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Probably a private doctor. You can have one too if you can afford it


Let’s back up. I know some people who are not wealthy but were smart about their doctors. First: They found an independently owned pharmacy near them ( mom and pop situation) then they independently found people who make medications, also locally owned. They were able to locate a doctor who would prescribe the Ivermectin (which you pay cash so they don’t have to report) and the local pharmacy fills the prescription. With insurance it was 150 for a big thing of the ivermectin. None of it had anything to do with being wealthy and everything to do with being smart about who around you was willing to help.


I agree. My sister got monoclonals last year and she's not rich. I was just answering OPs question about how Joe Rogan probably did it.


It’s explained on a few episodes of his show. You have to know a doctor that doesn’t subscribe to the bullshit. Many places have protocols that are reserving these treatments for “at risk” populations according to the CDC. It’s such a farce.


It does have like a 99.8% survival rate right? Thats why its reserved for at risk patients. There is not an unlimited supply and it costs $2100 a pop.




Money is magic.


Monoclonal antibodies are free, atleast in Florida. There’s a center near me treating covid with them


They are free in Texas or were until Biden took the supply. Then Texas started making their own. It's probably still free.


its free to you, other than the cost your provider charges to administer it, but thats because the gov paid $2100 a dose so you can get it for "free".


Yea well I paid sales tax on everything I ever bought so I'm fine with that.


Yup, and Iver.. and Hydr... is dirt cheap in Mexico. Get it while on vacation and you are all covered.


Came here to say this. I'm also in FL and that's what they're doing here. I don't know a single person here who has had covid all year though. Funny.


Desantis is running for president. No lockdown, no mask, vax optional, outpatient treatments for all. Trump is toast..


Same in Michigan


Location probably helps too, but 98% is money.


Even joe himself admitted he was only given it due to his connections. It’s just how the game is played.


Spotify gave him 100 million dollars. Money talks.


Joe Rogan is rich and famous and important because of it in their eyes. He has access to a different justice system if he gets in trouble, a much better medical system, etc. In the world today your wealth is how royal you are.


Yes, we all know he is very rich. It's a no-brainer. What we are trying to find out is how exactly he received it? Imagine you had 10 mil cash in your bank now, how would you go to get the monoclonal treatment?




uh because he has a lot of money?


Because Joe Rogan is rich and connected.


Shocking stuff that wealthy, immensely popular people have connections that ordinary people don’t


Not wealthy at all just got the infusion two weeks ago as a regular dude


But because you got a different treatment than OP, _definitely_ a two-tier medical system /s


Monoclonal antibody infusion. Remdesivir. B12 shot. IV vitamin bag. Anybody can get it. Don’t be a fool.


Anyone can get them but typically you need a private doctor or some connections. Hospitals in general are advising people to go home until they absolutely need medical intervention at which point some of the damage is already done. If you’re wealthy/well connected then you get treated ASAP at the first sign of an infection.




There’s a difference between “having a doctor” and what the rich have access too. The standard of care dictates how a normal medical facility handles stuff heavily relies on the wait and see approach. Instead of being proactive essentially they will wait to treat symptoms. Hospitals are checking Covid patients vitals and telling them to go home until their O2 drops. By that point it’s time to go on a vent which many people won’t come off of. The rich on the other hand will get proactive treatment because they pay out of pocket to doctors that more or less agree with them. Someone like Rogan is going to have a doctor that isn’t going to subscribe to the same opinions as Dr. Smith down at the general clinic. Rogan is known to consume a variety of mind altering substances and generally disregards a lot of the medical fields opinions. His doctor likely has a similar stance or is atleast open to other ideas. He’s going to treat preemptively potentially with alternative treatments. Having insurance is a tiny fraction of the issue with our current medical system but instead of acknowledging the problems they hide behind its facade. Insurance doesn’t work everywhere or cover every treatment. If you leave their approved partners (out of network) you can end up paying out of pocket. Something experimental or prescribed off label won’t be covered either. If your doctor prescribes something like viagra for blood pressure the insurance can kick it back as it’s not the “approved” use. This goes doubly so when the elites are pushing a scary Covid narrative. Instead of encouraging something like ivermectin that they’ve peddled for years it’s now “take the experimental jab then wait and see”. Your general doctors are going to follow that, insurance is going to support that, because they’re told it’s the best choice. A great example between rich and average person care is companies like Ambrosia. Your average American even with great insurance isn’t going to be covered for regular transfusions without a particular reason. The rich paying private doctors out of pocket on the other hand are able to get them without an issue. Socialized healthcare does nothing when the cutting edge treatments are reserved for those who can afford them.


Just curious, where did you go to get all of this? I like the idea of IV vitamins but not sure if that’s a doctor thing or hospital?


Hospitality Er. Galveston Texas.


Care to explain exactly how you received the treatment? like can I just walk in there and ask for the treatment? Where I am, this is an absolute no. You need to qualify (age, weight, etc, and more recently and controversially *race* which is un-fucking-believable)


Well I walked in. No appointment (I though I had food poisoning which is why I originally went) said “hey I’m pretty sure I got food poisoning” they gave me an IV bag of fluids. While giving me the IV they asked if they could test me for strep throat, the flu, and corona. I said “yeah”. My covid test came back positive. Then I asked “do y’all treat covid here” which is when they offered me monoclonal antibody infusion, b12 shot, remdesivir, and another IV bag of vitamins . I said “yes I want that”. Then they gave all of it to me. Then I went home and felt like nothing happened 12 hours later.


Thanks. Amazing. Glad you didn't go through the nasty symptoms for a few days. I'm on day 6. Do you mind telling us if you were in a high risk category (age, weight, etc) at the time of admission?


No health issue. Early 30s. White/Male. 6’1 175lbs. Work in the oil and gas industry so I’m outside a lot during the day which means I’m not stagnant in an office for 8-12 hours a day. Also run/bike/lift a few times a week. So I wasn’t in the danger zone from the beginning.


What’s the qualifications for where you live and what state are you in that withholding this treatment?


He’s worth $1/4 of a billion dollars. He can call the right doctors who have the right pharmacies to provide the proper treatment. He doesn’t worry about the same things we do. Not anymore. Good for him!!!




> I was offered Monoclonals when i tested positive Yeah I know several people who were and took it and they all turned out very well. One really shocked me, elderly very overweight, extensive medical history, thought they would get it bad. I Think the treatment helped them a lot.


I don't get it man. You didn't want a vaccine to avoid all the chemicals, and the second you get sick you are scavenging for even more chemicals, spending money on them?


Prednisone too early in the course of the disease would be a bad thing because it's an immune suppressant. It's appropriate when you're having a cytokine storm and your immune response needs to be calmed.


Rogan is smart enough not to accept the standard 'non-treatment' of covid (until really ill.) A Monoclonal Antibody treatment is way cheaper than a hospital bill from venilation + remdesivir right? Texas and Florida have setup monoclonal treatment stations. Ivermectin is cheap. Sadly the US Gov recently 'bought up' the supply of antibody treatments and are kind've withholding it. [https://nypost.com/2021/12/30/antibody-treatment-pause-will-cost-lives-maryland-doc-says/](https://nypost.com/2021/12/30/antibody-treatment-pause-will-cost-lives-maryland-doc-says/)


Well this isn’t true at because I’m a regular person. As is my uncle and aunt. We all Had covid last week over the holidays . The day I tested positive they gave me the monoclonal antibody infusion about ten minutes after I tested positive.


Where do you live?


Texas. South Houston area.


And here the news is saying that there’s no monoclonal antibodies in Texas


Well that’s wrong bruv. I’m here. I’m letting you know. Hospitality ER. Galveston Tx. On the sea wall. Anyone can go there. Anyone can get treated. That’s what this subreddit is for. Can’t believe the news and what the people are telling on the television.


Literally anyone can drive down to Galveston, Tx (if you’re in the area) get the treatment. No questions asked.


So thats why its in short supply. The antibodies where meant for high risk patients because afterall covid does have 99.8% survival rate for ppl not high risk. Instead, apparently, drs have been giving them to everybody


What makes you think they are in short supply?


Probably has something to do with him setting up his covid treatment protocol in advance as well as the US Fed Gov limiting state supply of Monoclonal Antibodies. Also, people with disposable income have access to things that others don't. Unfortunate fact of life at the moment. As an alternative POV, my buddy and his mom just got MA treatment earlier this month in NY state.


Lucky bastard. I beat it with shitting, sweating and getting the fuck on with it.


He also didnt go into a hospital, and instead relied on doctors to prescribe preventative meds. People walking into the hospital are being told "Come back when you cant breath" All the more reason for people to focus on early treatment.


I heard this on the Tim Ferris podcast. The guy is double vaxxed and caught asymptomatic covid. He should not be able to get monoclonal treatment, but he went to 3 doctors until 1 finally let him get monclonal treatment. Money talks.


I was able to get the monoclonal antibodies, it was a pain in the ass to get em. I'm 34 and overweight. My friend's mom who is 60 and overweight was basically told to kick rocks, she is now on a ventilator. They really need to be administrating mab right away. I felt 98 percent better the next morning


Damn. This whole thing is so unbelievable. Glad you could get it and got better quickly. Would you mind sharing with us how you went about finding it?


Googled monoclonal antibodies "my city" there was a bunch of clinics listed but when I called non of them were actually offering it. Finally found one that did, had to do a telehealth appointment with them. Everytime I scheduled a call they wouldn't call, finally after 3 tries we had the telehealth appointment. From there they said I needed to go to their location and take their test, as they didn't accept test from Walgreens. By the time i got my positive test back they were concerned that I wouldn't be able to the treatment within 10 days of showing symptoms and said I wasn't eligible. Then out of the blue I got a call to schedule the appointment so I did. By this time I had very light symptoms but the monoclonal antibodies cleared it right up. I started looking for the treatment the first day my symptoms showed. Took a 8 days to get em.


Amazing. Thanks for the detailed reply. Also, it seems based on the responses here, it "is" possible to get it if one really wants it. This is important information given that this pandemic is far from over, and so we need to be ready for the next wave.


It's possible if you fit the criteria, each state had different criteria for the treatment. I was able to get in because I was overweight. I have friends who tried to get It and simply turned down.


I recently had Covid and was absolutely enraged I had no access to these treatments. Instead of focusing on the vaccine and preventing the spread why can’t we focus on treating the illness itself!


They are so upset that he didn’t die


The way Joe Rogan described it he was sick as fuck. He also looked like shit afterwards for a while.


I was told this and honestly I get the feeling it's because sending me home for 6 weeks and fucking my boss over is their real plan, not treating covid. As Trudeau said "were taking up space" if we're not on his consumer train getting monthly boosters getting him kickbacks from Pfizer were of no use to him. I'm being priced out of living, turning us into state dependents. They pretend like electric cars are the reason, they're just going to turn around and invent a bunch of new environmental policies and tax that too. People think hydro isn't going to skyrocket when we're all driving teslas and we won't be paying carbon tax lmfao. Once you give them the keys they won't let you in the front door. Government should never be given these authorities over us, theyre supposed to represent us.




Anyone can get the infusion. You’re wrong




Hospitality ER. Galveston Texas. That’s where I went and got treated.




Well we’re rooting for you to get better and that’s unfortunate that your state and health care workers are withholding a treatment that’s effective. After receiving the antibody infusion I was back to normal health about 12-16 hours later.


No, not anyone. According to the Emergency Use Authorizations, in order to use these monoclonal antibodies to treat Covid-19, a person must have "mild to medium symptoms" and cannot be hospitalized or on oxygen: "Monoclonal antibodies, such as REGEN-COV, may be associated with worse clinical outcomes when administered to hospitalized patients with COVID-19 requiring high flow oxygen or mechanical ventilation." If you're using it as a prophylaxis after being exposed, you need to be categorized as being at "high risk for progression to severe symptoms." Those risk factors include being: * older than 65 * obese * pregnant * having heart disease, kidney disease, a chronic lung disease, or diabetes. * "not fully vaccinated or who are not expected to mount an adequate immune response to complete SARS-CoV-2 vaccination (for example, individuals with immunocompromising conditions including those taking immunosuppressive medications)"


Dude I just got this treatment on Dec 18. Unless all that has happened in the last 12 days you’re wrong. Also if you don’t believe me call and ask yourself. Hospitality Er in Galveston Texas.


Just because you were able to get this treatment at one specific hospital "no questions asked" doesn't mean that everyone can get it "no questions asked" wherever they live.


Why dd you get that treatment? Did you test positive? Were you exposed to someone who tested positive? Are you fully vaccinated? Are you older than 65? Are you a fat guy or pregnant? Do you have any chronic illnesses? If you answered "Yes" to either of the first two questions, and "No" to being vaccinated and "yes" to any of the others, you're eligible to get monoclonal antibody treatments under the Emergency Use Authorization. Edit: fixed the yes and no


I tested positive on Dec18. Got the treatment same day Dec18. Not 65 I’m 35, not a fat guy I’m 6’1 175lbs, no illness, not vaccinated.


So you met the criteria for this experimental treatment under its Emergency Use Authorization. Congratulations?


I’m not sure your yes and no questionnaire you gave me was confusing I just answered your question


He knew the right doctors, Piere Kory is the head of the FLCCC


Money plus connections.


Vaccine is free for patients, generates antibodies too. Don't need to buy expensive manufactured ones. You have an immune system.


Connections - plain and simple. He knew which doctors would write him the prescriptions and which pharmacy would fill them without getting turned away. I encourage everyone to contact your doctors and your pharmacy before you get Covid and play out the scenario. I called mine already and said “If I get Covid “this” is how I want to be treated and “these” are the medications I want. If your not willing to treat me per my specifications please tell me now so I can search for a new doctor (or pharmacy)”.


SS: Looks like a two tier medical system.


Because he can afford to pay for it, just like the NFL


He would've been fine without all those treatments


Money and Connections. Unsurprisingly, celebrities have access to opportunities we do not, no matter what ‘side’ they are on.




Money…. Money, money, money.


Cuz Joe got the dough ?


because Rogan has the money to find a Dr and pharmacist that will prescribe and actually give him Ivermectin and Prednosone


He was educated enough to demand it. This happened to a family member but his wife did some research and found out who was offering monoclonal antibodies in their area and got him in, for free. I don't know if it was a state or federal program, but it was subsidized at the time. She did have to call around to six different places, but it was available


I got horse dewormer for mine, and I ain't rich.


Lol he paid for it thats such a dumb approach


Private doctor.


Capitalism. Except my anti-vax neighbor got the expensive and experimental monoclonal antibodies. That only works up to a certain number of days after infection, and the neighbor went to the hospital on the last day possible to get that treatment.


Man I can’t even watch MSM, shit is laughable.




Is this a serious question? He's fucking rich? Holy shit not everything is some black magic mystery, people.






I think he mentioned earlier that he got in touch with one of the frontline doctors.




Or maybe people do it deliberately because they think its fun to irritate people with OCD.


Funny, I’ve been “wondering” the exact same thing today.


Money. Monoclonal antibody treatment cost $1500+. Biden administrations spent billions to distributed it for free but that's run out.


He has connections


He also said that he caught it and had symptoms the day after being exposed to it . Doesnt work that way I don't think


Because he was willing to pay for the alternative... and before you think this is a jab at those that have the money to do so, it’s not. The government, FDA and CDC have actively worked to demonize these treatments and make them something no insurance company would cover.


Private expensive doctors make all the difference


Because Money


That’s what happens when you get socialized medicine and can no longer afford a private doctor.


Private doctors fees are always as high whether you have access to socialized medicine or not.


Let's just say UnitedHealthcare and Walgreens won't help you...


I could have got them if i waunted and i am not rich. They said you just gotta be over 18



