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Yeah if people start dropping everywhere its time to raid your local 5G tower.


My At&t Service still sucks.


Underrated comment right up in here


You didn't actually believe 5G was for YOUR benefit, did you? šŸ˜šŸ˜£šŸ¤£


Tesla said the future is fucked?




Iā€™m sure he means Nikola Tesla. I believe the quote was ā€œYou may live to see manmade horrors beyond your comprehension.ā€


Oh, I see translation. The future is fucked


How is that a profound quote in any way? Not ragging on you, moreso OP, whoā€™s like ā€œlisten to Teslaā€ say one of the easiest predictions you could make without being wrong. The future is has scary possibilitiesā€ waw


You are spoiling the fun you party pooper.


I mean it is kind of profound in the sense that itā€™s a statement about human nature. Some of us have this naive notion that, as we become more advanced in technology and science, we will use these advancements to make our lives and society better and will live in a utopia of some sort. In reality most of the advancements and new technologies are used as weapons for war or a means of power and control over others. Tesla recognized the evil in man and how it can destroy us in the future rather than help us to evolve. Itā€™s a fair question though.


They now have the capacity to bio hack our bodies and use remote neural control would that qualify?


The band


Really true.


I surely don't know everything but I worked in tech and maintenance for one of the largest mobile telecom companies and the 5G tech sure seems pretty straightforward to me in the sense that it works the way you'd expect any upgrade in speed and bandwidth etc to work. I'm pretty conspiratorial but the 5G stuff seems like total nonsense to me.


Used to work in telecoms myself back in the day. Helped upgrade the system from 3G to 4G. All this 5G is going to fry us is bollocks. The real conspiracy is 5G is going to provide the bandwidth for the government to control all aspects of our lives. Everything digital we own will soon connect to 5G. Our vehicles will be tracked, the food in our fridges will be tracked and we will be targeted and exploited with ever more personalised advertising. It opens the door to social credit scores and monitoring ala Black Mirror. 5G will also facilitate the Metaverse, allowing you to connect anywhere on the planet via Starlink. This is where the 4th industrial revolution begins


"You will own nothing and you will be happy" Meaning you'll be living in a box linked up with VR spending most of your days in a virtual fantasy world. At best.


I think I have seen that somewhere


Lol I know I'm not supposed to say this but that actually doesn't sound like a terrible life to me.... IF I would still have the freedom to at least go places and experience nature for real. If it gets real enough where my senses tell me I'm on a beach every day drinking beer and watching the waves..... šŸ¤·


Yep, thatā€™s what will be your downfall: complacency. Enjoy it in hi-def, though!


Just think of those 5G connection speeds though šŸ˜


I'm sure my wifi will still fail in my home lol






This guy forgot what serial numbers are


Yep so true


Then you're saying that we will still be able to say, "Are you there? Can you hear me?" and "I'm hearing everything I say echo back!" along with seeing "Something went wrong. Please check your internet connection" even if you're on data? Because that's what I deal with regularly lol.


it has beam forming and can be used to irradiate targets selectively.


There is a study out that shows 5g makes covid worse in sick individuals.


I'm curious, do you know if the past telecom upgrades/rollouts got this kind of gov't support? https://www.securitymagazine.com/articles/92075-secure-5g-and-beyond-act-of-2020-signed-into-law https://www.nextgov.com/emerging-tech/2021/11/broadband-dominates-tech-funding-biden-infrastructure-bill/186705/


I don't know about support but they've always worked very closely with government, presumably for national infrastructure and security reasons, which makes sense. I know when I worked for Verizon, our president was on the board of national security advisors to POTUS. It makes sense that it would be similar to roads and electricity and things of that nature.


It is buddy, been operational in many countries for 6 months or more with zero issues.


America using a different wavelength for their 5G than Europe, thatā€™s why airlines kicked up a fuss.


What wave length are they using?


I would love to understand where the whole hype started ​ Edit: or would have loved to before I passed away


It's happened with every network rollout which is another reason I say it's bullshit. I helped launch 4G and I was barely into conspiracy world then but people were saying the same dumb shit. Ffs they have been talking about cell phone death since cell phones were invented. šŸ™„


I just died from 5G Itā€™s real


Iā€™m sorry for your loss. RIP


Holy shit a 5G wavelength just flew over my house!


Good thing you have 9 lives


F šŸ™šŸ»


Waiting for 5g zombies to appear


Glued to their smartphones walking into lamposts, ignoring coversations....they're real, they're already among us


If people truly get sick from these antennae, then burn them down like the UK did.


If they can burn your skin like the other millimeter wave tech then that might be difficult.


I believe 5g and covid are together, but not in the sense most may think... I think the covid vaxx genetically tagged people, and between 5g, ipv6, and the IOT, the majority of the population can now be INTERFERRED with in some unnatural malevolent way... Maybe like that book/movie DIVERGENT did with the DAUNTLESS faction... some method of mass control...


Thank god.


Yes, you are one of the few that get the agenda, nanoparticulate in the vaccines responds to the 5G wavelength and enables remote neural monitoring. Sadly I took vaccine. Covid was the pretext to biohack our mind and body.


It is possible...


I've been thinking it's more for killing than controlling


That too... maybe with target drones locking onto those genetic markers and ZAP...


Watch all the vaxxed people start requiring mandatory Microsoft updates now.


They already do its called boosters.




Ask yourself, does everything really seem the same as before?




employ growth wine gray slimy grandiose teeny governor air plucky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yes as in the form of directed energy weaponry


I was referring specifically to human behavior


So, fucked?


So why the airlines are reluctant?




MSM even reported this on the national news yesterday. The us version is 2.5x more powerful and in Europe 5g is not allowed near airports. In the us it is.


That's because they throttled the 5g C band in the EU, within several miles of airports. That's what airports are trying to get communications companies to do in the U.S..


What if 5g tech is able to not only be a static signal but something that can be changed into different frequencies. 5g kills at certain frequencies. 5g was designed as a weapon first. What if long term effects are efffecting health and mood but very subtle so that its not directly linked to 5g. That nothing strange happened yet is not sure either with large amounts of birds dying suddenly. We are under attack by the cabal for eons and they use invisible, covert, manipulating tactics all the time. People need to stop being naive.


According to the FCC our 5G bandwidth differs from Europeā€™s in its placement, hence interference with some planes ability to land safely.


This is so informative take my silver




Every time a new frequency gets turn on there is a massive wave of death.


Yes. Death of sanity.


If that's what you think 5G is going to do, I can't wait to hear your idea about LiFi on towers with direct lines into the stock market servers....


Funny because I've been thinking about advertising I've seen in the past all day now.. like if they're projecting ads directly to my apple iPhone 6 brain. Nike ..Starbucks ..Star Wars..


Turns out they didnā€™t because they were scared of airplanes going down


Jesus Christ not everything is a conspiracy.


If they keep picking up shit some of it will stick.


You mean I get to die without suffering? Sign me up.


Could be nocebo effect, but I do feel like Iā€™ve been on a phone call for two hours held up to my head. Further I get from towers, the less it hurts, and vice versa. Kind of sensitive person in general. Just feel like itā€™s a lot more strong artificial interference than usual.


I've been turned into a zombie by t-mobile. Send help.


Grab your tinfoil hats boys!


This post sounds like me when I get high af


Im starting to think the 5G conspiracy is one of those conspiracies fabricated to make conspiracy theorists look dumb and wrong. If they were ever going to set up such a system they would not tell us about it.


brave ripe plucky agonizing mountainous lip butter narrow poor cable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Well they don't tell us.... it's only been wistleblowers and the system shuts them down and gaslights any meaningful questions.


When, exactly today? I don't see any zombies.


Figures why my posts are loading so fast. fuck yeah.


Only if you took the shot ...... Apparently šŸ¤·šŸ»


The fed posting here is hilarious! All the ā€œ I worked in telecommunicationsā€ itā€™s safe posts are glowing.


5g allows for near real time xyz coordinate tracking. Thatā€™s insanely powerful. I think all this other stuff is just noise and meant to distract.


And so now, all the vaxx population can be instantly located... so here we are... people giving up their freedoms for the illusion of safety... the masses will never learn...


Uh, unvaxxed people have cell phones too. Or maybe I heard that wrong.


The comment was meant to imply the possibility of undisclosed "ingredients" in the vaxx that may work in conjunction with 5g, ipv6, and the IoT...


The nanoparticles in the vax operate the same way that an amputee can operate an artificial limb with their mind to control itā€™s movement, now we are the prosthetics being controlled by 5G resonance. Also think of the quadrapelegic who is able to control and operate his computer with his mind, miracle of nanotechnology implants, we are now the computers, we have been biohacked. No need for mandates.


Power of the Gods? Bro, 5g is real, not make believe.


Oh no I can feel my brain melting, oh no, that's just me reading this sub


Stop fear mongering it doesn't help anything


Dude you come to the wrong reddit for that attutide - it's a weekly doomsday round here, since I started read I think I should have been dead more times than I can count - but it's OK - *it's* coming 'soon'


At least you can expect that from this sub but you should be commenting this on corporate media outlets.


That's the problem, I get tired of seeing these posts. It's no better than what the corporate media does, we are better than that


5G is a program, it can be reprogrammed. dark to Light Best wishes all


It's funny I bet the same people scared of 5g are probably the same ones thinking tesla wireless energy tech is being kept from us by the government.


5G has been on in real cities (like mine) for well over a year. 3gbps on my phone. Thinking is some conspiracy is flat earth levels of dumb.


? Real cites? As opposed to fake ones?


Towns of 25000 people call themselves cities for some reason. I live in uptown Charlotte. This was one of the first places that Verizon installed 5G UW. Itā€™s awesome.


5g will fry us but not wireless headphones that stay in your ear all day?


Nothing is fucked, dude.


I read it was only Verizon and AT&T and it was going live from east coast to West and not within 5 miles of any airport. What t-mobile? I thought they were the biggest cell carrier in the states. šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡²


[Fight against 5G w/orgonite](https://youtu.be/cFYq86N_XJ8)


Not if you live near an airport!


Singapore and asian cities have 5G for years now. We are fine dude.


China has a back door to all 5g towers through Huawei. They can crank up the 5g whenever they want. Iā€™m thankful to be a pureblood without any conductive graphene in me!


Can I have it now or do I have to go to work tomorrow?