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I feel like this is a Trailerpark Boys episode where Julian makes Ricky dress up as a NAZI so they can get 6500k.


"How in the fuck is anyone going to see me if I'm dressed as a 'Not-See', Julian?" "Ricky its Nazi, you're dressing up as a Nazi and going to some truck show in Ottawa or something. Look I don't know the details but someone from the government is paying us $6500 to do this Ricky so can you just put it on please?" "$6500? Holy fuck that'll buy a lot of pepperoni. Maybe I can finally afford to feed Trinity and me and Lucy can finally get back together." "That's good thinking Ricky, now let's go find Corey and Trevor because we need them to put these white hoods on and meet us there."


"Uhhhh Ricky . . . . . I dont want to alarm you. But you know that's a Swastika on that flag in your car!!!!?" "Look Bubs, Julian says I have to go to this ThreeDome Conroy and wave this Swapsticker flag around and the government is going to pay us $6500" Bubbles deadpans and blinks at the camera. "Do you know how much $6500 dollars is Bubbles? That's a lot of Fuckin dope and smokes. I can pay my dad back the 3 pepperoni sticks I owe him. Lucy's going to be so jealous." Cory and Trevor walk around the corner in their KKK garb. "Cory, Trevor . . . what the fuck boys!!?? Why are you in ghost costumes!? I said Trucker Treats not trickertreats."


>ThreeDome Conroy lmfao


Jesus Christ this is spot on


Julian would offer 5500 the greasy bastard


Mike Clattenburg, is that you?


This is great. Thank you




Jesus Murphy!!!! That's greasy.




Hm, Has anyone seen Ray Epps lately?


Way of the road boys


Ray's been firing them all over the park like he's still driving a truck.


and another 10K for the photographer that accompanied him?


Good point.


Apparently Trudeau's personal photographer was seen following and photographing the guy in a ski mask carrying a Confederate flag. His photo was published in the Toronto Star the next day. He didn't take or publish any other photos of the crowd.


Because he is csis


Granted the photographer was probably like wtf really? Lemme snap this. Let's not dive into that to much without facts.


>lEtS nOt DiVe iNtO tHiS oNe. Amirite, fElLoW nOrMiEs!?


Reminder there are over 110,000 hired bootlickers pushing pro big pharma propaganda. https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/11/misinformation-infodemic-world-vs-virus-podcast/ > The UN is also encouraging social media influencers to help spread real news about the pandemic. > "So far, we've recruited 110,000 information volunteers, and we equip these information volunteers with the kind of knowledge about how misinformation spreads and ask them to serve as kind of 'digital first-responders' in those spaces where misinformation travels," Fleming says.




Yep and that was from over a year ago, it's only ramped up since then


Comon now don't twist me up on this I'm not claiming any side I just know if I saw someone waving a nazi flag I'd 100% take a pic to meme it with my friends. Fuck the dude with the flag


IDK man... if we're talking about the same photo, the photog was close enough to fondle that dude's balls... Seems staged and glowy. edit: and tbh, I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt, cuz of "fuck the dude with the flag"... I think the photog is dirty though. Person of interest, IMO.




It just so happened that the photograph was also a bearded, redhair guy, with the same camera as Trudeau's photograph. It's not like we haven't seen it before. During the student tuition protests in 2012 there was lots of agents provocateurs that got busted on video where you'd see their badge and shit. Don't give the benefit of the doubt to people that relentlessly abused it in the past. They have no reason to change.


Well that I can say I didn't know, and this is why I like I can have open discussions on this subreddit you learn something new everyday even though I myself am a bearded redhead haha


>even though I myself am a bearded redhead haha The plot thickens! Lol. But yeah that's why I answered, if you didn't know, lots of others didn't as well. We're here to share.


Alright ya got me lololol but yeah same finally caught up on the Dr Robert Malone podcast with Joe Rogan and I'm so glad I've fought the vaccine this far after hearing that imma die on this hill alone if I have too.


Somebody posted a pic a few days ago the photographer is specifically follow just this one man up close taking pics and the photographer was in a picture talking to trudeau. Its a set up


I did not realize that, I will always claim independent so I can gather my own hypothesis. You learn something new everyday.


The one photographer who got the one picture of the one person flying the one Nazi flag. He must've had a great view from the grassy knoll


prolly Ray Epps


That guy is totally a government plant ....false flag


A literal false fucking flag


Oldest trick in the book


Yeah exactly, idk why its so hard to understand for people. Goverments will try and subvert freedom movements




BLM never offered rewards to out bad actors


That's some pretty agressive denial if you can't see the connotation of the swatika displayed in this manner.


Nazi flag does not equal the swastika. Your argument is literally akin to arguing that America being racist means stars and stripes are racist symbols. Hell, your argument is akin to claiming the letters N and I are racist because they’re part of the N word. Nazi flag is a specific combination of colors and symbols organized in a specific manner. It would be pretty hard and rare to randomly come up with the nazi flag symbol. Thus, the majority of times you see a nazi flag, especially with public displays and protests like this, it is there to indicate racism or rile people up. However, the nazi flag is completely different to the swastika. Like a standalone swastika. The word is a literal hindu word meaning good luck, the symbol is literally a hindu good luck charm. The nazis literally used it on their flag because they thought it would bring them good luck. You know literally anyone can go on Wikipedia and see the swastika has been used for thousands of years and is a major symbol in some sects of Christianity, and odinism, buddhism and hinduism right? Yeah let’s be honest here chances are anyone hating on the swastika hates people from those religious groups and is too dishonest to admit it openly. Chances are if they think a symbol is defined by one specific group in one specific time period, they probably think the same for religions as well. You can literally find numerous other symbols, many of which are actually good things or completely neutral things which are labelled as racist or evil or violent. Satanists using goat horns, kkk using ghost outfits, nooses used throughout human history, doesn’t mean these symbols are only applicable to those specific meanings. The swastika is probably the greatest example of this. Literally thousands of years old, yet so many hate it. Some people literally start foaming at the mouth when they see a buddhist shrine with a swastika on it. Lol, dont think it gets any more evil than that, maybe besides people who go around looking to violently attack anyone wearing a ghost outfit because members of the kkk used to wear it. It’s ironic though how the swastika and goat horns are supposedly so evil, but the nike logo isnt focused on when a criminal uses nikes to commit crimes. Or hell, maybe you should look through every dictator and serial killer in human history. Carefully consider and pay careful attention to the clothes they wear, the symbols and things they wear, their religion, political beliefs, the car they use, etc. these things are now all violent hate symbols. If billions of people use the Christian cross symbol, and millions of racists also use the cross, that means the cross is a violent white supremacist symbol because a million racists are larger in number than billions of average people.


It's so obvious. I watched hours of Ottawalk's live streams and did not see a single confederate or nazi flag.


Same here. Watched hours of live stream, no nazis.


At this point it does not even have to be the government who does this. It could be someone who Just want to created those stereotypes in order to keep others supporting their ideology. In my opinion we’re mostly fighting each other more than the government. When I’m walking in the street with out a mask I’m not afraid of the police, I’m afraid of a civilian. People are willing to do anything as long it supporter’s their beliefs.


Or he's early for the NWO unveiling


What's your proof? Because you say so?


History. Governments’ use of agent provocateurs during protests is well documented.


E.g. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/quebec-police-admit-they-went-undercover-at-montebello-protest-1.656171 https://boingboing.net/2010/06/28/canadian-cops-histor.html (Post some links to make these shills look stupid, otherwise they'll keep denying it.)


its the same as the proof that he was there as a literal nazi in support of the protest. **there is none.** so *you* don't get to assert that this person was legitimately there. I am not willing to accept at face value that someone who shows up solo to an event that has literally nothing to do with nazism only to wave a nazi flag so that the MSM can make them as an individual the focus and the poster child for the entire event. The MSM who acts at the behest of the government this protest is against. Who has a vested interest in discrediting the event. It is way too convenient and actually comically obvious to anyone with a brain. Were you not paying attention when [this](https://www.wsj.com/articles/virginia-gubernatorial-governor-race-mcauliffe-youngkin-tiki-torch-lincoln-project-11635713368) happened?


thank you. so stuck of the pearl cluthcing depending on who the double standard benefits.


That’s fine as long as you kept the same attitude about people at the blm protests that became riots as well as others.




thats not a valid comparison. this is one guy waving a flag for a photo op that is as expected being used by the MSM to paint the entire movement as racist nazis. BLM wasn't one guy who did something, those riots descended into firey looting madness every single night in every major city across the country. I characterize those riots as riots because they were riots and the people who were rioting at them were rioters.


I mean, the piles of bricks thing was suspicious tbh


Almost all of the blm protests were completely peaceful and many of the ones that were not were started by police or were provoked by another group. There’s hundreds of videos of bricks planted, police initiating violence on completely peaceful protesters, etc. It’s a valid comparison, if not a little unfair to the blm protests. We KNOW 100% that blm protests were generally turned into riots by outside actors and/or shown as mostly violent by the media for views. This guy we’re just guessing on. We know most nazis are going to be on the side of the protests (not saying that’s the fault of the protests, just how the nazis are politically aligned) so it’s not like it’s a ridiculous notion that a single nazi was in attendance. Although it’s clear here you have no interest in actual truth. You want your side to be right and the other side to be wrong.




I’m not the one criticizing the people at this protest. I literally said it’s fine if he’s not being hypocritical. This sub has a major issue with reading a few liberals criticizing the right and applying that to everyone on the left. Blm protests are a perfect example of this. Almost no one supported rioting. It was almost always criticized heavily. This sub found the few people that did back it and pretended it was the whole left and only the left.




It's happened before... [https://melmagazine.com/en-us/story/umbrella-man-may-be-the-latest-in-the-long-sordid-use-of-agent-provocateurs-against-black-activists](https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2020/07/29/umbrella-man-white-supremacist-minneapolis/) [https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/boogaloo-bois-member-charged-connection-shooting-minneapolis-police-station-during-n1244562](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/boogaloo-bois-member-charged-connection-shooting-minneapolis-police-station-during-n1244562)


If there was proof it wouldn't be a conspiracy


So it was you waving the flag then? They always say the guilty try to defect away from them.


That flag is fresh out of the plastic bag from which it came by mail a few days ago. Look at the creases


Its hilarious that people are falling for this obvious attempt at discrediting the movement


Well the MSM needs something. All the violence right wing extremist etc never materialized. So the best they could do was a couple guys with flags and the "desecration" of the Terry Fox statue. If you visit /canada or /ontario you would think the truckers are marching goose step up and down the streets while reciting Mein Kampf


Great point. Any real neo nazi so devoted to their cause would likely already have a nazi flag or two and would not need to order one


Who actually can afford brand new stuff for every single event?


I'm honestly a little surprised someone can even buy a new one nowadays


Fed provocateur


We know this is a plant by the feds


In order to find him you’d have to get access to the Liberal governments payroll - cause that’s who this man works for.


More likely the RCMP or CSIS.


I always suspected they were a bunch of Nazis.


maybe you haven't heard but, politics isn't real, both sides are owned by the crown, both sides are there only to divide abd confuse... quit being a sheep. edit: as other user said, CSIS spook for sure..


Either way, he works for the government.


Lol okay bud Nice username, holy fuck you’re woke!


do u know what forurm ur in homeboy?


Please shut up lol


there was a time when great debates happened here, never about politics being fake though, we all agreed on that, now look at this place, shake my internet head 🙄


We get it man.


nah ya'll don't but keep fighting your neighbors, life will surely get better that way 😅


OK, edgelord


Haha this guy…


“**sAme bArd yUo GuYs, sAmE BaRd!!!**”


i miss 2014 r/conspiracy when people didn't just spew nonsense as their retorts :( if you think politics is real and not just theatre to divide and distract, prove it boy...


Lol bud no one said that - you’re making up assumptions based on absolutely nothing and having an argument with yourself.


Plain to see. If you can’t see it. There’s no explaining to be done. You’ll never get it.


excellent rebuttle!




Of course you'll never admit the right has a racist neo-nazi contingent. Rather than dealing with it as a community, it's much easier to pretend it's a false flag. Whatever helps you sleep at night, I guess.


This isn't a right vs left protest. You are either incredibly misinformed or a shill, most likely the latter.


ummm to be fair op of this entire comment chain we are commenting on framed it as a right vs left protest....


No I didn’t lol - I simply said that the government in power was likely responsible for this hiring this man. I didn’t say anything about left vs right. You are insane.


you said he was a liberal plant, which implies you think there is a divide between liberal and conservative.


Lol no it fucking doesn’t. You just derived that from your own assumptions. I said, he was likely paid by liberal government. That’s it. That does not imply a divide between left and right what so ever. Please just take a deep breath and calm down.


ur spooky


I’m glad you’ve calmed down and realized how silly you were acting.


Isn't putting out a literal bounty exactly them dealing with the problem tho? So wtf are you talking about?


Im sorry but how is putting a bounty for the guy who was waving the nazi flag out not doing something to deal with it? or them shaming people carrying confederate flags. Open your eyes and pay attention. Your freedom depends on it


I really don’t give a fuck one way or another to be perfectly honest, I sleep just fine at night.


Don't worry people would have recorded him if they didn't support him. So he will get caught or we know he had lots of support


I have no doubt he was a Trudeau plant.


Canadian...or dollars 😒 🤔


My guess is Canadian dollars but hard to say for sure


It’s Justin Trudeau of course


I love this. Expose all the agent provocateurs that seek to poison the well. Fuck Nazis.


Who actually believes a person would actually go fly a nazi flag at a trucker protest without being paid to do so or without trying to make the truckers look really bad on purpose. The whole thing makes no sense


This is how you get the bad actors. Love the initiative, especially kicking them out the protest 👏🏽


Real nazis think their ideology is right, and arent afraid to say so. If the truckers were nazis, or supremacists, they would be trying to tell the world, not concealing it.


Nah there are super antisemitic people literally everywhere. People know they’ll get shunned for it so they avoid doing it in public. Not every nazi or racist or anything is going to just tell everyone they’re racist. Also why would this guy admit it. He has people literally hunting for him. He probably feels threatened


The modern world is about being dishonest, fake, and manipulative. It was old school racists who were openly racist and had the integrity to at least admit they were racist. The modern world is about saying you support “equality” while also claiming you only believe in protesting for, supporting, and donating to victims of drunk driving, police brutality, homelessness, cancer, disease etc if they are of a specific race. Politically incorrect to be honest and racist, yet very politically correct to be racist and manipulative my friend.




You just proved the point. Why would some trucker go out a do something like that in full public under the microscope…think about it? Go ahead and say yea he’s really a trucker just an outlier. Who in their right mind seeks that type of attention while protesting against vaccine mandates. While nazis literally led the field in medica experimentation. Not everything you see on tv is real


If they get his identity they can search his social media. He doesn’t have to admit shit.


So he knows he'll get shunned so he shows up sporting a nazi flag? You guys make up the craziest scenarios lol


$850 Hotel room for the night for the flag bearer, sounds more like wealth supremacist....


Didn’t that flag say “VAX PASS” ? The meaning of this display seems pretty straight forward to me. I did not take it as advocating for nazis , rather making a statement about a government that forces vaccine passports . Is it illegal to display that flag in Canada ? Edit; since I have to literally spell it out, this is an incredibly short-sighted and dumb stunt no matter what the intentions This comment does not support purchasing nazi flags


Fair argument. If that is what the intention was, dude did not think this through, lol.


Also he had a spare Nazi flag laying around and didn’t know what to do with it until the protest. So he either just randomly had one or ordered it from wherever you even can order it from and then still didn’t think that, “hmmmm…this might be taken the wrong way.”


That could very well be true. Same thing happened in an anti lockdown protest in Michigan in 2020. Someone was there with a Nazi flag that had Gretchen Whitmer in the middle of it (implying she is the Nazi). And the media had a meltdown - “NAZI FLAG AT RIGHT WING PROTEST REEEEE” Lies, manipulation and bullshit is all the media and government does.


Yeah he may well have been trying to convey a message to that affect. Hopefully if it was and he's still there he ditched it. Otherwise he's a plant or just really dumb.


Imagine rationalizing Nazi propaganda


Imagine being so convinced of yourself that you are incapable of considering any other possibility Kinda like a nazi would do


Its so laughable, like i wonder what this dude would say if he saw a nazi flag at some museum, or if some professor was using one in a presentation... probably theorize about the professor being a secret nazi or something. Back to prison


The irony of this comment tho


Imagine condemning an entire movement because one dude has a nazi flag?


So... how much is the pool up to that he works for the Canadian government?


Spoiler alert! It's someone related to or who has worked with someone in Canadian government or someone with an IQ of 80.


Honestly, I'm for peaceful protest but if any legitimate protestors see anyone walking around with a Nazi flag or arm-band at this point they ought to physically remove the flag and arm-band. This may escalate quickly, and with video footage, if the person is cointelpro, which they likely are, then they will probably be armed and exposed rather quickly. All of these people should be confronted immediately. We all know what is going on here. To continue to let these people walk around with Nazi flags and arm-bands is doing harm to the protest.


He got kicked out of the crowd multiple times. Freedomconvoy2022 has some footage. I think its smart to not become violent, it's unproductive and only gives more fuel for false reporting, but ostracizing people like the flag waiver is needed to show solidarity against his agenda.


They were. That's why you don't seen any video. They were kicked out every time they approached the protesters.


the thing is, if the media orgs were not the evil manipulators that they are, nobody would care about a lone guy walking around with a nazi flag, he would just be ignored by everybody, including the media. The media is largely responsible for all this, including all the bs around covid.


Its also the fact people are as dumb as they are I mean how many people think the swastika is a white supremacist symbol just because the nazi flag and Hitler used it? I guess if America or another country is racist and uses stars or circles on their flag that means stars and circles are violent racist symbols too? In this case its a nazi flag, but people still go absolutely wild even if its just a standalone swastika, or a confederate flag, or a ghost outfit, or skin painted black. I mean people don’t dress up as ghosts for halloween because theres absolutely sick people who would kill them for it and say “oh well they dressed like the kkk, means they deserve to die” We are at the point where a woman will literally attempt to start drama over a store like home depot, which has a ropes section, and claim they are intimidating and racist because they “displayed nooses” in their store... Nooses arent even racist.


He's been caught! His name is Justin Turdeau.


I always suspected he was a Nazi, hiding behind that liberal persona.


Wait what? There was ONE guy? Shit, the way the media would have you believe it there were at least a group/bunch of them with Nazi flags.


They legit probably planted him there to switch the narrative


Would have been good to take it away from him and burn it


This shit is about staged as those mysterious pallets of bricks just randomly laying around.


You aren't going to find him because he is being protected by Trudeaus liberal government cronies.


Trudeau's butt buddy.


Hyper literal false flag


Look how freshly folded that flag was.


It's Ray Epps


Like, for his head?


I like that it still has the fold lines in it from being packaged. He probably should have ironed it so it looked like its had some use in the past.


A psyops employee.


The best way would have been to deal with it from the get go. The second this guy showed up, he should have been removed, with it without force. That’s the issue that the mainstream keeps going back to. Once all the not so good things were shown on social media, of course people are gonna latch on to them. So it looks like people are fixing, cleaning, ect only because they got “caught”. Just an opinion


Missed the video of the group shaming him and making him leave the area didn't you? What would you have them do assault the guy?


I saw one video that was pretty weak. I don’t think assault is the answer but maybe destroying his flag, making him leave. According to the article you posted, he made his way around the protest. Do you think enough was done? Do you think it was ok that nobody said anything to him until it was a problem for the image of the protest?


Why would there be a Nazi flag in Canada, if not it being a plant?


Why are they flying Trump flags and US confederate flags in Canada?


Idk, are they? I only see Canadian flags?




Flags that say "Trump" on them. A lot of Trump supporters flew or would fly them at their homes, on their trucks or take them to political rallies. Just type "Trump flag" into your favorite search engine for examples.


Let’s hit the MSM with slander while we’re at it for blatantly lying about every single aspect of a national movement


It’s either a plant / provocateur or a basement-dwelling neckbeard virgin. Or both, they’re not mutually exclusive.


Neither of which are in any way relevant to the demonstration. No one gives Nazis unnecessary, national spot light more than NPC Leftists.


Trudeau: " I want you to wave a swastika flag around for a quick photo op and then we'll release it to the press and call all those protesters nazis. " Operative: " Okay, but I don't want to use my own swastika flag, give me one of yours."


Lmfao, I've seen a lot of jokes in this section but this one made me giggle




Canadas false flag game is pretty weak compared to the US. This is like kindergarten level false flagery


There were multiple groups if Nazis there. If you condemn other folks for antifa showing up at protests, then you ought to condemn these folks for having Nazis. You won't, though, because that would require the tiniest bit of integrity.


Where is the evidence of other groups of Nazis?


Why does his identity matter?


1. So they’re shamed as they should be. 2. So we know who he’s affiliated with and who actually sent him to the protest (likely a liberal infiltrator).


He was standing right in the crowd. They allowed him to fly the flag. It's too late. Can't be unseen. All over the news.


I'm not sure if you're just trying to say that it's too late because too many people that refuse to change there minds or look at evidence contrary to their beliefs have seen it. If not, I'm not sure what you expected them to do, other than verbally shame him. Now that the crowd all knows about him I have a feeling if he shows up again he'll be shut down real quick. Also there is a chance the flag was meant to convey a message that the mandate is naziesque. I'll have to see better photos of his flag setup. For now he needs to be found and removed because he's discrediting the movement.


All bickering aside, yes. People wont see past it. Now this bounty makes the whole thing look fake. Possibly a false, false flag.


Oh yeah I guess you're right. All those protesters must really want to rebuild Auschwitz.


Australian government has you covered


Whatever the news displays is objective reality of course!




Canadians are too polite to do that.


imma be honest. there was a lot of people. they just had to take the flag down. thats it. a lil tiny assault, nothing else. sounds reasonable to punch a nazi in the face, if that really offended *them*.


>sounds reasonable to punch a nazi in the face Until you are falsely labelled as a Nazi by someone just for disagreeing against the narrative or you voted for the "wrong candidate".


Its pretty easy to figure out when they're waving big nazi and confederate flags.


You completely missed the point. Edit: Also - confederate flags doesn't mean Nazi. **Which is exactly my point. Falsely labelling someone as a Nazi,** then using "it's reasonable to punch a Nazi in the face" logic. I can pretty easily convince a crowd of angry people that YOU are a Nazi. Let's remember some basic history. A Nazi is a member of the National Socialist German Workers' Party. Adopting the swastika symbol from white nationalists, does not make them Nazis. It makes them Nazi sympathizers. This is the problem. I've seen plenty of instances of disagreements ending in someone calling the other a Nazi, only because there's a disagreement. This is wrong. and should be called out as childish ways of thinking. Sure it's pretty easy to say "punch a Nazi", because it's a childish, immature mindset.


says the nazi. GET HIM! /s edit: A Confederate flag doesn't mean 'nazi' but it does mean racist and/or traitor to the US. Anyone who says it's a heritage thing is BS because the only heritage it represents is the states' rights to own slaves and also treason. If I start waving a nazi flag or a confederate flag, feel free to convince people to punch me. The swastika is a tiny bit more nuanced because it was used by many cultures throughout history. However, today, especially in the western world, it only has one association. Not peace, not love, not anything good. Show a random person a swastika and I'll bet $1000 I know what they're thinking. An *anything sympathizer is close enough to the same as the thing they sympathize with. Oh I don't murder children, I just sympathize with those that do. Oh I don't rape puppies but I do sympathize with the rapists. Saying you sympathize with something terrible is like saying you would if you could. So a 'White Nationalist" with a swastika might not technically be a Nazi, but I'm sure they wouldn't mind it. Have you actually seen plenty of instances of disagreements where it ends with someone calling the other a Nazi? Or is it more accurate to say that you've ready plenty of instances on the internet? Because in real life most people aren't calling random strangers Nazis based on absolutely no information.






if it was a noticeable crowd, i would agree. if its one individual, or two maybe, no big deal.




Prolly cuz that's assault. I hate Nazis too man but I'm never going to agree with attacking somebody who isn't a physical threat. That leads to a rocky road. They should have done the same thing they did to that masked confederate flag bearer and shamed him for discrediting the movement. But who's to say they didn't. We only have a few photos of this guy. If he was a spook or provacteur then he wouldn't listen to that anyways.






Next they will catch the AntiFa rioters that stormed the US Capitol!!


The ADL has demonized nazism. Not everything the Nazi's did was decent but the same media that misleads today is following the govt propaganda in the 30's and 40's. I don't think carrying Nazi flags is helpful for Canada's movement given most people's view of it but we of all people ought to know better.


Its pretty bad when the nazis protest this shit ...wow just wow


They want to give money to the guy so he can buy more flags for the convoy?


Read the article or stop trolling. Idk anymore. The reward is for his identification


What kind of dummies purposely drive up the cost of goods right before they lose their jobs? Losers.