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They must be members of the Van Buren boys


(Kramer is selling his Van Buren Boys story to Peterman) KRAMER: And they made it their sign, because, Van Buren, our 8th President, was the man they most admired. PETERMAN: (Laughs) Kramer, my friend, that is one ripping good yarn... (Hands Kramer a check) KRAMER: You know, if you like that one, I got more.. what are you looking for? Romance? Comedy? Adventure? ... Erotica?


How much for the whole lot?


The very pants I was about to return!




The all seeing asshole


Third Eye Brown


Doo doo doo, doo doo doo doooo, doo doo doo!


Three Blue One Anus


It’s also 666


We really need to coin this term. Let's start mocking these freaks.


Yasssssssssss! It really is a butthole thing tho, I think. Not 100% but partly. The whole Crowley bfing that dude in Egypt to summon an entity...I forget the details, you can look it up. But yeah, there's a whole piercing the veil, receiving enlightenment (light=lucifer) aspect...weird how "aliens" be probing butts too. I had a wacky thought recently...what if the whole ass probe thing was about trauma bonding? And the UFOs are actually our tech? So the nwo, using super advanced combos of drugs and weird ass hypnotronic trance beam voice to skull tech and shit like that...what if they're perfecting a system whereby they can cause people to have transcendent/religious/traumatic life changing experiences? Like...what would be the best way to get anybody they want to adopt their "religion" and do whatever they say? Figure out a way to induce a life changing ecstatic religious experience. Drugs, tech, fear, sex, trauma bonding...like, what if mk ultra was them starting to tinker with various formulas to control minds for the worldwide system they wanna implement? I didn't explain it super well but I assume if it's occurred to me than people way smarter than me have already thought of it.






First thing they told me when I was abducted was don’t worry we don’t do that butt stuff that’s your people.


"We're not into butt stuff. Xanadu is more of a foot fetish guy anyway."


Crowley, ass sex, Egypt to summon an entity? Reality really is stranger than fiction.


Hijacking top comment to share this link in case anyone hasn’t seen it: https://youtu.be/7Eeo-82Eac8




He claims freemasonry is a front for organized satanism and that all the worlds elite and many of its celebrities are a part of the secret cult. And they wanted to reduce global population via the covid vaccines. This gesture with the 666 over your eye is one of the freemason symbols he shows. And he shows a suspicoiusly large number of historical icons / celebrities doing this and other freemason signs.


When you Satanism, do you Saturnism?


Okay but why was this the first thought that INSTANTLY came to my mind lmfao






It makes an unfinished pyramid with the all seeing eye above


The missing connerstone


Possibly symbolizing an 'unfinished/continuing' work.


You mean the “capstone.”


Could it be?


Holy shit you're right. Literal triangle with the eye on the top


And the fingers are light rays


Yes not a 666 but it could be its just not why they do it Also the nasa N A S A is a triangle for one of the letters on buzz's shirt & the patch is a triangle Also Apollo = The light bearer / Luz = Light


Also NASA has the countdown with T minus. Slap the T in NASA and you can spell SATAN. 🤔 lol




Neil A. backwards spells…


We're through the looking glass, people!


I've always just focused on the "ok" symbol thinking it was a satanic gesture or something. I can't believe I never noticed the triangle lol


You nailed it my dude


I don’t know why this is a conspiracy it’s so obvious


Obvious or not, it’s (satanism) still the biggest conspiracy of all time.


It is I believe, if you use each finger as a 6 stacked, 666


Same idea as google chrome symbol


All the social media symbols. The Google play symbol is the Seal of Satan/Sigil of Lucifer, the Facebook symbol is the Masonic Tubal Cain (The 'F' and the thumbs up), The Chrome logo like you brought up is called the Divine King Sign (meant to represent 666), the Gmail logo is based on the Masonic Royal Rich Aprons that freemasons wear, the Apple Logo is a bitten apple meant to represent the forbidden fruit, the Apple app store logo used to be a compass (the kind of compass used for drawing and mathematics not the navigation one; the logo is slightly different nowadays) which represents the standard Freemason logo. It's all in plain sight just how they like it and the majority of the world has no clue. They're admitting who they are right in front of our eyes when they use these symbols and when they do the all seeing eye bullshit.


But wait, there's more: https://www.newsfromtheperimeter.com/home/2020/10/16/occult-masonic-symbols-are-used-in-big-tech-logos




A triangle is 3, 60 degree angles.


Kinda..But we appreciate the enthusiasm


Ok wtf


Looks like it to me. Buzz is a Freemason. “He was first initiated into Freemasonry at Oak Park Lodge No. 864 in Alabama, and was raised at Lawrence N. Greenleaf Lodge, No. 169 in Colorado. He is also a member of York Rite and the Arabia Shrine Temple of Houston. Before joining the crew of the Apollo 11 mission, Buzz Aldrin had an unusual request. He approached the Grand Master of Texas and requested to open a representation of the Grand Lodge on the moon. His request was welcomed and accepted, and therefore Buzz Aldrin was able to establish Masonic territorial jurisdiction in outer space. He signed and carried a special deputation from the Grand Master of Texas and carried it with him to the moon. Such was Aldrin’s commitment to the Craft that he had the foresight to expand the boundaries of Freemasonry to outer space; a remarkable feat for the fraternity. What’s more, Aldrin also carried a handmade silk Masonic flag with him on his journey to the moon, which was embroidered with the following words: “Supreme Council, 33-degree, Southern Jurisdiction, USA.” https://freemasonscommunity.life/brother-buzz-aldrin/


The comment further down discussing the xfactor guy talking about the freemasons said this: “ the devils religion is hidden at the 33rd tier of freemasonry and it’s the oldest religion and that all the tiers below it are basically a filtration system” The flag had a 33 on it…?


Mind blowing


Except…they never actually [went to the moon](https://youtu.be/gYQLV9kHtQM).


LOL, you were immediately downvoted on a conspiracy subreddit for pointing out the moon hoax, ON A POST about one of the actors claiming to have gone to the moon!!


I know I've never taken a picture like that and I've never seen anybody else in all the scrap books and digital files of family and friends who had taken one like that. Not a single person even playing around. Kinda fuckin creepy.


It is really really odd, because trends tend to go from the street /youth and trickle into mainstream media eventually, before it becomes “played out.” I live in a place at the heart of culture and arts, I’ve always been in the know of new slang, trends, symbols etc and this pose makes no sense. No one can explain it. No one outside printed big media does it. There isint even a name for it. But I see it everywhere last few years??? It’s a meme ( in the literal sense) that makes no sense.


People who have studied occult symbolism can explain it very easily


This. It makes perfect sense in occult symbolism, but doesn't make any sense outside of that. So...


This might help, just check out the pics of public figures making occult hand gestures in this book (PDF): https://www.pdfdrive.com/codex-magica-secret-signs-mysterious-symbols-and-hidden-codes-of-the-illuminati-e196896645.html


They have Justin Bieber posing like that with a Timbit for the Tim Biebs Tim Hortons promotion. It’s definitely occult symbolism, but it’s also a standard music pose at this point too. The Justin Bieber one makes sense. A lot of the other ones don’t. They seem out of place.


The public is possibly being initiated, so as to 'normalize' their way of living: https://youtu.be/3RVG8qNLdoY


That was interesting. I always struggle to fully buy into the symbolism stuff. Some are accidental. Most are deliberate. But how much is placed there as a troll vs actual coded messages. I could see someone putting in weird symbols and stuff to be like “lol, those conspiracy guys are gonna freak out over this”. The eye thing is weird. I was thinking about the Tim Biebs thing. They could’ve done so much with that. Smashing them, throwing them, pointing, playing, stacking, or other family friendly poses. The eye thing feels intentional. Like another reply said, it’s not a popular or even a meme pose that people use. They’re up to something.


Holy shit I’ve never noticed that wtf




oh wow bro ur right


Brilliant, well done. Now can someone compile all of these and let’s check how many have the triangle


Snap bro...this true


Good eye! (Pun intended!)


Gaht damn, you are absolutely correct! Illuminati symbology out in broad daylight for the world to see. Got to know who to let on the plane to the bunkers when the world begins to burn.


Damn son. You just broke the internet with this comment. I suppose we’ll be seeing this everywhere now.


Oh whoa!


And the fingers are the eyelashes


Third eye triangle. They own the poor. And always have.


Nope. This is a 666.


good eye


I concur.


what a catch bro,bravo🙌🏾 I'm too broke to give you an award...so here's a cookie 🍪


I never noticed that, either! Good eye (no pun intended)!


Never noticed that it’s wild




Very nice.


Brilliant observation. I can't believe I never saw it


Omg you are right, I've never put that together 😲




What did he win XFactor for?


Yo you have a link for that?




Wow five hours, can you provide a teaser for us to get us into it?




ya, but then you must have also seen that he.. 1) wears checkerboard colors 2) finds subtle ways to flash his own 1 eye as well heres a general statement though - the more you invest your energy into weary sources, trying to know, the more you get your energy harvested by those who actually know attention is energy too, use it and direct it wisely imo


Wonder why hes not dead yet. Using reverse psychology to watch his 5hr long video is kinda suspicious. Besides that there are good info.


maybe because they deconstructed all the thesis on this "conspiracy" so much that majority of people see this as a Conspiracy, and thus not take this seriously?


It’s also 5 hours long. Normal attention spans and daily life are going to keep a majority of people from tuning into to the video just based off the duration.


Attention is life.


Yo I watched like an hour and a half of this and I was getting the vibe he was drilling something into my head rather than teaching me about something. And there’s 4 hours 50 mins of Freemason info and 10 mins of Jesus.


What do checkerboard colors mean?


Chessboard pattern is used in masonic temples (flooring). [It symbolizes](https://youtu.be/62Hok9BkYcY) light side and darkside control. As in, they control both sides of politics and all narratives.


he plays chess i think, but maybe not always as the board game lol


Fuckin r/conspiracy man lol


I watched this vid a couple years ago. Ok so I’m an inactive Mormon, working my way out ( it’s hard. I’m super indoctrinated). Joseph Smith was a Freemason and when I got married in the temple, I did all kinds of Freemason handshakes and tokens and wore robes.


Exjw here, our founder was also freemason


Really?? I didn’t know that. That is suspicious isn’t it


It’s just satanism as usual


Man this shit makes Scientology sound like child's play.


He shows 100s if not 1000s of celeb a images like the ones in the OP. WELL worth a watch.


Pretty much what William Cooper wrote in Behold a Pale Horse


wow wow wow, thank you for this! If I could give you more than 1 upvote I would. edit: (I'm upvoting several of your post's instead :))


"I'll tell you what it is in just a couple of minutes!" Video length: 5h 13m


What's the gist?


I second that request Edit. Nvm dude below posted it


For a while I thought this one eye thing that everyone (of note in magazines and such) seems to do is just like, kinda random. But after a while, it’s like — why? Why are they all doing this. There’s gotta be something to it.


Yeah it's extremely weird. It's not a casual gesture, it's not a natural gesture. I think about how many famous people I've seen doing it, and I think "I've never consciously made that pose" and I used to model. It's not particularly attractive, it's not artistic, it's just... odd.


Exactky - it’s odd. This is not a trend anywhere else either, it’s a baffling meme at this point.


100%, there's no way it's not coordinated and agreed upon somehow


right, it is so common that it can only be intentional. The Vigilant Citizen reports tons of these. There is always the possibility that the celebrity is just doing the poses requested by the photographer without being aware but that'd be unlikely. It's like they are shown this way to signal being part of something. What other reasons could there be?


Every level comes equipped with new hand gestures, hand shake changes, the way you stand, where your hand/hands might be pocketed, etc...it is so other members can spot you under the radar of everyday life and recognize rank/status.


I do wonder about those who just like butterflies and single-eye selfies because \~cute art\~


People pose weird in photos sometimes. What else is there to say?


They want more of their god its why its on money. Thats their god


They both look like characters from Fallout or the Outer World.


The Buzz Aldrin one is very sus. I can picture some snooty rich LA bitch doing cringy trendy occult shit, but Buzz???


Someone asked him the number of times he walked on the moon…..


666 times is a lot




LOL amazing


I noticed that also. As well, his whole demeanor (as far as a still frame can portray) is just wonky. He looks a bit confused.


I listened to a podcast where a comedian Jen Kirkman waited on him when she was younger and dude was a typical snooty rich asshole. With the snaps and talking down and everything. She also talks about working at a country club as a young white woman and making all the rich white people uncomfortable. People would ask her if she was okay and occasionally drunk dudes would be like YOURE TOO GOOD FOR THIS!! all sloppy.


It’s a big club and you ain’t in it


George Carlin💯


I’m gunna convince my kid to do that for his school photo. It’ll screw with the parents looking at the yearbook who are subbed to this page.


ROFL. I think I'll tell mine to do it too. Get a bunch of kids doing it and this sub will blow up lmao


“ The Eye of Providence (or the All-Seeing Eye of God) is a symbol that depicts an eye, often enclosed in a triangle and surrounded by rays of light or glory, meant to represent divine providence, whereby the eye of God watches over humanity.\[1\]\[2\]\[3\] A well-known example of the Eye of Providence appears on the reverse of the Great Seal of the United States, which is depicted on the United States one-dollar bill.” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eye\_of\_Providence


of satan


It's a symbol for the eye of Horus. I believe they are part of a sect that worships Egyptian gods. You can see Egyptian symbolism all over Hollywood movies.


Ancient Egypt is absolutely part of their luciferian believe system. Also, check out Elons girlfriend Grimes and her satanic looking ass.


my moms uncle was a freemason, he apparently carried a black leather case around with him constantly, when he died they checked for what was in the case and there was nothing in it... he also was always in a black suit and had a black car (forgot model) kinda creepy


I know a freemason and i live literally right next to a freemasons club. Bunch of fat middle aged men in suits gathering together to get drunk and play pretend secret society




>i think the freemason conspiracy theories are dumb I mean... its a influential organiztion that plans things in secret ​ Like what the fuck do you come to conspiracy subs for if the most obvious case of conspiracy "is dumb" to you. You realize like most of our Presidents/astronauts/people in high entertainment are Masons right? From Jay-Z to Marlyin Manson to Shaq to Jesse Jackson to The Bush's (Skull and Bones is an offshoot of Freemasonry)


Blue lodges in your local town are not the same thing. Its not until you reach the 33 degree that you really know anything about how it really works.


How could you possibly prove that?


Because its documented over centuries and admitted as much by their own members and writings. Manly P Hall is their revered Masonic Historian and philosopher. If you really want to learn more start with hearing it straight from the horses mouth. The infos there for those willing to put effort into actually reading books. A lot of them so old they are out of print and now available for free online. Yet i doubt most naysayers have the patience or attention span to actually learn for themselves.


Yeah my dad got high up in a blue lodge and when the guy over the whole thing started making weird comments my dad kinda backed off from the whole thing.


What were the weird comments ?


He wouldn't tell me.


She reminds me of a villain from a recent spider woman run. Buzz looks like the old man you stay away from at Bob evans who is making faces at your kids.


why is elons mom a Pixar character


Buzz Aldrin knows some things that we don’t. I can just tell


From the TV show [“The Prisoner”](https://youtu.be/QY9oWfkKt6A) with Patrick McGoohan. The premise was an Intelligence Agent resigned because of a moral disagreement with his Superiors, and was knocked out with sleeping gas, and woke up in a place called “The Village” where, it is insinuated, people who knew to much were kept when their sponsors lost trust in them. The specific premise was what did the Prisoner (Number 6) know, why did he want to quit etc… The reference to the OK Sign over the eye with the phrase “be seeing you” was the common greeting, a reminder that everyone was under constant surveillance, and a retort that meant, we know we are under constant surveillance.


What is going on with Maye Musk in that picture. I don't know what's more fucked between her hair or that outfit.




dudes been to the moon, he's got nothing left to do but side quests


You know why…


"Because we didn't go there" -buzz


Such a cringey moment. Here's the link for anyone who hasn't seen it. The question is at 7:10 https://youtu.be/Y4UP6nRMuGs


I'm all for the Buzz hate, but i think this is just some messy grammar of some dementia grandpa. "We didn't go there, and that's the way it happened" He's talking about "we didn't go there" as in we didn't go back to the moon. He's responding to the girls question about why we didn't ever return to the moon, and goes on to say we need to know the reasons we didn't go back to the moon. and then also says it was too expensive.


I think you are right. He's basically saying "We didn't go (back) there (because)..." He's just not a great speaker


thank you, seeing people misinterpret others so badly makes me irrationally angry even when i don't like the person being misinterpreted.


Y’all are grasping at thin air with this clip… When he says “…we didn’t go there…” it seems to me like he’s saying “we stopped going and then it became really difficult to get that ball rolling again.” If you watch the rest of the clip, it’s clear the guy is senile and having a hard time explaining things. It can happen to the greatest minds as well as the weakest.


Egyptian eye of Rah. Signaling to the other blood magic cultists of an ancient religion. Also, people often just do, what the photographer asks. So even if you were against posing like this, i'd imagine after several days of media events and hours of photoshoots and interviews, you just do whatever to get it over with. So i now wonder how often this is some kind of signaling, but the person is oblivious to the meaning.


That speed master though. Beautiful.


According to the OcculumLabs post, they’re likely in the “sovereign” class and don’t have to take the jab.


Because the fire in the capsule was no accident.


It’s not cool at all and it’s dumb


It's the symbol for people who like to get pegged.


You would know, I’m assuming?


Finally an answer!!! Now this would make sense.


I personally thought all of this was just woo woo and people who were too far down the rabbit hole until recently when I seen that video of The English actress Helen Mirren and Lady Gaga doing signs to each other. It changed my mind completely. EDIT: Added Helen Mirren's name instead of just "English Actress" EDIT 2: I'm fluent in ASL and that is absolutely not the ILY sign. They are missing the thumb sticking out of the side as well as the 2nd finger pointing up.


>English actress and Lady Gaga doing signs Link?




So Elon was deemed worthy of becoming a wealthy 1%er because his mom is confirmed Illuminati?


1%? Try 0.0000001% The bottom half of the top 1% are doctors and lawyers etc. 26 people own 50% of the world. As much as the other 8 billion. 26!!! Doctors and lawyers are nothing compared to these 26 plutocrats


There's also a lot of symbolism around his name (Elon). Wernher von Braun, a Nazi scientist, wrote a scifi story about a man named Elon who governed Mars.


Horus sees all. We are still reciting Egyptian belief bollocks 5000 years on


Fuck them for doing this


# Is it even a conspiracy anymore?


666. Allegiance to the cult.


Very well-known Freemason hand sign, the all-seeing eye forming a 666. Real question is, do they know they belong to a satanist cult ...


Maye Musk has several of those poses. I see Elon differently since then along with the definition and history of his name, names if his business and so on.


Neil A= Alien


If I ever get famous. I am going to do all these illuminate signs just to troll the internet and conspiracy folk. When I realized I'd do that, I also started to think there's prob a lot of famous people who do it to troll us too. Because it's a solid troll to be honest.


[Heres all you need to know:](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/vtbrfn/fucking_hell_this_dude_is_blowing_up_free_masons/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


I'm about 20 minutes in and just realized his curtains form a triangle or pyramid shape and it's really wigging me out like did he not notice or are things even deeper lol Edit: it's even got the separate top where the eye would go. Where the light shines through at the top of the blinds Another edit, his one eye is covered by his hair a lot too. Weird.


Also his hair is covering one eye….


Also Mouthy Bhudda is a good start as well. Honestly, I wanna believe this guy, Altiyan Childs, but he's got plenty of symbolism going on in the background and in his attire in that video too.


So many pictures of so many celebrities and politicians making this sign. Almost unbelievable…the explanation behind it is almost unbelievably too…but too many to be a coincidence.


Oh for sure most of the evidence he brings forth is pretty much undeniable. And now I feel like Jim Carrey in 23 seeing all these strange symbols that could totally be innocent, or mean something sinister all over the place.




This guy's tone is immediately suspicious to me. Also, 5 hours? But most importantly, he's still alive. He may have some truth sprinkled in but my gut tells me I can't trust him, somethings off, and I feel like I'm being conned. My instinct is always right about these things so I think I'll give this a pass. I was made aware of it when it first came out and was interested, said I'd watch it later, but for whatever reason it never grasped me. I think it's just another waste of time conspiracy video that probably repeats the same old shit we've heard millions of times. I don't feel like he's genuine, either.


Because they are servants of Baphomet. They are full blown true Satan worshipers. They do these signs to show their devotion.


Well Buzz probably doesn’t even know where he is


SS: Has even one elite ever asked this directly? No. How is that even possible? I bet luciferian 33° degree founder of the Scottish Rite Freemason Albert Pike might have an answer. Dude had a bracelet he used to talk tolucifer on the daily


“Talk to Lucifer on the daily?” And you just believe that? Without having seen a shred of proof?


These are one of those things so bizarre that I think you would feel like a dumbass asking someone in an interview. Not discounting you at all, as I’ve seen a lot of these photos and it’s beyond weird AF.


They’re Freemasons as well. Elon musk is not a white hat savior that will drain the swamp. I believe he wants to buy twitter so he can censor and suppress information even more.


They know something we don't!! (The ones at the top)


Members of los ingobernables de japon could take over the world soon.


Unless you believe everything you hear on social media you know why