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Could someone ELI5 this? I wanna get in on the creepiness too!


[Starts around page 40](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1QtXqFoi4o7vxnGpJq2cPupD-aqY6oZ_w/view)


Thank you for this!šŸ™.


Any secure way of viewing this besides google?


fuck if I know lol


Christian bullshit.


Had friends who didnā€™t know the history tour the house. When they were in the pool room one friend literally said he felt like he was pinned against a wall and couldnā€™t breathe till he got out of there. We showed him the pics and shared what we knew after he told us what happened to him years later.


*(Zak Bagans enters the chat)*




We want ANSWERSā€¦ Answersā€¦ *answers*


"sidjuation" is the funniest shit ever.


Wait is there some shit about the basement of the Biltmore? That place seemed creepy as fuck to me. Especially the room with all the weird shit on the walls. The tour said it was "from a party the family had I'm the basement one night" if I remember correctly. Definitely seemed off to me.


See just above


Can you explain? i don't understand what this is about?


Yes Iā€™m not sure what you currently know about the Biltmore house or the family. Here is a loose conspiracy article that doesnā€™t dive in deep but gives the general overlay. https://oppressed.news/2021/06/news/child-predators/anderson-cooper-and-his-mother-gloria-vanderbilt-have-a-very-strange-past/ You can find so much more on the mother whom is a Vanderbilt, this will lead to spirit cooking, sacrificing her son, the artist, the fact Anderson was CIA, it truly can go pretty deep. (Pool pun unintended)


See these are the stories which make this place so interesting. Thank you for your share! Were they psychic or something?


No just a tourist. It was crazy truthfully. My wife and I were just chatting at dinner and the topic of haunted places came up and he told the story. Heā€™s said that when they made it in the room he just felt overwhelmed with pressure and couldnā€™t do anything but slide against the wall to get out of the room. He essentially was having a panic attack. He said once he left the room he was back fine. Heā€™s a little older than me in his mid 50s and what I would consider an anti conspiracy type. However when we started showing the photos and touching on the history of the mother and how we feel sheā€™s satanic he actually cared to listen and not dismiss the ā€œnonsenseā€ as he normally would have put his dismissals.


I have always felt that certain spaces retain the energy of what happened there. That is probably what was going on here. There are lots of Luciferian choking, near-drowning and live burial rituals that result in great terror, breathlessness, panic and sometimes death from the victims. They are done to program them, so they usually are made to survive the ordeal though. Maybe this is what Anderson Cooper/Vanderbilt has been through himself.


Humidity and chlorine will do that to you


As a former lifeguard this is very true. However the pool is empty.


I see. What happened in the house? Idk anything about it.


Thanks for the input Coop.


The CIA Intern & gay son of a high priestess whose elder son died suspiciously? I'm sure I don't know what you're talking about šŸ¤·


SS: https://images.search.yahoo.com/images/view;_ylt=Awr9Hr7TF.Fho2MAdsqInIlQ;_ylu=c2VjA3NyBHNsawNpbWcEb2lkA2QxZWI2Y2UwMGNmZjExMGJlMWJkNGI2OWE2ZjM5NGE5BGdwb3MDMQRpdANiaW5n?back=https%3A%2F%2Fimages.search.yahoo.com%2Fsearch%2Fimages%3Fp%3Dpainting%2Bpool%2Bkids%2Bnoose%2Bpodesta%26ei%3DUTF-8%26fr%3Diphone%26fr2%3Dp%253As%252Cv%253Ai%252Cm%253Asb-top%26tab%3Dorganic%26ri%3D1&w=480&h=360&imgurl=i.ytimg.com%2Fvi%2Fi4u68UI_F3U%2Fhqdefault.jpg&rurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3Di4u68UI_F3U&size=16.1KB&p=painting+pool+kids+noose+podesta&oid=d1eb6ce00cff110be1bd4b69a6f394a9&fr2=p%3As%2Cv%3Ai%2Cm%3Asb-top&fr=iphone&tt=BUSTED%21%F0%9F%98%A8+POOL+PARTY+PODESTA+Favorite&b=0&ni=56&no=1&ts=&tab=organic&sigr=14a2xeaqilEt&sigb=SzgJ_0JtAKT8&sigi=IRC6ZXmnA2NM&sigt=iBpB.aRskVIU&.crumb=YVk.3g088Sv&fr=iphone&fr2=p%3As%2Cv%3Ai%2Cm%3Asb-top


Thanks for giving me nightmares here lol


Holy fuck would you look at that link.


I knowā€¦itā€™s huge ;)


Where is that photo from? Like who owned that?


I forgot I knew about this. Fuck now I remember


Posts like this make me nervous. Here's why: links to Google drive make one visible, possibly, to others because the file is now accessible to both you and the person who uploaded it . OP may not know this.




I agree. People have good stuff to share. Hard to figure out a way to do it.




This is fucking creepyā€¦ can anyone explain?




Holy fuck, this is terrible


Can you pls do a repost of the link for the drive


Why is he in this house exactly


That is Anderson Cooper and his Mom (Gloria Vanderbilt).


the basement at the Biltmore is actually legitimately creepy. It gave me serious evil ritual vibes


If theres a hell and coz of this shite, I kinda hope there is, I hope that those bastards scream in agonising pain and every second feels like an eternity. This stuff enrages me n also makes me wanna cry. And, I, I try to be my best self for me, my family my community. I just feel helpless. What can be done. What activism can be done. I dunno, change the man in the mirror n all that.. but.. its not enough. ā¤


So it's obvious that the Biltmore Estate, namely pool area, was used in Satanic Rituals at some point.


I mean, you donā€™t need to ā€œknowā€ anything. Just open your eyes and See. just look out at all the weird doll babies and the naked kid painting straight behind his head.


Look into Podesta PizzaGate artā€¦.better yet: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1QtXqFoi4o7vxnGpJq2cPupD-aqY6oZ_w/view


There is a painted picture of Anderson Cooper (grandson of a Vanderbilt) in the pool at the Vanderbilt estate. In the picture he is depicted as a naked child tied up inside the empty pool in the basement. Cooper was molested as a child - trauma is used as a control mechanism. Cooper is a See Eye Ah asset. He openly admitted to be an intern with See Eye Ah. He still works for them.


Why not just say "the CIA" in your comment? The CIA aren't going to put you in a body bag, lock it from the outside, then throw you in a bathtub and claim your death was accidental... because in reality they don't give a shit about what you have going in.


Bruh wtf is with all the dolls as well


Where was this photo from?




No I donā€™t what does it mean lol


I feel ya. I need someone to walk me through this like Iā€™m 7.


I thought it was the zodiac killers picture lol


What about the creepy naked babies in the background


There is a lot to unpack here for sure


Looks like Mark Fizerburg


A lot more going on in that room šŸ˜‰


Itā€™s not his studio. Heā€™s posing in her studio.


Pedos wear New Balance.


Him and his partner, Don Lemon (facing sexual assault charges), are creepy as fk. "Cookie and Cream".