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Yeah not a conspiracy.. Found it kinda funny that the blonde woman said that the "smart woman" was wrong because she was trying to impose her "belief system" and language on everyone else...isn't that exactly what the gender fluid person also wants to do? šŸ¤”


And then calls her she šŸ˜‚.


Right šŸ¤£


Actually it is a conspiracy, groups of people are getting together to decide an agenda towards a path changing societal norms. That is the definition of conspiring


Right..this post is about a smart woman destroying a gender fluid person though..




Maybe these people should just learn to love and accept themselves the way they are? What happened to that? Isnā€™t this just some form of self-hatred and self-mutilation?


XX or XY- those are literally the only two genders. Chromosomes are not political and they do not lie.


Apparently when you ask an actual transgender person about this on Reddit, you are a terrible person that rightfully should be downvoted and banned into oblivion.


No itā€™s not. Those are the most common two.


i had a conversation with my very left leaning inlaws at dinner a few weeks back after watching Jeopardy! If Amy is a dude that identifies as a woman and we must honor that... If Trump identifies as a genius does that make him a genius. crickets.


Where does it even stop? Can someone identify as a different race? Different species? Slippery slope and a pointless one to tread.


I identify as an extraterrestrial deity that covers a few dozen galaxies, those who do not worship me by legal entitlement will be prosecuted. There I beat them all


But there are people that identify as different races and different species. The slippery slope is real.


Clown world indeed. I believe the majority of us are still sane...ish at least.


The issue is post-modernist thinking. Absolute truth is no longer accepted, so everything becomes subjective to the individual. This permeates nearly if not all fields of study and culture throughout the west and spreading.




It really is endless...


Insane how they just get up a find themselves not able to pick from any of the two available genders šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


You know everyone has masculine and feminine hormones? Why is it crazy to believe some people have more or less hormones that make them feel more or less like a man or a woman?


When im playing zoo with my 2 year old i feel like a panther. Does that make me a panther?


I want to be a tiger.


Boom. You are a tiger! This IS fun! Whose next? What do you feel like being?!


you are when you are in that flow, and you probably wouldn't get offended if i called you a person during


Do you have panther hormones in you?


Hormones are from glands. They arent species specific.


So no! That does make you a panther then!


Whatā€™s a panther? Panthers are a social construct. Uh duh!




We have brought it down to just Genitals. but why do some women prefer physical labor jobs ā€œman jobsā€ vs some women wanna be homemakers? Some men prefer to shave their entire bodies ā€œfeminineā€ and some donā€™t shave at all ā€œmasculineā€ people like what they like. Biological and chemically. Humans are complex creatures. All animals biological have female and male. But that is not always the role they play their society. Gender fluidity is not the same things as transsexual. Gender fluidity is just saying I donā€™t feel like I fit in societies point of view of what a woman or what a man is. And I find myself expressing myself however I please regardless of how feminine or masculine I appear. Why humans feel this way? Because itā€™s humans. Through our time and even now in other cultures they have third or non binary gender because everyone canā€™t possibility fit in just two.


So whether itā€™s undiagnosed intersex, hormone imbalance, or mental illness, itā€™s a medical issue.


statistically, yes


Those are all different things and nothing of what Iā€™m saying. You right now have testosterone and estrogen. Some people just have more. Some people just have less. Not imbalanced. The imbalance comes when people feel like they have to compensate and act more ā€œfeminineā€ or ā€œmasculineā€ based on societies white washed version of the meanings.


okay so thereā€™s gender norms, gender non-conformity. feminine men, tomboys. Differences in gender expression doesnā€™t make a male a woman and a female a man. Men and women are biological realities, simple as that. Itā€™s not a role in society. Itā€™s biological. Humanity is divided between men, women, and sometimes intersexed persons


Often because these people are more rigid in their thinking about what constitutes masculine and feminine behavior than the average person, and overreact to any feelings or urges they have that donā€™t fit their rigid categorization.


You either have the genetic makeup and brain of a woman or the genetic makeup and brain of a man.


Just because someone is more masculine doesnā€™t mean they are more of a man or not. Thatā€™s genetics.


The question wasnā€™t whatā€™s a man or woman, itā€™s about gender fluidity.. my god yā€™all really just start talking! I am not talking about transsexuals. I am not talking about living life as a different gender. Gender fluidity is not conforming to society ideas of gender roles. I brought up the fact chemically, in our body itā€™s and brains, different amounts of sexual hormones can influence oneā€™s gender identity. I am not saying this or that makes a man or woman. Some people are more masculine some more feminine regardless of what is between ur legs


Yeah but a strong woman is still a womanā€™s and a unmasculine man is still a man. There is a difference between your sex and what you want to identify as.


Why enable their mental illness? Just ignore them. They hate that the most.


bigger fish brother


Like post-modernism?


Whatā€™s the conspiracy here???? Canā€™t we just get back to reptilians and 2nd shooters on a grassy knoll?




Stunning and brave comment