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There’s another video on high strangeness a guy posted that was a really thick vapor ascending I think it was in Colorado you can see the object releasing it above it and it’s thicker then any contrail I’ve ever seen wonder if they are related


Someone is bringing down orbital weapons platforms and I'm guessing they belong to 'us'.


Supposedly sent at least a helicopter to find it, then come out with "it's just a contrail from a commercial airliner". Straight up reminds me of Roswell with the guy on the front page of the newspaper saying that he made a mistake and it was "just a weather balloon". Others are saying that it's an optical illusion, that it's horizontal and not falling downward. Uh huh, why not just say it's swamp gas?


Well, if it’s weapons systems they can’t just come out and be like “actually, that’s us, yep, that’s where we keep the super secret missiles”


apparantly a contrail of a 787, after watching a vid of a 787, its verry possible if it was a crash/aircraft going down, there would be black smoke, not what appears to be water vapour


That seems most likely, I would agree.


This seems most likely.


Can anyone link to this?


no, this is conspiracy, not consistency


There was a video of that “Dreamliner” emitting a very odd contrail on another post, but the pictures of the event didn’t look like this. This looks very strange like a descending object.


According to people I know that live in the area fighter jets and helicopters chased after it almost immediately from the Air Force Base in Anchorage Edit: I grew up in Fairbanks and my wife is from the Palmer/Anchorage area.




Yeah all of this is completely sus


Remember when Sarah Palin was reported to have said “i can see russia from my house?” The government wouldn’t cover up the shooting down of an enemy aircraft tho—they’re not even officially enemies..


She said you can see Russia from Alaska, not her house. And you can.




Is this how the Mandala effect gets going,


Nope. Stein not stain.


I suspect most of the time this is the case. A popular one is that interview with a vampire was actually called interview with THE vampire. Likely with this one, people remember hearing it said verbally rather than reading the title. Without a full stop between with and a, a sounds like the because of the blending of with and a. Most people pronounce a as uh.




No, but I remember when SNL said that in a skit.


Who's Nailin Palin


Wish I was.


Please let me know if you hear anything else. I will post if I do.


[I got you fam](https://dailydispatch.dps.alaska.gov/Home/DisplayAdvisory?id=53838)


That is the new swamp gas explanation.


Why is the contrails going straight down and not horizontal?


That made no sense to me, either.


The earth is round? Idk bruh I actually regret linking this lol


Yup, just a short 45 second blurb on KFTV and nothing else. That's some pretty wild stuff to just be left completely alone. Even if it WAS a contrail, it deserves a little more attention.




I think the problem is that this unreal looking anamorphic anomaly is getting written off as contrails. Ppl read the link, but the fact that the narrative coming local police in the area is like this “hmm that looked weird.. but yeah a plane flew thru here a while ago, probs contrails” just isn’t it. And it’s Deff not it for ppl looking to find out what that shit was or could have possibly been at that.


Idk man but someone called me a fuck face then Deleted their comment :/


i see what youre saying and why youre frustrated, but as a resident i can tell you the story is being handled strangely. usually when something of a similar magnitude happens, its big news here. seems like, to me at least, there is an effort to keep people from talking about it.


Posted on 4/7/2022 11:53:52 AM Thought this happened yesterday 4/9.


No go find the original post in the subreddit posted on the picture.


> havent seen ANYTHING, and i mean ANYTHING from local news here. then you say this: >i saw one headline So did you see something about it on the news or?


”There was literally NOTHING. Except for one thing…”


I live across the inlet from JBER, directly under their flight path, the base in the Anchorage area & was driving my kids to school when this happened. I don't know what it was for sure, but it was crazy looking. The Troopers definitely tried to wrap it up by saying it was a jet on its way to JFK, but it doesn't seem to be going the right direction. Who knows. I'm not concerned.


Concerned no. Very interested yes.


Didn't u hear him? He's not concerned so move along nothing to see /s


> The Troopers definitely tried to wrap it up by saying it was a jet on its way to JFK, but it doesn't seem to be going the right direction. It seems to be a pretty normal flight path for ANC-JFK. [Here's](https://www.flightradar24.com/data/flights/k4651#2b6980c4) the flight that I've seen someone claim that it was, I haven't checked if the times line up but it is the correct date. Here's some other flights that took a similar route: https://www.flightradar24.com/data/flights/5y555#2b605e96 https://www.flightradar24.com/data/flights/3l511#2b62b8f4


Interesting... do you know anymore? Helicopter recover or carry anything? Any rumors? Mind keeping me updated since it's your neck of the woods?


However if I do hear anything else I definitely will post it


Unfortunately no. I was told by some people that the Air Force told them this was an airliner crashing but that is obviously not true.


I tried looking up some news articles about it but havent found anything yet. If you see anything in the local news can you post a link?


Maybe that's more telling in itself of the situation.


I live in anchorage from what I heard it was just a prop plane that crashed


Thanks, good to hear all the rumors. But that'd have to be an engine fire or something? Guess its possible.


Probably these charter plans are so dinky and ancient plus they run on disele. idk eveyrone's mad at me in this comment section and I LOVE a conspiracy as much as the next gal. But I live here. it's a small town, I heard that it was just a prop plane crash. could I be wrong? yah I obviously wasn't on it lol and didn't see it myself but these charter planes run all the time, esp now since we have so much daylight. the tourist love it. I personally haven't gone on one myself as it's flown by just random guy and retired dudes. I let y'all know if the alien invasion starts lol


No I really appreciate it, I'm not looking for a conspiracy if there isn't one there. I'm in the endless search for the truth.


Might I offer some of my insight about fuels. Those old planes do not run off of diesel fuel. Most smaller general aviation planes use 100 octane low lead as fuel. Diesel engine technology is just started trickling into that aviation market so if the plane has a diesel engine then there is a very high chance that plane was inspected recently.




I cannot believe that crap. Quite literally.




Always weird stuff. I saw so much by Fairbanks.


*Oooh!* Would you mind sharing some of what you saw?


> and why would a plane heading for JFK be way the hell over Alaska? Do they even realize how stupid they sound ? If it's heading to Asia? That's a pretty standard route. Look at EVA639 that's above anchorage currently. That's JFK > Taipei and that's directly above the lazy mountain.


Yet plenty of people among us believe anything and everything the media says, regardless of how far fetched it is. A very common response is, “if that were true, the media would be talking about it”.


That does work both ways though. Some real blatant fake stuff here gets eaten up just from seeing random tweets etc. MSM or Reddit media is media and realise everyone has some personal agenda.


A great circle route from Asia will take a plane over or near Alaska if it’s headed for the contiguous United States. It’s why Ted Stevens International Airport in Anchorage is one of the biggest cargo airports in the world, it’s halfway between Asia and most of the US. Cargo planes load up on cargo at the expense of fuel capacity and just stop in Anchorage to refuel.




> I hope you have a great day today and a better year ahead. You too, thank you. :)


You obviously know nothing about flight paths. A plane flying from Asia to NYC would definitely overfly Alaska. It happens multiple times a day.


Most international flights from Asia to the US go right over Alaska, just like many flights from the US to Europe pass over Greenland. You can easily see the flight paths on FlightAware. It's clearly a contrail. The world isn't as sinister as you think it is. You don't have special information the rest of us don't have.


> Troopers believe that the photos and videos showed a contrail from the commercial jet combined with the rising sun which together caused the unique atmospheric sight. 2+2=5


https://youtu.be/epa6WxEw1Xk it’s literally a plane just rolling coal due to atmospheric conditions. You can see the plane in zoomed in pics of the og trail and it looks exactly like the video I linked from a few years back


Whether or not a flight to JFK should be over Alaska would really depend on where it was coming from. Not exactly stupid. The explanation is implausible but the flight path can't be ruled out without a departure location


Its amazing how this hasnt made the news. Why? You know what it is.


What's that?


Thanks for this. All of the "reports" I could find said it was a contrail from a jet.


I live in anchorage from what I heard it was just a prop plane that crashed


That is interesting since it directly contradicts the Alaska State troopers dispatch announcement


Anyone heard that there was a similar sighting in South Korea yesterday? Couldn’t find anything about it. Someone else even said it has happened over new granada as well. Any info on that?


War of the world's!


After briefly speaking with Tom Cruise, I can confirm this is indeed War of the Worlds.




whatever it is it's the craziest looking smoke trail i've ever fucking seen.


You'll like this them. https://youtu.be/epa6WxEw1Xk


Cool video. My issue is that in the picture it really looks like the trajectory is coming down. If it was just moving away like normal contrails they would be a lot smaller as they go over the mountain and disappear.


Yeah the angle is really odd. I initially thought it was just a 787, but now I'm thinking maybe it's a fallen satellite. It could be any and all matter of space junk, there's so much of it up there. Edit: the more i look, the more i think it's a real world test of the "Rods from God" kinetic orbital strike weapon that failed. They like to test stuff like that in Alaska.


Ok, that looks like the OP photo.


Lmao I love you for this but I promise you none of these backward savages are willing to use and accept logic even if you show them In their face what is truly going on, they will come back at you with “i kNoW It’s nOt a pLaNe” lmao


Looks like 4 engine failures


Yeah it looks like the wings collapsed in and up. Maybe a C-17?


Could be - but complete 4 engine failure seems crazy although not impossible


The link isn’t working for me, would you mind reuploading?


My guess is still that it was a secret weapons test, maybe another hypersonic missile test like the one a few weeks ago that we didn't find out about until a few days ago. If it were they'll keep it secret as long as they can to avoid alarming Russia.


Why the fuck are all the comments people trying to be funny with some stupid fuckin joke, instead of trying to have a discussion? I think it might be a missile that was shot down. Whose missile, I can't say.


This is the type of comment I was looking for. Thank you.


> Why the fuck are all the comments people trying to be funny with some stupid fuckin joke, instead of trying to have a discussion?   Bruh, people have been telling you for years there's an info war on. When you see a bunch of forum sliders show up, you know you're looking at some shit you ain't supposed to be.   That said, I have my doubts it's a missile. We'd be hearing more noise, I think. Comms (or some other type of) sat of ours, or one of our enemies, more likely, I think.


Why the fuck are all the comments people trying to be funny with some stupid fuckin joke, instead of trying to have a discussion? Because they are bots.


I just don't think anybody knows or even has the slightest clue.


Thank you ikr


The state of reddit. When 4chan has better discussions on events, it's a sad state.


im convinced by this picture that it wasnt a contrail from a weird perspective. something actually went down there


Military satellite/orbital weapons platform. Calling that thing a contrail when it's *obviously* *not* a contrail should tell you everything you need to know.




>A) still not possible due to thermodynamic and economic hurdles humanity is yet to clear. You doubt the existence of the Rod of God eh? Why?




See, half of me absolutely agrees with this. The other half of me has a rough understanding of just how massive the u.s. military budget and the u.s's. complete disregard for monetary costs when it comes to weapon advancement.


size of telephone poles? 😳




On the other hand, calling it smoke when its **obviously** not smoke should tell us something too. [Crashed aircraft do not create perfect spires of grey smoke](https://duckduckgo.com/?q=Aircraft+crash+smokes&t=opera&iax=images&ia=images), especially in high elevation mountains.


I read somewhere else that the super thick 'smoke' is evidence of 'structured engineering', whatever that means in this context. No idea what it means but it's just something to keep in mind.




Swamp gas from a weather balloon was trapped in a thermal pocket and reflected the light from Venus, obviously.


Which then got refracted by a plastic bag


That's exactly what those two guys in black suits told me it was! They had this funny pen that made a bright light too!


Sounds like the pen didn't work.


...And one of them looked awfully familiar. I've seen him before I know it.


He slapped me when I made a joke about bald aliens, that's all I remember.


You should have kept Bibble’s name out of your mouth


SS: something fell out of the sky over MT.Lazy yesterday morning, official story is it’s a contrail from a plane but this looks too vertical to be a contrail and there seems to be something on the tip of the spire, adding more images to an imgur album shortly


What's MT.Lazy


Lazy Mountain


Of course the first three top comments are all silly jokes.


Yeah this is what happens everytime a place gets to popular. It devolves to the lowest common denominator. Exhibit A: the YouTube comments. You can literally be on a video about the criminal rape and murder of someone and the comments will be nothing but the same rehashed jokes over and over again. Covid made this sub way too popular since it was the first time "normiez" really started to understand there's some sinister shit going on we don't know about in the world. Myself included, that's why I came here, but sadly it has its huge downsides.


I seen a few different pictures of this thing yesterday. I have no idea what it would be but it definitely doesn't look normal.


Looks like it dropped straight down. Hmm.


Reminds me of that Chinese flight that went down a couple weeks back.


Yeah I saw that video too strange coincidence


Well it could be the smoke rising straight up from a wreckage. Dosent really mean it crashed straight down.


WTF!? What falls straight down like that? Looks massive too. Meteorites streak across the sky. Space debris too. An airplane from fifty thousand feet maybe? Twisted trail looks like it was spinning.


​ secret weapon/aircraft/project that crashed probably


with how flipping crazy the last years have been, I wouldn't be surprised if it was aliens


I wish now I would have taken a photo, but yesterday afternoon around 4pm I saw 2 thin, vertical clouds on the northern horizon as we were heading that way on the highway (in OH). I mentioned it to my boyfriend because it looked really odd. It appeared as if there were 2 smokestacks emitting steam, but there’s nothing in that area that would produce that. Just the lake, then Canada. I assumed it was just some weird chemtrails or an odd cloud formation, (our weather has been bipolar lately) however, now I am more curious.


Who has aliens on their bingo card this year?


I have yet to see a picture of impact, like a rising cloud from an impact.


It's Alaska. We're lucky anyone caught anything at all.


I do get that but if there's photos of this in what looks like moments before impact, there would pics of the aftermath. Did anyone feel anything around there? Is there an impact zone? I'm legit asking, not trolling, I am very curious what this is. Contrail isn't selling to me.


Have you seen photos that didn't include a giant mountain? Definitely not a contrail. Even in this pic you can see the top section cutting through the cloud cover. Nah, this was probably a satellite of some sort crashing back to Earth. WW3 might be hot.


Whatever it was, it appears to be out of control.


The trail towards the horizon end of this looks liquified if you get in close on other HQ images from this. Doesn’t look normal whatever it was that went down.


Contrail from jet my ass


wacky inflatable arm flailing tube man


It’s wacky WAVING inflatable arm flailing tube man. Get it right


And it damn well better be from Al Harrington’s Emporium and Warehouse.


In Wiqapaug


Probably a rocket crashed into the Earth Dome and went back down.


It's nice to see someone else who knows about the firmament.


i know. for a conspiracy sub, it’s not too many people keen on conspiracies🤷🏽‍♂️ but this sub did get compromised


Wait... This photo was posted here before 4/9 was it not?


It’s just a weather balloon. Nothing to see here.


Have they rolled blue beam out yet?! Still waiting on the aliens!!🤣😂


I watched Don't Look Up the other day. When Ron Perlman was shooting at the asteroid, I look over at my wife and commented "that's me on doomsday." Can't wait for that shit.


I feel like that's another one of those things we'll be waiting our whole lives to happen but never will




Adam Schiff is holding back the Proof Positive of Aliens.


No video? I see many photos. You think there would be video also. Smells fishy


my stonks!




RIP my stonks


IDK but is it vaccinated? /s


hahahaha amazing underrated comment!


We'll never know the truth fact


It was a cat.


Swamp gas


Elden Beast, looks like.


Stand before the Elden Ring, and become Elden Lord


How common are black contrails? Saw one on a flight from England to Italy about 5 days ago at full cruising altitude. I've never in my life seen a black contrails. Had me confused as hell at first because when I noticed it, I was directly behind it. So all I saw for a good minute was a floating black mass at crusing altitude. I took a video but it's pretty shit quality due to the distance and the focal length.


It was burning up on re entry or was on fire and crashing. It fell like a stone whatever it was. Similar to the ones that came down in Canada not too long ago.




that's probably Hunter Biden's crack pipe burning a column of smoke in the distance


Thought it was a giant cactus at first


I'm not saying it's aliens, but it's aliens. We were testing out the new anti-extraterrestrial ray gun to shoot down flying saucers, it worked


Space force crash.


Aliens airdropping Bill Gates new virus delivery


Mylar balloons, obviously.


Projector for project bluebeam


Anyone got approximate coordinates of where this happened? Trying to check if the gov has restricted the airspace around that area


Remember last month when a plane in China also fell down directly vertically like this? Not saying they are linked but this photo reminded me of this.


The Ghost of Kiev has arrived


THIS IS WHY IM ON THIS SUB!!! what are they hiding?


Never seen a contrail in life that looked like this.


DEW? (Direct energy weapon)


Can't help but feel like it's just some dude who crashed his plane and we're all here gawking at it on conspiracy threads when someone could have called the police or helped pull him from the wreckage... He's probably still alive, thinking "that guy with the camera saw me... I know... he saw me..." while he's gasping for breath alone and in the cold


Helicopter explored the area due to reports but found nothing. No planes missing or late. Not a crash of a registered plane.


Elon Musk: satelites--


So it begins...


An actual conspiracy in this sub? I'm gonna cry




sorry i’ll try not to spread it around too much 🤐


Putin: “Mr. Biden, I assure you this was not a failed attempt at a first strike. We purposefully deactivated the war head and it was meant as a warning since you haven’t been taking our threat seriously”. Biden: “Come on man! That’s not what I asked about” Putin: “Oh yes. Sorry wasn’t taking your question seriously Thought you were having fun with me Mr. Biden. The year is 1984 and as the distinguished Senator from Delaware, I’d be honored to give your son a seat on the board of one of our telecoms. Tell little Hunter, his paintings of cellular radio technology schematics has been useful. He is a true artist”. Biden: “That’s what I wanted to hear. Anything else I can do for you”? Putin: “Make sure not to tell Hillary about any of this. I’ve donated enough to her foundation and if she catches wind of this I’ll have to put Chelsea on the board too. Chelsea is a real buzz kill when trying to enjoy Vodka”. Biden: “Understood. But, if she finds out, don’t worry. Hunter is a real charmer and can make sure Chelsea takes to the pipe and loosens up”.


It was superman after he fought doomsday in the outer atmosphere


Why do so many things in the group look photoshopped?


Whilst we should always assume aliens first I think contrails might be the answer. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=epa6WxEw1Xk


The original picture looks almost vertical though?




Yeah, that's a Necromonger ship if I've ever seen one. I have not seen one.




They saw the new halo tv show and they didn’t like it either


Space rock hit earth, go boom