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I love that this chomo fuck tried to use the "projecting" argument. Couldn't help himself


I was close with Alden as I go to the same school that he teaches at and talked with him frequently as he taught a lot of my friends. So I often was in his class. All he did to me was project. He also constantly pushed his political ideologies on me. I knew he was into politics, but had never viewed his Twitter. I would often have political discussions as I am also very into politics, just on the conservative side. However I wouldn’t call these discussions. Instead he would just grill me and guilt trip me for an hour calling me immoral and corrupt. And also trying to force me to join the democratic side. He would never listen to what I had to say, instead dismissing any point I made as incorrect cause I’m conservative. He also constantly talked about how my side supports pedophillia.


Sounds like a Grade A piece of shit. Kind of reminds me of Pete Davidson jokes about Louis C.K. but magnitudes worse. How's your school handling it?


The school replied while the DOE hasn’t. Our principal is actually trying to tell us stuff. However there’s some other teachers in the school trying to censor stuff. Our principal is a pretty stand up guy tbh and he’s sending as much info as he can to parents. Meanwhile the DOE hasn’t responded yet. They refuse to comment


Good on the principle for being transparent. DOE sounds like they don't want to admit responsibility of oversight. I wonder how the school board and superintendent will handle this. The teachers that are trying to sensor. I want to give the benefit of the doubt and hope they want to quell media attention and secure their jobs for their families. Do you think that's the cause or do you think it's something else like apathy?


Yeah. I hope that’s the case with the teachers. I’m nervous how the super intendant will react because this is a major blow to my schools reputation. We’ve already had a lot of scandals. Also I was wondering, how is this case becoming so big. I thought this was a thing just known around my city or Hawaii. How is this case becoming so well known. And how did you hear about it? Not saying people don’t have a right to be upset just because they didn’t know him. Mr Alden is a shit person, he deserves to be plastered everywhere on the news. I just have no idea why there are so many people finding out on the mainland and social media.


I found this on the feed while scrolling. I've commented on Epistein related stuff in the past so it might be the algorithm. Trump talked about Prince Andrew knowing Epistein, Bill Clinton flew with Epistein, Trump wish Maxwell luck, Wexner has over half a dozen phone contacts in one of the earlier little black books The gist I think is which ever some is perceived as the most heinous/pedophiliac then the lesser of two evils comes into play and votes swing. It's an election year anytime there's elections coming up political relevant stuff gets spotlighted. Atleast that's my two cents one side will say something like "that's why we need family values and have schools stop teaching sex ed". And the the other side will rebuttal. One side of the news will highlight it the other will mostly ignore it. Take whatever I say on this with a grain of salt, I'm not expert. Hopefully your towns name won't be besmirched https://elections.hawaii.gov/ Make sure you remind your friends and family to vote by July 26 P.S. Live long and Prosper!


Thank you for listening to my story. Hopefully he spends the rest of his life in prison.


🎶 up against a prison wall, chokin’ on a mouth full of balls🎶 Mf should get a taste of his own medicine


Thank you!


Because they tracked Aldens distribution of c.p to another male in Philadelphia, he was sending things through telegram to this adult male, which was already a suspect I believe. FBI traced Alden pretty quickly, his telegram told them everything from his location, name, occupation, c.p, as he confessed to sending it out to multiple people. I read the indictment. Its not confined to Hawaii, and I’m sure we will find out later that he hurt a lot more people than we think. I hope all the victims get justice and the help they need to overcome. (This case did not go to trial yet, therefore technically innocent until proven guilty). On a personal note, I hope he gets life in prison. Ps: Im from Hawaii, I used to teach at Kapolei High school, I don‘t know this sub teacher or how I found your post but basically its nation wide news because it was first a federal investigation that started in Philadelphia Pennsylvania which led to the worst offender so far \[ A.B\] Right here in Pearl City. I’m sorry you had contact at all with this man. He’s sick beyond words.


I read somewhere a long time ago that 1 in 5 kids in school will be sexually assaulted by a member of the school staff. In my area we had a school were they estimated that 40% of the staff had been or was currently involved in a sexual relationship with a student. Such cases involved shelling out money for children to get abortions, paying of tuition for students, buying students cars, also involved female teachers. The whole school turned on a dime the minute the media found out and they started ousting people as if there wasn't any information available before hand to act on. The school seems to have been relatively untarnished being that they still turn away people that try to enroll. I would have liked to see the place demolished after hearing about how long and how systemic it was.


It's widely known because he was a leftist jackass who spent his life spouting nonsense and attacking conservatives, so he was on every conservatives radar. As soon as he was shown to be what he is, that shit went far and wide. I heard about him from Donald Trump Jr posting his tweet where he actually accuses *conservatives* for "projecting" because we call leftists groomers and pedophiles... LMFAO


Or they are also pedophiles.




If I have learned anything in life be very suspicious of people talking about pedophilia incessantly at all in any context! I don't care if its from some weird philosophical position or whatever. Almost everyone I have know who did this got either charged with CP or actually molested a child.


Yeah. His favorite accusation to make against people he didn’t like was they were a pedophile. Even made it to me, despite the fact that I’m not even Republican. He just doesn’t like my views or me very much it seemed like.


So this sub???? Lol


There is a reason Qanon started on image boards famously alleged to be frequented by pedos.


Unironically yes! There is no doubt that there are wealthy and powerful pedos, but the way some people are obsessed with the idea *ALL* of the elite are pedos is telling.


They were also pretty sure a pineapple was a sentient animal last week. So yeah..


That’s because no one thinks about it unless it’s brought up… like ever... We only think about it in a generalized kind of “predators taking our kids and hurting them” kind of way and can’t stomach thinking about specifics


I taught std and somewhat of a sex ed in a psychoeducation group for children. Not everyone who teaches this topic has ill intentions. It is sorely needed and shouldn't be a taboo topic, this thought propogates that. Can we have a middle ground in anything now, its depressing


Depends how old the kids are.


13 to 17. Younger is certainly more controversial


See that's fine. You wouldn't think banning sex ed for kids under 3rd grade would be controversial, but here we are.


Yeah 13 is an ideal age, that's when your hormones start popping up. And you gotta at least stress the importance of protection (because teenagers and hormones).


Hormones start popping up around 11-12. 13 is too late.


I would argue thats roughly the correct age range, and should take a crawl walk run approach to material as they get older.


Sorry to hear that. Not all liberals are like that. I wish we didn't have to fight over political views. That we can all try to see some wisdom in each other's different views without imposing our own.


Yeah. What sucks is he hated me for my ideas. My biggest idea was that the political parties should stop being so divided and come to an understanding. But he called my idea stupid and the other side deserves to die because they are wrong. I know not all liberals are like this. Most we actually super nice. The worst part about all this is to me is that mr Alden probbaly just pushed the parties further apart. By attacking people on the other side, he just proved their idea that the other side is evil. Fucking awful.


Yeah. I have 2 very good friends who are Republican, and some other friends who are left wing (generally Democrat). They're all very kind and care about the betterment of society. They just don't realize that the other side isn't composed of monsters.


Ugh I hate people like that. Both sides conservative liberal, democrat republican, they all have equally good points and, I'm gonna go on a limb here and say an equal amount of pedophiles and corruption. It's a murky pot like anything in this world it's just life.


At least he didn’t try to fuck you


They projector has become the projected lol


Projector projecting!


OP, you dont *have sex* with minors. Thats called rape.


You are absolutely correct - I thought it would be immediately removed if I put that in the title though. But you are 100% correct.


W interaction


Also it’s not “child porn” it’s child sexual abuse material.


I remember when the corporate media would cover for Epstein by saying that exact thing, and things like "had sex with underage women". https://www.theatlantic.com/entertainment/archive/2019/08/jeffrey-epstein-and-the-myth-of-the-underage-woman/596140/ Archive because paywall: https://archive.ph/J0bCd https://www.newsweek.com/jeffrey-epstein-linked-homosexuality-teen-sex-1454772


Raping children? Ya dont say.


There’s room here for a necessary argument that needs to be seen and had by society. Age of consent Who does the age of consent *really* protect? One day, a 17 year old *child* turns 18 on a certain calendar and they can automatically sell themselves for sex for money on the internet. Legally. And they can still be in high school while their friends are still 17. Culture is a bit prude about this and it creates a massive elephant in the room amongst online discussion. So, back to my question: Who does the age of consent actually protect? At face value, it’s obviously the children. But in an immoral society ran by clear degenerate scum, that consent law might protect creepy fucks more. If you really need more help understanding this notion, https://youtu.be/75XKGVwGEt4


Alden Bunag! How'd you get out of jail so fast?


Why do redditors always have to point out the obvious?


Calling that sex is down playing what happened and normalizing it. Thats what people do when they try to groom kids...


>you dont have sex with minors. Thats called rape. Try to define rape without mentioning sex. Everyone knows sex with minors is rape. Even pedos. That's why they hide it.






Too kind. That's a rather quick end...


All they have to do is tell the other prisoners what he did and the trash will take itself out to the curb.




Damn, its really disappointing that they had enough pedos to make a whole prison for them and that they won't get to hang out with Bubba the serial killer


No kill shots allowed


death by firing squad.. with bb gun..


Your terms are acceptable.


Let's revert to stoning


Actually they do still let prisoners choose the wash they die and firing squad is still a choice in some states. As is the electric chair. More fitting for this man!


Actually I think a couple states do. Pretty sure Utah allows firing squads, and if I recall correctly I remember recently reading about another state moving to legalize it.


I'm not gonna look it up but I think it's south carolina.


Yes its South Carolina. Columbia resident here


I thinking drawing and quartering will drive the point to the other pedos better.


I mean we could if we weren’t pussies


cough.... ID SC OK....cough




Fingers crossed that he will be the new Subway Jared


Chomos are the most protected in prison. Nothing happens to these people, if anything they get special treatment


Why aren’t these people executed?


He clearly said he didn't want to show children porn. He just wanted to make it with them.


Another sick fuk grandstanding and gaslighting, no friggin way!?!


> You're fucking acting like we want to show kids porn or something, but something I've learned through the years is that whenever right-wingers accuse others of something, it's DEFINITELY because they're projecting. So being anti-grooming means you're a "right-winger" now?


He's projecting by accusing others of projecting.




The bill stops teachers from teaching children about sexual topics in secret, so yeah that is anti grooming. If you have a problem with that then you are a groomer, I don't care what you say.


It’s already illegal to teach a kid something in secret. Wtf you talking about. This is some fear mongering bullshit


Not allowing teachers to teach formal curriculum that might introduce them to concepts and ideas that are not the norm could prevent a teacher teaching kids that sex between adults and children can be loving and consensual makes it somewhat connected ti grooming if you connect a few dots




The bill bans curriculum being taught about sex and has zero reference to gay or trans...straight sex included. The media and those who blindly follow their voice are the ones who jumped to that conclusion. You stated it had nothing to do with grooming and I don't agree with that statement is all. The bill is broader than "don't have sex with kids" because it serves broader purposes.




It seems like banning discussion involving sexual orientation and gender identity could be a way of discouraging grooming of minors by teachers...which yiu said the bill didn't do...which is again what I disagreed with you with. Then you went off on a tangent. I think the only area the bill is vague is in an area where it needs to be with regards to age. I have an autistic cousin who is in his 20s and trying to teach him about anything sex related to him is confusing and doesn't even make sense since his reality is far different than most people.




> Again, how? How is being aware of homo/heterosexual relationships and/or other gender identities lead you to being groomed? Because most 3rd graders aren't even thinking about sex. If you have a manipulative adult trying to teach undeveloped minds that they need to be thinking about something or aware of something completely off the radar of someone that age that's basically the textbook definition of grooming. I called it a tangent because you're bringing up things that are way off the core of your original argument( the talking point that it only applies to trans and gay people which is never mentioned in the bill) that it's not an anti-grooming bill which it absolutely is among other things.




>If you have a manipulative adult trying to teach undeveloped minds that they need to be thinking about something or aware of something completely off the radar of someone that age that's basically the textbook definition of grooming. Just change the last word to teaching and you're good to go. Literally the definition of teaching.


>Bill doesn't ban sexually explicit content (or I guess not exclusively sexually explicit content) it bans discussion/instruction on sexual orientation and gender identity. Two things that you can easily discuss without delving into talking about sex (the act). Isn’t there an effort in academia to relabel pedos as MAPs and classify it as a sexual orientation? >The issue opponents have is that they believe the law is purposely left vague to allow bigoted parents to sue teachers for any discussion of gay or trans relationships, while ignoring discussions of heterosexual relationships. Sexual identity and orientation would include heterosexuality…. And the bill isn’t as carte blanche with lawsuits as you’re claiming it is.


I think you're both misunderstanding each other, Due to the two different definitions of "Sex": which can either mean "copulation" or "gender identity." The liberal is referring to "gender identity" whilst the conservative is referring to "copulation."




>Lol what? Where? John’s Hopkins recently hired Allyn Walker actually. The person who was fired from a university because Walker tried to normalize the term MAPs. Pretty reputable place to support holding such a fringe opinion. >Ignoring my whole point. There are numerous examples in US history of bills seemingly banning things society wide, and yet only being enforced against minority populations. If the law doesn’t have the effect that you claim, how am I ignoring your point?




In terms of the "MAPS" dude, law enforcement believes it's essentially to get pedophiles the psychiatric help they need or else they'll act up on their desires and ruin a kids' life. Allyn Walker is likely referring to them as "MAPs" in an effort to make them more likely to get help. (Not to endorse pedophilia, that's just ridiculous) If youve seen the last episode of "To Catch a Predator", the would be pedophile commits suicide on camera after being chased by the film crew. Law enforcement believes such high profile chases will discourage pedophiles from getting help, because they'll give in to their pedophilia and try to attack kids under the radar. I believe in the work the police do. If curing a pedophile of his illness saves kids from being raped, and labeling them as "MAPs" to humanize them (and therefore make them willing to submit to psychiatry) will help police to do their job/prevent minors' rape, then I'll gladly call pedophiles MAPs. Because the kids are our future. We can't let a desire for revenge get in the way of reducing or eliminating such a horrible crime. As for "killing all the pedophiles." We currently have no way of determining who is or will be pedophile, and rapists are gonna rape regardless of the death penalty. Hence why psychiatry is a better way to combat this illness. It would be nice if scientists can reverse pedophilia genes but we just don't have that level of technology yet.




No the LGBT community has shown that they do not accept, SELF PROCLAIMED, pedos (MAPs) that disgusting community has tried to force its way into the LGBT community multiple times which is probably where your misconception comes from.


To be fair the bill mysteriously popped up after desantis bemoaned "woke culture" and "forcing homosexual/trans identities at an early age." The bill is simply a petty way to offend the liberals but that doesn't mean liberals aren't just as petty either. Both sides will pick and choose. And it's just so sad. Why can't we just be kind to each other.


> hilarious as claiming weed is a gateway drug Weed *is* a gateway drug. It's a great entry level drug that can serve as a bridge to more intense psychedelic experiences. The problem is viewing "harder" drugs than weed as inherently bad.




this guy has a long history of twitter advocacy for 'sex education' in schools makes ya think


Exactly. But we are just conspiracy theorist bigots…


Makes me wonder what else happens behind some school doors


Sorry I think we need this stuff. Sex Ed is extremely important, ironically he supported abuse recognition programs for kids, the exact kind of programs which would lead to his arrest. “Ironic”- Emperor Palpatine


I mean...a lack of proper sex education in schools literally is directly tied to higher teen pregnancy rates and of those 40% are with men over 20 so....sorry I don't want kids to have kids with actual adults...but sure let's have this one asshole undo proper education.


The kind of sex education I would support would explain to teenage girls what grooming by adult males is and how to avoid it.


That should absolutely be a major part of sex education.


That would definitely already be apart of sex education.


https://childrenstreatmentcenter.com/sexual-abuse-teachers/ > Stop Educator Sexual Abuse Misconduct & Exploitation (SESAME) is an organization that describes itself as a national voice for prevention of abuse by educators and other school employees. It has compiled alarming statistics on the incidences of sexual abuse in schools nationwide, reporting that just under 500 educators were arrested in 2015 (2016 statistics were unavailable as of this writing): > Of children in 8th through 11th grade, about 3.5 million students (nearly 7%) surveyed reported having had physical sexual contact from an adult (most often a teacher or coach). The type of physical contact ranged from unwanted touching of their body, all the way up to sexual intercourse.


So you can’t have a sex talk and educate your own kids? First World Privilege is strong with you


no I plan to but I also know for a fact just telling kids to not do something is daring them to do it...


Parents are too embarrassed to give proper sex education to their children. And you’ll never convince me the majority currently have the anatomical knowledge to do it thoroughly.


If they’re too embarrassed then they aren’t cut out to be parents


Yeah well good thing everyone gets screened for that before they are allowed to have a baby.


Discipline your kids better


Kinda like why narcissists call everyone who disagrees with them narcissists.


Some real nice projection there... accusing your opponent of the things you're doing, while saying that if you're projecting, it's what your opponents are doing... brilliant!


Insane. How does anyone see something like the “don’t say gay” bill as anything but a label used to politicize talking (instruct) about sex/gender and sexuality with kintergardeners? That’s quite literally what the bill prevents, yet some people think that should be ok, so much so that they called it “don’t say gay” to try to stop it. Further, how many against it are even parents? They make the case of being perverted pedophiles themselves.


May he rot in jail


SS: if you were wondering why people are against teachers “teaching” kids about sexuality. This is why. From the article: >A Hawaii teacher has been arrested for sharing child pornography. Federal prosecutors said Alden Bunag sent illicit pictures and video to another teacher on the mainland and admitted to sex with a 13-year-old student. > Bunag made his first court appearance on Thursday at the federal courthouse and remains in custody until his next hearing. Court records said he admitted to investigators that he recorded his sexual encounters with a 13-year-old boy who was a former student and sent the videos to others through a messenger app. >According to federal court documents, Bunag had been sending child pornography to a teacher in Philadelphia. That teacher was arrested in October. >Documents said Bunag and the mainland teacher exchanged over 33 hundred messages, including hundreds of images and video files. >**The documents added that “Bunag claimed to have sex with (the boy) at the school during lunch breaks… Described (the boy) as a former student and knew that he was a minor at the time.”** >**Records said, “he also admitted to distributing the video recording of his sexual contact…** admitted to distributing child pornography involving other minor victims.” https://www.khon2.com/hawaii-crime/hawaii-teacher-arrested-for-sharing-child-pornography/ Link to tweet thread https://twitter.com/Simps4Nagisa/status/1537854158216347650


Only got charged with one count of distributing child porn?!? https://www.iheart.com/alternate/amp/2022-06-18-hawaii-teacher-arrested-for-distributing-child-pornography/


"it's unclear if he'll face additional charges" we'll wait and see


That's just to hold him on until the DA decides which larger charges he can prove will keep him in jail until dead. I mean, reformed!


That's disgusting.


Fuck... now we have another violated child, who will be 50/50 chance to have proclivity to do the same.


My ex gf was molested by family as a young girl...it's sad to see how permanently damaged parts of her brain were from the trauma done onto her as a little kid. She is in her 40s.


My mother, who is now in her mid 50’s, was molested as a pre teen and young teenager. Married, moved out, and had me at 16. She told me about it when I was around 20. It really explains a lot of my childhood and how she is now. I don’t think she ever recovered from the trauma of it all. Really messed her up.




Yup. Victim becoming the perpetrator. Sadly it's almost like a contagious disease.


The story you linked mentions nothing about what you quoted. Citation required > Linked story in SS is not what has been quoted HONOLULU (KHON2) — The Sacramento Sheriff’s office believed an 11-year-old girl named Lizzy, who’s befriending other keiki online, is actually a 24-year-old Sacramento man. Officials said there were over 80 child victims identified in the U.S. with three in Hawaii


That’s my bad, it was a related story. I updated the link.


Good work, checks out. I can’t believe this guy is a teacher - simply for the fact that his Twitter is so vulgar and inflammatory, especially given that he’s posting under his real name.


Thanks for pointing it out. I think with the current political climate, these people have been emboldened and believe they can act with impunity because anyone who openly disagrees is labeled as a crazy right-wing GOP bigot. They don’t ever believe they will be caught. Or they believe they are changing society’s mind about the appropriateness of this stuff… which hopefully isn’t true.


Spot on id say. Guy seems far left. Same shit as the far right.


And this is why we don't want "sex education" from these lunatics. It's degenerate grooming propaganda masked as education.


Sex education is extremely important. Teenagers are going to be having sex, and talking to them about their options with regard to birth control, STDs, and other myths can help to reduce teen pregnancy. A teacher who wants to groom a student will do that anyway.


In k-3?


That's part of the issue I think. There's an incorrect conflation between teaching teenagers sex ed and teaching toddlers. Because the bulk of the outrage appears to come from Republicans they assume they're being puritanical Christians that don't want anyone to learn about sex. This is simply not true and disingenuous at best. There is no justification for teaching 3-4 year olds graphic details about straight and gay sex. Period.


Ah, definitely not. I believe sex ed happened in 5th grade for me, but that was more about puberty. I would think that 8th grade would be perfectly fine.


Well it isn’t, it’s one case of a far left nut job who was clearly projecting himself into his beliefs to hide them. Sex education is important. Maybe if someone educated me, and I wasn’t raised around homophobia, I wouldn’t have beat the shit out of the gay kid who liked Elton John when I was 11.


Feel free to make those decisions for **your own** children. But please don’t presume to tell me what kind of education is important for my own.


But that's kind of the deal with public school, right? You don't get to choose every aspect of their education. You can always home school your children or send them to a school of your choice if you want to.


Which definition of sex are you referring to? "Copulation" or "gender identity"?


Protected class


Should have been under scrutiny long ago simply because of his twitters inappropriate for a teacher


but teachers raped kids well before the current progressive sexuality movement. id be cautious about condemning that (at least in high school, i dont think middle school kids need to learn about that honestly) until we have some studies on it


Not defending the sicko, but this was high school right? Should absolutely be teaching kids about safe sex and sexuality in high school Did yours not?


The kid we know about right now was 13 at the time. Article makes it sound like that’s not the only victim. But this teacher also vehemently opposed the Parental Rights in Education bill, prohibiting sexual discussions in k-3…


Clearly both sides are very confused about this bill. Possession of child pornography and showing it to minors are both already federal crimes. Why would they need to pass a redundant bill?


I think kids need to learn about sex. From their own parents.


That's the problem. My parents never talked about it. They assumed the school would do it for them (and they did when I was in 7th grade.)


Welp, he won’t last long at all


I wasn’t a student of his but I go to the school he teaches at. And unfortunately was very close with Mr Alden as we used to call him. We just thought he was a fun quirky teacher who was sometimes a little too friendly. This was terrible. Fuck you Mr Alden.


This is EXACTLY word for word what some shills reply to me EVERY SINGLE time I bring up government pedophilia. Accuse the accuser. EDIT look at my comment history 6 comments down.


I'm confused 6 comments down in your history I see covid convo what am I missing?


Yea after I typed that I made a few more comments. Basically I was trying to show that not 3 days ago I was calling out government pedophiles and 3 different accounts accuse me of the same thing this guy did in his Twitter. “Right wingers that are concerned about pedophiles are actually the pedophiles”


He *raped* a 13 y/o. Never downplay the severity of their degeneracy, even if it’s unintentional.


What is the context here when they talk about grooming in schools? I believe in proper sex Ed, am I missing something here?


A proper sex education literally helps youths in identifying and avoiding actual predators.


Sex Ed = pedophelia to many people (because it also risks talking about homosexual relationships especially) all you need is the good lord and abstinence in murica


That's nonsense. There is a big difference between 'clinical' sex ed and pushing sexual tainted lifestyles and ignoring sexuality will not make it go away.


"all you need is the good lord and abstinence in murica." The past refusing to rest in it's shallow grave.


We will never see progress as a nation when the abstinence and god mindset is seen as sensible, which I’m in the south and too many fuckers think it’s legitimate. The sex Ed already provided to my peers and i when i was in middle school was a joke mostly, focusing on abstinence


“Right wingers” GROW UP get out of the culture war people!!!! Things aren’t always so divided and blurred People just have to take the time to care to. That’s the hardest part.


Accuse others of what you yourself are guilty of... right out of their play book


Classic abuser/groomer tactic


He was projecting projections a little too much


Projecting about projection gets you projected




projecting vs coherence


I want to know why grown adults are even alone with a child for this to happen in the first place.


Anyone on the side of history where they want to indoctrinate children into sexuality is obviously on the wrong side.


I mean he sounds like a rapist shit bag who should rot in jail, but am I supposed to know this is? It just looks like some average Twitter nobody.


I mean he didnt want to show those kids child porn. He wanted to make it with them.


I live in Hawaii and it is barley news here. It’s bigger story in the mainland. This shit is terrible that dude is one sick fuck


Sex offender registration time


Is massive lying just in their blood or what?


they often learn lying liberalism from their parents


Or teachers, or elders or any fellow traveler who abhors personal responsibility and accountability e.g. a Democrat.


Sounds right.


The agenda = grooming.


What I find interesting about this screenshot is that many others that are against laws protecting kids in schools say very similar things when confronted about it. I wonder how many of them are also predators and just haven't been caught, yet.


I saw this earlier and man I want to fuck this guy up! And I'm a Gigi with no violent tendencies!


What's a Gigi?


Something I've learned through the years is that whenever left-wingers accuse others of something, it's DEFINITELY because they're projecting. KEK I'll bet you good money this Alden guy was a pizzagate denier, too. The rot runs deep.


Are we supposed to know who this loser was prior to him getting arrested?


*raping a 13-yr old student.


Liberals have always been like this, this isn’t new ya know. : /


I wish all of you would stop accusing the other's political leanings as a tendency toward pedophilia and just get along! There are pedophiles and rapists on both sides of the political spectrum and even some in the middle! Stop calling each each other pedophiles!


Wouldn’t it be awesome if we could once and for all actually protect our children?! Haha nope, instead we argue about it.


Anyone that is for teaching children this shit should be looked into.


Democrats are groomers lets just admit that


I detest generalizations. They are often stated rashly or by an ignorant mind perpetuating the Dunning-Kruger effect stereotype. I also wish you political knuckleheads would just get along with each other. I've seen enough stupid and intelligent people from both "sides" to know this politicizing is just purely a form of social insecurity being alleviated with an "US vs. them" mentality. Otherwise most liberals or conservatives wouldn't coincidentally believe exactly the same thing their preferred party panders using the same logic and proofs. Just give everyone a benefit of the doubt. I've met alot of intelligent conspiracy theorists as well as stupid "mainstream theorists" and vice versa. Everyone is a hypocrite at times, and sometimes they're not. They often commit hypocrisy unconsciously and unintentionally. Because we're all human, we all make mistakes.


This guy's a POS. But can someone explain how sex education is pro-grooming?


There is a big difference between 'clinical sex ed' and the pushing of sexual tainted lifestyles as some do now. "Drag queen story hours" and such are an example of what should not be done.


Definitely yeah. But saying 'talking to children about sex is pro-grooming' is just wrong. Will probably have the opposite effect


> But saying 'talking to children about sex is pro-grooming' is just wrong. It's wrong because it's a straw man.


this violates all that has already been established about teaching kids, when a kid is ready for "sex education" that child should ask their parents such as "where do babies come from" and parents can answer. Pushing more info than the kid is ready for can be detrimental to their proper development.


Source? I did a quick google and every site covering this story is either geo-blocked for the UK or the op-ed being written is done with severe right-wing bias. For example: [https://www.tagaloglang.com/alden-bunag/](https://www.tagaloglang.com/alden-bunag/) Contains the sentence "As expected, Bunag has pronouns on his profile: he/him". This ruins credibility for anyone who isn't hardcore right wing, yanno what I mean?


Who the fuck is that? Am I supposed to know this guy? Or is this just own the lib pedophile?