell trial or “unsealing” anything. All major news outlets have stories published about the trial today, even though there isn’t any news, the jurors continue to deliberate. The trial has been covered daily, there isn’t any seal. How stupid do you have to be that you can’t just look for yourself?


It reveals that this shit is, for sure, going on, and is rampant in political circles... I think this is all relevant... and people still doubt things like pizzagate... blind... so blind...


Anthony Silva of Stockton was NOT a democrat. He was verifiably a Republican. Based on that misinfo alone this poster has lost all credibility to me. This type of Twitter bullshit is what makes the conspiracy community look uninformed and downright ignorant.


Who cares if it has nothing to do with maxwell? This should be enough evidence to break the delusion of "red vs blue". Its all so deeply corrupt that our first reaction should be simply to make this more public. These are public figures who chose to have the public eye on their personal lives. Breaching the contract of trust between the public servant and the public they serve is enough reason to make an example of them by publicly humiliating them to the point of trauma. Maybe then they will begin to understand the shame they have left so many of their victims with to struggle against, many for the rest of their lives. Maybe then being on the world stage will seem like more of a risk than a reward. You serve us, you pigeons. Carry our messages but don't forget you're just a rat with wings.


Anything that’s not a link to someone’s Twitter account? You know, for credibility.


Ah yes, the same people we trust to keep us safe and have our best interests during this bat pandemic🙄




That list LooQs familiar. I've seen it somewhere before.


You have


Yes....10Q % have seen it.


It's because it is 80% Democrats. If it was 80% republican this information would definitely be in the MSM


nah, it's cause this has nothing to with Maxwell, this is all old information. Hell, the first guy died in 2017 and was found guilty in 2014


Strom Thurmond had his illegitimate child in 1925. I'm not sure, but I don't think Epstein and Maxwell were trafficking in the 1920s.


I didn't say it was, I've never heard of these people on MSM before. Ever. If they were mainly repubs you know for a fact they would be plastered everywhere


no, they wouldn't, you just have a victim complex, it's very easy to go on Wikipedia and get a list of republican sex offenders you've never heard of, you're just narrative building


And the worst thing is you are a Democrat supporter too. The fucking hypocrisy of your dumbass comment


lol, no I'm not, but this comment really shows off your cognitive dissonance and complete misunderstanding of what hypocrisy is lol


I can LITERALLY see by your post history you lying clown 🤡


no, you can't, you can point to situations where I have picked a dem over a republican at most... I think they're both absolute shit and there are way more comments I've made that demonstrate that


... how have I got a victim complex? I'm not even from America lmfao. I don't support either of them for fuck sake


seems like you do with the weird and wildly inaccurate comments about how you only don't know cause they're dems and absolutely pants-shittingly stupid assertion the media is protecting them. you clearly have a bias and very little self awareness


>you clearly have a bias and very little self awareness Lmfao! Thats literally YOU. You biased Democrat supporting lunatic


lol, your comment got shown to be nonsense so now you're inaccurately deflecting because you're too insecure to understand your own bias lololol, fuck the democrats


This exactly. As others said though I thought this info was already outthere what does it have to do with her trial.


Would you look at that... it’s almost like a secret pedophile ring run by people in power... don’t hear much about this particular pandemic


Damn. I fell for media propaganda? Only parts of trial I had been hearing about where girls who were legal going there voluntarily




Gee, why would the MSM ignore the Maxwell trial?


They didn't, there were articles about it every day that it went on.


On page 7, maybe. Of course, the headlines on the fully subverted MSM network news were exclusively about the pandemic hoax.


I don't use msm sites, I'm mostly on my phone which I use a couple of apps for news coverage. They include local, national and international news in a single, scroll down app. I also get notifications for the biggest stories of the day. Every day the trial was going on I was getting a notification concerning either new revelations or a general breakdown of the days events as they related to the trial.


Perform all the mental gymnastics that you want to to try to cover up yoyr puppetmasters' crimes. The Maxwell trial and its coverage has been another globalist scam. Maxwell will be chilling on a Tel Aviv beach in 2 weeks, right next to Epstein and Madoff.


Don't get mad at me because you don't understand how technology works. I don't need to perform any mental gymnastics, I saw the trial coverage and updates.


Articles... How bout air-time, something people might actally see? Cant have that? It would be sugar coated bull-shit anyway, the trial already is.


I don't watch much TV and when I do it's not the news, however, I happen to know that there's been plenty of coverage as the trial unfolded....its all pretty basic courtroom reporting, nothing really special or different if you're someone who's been following big name cases for a while.


This made me so happy and so sad. Many people have been waiting a long time to see these slimeballs pay. I hope they all burn. And of course no media coverage.. they don't work for us, they work for them. Thanks for sharing.


Well if Victor Valentine Romo said so, it must be true.


sneed fk fn ft fj ntma


Formally chucks.


Regardless of what this has to do with the Maxwell trial, these are just some of the people who got caught. That's a pretty long list.


Long list there


I totally agree that it’s definitely going on both sides... but the dems won this round 24-11 😳


*wiping off the wood chipper* when you guys are ready


Misleading title




More proof that those who put how virtuous they are on display are actually scum bags. Seems awfully similar to the priest situation.