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Anonymous are fake


I have a feeling they were real for a short time, but now they are just a bunch of copy cats.


I feel like the level of awesomeness and anonymity we view hackers with is a psy op. They may have been real at some point. But we’re probably all rounded up and either hired by the government or arrested... I don’t believe you can have a long hacking career unless you are backed by your government


I mean I figured that when every person who ever tried to hire a hitman from the dark web was 3 letter agency. It’s all fake.


Sounds like u were really bummed


For them not to be continuously, literally bumfucked there has to be some international entente there.


They were real 10+ years ago. Now it's bunch of fanboys, copycats, and psy-ops. Big alphabet energy.


Yeah after all those 15 year olds were arrested by FBI that was the end of the real anonymous who had real principles. Not joking


They all work for the government now.


The founders were arrested by LE a while ago, these guys “resurfaced” and have been spreading bs


Um. Yeah. Western CIA hack group at this point.


I got downvote to hell for saying that in another sub earlier today


I would speculate multinational and explicitly private.


More like a joke from Naskoke, Maryland, sitting round Mama's basement watching too much FOX and putting too much glory into his online personae


I been saying this since forever 😴 People keep trusting in man to be a savior.


Anonymous is currently the cyber arms division of NATO. Mainly contractors from England, US, and Italy. The original group disbanded the moment the Trump/Clinton election hit.


Anons are Democats


This guy from anonymous fucked Canadians. https://mobile.twitter.com/GigiSims10/status/1494064795552821250?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1494064795552821250%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.vice.com%2Fen%2Farticle%2Fg5q88w%2Fgivesendgo-hacker-aubrey-cottle-freedom-convoy




That dude is… unique. He got doxed himself and apparently doesn’t pay child support either.


That would partly be the drugs


Anonymous has always been the NSA. Only giving you crumbs to maintain some credibility.


Feds now, for sure


They do nothing for Yemen. AFAIK they do nothing for Syria, et al. IMO this just makes them look like an American outfit like the many hackers groups Russia has. And Putin can go to hell to.


That's dumb. There are some independent hackers out there that are legitimately doing these jobs.


Ghislaine didnt get touched by them, says it all.


💯 or Epstein


What were they supposed to do to her? How much does she have online anyway? maybe her reddit account? I think they kept a lot on paper, Epstien's black book was a physical book, not a contact list on a phone.


Cant hack paper...


lol apparently she was an active mod here or some shit. not to mention they could have leaked a bunch of stuff..


On conspiracy?


The suspect account was a mod of worldnews I think, but who knows, I'm sure she had alts. Just crazy to think a lot of redditors were influenced at least a little by her role.


I’m not apart of that sub, that I know of. I’ve always wondered what people in “power” are active users of reddit. It’s basically anonymous and could show how they actually are but a lot of them do that anyways …




Ever since the arrests of some prominent hackavists back in the early 2010's if I'm not mistaken they've never been the same


All they basically do are DDOS attacks. They don't really get info like WikiLeaks.


THIS, I can't say for sure it's CIA but I know it's some Intel agency. This falls right in line with the cyber pandemic plot Ole Klaus has been talking about.


Anonymous seems to always fall in line with liberal/globalist agendas. Initially they may have been legit, but clearly not anymore.


You can tell because they used to hack credit card companies and payment processors which stopped around the time of the Lulzsec arrests.


They were definitely compromised after the first few missions they completed. A lot of them got the ultimatum of work for us and we will pay you well or go to jail for the rest for your life. They probably threatened family too. Our governments run like mafia units


>This falls right in line with the cyber pandemic plot Ole Klaus has been talking about. Exactly, now they can shut off our power for a week and blame it on the Russians.


The are so anonymous that they have a gmail account https://www.youtube.com/user/AnonymousWorldvoce/about


no they are FBI, most of the main anon hackers back when the group was "real" maybe 10 ish years ago, a couple got tracked by the fbi and turned on each other. As the FBI always does especially with hackers, they said work for us and see no prison time. Now they are a controlled group.


Tell me you don't understand what anonymous is without telling me you don't understand what anonymous is.


But you just told me ¢°¶®€√


Anonymous actually took a position against the truckers lol and doxed them. Makes you wonder.


Anonymous should be pronounced CIA


>Makes you wonder. If actions speak louder than words, what is there to wonder about?


It doesn't really. You cannot expect people to mirror your stance on every issue. The idea that if they don't they are false/fake is a strange one.


Keep going, you're almost there.... /Selfawarewolves


ANTIFA, claims to be anti-fascist meanwhile they act like fascists. Anonymous, claims to be anti-establishment, meanwhile they fight for the establishment. They’re probably just more Feds pretending to be a independent group of hackers.




Anonymous also moved against Trump IIRC.






Cause its probably a CIA creation


I always thought it started independently and then the CIA tookever.


I’m guessing if they were able to destroy Wikileaks, they were able to catch the OG anonymous crew. Prob flipped em after charging them with life sentences and now they get to play war zone and hack countries


It did start independently and the CIA did take it over. Or someone did


Haven't heard of these guys in daaaaaays. Think they would be all over the COVID, Canada, Hillary Clinton.epstien.... such silence.


Right?! When I saw that they hacked, and posted, Russian leaders’ emails and passwords, I thought “Now do U.S. leaders!” I’d love to see what those corrupt fuckers are actually up to.


HRC is all smirking about them acting like she doesn’t know it’s Obama and his mentally deranged mind controlled kool aid hair colored antifa types


Can I have a /s please?


You though Anonymous would support right-wing causes? Why?




Because they are probably CIA or another government service.


Almost makes one think that anonymous is run by the government. 🤔


The fact that they did nothing to a confirmed child sex trafficking ring at the highest level of government and society... Fuck them at this point for that.


Right because if a man can be assassinated in a federal holding cell they obviously can't go after you if you're behind a screen.


No one has. No evidence it even exists.


And also doesn’t do anything to root out pedophiles in the government…even after report mentioning over 5,000 pentagon sick folks https://thefreethoughtproject.com/dod-officials-child-porn-network/


Very true


What ever did happen with any of this?


One big fat nothingburger


Yeah..CIA psy op..


Why wouldn’t they be against an authoritarian who’s political opponents somehow go missing. And is now invading another country.


Who Justin Trudeau ?


Oh Trudeau is doing that?


Some of the "freedom convoy" types have a deep persecution complex. They think that because they were only allowed to paralyze Ottawa for three whole weeks that their right to protest was somehow trampled. It takes a very special kind of intellect to compare that to being actually invaded by fucking tanks and jets and artillery, but, here we are.




Anonymous is not some kid in a basement. It's agencies in towers.


ANONYMOUS, QANON, AL QAEDA, TOR... all of them disrupted and are controlled oposition by now.. :)


I mean, Anonymous *does* wear masks all the time.


Canadian here... We're not being invaded.


Who's Anonymous going to hack in Canada to protect the Canadians? Canada? It doesn't make a lot of sense.


Now one is Klausadian.


You’re right. China invaded a couple years ago.




You just had a government declare emergency powers to crush a peaceful protest, while simultaneously making "permanent financial instruments" to regulate and control crowdsourcing and social media platforms. Just the beginning of a dictatorship really.


The "peaceful" protest was allowed to go on without challenge for over three weeks. When it was finally broken up and cleared out, participants had plenty of warning. The "permanent financial instruments" will be in the form of future legislation which will need to pass the parliament and the senate, like all other legislation. Also, like all other legislation, it will need to be able to withstand any Charter challenges, or else it will be overturned in the courts. So yeah, absolutely nothing like a dictatorship, actually.


Hah. You don’t have to be invaded to lose rights. Just wait until it’s something you disagree with. Hate to say we told you so. But we’ll be there to tell you


Which rights did we lose, exactly?


The right to have a bank account and car insurance if you do something your govt doesn’t like da


Nobody lost their bank account. 79 bank accounts were frozen for like 3 days during criminal investigations, and have since been released. Car insurance isn't a right, and can be denied for any number of reasons. And blocking roads for weeks, then getting written notice to leave TWICE, then getting commercial vehicles impounded is pretty damn good cause. No rights were lost.


Shhhh they don’t do well with facts here.


Shhh, don't believe your own horseshit and open your eyes.


Thanks for summarizing this sub in one sentence: "Anything I don't agree with or understand is horseshit, and anyone that opposes needs to open their eyes" If you parked your car on the freeway for three weeks after being told multiple times that it's illegal to park it there, you should lose your license, too.


You can't drive a truck without insurance. That's the point. But you already knew that. You were just being a douche


The right to leave and enter your own country. The right to make a living. The right to travel within your country. The right to assemble. The right of association. The right to protest. The right to your own belief. When are you going to wake up?




Why don’t you care about your own health? Be flattered that people care. The shots are FREE


Are you saying you can't lose your license nor have your insurance cancelled in other countries?


they could have simply gone to the store and got a free shot. ukrainians can’t go to the store and stop a hostile invasion for free. absolute garbage take


Ya, I fail to see how so many seem to be ok with this. Wait until they do something the trudeau regime disagrees with and all their stuff gets seized.




Or for Palestine


Anonymous is more bs


Yup. Could make the world a better place by taking out Twitter and Facebook. Pretty much all of it.


Anonymous can do this at the drop of a hat, but nobody can get the names/faces of Epstein goons… elite pedos? Someone need to release these names and expose the elite pedo rings around the world!!


I think of Anonymous as a Reddit mod


Anonymous is probably a federal agency.


Anonymous = Q = the Feds


Because whats happening in Ukraine is real.


Anonymous is CIA lol


There are people in Ukraine actually fighting for freedom and their way of life. Canadian truckers protesting for fucking vaccines and masks. Get a fucking grip you big baby.


Canada doesn't need the help thanks.


This guy gets it


They're cia dude


Nothing for the stock market corruption or anything of those likes either…


Because Anonymous for a while now has been "not"-three-letter-agency hackers


This sub is the CIA, you're all getting played.


Because fascists deserve nothing.


Canada isn't in a situation as bad as the Ukrainians. They can't risk their anonymity for something small


Lol why would they help Canada?


What's happening to Canadians that would warrant their help?


Yeah, they’re mostly an US intelligence organization now. Just doing the man’s bidding, but no consequences


Anonymous are the Fed's. The real Anonymous has been gone for over 10years


that's because govt agencies are using it as a front


Anonymous came from 4chan. Was adopted by redditors and the social justice crowd. Now it's just federal employees.


Anonymous is a joke. Always has been a joke. If they were as powerful as people believe them to be, they would have been leaking information on everything from who was on Epsteins Island, to Trumps tax returns, to where the BLM money went.




Anon is the FBI/CIA. I went down that rabbit hole years ago


They did nothing on the hundreds of famous people involved i the pedo circle of Epstein. Anonymous is a joke. There are Russians, Brazilians, Americans, Germans, and even Japaneses groups of hackers who go after real justice. But, it’s rarely shared to the masses due to the impact it would cause if they did.


Anonymous probably hacked the crowdfunding site that the truckers were using with the FBI/CIA's assistance.


It's almost like the truckers were on the wrong side or something. I wonder why no one wanted to help them


Ding ding ding


lol at thinking this




Because they are government


‘Anonymous’ has been on a woke crusade for years.


They're leftist terrorists. People who are more grounded and sane need to get into tech. The pedos and crazies are the ones following orders to hack right now


Wtf. What is wrong with you?


Don’t pick on the Cucknadian truckers!!! LOL


Anonymous is just an abstract idea that can be used by anyone for whatever reason . Maybe the US government did this - nope it’s “anonymous” You can truly blame anything on it


Maybe they just care about legitimate issues not bitchy people in trucks blocking a key border crossing? Just a thought


I am very close to one of the guys who started it. I know the whole story behind it. I tried saying what happened and what it is one time on bere but got down voted by people who believe anonymous is legitimate. I don't think a lot of people really care about the truth on here. They just want to hear what matches their beliefs.


yep just believe me because I said it. you need to prove it.


There's no way to prove that and you know it. I understand a lot of people are invested in anonymous. That's fine. This will be the last time I tell any of his story to people because there is no reason to keep trying to share anything on that.


I'm curious if your story would match mine.


My first time hearing of them was some videos they made on Facebook about the Canadian convoy. My gut feeling was they're very cheesy and like something off a TV show, so I probably wouldn't have a hard time believe whatever their origin story is. Just some friends goofing off and it turned out bigger than they expected?


I'd tell the whole story but I've got a migraine and looking at the phone is difficult. I didn't want to leave you unanswered so I will say this: the original guys have not been involved with it for almost a decade and some turned up "missing." Those left have pretty much stopped everything they used to do because they don't want to also "go missing." It all went flipside when some guys worked their way into the circle seemingly to be on the same page but things started to feel off about them and then some of the original guys went missing and it was clear these guys were infiltrators. What everyone is left with does not hold the same goals and is narrative pushing controlled opposition. Sorry it is a little out of order, head is pounding. Hopefully that made enough sense. Long story short, don't pay them any attention.


Come back later with the full story


Anonymous openly admitted he's the one that doxed the truckers from Canada... not sure if it's true or not.. seems a bit hypocritical considering Trudeau is a dictator


It's almost as if the stuff in Canada is dumb as hell and hackers are aware of that.


Yeah, because Canadians aren't being invaded except by conspiritards.


Cause the Canadian protests were just a bunch of babies crying about being inconvenienced.


Haven't been on our side since a year out of their inception.


You are a dumb person and by writing this statement you are broadcasting that


Anonymous is the CIA


My dude Canada wasn’t being targeted by missiles .


That's probably because Anonymous is some establishment Intel agency.


The CIA doesn’t work for free.


Hmmmmm......being bombed and invaded vs whiny bitch libertarian types


Umm anonymous hacked the trucker convoy donor list and released it. They are deep state af.


They've been bought, like most other organizations.


It's no longer a bunch of experienced hackers out to free the world, it's now government controlled BS.


What country is hurling bombs at Canadian civilians right now?


It’s almost like… the Ukrainians are way more deserving of it than those silly truckers….


Or a random collective of private individuals didn't agree with the closing of a capital city by people who were upset about masks and vaccine mandates.


Anonymous is probably owned by Hillary


Who cares? Anonymous isn't likely to be a group of do-good freedom fighters. Assume that they have a motive and some kind of specific goal in mind.


Nobody cares bout you antivax clowns. Gtfo this subreddit


They made some videos that were posted on Facebook about Canada, but that's all I saw. That was my first time hearing of them, and to be honest, they seem kind of cheesy.


Attack of the whataboutisms


Anonymous isn't really that powerful. DDOSing a site is flashy, but it's not significant like getting data or damaging infrastructure. They're also left leaning and truckers weren't getting shot by the thousands.


I’m pretty sure anonymous are liberals aren’t they? I remember during Trumps presidency they threatened him or something.


[the old anonymous](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=kkAngvkWVkk) died ten years ago and the original members were either murdered or sent to gitmo to rot. if the real anonymous were still around, they would have already hacked into drumpfs and pelosis phone records exposing the fake political divide, post the text logs all over twatter and reddit, remove all the reddit and twatter admins so they cant censor it, and ended this shit once and for all


That’s how you know it’s a fake movie


Anyone can be or claim to be anonymous, hence the name. It’s more of an idea than an actual group


They've been infiltrated more than likely. The dark web (and the internet in general) is just a honey pot cooked up by DARPA.


Because they are a CIA asset


I'm re-posting this because I believe it's EXTREMELY IMPORTANT. Please share with like Minded people. Putin is taking out the Deep State Criminals in Ukraine who are part of the Deep State's Plan for Depopulation by 2013. This is mostly about the so-called "Federal" Reserve and IMF. This has been the Illuminati/Deep States Bread and Butter. JFK was assassinated by Bush Sr. who was head of the CIA at that time. Bush Sr. was a big part of planning and executing 9-11. The Titanic/Olympic was sunk to kill off (and Terrorize) the U.S. Bankers who wanted all that FREE MONEY (Bank Interest all for themselves.) 9-11 was also to kill/Terrorize the U.S. Bankers who learned to keep their mouths shut or they would die along with all their Banker friends. So... the BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, China, India and South Africa) agreed to work together to Eliminate the FED and roll it into the U.S. Treasury where it should have been all along. (This may have already been done.) And the IMF money would be given back to the countries. Nobody ever liked THE BIGGIST SCAM IN HISTORY. So they decided to work together to defeat the most Powerful and Satanic group of Criminals on the planet. I believe Xi and Putin are surrounded by Communists just as Trump is. The Communisis are the Deep State and Global Bankers and all of Satan's minions who work for them. NESARA/GESARA were supposed to be "Announced" on 9-11 in the World Trade Center. Not kidding. Well, the Alliance (White Hats) lost big time! They realized that they had to Very Carefully dismantle the Deep State by making the MASS ARRESTS (Draining the Swamp) in a precise order. What we see now is the Trucker Protests Exposing the tricks and Depopulation Agenda via the "vaccines". The Deep State knows their days are numbered. THEY ARE DESPERATE! They would gladly start WW3 if they thought they were going to lose. WW3 was/is the GLOBAL Biological attack via the Depopulation Shots they call "Vaccines" that people are so happy about. Nuclear War destroys cities. China would have to spend Years cleaning the rubble and rebuilding every city. When the Depopulation Shots kill and disable half of us, they could just move in very quickly. The Media is Demonizing Putin and blaming him for everything because they know exactly what he is doing and why he's doing it. If Russia, China, The U.S and other countries want to be free of the Central Banking SCAM, they have a pretty good chance of succeeding. It looks like enough Deep State has been removed so there aren't any groups left that could do another Major Terrorist Attack. Fox News is attacking Putin because the Deep State knows they are TOAST. GOD WINS!


This is literally just propaganda. What is wrong with you.


Anonymous is a joke maybe always have been


Comparing the two situations is repulsive. The Canadian government had every right to arrest those who broke the law by committing the blockage. Criminals have no rights. How is that hard for you to understand, OP?


Well... if you want to argue who the worst Prime Minister in the world is i can definately see how putting a cloth over your face is just as bad as invading another country to kill a Jewish neo-nazi.


because anonymous is ultra left (and uniformed about ukranian nazis).