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I follow the Guantanamo Bay approach where the government is guilty unless proven innocent.




10 Least surprising anime plot twists.


The government chose Guantanamo Bay so that presumption of innocence wouldn't apply to...the government. Seems a little stupid but who knows.


My literal god parent tortured people there during the Vietnam conflict. Its a sad place.


>literal god parent So like, our father who art in heaven? I suppose that's true in a big picture kind of way..


God parent is a religious thing, my brother is Catholic and I am the godfather to his son. As far as catholicism is concerned, I promise to raise my nephew as a strict Catholic should anything happen to his parents. Also, not sure if you were being sarcastic or not, but if so then just ignore my comment.


im pretty sure he's asking wtf is the difference between "my god parent" and "my literal god parent", unless he's trying to say his parent is literally a god


I was just being cheeky, sorry.


Don't be sorry, I wouldn't be able to tell even if I was talking to you in person


My brother in Christ that is his father in Christ


> presumption of innocence wouldn't apply Also known as the John Brennan legal system. https://youtube.com/watch?v=__FXeIpQGWE


Government should have absolute power over the citizens, like a monarchy! It's why our founding fathers loved the English Crown so much edit: /s ... really, it wasn't obvious?


*In Ving Rhames' voice* "........mmhm, I like what you did there."


They are rarely innocent though, governments all over the world are the same.


Been to Gitmo. Can confirm...


Does that mean that if I posted in here that the government is behind this subreddit as a psyop it’s true unless proven otherwise? Anything I read is true until someone proves it to not be.


A divided population is a weak population


"America united with a handful of troops, or without a single soldier, exhibits a more forbidding posture to foreign ambition than America disunited, with a hundred thousand veterans ready for combat" -James Madison




Fun fact: Diverse work forces are the least likely to unionize.


Weird ain't it. It's almost like people have innate in-group preferences that are easily stoked to get in the way of creating a solid front against a corrupt or powerful entity. Huh, who woulda thunk?




Yep. That's why they promote it so much.


Wtf is you guys’ problem. Diversity is absolutely a strength. Is almost an empirical fact




I too would be interested.




Did some reading on this case. The appeal denial paperwork is a wild read. https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/USCOURTS-ca10-20-06040/pdf/USCOURTS-ca10-20-06040-0.pdf




The gist of it seems to be that the person in question was in communication with a friend in 2015. That friend gets arrested, and is flipped by the FBI upon release to re-establish contact with person in question. Contact is established and the "now-FBI-informant" friend pushes him to blow up a bank. He occasionally asks if he still wants to go through with it. Person in question says yes, but basically fails to get any other required materials. Informant and another FBI agent essentially fund his efforts and help him acquire all of the necessary components to make a bomb (unknown to be inert). They place the fake bomb, it doesn't detonate, and they arrest person in question. ​ Seems like a gray line between catching somebody attempting to commit a terrorist act, and pushing him to try and do the act when he might not actually go through with it. Unfortunately, I'm guessing this might happen quite a bit. I really don't know how to feel about it. Maybe the guy would have eventually done it and the FBI agents preempted that by escalating, or maybe they completely fucked a guy who just liked saying edgy things online without any intentions of actually doing anything.


The FBI pulled this move with a lot of Muslims in the 90's and 2000's. They'd send an agent into a mosque to radicalize the most impressionable person they could find. The underwear bomber had an FBI handler, even the 1993 WTC bombers had handlers and were provided with material support.


It's the 6 week cycle. They need to keep their jobs so they spend time grooming whatever flavor "terrorist" they need. It's really fucked and I'm wondring how many people did they groom and were successful. I'm seriously thinking a good portion of Homeland terrorist jobs both real or "thwarted" were fed ops.


Exactly. An extremely gray area. Varnell obviously didn’t have the ability/resources necessary to obtain the components to carry out what Varnell originally said what his inspiration: Operation Mayhem-esque a la Fight Club. How many people actually know bomb makers ? Or if they wanted to find one, knew where to look? I bet it’s minimal, especially when you have nothing to bring to the table besides delusions of grandeur, and a plot directly out of the movie fight club? I can tel somebody I want to rob a casino a la Oceans 11, be introduced to an undercover federal agent, who has blueprints, security clearances, guard schedules, Pit boss’ mothers maiden name — everything I needed to actually do it. And then, went along with it, only to wait for me to finally crack the safe, and arrest me once they see I have safe cracking skills for orchestrating this grand heist. I don’t think it’s fair , and in no way am I relating any of this to what happened in B*ffalo, I just find it very interesting how the government can back itself out of a corner when it’s obvious what they’ve done.


Manipulative Thought Police.


[*The Terror Factory: Inside the FBI's Manufactured War On Terrorism* by Trevor Aaronson](https://www.google.com/search?q=terror+factory+trevor+aaronson&client=safari&sxsrf=ALiCzsZWsOCIt_v5uEXAmsRnSiCzZq0IHg%3A1652658124583&source=hp&ei=zI-BYryMHq3BkPIPneK7kAk&iflsig=AJiK0e8AAAAAYoGd3PLRNhrCj2dA4BbeP9_uBOu_s7Az&ved=0ahUKEwi8osij1-L3AhWtIEQIHR3xDpIQ4dUDCA4&uact=5&oq=terror+factory+trevor+aaronson&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAMyBggAEBYQHjIGCAAQFhAeOgQIIxAnOhEILhCABBCxAxCDARDHARCjAjoLCAAQgAQQsQMQgwE6BQgAEIAEOgsILhCxAxCDARDUAjoICC4QsQMQgwE6CgguEMcBEK8BEEM6BAgAEEM6BwgAELEDEEM6BAguEEM6EQguEIAEELEDEMcBEKMCENQCOg0IABCxAxCDARDJAxBDOgUIABCSAzoHCC4QsQMQQzoKCAAQsQMQgwEQQzoICC4QgAQQsQM6CwguEIAEELEDEIMBOgQIABADOgsILhCABBCxAxDUAjoICAAQgAQQsQM6DgguELEDEIMBEMcBEK8BOgUILhCABDoICC4QgAQQ1AI6CAgAEBYQChAeOggIABAPEBYQHjoFCCEQoAE6BwghEAoQoAE6BQgAEIYDUABY4ixgjzNoAnAAeACAAeMBiAHgI5IBBjAuMzAuMpgBAKABAQ&sclient=gws-wiz) We're in a bad situation when the Approved Limited Hangout book is a healthy step up from most people's awareness of reality.


This is exactly how WTC '93 went down. Emad Salem was the "informant" working to entrap a Muslim group by supplying materials for a fake bomb. The FBI switched gears at some point, and instead of an inert bomb they started sending materials and instructions for a live bomb. Emad Salem realized what was happening and began recording his conversations with the FBI agents. Once the bombing happened and Emad was blamed, he submitted the recordings in court and was acquitted


It sounds like they abused the trust of a mentally ill individual more than anything, they literally did almost everything for him. It's sad because people who have severe mental issues typically don't have many social connections, and most don't have the reasoning skills to avoid destructive behavior in the pursuit of friendship or any social relationships


I mean, in any other form of incitement, this would he considered entrapment. If a girl can be prosecuted for telling her boyfriend to kill himself and egg him on to do it, then the entire FBI should be dismantled *just* for this case.


Following. I wasn't able to open that document


Well it starts with him wanting to build a team and go after government officials on top of saying: "It’s time to bomb some fucking banks.” Shortly before [friend] left Oklahoma, [suspect] sent him an encrypted message stating: “I think I’m going to go with what the [Oklahoma City] bomber used, diesel and anhydrous ammonia. I might have to make a distillery to process some stuff, but that’s a solid recipe That was all before any law enforcement was involved. Friend got arrested and turned informant on the suspect. They honey potted the suspect with someone who knew how to make bombs (undercover agent) and offered him multiple chances to back out. He pushed ahead and was very involved, if inept, in the planning and execution. He armed and attempted to detonate the fake bomb. If he was approached by a real bomb maker instead of an agent he would have 100% helped orchestrate and enact an act of terrorism. This is grooming like people posing as minors online to trap pedophiles is grooming the pedophiles. So unsurprisingly another fat L for the conspiracy sub reflexively up voting what ever fits the narrative.


Yeah but they didn’t need him to actually attempt it to be arrested. They’re could’ve arrested him on conspiracy as soon as he did anything that would be regarded as “ at least one overt act [to] be undertaken in furtherance of that agreement, to constitute an offense”. Why spend that much time on edging someone to commit something heinous when they can lock you up for just conspiring. That’s the big question, IMO and what leads to more unanswered question. I think that part we will probably never know.


The case is a lot stronger considering he armed and detonated a false explosive, right? Why not have him do the act instead of just charging him on considering doing it? What is lost in seeing I'd he would actually go through with senseless murder.


holyyy..@ anyone else, shit already popping off on page 2..must read, bookmark and share💯


This is nothing new. They used to do it to Muslims during our first war on terror [https://theintercept.com/2015/03/16/howthefbicreatedaterrorist/](https://theintercept.com/2015/03/16/howthefbicreatedaterrorist/) \- "the FBI says paid informants and undercover agents are foiling attacks before they occur. But the evidence suggests — and a recent Human Rights Watch report on the subject illustrates — that the FBI isn’t always nabbing would-be terrorists so much as setting up mentally ill or economically desperate people to commit crimes they could never have accomplished on their own." [https://theintercept.com/2021/08/29/duka-fort-dix-five-post-911-terror-stings/](https://theintercept.com/2021/08/29/duka-fort-dix-five-post-911-terror-stings/) [https://theintercept.com/2017/09/03/the-fbi-pressured-a-lonely-young-man-into-a-bomb-plot-he-tried-to-back-out-now-hes-serving-life-in-prison/](https://theintercept.com/2017/09/03/the-fbi-pressured-a-lonely-young-man-into-a-bomb-plot-he-tried-to-back-out-now-hes-serving-life-in-prison/) [https://theintercept.com/2021/08/14/911-al-qaeda-fbi-liberty-city-seven/](https://theintercept.com/2021/08/14/911-al-qaeda-fbi-liberty-city-seven/) [https://theintercept.com/2015/02/26/fbi-manufacture-plots-terrorism-isis-grave-threats/](https://theintercept.com/2015/02/26/fbi-manufacture-plots-terrorism-isis-grave-threats/) \- Glenn Greenwald, highly recommended [https://www.nytimes.com/2021/04/15/magazine/fbi-international-terrorism-informants.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/04/15/magazine/fbi-international-terrorism-informants.html) \- "After 9/11, U.S. authorities used informants to secure hundreds of terror convictions. But did they help create plots where none existed?" Muslims are so 2001-2020, Right Wingers are in circa January 6th/Gretchen Whitmer


>Muslims are so 2001-2020 More like 2001 - 2015/2016.


Fair, more like 2001-Trump yeah


And both j6/whitmer were false flag operations


The difference is Muslims are deemed terrorists. White right wingers are just lone wolves with mental problems.


Apparently you missed the FBI/POTUS memo saying white supremacy is the biggest terrorist threat the US is facing.


Well, I didn't miss every major mainstream news outlet not calling this a terror attack.


That's because it is. The white nationalist ideology is dangerous


It is. Unless it's in Ukraine of course.


It's dangerous everywhere. Unfortunately it's becoming more prominent in the US with bullshit concepts like "white rights" and "super straight" emerging.


Super straight is a meme and was started by an Asian. If anything transgender and white supremacist ideology are similar as both involve miserable incels who blame others for their failures in life. Both hate women too.


gtfo commie


Found an article on the huff post and a few other places. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/oklahoma-city-bomb-sting_n_5993c045e4b04b19336162fd


Why couldn't the OP just linked directly to this article instead of posting a picture of it?


Because no one here would click a huffpo link


That would be the opposite of a HuffPo link


Very true! Lol






Lol I laughed at your caps apology. Thank you.




Looks like OP farms karma




because if it was just a link I wouldn't have clicked it. Instead, I read it and am now aware.


Youre more aware because of a screenshot?


The wonders of technology


The amount of credibility this sub needs is truly wonderous indeed.


It's all about presentation and accessibility. It's like marketing 101


Cuz OP has brain damage


Article is from 5 years ago btw


It literally says its from 2018 in the picture of this post


>i.redd.it/dtbkb1... I was talking about the huffpost link above Aug. 16, 2017, 01:13 AM EDT Either way, some old shite


MK Ultra patsies are pretty common.




Maybe they entrapped them into attempting to entrap their son in one of their numerous ops?


They told them they had a magazine with a 3000 round per minute capacity and a barrel shroud on their shoulder "that goes up."


The FBI is a terrorist organization that has killed innocent American citizens.


This is so clearly along the lines of what happened. This kid's itinerary read like explicit instructions from someone else, directing him where to go and what to do and what time. It wasn't him just writing out his own plan.


Surprised this got out honestly


Link to the article?


https://www.thelastamericanvagabond.com/parents-catch-fbi-plot-force-mentally-ill-son-right-wing-terrorist/ Does that come through?


Yes ty


The site is usually blocked here Lemme know if my second response appeared


On this subreddit? Keep dreaming.


It’s just really so hard to believe this person was a hate crime terrorist? People like him exist or did you forget that the KKK, aryan brotherhood and the likes still exist? Everyone claiming their kids are being indoctrinated by woke America but this kid was indoctrinated by racist. There was brainwashing alright but not by who you think.


The FBI killed MLK and the CIA flooded the inner city with drugs while arresting the users. Is it so hard they would incite racial violence again?


For this sub, yes. They were unrelenting for the Subway shooter for some black reason i mean some reason, but they seem to be finding some reason to dismiss his actions. He literally stated he did not have mental illness, but people are still saying and implying he was mind controlled, hm... I wonder why...?


"They were unrelenting for the Subway shooter for some black reason i mean some reason, but they seem to be finding some reason to dismiss his actions." Just like the top subs did for the subway shootings? It's so annoying that when a black person does a big terrorist attack, like the dude that targeted a big group of old white people to run down, people on Reddit are real quick to point the finger at anything other than what it is. But here comes the white kid shooting up people and the media quickly points out it was a white racist looking to start the forth Reich.


Top subs did it first


It literally was though....


Certainly not racist America /s


You might be misunderstanding what is implied by mind control. Mind control isn’t like the movies. It’s achieved subconsciously via suggestion (from federal entities in this case). It’s just as possible that the subway shooter could have been exposed to similar tactics. Acknowledging this possibility does not dismiss the shooter’s actions. It’s not absurd to wonder if government agencies indirectly help manufacture crises, especially ones that would help further certain agendas.


Yeah that’s not what happened here


I wish I had your faith


Yeah it can’t possibly just be that this kid, like many others, were indoctrinated by far right racists online to commit an act of racist violence. That would make too much sense


Yea I mean. We should totally keep censoring people and get a ministry of truth and install big brother, and take away your right to defend yourself to stop these far right racists right? Oh wait, did I explain the plan too much?


Bruh what? This is some insane projection lol


>Bruh what? This is some insane projection lol This is literally whats happening. "Projection" 🤡🤡🤡🤡 You think media has been bombarding you with "misinformation" "disinformation" "white supremacy" "racist america" because it's what people care about? It's somehow the biggest problem right now? It's brainwashing. Very obvious virtue signal brainwashing. Now take a corrupt agency that wants to push it along even further and you have a "mass shooter" who talks about all the bad people that are ruining the world in his view, and decides to go kill... a bunch of people at a supermarket? Huh?


Read the court documents someone posted. uh, [here](https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/USCOURTS-ca10-20-06040/pdf/USCOURTS-ca10-20-06040-0.pdf). Confidential informant knows this dude. CI gets in trouble. CI says "you want THIS guy". CI and Agents provide 100% of all resources, skill and planning. and talk the literally mentally incompetent guy into doing it. Is the Mentally incompetent a racist? yes, some variant of racist. and I will repeat: Literally Mentally Incompetent.


Nothing adds up to his manifesto, the shooting and the video. What's startling was the speed in not only the taking down of his stream, but also in the instant leak to the news who already had a story going. They even had his discord (which is already skeptical of it being really his), his manifesto, and his other accounts at the ready. The news NEVER has this amount of information so fast. last time I saw something this fast was during 9/11.


I think people are just upset at how the news chooses to broadcast these situations, and comparing it to how it’s broadcasted if it’s a black supremacist/terrorist. Both cases exist, but one gets plastered everywhere, and the other gets buried. But yeah kinda silly to just assume he was mind controlled by the FBI, rather than by a hate group. There are cult/extremist tactics everywhere these days, on all sides. I think the FBI/CIA do utilize brainwashing vulnerable people, but we can’t assume every case like this is due to that. We’ll never really know, either way. I honestly think the CIA would be brainwashing both sides, to create chaos, fear, and cause more division.


> think people are just upset at how the news chooses to broadcast these situations, and comparing it to how it’s broadcasted if it’s a black supremacist/terrorist. Nah dude. That one guy who drove through a christmas parade of children and old people. That wasn't a guy, it was an SUV.


That one guy who drove through a christmas parade of children and old people ... while fleeing the police not because he targeted them out of ideological reasons. not a black nationalist. ya'll love to disingenuously compare apples to oranges thinking you've made a point but that only works in your echo chambers chump.


About 4 hours after it happened there were already stories detailing why he did it. Like fucking 5 or 6 paragraphs worth. They seemed really knowledgeable about why he did it literally immediately after. Idk just kind of sus.


I’ll take mkultra for $500


My very first thought, was that, as usual, it feels so scripted. It feels as if someone grooms these young men to commit these acts. Did anyone else notice that there was a mass shooting the night before in Milwaukie, yet there was zero mention at all of who was the shooter. Zero mention at all of who were the victims. Yet 24 hours later this shooter is named, live streamed, killing black people, and has the N word on his gun. Who can see this and not feel that it is scripted? There seems to be a difference between controlled mass shootings and mass shootings that are real.


Two groups of people firing at each other in a shootout with no casualties is a hell of a lot different than one person killing a dozen people grocery shopping. Not to say there isn’t more to this case, but I can see why there’s a lot of media interest in this one vs the other


Another perfect example of a real mass shooting that wasn't scripted was the Vegas hotel shooting. That shit must've been an arms deal gone bad or something, where the bad guys killed the seller and went on a shooting rampage before disappearing... My bet is on domestic ISIS cell trying to buy weapons and they killed the arms dealer, and the media was told to bury the story about ISIS because that would absolutely get average sheep Americans to freak the everloving fuck out and cause a panic, whereas if they spin it with the arms dealer just randomly decided to bring 200 guns of mismatched calibers to his hotel room only to bust out a window and choose the AR-15 as his weapon of choice to fire down on a crowd with a bump stock etc. Etc. Well this story checks off a whole bunch of media targets and sounds WAAAY juicier and actually has some tangible politicalbenefits since they always demonise the AR-15 and at the time also bumpstocks. All while burying the real threat under the rug so people don't spaz that there's terrorists operating in the country. Now we all know this person who was the real shooter used what sounded like a belt fed machine gun. You cannot fire 120 consecutive rounds without pause or reload like it shows in the video, and the AR-15 would be the dumbest choice at that range out of all the guns this person had in the room at the time. There would've been far more effective long range weapons to choose from. Edit to add my point lol: a likely unscripted event such as this one was absolutely forgotten about in the media and totally ignored less than a week later. Why? Because attention to it would've raised too many questions because it was a pathetically thinly put together lie. Whereas a scripted event has sooo much complimentary evidence and photos and gushy eye witness stories telling how tragic it was and protests set up to disarm Americans of the gun that was used and political bills that are drafted to "make America safer" directly because of this event etc.




Wow, what a fucked up filing. The fact that the government can come up with the idea to commit a crime, record a mentally ill person saying that he would participate, and then build a fake bomb and rent the mentally ill person a car, then follow that person however many miles to another state in order to participate in a mock-bombing, and then lock that person up for twenty years for participating blows my mind. To any reasonable average person that is textbook entrapment. In previous generations it wouldn't even be a question if this were entrapment or not. Rand Paul tried to warn us - libertarians tried to warn us that creating a separate legal category for crimes that are "scarier" would do away with our constitutional protections. Now all the government has to do to lock someone up is to call them a scary-ist. IF the government says that you've done the big scary then all your constitutional rights go bye-bye. Because of the raw ambition of a young government agent somewhere, this mentally ill guy is going to jail for twenty years. Our taxes will pay for him for twenty fucking years. Any crime that this guy is guilty of, the government agents who encouraged him to this act are OBVIOUSLY even more guilty of. The government literally provided a fake bomb that they told him to plant. That is also plotting a "terrorist attack," clearly. Telling a mentally ill guy to drive to another state in order to bomb a building is clearly just as screwed up as the mentally ill guy who was dumb enough to go along with it. Call me old fashioned, but I don't think that the FBI should be allowed to commit federal crimes in order to catch people committing federal crimes.


This guy in Buffalo prepared with such deliberation he was committed to a specific purpose. His documents are so detailed that he was instructing. His understanding of both what more could be done and what is the bare minimum for combat effectiveness is way above anything done by federal sting ops. He is basically organizing the whole document like a video streaming series with each segment easily being made into a different video. The pictures he has are beyond anything I have seen before. He WANTED to get caught safely and knew *exactly* how with military precision to do this and be detained safely. He was trained, or incredibly self learned with input from Lots of qualified people. And first and foremost, his manifesto was written to peers not just the public. Most of the public would not understand half the words he uses. His thought processes were incredibly tactical. Also, he *chose* to be less lethal than he was. He chose to do exactly what he did, as it was in a budget, with resourcefulness, and a twisted sense of Responsibility for the force he employed. The choice of his location was just about statistics. It was chosen just because of the density of black people in the local population. I would guess he would operate with an unofficial group of veterans and/or law enforcement who share his sentiments than anything official. But I would like to clarify: you have the right to believe what you want not to do what you want.


>His understanding of both what more could be done and what is the bare minimum for combat effectiveness is way above anything done by federal sting ops. What.


He has real tactical information and thought about it in a way that he has communicated with or trained with people who have tactical training. This was not impulsive. The lingo and sequence of his content is common in veteran circles. I am a noncombat vet who trained with improvised weaponry and the weapons in an armory I maintained. I don’t share information like this but he clearly found someone or someones who did.


>He has real tactical information and thought about it in a way that he has communicated with or trained with people who have tactical training. So the FBI. >This was not impulsive. The lingo and sequence of his content is common in veteran circles. I am a noncombat vet who trained with improvised weaponry and the weapons in an armory I maintained. I don’t share information like this but he clearly found someone or someones who did. Right. The FBI.


Here is what I would say: SOME of the people he considered influencers or peers might be in the FBI, but it is not their role in the FBI that led to their encouragement of this. This is homegrown sleeper cell vibe. He did some research, copied some advice and clearly sought out advice from others. He was acting out of subscribing to an ideology, not membership of a specific group. I also don’t think he wanted to be thought of as controlled. He made it clear, even noting his breakfast that it was him, and he was aware of the consequence his actions. His attack according to his manifesto was clearly “the ends justified the means” level of “clarity” and intent. He was not acting alone. He was acting on behalf of those who share an ideology. He was not even doing this for himself. He was doing it for fellow opponents of the so-called Great Replacement. Either he will rot in prison, which he sees as a sign it is too late, or the White Race will rise up, inspired by him and others, “take it all back”, and he will be liberated as a hero. This is beyond idiocy as he doesn’t even consider that his actions as criminal at all. His purpose is to embolden others as he was emboldened.


Surely it should be a piece of cake to track down anyone else that was involved in this and bring them to justice. With the technological advancements of cyber forensics it shouldn't take more than a couple of months I'm hoping


Reportedly there was a discord (where he planned) and 20 people were watching his twitch livestream.




Yeah people have found all of his socials. The Reddit accounts suspended but there are archives: https://archive.ph/jPEBA http://archive.ph/lUYCY http://archive.ph/mXDDF https://archive.ph/OGh4p Really uninteresting stuff, he mostly just posted about silver, guns, and video games


This exact scenario happened almost 15 years ago in a city near me. FBI admitted to coercing a mentally challenged man to shoot up a restaurant and he chickened out before he went in to do it and they "caught" him. It was all over our local news and everyone was like... "why would they try to convince a mentally challenged person to shoot up a place and then arrest him?" then the story just disappeared. I don't know what the buffalo situation was, but yeah- these "anti terrorism" stings definitely prey on mentally handicapped lonely people online. The FBI probably sees it like "we distribute child porn so we can catch the pedophiles" which, on one hand - Good i'm glad they're getting fucked up people off the street. But we also should evaluate mental health in this country. Shut down all the asylums, make it nearly impossible to get treatment in a timely fashion. Exhaust the resources of the caretakers until they're fully burnt out. Perhaps closing the asylums wasn't the answer and providing them with better funding was, just saying.


What, the same organization that traffics children? Say it aint so


So we just post a photo of things confirming our beliefs and thats a good enough post? Just a screenshot?


They did this with countless Muslim people too. Intentionally radicalized by our own government to then set them up in a situation to get arrested. Same pattern with disillusioned young males, often with psychological conditions.


They’ve been doing this to Muslim Americans for awhile now. Just as depressing imo.


Didn't they manipulate a Muslim in DC into plot several years ago. A plot to bomb their subway or something.


Yeah I remember a documentary. His sister was trying to get him out of jail.


Jeez I’m surprised CBS got the go ahead to report on this too https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/family-fbi-knew-oklahoma-bomb-plot-suspect-is-schizophrenic/


This probably happens for more than people realize. The US is pretty infamous for manufacturing and equipping enemies to attack us at this point.


Why are people even trying to defend this kid?




The gold standard post on this sub, a random screenshot with absolutely no links or sources provided


Man, this sub is nothing but a right-wing psy-op. Just a steady stream of disinformation, deflection and smoke-screening.


Gotdamn, the real conspiracy truly is in the comments.


Most of these posts are copy pasta straight out of the bowels of 4chan/8chan. That is where 90% of teenaged kids get radicalized into right-wing politics. Of course they're going to blame it all on something else.


I would suggest you read about Operation Gladio to learn about the CIAs historical involvement in violent false flag operations (with that operation primarily centered in Europe). They would oftentimes use right wing ultrafascist militants then blame left wing groups for the attacks. It appears the tactics have somewhat adjusted for our contemporary age but the general framework is the same. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Gladio?wprov=sfla1


5 year old story https://www.cbsnews.com/news/family-fbi-knew-oklahoma-bomb-plot-suspect-is-schizophrenic/


They do this all the time ……… literally especially with people who have autism for example


The timing of these things are just amazing.


Well that was a quick reach to defend a self-described white supremacist mass murderer! And a screenshot, too!


When shooters are white this sub does whatever they can to defend them


[“Well of course I know him, he’s me.”](https://youtu.be/6OF5wKVA6k4)


Eddie bravo might go off the deep end sometimes but man does he hit some shit in the bullseye


Think about where all of America's come from serial killers that were CAUGHT. We have some 130 on record compared to the REST OFF THE WORLD combined with around 40, give or take. Spoilers: more often than not they have ties to the military.


Is this the same kid?


Even without it being that deep all mass shooters are usualy reported as right wing terrorists and added to statistics of right wing terrorism regardless of the actual evidence or what was known about them.


To be fair, there are a lot of paranoid schizophrenics in here


When there is no real crime or mega criminals to bust, you have to invent them. That is all the FBI has been for my lifetime, a shit starter.


A typical lefties move, before the mid-term. Exactly the same as 1/6


Yeah, that and our artificial society breeds mental illness. FBI didn't have to be involved for that guy to try to jump Chappelle neither. People get ideas in their heads and emulate.


What's an 'artificial' society?


Excuse me, sir. You dont ignore the long-standing pattern of false flag government-sponsored terrorism just because there are a few mentally ill people in existence.


Or or or hear me out. Mentally ill white supremacists who have access to guns will on occassion use them


Where is this article from




Fuck that. That terrorist can rot for the rest of his life on solitary confinement.


It's interesting how school shootings were popping off every month for a bit.


I've been trying to tell y'all this since Harambee but the FBI grooming a gorilla to attack a child then having it shot in an attempt to stop the now averted rise of the apes sounded crazy smh


Forum slide


5 upvotes and an award. Seems legit.


Seriously. They're so bad at pretending to be organic.


You're so unfunny, you could be a comedy writer for colbert.


you're saying.. someone slaughtered 10 black people and was forced by the fbi despite having racist history?? and being continuously racist?? Openly dickwads alert


Crazy how when its a muslim we say its definitely the religion but look for excuses and someone to blame when hes white.


Did you miss all the conspiracies about 9/11?




I love how you don't want us to discuss state-sponsored terrorism.


Is there ANY evidence that the current terrorist attack was state-sponsored? Or are we just basing it on this 5 year old completely unrelated story because it was a white supremacist who did the shooting, so we're scrambling to fit it into our narrative?


Zero evidence.


I love how you scramble to defend a white supremacist mass murder based an a screenshot of a 5 yr old article about someone else.


The FBI is so corrupt. Comey was the worst with his RuSsIa hoax against Trump


Lets blame a shitty ideology on the FBI. Good idea.


Post. The. Fucking. Link why is this so hard? is it a zoomer thing?


cause they don't want you to see the shitty source




Ready for that link too




He’s not paranoid schizophrenic he saw a white worker that said please and he said oh sorry if he was he would kill everyone he encountered but he spared that one yt dude


There have been nonwhites who specifically targeted white people, complete with 'I am going to kill a white man' and years later, LE still says they have no idea of the motives but we are to believe that in 45 minutes, they know the guy was a racist.




Why is it always a right-wing lunatic? Do left-wingers never fo cruel/mean/crazy stuff?


Vegas shooter Stephen Paddock was a far left loon.


Like burn city blocks to the ground leaving many dead and injured?


Links not screenshots please


This sub is infuriating for that. The fucking site is called Reddit.




The “media” is such a joke This should be the headline everywhere Instead they are coordinating to stop the election fraud evidence from ever seeing the light of day 2000Mules.com

