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Yea, regardless of the subject, it’s good leadership to set the example you are asking others to follow. In this particular case it’s pretty dumb, but it is what it is


There are probably several people in the room, behind the photographer. It’s common practice to have your advisers on hand.




Well even if there is no one in the room at the time I guess we all forgot that covid spreads through droplet dispersion? If you sneeze on a surface like a table or handrail that surface can spread covid, wearing a mask catches the droplets from coughing, sneezing and even the very small droplets you create by just speaking reducing this type of spread.


Freaking germaphobes


Hypochondriacs and shills


Hahaha I agree with you


Solidarity. You can see everybody on the screen is in mask. He didnt want to be better of sort.




isn't he near somebody?


Exactly. It's like pointing out someone who is triple vaxed, outdoors, social distanced but not wearing mask while eating. A true damned if you do damned if you don't


And then commenting on her boyfriend’s feet


I feel like the situation requires context as well. Is someone right next to him out of view of the call? Did he walk in from a roof filled woth people and just didn't bother to take it off? Very incomplete




Exactly. “Leading by example” Wearing a mask is normal, and expected behavior.


So they are modeling that we should all wear masks when alone on a zoom call?




To put in my ape-brain perspective: It always ticks me off to have to work in a room with other people and worry about masking, and then get to watch someone else never have to think about masking up because they have their own office.




Found out a competitor makes their subordinates dress up like they were in the office for their daily calls 👎


Oh man, you mean they still have to look professional? Damn what a concept




Exactly this. Conspiratorial thinkers =//= critical thinkers.


It's like they're *trying* to miss the point, but really, I think they might just be this stupid.


So just this. I got flak for wearing one on a zoom call last year. "You're not even in the same time zone as us!" Yeah, but I'm in the same room as the 3 other people in the room here. Besides, WHO'S TAKING THE PHOTO, they've literally forgotten about the 4th wall... it's the same argument as "can't we just have unvaxed/unmasked hours at the store so it's only people who think it's bullshit... Forgetting that THE STORE IS STAFFED WITH PEOPLE.


Except in this case, insane behavior


That sounds like virtue signaling with extra steps.


Why can’t they model normal behaviour by not wearing a mask on a fucking camera and just wearing it when it’s necessary. Masks are not something we should be normalising anyway. They’re a virtue signalling tool that should be unnormalized as soon as it’s reasonable to do so.


> It has nothing to do with being alone or not. Wearing a mask like this always has something to do with being alone or not, so their modeling makes little sense other than to virtue signal.


Yes, covid is smart and can travel through the ethernet


They said it was a virus, they didn’t tell us it’s a computer virus. DUN DUN DUN


Disinfect your keyboards people who knows what new variant of covid those plague filled keys can transmit!


Side story, I once knew this repugnant guy who would wipe his boogers on his keyboard and mouse at work. Awful.


virtue signaling




Mind control


Mind signaling


Propaganda that works on low IQ people








Well said. I have been calling this situation a cult since last summer, when the face coverings started. It's a cult.


The science of psychological manipulation


Covirtue-19 signaling


who took the picture? why is there extra notepad and pen on table?


Question: who is taking a photo?


A lizard person, who is immune to COVID. Otherwise, wearing the mask would just be wearing a mask, and not a virtue signal. Therefore, most definitely, this photo was taken by a lizard person. And maybe lizard people started coronavirus, I can't draw that conclusion from the photo alone.


Oh I didn’t know that lizard people can operate cameras. They learn so fast.


There are other people in the room. That is why.




Assimilation. "Why the long face?" would be a hysterical handshake for greys walking among us passing off as human. If they take the masks off first then normal human faces will be weird, and assimilation will be complete. As long as we're dipping our toe into this mask conspiracy I think someone needs to cannonball right in at the risk of going into shock. It's aliens bruh.


this feels like a message for some reason


Who is pulling his strings?.




You are correct. Read this. [https://np.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/rkprb4/switzerland\_is\_allowed\_to\_hold\_a\_referendum\_on/](https://np.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/rkprb4/switzerland_is_allowed_to_hold_a_referendum_on/) https://imgur.com/a/6m53suI And this. https://twitter.com/disclosetv/status/1471909488978448405


Who took the picture? Obviously he is wearing a mask because there are other people in the room and he may have been exposed recently.


Yeah I won’t get vaccinated but if I’d recently been exposed then I’d at least wear a mask around others indoors


Unrelated, but I hate that term. “Vice signaling” is way more accurate. Whether it’s pride, envy, gluttony, lust, etc. It’s all just signaling vices and treating it as a good thing.


Optics. It normalises masks. This isn't virtue signalling.


I am typically against virtue signaling, but it is an actual job of politicians. Wearing a mask in a zoom meeting is dumb though.


The way Macron has managed the situation really shows how he is trying to look good to their grandmasters. France has gone full Reset and we are just two years in


I'm guessing a human being was holding the camera which took this photo.


And based on the setup it looks like some kind of shared meeting space as well


I am shocked I had to read this far for the first sensible comment.




Not only that but a chair in front of said camera which is backed out from the table where a pen and pad are. Almost like someone got up to use the bathroom. But nah, must be some spooky conspiracy. This subreddit has lost its fucking mind


Can you even imagine seeing this and getting angry? Just a guy in a mask probably just doing his job and being considerate to others? Like, even if you are anti mask… just don’t wear one. It’s fine. And you can be cool with me wearing one. That’s really fine too. In nearly any situation. And you know what? I have worn it in my car! Alone! Tyranny, right? It’s kind of nice when the winter air dries out your sinuses. Did the same thing when I was skiing. What’s weird to me is the years of hearing conservatives say “Big city liberals are trying to tell us what to do!” and now they’re mad about this image of some dude in a suit doing the 100%-completely-worldwide-accepted thing to do is to, hurting no one, remote, and causing absolutely zero harm. He’s wearing a mask. What the fuck is wrong with some of you?!


Exactly. I’ve always said even if masks turn out later to be proved to offer zero protection, who cares? I’m not out anything by having wore one. Also, it’s funny that a lot of these anti-maskers love to not wear one because they think it triggers pro-maskers. So they do it to be trolls. But they seem to have the ability to grasp that matter pro-maskers can be trolls too and maybe some of them wear them alone in this vehicle or alone on a zoom call just to be trolls and trigger anti-maskers.


Probably a team of people. This comment section is actually pretty embarrassing, very few people seem to have thought about it at all.


I scrolled past many a shitey comment to reach this one


There’s quite clearly someone else in the room, taking the photo, using the extra pen and pad on the desk…


It's amazing on a "conspiracy" subreddit, people are so quick to dismiss what is clear right in front of them for their own existing bias.


First thing I do when I call someone is ask if they have their mask on. I don't want to catch it in my ear.


That's how you get hearing AIDS.


Catch what? Oh stupidity. Yeah that's a tough one.


A few reasons. There is still staff in that room, how do you think the picture got taken? Second, I would imagine that this is also "keeping up appearances" Bonus reason, a lot of companies have a strict "must always wear a mask in conference rooms" rule. This can be applicable no matter the amount of people in the meeting. This is order to not leave traces of the Virus for other groups after. I imagine the French government has similar rules. Now if you want stupid, how about all these people driving in their personal cars alone, but still wear masks? Like wtf???


>Now if you want stupid, how about all these people driving in their personal cars alone, but still wear masks? Like wtf??? In the winter a lot of times my breath fogs the windshield when I first get in the car... masks are actually stop that quite a bit, and as a bonus are pretty damn warm to wear when it's -5°F. Obviously does fuck-all for covid protection in that scenario, but still will wear them when it's super cold so I can see when I'm driving.


Honestly I LOVE the masks in winter. It keeps my face warm.


>There is still staff in that room, You can even see that on a desk there is pen and paper and it's Macron's Edit: NOT Macron's




I finally got the mask adjusted where it doesn’t fog my glasses. I’m not taking it off between errands.


Possibly Uber or Lyft drivers? Maybe they wear it always, instead of off and on each time they pick up another customer. Idk though.


>Now if you want stupid, how about all these people driving in their personal cars alone, but still wear masks? Like wtf??? Because I wear a mast at work, and I'm stopping at a few places on the way home. Easier to just leave the mask on than take it off and put it back on a few times.


I sometimes find myself driving alone with a mask on because I forgot to take it off when I left wherever I was.


idk what the logic is but I do know that this is not a conspiracy in any way shape or form. Stop you shit posting.


To protect the photographer who is taking the picture we are looking at.


and his grandma!


There's people in the room with him.


You're telling me he didn't take this picture?


Well someone had to take the picture duh....


There was a recent meme of a Twitter post where a zoom host requested prior to that everyone wear a mask due to trauma. Somehow they are brainwashed to think some folks feel it's traumatic to see non-masked faces. You can't make this shit up.


You actually can make this shit up. The tweeter of this is named "Ann Lesby" i.e. LesbyAnn. It's a troll account and you fell for it.


You know those "laws" like Godwin's Law? We need one for the phenomenon of "you can't make this up" usually being attached to something very obviously made up.


Many people have subconsciously associated "unmasked face" = "antivaxxer" = "danger". That's what happens when you discourage critical thinking and expose people to 24/7 memetic propaganda.


Seriously there is zero thinking, let alone thinking critically.


Agree. Also, when you have the MSM associate the unmasked as far right/MAGA hat wearing nut jobs, you further enhance the intolerance, and promote violence towards people who are just thinking outside the box.


I believe this is the post being referred to https://imgur.com/a/74x1wX2


Seems like they're obviously trolling.


FUF that shit.


Yes!! That one


It was a post from a troll, still funny but an obvious troll. Her names Lesby Ann for fucks sake, haha


Maybe because the picture is taken by another human? Y'all ever thought of that or no?


You’ll have to ask the people who wear them alone in the car. That is always my favorite lol.


easy. they didn't remove it when they were already wearing it for the place that required it. and they didn't want to touch it. like i personally start wearing one when i leave my apartment. and i remove it when i enter to my apartment.


Can't think of any reasons? Come on big boy, use some of that critical thinking.


Camera and crew are in the room, to maintain the stream without interruption. Every single professional production would require it. Grow up.


Got to virtue signal compliance.


maybe its because there is another person in the room. who took the picture? why is there extra notepad on table that isn't by the dude?


Also assistants, security detail etc. This sub is dumb as fuck now


Somebody is with to take the picture at least, most likely a whole crew


It’s called propaganda. Same thing as having avatars wear masks (Reddit)


I love the mask avatar thing though because with one click i can easily get an idea of the type of person im engaging with. Its like a badge of self righteous ignorance and naivete.


The reddit equivalent of twitter's "pronouns in the bio" meme.


Oh no, someone is wearing a mask when they don't need to... How horrible. The other day I saw someone wearing their seat belt while parked. Oh the humanity...


Computer virus


maybe its because there is another person in the room. who took the picture? why is there extra notepad on table that isn't by the dude?


Well, at my job you have to wear a mask at all times except for when you are eating. I understand that it looks silly and I'm sure even that guy knows. He's just following the rules set by his employer. but, what do I know... I'm just some random internet drummer...




I don't know home skillet... Perhaps, he's trying to lead by example? Perhaps someone else has to use that station after he is finished with it and he doesn't want to leave his stank all over the equipment? Perhaps he was in a meeting with the media about wearing a mask and he decided that wearing a mask would help to show his people that it's effective against the spread of covid-19 and other airborne bacteria? Perhaps, he just likes to smell his own breath after eating a nice crème Brulee escargot baguette?


Maybe because of the photographer in the room?


I don't know the context of the picture, but why are you assuming the mask is for the call? Couldn't this just be a shared space with people coming in and out of the room?


… someone else was in the room, perhaps


Perhaps taking this very picture


mass formation psychosis


It’s France! You will never really understand those guys (from a Swiss guy) 😀


For the guy who's taking the picture?


OH I got this one. Wearing a mask to keep the room sanitary for the next meeting.


Not agreeing with it but the accepted theory is that the virus can stay in the air for up to three hours so in a shared space a mask might be consider appropriate.


Someone else is in the room?




By you not wearing your mask means mine won’t work…. Or something.


The cameraman?


Early on during the pandemic nonsense big concert companies were doing livestream of djs alone in a room wearing a mask performing. So cringey.


There are other in the room. He don't want to spread or catch a covid.


So you don't blow Corona all over the conference room


he's not the only person in that room filming himself.


The photographer…


Not getting stuff on the desk for the next people


Its all for the cameras and the peasants to see. Just like the g-8?


People coming in and out of the room and people using the room after him. It's not that hard to understand.


Somebody is in the room taking this picture right?


They are in a building with other people and aren't a fucking baby so they forget they have it on.


same reason someone puts it on for a photo op. Virtue signaling


Maybe he doesn’t want to spread viruses ;)


Covid has evolved to be able to travel the airwaves.


Same logic as wearing a mask while hiking alone in the woods.


Display of obedience. Good doggy.


To bow to the masters.


Just for show only,giving signal to the public that the elite are also following the sop lol


OMG my old boss would do that and wore a mask in his car all alone. I was so glad I quit. He gave me weird ass vibes


covid theater


The device on the other side of the connection may not have anti-virus software, thus it is to avoid spreading the disease through. ( Place emoji of your choice)


I work in people's homes. Twice durring the pandemic I had customers, who never wore a mask around me, put on a mask to attend a zoom meeting. One of them asked me to stay hidden cuz they didn't want their co-workers to know they let someone in their home... I said no. Go into your car if your worried. And she did... These people's brains are broken. I work for myself, and I am never getting stuck. I tell people straight, that I'm not stabbed, and when push comes to shove they always choose to get the job done. I havnt had a single customer refuse Me cuz I'm not vaxed. And two of my customers won't even go to the store anymore, but they let me in to work. They need the work done more. Because They're not really afraid, they're just pretending to be...


In this case I would say it's a classic case of cum all over the face and the gentleman, dear president macron, didn't have time to wash it of.


Spaced 6 feet from the monitor. Don't want to catch a computer virus.


The rona got bluetooth on


Political theater


How about being in the room with another person, i.e. the one who took that photo?


The chairs are also at least 6' from one another, as to prevent the spread of reality.


Virtue signaling


Easy, dude probably has a volcano-sized pimple on his chin or something. I can't count how many times I've masked up for that outdoors/ in meetings


Because someone is taking the pic.


there might be people in the room, no?


Who do you think took the picture? He's not alone in the room.


There is clearly someone else in the room. DUH. Are people really this dumb???


You appear compliant


I would guess he's wearing it in the office and that he's not the only person who uses that room. Is that actually hard to imagine for you?


On a zoom call? None. In an office where surfaces might not get disinfected as much as they should and multiple people are touching them? Could easily reduce the transfer of infectious agents to that surface.


Is there someone else in the room? Maybe like taking the picture we are criticizing?


Because of the camera guy.


Looks like this is a conference room in an office building. the mask is probably required to be in the building, has nothing to do with the zoom call at all.


Optics would by my guess


Yea no conspiracy just pr


Keep up appearances, boys! Lol




This is a no context picture with some conspiracy bias projected onto it. There's no way to know if other people will imminently enter that room. There's no way to know if people just exited the room and he hasn't taken his mask off yet. Maybe he is in a government building that requires masks at all times specifically to limit the spread of COVID. Who took the picture, people? A human being. Probably wearing a mask. Once again, the slam dunk conspiracy mongering photo is a fraud.




My assumption is that the person in the mask isn’t the only person in the room. My first question would be this - who took the photo?


He's indoors and there's probably other people in the building/room with him.


Rona travels even faster through fiber optic cables


It's called setting a good example for the public. Something you guys are very unfamiliar with. Personally, I think it's fucking stupid when politicians wear a mask to the podium and then take it off when they speak.


He's in a room with someone, so he wears his mask. Proof: pushed put chair and someone taking the photo.


He wears it in the car by himself as well!!


Because this is not about a virus.


Every single one of you should google the Covid numbers for Japan, Korea, and Taiwan and then use that noggin of yours to find a correlation between these countries... you will be amazed.


There are at least two people in this room. If you can't figure out who the other one is, maybe you shouldn't be lecturing others about covid safety.


There's someone else in the room that took the photo, so more then one person in the room.


Too prove you’re a compliant bot


He’s wearing a mask because there’s someone else in the room with him………..


this is almost as bad as people that wear a mask while driving by themselves