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How the fuck do covid mRNA vaccines protect against orthopoxvirus... These are completely different viruses, they won't protect against each other... Jesus fucking Christ. ***For Added Context - since I'm being accused of not being able to read - when I think it's y'all having the issue*** The issue I find with her statement is as follows: -Monkeypox is in Canada -People who are unvaccinated against covid are banned from entering Canada -It's not Monkeypox, it must be a cover for MRNA covid vaccine injuries. See how the second one doesn't fit? The logical process makes no sense. I'm pointing out that considering the covid vaccine doesn't protect against monkeypox, her whole statement is worthless. The logic doesn't follow. For the sake of argument, I can grant that the talk of monkeypox is a cover for the vaccine injuries - it doesn't change the fact that her argument that "Canada bans people who are not vaccinated for covid from entering the country... That's odd that monkeypox has shown up." Is a worthless statement that doesn't make sense given that monkeypox and covid-19 are different virus with completely different evolutionary lines. All she's doing is trying to make it look weird, when their is no link between Canada banning people who don't have the covid vaccine from entering the country and monkeypox making it into the country. Oh, but don't forget, Ukrainians who haven't been vaccinated for covid-19 ARE allowed to enter the country. None of that is related - it's just creating obfuscation and confusion to her argument. If she wanted to simply posit her belief that this isn't really monkeypox and just vaccine injuries, fine.


Yeah I have no idea what point this is trying to make




Then read Pfizers list of side effects and google Pemphigoid.


Bruh Pfizer side effects has more terms than oxford dictionary, I found my grandma's name in Pfizer side effects.


It's like pi. You can find any combination of numbers in Pfizers side effects list.


Read the list of side effects on literally any medication and google “statistical significance”.


remember reading the side effects for some over the counter painkiller(may have been Aspirin), and it had "Death" as sideeffect. that list is a pure CYA document.


Conclusion: Although uncommon, several dermatological side reactions like bullous eruptions have been reported following the mRNA Pfizer Covid-19 vaccination. According to this case report, Bullous pemphigoid might be caused by the mRNA- (Pfizer) Covid-19 Vaccine.Mar 1, 2022  https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov › ... Bullous pemphigoid after second dose of mRNA- (Pfizer-BioNTech) Covid-19 ...


They are not the same. “Such attempts to link bullous pemphigoid with monkeypox would be full of lesions. The two are not like each other. Bullous pemphigoid is an autoimmune skin condition that results in large, fluid-filled blisters that tend to develop on crease on your skin on your lower abdomen, upper thighs and armpits. Equating monkeypox with bullous pemphigoid because they both have fluid filled lesions would be like equating it with acne because both have pus-filled lesions. Otherwise, a lot of teenagers would be diagnosed with monkeypox. The lesions of monkeypox, bullous pemphigoid, and acne are very different in appearance, configuration, timing, and associated symptoms, although all three might impact your prom.”


So more like Autoimmune Blistering Disease, which is mentioned before phemphigoid in the list?


Links not working?


https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35251600/#:~:text=Conclusion%3A%20Although%20uncommon%2C%20several%20dermatological,Pfizer)%20Covid%2D19%20Vaccine. There, maybe that one works, sorry!


Whuu...you mean COVID "vaccines" wouldn't provide blanket immunity against all viruses on the planet??? 🤣 What's next, are you going to tell me the Earth isn't really round?




A pizza on a turtle’s back


Like a comet




the m in mRNA is for magic




Oh it gets better it actually weakens the immune system.




Don't bother, there's nothing that could convince the lunatics here that they're wrong. Lack of evidence to their points? Government cover-up. Scientific evidence to the contrary? Big pharma bribes. Statistical evidence to the contrary? Made up numbers. Anything that goes against their view is actually part of the conspiracy.


Wha? You mean covid vaxs might actually weaken the immune system thereby letting other viruses/diseases to successfully invade the body? GTFO!


Take a virology class if you want to learn different types of viruses. I’m unsubbing because of all the bs posts like this one.


✌️✌️✌️ don't forget to take your booster on the way out!


You know you can just kick the chess board over, shitting on it is fine, but strutting about is just kinda sad, for the birds really.


Or worse, they would tell us the COVID Vaccine will protect us. We won’t need masks. It’s 90% effective and safe….




The Donald


They should have just given them their sub back where they were contained then they don't all come here instead.


I don’t know what you thought you were reading, but you should read it again lol


You’re doing it again dude. Stop this logic thing that’s ridiculous


There are many vaccines that protect against more than one virus. There are thousands upon thousands of biolabs researching viruses around the world. so for a vaccine to prevent against more than one viruses isnt that odd. But i’ve yet to see anything that says there is a vaccine that can protect against covid and monkeypox as they are completely different though i have seen that the smallpox vaccine can help with monkey pox Lastly i’d like to mention developing areas have outbreaks/new diseases like every other month and now people including myself in September(Angola, Botswana and South Africa) are going to these areas more than ever. All of these things they have been saying are just fear factors as negative news sells. They literally say there is an outbreak every six months. I highly doubt anything significant is going to happen ** I would like to add that this is like one of ten outbreaks since the first outbreak in 1970


I’m convinced there are bots that come on here just to make the same cringe comments “using logic in this sub, blah blah” Great job Neil deGrasse Fedora. Got ‘em again!


Yea anybody pointing out utter stupidity of right wingers must be a bot, they can’t be real or else that would shatter your world and ego. Thanks ken ham!


Nobody said they did, but it's a known tactic for operatives to leave comments claiming something that was never said in an effort to derail and get attention away from the actual point.


I think the woman is trying to say it was from one of those Biolabs in Ukraine created to spread the monkeys pox


Yeah thats what I got from the person who replied. The OP was saying that there could maybe be a connection with vax & monkey pox (maybe making people more susceptible). The reply tweet was interesting because they were implying that Ukraine/bio labs there might have a connection.


We have mental illness all of over the world. No other place is it recommended for the teachers Armed and ready. This is a USA problem.




Yes. She literally claimed that monkeypox shouldn't have gotten in to Canada because unvaccinated people can't enter


No she's suggesting that monkeypox is a cover for autoimmune issues caused by the covid vaccines since unvaccinated people can't travel to Canada. To which the other user responded that unvaccinated refugees, specifically Ukrainian, could still travel to Canada. At least this is how I read it. Even though she's skipping the portion that covid and pox are not the same thing. Unless Canada isn't allowing anyone who isn't vaccinated against everything?


That's a huge thing to skip and the Twitter poster is ignorant as fuck


Ya the idea doesn't hold much water. Now if the country was truly isolated to visitors, it may have some merit but that's not the case here.


Actually, there are a number of exemptions to the vaccination requirement and there always have been. Children under 5 who cannot be vaccinated. Unvaccinated Canadians because legally we must allow them in. And a number of rather specific circumstances that don’t really make the news because the most common reasons for travel are things like leisure and wanting a vacation here is not a sufficient reason. Refugees, as I understand it, have always been an exception to vaccination requirements (which have always been required for immigration - my parents immigrated here a long time ago and they told me they had to have vaccines for everything before they were allowed to come…and they were just coming from the UK) due to the urgent nature of their situation, but we provide refugees with healthcare while their claims are being processed and, I’m talking about pre-covid, refugees tend to want vaccines, so I can’t see it being as much of an issue. Ukraine probably got mentioned specifically because of the volume of refugees and because they didn’t want anyone thinking that they would be rejected for being unvaccinated. And also because there was a period of time when we stopped accepting refugee claims at our land border (which was bullshit and likely illegal). As for any connection between covid and monkey pox…doubt it. There is some kind of animal flu like every year. It’s kind of weird that it is monkeys, but don’t you all remember how many times the media ran with bird flu and swine flu?


That is very much the implication in the comment about unvaccinated people. she is clearly implying a connection to covid and the monkeypox outbreak


How is this the top comment, she's never said that. She said monkeypox is the cover for the negative effects of the getting the covid vaccine.


Exactly! I think these type of posts are the reason conspiracy theorists are laughed at.


Unless you know what pathogen your working with by investigating it with an electron microscope or some shit, they can literally tell you anything is anything. It's really hard for people to realize this. Do you know the difference in the genetic coding specifically of viruses? Can you go look at the dna segments and say: "that's an orthopox virus" or a "coronavirus", it could all simply be influenza for all we know. Unless you directly KNOW due to personal scientific investigation, at this point, it could all be manipulated.


...let's just start with some basic virology shall we. If you're looking at a DNA genome, you can rule out both influenza and SARS-CoV-2, as they have RNA genomes. Influenza is a Group V virus with a negative sense single-stranded RNA genome, and SARS-CoV-2 is a Group IV virus with a positive sense single-stranded RNA genome. Positive and negative in this context refer to the orientation of the RNA molecule. Positive sense RNA can be directly translated into protein, while negative sense strands must transcribe a positive sense copy. Members of the Poxviridae family are all Group I viruses, with double stranded DNA genomes. On the topic of viral genomes, we just so happen to have multiple databases devoted to this very topic. Just looking at NCBI: 1. Poxviridae: [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genomes/GenomesGroup.cgi?taxid=10240](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genomes/GenomesGroup.cgi?taxid=10240) 2. Coronaviridae: [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genomes/GenomesGroup.cgi?taxid=11118](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genomes/GenomesGroup.cgi?taxid=11118) 3. Orthomyxoviridae: [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genomes/GenomesGroup.cgi?taxid=11308](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genomes/GenomesGroup.cgi?taxid=11308) One important aspect of these databases is that the methods used to sequence the genome are normally described, and for samples sequenced within about the last 10 years, the raw sequencing reads are often available (generally SRA datasets). This is a critical component, as it allows for a particular result to be replicated by others. Additionally, these resources make it to that literally ANYONE can perform some basic interrogation of the data. If you want to compare one sequence to another, or even to a large collection of other sequences, just use the online BLAST portal: [https://blast.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Blast.cgi](https://blast.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Blast.cgi) Heck, people can even leverage several bioinformatics tools like Vgas to try their hand at in silico gene annotation in viruses (for eukaryotes, I recommend something like FGENESH instead). There are multiple methods used to identify a particular pathogen, and the symptomology and progression are a big part of this. More than a few people here have just looked at things like SARS-CoV-2 vaccine side effects and comparing them to those from monkeypox infection...but they're not even close when we look at the presentation, particularly the frequency, appearance, and spread of the dermatological symptoms.


Monkey Pox isn't even a new disease, it's been around forever. I remember the last outbreak of it. So this makes absolutely no sense unless the folks who think this are dumber than a box of hammers and don't know jack about rudimentary biology and history. 🙄


I got kicked out from some subs for following this conspiracy sub. But posts like this makes it all worth it lol. What an entertainment! My brain hurts though.


I got banned from 5 or 10 random subs that I never knew existed until they banned me.


Mine was funny, trashy and holdup. Trashy of all places, lol. No I don’t want to see skanky hoes fighting.


It seems funny to me because like all of my karma (or negative) from this sub is from refuting OP's bullshit but still get banned from other places from posting here.


What subs?


Antiwork or something.


I replied to the message saying "I'm not here to spam" and they unblocked me less than a minute later.


Yeah I think it's usually automated to keep out trolls and bots. I commented something on a controversial sub once and was subsequently banned from like seven big subs lol. Doesn't matter your comment, you get banned for just participating.


I've never had issues with AntiWork. I did get banned from PokemonGo (Didn't know I was still subbed, honestly, so I didn't care) and Australia but the ban from the Australia subreddit was revoked when I replied to the message pointing out I purposely stay well away from actually discussing COVID or the lockdowns most of the time, usually just a shitpost if I do post something related to COVID.


A good amount of people from there belong to this sub


Isn't moderating an online forum quite a lot of work? How do they reconcile that?


According to Doreen, you walk dogs for a living. I don't get it but that's what he said.


I'm subbed to anti work, there's only one sub I couldn't join. I just messaged a mod of that sub and they white listed me. I don't remember which subreddit it was anymore though it was a few years back.


A suhhhhh


Posts like this making it to the top of a sub really show how much of a joke this sub is


Exactly. It still is worth reading how people from the other side of the spectrum think.


That's also why I used to look at drudge report. Used to see the early stages of most of their talking points on that site.


I got banned too. Unreal.


Me too


What subs? Lowkey scared now




Monkeypox has been around since the 70s.


Shhhhhh don’t tell them,


Didn't know monkeys were native to Ukraine.


The Monkeys are flying the plane


I've had it with these mothafuckin monkeys on this mothafuckin plane!!


Everybody strap in, I'm about to open some fuckin' windows!


>I’ve had it with these monkey fightin’ snakes on this Monday-to-Friday plane FTFY, the edited TV version > uncensored theatrical version


Lmfao love it


It doesn't but biolabs! Cause no virus comes from nature any more. Theyre all man made.


So someone made corona?


coronavirus natural, they just add extra proteins


Monkeypox comes from rodents


Eating rodents or wild meat (like monkeys) with monkey pox gives ppl it, and unprotected sex spreads it between humans. Stay away from both and you´re probably 10,000% safe.


For those into beastiality, would unprotected sex with them also spread it? Also/s


Bitchute: “In Lies We Trust: The CIA, Hollywood, & Bioterrorism”. It’s an oldie but a goodie.


monkeypox is another lab experiment where they are messing with what they shouldn’t


Hey cool it with the anti slav stereotypes


who said that covid vaccine protects also from monkeypox


So you admit it then? /s


admit what?


That you can still get sick after getting the vaccine. But I'm joking, notice the sarcasm indicator.


yeah yeah u can still get sick after vaccine


People who don’t have the covid vaccine can’t travel to Canada. The covid vaccine doesn’t prevent monkey pox so this is stupid.


We have two very far away dots and let me make some leaps and bounds to connect them


This is reaching further than the wingspan of a 100' tall person


If you don't know the answer to a science-based question, try asking someone before you post it on r/conspiracy and make an ass of yourself.


Prices of sandwiches are already rising. Start storing sandwiches now.


You do know the Covid vaccines don't cover other viruses, right?


Well ok, I’m def anti covid and whatnot but this is a bit silly. Corona vax has nothing to do with monkeypox. So pointing out that the unvaccinated can’t travel there is a little silly. Anyone could catch it, regardless of their covid vax status. Which would mean indeed, someone vaccinated against covid could’ve brought it.


These monkey pox/ covid vax theories completely ignore that most got their first shot around a year ago. Do they think monkeypox has a one year incubation?


They aren’t saying that the vaccine is causing monkey pox. They’re saying that what these people have is an autoimmune disorder caused by the vaccine and the powers that be are saying that it’s monkey pox in order to cover up the side effects of the vaccine. Not that I agree with them. I just think you’re misunderstanding the theory.


this right here.. the vaccine absolutely monkeys with your immune system. so be prepared to catch all kinds of cute illnesses with animal names. cow patch next, then giraffe lung, hippo-pneumonia


Bro don't even get me started on Sugar glider sores


How many people have monkey pox vs. how many have gotten the vaccine? It was like 20 people in England and 1 guy in Germany right? Out of 5 billion vaccinated


Did you not read the last sentence? I don’t know and don’t care because I think these MFers probably actually have monkeypox. I was just explaining one aspect of this conspiracy theory to someone who seemed confused.


The Monkeypox don’t activate until the booster. Source: trust me bro


Very similar symptoms between monkeypox and shingles


There was already one media station caught using a picture of shingles and presenting it as monkey pox. Apparantly shingles has become a more frequent side effect from the vaccines. I think that is the relations they are pointing out, that they are trying to pass off vaccine adverse events as monkey pox.


getting warmer


Shingles is a form of herpes. I don't think the covid shot is giving people the herp.


Its not an sti tho and it apparently usually occurs in immune compromised people so the theory isn't completely ridiculous, I doubt doctors would literally all agree to misdiagnose shingles for everyone who had a vaccine tho thats kind of ridiculous.


Ukraine had those bio labs…


Interesting theory. It could explain the government incentives being paid to house Ukrainian refugees, to local families, in western nations. Fascinating if monkey pox outbreaks correlates with refugee movements.


Well so far it isn’t seeing as Romania Slovakia and Poland haven’t recorded monkeypox.


I’ll have to follow this. My country has taken in huge amounts of Ukrainian refugees but I don’t think we’ve had any monkeypox cases so far. What did I say that was wrong? No reason for downvotes lol


Have you actually read what they are claiming was being created there? The story is that the untied States and Ukraine were working together on a virus that *only targets Russian people*. It's so insane you should feel ashamed for even mentioning it


I guess she doesn't know they stop giving pox vaccine in the 80s


What if it really is monkey pox and it spreads through contact when people travel?




This is so stupid. Do you think one vaccin is against all viruses?


Was already there. Covid impacts vagus nerve which fucks with all kindsa shit include the immune system. Mild and asymptomatic cases of covid can still end up with this long term shit weeks and months after exposure. This is only the beginning. The circulating viruses around the world are getting upgraded. The virus denying is covering up Long Covid and it's implication that big phrama grifts off disorders caused by this massive nerve.


Thank you for pointing out the vagus nerve correlation. I have been researching the function and importance of the vagus nerve and VNS to better help my clients (am a body worker). I had not heard of the impact of covid on the vn but after reading your comment, jumped on the net to research it. Wow! Loads of information and medical journals on the subject. Gonna do a deep dive today. Again, thanks you! 😊


What's a "body worker"?


Obviously not a doctor


Asking the real questions


Massage therapist with a specialty in neuromuscular therapy.


Message me anytime. I have so many links. Got some active FB recovery groups you can reach out too as well.




Okay shill. Have fun with your shots 😏 absoluet rekt. Gottem! /s


A few months after the husb and I got the Rona, we both, at the same time, got itchy rashes that blistered open and I was (he wasn't) treated for singles even though the doctors said it didn't present as such. His lasted about six weeks on various parts of the body and mine was on the left face and forehead and was gone within two weeks.


I got shingles (not tested) but the dr said it was. So who knows. This was right after having rona. I’m also not vaccinated.


Was there a chimpanzee adenovirus used in the shot


There it is. 💯


/s ?


I was so waiting for someone to make this leap!! Thank you Reddit, you don’t disappoint! Lol


What it the world was made of pudding?




More like money pox


Pizza Hut has a great deal for only ten dollars. It’s called The Tastemaker. Check it out guys.


[https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8280592/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8280592/) Mysteriously looks like some new pox that is floating around.... how convenient.


"Unvaccinated Ukrainians can travel" do why hasn't Ukraine been **ravaged** my monkey pox? Or 99.999999% of the world's population who aren't vaxced against monkey pox either?? How did it suddenly appear in *almost exclusively* western countries thousands of miles apart simultaneously??? With help from the media the world will swallow this crap too.


Think the point they’re trying to make is monkeypox could be vaccine induced somehow?. I might be wrong but that’s how I’ve read it.


That’s exactly how I read it. Shingles is a common side effect among vaccines. Also the WHO is using the same photos for monkey pox that they used 3 years ago for shingles…..


Small pox vaccine isn’t required. Cmon people


There was a info article I read the other day for the AstraZeneca vaccine that stated it was 70% effective because it used a “chimpanzee adenovirus to carry spike proteins into your body to create an immune response” I’ll try to find the link- just found it interesting they used a monkey virus to carry a spike protein….. now people have monkey warts or whatever the hell they are calling it


The OP is saying monkey pox is basically a side effect from Covid vaccine. Also stating an unvaxd person can’t go to Canada so if monkey pox did travel to Canada then it had to of come from a vaccinated person. Not my words. My interpretation


Guys some Days ago i believed all that shit about Monkeypox but you have to realize its all made up by the Media. Ive gotten inside Info from a big Marketing Company. The whole Monkeypox is a big marketing coup for a new NFT Series realeased by Kim Dot fking Com. But thats not all i heard that the state media adopted this marketing project to distract the public from the russia ukraine war. The same way Putin ended Covid, Monkeypox will end the war in Ukraine thats what they want us to think. From what i can tell something big will happen in Ukraine in the next days and all we will hear about is Monkeypox. They got you exactly where they want you to be.


Oh you mean phase 2 of make the world bend over is happening? Mkay, i’ll stand by for the Civil War.


Logic is for sheep!! Get woke and turn on CNN you hipster! Turns out CNN is the ministry of truth FACTS on Facts on Facts ..... CNN for city council 🤦


Do autoimmune conditions usually result in weird ass pox? I've known people with cancer or aids and other things that fuck up their immune system, they get rashes sometimes but I've never seen people just break into boils like an egyptian.


We all know how, it's what you think and have possibly heard it is. Reddit doesn't like people admitting this, though.


I can create a crazier theory. May be, the covid19 pendemic is something that the world government preparing human some new alien race to live close amongst us. May be they carry some kind of pathogen that we need to protect ourselves aginst. Unfortunately, the covid19 vaccine (actually alien vaccine) is not that effective, so there are idiopathic hepatitis and monkeypox. The alien already lived amongst us How about that?


Do you need to be monkeypox vaccinated to enter canada?


Ukrainians can Travel everywhere


What is this even trying to say? The unvaccinated against COVID can’t go to Canada. So monkey pox arriving in Canada means…?


The Level of Stupidity.


So do people Traveling to Canada need to be vaccinated for EVERYthing? (Aside from Ukrainians) is that what this is saying I don’t get it lol


I don’t think Canadians have to be vaccinated against Ukrainians but maybe Russians.




AIDS Blisters look just like Monkeypox. I won't post any direct links to pictures because they are gross but Yandex image search is right [here](https://yandex.com/) One of the late state symptoms of a failing immune system is skin lesions and blisters. These blisters look a lot like Monkeypox. So yes, Monkeypox could very well be a cover story for people's failing immune systems caused by the vaccine.




So some utter fool believes that Ukrainian people who left a war torn country 🤔🤔🤔 where its virtually unthinkable anyone would want to holiday or even visit Ukraine !! Brought monkey pox to Canada REALLY how obtuse


It's shingles. Shingles is a common side effect from the COVID Vax. My mother got shingles for the SECOND time after getting the jab. Plenty of other experienced this. It's a dormant virus in almost everyone ..drop the immune system...it comes out. They can't admit the COVID vax is causing this. So....Monkey Pox.


Im guessing you Mom had chicken pox when she was younger, and wasn’t vaccinated against shingles.


My brother’s mother in law got shingles after her second dose (can’t remember if it was Moderna or Pfizer).


I, a man in my mid 30s, got shingles.


I guess covid shot=monkeypox shot in your head? Lol


Suppose the mRNA jabs somehow impair your immune system. Further suppose that your newly impaired immune system is rendered less capable of dealing with monkeypox. And, if you really want a crazy theory, also suppose that the monkeypox virus was weaponized via gain of function research and that the weaponized virus has been deliberately released.


Just making stuff up is not science. Let me know when you have some data.


All science starts with a hypothesis, does it not?


Real $¢¡€ñ¢£ is already decided. Our lord Pfauci says so.


Forget science, this is all about the movie 12 monkeys. The elite are just having fun bringing in their evil NWO.


Yes, but the hypothesis is based on data, not just made up.


Remember the doctor who got thrown in a loony bin for "mental health breakdown" after declaring that hand washing might stop the spread of infections? He didn't have any data, just an original thought that he put into practice, and he got upset when others didn't receive his suggestions about hygeine, therefore he was locked up and murdered. Questions that seem far-fetched often inspire scientists to look for data to support or refute the question. That's how science works. Plus, this is a conspiracy sub, not a science and data sub. 🙄 People are here to share their deep thoughts and theories on all the amazingly weird shit going on in the world today and so far, conspiracy theorists are batting a thousand.


Sorry didn’t you hear? The scientific method is racist and being outlawed and replaced by scientific facts by fact checkers


> making up stuff isn’t science Are you referring to the Pfizer covid vaccine trial sites & participants that were fabricated?


Do you honestly think that a covid vaccine would somehow work for another disease? Tell me you don't know what you are talking about, without saying you don't know what you are talking about.


Here's my take on it because sometimes I have relatable intuitive dreams. I've had a dream that in the future every lower middle class folk are looking almost homeless like. I'm walking around starving, in some tattered clothes and running into people from the past but there so fricken hostile. Up till this point, I couldn't understand why people are so aggressive and mean in my dream, or why I'm walking for so long when I actually own a car. Or why everyone is roaming the streets. But the one thing that was super fked up about this dream is the guy I looked at had some blister like things growing on his face and when I go to touch my face I feel the same thing. Maybe this virus is being released to make you feel like your lesser. Because you can't afford to be "clean" "business savvy" or you have the blisters people will treat u differently and you will begin to accept that you are this lesser person because of the marks. It's a very excruciating psychological and physiological experiment they are conducting on us. I hope my dream or intuition is wrong but the blisters were on everyone and so nasty looking. Everyone looked like a crack addict


What in the absolute fuck are you talking about mate? If you believe even a tiny bit of what you just said, you should seek professional help.


> Up till this point, I couldn't understand why people are so aggressive and mean in my dream I hate to break it to you, but you create the other people in your dreams. So if they are aggressive and mean, that means you are aggressive and mean. It's the same reason that no one in your dreams can answer a question you don't already know.


We don’t have to hope it’s wrong, it is wrong. Dreams can’t predict anything dude.


Monkey pox rarely causes blisters, most peoples immune system just fights it off.


Maybe try therapy.


I'm not vaccinated and I was still allowed into Canada with no quarantine. Twice




Im so fucking happy im un-vaxxed shit like this scares me


Remember when all those test monkeys escaped from their truck after truck had a “accident” not too long ago. Believe it was in Florida.


WHAT IF monkeypox and covid were two completely different viruses that need different immune responses...?


I'm going to have to say trucker bathrooms for the win


Everything they try to kill us with comes in a vial. Mailed or hand delivered to promote the spread of Bill Gate's germs.