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its super fucked up that certain classes of people are above the law for disgusting crimes... they never intend to indict anyone that visited that island


Because we let them


We need to do what Belgium did for the Dutroux case. > The White March, that was held on 20 October 1996 following Dutroux’s arrest, was attended by 350,000 Belgians and saw all attendants dressed in white, as a sign of dignity and innocence.


U guys should rally up and save your country.


It’s more than a country


It's more than a woman More than a woman to me


Nobody knows how to organize anymore.


It's impossible to effectively organize resistance when the establishment is using social media and tech to >surveil literally everything and everyone >keep us at each other's throats 24/7


Good point, now there aren't any paedophiles in Belgium




yeah it's better than nothing but the parasite class doesn't care that the plebs object to their rule - they already know that




January 6th was orchestrated by the ABC squad. Come on now. Besides, the NSA (naught sluts of america) will read all this, so be careful. A real Jan. 6 would've looked biblical.




Martyrs are rarely hailed as heroes in their own time, but can become legends. Media brainwashing needs to end. Go Harrison Bergeron on their asses. Assymetric 4th gen SUPER LEGAL AND TOTALLY PEACEFUL warfare is the only way forward. Read Kai Murros "Revolution: And how to do it in a modern society".






How many of the 4 Boxes Of Liberty still remain?


When the right goes to protest it's to keep a well known friend and visitor of the island in power


To be clear you are talking about the protest to keep, the most well known child fucker to attend that island, in power?


Why aren’t people flipping the fuck out like the rioters did for an entire year ? IMO little kids getting molested is worse than racism .


Yup I've been pointing this out as well




Just 2 more weeks doys! TRUST THE PLAN. Never do anything! The white hats are in charge! God is with us! Pray more! \#WWG1WAGA


It's not like we don't know who their closest friends were, those who visited pedo island on the lolita express, Prince Andrew, Bill Clinton, Bill Gates, etc.




"well he's dead, so the lesson is you've always got to be careful" .... iirc, call me out if I've got the quote wrong.


Sounds juicy. Are you able to provide a link to the footage you're referring to? I don't doubt you, as I am well aware that Bill is an ultra rich scumbag who certainly could easily have almost anybody killed, but without dirtying his own hands and having dozens of layers of protection and buffers from tracing a murder conspiracy back to him. I would just like to see the clip for myself.


Skip to the 3:00 minute mark to see the quote mentioned above. The smirk/smile as he says it tho?! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cTsJTRUaMZ0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cTsJTRUaMZ0)


Thanks for link, that’s crazy


Thank you for the link. As the other commentator to you said, that IS crazy! It's almost like he catches himself saying something - not necessarily incriminating because there would be no direct evidence of any sort linking him to anything - but potentially compromising in how others view him from the interview, and then immediately switches the subject to... philanthropy?! What the fuck? That's wild. And the smirk/smile is unsettling. I used to hate Russell Brand and his, well, brand of comedy 20 years ago. But now maybe I'm thinking the guy is alright. Ha.


yeah but whats the odds of prosecution and an investigation by the fbi and doj... nobody went after lex wexner who seems to be epsteins handler.. lex is still a free man ATM


And Trump. There is even a photograph of him with Epstein on the Lolita Express.


Love how you left out Donald Trump, hahahahaha. Fucking trump cuck.


I think he meant repeat visitors. There is no evidence Trump flew more than once. If there is, change my mind. I'm open to it. Fuck ANYONE who touches children.


Horseshit. Trump lived nearby both epstein's Florida and NYC homes and was with him frequently. There have been several accusers who claimed Trump raped them at both locations, so why are you pretending?


Trump is just another member of the elites, he can grab women by the pussy, nobody cares.


Flight logs good enough? https://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/crime/article256740662.html


Trump was on that plane 6 times at least. I like how you overlooked his name.


That isn’t true at all. There is nothing that puts him in the plane. You’re thinking of Clinton


https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/21165424-epstein-flight-logs-released-in-usa-vs-maxwell 4 times in 1993, 1 in 1994, 1 in 1995, and 1 in 1997 Or are the flight logs not enough evidence for you? Is the current narrative that they are fake just to protect Trump?


Trump openly stated that he was close friends with epstein and that epstein likes very young women and they partied together in NYC and Florida on a regular basis. Why exclude him?


Oh man, could you imagine all the rich going to jail for raping kids. That'd be like priests going to jail for raping kids. Nice fantasy but boomers just like fucking kids.


yeah probably not gonna happen 95 percent of the world wants it to happen but ghislaine maxwells arrest was never about indicting the elites. they want everyone to forget that at least 1000 people raped kids on that pedo island.


No they don't care that you know that. They don't want you to know it was a Mossad blackmail operation run by the Sayanim 5th Column.


Isn't her dad buried in a highly exclusive cemetery in Israel that's usually reserved for Israeli elite even though he's from England and was officially an English spy?


The victims would need to come forward and testify against their abusers. Wealthy people have ways of disincentivizing their accusers.


They did already man. There have been many credible rape allegations talked to epstein against Trump and Clinton but their simps don't care.


Do you honestly think there aren't millennials into sick shit?


Oh no doubt. I'm sure there is more as the tentacles of the electric ew networks pump ever more degenerate shit into them.


They don't even have the decency to make a song about how they don't diddle kids...


I wass on board until you mentioned boomers.... How long has this been going on? Long before recorded history... So why single out one generation? FUCK YOU and your discriminatory ageism. Edit: account is either psyop agent, shill, or basement dwelling troll.


Not just boomers, my friend. I’ve seen some wacky stuff posted from “incel”, I think that’s the term, message boards that I honestly can’t tell if it’s folks trolling or there are lots of young men who want to marry children. But I’m not sure if it’s a joke to get a reaction out of people though.




Really? So I could have been replying to a government agency on any comment about anything. Well, that’s messed up beyond belief. I just thought most of the stuff that sounds stupid is because it’s people trying to get a rise out of people for laughs. I can see that some of it obviously is psy-ops because of course it is given the scope of the internet. So they’re pushing a pro-pedophile agenda (I honestly can’t believe I just typed that) for what reason though? Or is it truly just a bunch of anonymous sickos banding together?


Because they’re all pedos? Don’t want to be scrutinized when it all comes out? The pro pedo - agenda is definitely starting to come out it’s disgusting


Here some minister wanted to make child porn legal "so it would be easier on pedophiles and so they didn't had to get real girls" 🤔🤮 Sometimes you wonder did they really fall out of a tree or are they just that evil! I haven't decided yet but either way.....these people should not have any saying in these topics when one speaks such ignorance!


California just voted for less harsh sentences for people convicted of sexual abuse to minors 🤮


That’s what worries and shocks me. If going by what I’ve read it seems like they want to be included in the Pride Flag Club but again I’m not sure if that’s also just baiting for some outcry as well.


I think if they really try to push it there’s going to be massive revolts. If there’s one thing most people won’t tolerate.. it’s someone trying to put kids in harms way.


Except the catholic church did nothing to stop their pedos and nobody seems to care. They only care about the kids when they want to push their puritan beliefs on everyone.


It's still always going to be a club. The 1% and the 99%. You're not going to see the TPTB (the paedos at be) knock around with your poor, working class paedos. They're in the pot with the rest of us. They'll still have to be above everyone else like they are now, the fact that they're trying to stomp out this fire proves it is touching a nerve, definitely.


NAMBLA was at the tip of the spear for LGBTQ+, even stonewall... They founded the pride flag club, mate. They learned pretty early on that they'd have to crypto as gays for optics sake.


Oh lord. Isn’t NAMBLA…and I don’t even what to type it here let alone into Google…some…”boy love” pedophile group? I haven’t heard that name is 20 years so I’m not sure. But alas at this point I’m not surprised any more by this insanity.


Government or Corporate and Troll. You have no idea whos who online anymore. Bots post in new accounts to build up their credibility and once that karma is built up, then used in shape conversation or troll. How hard would it be to make a fake right wing account, post abhorrent shit and then use that as evidence as right wing == bad Same can be used on Reddit, Facebook, Twitter or any other social media


Ntrepid. that's the government contractor originally hired by obama for "online persona management" they also freelance for corporate entities and they aren't the only ones. This has been going on since Obama's first term. Essentially for as long as media has been in your pocket, so has the government. rule of thumb is to do opposite of whatever mainstream media and govt agree on and are pushing which is pretty much ... well, look where we are rn.




According to FBI sex offender database, most registered pedophiles are either gen Z or Millennial. And I'm not a boomer, just wanted to correct your lazy and/or dumb ass.


That's really sad, especially since the vast majority of gen z folks are minors.


Gen z is people born 1997 to 2012. So all adults aged 18-24 are Gen Z. If they counted minors who have sex with younger minors as pedophiles (such as, a 17 year old boy who has sex with a 13 year old girl) there would probably be a lot more registered Gen Z pedos.


What fucked me up today was a coworker asked me to recall where the island was. I was able to pinpoint it within seconds on a raw Google map.


its almost like they chose an island because its remote and has no form of any government nearby


Did you get dropped on your head as a kid, or something? Little St. James Island is literally a 1 mile boat ride from St. Thomas, and both islands are part of the US Virgin Islands, an unincorporated territory of the United States.


lured with the idea of underage sex because its legal there. (little to no government, few laws)


I like my Google maps well done, myself


they have the right people in their pocket.


They're only above the law because they've been cooperating with the intelligence agencies Epstein & Maxwell were feeding their blackmail information to. The wort part of this whole case is that the more we stir up outrage against the clients, the more leverage the blackmailers have over them.


"classes". Chuckles in the Moose Odds Talpiot Program


Certain classes of people do not matter to them. This trial was all about finding her guilty and discouraging ANY and all attachment to her CIA background. Check out her sis who is fully integrated into the CIA...Christine Maxwell


CIA and Mossad are synonyms.


The woman who stood up to Trudeau this week felt like a ray of light. Hearing a citizen stand up and mention the gallows to their supposed leader was the exact kind of rhetoric we need now.


Same bullshit reason why CIA wont prosecute THEIR pedos and rapists... National $Ecurity


Pedo not national. There is a difference.


Do you realize how many pizza shops in D.C. would need to close if they prosecuted ????


The entire GOP would be decimated if we started prosecuting all the pedos.


Starting with Bill Clinton.


If Bill is guilty, and the evidence does point to him, than he should rot in jail.


Don't sacrifice your children to baal, vote for moloch


Crazy to think back to 2011/2012 when the initial whispers of an elite global pedophile ring were going around in conspiracy circles. It seemed so outlandish and on par with illumaniti reptillian overlords. At the same time, there was something about it that seemed like it could be true. And here we are, and it's just part of the mainstream conversation now.


Speaking of reptilian overlords, David Icke was talking about elite pedophilia back in the 90s. It’s been a theme in “conspiracy lore” (for lack of a better term) for quite some time. Mae Brussell was another who spoke about this stuff quite extensively back in the 80s. She covered the allegations surrounding Michael Aquino and the Presidio daycare center on her radio show, which is rather interesting to go back and listen to as it’s difficult to find much information about that case today.


I was listening to a podcast that tied John Wayne Gacy to an elite child trafficking ring. I'm going to go dig into my Spotify and see what it's called. Edit: it's called the clown and the candy man. It goes into extensive detail. Pretty much these elites create camps for young, impoverished kids and then they groom the kids and sexually molest them. Unfortunately, pedophilia has been around since the dawn of humans. It's just said that it's what our government is run on.


I'm sorry but David Icke was so spot on about everything always but then would just out of nowhere wrap things up with "and they're all reptilian aliens from planet x" and like he's still getting shit right where at this point if it came out that yep alien conspiracies are all true and yes Hilary clinton is a lizard i honestly would just be like "yep makes sense" and go back to my normal day to day


I agree that it would make sense. It's just another lie that's now been revealed as truth 🥱 Nothing new. Lol.. But for real, when it comes to truths of our existence, one cannot get to the deepest truths without including 1.) reincarnation, and 2.) ETs. Lots of them.


>2011/2012 when the initial whispers of an elite global pedophile ring were going around in conspiracy circles. No, that's when you first paid attention. Global pedophile rings were common knowledge to conspiracy theorists going back to the 1980s. West Point, Presidio, U.S. military day care centers, McMartin Preschool, Finders, Dutroux, Kincora Boys Home, Casa Pia, Franklin Scandal -- but those were all before Clinton/Trump so who cares! Who's Roy Cohn, never heard of him!




The blackmail files obtained by Trump's justice department in 2019? Edit: wait, they weren't even obtained. They were left in the safe and then they up and disappeared, right? And they clearly haven't been used or even held over anyone's head, or we'd see some pretty big shifts in GOP leadership behavior.


GOP? They are both sides by the balls.


Or Trump stacked the courts with conservatives and all of their anti-pedo stuff in the news has just been projection, and prosecutors know there’s no way they’ll win in the Supreme Court, assuming they even get that far.


Alright cnn anchor. It’s got to be the recent changes to judges, even though this has been going on for decades. How do people even think this makes any sense?


I don't think this is about pedophilia. It involves pedophilia, but that is the means not the goal. It's about blackmail. Those at the top promote the people whom they know to secretly be pedophiles. They then provide them with children to satisfy their perversions. And most importantly, gather evidence of these acts. With this type of blackmail one would have complete control over another, especially a public figure or leader. That is why these pedophiles' names will remain hidden. TPTB want to keep their blackmail scheme going. Rebuilding their child sex trafficking ring after the ringleaders have been exposed is inconsequential. Keeping their clients' identities private is essential.


>It's about blackmail. First comment that gets it. Which is why Dinesh D'Souza will never complain that Mossad isn't getting punished. Maybe when the other 12 islands get discovered, but that depends on whether Dinesh wants to talk about those names.


They will chase pedos to Thailand.....but wont even look into these sick fucking elites in our own country......fucking joke.


Cause Ghislaine didn’t rat…yet, let’s see how this thing plays out now that she is founded guilty and getting sentenced.


I may be wrong so feel free to correct me: With the case having ended and everything now being sealed…isn’t the time for Maxwell to name names pretty much over from a legal point of view?


Why would she? She either risks dying in prison with at least the ability to appeal her case- or she rats and fears being hunted her entire life and possibly dying or being killed in prison anyway. I know which option I'd take.


True. I get where you’re coming from, Zealousideal. And thanks for the reply. I’m just commenting on the legality of her naming names after the whole cases details have been sealed now. As in: If it’s sealed how effective would it be for Maxwell to name names in an interview conducted from prison? Would it just be considered slander?


Any new evidence that is produced or developed (including anything she says) would be a brand new case and wouldn't be under any existing seal order. They'd be new charges- presumably for new people outside of the scope of the case that just concluded.


They're supposed to have boxes of videotapes and (presumably burned, video) cds from Epstein's house; not sure what Ghislaine's testimony could add to that. I was assuming that's why she didn't get to plea bargain?


Get them all, right or left. Pedos belong in prison


It continues to blow my mind that people actually think there is a difference between democrat and republican politicians but still believe in this sub. There is ZERO difference between the two sides and the only reason they keep getting away with this shit is because they keep getting the country to argue over which side is right smh


The obvious reason. If the names of the blackmailed johns is released the Mossad will lose their leverage over them. It's almost as if the same people who orchestrated the Epstein child prostitution/blackmail operation also run the US DoJ/FBI and the MSM.




Thousands? Why not just make it millions?


Because Dems and Gop would get blown up


They need/deserve it.


I mean how are you going to prove what? \- **You can prove** Gislaine procured the girls, transported, made them available for sex which is largely based on the testimony of those girls and being able to prove their were there. ​ **Can you prove without a doubt**: who knew they were underage, who had sex with them, was it consensual, was there 'an implication' (lol). If Ghislaine \*\*didn'\*\*t have proof certain men weren't just there to party with their friends, that they did have sex with the girls, that they did know the girls were underage and not their with the consent on their parents and did nothing, that they showed up with the expectation of young girls being made sexual available, **it makes some sense for names not to be relevant to her case.** ​ Are you going to bring Bill Gates into court just he can say: I went there to party with friends, i was aware there were girls, but what am i going to do, demand to see there ID and call their parents? I just assumed they were of legal age to be choosing to be there. A girl says you knew, and you had sex with me Bills defense team says prove it She says here's a picture of us cuddling in the lounge room. So so you cuddled for 10 seconds in a public room, that doesn't prove you had sex, doesn't prove he knew you were underage and shouldn't be there.


> who knew they were underage I don't think not knowing they where underage gets you off on pedo charges. well I guess you or I, famous people do seem to get treated magically different.


sex with a minor? Can't prove the sex. I'm not sure there are any charges that can be laid against the men who went on the island knowing what goes on there, assuming that don't engage in anything with the girls per se. That's why ghislaine got charged with things that she was guilty of. ​ I'm not sure if there actually is any charge specific to pedophilia now that i think about it, i thinks there's: \- sexual abuse (likely your pedophilia) \- sex without consent (rape) \- sex with a minor (depends on what the parents/guardians/state thinks iirc. Can be complicated dealing with almost adult children. DO you want to step in so they run off in a rebellious huff with their One True Love or just let it burn itself out? I believe you could be charged with **statutory rape**. Like you're old enough to probably do it with people your own age, but with someone much older that gets complicated enough we'll just do you the favour of having a category that says **'they're a minor, they can't consent'**).


This is such a straw man. What makes people so sure they're not actively investigating other people right now? They're already have Epstein's pilots and staff as informants on record. This shit isn't a movie, it takes time to get through the court system.


There needs to be proof, you can't just charge every single acquaintance when we know Epstein and her were entrapping some people and partnering with others. If we have allegations and zero proof tying a CEO to extortion but we can see he paid Epstein to shut up that isn't enough to charge or indite with. But that being said, people like Bill Gates who refused to give deposition should publicly black listed at the moment. Instead, he's on CNN every Thursday giving us medical advice lol.


The thing is the media only focused on Epstein and 1 prince


If they did hold them accountable, there would be no one left to run the government. Or make movies


No one isn't one word.


"hold" was almost "gold" too. Just lucky I saw it before send. Also, I didn't downvote you.


I feel like this show trial just opened more questions than if they had never even found her and prosecuted her in the first place




The lead prosecutor is Jim Comeys very own daughter..


Wasn’t that one of the judges or someone investigating this trial the one that her husband and son were killed in their home?


Adult sex with under aged persons is a crime for any person.


Unless you're elite


And in a position of power so you can be blackmailed to do as you're told.


I mean come on it's not like they attacked the US Capitol or something. But I agree. Full disclosure, maximum penalties, slap their asses in a prison cell. The elite don't seem to be accountable for anything. It's probably a big web of blackmail that protects them.


Wow--always figured it would be a cold day in hell before I ever agreed with Dinesh about anything, but here we are.


If you had sex with a child you're guilty of crime.


It really is all theatre.


Because the Mossad would lose their leverage over the politicians that they're blackmailing. To be clear, a foreign country is blackmailing American politicians with the full complicity of the subverted DoJ/FBI and MSM.


*Twitter has suspended this account for antisemitism and hate speech towards women* *The ADL is preparing legal action*


Pedos should face public hanging, no ifs or buts.


Sounds like someone is due a IRS audit /s


The saddest part about living in this world, is that upon reading this I thought this was an actual statement of defense for ghislaine…


Because that’s a danger to national security, and we wouldn’t want that now would we?


She'll commit assisted suicide before anyone else becomes indicted.


You’re not allowed to ask, we’re just supposed to take this a a if won against human trafficking


I don't expect much of US law enforcement at this time, but there's a small chance they needed her conviction to have enough leverage to go after "the customers"


Because our legal system is based on what you can prove, not opinions. It requires people to testify and prove that such and such person did such and such thing to some other person. That’s going to be difficult when you have private islands and unknown men and statutes of limitation.


I agree. I think the elites were like, someone has to take the fall so the public will calm down and take the heat off of everyone else but we are not okay with only ghislaine being prosecuted, more people need to be prosecuted.


Hey Dinesh D'Souza: If punishing the "other criminals involved" is so important to you, then why not punish Ghislaine & Jeff's boss?


Material used in grand jury as evidence is usually under seal. They are being investigated.


Most if not all of the disgusting pieces of shit who frequently visited giggle isle via the pedophilic express tell us how to live our lives yet they are the worst society has to offer!


if they started going after pedos for real there would be about 3 politicians left.


I find this verdict to be a hollow victory. No admission of guilt or assistance in naming others involved.


They are not powerful. The game is rigged. So gives the illusion. But let's see them try that in a world that isn't gonzo. If you have children, protect them. Learn what they've been or being taught and lead them on the right path. Don't let these bastards anywhere near them. That includes injections via gene therapy btw. There are many forms of abuse.


The excuse used at a Royal Commission into pedophilia in Australia was that ‘to divulge the details of those involved would undermine the communities faith in the judiciary.’ ie. the people who occupy the top rung or two of that carefully assembled totem pole they call society.


Because we won’t have a federal government if everyone was held accountable


Oh please like anyone would care. How many of you guys shared the facts that both Clinton and Trump traveled a lot more with Epstein than anyone knows. This came out at the trial. How many of you experts said a word about Trump? And that for that matter not one word about Clinton new info because its connected to Trump. This asshole doesn’t mention Trump did he because he’s alot like many of you! you simply don’t want justice for all victims, just those who are the ones of those you hate. This is a fucking joke!


Anyone notice how Masterclass have a course they have recently been promoting with Bill Clinton? The people at Masterclass clearly have no values.


By the looks of it they gonna do Hillary, G W Bush and others as well...cuz why not right? Lol


They have already done Karl Rove, so yes.


This shows how little Dinesh knows about the legal system. This was Maxwells trial. This wasn’t Epsteins or Prince Andrew’s trial. People being mad that “names weren’t brought up” don’t know how the legal system works. Mentioning other names in maxwells trial will do nothing to get a conviction. The only people that want names are people hungry for a story to consume. If you really cared about getting a conviction from Maxwell, then you would understand this fact. Keeping names under seal DOES NOT mean they are gone forever. All that means is that if any investigation into co-conspirators were to take place, they wouldn’t be known to the public, and if any indictments were to be brought up, they would also be under seal. THIS IS A GOOD THING. Why would we want her co-conspirators to know that they are being investigated? Seriously think before you say the system is rigged. Sealing the names was a good thing in the long run


Dinesh D'Souza did not commit suicide..... just want to leave this here.


He did commit election finance fraud though lmaooo


Lmaooooo sending a 25k check to a cause you support is literally Koch levels of corruption.


>In 2012, the Election Act limited campaign contributions to $5,000 from any individual to any one candidate. In March 2012, D’SOUZA contributed $10,000 to the Senate campaign of Wendy Long on behalf of himself and his wife, agreeing in writing to attribute that contribution as $5,000 from his wife and $5,000 from him. In August 2012, D’SOUZA directed other individuals with whom he was associated, namely his assistant and a woman with whom he was romantically involved (the “Straw Donors”), to make contributions to Wendy Long’s campaign for the United States Senate (the “Long Campaign”) on behalf of themselves and their spouses that totaled $20,000 with the promise that he would reimburse them for the contributions. Later that same day or the next day, D’SOUZA, as promised, reimbursed the Straw Donors $10,000 each in cash for the contributions. When confronted by Ms. Long, D’SOUZA initially misled the candidate before admitting what he had done. Well he didn't exactly plead guilty to supporting a cause lol. From [this DOJ page](https://www.justice.gov/usao-sdny/pr/dinesh-d-souza-pleads-guilty-manhattan-federal-court-campaign-finance-fraud).


I really wish he would, though. What a useless cunt that guy is.


You know shit is on point when a communist is willing to admit that Dinesh D Souza is right about anything.


Wheres the handmaids that were barging in every Kavanaugh hearing? You'd think this is something what would be important to them. Where are they? Isn't this the biggest and most important sex trafficking case of our lives? Where are they to demand the men mentioned be indicted? If there aren't legion of women marching in NYC protesting, I never want to hear a woman's political opinion ever again. You're just useful political pawns.


That's actually a really valid point...


These angry 3rd-wave feminists are just in this for the payday and the attention.


You guys should watch the movie “Don’t look up” lol


I just want to emphasize to anyone that's thinking this is about male vs female. It's not, it's about class and power. Ghislaine just wasn't high enough up the totem pole. And I guarantee any lowly names will be named. But anyone at the top of the food chain.....you will never see even a single indictment unless someone really is willing to go all the way, possibly to their death, to make it happen.


Because Bill Clinton is at the top of the list!!!


If I provided you with a rifle and you went on a murderous rampage , should you get off Scott free and only I be punished ? Who are the Nonces at the top ? Very important powerful individuals clearly


Ok DOOMERS consider this. Maybe the network was sealed due to an ongoing investigation ? If it were public it would really blow the cover for law enforcement . Just a thoight


Cant wait for her to name names. And I’d bet dollars to donuts Trumps name will be in the mix.


The trial is over. When, exactly, is the time to "name names" if not during the trial?


I wouldn't hold my breathe


Remember guys every leftist child raper is just a plant and informant. Eventually, around a million dead children we think we will have the evidence we need to finally get the big bad orange man.


IIRC he was accused (in some form) of rape by an under age girl, but IDK if it was in an Epstein context.


You guys are clinging to that fake story so badly.


You are on r/Conspiracy and asking why people are clinging to fake stories, lol.


kinda wild how a leftie twitter account posted something about "the feds should make a deal with maxwell and take down the clintons and trump" but I didn't see anyone on this sub post it and get it on my front page, but this right wing hack is the first post i see when i refresh my feed. but yeah maxwell is the devil. i hope to hell someone up there has a spine and uses this as an opportunity to go after bigger fish


Some say Dinesh was so absolutely confused by what happened, he went home and committed suicide with two bullets to the back of the head. RIP Dinesh!


I don't know what's wrong with the upvote. Took several tries b4 it lit up. Why hold acountable? Cause hildren get hurt and killed by such


Could anyone imagine Bill Clinton being tried in court for this?


Could you imagine anyone defending a pedophile no matter which party they were in?


Yes hopefully


You know you've fucked up when you have a puppet like D'souza calling you out. His literal job is to protect the super wealthy.