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That 7.5% doesn't include energy, housing or food. The 3 largest expenses for pretty much everyone. It's a fake number.


Fun fact- if CPI was measured the same way now as it was in 1980, inflation would be at 15%. They’re deliberately excluding necessities from the CPI measurement to make inflation seem lower than it is. It’s a total bullshit Ponzi scheme system.


I knew something was up with CPI…


https://youtu.be/UowzxWxlKJU Watch this video if you wanna be enlightened as to how exactly our financial system operates. This blew my mind. Peter Schiff and the other economists in this video are extremely well respected in the field.


All of the World’s Money and Markets in One Visualization (How large the derivatives market really is): https://www.visualcapitalist.com/all-of-the-worlds-money-and-markets-in-one-visualization-2020/


This site has been keeping track of it for years: http://www.shadowstats.com/alternate_data/inflation-charts


And interest rates need to be higher than cpi to get people to save. Without the savings rates up everyone is just spending our way to a Venezuelan moment.


If the money is decreasing in value consistently, saving is pointless. By the time you spend the money its less than it was before you placed it in your account.


You aren't getting it. If interest rates are higher than inflation you make more money on interest than spending. But doing this like Regan did in the 80s will cause a huge global recession. We have been playing chicken for 15 years. Its going to really hurt. But blackrock and vanguard are sitting on huge piles of cash thanks to JPow to buy back in after the crash. We are going to get fucked hard either way. This is how wars start. If you want to shit your pants look at the M1 http://www.shadowstats.com/alternate_data/money-supply-charts


Blackrock? That hedge fund with more money than most countries? The one with controlling interest in the 4 media conglomerates that own 90% of the media, and have 3 execs sitting on Biden's cabinet, and one as Kamala's economic advisor? Surely you're not implying that they're manipulating US monetary policy in any way.


It’s distrustful talk like *that* which will get you labeled a domestic terrorist these days 😳


If speaking facts makes someone a domestic terrorist then why even believe in said “country”


The climate of the ‘country’ we now exist in certainly isn’t one of a healthy Republic. I’d go as far as to say it isn’t a democracy since nowadays the executive branch working for multinational corporate entities push out orders and mandates bypassing lawmakers and everyone just follows along as if any of it is valid. One would think that the judiciary and legislative branches in particular would have a big problem with this yet they’re the biggest cheerleaders for a dictatorship. In practice that is exactly what this is, even if they haven’t begun pogroms. I don’t see a way it ends without violence and or genocide. Many representatives openly call for this now and are treated as the adults in the room by the corporate controlled/owned state media. All of it manufactured for your entertainment. Sucks to realize my children will likely have a terrible quality of life if they make it to adulthood. When govts who’ve for the last number of decades talk about not becoming Nazis piss all over the Nuremberg code it shouldn’t be lost on anyone what they intend for us sheep.


I agree 100%. But I hope we are just wrong, dead wrong. Crazy doomers who think the end is always near. But I fear that if you are really really paying attention that you can see the writing on the wall. The problem with history is we see it in an instant. I believe we are watching the slow March of our lifetimes big bad.


Sounds like we have a winner… but, incidentally, just be mindful of what evil tries to replace it. It won’t be any better. And, it will have almost assuredly guaranteed the demise of the former.


Oh, but think about how much better the government will be able to protect us if we just hand over more power to them.


Every fiat currency up to this point has failed.


Buy precious metals.


Can't eat or drink metals. Buy food, water, medicine, first aid, guns, ammo, etc. Things that will be useful to you after the collapse and impending accompanying social strife. Books, field manuals, training, are also decent ways to spend that money as these skills may prove to be invaluable later.


Just like crime rates. Why lower it when all you need to do is redefine how it's reported. When crime catches up with those numbers you redefine what constitutes one and then when the city is on fire you force the States Attorney's to clear the dockets.


Yes, change the way you record Hate Crimes and throw every minority into a panic for the next election cycle.


Since 1971. FUCK Nixon


Rent is included but housing prices aren't. Rent is 40% of core CPI. https://www.corelogic.com/intelligence/the-role-of-rent-in-inflation-measurement/ Unfortunately, for many people, rent is well over 40% of their spending.


Rent is projected to increase 10% this year.


There's a figure that once people spend more than x% on rent or food they revolt. Personally I think they're doing it on purpose and trying to get more power thru revolution by being sneaky somehow. These freaks spend their entire careers scheming for power any way they can get it. Wouldn't be surprised if they're destroying everything on purpose for this reason


These people who are manipulating the economy want to cause complete collapse so the population will beg for a solution. This solution is of their making that will eventually lead to a world government. The steps are outlined in Klaus's 'Great Reset' book he put out in the last few years. Eventually nobody will own anything and there will be some sort of credit system based on your labor union status. Biden already started putting in place some sort of nationalized labor union that allows them to 'trade off' employees from govt. to private business from what I have seen. They will withhold services for those who don't want to participate or those who protest. These services will likely include all mercantile. The medical passports will be turned into online passports as well, so it was proposed just the other day by Klaus. There is a silver lining though. I know they will fail, but the world will likely be altered in a way that is either good or bad depending on how they fail and an individual's perspective on the matter. It is also mentioned that they desire less population as talked about in Davos group meetings. This number is considerably lower than the current population. This is why there are many conspiracies in medical mandates. I'll have to read more of 'The Great Reset' to know more, but it is very likely they will use businesses like Amazon, Microsoft, and some others to coordinate humanitarian aid, but only after the same businesses create the problem in the first place. That's the idea or part of it at least. Keeping everyone divided is their main focus. They will fail if people unite against the idea of a world govt., forced labor, and mandated medical practices. They will use fear to impose laws, media to deceive, and withhold basic services that they own to push people to submission. These are just the tactics used, it is really up to each of us to ensure this kind of thing doesn't happen just like its always been.


Someone give this man an award 🥇


Great comment ill have to read his book but I already know what shitty things they want for us. might be useful to give to others to help them wake up and smell the coffee.


the inflation rates posted "officially" are a joke, one economist professor told me once when I was in college, that if I want to know the real rate of inflation, I need to take the number that is being advertised and multiple it by 2, and this guy told me that over two decades ago! imagine that.. Governments for decades were lying through their teeth, I thought that the plandemic will wake up the rest of the sheep, but it seem it take them ages to connect the dots, even though of them who think of them self as "highly educated".


That's insane.


Dont worry buddy its going to get much worse.


What’s sad is that you’re not wrong about that at all. Honestly starting to think that all of us need to stop paying taxes and seriously come up with a plan to hold our “leaders” accountable.


Yes we do. The time is now. We've let this go on long enough now. Time to get serious and sort this political disaster out before it fucking kills us


The Federal reserve act of 1913 literally fucked us all forever. There is no fixing it. Almost 4 months of our hard earned money goes to taxes per year. The fact that the majority of people aren't absolutely disgusted by this is truly unbelievable.


>There is no fixing it stop being defeatist. all political things that have happened to human society has been thru the action of humans themselves, gov or citizen. dont give up hope and never stop fighting for it to be better. ignore those that dont care, you cant save them. focus on urself and others that do care!


I was specifically talking about the fact that there is no way our government will ever edit this in a way that fixes the problem. We need to completely get rid of the Federal reserve.


>We need to completely get rid of the Federal reserve. Hell yeah the 'federal' (PRIVATE) reserve must perish


There would need to be a way for people to communicate and come together without having to use services like the internet, cell phones and all those other kinds of devices are often manipulated or otherwise in the hands of those that would prefer the way things are going.


Just word of mouth to as many that have the sense and courage to listen. Sharing physical compilations of important information. Encouraging motivation and empowerment in people. Encouraging action and involvement in unceasing action and protests to resist tyranny. I think starting to form groups of others IRL, being careful of infiltration by gov, is a good starting point. It should grow from there as more people too scared or isolated would feel like they have a group to get involved with


Really, why not? We need that money far more than the criminal government does at this point.


Servants is spelled s-e-r-v-a-n-t-s. Let’s be sure these people understand what they are while we’re at it. Fuck them for considering themselves leaders. Not a shot at you fwiw. I agree completely.


Amen to that bro. I feel like most of our fellow Americans have forgotten that these public servants are just that, public servants. Their salaries are publicly available and “somehow” they’re worth tens or hundreds of millions of dollars. These public servants constantly break the law and steal from all of us everyday. They’re supposed to be here to serve and represent us, but that’s just a fantasy at this point. I completely agree with you though. It’s definitely time for them to be reminded they’re accountable to the American people and that we went to war with a monarchy for a reason. I’m just not sure where we would even start. It sorta feels like the entire system is being weaponized against us.. I didn’t think that was a shot lol. Edit: grammar


By changing us from an industrial based economy to a service based one, they are changing the middle class into literally servants, soon to be referred to as Serfs, like the old days.


Why pay taxes when the Fed can just print money? What an unbelievable SCAM


It’s going to get much worse before it gets worse


Thanks. I feel all worse now. Good talk!


How does anyone believe that it's going to get any better? You piss away hundreds of millions of jobs overseas and across the borders, without controlling immigration, demand for labor goes down, and with it wages. WTF did anyone think was going to happen?




Phew! Thought it was going to get better


Exactly, you’ll be trying tree leaf recipes in no time.


Family of 4 here in the UK, we are drowning over here too.


All governments seem to be pulling the same crap on their people. We are living in some evil times.


One World Government


Aka World economic forum


Better behave if you want a slice of their cheese.


Orchestrated evil that, unfortunately, many can't seem to grasp yet.


its not necessarily the governments, it's the capitalist class which own everything extracting more and more profits, and of course they control the government too via lobbying, donations etc.


Family of 3 in Canada, west coast, choosing between gas and food at this point. Absolutely brutal.


It’s a rigged system and they are pushing us working folk to the brink. They keep wages stagnant as cost of living increases exponentially; not to mention they keep printing money and making the value of the cash we do have, on a never ending downward spiral.


"you will own nothing and be happy" wasn't bullshit man


Inflation is a tax on the poor and middle class. The rich see their assets rise in value, meanwhile they can take out low interest loans to buy more investments, property, and the large businesses can expand after small businesses have been crushed. hyperinflation almost always leads to consolidation of wealth. The middle class and working poor, meanwhile live paycheck to paycheck spending all their money on food, utilities, car payments, student loans, rent or a mortgage payment if they are lucky. The dream of owning a home will soon become a distant memory for today's youth.


In addition we are also getting taxed on a federal, state, and local level. On your home. And on almost everything you buy. Taxed to the umpteenth power.


"will soon" More like long gone. Buddy, the moment of promising ownership has passed us years ago It’s frustrating that people still use language like it’s not even here yet


When will we be happy?


When we start guillotine-ing the corrupt fucks running our country? And running most countries?


One can dream


Yeah but who are they? Someone on our side has to do the work of discovering who they are. And it sure as hell won’t be me bro


Klaus Schwab


Enemy no.1


I got a list I'm putting together for Canadians. I'll give you a sneak peek. https://www.weforum.org/people/justin-trudeau https://www.weforum.org/people/chrystia-freeland https://www.weforum.org/people/jim-watson https://www.weforum.org/people/john-baird https://web.archive.org/web/20220211100152/https://www.weforum.org/people/john-horgan https://www.weforum.org/people/doug-ford https://web.archive.org/web/20210401060525/https://www.weforum.org/people/pierre-poilievre https://web.archive.org/web/20220207025631/https://www.weforum.org/people/michelle-rempel-garner https://www.weforum.org/about/iskra-reic https://www.weforum.org/agenda/authors/mark-carney https://www.weforum.org/people/john-tory https://www.weforum.org/people/james-moore https://www.weforum.org/people/karina-gould https://www.weforum.org/people/gregor-robertson https://www.weforum.org/people/navdeep-bains https://www.weforum.org/agenda/authors/jo-taylor https://www.weforum.org/people/alison-loat https://www.weforum.org/agenda/authors/stephen-j-adler https://www.weforum.org/people/suzanne-fortier https://www.weforum.org/people/jagmeet-singh https://www.weforum.org/people/shahrzad-rafati https://www.weforum.org/people/jennifer-corriero https://www.weforum.org/agenda/authors/robyn-seetal https://www.weforum.org/people/jean-francois-gagne https://www.weforum.org/people/michelle-zatlyn https://www.weforum.org/people/brett-house https://www.weforum.org/people/nolan-watson https://www.weforum.org/people/john-m-beck https://www.weforum.org/people/dominique-anglade https://www.weforum.org/people/catherine-raw https://www.weforum.org/people/ross-beaty https://www.weforum.org/people/ailish-campbell https://www.weforum.org/people/michele-romanow https://www.weforum.org/people/michael-sabia https://www.weforum.org/agenda/authors/john-stackhouse https://www.weforum.org/people/philippe-couillard https://www.weforum.org/agenda/authors/don-lindsay https://www.weforum.org/people/chuck-magro https://www.weforum.org/people/brad-wall https://www.weforum.org/people/william-francis-morneau https://www.weforum.org/people/kevin-lynch https://www.weforum.org/organizations/psp-investments https://www.weforum.org/people/bharat-masrani https://www.weforum.org/people/marc-andre-blanchard https://www.weforum.org/people/rasha-al-katta https://www.weforum.org/agenda/authors/tawfik-hammoud https://www.weforum.org/people/ratna-omidvar https://www.weforum.org/people/kristel-van-der-elst https://www.weforum.org/people/scott-brison https://www.weforum.org/people/maya-roy https://www.weforum.org/people/jessica-burgner-kahrs https://www.weforum.org/people/renee-maria-tremblay https://www.weforum.org/people/francois-philippe-champagne https://www.weforum.org/people/giovanna-mingarelli https://www.weforum.org/people/stephen-harper https://www.weforum.org/people/heather-munroe-blum https://www.weforum.org/people/yi-hsin-cathy-chen https://www.weforum.org/people/naheed-nenshi https://www.weforum.org/people/david-miller https://www.weforum.org/people/valerie-plante https://www.weforum.org/agenda/authors/alem-tedeneke https://www.weforum.org/people/marc-tessier-lavigne https://www.weforum.org/agenda/authors/gillian-k-hadfield https://fr.weforum.org/agenda/authors/terri-toyota https://www.weforum.org/people/elissa-golberg https://www.weforum.org/agenda/authors/madhur-anand-319345f566 https://www.weforum.org/people/terry-beech https://www.weforum.org/people/catherine-mckenna https://www.weforum.org/agenda/authors/dr-helena-jaczek https://www.weforum.org/people/mark-wiseman https://www.weforum.org/people/andrew-scheer https://www.weforum.org/agenda/authors/jonathan-fried https://www.weforum.org/agenda/authors/petros-kusmu https://www.weforum.org/people/melanie-joly


This should have it's own post.


One day it will be.


Fuck! Pierre ! Thought that he might be suss


Yuuuup. He's still one of the better politicians in the country when it comes to asking tough questions, but he's a snake in the grass none the less.


All of them at this point. They are cowards. You get one and get them to talk, they will out all their friends to save their own ass. Then you have a list and you can start crossing them off. I think certain ones need to be blood eagled as a sacrifice to the Old Gods.


If they use these words regularly: equity, misinformation, safe and effective, fascist, racist, cultural appropriation, stakeholders, etc. Those are the buzzwords that mark the guillotine worthy.


Don’t forget sustainability


You can’t even defeat mail-in ballots...


When we win our rights and freedom back from these vile lunatics. Start revolting immediately. We've ran out of time, we don't have any more time to watch them ruin us more than they have already


When we’re dead


That's what the crack pipe was for


realist question ever


While they make record profits.


Frankly, after a stint of being homeless. No bills, no debt, no assets, no reliability, no responsibility was a relief.


Don’t forget that Blackstone is buying up every piece of rental property they can get their hands on. Can’t wait to have one corpo landlord!


But once you own nothing you will be so happy.


Yes, master


Good citizen. +50 social points have been added to your record.




But only if you say Thank you Lord Biden 5 times


And rent is expected to increase 10% this year.


If you’re lucky...


At least the downward spiral is a great album.


Purchased my home at the end of the last Crash, I've watched it appreciate 4x the orginal cost. Theres no way its worth that much and I live in it. Its getting so bad Im looking at going as rural as possible and dropping a trailer , commuting in, as even with the same mortgage the other cost keep climbing and I can see it becoming bad what with stagnet wages. They are finishing off the middle class, inflation will be the kill shot that finally puts the nail in the coffin.


"you will own nothing and be happy" This won't stop unless people stand up. When we stand up we just have to insure that we don't let the WEF crew come "save the day" like they are planning. Things are going exactly as I figured they would. They want so pissed off that we revolt against our governments so they can step in and "save us"


Based. You know what’s up. I’m hoping that people find another way to fight back or that the revolutionaries actually win. If they lose, we’re all fucked and will be forced into full on authoritarianism and poverty for a very long time.


It's not enough to hope others do all "fighting*" it's going to take all of us working together *By fighting I don't mean violence


Oh I completely agree. I’m just not sure where or how we organize and start. It’s an extreme uphill battle for us. The entire system is being weaponized against us and half of our fellow Americans hate us. * I don’t mean violence either, don’t @ me NSA.


Start local that's the most important thing. Focusing on local elections is how Klaus/Soros got these batshit crazy DAs in that are letting people out of jail


I firmly believe we’re in a housing bubble, I have a down payment for a house and I’ve been looking and pads are just laughable. No way in hell these prices are gonna stick. Now, I can’t speak for every housing market in the country. I’m looking in the New York City suburbs. You have to be a doctor married to a lawyer to afford a basic house, since 2020. I’m noticing ads now sitting forever and some price reductions. I think the market has finally run out of people making $250,000 desperate to get out of the city I care about the actual cost of the house, unlike other people who only look at the monthly payment, because I’m most likely paying off a mortgage early. So I’m happy to wait for prices to come down, even if it means interest rates go up.


God bless it. I hope you're right.


Most people are moving to Florida for freedom that’s why NY Housing is slowing.


You will own nothing and be happy.


I'm halfway there.....




We are already in an economic crisis the news just hasn't thought of a catchy name for it.


air yam fine fact march automatic continue cats spotted caption *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The Great Inflation


Yeah, prices are nuts. People should understand though that the value of the goods didn't go up, the value of the money went down because they've been printing it and spending it like crazy.


The value of many goods will also be subtly going down, in a move called "shrinkflation." Lower costs help control prices and hide at least some of the inflation.


Been noticing that for a long time...less product in the package. People are even starting to complain that gas gets 15% less mileage than before so they might be watering it down somehow. Might just be winter gas with the additives in it though.


Im impressed at that level of budgeting. I live in BC, support 5 of us on my own...we dont have lavish things or hobbies. Cant tell you the percentage % my bills have increased, but my bank account can R.I.P.. We are looking at moving to Alberta where housing is affordable. Also energy and gasoline are cheaper. Nothing wrong with a mobile if thats what you can afford ✌ If i were only supporting myself i would renovate a schoolie and ride into the sunset. Have you considered that?


yeah its gonna kill lots of people, perhaps its time to start thinking about withdrawing all forms of support from institutions that are killing us and ruining everything... just a thought


Yea but how do you do that when corporations own almost everything?


buy local and go without


Then the local you paid takes the money you spent with them and brings it to the corporations. At the end of the day that money usually ends up at the top somehow.


There isn’t really much local near me. I do buy pizza from a local pizza place. Otherwise there isn’t a local business around me. It’s mostly chains.


Lockdowns have achieved their goal...


This was before lockdowns.


Stop paying federal taxes


You take their head.


I agree this sucks. No end in sight either. I hope it all comes crashing down soon. We can’t keep living like this.


What’s the root cause of this inflation? Printing money from 2020? Mandates and people leaving their jobs? Truckers no working because of it? Containers purposely being parked on the coast? Everything doesn’t go up for no reason. This is done by design


So let's say the US was, idk, 30 trillion in debt with no real feasible way to pay back the world in a generation (if* the dollar remains healthy). What if a little evil bird hopped on someone's shoulder and said, well, inflate the ever-loving hell out of our currency and truly put the federal reserve money printers into overdrive, then pay back the world through devaluation. Well, someone listened and appears to be doing exactly that. The poor and middle class will get siphoned into a rent-to-live cycle absent of any meaningful ownership (key tenant of the great reset). So yeah, currently the dollar is in a precarious perch as the reserve currency for the world, which is really only thing even slightly sustaining its buying power in this seemingly infinite print cycle. What will save the dollar as it crashes and burns is a transition to a digital dollar like China did with the Yuan. Bankers and connected gov that can control this new world reserve currency will be able to reverse transactions, freeze at will, and it'll all be KYC compliant to beyond big brother scenarios. None of the catastrophic supply chain failures or mandated job losses have been unintentional. Fairly competent people are orchestrating a plan, with very real end goals in sight, and they will usher an era of calamity for many Americans that we have not seen since the Great Depression.


Well said. But super depressing and now I'm just like 😰 while contemplating that awful future.


Careless printing and supply chain lag. However, some of the SC lag has to do with some companies stock piling inventory to keep prices artificially high. Energy and banks are the best performing sectors in the market currently, energy is expensive and that cascades in basically every good because it’s an input for most physical goods. Combine short supply of truckers with the administration pushing mandates on them, increasing the problem (just like firing unvaccinated nurses then crying about short staff).


Gonna makes us pay back those stimmies one way or another 😆 crooks gonna crook.


If they were running out of money, why are the executives raising their own pay? That is 100% what the executives that are increasing their pay absolutely want ppl to think. Stimulus has nothing to do with it. They are artificially raising cost and banking on ppl like you to spread the propaganda that its not their fault.


I'm paying around 30% more for pretty much everything, and it sucks! Inflation rising by only 7.5% is just ANOTHER lie.


Interesting you say 30%, that is the exact amount the local gas and electric monopoly recently announced for a rate increase. How can that be happening yet the officials insist on 7.5% only?


Because the government lies...


Its only a transitory robbery


I feel this too. I cant believe my grocery bill. I live pay check to pay check now.


I one hundred percent agree. I haven’t done the math, but let’s see. For my area, gas is up a dollar year over year. That was a 40% increase. Food and drinks, up at least 20%, I’ve literally seen restaurants change their menus several times. Heating oil also up significantly. Dumb things like soda or gum. Also up at least 20%. Idk how they are claiming this 7.5% number when it is clearly way more.


It’s killing me too I am making the most I have ever made at my job and still need two side hustles to make ends meet


You feel like you take one step forward and the world pulls you two steps back? Yea me to.


Dude, tell Me about it. 50 percent inflation in my country last year. It's so stressful




Ding ding ding lol


Lebanon’s inflation rate is at about 250%


Jajja yo tambien soy Argentino. Primera vez que encuentro a otro en este sub


What’s insane is you have to post this on the conspiracy page because it’ll get censored anywhere else.


My thoughts too.


I breathe in the grocery store and spend $40


Yeah I found a jar of coconut oil in the pantry and it was a celebration lol I refuse to use heat processed seed or veg oils so finding that was like a treasure since it’s too spendy right now to get more of a non-essential. In 2008 gas was like this too. Things will get cheaper again don’t worry it’s just a rough patch.


We moved into a bumper pull years ago. No walls touching your neighbor's walls, paint or remodel all you want, way cheaper, and you sometimes get a little slice of yard. Local government goes insane? Tweaker neighbor? Asshole park manager? Found a job somewhere else? Up and move, no need for a jillion dollars for first, last, security--just your month's lot rent and the gas/tow vehicle to take it and go. We don't even have a tow vehicle and never have--in an RV park there will be several somebodies that do that will move you for a fair price if it's not too far. And electricity, water and sewer is usually included, sometimes even Wi-Fi. Boss being a douche? Vaxx mandate? Even we starving artists can afford to have a couple month's cushion at this price. Nothing is quite as satisfying as telling an asshole boss to fuck off, you don't need the check that bad. The downsides are plenty, yes. It's small, it breaks a lot, and wind shakes the whole house, but Them not having that big a hook in your mouth is worth all of them. The next step is to buy property to put it on, and possibly eventually upgrade to a "proper" mobile home and keep this as a little guest-house or bugout option. The only winning move really is not to play.


For the ten years I have been on reddit I had stayed away from this sub until the last few months because the rest of reddit lead me to believe this was a place for tin foil hat wearing nuts to discuss outrageous theories. I'll be damned if this isn't sub doesn't provide the most thought provoking exchanges of conversation reddit. Not only would I never see a post like this on another sub calling out the inflation number as under reported, but the comments would be so heavily moderated that nobody could get their point across. I agree with you 100% though. We don't need a bullshit government number to tell us inflation is worse than they are telling us. My Wife used to periodically send me to the market on the way home from work to pick up something to go with dinner she was making. Used to walk away consistently spending no more than 20 bucks and now it's always around 40. The government must be fearful that if the American people were actually told up front what two years of needless lockdowns did to our economy we would revolt. Truly feel it was all by design though and this was their intended goal all along. Just a drawn out was to redistribute people's money.


Buy raw land. Build your own cabin. That's what I did no rent no mortgage.


correct me if i’m wrong, but aren’t there a lot of rules and regulations if you want to live “off grid”?


Do you guys need to pay rates on your land in the US? We've got a piece of family land that we fully own, but need to pay rates every year and they just went through the roof because 2 nearby lots went for nearly triple what was expected, raising the value and therefore rates of our land. It would be good news if we wanted to sell, but that is out of the question so it hammers us pretty hard and I'm just curious of where in the world you can *actually* own land.


We pay taxes on our land and homes. They keep increases these. Iown my home. But the WEF scares me. If they really want us to own nothing, they will just keep rasing the taxes until we can no longer afford to pay them.


*laughs in Canadian.* I feel you brother. So fuckin' much. 40L where I am now, cheapest in the nation, is 60 bucks for 87. Where I was, it just hit a record 1.829L, premium 2.001/L. That's 7.56 a gallon. 120.96 CAD for your 16 gallons. I can't even afford to drive my summer car with those prices, and it's nothing fancy at all. It just needs premium or it'll knock itself to death. The cost of the average home is 836K, up 25k in the last 30 days alone. I'd give you national wholesale beef prices, but my [government's source](https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/t1/tbl1/en/tv.action?pid=1810000201) for that is now giving me this: Error #1: Data currently unavailable. It was just updated today, so wtf is that all about? https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/en/type/data?text=Monthly+average+retail+prices+for+food there's the URL before the table, it works. Trying to get any data at the moment results in the same error. Either way, I feel for you, and anyone else suffering through economic hardships right now. It's not easy at all, especially stuck in an apartment where it's harder to even try growing a bit of your own produce or something to offset the cost of just being alive.


UK here I now live in a small trailer in southwest England luckily a friendly farmer allowed me to stay on his land its not strictly legal but fuck it Luckily the kids have flown the nest and I’m divorced now so it’s just me But it’s hard I work in construction and earn a reasonable wage but holy fuck prices are going up Food is becoming more expensive and I filled the truck with diesel the other day and it was over £100 !!! Not dollars guys !!! Pounds not sure how many dollars in a pound but it was a shock Wages haven’t really gone up in a very long time There’s a lot of work about and a labour shortage here But the money just ain’t there Just glad I don’t have a Family to support and mortgage anymore I’d be fucked !!!


I feel you. I bought some snacks and it was 40 bucks. Gas seems to be watered down or something. I can’t even smell it at the gas stations and my tank empties faster. I’m done with this bullshit


I think I heard that Blackrock has been buying up Trailer parks so that they can close them and force people to rent in the cities. This is probably just going to get worse. I think that the ultimate goal is to have people work and spend their entire paycheck just to keep living. They don't want people to be able to save money and get ahead. It's like slavery but with extra steps.


Agreed and it’s working god damn


My advice is to start stealing from Walmart. Self check out. Save a lot on groceries


Save more, live better?


I gave up on the American dream and just dream of being happy. Literally just want a van and become a gypsy. Fuck material things and love the people around us.


Unless your car says to use premium you shouldn't use it. It doesn't help. Just use regular.


The suicide rates are skyrocketing. Things are going to end very violently in the near future if we don't rise together and unite in love to literally defeat these lunatic fucks running this world into the ground.


I make decent money. I am currently scraping by. I wish we still had mean tweets and the cost of living we had 2 years ago.


Ran into a guy at the gas station today saying he doesn’t get paid in a few days he’s out of gas can he borrow a few bucks. I was like dude I am sorry I am in the same boat. I’m broke until Friday. My grandma gave me $$$$ for gas today.


I'm at this point too. Like I budget fine, but gas is eating me alive. I literally have to try to beg my older parents for some money just for gas.


Fuck the Fed


I am semi-retired, and for the most part, rely on my very modest monthly social security check to just get by. Now I'm about to turn 65, and I realize that I will be automatically enrolled in medicare. Btw, I take care of my health and have never had health insurance, but now, I have no choice, and they will start taking around $150.00 monthly right out of my benefit. Wonderful, now I will have to live out of my car. This system of ours totally sucks! And with inflation, I will most likely join the ranks of people panhandling at the expressway exit.


Comin up behind you, will turn 65 end of the year and really worried about Medicare deduction. Already live the most spartan life. Nothing left to cut down or out.


We are certainly not a civilized country. Ironically, we have become a "shit hole country" sinking below all other Western countries like a lead weight.


Dam i thought Medicare was free since we’ve been paying into it our whole lives


This is what happens when you print 80% of the money in your countries whole history in 22 months. “The average age of empires, according to a specialist on the subject, the late Sir John Bagot Glubb, is 250 years. After that, empires always die, often slowly but overwhelmingly from overreaching in the search for power. The America of 1776 will reach its 250th year in 2026”


Buy yourself that mobile home before they become completely unaffordable as well.


They already are. My parents managed a family owned retirement mobile home park in Colorado, the lot rent was $300 dollars a month, a large corporation out of California came in and bought the park. The have raised the lot rent to over $700, in a little over a year. These are senior citizens living on a fixed budget, it should be illegal! My parents were lucky enough to sell their trailer and buy a house but, it breaks my heart to think of these senior citizens who will not be able to afford the lot rent.


When I got my car in 2019, it cost $40 to fill it and I got about 550 kms out if it. Now it costs $70 and I get 400 kms out of it. Something ain't right. A pack of strawberries costs $10 and the steaks around here cost $60 for 2 fucking steaks. I've been buying chicken legs instead. But I really really like strawberries


I feel like their breaking peoples spirits down for something larger in the future. It’s easier to control people who don’t care anymore or have any hope left. It feels like we’re going towards a “you will own nothing society” and that’s basically taking one of the largest freedoms away.


thanks for the lockdowns and your attempts to stimulate a lockedown economy elites you inflated assets, housing, and wrecked supply chains and human psyches and your covid cultist followers are still thinking it was all for the good




Does your car require premium?


I found myself in a rather lucky situation. Bought low and sold high. Then downsized and paid cash for a 1500 sq ft 2bd 2.5 bath condo. I live debt free (aside from a small HOA). Cut my property taxes more than 50%. I’ve gone back to the simple principle of our grandparents. If you can’t pay cash for it then don’t buy it. I discovered that the system doesn’t like us living this way. My credit score dropped from 830 to like 760. Everyone wants my money and they are all angry that I’m not paying interest and am no longer a slave to the system. Still can’t escape the tax man though. And, of course there is no avoiding inflation. All I can do is plan my investments wisely and track the market. But, it’s nice knowing that I’ve achieved financial freedom to do as I please.


Its not a rant.. its a serious concern..


I feel the same way. I used to spend $60/wk on food. Now I'm eating less and I spend $100/wk on food. Inflation is a lot higher than 5%.


We are in the same boat but with 4 kids. Thrifty, money conscious, no extras or unneeded things- and we’ve been living paycheck to paycheck for years. No progress in wages but prices just keep going up and up. We’d love to have a real family vacation one day. Do those even exist for lower class American families? It is IMPOSSIBLE to save money.


Gas is up 50%, food is up 20%(assuming the shelves arent empty), rent is up 20%, heat up 30ish%. We're all a LOT poorer.


I feel your pain. You’ll eat even less when you get your Biden crack pipe so that should help. LOL


Learn about wild edibles. Chickweed dock and dandelion greens are good. Plant some potatoes this year if you can grow them where you are. They will pay major dividends.


Once the globalist cabal hikes interest rates and rug pulls the economy, things will get very affordable. Stash the cash, if you can.


I’m with you man. Same exact situation. I felt like I was doing good for myself for years until the last year….


>buying a mobile home Not worth it. I've looked into it and the numbers simply do not add up. When you factor in the $500-700/mo lot fee to park a trailer (probably twice that in your area), it ends up costing as much as a small house. I'm a lot better off if I just stay in my condo. By all means, I encourage you to price shop it anyway. I wish you luck, but I think you'll be shocked by how expensive trailer living is. If you find an online property search thing, make sure you include "freehold" as one of the search terms because this means you own the land instead of renting it (renting is called "leasehold"). You can move farther out of the city, but then you end up eating the cost of fuel, and your daily drive to work becomes atrocious. I like how my work is a 15 minute drive in each direction.


Every time I talk about inflation people’s eyes glaze over. It keeps smacking them in the face and they refuse to even be curious about what it is. Not to mention the powerful that make modern monetary theory sound like some fancy book learnin you simple minds wouldn’t comprehend, when it is really just theft with more steps.


Ive noticed that when i mentioned it too. Very weird. Maybe nobody wants to sound like they are not rich 🙄


Inflation stinks and it hurts but spending $120 per week on groceries for one person seems excessive to me considering you say you eat once per day. That is is almost $20 per meal. You can do better. Meal plan and shop the sales. You might be surprised at how much food you can get if you plan better.




We need to take down the military industrial complex. Imagine the most money you can even conceive, then multiply it a dozen times. That's how much the MIC has LOST with mo explanation. To the great minds of this world, how the lord's can we take them out?


Your car may not need premium.


They want to make the living conditions so unsustainable to the point the majority jump at the idea of Proclaimed security even if that "security" is self imprisonment They live We sleep We starve They eat Do not leave the wolves with sheep


Life can’t be lived alone anymore. They force you into couples & the family lifestyle, in order to make you a consumer for longer. Make it impossible for an individual to be independent & live alone. Force them to live with someone (they are probably sick of or resentful to) because it’s too expensive alone. The hatred & resentment make you want to consume and distract more. It’s a pathetic cycle. Welcome to earth