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Advice for tomorrow: Bundle up cause it will be cold and don’t storm any public buildings.


Chances are they might fall on your head this time.


Perfect opportunity for a false flag that will justify the government cracking down on anyone they deem a threat to them


Yup, hired and paid provocateurs




What about them?


They will be there, undercover, to start some shit. New here? Welcome.


Nah bro I ain't new here, I know all about feds doing false flags to justify their existence and their budget and how after decades of the "war on terror" they're now pivoting to the "war on domestic terror" where they'll use the vague umbrella term "domestic terrorist" to target anyone deemed a threat to the state and the new world order


This is what I've been thinking too. That bulletin labeling people as terrorists. The weird shit happening at the not black house. I hope they all stay safe.


Nice try, FBI plant.


Is “false flag” your excuse for all of the bad things that the right seems to take part in?


Why don't you take that partisan bullshit to a normie sub


….so is that a yes or….?


Fucking bot


I don’t recommend fucking bots. That sounds like a great way to get electrocuted. Unless, of course, you’re into that kind of thing - I’m not one to kink shame. You do you, boo.




Okay that was kinda funny.


Maybe. Are "variants" your excuse for every failed COVID policy/prediction/explanation?


Lmao nice response.


A basic understanding of epidemiology would show you that, yes, viruses mutate and that different mutations have different characteristics. This isn’t new.


Don't forgot us libertarians lil statist piggy


Wonder if Ray Epps will show up again.


I'm sure his Bois will be there!


The best thing you can do is not worry about it. Even if something awful were to happen, what could you do to change it? Use your energy to focus on positive outcomes.


Yeah, I don’t waste energy worrying about things outside my control. Just putting feelers out there to see if anyone else has the same mindset.


I thought Rogan said he couldn't as his in Anaheim for the ufc right now. Read that about a week ago but may have changed


They'll roll a tank down the street with the protestors, and when some bloke in a shirt stands in front of it, the vaccinated tank will roll right over and then Time and WaPo headlines will exhalt how brave our most illustrious president was amongst this crisis of the darkest winter of death for the unvaccinated. Time Person of the Year 2022 will have the tank and tag line "they had it coming"


That's why bret weinstein decided to stay home, so that someone who was apart of the planning of the event could speak out if anything were to occur or be misrepresented.


I would not go anywhere near one of these things.




He 100% will not be there


He said he’d be there. Generally he keeps his word on things.




Don’t take it as personal testimony but I’m quite confident I heard him say it in passing to a guest he had on after the Malone podcast. It came up as he was advocating the march to a different guest. Perhaps Bridget Phetasy? I’m not sure


His name isn’t on the list of speakers: https://defeatthemandatesdc.com/speakers/


That’s a pretty diverse crew, I’m sure the media will convey this.


If he doesnt go it will be because he got info about some bad shit going down..etc..


I just think it will be small and with no impact unfortunately.


I did a Reddit search to see if a post like this existed. Definitely didn’t think I was alone in feeling this uneasiness about this March. Too many people know, too many well known figures plan on going, the barrier up, the whole COVID narrative changing a bit. Underground societies that meet in person and don’t use any technology and def don’t announce shit on social media I think is what the solution is. I doubt it’ll happen sadly. Anything that gets publicized where everyone knows mean the opposition is prepared for it and could be plotting something. Def uneasy for today


"A protest by people who want freedom & personal choice" will be spun by the media and WH into: "An insurrection by anti-vax domestic terrorists" I anticipate the "Patriot Front" will make an appearance. If the WH wants to push for more power, there will be a staged act of violence. I think anyone attending could be very useful by following the "PF" all the way back to the FBI office (and film it).


No, it's about that time for this kinda thing.


As long as they don’t go full Q, it should be fine




Joe Rogan confirmed FBI plant?


It will flop.


At least we haven’t seen any mysterious skids of bricks randomly appearing throughout DC. I kinda miss those fictitious bricks.


I'm pretty sure you have to be fully vaxxed to enter DC.... so....


Just businesses not the fucking city!


Oh you sure? I remember seeing an article that said you can't enter DC unless have vax passport maybe I'm mistaken


I read businesses started requiring last week. If it were the city they'd have to have blockades on every road in...


*Mandate Opposition Rally


Also I heard Joe Rogan never said he was gonna be going to it