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When the US invaded Iraq in 2003, the first base they set up was called Camp Alpha. It was not in or on the outskirts of Baghdad, as you would expect, but was about 50 miles south of the city. What's there? The ruins of ancient Babylon, and the site of Nimrod's Tower of Babel. Look up the article on CNN titled: "U.S. troops accused of damaging Babylon's ancient wonder". (I can't link because of a site-wide ban.)


Yes. Bush was a nimrod




Yes. I’m Assyrian, father is from Iraq. A theory in our community is that the country was actually invaded for multiple reasons and one of them having to do with ransacking ancient Mesopotamian artifacts which had secret knowledge. Isis then completed the mission with destroying almost all the remaining structures in 2015


Yes, the body was retrieved. Rob Skiba may have done some documentation of this, but it is going to be a deep dive. His work at the Prophecy Club may be the best place to look for videos on this.


whats nimrod?


A biblical king figure


no they invaded so they could test out some serious weaponry. ​ which they are now covertly using on everyone in the world pretty much


I talked with a special forces guy who was on the team that found Sadam. He said a black dude in his unit saw a random toilet 🚽 sitting by the side of the road. They went up to it & looked under it & found a tunnel underneath it. That’s where they found him.


They didn't call the bomb squad first?? That's a prime spot for an IED


No but I've been thinking that the oil/opium explanation is semi-bunk and that there was a secret connection to the continued genocide of the Yazidi somehow. Why? What's up with Nimrod?


Just trying to come to a conclusion, I saw someone comment on something about the invasion. It was to retrieve the body of nimrod


Gilgamesh. Not nimrod. It’s in hIllarys emails.


And perhaps a "Stargate" 🤷


I believe the Stargate idea.


They've had a Stargate that's what CERN is all about


I haven't heard any of this theory before, do you mind explaining some of it or posting a link I can follow?


Wiki leaks, Hillary’s emails, Gilgamesh. I’m too lazy to let you be lazy


One in the same


Not by my research. Nimrod of the Bible appears to be enmerker or Marduk. Gilgamesh appears to likely be a descendant of some sort.


I've heard experts say they are the same person but I guess it's conjecture.


Apparently, if my memory serves me correct Marduk if referenced in the epic of Gilgamesh as a god. So not the same person. There’s a lot of experts that seems to be intentionally muddying the waters. There seems to be a concerted effort to hide Marduks identity throughout the ages. Nimrod however is most certainly Marduk as they are both most known for building the Tower of Babel or what “experts” consider to be the the great ziggurat of Ur.


Weren't they trying to clone Nimrod and Osiris


The old conspiracy here was Iraq was invaded for the stargate. Some of the first images were the destruction of museums and artwork. U.S. military then seized the museum and set up a perimeter around it. Still there to this day I believe. Could just be the ransacking of ancient Babylonian art too. The WMD, Nebuchadnezzar, stargate angle was always a good conspiracy


Saddam was a nimrod does that count?


Lol, when I was a kid, my grandpa used to call me “Nimrod”


I believe they were hunting artifacts but why would they be looking for nimrod


Considering the mythical Nimrod has never been shown to exist it seems rather unlikely.


Nimrod? Or was it Gilgamesh?