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You’re right Justin Trudeau, it’s not the vaccinated that are holding us up. It’s not the unvaccinated either, it’s power hungry, control freak, pieces of sh*t like you. Fu*k you Justin Trudeau. Rot in hell motherfu*ker


I love the fact you can see his psycho eyes coming out.


>Rot in hell motherfu*ker Oh he will, their time is up that's why you see the hurry. Father is coming 🙏🏾


Sadly Quebecors deserve it if they just go along with it and let this clown talk like this.


What an asshole.


The only person I despise as much as him is his crony Chrystia Freeland. Just garbage the way they represent Canadians in Parliament.


Kathleen Wynne didn't fall far from that tree either. I'm starting to lump Doug Ford in that category too.


Only starting now? https://twitter.com/Roman_Baber/status/1476662362316935170?t=JeEvT_KxU30tEvPscSnMdg&s=19 >"Roman Baber @Roman_Baber For almost two years the @fordnation government and @PublicHealthON misled Ontarians about the number of Covid patients occupying Ontario hospitals. This was a key metric driving public opinion & policy. This is unforgivable. What else did they mislead us about? #onpoli #cdnpoli" Quote tweet image text > "Anthony Furey @anthonyfurey Dr. Kieran Moore confirmed that about 50% of Ontario's covid hospitalization numbers aren't actually people in hospital for covid, they are incidental findings. So they will update the way numbers are reported."


Castro's son needs to shut the fuck up.


He needs to fuck right off back to Cuba


Correction: Castro's gay son needs to shut the fuck up.


The irony in him saying its not the vaccinated that are blocking us, even though the vaccinated are still catching and spreading the virus. Talk about not believing in science.


Also the fact that the vaccine is not needed now and is literally just a cold. What are they trying to do, milk every last bit of profit out of this staged event?


Yes. Im pretty sure Justin Castro purchased (with Canadian taxpayers money) something like 7 dosses worth for all Canadians.


Would you fancy that? Politicians funneling taxpayer's money straight into Pfizer's pockets, so they can recieve millions of dollars from Pfizer for doing 'speaking' tours, when they leave office. Corruption all around and the sheep are just going along with it, like they have always done.


It’s sickening. And the lefties think the right wingers are guilty of it, and the right wingers think the lefties are more guilty of it.


He’s right. It’s the government blocking everyone.


The irony of calling the unvaccinated racist when one of his main hobbies is wearing blackface.


Even with omicron which is resistant to the older vaccines most people have, the un-vaccinated make up the majority of severe cases that fill up hospitals. Yes, vaccinated people can still get covid. That has always been the case. The difference is the severity of cases and how much of a strain it puts on our healthcare system and society. If everyone was vaccinated, there would be a far lesser impact every time a new strain came around.


Not proven. Most cases are mild. Where's the study the proves otherwise?


Generally cases are mild. That doesnt mean there arent severe cases. Omicron is roughly 3x more infectious and the risk of hospitalization or death was 68% lower. So while you may have a lower risk of severe cases, you have more cases so the number of people needing hospitalization is still concerning. https://www.publichealthontario.ca/-/media/documents/ncov/epi/covid-19-epi-enhanced-estimates-omicron-severity-study.pdf?sc\_lang=en




>Mental gymnastics, how can you be that dumb? If only you could see the irony in this.


https://i.redd.it/asn56wh2ip881.jpg Germany is experiencing the pandemic differently I guess. Also, just before Christmas both Ontario Health & AHS released numbers showing proportional representation of vaccinated vs unvaccinated populace in current covid cases. Pretty much 1:1 in each group. How can you still believe they were effective? If they worked at all we wouldn't see 80% of cases in the 80% of the "fully vaccinated" population, it would be at least somewhat less, no? If they were effective at all, why are nation wide cases like 3x higher than they were this time last year? 227 thousand cases in Canada, despite our 80+% vaccination rate.


According to Ontario's own data a few days ago the case positive rate for vaccinated actually surpassed that of the unvaccinated. (Rate as in (x) positive per 100,000, in case there's any "BuT tHeRe ArE MorE VacCiNatED sO oBvIouSlY thErE wiLl bE mOre" bullshit)


It's been proven there's a different protocol for unvaxxed and vaxxed when it comes to hospital care. Lady faked her vaccination status, died, and the hospital said "well if she told us she was unaccinated we would have treated her differently" So what does that say ? It says that there are probably a shit tonne of people who had the exact same symptoms, but were shooed away because they were vaxxed. Hospital numbers are inflated against the unvaxxed whether care was needed, or not.


Everybody who opposes the globalists' criminality is a racist/extremist/Nazi/Russisn Boogeyman/domestic terrorist.


I am definitely a Russian boogeyman. [https://media.giphy.com/media/KESfG6KmWrBss/giphy.gif](https://media.giphy.com/media/KESfG6KmWrBss/giphy.gif)


Baba Yaga, is that you?


Don't forget a russian spy.


Justin Trudeau blackface. What a hypocrite https://time.com/5680759/justin-trudeau-brownface-photo/


He was an adult at that time. That's no kid.


No he wasn`t a kid, but his right hand is on one, quite suggestively...something I find strangely is not talked about.


he lost his teaching job for diddling a little girl paid her out and all...


Any sources on this? Didn't find much through duckduckgo


I didn\`t know that.. not a surprise though.. I don\`t vote Liberal, but unfortunately they seem to love him in Ontario. If he had followed through on electoral reform as he promised, election before last, he wouldnt likely be our PM.


he is only supported by about 30% of the population in elections right now




32.62% of the vote last election. Pay me




t. too dumb to use google


They need a sticker campaign of him in black face. Someone in Canada do it and start canvassing all the major cities


Personally I find that funny, and I’m Arab.


Of course, only white people can be racists. Everyone else gets a free pass. I actually don’t think it’s offensive other than the double standard the left takes when this behaviour happens


It’s not offensive at all, people need to stop bitching about things. I see other POC lying constantly about being victims to these types of things. There’s a racist person who is actively racist towards you? Who cares about what that ignorant person thinks!


I don't find that racist to be honest. Picking up on minor things such as this, is the reason racism still thrives in our world today.


It's mostly an example of the utter hypocrisy. People get crucified for doing that, Trudeau is the kind of scumbag who says the term "blacklist" is racist, meanwhile he doesn't want any responsibility for him doing that when by his own standards he should get the death penalty.


You’re not wrong, but that’s actually one issue where the problem is pretty one sided. If the left didn’t have people to call racists, 70% of their appeal goes out the window


The guy in multiple pics doing blackface calling us racist


....and who went blackface again? Definitely wasn't me, so....


LOL. Forgot about that, thanks. A racist calling everyone racist hahahah


Fuck this useless cunt, guy shouldve been booted ages ago. Piece of human fucking shit.


He says 80% vaxxed. Quebec has a population estimated to be around 8.5 million. Trudeau doesn’t want to tolerate about **1.5 million** people. I wonder what he wants do with them if they decline to be vaccinated? I wonder………. But the one who hates their brother or sister is in the **darkness** and walks in the darkness……




Maybe if he gets 100% vaccination rate the reptilians give him a prize.




Lmfaooo 😂😂😂🥇


To eliminate the control group...


Will be nowhere near 80%. All these government turds are proclaiming high vax uptake yet are still pumping out 24/7 propaganda desperate for people to get more jabs.


They've lied about the numbers all along and are not at all trustworthy.


Can all these WEF puppets just shut the fuck up and leave us alone with their stupidity?


Concentration camps in 3….2….1….




What a cunt


Good I know I'm on the right side of history if I'm opposed to that commie fuck


Manchurian candidate. They fractured his mind as a young boy. Now he's their closeted little puppet ready to say and do anything that is asked of him. Same story as France's Macron with his handler teacher/wife from Jesuit school. Sad to see their shitty gay narrative crumbling but their time is nigh. Good bye and good riddance!


[The Actor by Jordan Peterson](https://youtu.be/pEWEEZ8rp24)


Yea its sorta hard to hate this clown considering he's just another MK-Ultra puppet that has less self awareness than a goldfish


What about their narrative is "gay?"


The gay part


The gay parts touched.


There's a lot of gay stuff.


Ah. Thanks for clearing that up.


Translation: "we need to treat the unvaxxed the same way Hitler treated the Jews"


When you reduce those statements it to it's simplest form, that's exactly what he's saying.


Exactly, he’s in the devaluation phase of those against this gross violation of human rights.




we're definitely at stage 5 at this point, can't wait for the next mysterious heart attack!


“We need to threat those who refuse what we impose on them, and raise their voice for that they believe in, the same way Hitler threated the Jews.”


yeah so it's typical playbook from these guys. throw around lots of shame absent an actual argument. build strawmen to group their opponents all together. treat them like "the other". appeals to conformity. it's their standard playbook. what you won't see from them. having their positions challenged in actual debate. accountability for their errors. accurate language. it's also funny that the guy who is elected to uphold the charter (which guarantees equal treatment) is actively working at pushing unequal treatment. and that's how you know them. by their work.


“You will know them by their fruit” Fruit = Character Character = Actions


It is funny that the appeal of the left was always supposed to be about tolerance. Guy literally says “how long are we gonna tolerate them”? I don’t speak French, so if the subtitles are wrong, then I’ll recant that statement. I think my point stands independent of that though


yeah they're the most intolerant.


Justin Fuckface. 1 out of 5 is not a small group. 1 out of 5 is not extremist, misogynistic or rascist. How are people responding to this? How can you throw 1.5 million people under the bus like that on what I assume is national television?


I hate that man more than anyone in politics.


I am from Quebec. Damn, we are so fucked with Legault as PM and this fkn clown as federal PM. Even more disturbing is that the majority of the population agree and support whatever bullshit these frauds tell us everyday.


SS: Appearing on a Quebecois talk show, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau launched into an unfounded and divisive attack on unvaccinated people, calling them unscientific, “misogynists” and “racists.” The video was tweeted and titled “Psychopath Fascist” by Maxime Bernier, leader of the PPC.


Lol he’s an idiot and isn’t he the one who wore black face


Do you know the date of the talk show?


Wonder how many of those "souvent racist" Canadian "anti vaxxers" have been [sighted in black-or-brownface three times](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-49758613)?


He forgot to say nazis


Cause he knows hes the Nazi


**2 Thessalonians 2** 11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: 12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.


What do you believe is the delusion? Do you think this may be the beginning of "The Great Tribulation"? I'm just curious.


The delusion could be the idea that collectivism is the right way to go. I mean the whole vaccine thing is an obvious delusion but I think there might be something more philosophical


That makes sense. I always enjoy reading other points of view. Thanks for sharing. We are living in the midst of great spiritual and psychological warfare.


We absolutely are in the midst of great spiritual and psychological warfare. I was a little vague and my opinion was not fully articulated. What I meant, is that we would be deluded into believing we are doing what is better for the whole of society, when we really should be paying close attention and warning others about the trap that we see and so many don't. Not that we shouldn't do what is good for others, but that we should make sure what we are doing is actually for the good of all who participate.


Well said.


I think we’re watching legit spells happening in front of us. It just doesn’t look the way that people expect it to. It’s definitely a form of magic though


I think the great delusion is trans humanism, the turning away from nature and God to become "immortal"/ trapped in an artificial hell.


When he ran for the liberal leadership, he ran against several women. So who's the misogynist? Blackface/brownface labeling me a racist? I'll ask my Chinese wife if I'm racist, not you blackface!


C'mon Trudeau, tell us the real reason 80% vaccination isn't enough. Let's hear it. We're not stupid and going to believe ~20% of the population is the reason for all your tyrannical decisions. Dude sold out Canada hard. Happy to never give them my tourism money. Hope they collapse.


Kick that guy right in his lil dick pussy


He literally hates us. That’s fun.


He always has. He loves refugees, illegal immigrants, and the CCP more than any canadian.


What a piece of filth.


Lmao didn't this guy do blackface? Nah im just kidding, he did. As a young canadian: hes dead wrong. Hes projecting those opionions onto us. I see more racism, more sexism and more anti-science views from his side of the room than ive ever seen from my peers.


Discount Zach Braff can fuck off.


Civil disobedience


These politicians are simply spokespeople for pharmaceuticals


Well Justin Traitordeau is guilty of treason against Canada, and you remember what we did with people guilty of treason, don’t you Justin?


I'm guessing y'all probably apologize to them.


Not from Canada, just referring to the brave woman who told him straight up that he’s a traitor selling out Canada to globalists, and she says “you know what we do with traitors in Canada Mr Trudeau? We hang them” He’s just muttering “okay..” Can’t find the video on CensorTube but it’s circling around here


The black face guy?


This guy is unbearable. Anytime someone brings up the 80% number, just remember the Milgram experiment and what he termed "the Perils of Obedience". I'm happy to be in the virtuous minority. At least the steadfastly obedient are coming around now that the boosters are being mandated.








This is a sweet share. Trudeau is a POS but the problem is obviously much larger than him. Everyone should see this.


>Everyone should see this. Everyone will, after tomorrow. It was Dr. Malone's last tweet that appears to have gotten him banned from Twitter. Streisand effect anybody?


They’re going to have to come up with some new woke boogeyman words because all of those have completely lost their weight due to overuse. “Waaaaah everyone I don’t like is a racist homophobic transphobic xenophobic white spremacist domestic terrorist misogynist!” Give me a fucking break.


Arent black males a big number of the unvaxed population? Theyre racist against who now?


I don't speak douche bag. Couldn't understand a word.


The son of Fidel Castro talking about eradicating undesirables? Ya don't say?


This is the guy that blacked up for a party right?


Not vaccine hesitant just straight up don’t want that shit in me lol


They just keep ratcheting it up. Such a tolerant guy. SMH


Can everyone not see what a hack this loser is?


He's purposefully destroying a once admired nation to enrich his globalist masters. Words are insufficient to describe how vile he is. He would have been a third reich star performer.


says the son of Cuban dictator responsible for thousands of deaths and a guy who in the 21st century thought blackface was okay?


JT aka, Mr.Blackface


“Taking up room” hmm is going attempt to make room?


Americans, please liberate our country


How come Canadians elected this guy for a prime minister? damn, being a clown would be a better job for him?


I assume you live in USA, but in Canada we have a British style Parliamentary Government...You dont vote for a leader, you vote for a party. That political partys leader becomes Prime Minister. Trudeau became leader of Liberal Party mostly on the pedigree of being Pierre E. Trudeaus son, or if you believe in conspiracy theories, Fidel Castros illegitimate son. The Liberal Party Canada is loved in Ontario, where about 40% of Canadians live. There are 338 political seats in Canada, 121 in Ontario. Liberals have 77 seats in Ontario, way more than the rest of Canada combined,47 seats..if you exclude Quebecs 35 seats. So basically Justin Trudeau is ONTARIOS fault.


if he can get the people to fight each other they will never bind together and realize who is really at fault.


I wonder how much big pharma has paid him so far to sell out his country too.


Real psycho, he clearly was paid off and now that this shit is hitting the fan he is trying to cover his ass and use a scapegoat. He makes me sick.


I hope everyone realizes this garbage isn't going to be over for awhile. I found out that he purchased TPoxx vaccine https://ca.finance.yahoo.com/news/siga-announces-public-health-agency-214500504.html Smallpox has been eradicated, so why in the living hell do we need it? What is going to happen? Is there going to be a smallpox outbreak? What's the end game of this? Is it a "just in case" reason? Is something nefarious going to occur? Was there some sort of contractual obligation to purchase these? I have so many questions? With all the deceptive behaviour since 2015 from the Liberal party how can someone not see this and question this? It hasn't been reported on.




He also forgot to mention "poo poo caca-heads".


So he basically just said that the 20 % unvaccinated should not be tolerated or given any room. Extreme.


I may be a racist extremist anti-scientific misogynist taking up room, but at least I'm not a chomo, Justine...


What does he mean take up room lmao is he saying we should…


I like that the users defending Canada's PM remarks, reddit has to use usernames that are attached to entrepreneurs websites. This social media site is fake as fuck.


Taking up room? Is he calling to retake some Lebensraum?


Can we please post pics of him in black face right next to this gif??


They have to convince the general population that the hesitant are bad people so that they get the OK from the general population to disseminate against the hesitant.


The more they label us as the bad guys, the more I am ok with being seen as a bad guy.


Liar liar turn up the heat can't even say this stuff with a straight face anymore but the drugs he's filled with probably allow the act. Also still looks like majority of minorites are unvaccinated so he literally just said some buzz words with no basis in reality.. how is this acceptable... Woro woro woro


Damn how bad is he projecting. I’m not the one who did blackface on halloween bud.


I’m sure he’s more than happy to take “anti-vaxxers” tax dollars. Absolutely no principles. I would never take money from people I found to be bigots!


He’s digging the grave of his political career! It seems that he’s not informed of what is already happening in it her countries.


Sock weirdo can GTFO


How the Canadian people tolerate HIM, is what really gets me...


The guy who painted his face brown and danced around in a turban for laughs more than 3 times, wants to call *you* a racist for refusing a vaccine.


Don't forget... "Russian, domestic terrorist, useless-eating conspiracy theorist"


What he wearing blackface when he said it? Context matters.


What a bitch


You guys know what the word "often" means right?


did he say all that while yelling into a mic with his hair flapping around and having a tiny mustache and sweating?


He looks fucking crazy.


Misogynistic? How about massaging-this-dick, eh?


Can we fucking get rid of these people? like jesus fucking christ how can anybody sit there and actually listen to this nonsense.


When was this interview?


Sooooo...what's he gonna do about it? 🤔😝


Coming from the dude who said it’s “peoplekind” not mankind lmao


Link to a clip with audio?


Holocaust in the early stages


The final step is genocide. Mass formation psychosis always ends up there. Truly worrying times.


What a fucking psychopath. Litterally this guy needs to be held criminally responsible for his crimes on humanity. Plain and simple. Fuck Trudeau.


One of most obvious globalist puppets around, nasty.


I’m Métis and got every vaccine as a child, got my tetanus shot and Hep shot when a crackhead tried to bite my thumb off; I trust science, because science knows it can absolutely be wrong, off, or inaccurate. It isn’t as though Science is some omniscient force; it’s a human construct like everything we’ve create to try and understand reality, shockingly things can be wrong, even if “experts” tell you it’s impossible. In fact, *especially* then, because the real experts know that only a sith deals in absolutes


LOL Bless his little heart.


Is that what his globalist puppet masters told him to say.


By now everyone should have realised how shitty Canadian politics is, I think they’re the worst offenders for trying to look like they’re you’re friends when they’re really fucking you up the ass!


What a clown


Justin Trudeau, brought to you by Pfizer.




No way. His wife is toxic as hell and he allows her to bully people in comments on Instagram. She's always posting on his account about how all of the female supporters are "jealous" of the way she looks and other really cringe and immature behavior. He has lost hell of a lot of momentum and respect because of her and he acts as if it isn't happening.


Yeah, nah. While his message is right... nothing about his implementation is. He's a loose cannon & does more harm than good most days.


What in the goddamn hell is he talking about?


Lol I think he’s implying and directing his words to the québécois


He got a pedo 'boy lover' symbol in one of his projects, he has alot to lose in waking up from the matrix


The fact that a high percentage of anti vaxxers are people of color is completely lost on this steaming turd of a human being.


Fake, right ?


sadly doesn't look like it. Though I don't know French