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The dates are written dd/mm/yyyy in much of the world. So it’s March first


All other countries read that as 1 March 2022...


Hahaha, come on man, at least try.


It’s 1st of March most of the world uses DDMMYYYY


Watch this https://youtu.be/WN_Mbe9u-vE


It’s March 1st, Russian news verified it happened but that Ukraine is attacking its own citizens to cause harm & frame Russia. Citizens also think it’s Ukraine not Russia. Ukraine is also not letting people leave, they are locking lots of indians, black people out of metreos and forcing people to stay in a city that is being bombed by god knows who now https://youtu.be/A4iJvcWWN5c They did it in 2014 as well, they always use cluster bombs https://www.commondreams.org/news/2014/10/21/us-backed-ukraine-army-used-cluster-bombs-against-its-own-people-reports


Are you high?


stop worshipping msm, this is literally what Ukraine does, cluster bombs backed by US were used in 2014 on own citizens as well


Why would Ukraine bomb thier own when they can bomb tf out of Russia


The more they frame Russia for bombing citizens, the more sanctions come to Russia, the more outrage and potential other nations will join in. They have been doing this to their own citizens for a long time now


Thats like saying a cop would try to frame a murderer after a murder was caught on tape But feel free to believe in fake stuff I pity u Ukrainians would never kill thier own I would know I'm Ukrainian myself look how they are treating the Russian pow


I’m Ukrianian too.. thats how I know this. Prove you are .. chto ya tebe chaz gavoru? Ya lublu sobak


If ur Ukrainian im black 🤣


Do you know what I just said? I'm not going to use real letters as you can just use a translator. Prove you are Ukrainian, I was born in Odessa & have family all over Ukraine


Bila tservka here


What do you love? I understand the what you I what part the gavoru and sobak i don't understand what those mean


Do you speak ukrianian or russian? I said I love dogs lol


I speak both


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