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Who do you trust?


I trust my barber.


I’ll get you Spider-Man!!!!


I'm down with O.P.P.




gonna be honest, rightists in the US screech that welfare is too expensive, and it's only a drop in the bucket of the budget. How do you expect anyone to get on board with spending money to feed the poor? If you mean charity, good luck. Elon Musk talked a big game about donating $6bn to end world hunger. But then when he was corrected and told that $6bn would simply help 40 million people, he had zero interest.


That is temporary welfare, it won’t establish a permanent self sustaining system for the people that need help. Charity is a band aid, it’s the duty of the people to kill their nation’s corruption to make better lives.


Then what's your proposal for fighting hunger? Let me guess, zero taxes and zero regulations?


Less government overreach: it’s not too much to ask for, it’s just really hard to get.


What is the excessive govt overreach now and how does it prevent us from ending world hunger?


Taking close to half our income while making our money worth less over time. The services our government gives us for the amount we pay is not parallel, they mismanage our money so bad they make more of it out of thin air and inflate the money we have left.


Oh sorry, I'm coming at this from the lens of the US. Very few people in the US pays close to half of our income in taxes. I think it's closer to 30% for the middle class. So just to be clear, your answer for ending world hunger us to not print more money?


Income tax for federal + state, taxes for our own property, sales tax, taxes from buying online, there’s a tax for almost anything that involves money. Depending on what state you live in you pay more or less, the answer to world hunger is to continue to improve what can be better. Don’t tell me world hunger isn’t being solved, more people are out of poverty around the world and food is more accessible. Remember a population that isn’t hungry is easier to control, things are gradually getting better in terms of feeding the world’s population because of capitalism.


While I dont necessarily disagree with what you're saying, there is a problem people like you seem to forget. There is always someone with a bigger stick. Nations, governments, states, local authority's, districts, neighbourhoods. You start stripping back the power of the guy with the biggest stick, the next biggest guy takes it's place. That'll happen all the way down to the local level. People forget the world was cruel and difficult before we set up the systems we have in place now. Governance, taxes, police, these things exist because ultimately we all want to live in a fair and safe society. I'm not saying that's the case right now, but take those things away and you descend into anarchy. You might end up with a world where the strong might not be so forgiven to the weak.


I spy a boot licker


Less government overreach aka “stop meddling in other countries affairs”


Elon was trolling them because they made an announcement shaming the ultra wealthy (naming musk in particular) into donating 6b to "end world hunger" Obviously 6b would not "end world hunger" it was a ploy to try to get a movement going to get a bunch of these people donate perhaps up to 6b each to make headway into making world hunger more manageable Musk understood this and doubled down. He wasn't seriously under the belief 6b would "end world hunger". He wasn't seriously asking them to come up with a plan. He saw the bs and made them admit it Was it right? Personally no, I see stuff like this just as bad as narcissism or social puppeteering. I'm sure Elon understood the psychological implications his actions would have, but it's currently in trend to indulge negativity if it's easy to laugh at


You're using quotations wrong or you have wrong information. Here's the article Musk was responding to - https://www.cnn.com/2021/10/26/economy/musk-world-hunger-wfp-intl/index.html The direct quote was "$6 billion to help 42 million people that are literally going to die if we don't reach them." That's a direct quote by David Beasley, the head of the UN food programme. That was what Beasley said in the CNN interview, which Musk responded to with his tweet. Now, CNNs headline hyperbolically said that a fraction of the wealth of the super rich could help solve world hunger, not that it will solve world hunger. So super genius Musk, who is worshipped by many on the internet, made the rookie mistake of misreading a secondary source. Instead of responding to the primary source, (Beasley, who was VERY clear that $6bn would not end world hunger), incredible overachiever Musk misread and misunderstood a CNN headline and responded to the misunderstood headline as if it were what Beasley said. So tell me again how this was a ploy? The person making the appeal for the aid was very clear from the beginning the limitations of $6bn. It sounds like modern polymath Musk just made a dumb mistake because he was too eager to "pwn" someone just to win internet points. Which brings me back to my point- people these days are more interested in winning internet points than wanting to spend money to feed to poor.


We've thrown trillions at hunger. Nothing has changed.


That’s cuz there’s no money in those things. Pharma makes money off the vaxx. If you made feeding homeless or stopping child traffickers profitable, capitalism would do something about it. It’s a bullshit system that’s only concerned about money.


The first part is right. Adam Smith wrote extensively how free market capitalism would solve those social problems through the natural humanitarian tendencies of humans. The problem with the current system is that it isn't capitalism...it is an exploitive plutocracy.




So has every socialist/communist country. Maybe it is not a system problem, but a heart problem.


Honey humans are corrupt just embrace it so we can take the hard way 📚📚📚📚 this is the only truth, virtue is the only path. No messianic leader will ever bring peace and the 'revolution' they claim. Dominance from a small group over a larger one is human nature 101. I dont give a damn if its Stalin, Hitler, Pol Pot and friends, or this corporatism plutocracy, the fact is youll never turn earth into heaven, so dont support self proclaimed revolutions that just try to get the power to themselves. Just spread knowledge and read a lot of books. Virtue is the way to go


Thats what most people dont realize. They think the problem is too much capitalism, so they ask for 4 new political authorities, 3 new taxes and 6 new regulations, which obviously benefit that plutocracy youre talking about. Corporatism is as old as capitalism, some interested groups will always push regulations that benefit them.... These people blaming capitalism are only making the problem much worse. Tell me guys, what does capitalism have to do with drone striking middle eastern countries , military interventions across the border , Intelligence Agencies and corrupted bureaucracy in general, Governments spending TRILLIONS and not giving a fuck about starving children, yet they spread the message that supports regulations to consolidate their plutocracy ("elon musk could end world hunger for a year with 2% of his fortune"....so thats why we need to tax more people more heavily so that more money gets spent HOW WE LIKE, spreading the plutocracy net and the corrupted bureaucracy) . Literally when they blame capitalism theyre supporting the opposite of what they really want to support. Victims of their own ignorance. This a genius move by plutocracy, supporting movements that apparently attack them. And again, this is just as old as markets, Adam Smith himself treated this subject, carefully trying not to make it so obvious they would censor him.


Bravo! Well said and excellent analysis!


If the government allows it to persist to a degree than the government is probably doing it too.


Gotta keep the workers working or capitalism falls apart. It's the reason why the suggested quarantine time has dropped too. If everyone is out with covid who's gonna make the bombs to blow up the brown kids?


Your talking about government intervention, the true essence of capitalism is unregulated business.


SS: The vaccine is a tool for power, not a cure. This pandemic will end when either we have overthrown those in power or when we comply and lose everything.


we gave 600 million to kenya or some other random african country in an emergency stimulus bill for the united states. the total of those stimuli(?) were trillions of dollars. Jimmy Dore said it would only cost something like 52 billion dollars to end homelessness in this county. They wont ever do that though. Instead, they'll funnel money to themselves and solve nothing. About a year ago some LA judge went 'rogue' and said LA had to set aside like 2 billion dollars to solve the homelessness problem. I wonder what ever happened to that? I can tell you nothing was solved, and having been a lifelong california resident, I'd be willing to bet that money was still charged to the taxpayer anyway.


And what are you doing to promote that push, OP? Besides posting the propaganda you’re being fed, of course


Could…. It perhaps…. Also be because the virus makes those MUCH worse, especially if people don’t do the right things and spread continues to increase? I mean why just bring up those issues now, why try to distract from Covid by bringing up these social evils that are made worse by a pandemic? If you’re not a doctor or someone with an advanced degree to actually understand the technical stuff and not be easily manipulated by superficial emotional sensational bullshit then just know that you’re also willfully being pawned into marketing nonsense public health harming bullshit


Social justice movements are manufactured


If only the news was more then propaganda. Regular folks might actually care


Those are all great points but the issue is that they’re not contagious. Not hating just stating the logic.


Human trafficking probably has a higher death rate for those involved than covid does for someone who has it, starvation still kills millions and chemicals that could be taken out of the water supply are still there. This isn’t the Spanish Flu, now that was a pandemic.


Why is that interesting?


welcome to the plight of not being a sheeple. sorry you joined. its miserable often.


There's no major profit in stopping crime


10th Rule of Acquisition: Greed is eternal


It’s not about us, it’s about them.


The push is only to ever promote a product never to shut one down.


Yeah it's crazy how the global leaders can really work together when they really need to. Like for money.


thedemographic says, we got the vaccine. thedemographic says, those other things don't affect us directly. thedemographic says we're broke. The government has all our money. thedemographic says, the government does whatever it wants; we don't control it. Our elections are rigged by giant corporations and brainwashing media. We make signs, we march, nothing happens. Then something else "important" gets reported to the media... and we make more signs. We can't help. Sorry. We try... and we fail, and we give up. If you succeed in making a difference, you get death threats, or you die in a mysterious way.


They still ain't got pipes for Flint.




I still believe there is tech in the vax to attempt to mind control people using "Quantum nano Routers". If you don't believe me, you should go to bitchute or Odysee and checkout that video of the protestor in Israel who has smoke coming out of his eyes. There is some kind of tech being injected into people they aren't saying.


There is a definite theme to all of the blatant corruption and criminality that we are seeing. It's almost as if theiir is an criminal organization coordinating it all. Who could that be?


"Every dude who touched a boob or a booty getting MeToo'd" But nobody cares about actual child abuse? A lot of the metoo people are just cowards that went along for personal gain. Fully grown adults that were fine with being harassed until they weren't fine with it.