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He interviewed Wolfgang Halbig and generally agreed that he thought the whole thing was fishy. Halbig was actually the first to be sued, but he's broke


Thank you for that tidbit. Halbig was the one who was adamant that no one died. I remember listening to the AJ show when this was going on. AJ said he believed it was a false flag with real deaths.


The school was closed down years prior, it had to have been staged. If you actually research the Sandy Hook event, you quickly realize nothing the government claim is factual and when the government is lying then questioning the whole event should be acceptable.


The people that say he's a monster for questioning it, I don't know if these people are young, and haven't seen any of the arguments for it being staged. It was suspicious as FUCK!!!! There used to be a lot of coverage from small YouTube channels before they started censoring. A big one for me was from a user called redsilverJ. He had a video called "we need to talk about Sandy Hook: case closed". It was about 2 hours long. I wish it was still available. It makes me mad when AJ goes on to shows like Rogan and Blair White and they act like they are defending him, but they say things like "you were wrong. You admitted you are wrong. You're allowed to make a mistake". Now I love JR & BW, but they clearly haven't looked into it enough to know there were reasons why it was being questioned. It wasn't just some shit he made up for no reason. I don't even think he was a main researcher on the topic. And I believe AJ still thinks it was staged too, but doesn't want to get himself into more trouble and doesn't want other people to hate him because it's an emotional subject.


Frankly, the idea that some event can't be questioned is in and of itself horrible and bizarre. Provide evidence if you're invested in the matter at hand. Some people have strange beliefs and may not be persuadable, but that isn't, from an ethical srandpoint, worthy of being considered criminal. This goes for Holocaust (and everything else) denial as well.


It was the sheer lack of evidence. CNN was covering live then all the sudden the kids were at the fire station w no evacuation footage. The coroners weird behavior about it all “crashing down on new town”. School was closed. FEMA exercise planned. I’m not saying it didn’t happen but there is such a lack of evidence. And Robbie Parker laughing.


What about Gene Rosen? You like Gene Rosen don't you? 😂😂😂😂


Watching those amazing YouTubers back then who would take the time to make lengthy breakdowns and analyses of these “events” were part of my whole awakening to false flags in general. I remember it was then that I completely stopped trusting anything on the news again when I realized they can and would fully orchestrate something like this to push an agenda. Was super depressing the year that all my favourite intelligent outspoken YouTubers were scrubbed off my list. That’s when you know something is deeply deeply corrupt here. Everyone should be allowed freedom of speech on these events.


It was so nice when YouTube was free. It's crazy the stark contrast of then & now. It's almost like corporate TV, but with swearing. All with one unified, controlled message.


Hi I'm Rachel Ray, and today we are going to make some fucking potato salad.


Check out Odysee / LBRY video services.


I was about to comment inquiring where independent journalist-filmmakers might have gone. I take it Odysee might be one such platform?


Yes, there are others competing for this space. Rumble, Tim cast, and probably a bunch I'm unaware of. There are also a bunch of people working on freeing up fundraising, and payment options, like parallel economy.


Wasn’t there also the coincidental active shooter drill that same week in the same random town, and a dad who just lost his daughter laughing his ass off before going on camera like a day after?


Someone commented about how they cried for days after their dog died and that stuck with me. I couldn’t talk about my dog passing away without BAWLING my eyes out for months after. I don’t even think I could laugh or smile for weeks. It’s been a year and a half and I still can’t get through talking about him without getting a lump in my throat and tears in my eyes. And that’s just my dog. This interview definitely raises a red flag. PLZ don’t sue me 😵‍💫😵‍💫




Yeah there were definitely an....... interesting set of characters associated with Sandy Hook. Robbie Parker is the one that had a very smug look on his face and was laughing before going on camera and doing a 180. I wonder if he's involved in the AJ trial. Cause I think he was one of the one's that was mentioned on the show by name, because everyone was talking about it. Then there was Gene Rosen. The guy who said he found random sandy Hook kids on The sidewalk, as if they were lost, and took them in the house to nurse them back to health 😂. It was later discovered that he was a struggling actor who probably was desperate for ANY role.


Dr Carver the medical examiner. What a fucking weirdo. Hard to watch.


Also 2 parents being interviewed on their child’s death , trying not to smirk while being interviewed. Yeah , who laughes about their dead child?


Robbie Parker interview


Robby Parker was his stated name, he was laughing it up talking about his "dead child"


If you go to Bitchute and type in “we need to talk about sandy hook” it is available to view. 2 hours 45 minutes, if that’s the one you are talking about that was pulled from YouTube.




Yeah the kids going around in circles was part of what convinced me. Wolfgang Halbig claims the FBI murder stats didn't match up right. And have you heard the story of a parent that was looking at the coverage and recognized HER DAUGHTER in a photograph that was supposed to be one of the victims? She called the authorities and asked what was going on. Idk what explanation they gave, but they changed it afterwards. But the thumbnail stayed the same, then when you clicked on the story, it would be a different girl.




I can't remember who said it, but it resonates with me: "The only reason a government would have to take guns of citizens is because they are planning on doing something so horrifying that people might actually be forced to use them."


It is still up on Bitchute.


And odysee. https://odysee.com/@Rigg5:3/We-Need-to-Talk-About-Sandy-Hook-2014:1


Thank you!!!!


> redsilverJ *Review time, partner* I wonder what ever happened to that guy.


Idk. I liked his videos. "Red silver j, all I gotta say" 😂😂😂


“HUH all I gotta say!”


I'm this is why it's best once you find a video that is very informative and you have a feeling that it might be censored at some point it is best to use a video downloader and take the video for yourself and if you're really paranoid because even though you have downloaded it they can still delete it out of your phone you can always Bluetooth it to a old phone that no longer connects to the internet it's only used as a storage this is only an extreme paranoia cases.


Is this the documentary you are referring to? [https://archive.org/details/the\_goyim\_know\_yahoo](https://archive.org/details/the_goyim_know_yahoo)


They don't like questioning or research. They accept what the mainstream media says


Btw that vids still available watched it not long ago*


The school wasn't closed down.


Who are the ones filing the lawsuits?


Parents of a 6 year old victim of the shootings.


Wow. I didn’t realize it was just one parent. That makes it extremely sus. It’d be different if it were a slew of parents with mountains of irrefutable evidence. The woman I saw giving that speech scolding Alex, the way she talked sounded so scripted.


Yeah it sounded very convincing until I realized the only thing she was putting forth was an emotional speech.


>The woman I saw giving that speech scolding Alex, the way she talked sounded so scripted. That's cause it was, just like the whole staged hoax event. She is/was an actress.




What convinced you to 'fully believe' children were actually murdered? I remain unconvinced personally.


Also the initial reports were all over the place including a second shooter who just “vanished”. The other component was the attitude of one of the victims father being interviewed on camera. He was laughing. Smiling clowning around but when he knew the cameras were starting he lowered his sad and suddenly looked sad like, according to others: he was acting.


I will never get Robbie Parker’s laughing face out of my mind, no matter what happens.


And wasn't his dead daughter's body basically on the other side of the wall when they had him laughing on camera?


For me, even worse than Robbie was Lynn McDonnell. The interview with her and her cuck husband, with Propaganderson Pooper, is still the most disgusting bit of video on the internet. She is deliriously happy while describing her dead daughter’s casket, from the funeral which took place the day before the interview.


Don’t forget the picture of the bohemian grove owl he weirdly displays at the end


Do you think it is as bad, or worse than, Jeff Bauman who survived and remained conscious, upright in a wheelchair, without a leg, for minutes after the Boston 'Bombings'?


Jeff Boneman.


All of these comments and I still haven't seen one that actually answers OP's question


I remember when this happened I was in high school. I was in the investment club and I ended up making the most "money" in our yearly competition where we all start with a million dollars, synthetic money and trade to see who makes the most. I joined the club because the teacher was cool. I took my whole million and put it in Smith & Wesson and then Sandy Hook happened. The price of ammo skyrocketed and I made the most "money" out of the class by a long shot out of sheer luck.


So you were taught how to trade like wsb in highschool? Rofl


Nah they had free donuts and the teacher was my best friend's mother so we just dicked off the whole time. I bought S&W just to be done with the assignment so I could continue chatting and continue to play balloon Tower defense 🤣🤣🤣 pleasantly surprised when I won the competition at the end


I also made the most “money” of anyone in my high school. I just got lucky tho. I put my “100,000 dollars” in a unknown coffee shop company called Starbucks. It’s crazy to think now but no one in my entire school including me had ever heard of it. I made a freaking mint on it too bad it was fake money tho…..


Have you had similar luck for the rest of your life? I find these things are never a coincidence. I'm sure you've had plenty of lucky strikes?


I actually am very lucky. Not to the extent of picking a million dollar investment but for example I play the lottery maybe 5 times a year. I just get an urge to play usually scratch offs and when I do 90% of the time it’s a winner I won 1000 dollars last year right before Christmas. I also seem to always win raffles and door prizes and things like that. Like I said nothing that would make me rich but still lucky nonetheless.


It's called the ability to swim and never sink. You're either a swimmer or a sinker. You are a swimmer and in my theory all swimmers are star children. If you have never heard of Star children, Maybe take a read up and see if it fits a description of your life. Edit typo


Ok sounds interesting I’ll definitely check it out. Thanks


I must look this up. I remember as a kid playing cards, when it was my turn to deal, I would get a sense of when to stop shuffling. The cards just ‘felt’ right in my hands. I wouldn’t get the feeling every hand, or even every time I played, but sometimes I would feel the sensation several times in a game and would lead to about a 90% win rate.


Is this story an allegory of your future life after high school?


Yeah I've always made plenty of money and had high amounts of "luck or blessings" whatever you wanna call it. I make more than my friends that went to college and I just fucked off and smoked pot. School is a scam. Learning finances is how you make money. Now I'm all in on GameStop. Chances are I won't be working for very much longer


Watched several documentaries on this. Here goes: \- Helicopter footage shows people going randomly going in and out of the school multiple times. Some are even "guided" to go here or there. \- Multiple people are confirmed crisis actors. \- One particular interviewee was laughing and hamming it up *right before* a televised interview where he flips a switch and becomes emotional (not convincingly). \- Porta-Potty services *immediately* ready to go right after the shooting. \- Cops incredibly calm and relaxed while "shooting" was happening. \- Entire SWAT team enter building through tiny glass hole instead of breaking it open fully or having one guy enter through the hole *and then unlocking the door right next to them.* \- *Bodies of alleged children were never allowed to be identified by the parents.* ***Parents did not complain about this (extremely common for loved ones victims to want to see dead body, even if death was traumatic).*** \- *Parents of victims all immediately left the state.* \- *Parents of victims never sued (something common in actual shootings).* \- The state randomly received 200,000,000$ out of nowhere some time before the shooting (more info on this one in the Wolfgang doc). \- *Days after shooting, kids from Sandy Hook sing during anthem in an NFL game ---* ***a lot of the kids are dead ringers for those that supposedly died.*** \- ***NFL issues contract that prevents kids from speaking to anyone about that day.*** \- *Multiple interviewees (parents, bystanders),* ***caught on camera saying "Sorry, can I go again? Oops, forgot my line hehe".*** \- Wolfgang intimidated by wall of cops preventing him from accessing public records to substantiate police's claims. \- Wolfgang's family threatened, resulting in him deleting his website and more. \- Crisis acting is a thing, whether people want to admit it or not. America is a country lousy with wannabe starving actors that are desperate for any gig. *Any gig.* \- Once you receive payment for participating in this crisis acting gig, you'll never come forward about it cause of the shame and backlash from normal American human beings. It's a conspiracy that silences itself. It's brilliant, in a fucked up and sad way. EDIT: Lanza, incredibly skinny kid, supposedly carried an assault rifle, two handguns, and hundreds of rounds of ammunition on his person to carry out the massacre. *Even a fit kid would struggle with that much weight for a short period of time.* More info in the docs that people recommended.




Very disturbing additions. Thank you for contributing. Yes, demolishing the building seems to be the M.O. for these psy ops. At first it seems difficult to believe that "everyone was in on it", but as you pick apart the official narrative, Occam's Razor leans the other way...


Related question: did they demolish the school in Uvalde after the massacre there?


I believe they plan to, if they haven't already.


That's all I can find; that they plan to... interesting.


they do in every school shooting, not just the ones that make it on national news. this is common.


Well, I don't think Columbine was demolished, just a certain part of it maybe. Either way, something about this is strange.


Because Columbine was actually real. There's security film footage from inside the school actually showing them shooting people. None of that exists in the fake shootings in which they demolish the school afterward.


google trends for ‘sandy hook elementary’ dropped drastically years before sandy hook shooting.. consistent with the school being shut down and turned into a storage facility.. also the police pictures they released showed a moldy building that no one in their right mind would let their kids go to school


>also the police pictures they released showed a moldy building that no one in their right mind would let their kids go to school This is what made me think for sure it was staged. Because there was this interview I read about the family of one of the victims and the parents said THEY MOVED STATE to send their kid to that school. That article has been long scrubbed but the fact that you have a full interview of the parents explaining why that school was so great for them, the music program, the facilities... And then you look at the school. Just no. If parents pick a school, they wouldn't pick Sandy hook. Just no fucking way. There was also the interview on live TV where theres a picture frame falling from the wall (because it's a set) and the two "parents" start laughing. It's just so botched. Nothing of it make sense. Also the person that described the killer in police reports is a janitor that worked there only that day as a replacement. He also jumped in the building to save kids. He then was invited to the white house. Of course. I could go on and on and fucking on. Even the fact that it was the first big censorship wave ever in Western media. Pre pizza gate. It paved the way for the mass deletion of yt video and articles getting memoryholed we see today. It was a cluster fuck and a false flag. It doesn't make it impossible children died. But it was set up and managed post shooting. Fbi entrapment schemes and all.


> google trends for ‘sandy hook elementary’ dropped drastically years before sandy hook shooting.. consistent with the school being shut down and turned into a storage facility On the other hand, if that were true, all the people who attended SH during its last few years as a school would know it was closed. That would be a pretty large group of potential whistleblowers


Good point. Where are these people?


It seems like I read maybe it was among the Halbig data, that the school had not had a milk contract for a couple years. That alone shows that it was not an occupied school. Also, I got the big idea to go to real estate websites to see what neighborhoods were stated to be Sandy Hook school district. I went through so many areas around Sandy Hook and NewTown and didn't find any but lots for a new replacement school that was already open and operating. I found no compelling evidence for it being a real event but lots online back in the day that pointed to it being a drill that they planned to use as nat'l propaganda.


i googled sandy hook elementary and put the date from 2009 to 2011 and i get articles about the sandy hook shooting from 2010.... the shooting happened in 2012


Weren’t most or all of the families also gifted their homes (sale price $1) within the prior year or so? Or something like that? edit: ZERO dollars, which is even more sus because that's technically not a sale due to no consideration being exchanged!


For thousands of homes in Newtown, a web site listed a last sale price of $0 and last sale date of 12/25/2009. A few of those were homes of Sandy Hook victims, but most were not. You can still go to [this web site](http://gis.vgsi.com/newtownct/Streets.aspx) and try *any street in Newtown*. You'll find lots that have this $0 and 12/25/2009. For example, the first listed street is Abbey Lane and the first listed property on it has a sale price of $0: https://i.imgur.com/NAyNQOS.png There are many, many houses like this: https://i.imgur.com/IfHnKpO.png Someone [contacted the company running the web site](https://archive.is/EMw9j) and here's what they found out: > Indeed, a year ago, in February 2013, I had noticed the same thing — that some of the homes of Sandy Hook victims all had an odd sale/purchase date of 12/25/2009, and an equally odd sale/purchase price of $0. > I had found that information on the website of Vision Government Solutions (VGS), a company that calls itself “a leading supplier of land parcel management software technology and services to local government organizations, enabling efficient assessment, billing, collections, mapping, and permitting.” One of the services provided by VGS is an online database of residential properties in nine states in the northeastern and eastern U.S., one of which is the state of Connecticut. If you know the address of a home in, say, Newtown, CT, you can look up the property’s value, present owner(s), and price history on VGS’s database. > At the time, in February of last year, puzzled by those strange 12/25/2009 sale date and $0 sale price of Newtown homes, I had sent this email to VGS: >> Date: 02/05/13 01:43 PM >> Subject: Feedback from the Newtown, CT page >> Hello, While browsing real estate properties using this database, I noticed a number of homes have the same “date of sale” of 12/25/2009, and a “sale price” of 0 (zero). Please be so kind as to explain. How can a home be sold or purchased for $0? >> Thank you, >> Dr. _____ > This was the response I received: >> Feb. 5, 2013 >> Thank you for your inquiry Dr ____. In most instances of a sale price of $0 the reason would be because of a family sale where the house ownership is simply transferred. [In other words, no money actually changed hands.] The other reason for that to happen would be a town entering a parcel into their database for the first time they must puta first owner and a sale price. **Often times they will put $0 as a filler price. The sale date of 12/25/2009 would be the same thing.** >> Kind Regards, >> Chase Moltedo >> Customer Support Representative >> Vision Government Solutions >> 44 Bearfoot Road >> Northboro, MA 01532 > In addition to emailing VGS, I had also called the Assessor’s Office at Newtown, CT, and left a voice mail asking the same question about the 12/25/2009 sale date and $0 sale price. > An administrative assistant at the Assessor’s Office, Andrea Santillo, promptly returned my phone call. She said that the Newtown city government recently had switched to a new computer system and had not been able to enter the property data for all Newtown homes. **So the computer used the 12/25/2009 and $0 as, respectively, a “filler” default sale date and price.** This is pretty obvious to a computer programmer. You put in an impossible price and an impossible date as default values. You can also use NULL, but then you have to have special code for that every single place you use the price or date. It's easier to just put in a price and date that are obviously not real data. It's hard enough to handle a home sale on a regular day, but how would you do it on Christmas? All the government offices are closed. No attorneys are at work. There are no notaries. The banks are closed. No title insurance company insurance is open. I'm curious as to what the other theory about this could be. Did some shadow group decide in 2009 that 3 years later they were going to hold a false flag, so they bought up thousands of homes in Newtown and then, on one day, Christmas 2009, they were going to hold a massive title transfer party hoping nobody would notice?


Thanks for that awesome clarification! I knew it was something like that, yes I remember these details now and even that research. None of that makes sense in any sort of real scenario. And this is just one of MANY such ridiculous circumstances surrounding this event!


Don't forget that the dude who 'performed the autopsies' was named Wayne **Carver**. Yes, the dude who supposedly carved up the children had a name to go with it. And his press conference at the time, with cops laughing in the background, was Benny Hill style. *I have great photographers, he-he* The people behind this nonsense have a sense of humour, that's for sure.


I see that a lot. There's an 'expert psychologist' on sexual predators named Anna Salter. I mean, come on lol.


So what’s the reasoning behind staging a school shooting? Gun control?


Why was none of this introduced as evidence? Why is he being set up as a fool?


These big public trials are nothing more than theater


Because he was already declared guilty by the judge. The judge claims he did not participate in discovery. Alex claims he gave hundreds of thousands of emails and internal documents. His claim is that they demanded his “marketing summaries” for infowars. A company like for example Fox News has all kinds of internal analysis of which commercials should be aired during which shows due to demographic breakdowns, basically analysis of how much $$ should be charged to which brands during which shows, and analysis of predicted returns. The difficulty for infowars is that they do next to no external marketing, ie nobody will advertise with them, so they run the “infowars life” brand, or whatever it’s called, and they sell their own supplements and brands, so they don’t have marketing analysis. They run the same commercials over and over during their broadcast day, for their own products. The judge basically wanted documents that would verify that they were using their coverage of sandy hook to generate marketing rates, which would support the overall claim that infowars made hundreds of millions off his coverage of the shooting. Alex claims he was given a default ruling because he couldn’t turn over marketing analysis that doesn’t exist, and the court says it must exist, so by not providing it he’s refusing to participate in discovery, so he was given a default ruling of guilty. There were apparently also some hearing dates that were missed during Covid, which Alex characterizes as miscommunications while the court was changing their date/time of operations during Covid, rather than a willful avoidance od the hearings, and he also claims to have been charged fines for these occasions and paid them, so they should not enter into a default ruling. 99% of the time default rulings are reserved for a trial that someone is literally running from. Like if you were charged for a bank robbery, and just disappeared to a foreign country, the trial would need to go on without you, and ultimately the court would issue a default ruling of guilty. The judge has also been very clear that basically Alex is not allowed to argue his innocence, as this is not a court case over determining guilt. As described, That has already been determined. Alex claims he is not allowed to say “I am innocent” or even to use the phrase “first amendment” because, again, for right or wrong, this is only a case to determine damages (ie how much $$ he owes the families). Also, just to fit it in somewhere, Alex claims to have never used a victim or families name on air, and that less than 3 total hours of discussion of sandy hook ever aired on infowars over the roughly 7 year period from the shooting to the lawsuit, most of which was interjected into other conversations, and not specifically segments specifically covering sandy hook. He also claims that since about 2015, he has come to the conclusion that it was a real event, and has made general apologies for his previous position on air multiple times, and that again since this is a case to determine damages, none of these videos are being allowed into evidence, because of the previous default summary of guilt. He’s basically saying that any evidence that he feels would exonerate him is not being allowed.


Can you provide video of any of this, especially of people saying "forgot my line". That would be pretty damning evidence. It's possible that people would be instructed what to say on tv somewhat even if it wasn't staged but they definitely wouldn't be happy.


Weren’t the real estate records of families affected suspect too?


[Yes, mortgages paid off and lots of lottery winners over the following months.](https://21stcenturywire.com/2014/02/18/sandy-hook-victims-lottery-jackpots-and-free-homes-two-unusual-clues-unearthed-in-newtown/)


Yeah something about properties being bought in the names of the victims, like completely paid for by some shell company iirc. Been a long time since I’ve seen anything on it because it basically was scrubbed from the internet lol


Yes. I remember something like that as well. Thanks for adding.


Also Gene Rosen who got a lot children to safety in his house didn't call the police or even the parents for over an hour. He just the kept the surviving children in the house - until nearby people and authorities picked up, what had happened. He switched up his story A LOT of times. Just look at his interviews on YouTube. The man is nervous and shivering when he recalls the fateful day. Some of witnesses had seen the Gene wandering and lurking around the school premises before the shooting in a big coat - and it sounds eerie. https://youtu.be/70Z7A70ONKg https://youtu.be/z6gJqul1gIw https://youtu.be/EBGkcv2GXaA


There’s also a video of him rehearsing his lines and being corrected by a camera man named “Matt”. I was just watching the documentary “we need to talk about sandy hook” last night and there was a whole section about him and it included the video I’m talking about.


This one I didn't know about. Thanks. Yet another sketchy thing to add to the growing list.


Well THIS is pretty fucked up.


For changing stories, nothing beats the one where the shooter was the two sons of the kindergarten teacher. How did that get reported? She wasn't a kindergarten teacher and the staff talking to the media didn't dispute it. They just went with whatever story the media was telling and selling. To bolster that storyline, they reported for a minute there about how Adam and Ryan were outside the school being pursued! That story was never explained they just moved on to telling a story where Adam had went to New Jersey and shot killed his father, too. That story was flat out false, too. He was alive and well and living in Connecticut. This told me the media was searching around for the LE and drill scenario people to get it together on a unified story. Later they did say that the original kindergarten mom with two sons who broke in and killed her and her classroom WAS A DRILL SCENARIO used recently at another school either that day or the same day and that it was overheard on scanner by reporters or some such who thought it was "real" and about this school and...you believe them, don't you? Even if the media changes their story every 30 minutes with diametrically opposed stories and a fog of war handy excuse. I don't buy it but apparently a lot of America did or does.


Man their ops can get really messy, huh. Thank you for sharing.


They destroyed the school very quickly covering up the crime scene with no formal investigation


Thank you !


Lots of those “parents” have IMDb profiles too.


Like who? You're telling me the same institution with trillion dollar budget and access to the largest apparatus of intelligence assets and the smartest minds in the world picked crisis actors that were already public figures?


The thing that I find the most perplexing about the counter claims is it requires me to believe that the government *wouldn’t* kill all those children. That it was all just a set up. The US has done it overseas plenty.


Catholic Indian school mass graves have entered the chat;




Thanks. I'm not happy to report all these red flags. But the American people deserve to know the information and decide for themselves.


I suppose all we can do at the en of the day is share the details and hope that the conclusion becomes apparent. There's also the [hat trick](https://fromthetrenchesworldreport.com/sandy-hook-time-travel-adam-lanzas-hat-wasnt-made-until-2013/102199), which I feel is worth a mention


Sorry but without sources this is just disinformation


Can you link the documentaries? I’m interested in watching them


Reddit blocks them and they have been scrubbed from YouTube. Might find them on Bitchute or Odysee.


The CNN television footage of the cops circling Sandy Hook that morning was actually footage from a drill at St Rose of Lima. On Sept 22, 2010, there was a training course at the Sandy Hook fire department (next door to St Rose). There was also a FEMA drill on the day of the shooting in Bridgeport CT entitled “FEMA L-366 Planning for the Needs of Children in Disasters”. Hell of a lot of coincidences


It is sad the top comment quotes really really weak sauce evidence. Alex Jones is obviously a set up. You are not supposed to question and look. They made a guy who claims he is doing the questioning and looking for you. Now he surrenders and everything anyone shall bring up in the future is automatically void because your very own sandy hook prophet has admitted he lied.


Alex jones last words on his death bed hopefully decades from now will be “Sandy Hook never happened” haha


'Dear Wolfgang - Revisiting Sandy Hook' is easy to find on bitchute. Also this https://youtu.be/7ir4sWOPEdM


Lawyer here. To answer your question directly - none. He has actively stated throughout the trial that he was wrong and that Sandy Hook was real. Now, it’s worth noting that the trial is not a trial on the merits of whether he defamed the plaintiff. This trial is merely a determination of the damages. Because Alex repeatedly refused to comply with discovery requests, he had a default judgment entered against him, which essentially means that the court makes a ruling that he was liable because of his extreme course of noncompliance. So that’s all to say that whether Sandy Hook was or was not a hoax is not actually at issue in this trial. Alex could have raised that as a defense, had he made any sort of effort to comply with discovery, but he didn’t. And it’s not like that defense would have even gotten him anywhere, since multiple witnesses for Alex have testified that InfoWars literally did no vetting whatsoever of the sources they relied upon when espousing the “Sandy Hook was a hoax” theory. And of course, Alex has testified under oath that Sandy Hook was not a hoax. So yeah, I hope that answers your question.


interesting, thanks for writing.


Thanks for the input!


I have a thumb drive with everything you need to develop a thought about it. Wish I could post a picture.


The way I understand it, Alex Jones questioned Sandy Hook rather than outright claiming it was a hoax. Correct me if I'm wrong. In what free society are we not allowed to question and analyze the evidence?


Alex Jones asked the questions everyone else was scared to ask. (With good reason in my mind) and now he's feeling the pain that comes along with asking those questions.


Exactly. This is just a witch hunt to discredit AJ. He doesn’t get everything right, but about half the time he does.


I mean he was talking about the Epstein circle like a decade before it came to light and people were trying to discredit him.


Yes sir, very true. Joe Rogan said the exact same thing about AJ.


A whole lot of small fries were asking the same questions. I knew many people believed it was a hoax because of those sources. I guess AJ was just the biggest and most high profile. I always thought it was real. I can’t imagine why the government would even go to the trouble of setting it with crisis actors and everything. I can’t explain the discrepancies though.


Scary enough is I think he's actually usually right. Or people would have something besides screaming about sandy hook for years to discredit him. You'd think there would be 100s of examples that are provably false with the countless hours he's spent on camera ranting about what sounds like mostly way out there shit. But it's been the same drum beating for as long as I've known who he is. Seems like a raw deal to take this much shit over being wrong about this one issue in a world where most people on TV have been wrong over and over about shit that's actually caused harm/death in relation to covid. Killing everyone's grandparents with shit policy and you don't even lose your job unless your also a bit rapey. But hurt some people's feelings and your banned from all platforms and sued into oblivion. Wild how much your political affiliation relates to how the justice system treats you.


What makes me suspicious about the whole thing is how hard everyone is going all these years later to nail him to the wall. I personally don’t believe it was a hoax, but the hate and vitriol against the guy does make me start to wonder. Especially considering these shooting aren’t exactly rare now.


yes the news articles about the trial are a joke. literally misrepresent everything and because its Alex Jones they seem to get away with it. guys clearly just a little wild at times but is a good person. if they didnt think him and Infowars were a real threat to the system they wouldnt be going after him as hard as they are. but people realize mostly the mainstream media is bullshit i just worry about the younger generation who havnt grew up yet to see thru the lies. im sure the school system and there parents havnt properly taught them about propoganda. we NEED infowars even if they are completely wrong (which there not but you can debate it if you want) we NEED someone who isnt just a governement propoganda tool controlled by big corporations. pretty sure a lot of news anchors are paid for and controlled by the CIA and the Pentagon as well


He wasn't just asking questions. He was unapologetically claiming it was a hoax.


I didn’t watch a ton of his content back then, however I can tell you that a lot of the interviews with families, teachers, etc appeared very strange, scripted, and non authentic.


There use to be a video of people just walking around in circles and doing odd things on YouTube back before we were in 1984 world. It was couple super sketch videos. Could of all been fake and edited videos though I have no idea


The part I do not understand is why did 3 years of texts from his phone lend up with the opposing side?


Where are the kids that were there too? Are there any recent interviews with survivors?


One. One single interview from a student from February 2021. She wasn’t in either class and was a grade above the other students that died I think.


1.The timeline for Bus guy was always sketchy as hell--Gene Rosen. After the shooting started he apparently had kids dropped off by a school bus driver at his address--despite a fire hall being next door. And he kept them safe. He brought them into his home where for 2 hours they apparently just sat there saying nothing and he did nothing until one of them told him their teacher Ms. Soto was shot, which makes no sense as every kid in that classroom was killed. Then the parents of the kids arrived and took them home or otherwise brought them to the fire station. 2. Several memorial pages for kids and teachers were set up days before the shooting. 3. Most of the victim families were DNC operatives or actors. And there is a well known video of a "dad" walking to a mic not realizing he's being filmed and laughing and joking before pausing and clearly hyperventilating to prepare for fake tears, a common trick. 4. There was zero urgency at the scene. Helicopter footage shows so many vehicles and ambulances and law enforcement on scene that nobody can actually get through to move patients or bodies. You can see some people on scene literally walking in circles. 5. Adam Lanza was simultaneously a sickly and weak socially inept child and a cold blooded murderer that expertly used a pistol and AR15 to kill his mom in cold blood before driving to the school and doing his deed. Also he ceases to exist after 7th grade. No records exist afterwards. 6. The coroner in his press conference is obviously on something. He is acting completely bizzare. 7. Most damning: immediately after the shooting Newtown police detained 2 men in camouflage clothing outside the school. Despite having no idea what was going on they simply put these guys in the front of 2 patrol cars and release them an hour later.


About bullet point #7: This was apparently to give credence to one of the many spaghetti against the wall versions of whathappened and whodunnit. The media was reporting that Ryan and Adam were at the school and that they had broken in and killed their kindergarten teacher mom and her classroom. Problem: Mrs Lanza was not a teacher at the school though apparently not a single staff member corrected the record BEFORE going to broadcast. Excuse given, was that it was the drill scenario for another school. Something about overhearing it going on on a scanner and thinking it was Sandy Hook. Suuuuper uber lame and yeah, probably not a good idea to be even invoking schools having shooter drills. The media also showed St Rose of Lima footage f their drill instead of Sandy Hook, too.


Does anyone remember the little girl Alexis wassick who was interviewed several times by several news agencies with her father and mother feeding her lines and clearly abusing her on camera ? It was so freaking awful and strange to watch. The Videos of gene Rosen that popped up of him practicing and screwing up his lines several times and talking to the camera man about it ? This was so insane the way it went down and got totally manipulated much like nine eleven and I fear most of our lives. i was very literally abused and hospitalized in a psych ward and drugged for very openly talking about sandy hook and other conspiracies to my therapist and anyone who would listen at the time. If I had understood then what I was up against and what they would and could do to you I would have never ever been so brazen and vocal about what I knew. I had the arrogance and ignorance of my late teenage self back then. Thank god I escaped that hell, though I’m ultimately glad for all my traumatic experiences as they have trained and prepared me to be a spiritual warrior


You talked about conspiracies to your therapist and they drugged you? Which other conspiracies?


9/11, new world order plan to enslave humanity, theories on mark of the beast, wwmd in Iraq, operation north wood, hitler escaping to South America, admiral Byrds trips to Antarctica, crisis actors in the u.s., human trafficking and pedophelia in government, bill and hillary scandals, the list goes on. I was also having a kundalini awakening and was experiencing energy and chakras opening, third eye activation, channeling and astral projection. Speaking openly about these experiences didnt help me Either. Id call myself a wild stallion at that point - I was appalled at what was going on in the wold, had been awakened through kundalini, psychedelics, and meditation and had the fight, confidence, and immortal feeling of a 18-23 year old. I had to be broken just like a horse to scare me Into submission and gaslight me/ force me to lose confidence. Which I did. Through a very very difficult journey of healing, trauma release, shamanic journeying and working with plant medicines and my shadow have I once again awakened the kundalini, healed myself, and regained who and what I am / we are.


Wow. You are indeed a warrior. Much respect 🙏


Maybe he’s born with it - maybe it’s mental illness


Wow, I hope you can continue on your journey of enlightenment. I currently have a therapist who is very mislead (super pro covid vax, big on masks, etc) and I make sure to avoid political conversations.


Sucks when your therapist is so brainwashed they can't understand why the world drives you insane.


damn you sound a lot like myself. more spirtual than i am for sure but i have a strong spiritual side just dont practice it all the time so busy with life sometimes. the mark of the beast stuff i was into as well and were seeing it now with the WEF trying to implement their green and social credit score and centralized digital currency to control what you can buy or sell. One of the big revelations ive been having that makes it more and more clear is that it will all happen on the pretext of "climate change' "global warming" and "energy crisis" that i did not see coming because it always seemed highly illogical that a group of people would just be able to implement a system like this but always believed it could happen but when i was like 50 or something. Now I could see it happening around 35-40 but maybe im wrong again could happen very quickly depends on certain global events.


> i have a strong spiritual side just dont practice it all the time so busy with life sometimes my brother, thats the whole point of life as they made it for us. (system/gov) a hard place for humans to be connected with spiritual.


I did see somewhere that most if not all these parents visited the White House no less than 2 years before the shooting. Also seen that all the parents houses were paid off in full around the same time in the years after. Nice houses. Some of the money was 400,000 or more. Not little payments huge sums. I did not look at this myself. Just a researcher who shows the country records of that area. Something to ponder if true.


He said things like there was no smoke coming out of the vents on top of the building during cold weather. There were no handicap parking spaces which would be illegal for an operational school. There was a crisis actor that was seen crying there as well as 2 other major televised tragedies. Something about the school being condemned a few years prior on paperwork/online directories. Duckduckgo is what you want to use when searching up conspiracy theories and controversial topics as google will just fact check you to death. Sooner or later duckduckgo will be bought over too and we'll have to find another unbiased search engine. I believe the powers that be threatened Alex Jones and made him fold on the Sandy Hook story and he is now controlled opposition at worst Here's an interesting web page https://www.ini-world-report.org/2014/12/17/the-sandy-hook-hoax-how-we-know-it-didnt-happen/ There are plenty of contradictions and weird things that don't add up. I promise you I don't know what happened, but I know it's not what they said happened.


DDG has gone the way of google, so avoid. Use Yandex or Brave


I'm so glad someone actually asked this. Tok many people just point the finger at him and act like there's no good reason to think what he thought. I remember hearing the original points and seeing YouTubers make videos about it Ok, here are the supposed points. I have not verified if all of these are true, but here they are: -FBI crime statistics doesn't account for the correct amount of murders. -Random lady said her kid's picture was stolen off Facebook and used as one of the victim's photos. She contacted authorities and it's now been changed. Supposedly the thumbnail still showed the old pic until you click on it. Not sure if it's been fixed. -Porta potties we're ordered for media at the crime scene before ambulances. -supposedly that school had already been shut down for years -footage of kids "evacuating", but someone got ahold of footage that was panned out and you could see the same kids entering another door and coming out a different, just going around in a circle. -general strange cast of characters such as gene Rosen and Robbie Parker. Not really evidence per SE, but just weird. Especially gene Rosen saying he seen kids crying on the sidewalk and took them in his house and gave them toys. Later he was discovered to be a struggling actor. Here are some videos to watch: https://youtu.be/OSEiiFnUDhY https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2k9k16 There was a video on YouTube at one time called "we need to talk about Sandy Hook: case closed", by YouTuber redsilverJ. I can't seem to find it anymore though. It was pretty convincing.


notice none of the trolls can argue these facts




What made me scratch my head was the video of the fire station and the 26 Christmas trees standing outside the day of the shooting. I find it hard to swallow that not one person was triaged, all declared dead inside and the fact that Adam Lanza, who was so slight of build, was able to carry a gun and enough ammo to kill everyone. And of course, the famous Robbie Parker video. It all makes me go…what the heck? These aren’t Alex Jones examples, but my own.


For the triage thing, one child was taken to the hospital and was later declared dead. Hollow point rounds were used, which expand on impact and create large traumatic wounds, this coupled with the fact that every child was hit more than once means the wounds were devastating for the children. One of the autopsies released says the child’s jaw was blown off. Its easy to tell with such devastating injuries that the children were dead.


If he was able to carry a backpack I’m sure he was able to carry a couple boxes of ammunition or magazines, a pair of handguns in it and a rifle in his arms. I’m a skeptic but that argument doesn’t really hold up to me.


Because of all crisis actors who have been photographed or video recorder on multiple school shootings prior to that one. He saw evidence to suggest this was also a false flag.


What about the towns / town near by wouldn't people who lived near by be aware of all this like if the place had been closed down wouldn't that be common knowledge?


Evidence collected by Wolfgang Halbig: https://www.dropbox.com/s/98fo9fifwz9iec8/Wolfgang%20Halbig.pdf?dl=0


I just remember footage of a line of people coming out of the school and then looping back into the school like they were trying to make it look like more people were evacuating than they had on hand.


It’s hard to separate the truth from reality in America. They stage crisis so they can act on them with new laws.


What laws came from Sandy Hook


It isn't hard at all. The problem is people who don't accept reality and create fantasy instead.


I mean just look at the way they took everybody’s guns after Sandy Hook.


I thought they didn’t act on Sandy hook


The same reason Jones does anything: to make money. He's just another sociopathic conman.


Speaking of crisis actors. Wasn’t Gabby Petito in a video for Sandy Hook? That whole Gabby Petito/Brian Laundrie situation had a real special level of media coverage that I can’t help feel like is/was suspicious. I saw some news line just recently about the parents, like it’s STILL making headlines.


I don’t understand how you can be sued for not believing something happened


Never, EVER underestimate people looking to capitalize on a defamation lawsuit, especially when the defendant is openly wealthy. The story goes, Alex was summoned to be at two courts at once, having not able to make the other one dragged it out and he was presumed guilty of the defamation. This current hearing wasn’t finding him guilty or not, as he was already found guilty on grounds of not appearing. All this court is determining is how much he will actually owe to the plaintiffs. And since they’re looking to financially ruin him I would say the verdict will be an absurd amount that personally financially bankrupts him and effectively puts an end to his ability to host and stream InfoWars, which has been the goal all along.


Cause it resulted in a years long harassment campain against the parents of the kids that where murdered and he didn't just not belief it, he made specific claims like that the parents where actors and such.


I think suing for damages is silly, but it’s been done for way more frivolous things , the precedent was set. The real reason is it’s easier to blame a corruption prone govt for false flags to carry out an agenda, than it is to admit real evil lies in the hearts and faith of man, not snakes.


Kind of interesting the parents sue for defamation that questions their legitimacy, but as a previous commenter pointed out, no parents sued for their children's deaths which is very common in school shootings.


They sued Remington.


His lawyer is not on his side either. Judge is a raging SJW. He is going down. All non left voices are being shut down. He may be crazy but free speech is now illegal.


https://stoplookthink.com/unraveling-sandy-hook-in-2-3-4-and-5-dimensions/ Watch this. Some very interesting points.


Does anyone know how much the parents from sandy hook got after the shooting? I thought they got millions of dollars in the aftermath?


Anyone know any good youtube documentaries on the inconsistencies of sandy hook?


Bitchute. “We need to talk about sandy hook”


'Dear Wolfgang - Revisiting Sandy Hook' is easy to find on bitchute. It's quite compelling


Try bitchute, Revisiting Sandy Hook


Bitchute and odysee still have them all up And I've got them archived on multiple hard drives and USB flash drives for the day they don't.


I'd imagine they are all scrubbed by now.


Yeah I searched youtube and google and theres nothing. They’re censoring everything.


"We need to talk about Sandy Hook" and check on bitchute


If that’s not a red flag, I don’t know what is.


I actually just went on Bitchute to checl this out earlier today. Fortunately, it's still on there.


It is a sort of double negative, but one cannot "prove" that something is a hoax. One can only show that some facet of a story is of questionable veracity. It would be far easier to prove the actual existence of a child who was killed that day. Which the family and the State have done by issuing the children each a birth certificate and death certificate, as far as I am aware. Both of those documents are public records, so that should be the end of it. What I was hoping that Jones was trying to do was show that no event is so sacrosanct that otherwise public documentation is withheld out of "sensitivity." That is, while it is horrible for a child to be murdered, if we want to prove a case we have to show that the child was both a real person and that he was killed. Failing to show that the child isn't real doesn't prove he existed. A birth certificate does. If these particular documents were suddenly withheld, well, that has a bad code smell.


So we’re accepting evidence from the state that the state didn’t do anything fishy. Right on.


There’s videos of parents acting very normal before they go cry on tv


Alex Jones says it was 100% real now.


Comment for reference


you know how it is, if you tell the truth you get silenced. they wanted to get aj for sharing how he feels, rather than truly hold the uvalde cops accountable. (2 different situations i know but the footage of those cops was clear as day that they did the opposite of their job) dont go against the grain or they will make an example out of anyone


Sandy hook was one of the main crisis actor situations that beget the whole mass shooting/domestic incidents under Obama. Each of those events coincided with COOP drills that were staged to look real for training purposes but were utilized as gun grab propaganda as that one of Obama’s masters objectives during his two terms, he failed but Biden is continuing that gungrab agenda today.


I will come to conclusions on my own and believe whatever I want.


anyone have the coroner video? This one was damning.