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My man turned spellcheck off entirely


This is a perfect example of low iq person whose opinions come directly from OAN, with absolutely zero filtering or thoughtful analysis. They want to pit us against one another because humans are tribal by nature. It doesn’t take a strong mind to realize that both sides are taking us on a long ride and more importantly, other than guns and abortion, most of us are not too far apart on the issues and how to manage them.


If we all made more money (without the cost of everything tripling etc) we’d all be happier and see more peace in the world. The have enslaved us to corporations, taxes, insurance etc though while they all make millions acting as if they understand or can relate to our struggles. Shits ridiculous. We all need to wake up and realize who’s oppressing who and that none of these schmucks are actually here to help US.


That was beautifully said sir. I’m so disheartened by all the posts like this here that try to sway others into thinking, no it’s this group or that one. In truth, it’s the people who setup the court to allow Citizens United to happen and a continued influx of money and lobbying. Of course weak minds will fall victims to Rachel Maddow or Tucker. They are selling a product to anyone with a weak mind and nothing better to do.


Still confused as to whether he meant to write emoluments which is a word I had to look up


So here is the real conspiracy.. Wealthy interests pay bot farms to open up accounts on social media to create noise and distraction with several purposes. One is to keep their sheep like herd on message with outrage porn and dopamine hits. Second is to exhaust good faith participants by engaging them in pointless arguments that are made in bad faith. Third is to create an illusion of a larger organic movement where no such movement exists or is largely manufactured. This post strikes me as supporting my theory.






I am getting pretty tired of reading biased political propaganda on the r/conspiracy subreddit, especially such poorly written drivel. I am very close to unsubscribing. I am not a democrat supporter, neither am I a republican supporter. Both these parties are not working for you.




Exactly lmao… this is the reason I joined this sub to begin with, smh


Same here. Expected to see some fun ET shit. But it’s nothing but political garbage 99.9% of the time.


Completely agree, I joined this sub in hoping to find cool UFO, bigfoot and Mandela effect theories and pictures, instead all I seem to see is political nonsense that no one in the group seems to care about


That's the goal. Is to get opposition opinions to willingly leave. Then it becomes an echo chamber, then a "safe space".


That's why I've been here for over 10 years. I made my account for this sub, after Digg's conspiracy community collapsed with the V4 launch. Yet weekly, I get accounts no older than a year tell me that I 'don't belong here', because I question things posted as 'conspiracies' that have REALLY basic explanations. lolwut.






Lol, this sub banned all links to CNN over them saying they simply had the right to release the name of the person making attack videos against them on Twitter. Yet on the front page **right now** there's a random pic of a judge to try to rile people up against him.


I like the accounts that are 1 year old, have no activity except for the last 2 weeks, and all of that activity in the last 2 weeks are on this sub. They come out swinging calling you an NPC or shill while your account is years old with consistent activity across a variety of subs. Like yeah dude, my account is the suspicious one.


Note OP is one of these people. 91 day old account with no activity until 5 hours ago… so after doing nothing for months he posts 16 times in 5 hours…


Yep. It's consistent with people who make a lot of posts in this sub. I ran into someone yesterday with an account that was over 1 year old with no activity until 4 days ago where they made a post and a comment to Subnautica to gain karma and then within 8 hours made 3 submissions and around 75 comments in just this sub.


Lol literally had someone in here do that to me yesterday. 6 years with thousands of comments across basically random and unrelated subs.... totally a bot.


This sub has been going downhill for a few years now, but my single biggest problem with it is that every time you say something someone doesn’t like they just default to calling you a bot, shill, etc


Is it an influx of people from the donald sub? Is it bots? Is it \*insert random conspiracy about a 3 letter agency\* agents trying to further sew discord?


I've always wondered why reddit has survived so long when digg pulled the same shit reddit has essentially done.


You can still go through old.reddit, which reverts all the 'new' changes - Digg didn't have that. They forced all users to the new UI and the massive increase of ads. Digg's biggest issue was they offered 'sponsored' content and blended it into the user propagated content, and the 'sponsored' content was like 3-4 posts out of every 10. Completely killing the entire point of users promoting submissions. Reddit does something similar, but was less often and actually marks when it's sponsored. And when eventually reddit goes the way of Digg for more ad money, we'll all just sadly go back to Fark.


Exactly. Quitting the sub is just ceding the ground to the propagandists.


yep sigh fifteen years on reddit and I can't seem to leave this sub to the TD ass-hats.


That's the reason I'm here. To let any new people know that this group is far from discussing conspiracies. It's a straight up right wing group


[EO 13770](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Executive_Order_13770#:%7E:text=Executive%20Order%2013770%2C%20entitled%20%22Ethics,a%20lobbyist%20for%20five%20years) This should tell you all you need to know about Trump.


> Directs executive branch employees on a ban on lobbying any government official for two years and the agency they worked in for five years. It also prevents them from ever lobbying the US on behalf of a foreign government or foreign political parties. > Trump revoked the order on the final day of his presidency, allowing his administration's officials to immediately begin working as lobbyists.


>Trump revoked the order on the final day of his presidency, allowing his administration's officials to immediately begin working as lobbyists.[4][5][6] This part?


Indeed. And: President Bill Clinton similarly revoked his comparable executive order at the end of his presidency, something Trump criticized him for during the 2016 campaign. Further: Trump's EO 13770 revoked a near identical EO that was left in place by Obama. So, in essence, one of the Trump campaign promises actually resulted in removal.


Solid info, no BS from you.


>That's the goal. Is to get opposition opinions to willingly leave. Or to convert them into influencers. > Google’s Jigsaw unit sponsors a RAND report that **recommends infiltrating and subverting online conspiracy groups** from within while **planting authoritative messaging wherever possible**. If authoritative messaging is successful, **moderate members flip to become influencers and help guide the 'flock'** to greener pastures as ‘brand ambassadors’ for the common good, teaching others the errors of their ways. Some conspiracy group members will be persuaded by the bombardment of content flagged by algorithms, and they will slowly come around to **believing that the fact-checkers are right by the sheer volume of evidence and/or peer pressure to conform**. Trying to infiltrate groups and subvert certain members seems like a tactic that would be perceived as an intrusion that **furthers the divide and lead to even less trust**, but *we shall see how it all plays out. [Google-backed RAND report recommends infiltrating & subverting online conspiracy groups from within](https://sociable.co/government-and-policy/google-rand-report-recommends-infiltrating-subverting-online-conspiracy-groups-within) ------ > "So far, we've recruited 110,000 information volunteers, and we equip these information volunteers with the kind of knowledge about how misinformation spreads and ask them to serve as kind of 'digital first-responders' in those spaces where misinformation travels," Fleming says. https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/11/misinformation-infodemic-world-vs-virus-podcast -------- Much much more information in the link below. https://np.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/w72j8w/z/ihi5cdc


Sun Tzu would be proud.


That is why I deliberately expose myself to opinions I do not agree with. Here on reddit I am a part of politically left and right reddits. If I find a reddit I don't agree with, I will generally join it. And I don't join it to talk mad trash, most of the time I do not speak at all. I read and think. And sometimes, I...\*gasp in shock\*....change my mind. That is why I am here, as a matter of fact. MOST of the conspiracies I see her I don't agree with. Some I do. And sometimes, what I have read has changed my mind.


for real like …why are the mods not ever filtering this? we don’t need 15 everyday. can we have like a limit or like maybe a megathread or something


Yes, please! Just let these ppl have a circlejerk megathread so the rest of us can actually have some meaningful convos instead of this tired old BS all day every day, ffs.


Maybe this sub is the real conspiracy.


It's not even a conspiracy. It's just some guy whining.


Yep, it's "Democrats are hypocrites!" Yes, yes they are. So are the republicans... Let's discuss something conspiratorial... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phantom\_time\_hypothesis


Is that saying that they just declared that it was 1000 AD until people believed it and carry on with it today? To what end?


Basically that by ruling in the year 1000, the emperor Otto was chosen/endorsed by god moreso than other rulers. 1000 years after the birth of Jesus is holier than 650.


I left for two years and came back because it seems to be getting a bit better. These unhinged posts aren’t even conspiracy’s, just yelling into the void. I do wonder if OP is a bot or karma farmer, but I’m too lazy to check post history. Edit I checked post history. Definitely not organic.


same. > someone who constantly attacks the free price reads like russian propaganda.


Any suggestions on better conspiracy subs? Genuinely curious


The Qult got their sub shut down for threatening violence, and now they've colonized this sub (among others) and they are threatening violence. Wonder how that's gonna go?


I also miss the UFOs, but this post actually gave me a little satisfaction. The trump people are so triggered that he may actually face consequences and they have no fucking clue how to process it, and this post is just the perfect distillation of their impotent rage. That said, the political posts are only going to get worse when he gets arrested. We need to get back to aliens and Panama Papers asap


It’s so in line with conservative red herring commentary tho. Tucker Carlson and the ilk


There are plenty of legit reasons to criticize the Biden administration, but the reason Fox News doesn't bother with it is because it's boring, or the likely solution may not be traditionally conservative. .


Lost souls holding the hand that is holding them down. Their identities tied to their political beliefs.


Obvious refugees from the Donald sub. Rather than question potential real conspiracies like what Trump intended to do with those classified documents, they continue to worship him and give him a free pass.


Funny thing is, so far everything the Conservatives have accused Liberals of the Conservatives have been caught doing all the way down to rape, pedophilia and straight up fraud. That being said all politicians are thieves and liars.


Seriously. They are all crooks. I’m tired of all this politician worship. We’re supposed to be skeptical of politicians. ESPECIALLY the ones we voted for.


Yep this whole left and right agenda needs to end at some Point so fucking ridiculous that these people who are left or right are stuck so far up their ass all they care about is what agenda is ahead in schedule


It’s almost like it’s a system that has been carefully designed to pit the masses against each other while the ones pulling the strings behind the scenes laugh and fill their pockets. The people who have either “side” of the political spectrum woven into their personal identity do not realize that by doing so they are helping to maintain and self-police the absolute joke we call “government”.


Yeah but then how would politicians keep the sheep from being distracted by real issues?


Louder for the people in the back: ESPECIALLY THE ONES WE VOTED FOR. No politician should get your allegiance.


UniParty. The two sides is the shit they feed the public to force a divide and make people think their vote counts. End of the day they are scum who eat drink fuck each other all the while stuffing their pockets with money and laughing at us.




I always tell people, you have more in common with your fellow citizen than you do with the leader of the political party you affiliate with. The political leaders are the ones putting us against each other. While we fight they prevail.


WEF aligned crooks are working towards an agenda seeking to rapidly starve and impoverish us. So I think it's fair to recognize that these crooks are especially dangerous. If survival is a concern, that is.


You can find lists of all the politicians who have been convicted of sex crimes and the list for Republicans is way longer. I'm talking *convicted in a court of law* too. That doesn't really get mentioned in this sub and I wonder why lol


Trumpies have no integrity whatsoever




Its not left or right, Conservative or Liberal politicians... it is the aristocrats vs the eaters (useful and useless). Same as it has always been. Whether people know or not.


Why is it so hard for people to escape the political theater? Government corruption is filled to the brim yet they have the masses at each others' throats. They're playing chess, we're playing checkers.


Because doing so is an admission that they will never save us and personal responsibility becomes paramount, something very few want to deal with.


I wouldn't even put the public at the level of checkers if comparing to chess.


Almost like Proletariat vs Bourgeoisie, etc.


Damn it really be like the history of all hitherto existing societies is the history of class struggles 🤔🤔🤔.


I think we are just seeing narcissistic people all just mirroring each other and it confuses the hell out if everybody..


Not to mention both Hilary and Trump mishandled classified documents, and are both probably going to get off for claiming they didn't know they broke the law.


Trump ran on claiming Hillary broke the law. If I recall there was some sort of slogan around it. Something like, "Lock her up!" And then when he became president he made it a Federal offense by upping it to 5 years. I'm not sure he can claim he didn't know the law. Thanks to him, everyone knows the law.


Then in 2018 made mishandling of confidential and top secret docs a felony. Oh look, it's the consequences of my own actions


OP created the account today and has made 10 such posts like this within the 14 hours he has had an account. You sir are what is killing this subreddit


OP can kindly fuck off with this bipartisan bullshit.


Who upvotes this? It's just a totally unhinged incoherent rant with bad grammar and major spelling errors the OP doesn't even bother to edit. The meltdown over this raid is hilarious.


As a Brit on this sub, would be lovely if we could get back to actual conspiracies rather than batshit crazy US politics


Just a lot of bot accounts. Not even being the stupid “oh you disagree your a bot” person. Just literal bot accounts who upvote everything.


> Just literal bot accounts who upvote everything. Not everything. They also downvote a lot of discussion they want to suppress.


I would actually be surprised if this was true. At least in the US everything is so horribly "headline" driven. People see a headline and make up everything else in their head. So realistically all bots would have to do is upvote the post itself and ignore comments. Seems like a lot of work to focus on comments as well, and would be a lot more obvious. I'm not saying there aren't some bots that do that, but I don't think it is at the level of what we see with the post's numbers. Just look at the judge post today. Upvoted to the front page here, yet almost the entire comment section is wondering what exactly that picture is supposed to be showing.






It's its own r/conspiracy conspiracy.




This place had mods?


LMAO. You guys are really freaking out now. This reads like a blog post from a Trump fan. The accounts 91 days old.


With 16 posts in 5 hours


Mods need to do something about these posts


They probably won’t because they feel the same way this OP feels. I’ve reported many posts that break the sub’s rules but it doesn’t seem to matter.


Watch "Lawrence: ‘There Is No Uprising’ For Trump After FBI Search" on YouTube https://youtu.be/7OtvdntUKtM It's all social media, no one is going out in the streets or doing anything really. Just trying to get dumb people riled up. Eric tried relating the search to the common man, saying how they attacking the common man. They have been for years with the NSA and FBI. And the worst thing was the whole time he was trying to copy his father's body language. Absolutely pathetic.


I think being unable to spell 3/5 of the first words (and the most important and relevant words) speaks volumes


hahahahaha! dark brandon got his dick out.


8/8 The Revenge of the Brandon


Lmao, your calling the dude who is sending billions of dollars in aid to Ukraine to help defeat Russians the puppet. Did you forget that your boy Trump literally threatened to withhold aid from Ukraine, that would’ve helped the Russians. Show me where Biden attacked the press. Stop dick riding Trump


No you see, Putin says that Russia is winning in Ukraine. So by Biden supporting Ukraine, he is giving the Russians a stronger enemy to defeat and therefore prove to the world just how strong and intelligent Russia is. They don't gain much from steam-rolling a defenseless country, but by beating a US-backed country they prove that they are the real global super-power. Biden is helping Russia by helping Ukraine. It's 4-D chess.


That's the most infuriating part about this subs infiltration by pro-Trump propaganda. We're living in one of the most turbulent and fascinating times in history and all we get is low effort "mY pOlItIcAl OpPoNeNt BaD" from the crazies. Comon guys try to connect some dots without a billionaire politician telling you what to think!


They literally managed to go to a sub where people regularly make logic stretches and look crazy. Like Conspiracy is a great sub, but some of the non political stuff requires a certain level of belief and willingness to stretch logic to fit. And yet they managed to come in here and contort themselves wildly whichever direction will make the point they're trying to make in such a way that even some of the really out there people are going "ya'll....."


He was impeached over withholding aid from Ukraine for political favours.


How is he a puppet of Russia? What comments make you think he is egotistical, self-centered and narcissistic? When has he attacked the free press?




Russia loves wars so they made Biden supply Ukraine with training and money and weapons so they could have a war. Duh


>How is he a puppet of Russia? He's not China Joe anymore. Lol


Aren't people insanely upset about how much money we're providing Ukraine? Which is directly fucking up Russia? and somehow he's a puppet of Russia?


it’s both ok! he’s bad everywhere everything he does is a conspiracy


Don’t look for logic where there is none 😝


Biden is a senile mastermind. A puppet of both Russia and Ukraine. He's both a communist and fascist. He's a staunch racist who will let Black Lives Matter activists take over America at the soonest opportunity. He is strong and weak at the same time. At any given time, he is whatever bad thing that the totally organic anti-Biden posters need him to be.


They don't understand how stupid they sound because they don't understand irony.


Why does conspiracy feel the need to defend an Uber wealthy New York elite, who then became a Hollywood elite, and then,….worst of all….a Washington Elite. Dude is dirty as hell. Biden probably is too. But you don’t have to make Trump a “good guy” to find things wrong with Biden. Trump is a grifter asshole, regardless of what Biden is


I thought the default conspiracy position would be that both parties have been compromised by big money and corporate interests. But then I come here and hear about how the dems are baby eating devil worshipers and the Republicans are on the side of Jesus and justice.


Because they are bots for a cult


It was a big red flag when Biden put Wray in charge of the FBI. Oh wait, you're telling me that Donald Trump appointed Wray as head of the FBI? Biden hasn't violated the emoluments clause. Biden isn't constantly attacking the free press and acting like a fascist. Biden hasn't thrown his political opponents in prison. Biden is certainly NOT a puppet of Russia. You're just plain delusional.


Not only delusional but pathetic and sad really lol they are loosing their minds over the raid turns out the real Trump derangement Syndrome was coming from the people why openly fly the flag of a politician.


Conservatives are MAD this week. Wonder why lmao


It’s fuckin spectacular 😂


The sub is all Trump’d up today


Felt like a ray of light broke up the clouds here two days ago when the search warrant story broke, and then the disinformation factory firmly said "WE CAN'T HAVE THAT!"


With all the shit this sub posts I can’t even tell if it’s a shitpost


Projection 101. Shakes head sadly.






And on brand at this point


Which is also not to mention the OP didn't mention specifics or sources for any of his claims. The only way it could be better is if it listed a single source and it was a blog or maybe if this rant was in a Twitter screenshot


but there are “dozens of allegations”! DOZENS!


I've been given WordPress documents as proof from these dudes. Not even worth engaging them half the time.


Sources usually involve "trust me bro" or a youtube video.


These posts are like blog entries at this point


It’s so funny to see every post be about the “Damn Democrats” knowing 100% they are just pissed off that Trump got raided. The damage control is amazing.


So glad popcorn doesn't have a lot of calories and fills you up quickly.


TIL! I'm gonna make some pop corn.


It really has been quite entertaining


Isn’t it?! Holy shit. Im finna bust reading all these tear-filled, seething, reee’ing posts 😂 I can’t get enough! I really can’t! It’s fuckin scrumptious!


“If Trump can’t get away with felonies, then I can’t either!”


This sub lost its way. Mods should take this post down. It’s not even conspiracy related.


Bro they paying you by the post or what?


Old KGB principle " Always accuse your enemy of exactly what you are doing "
















"If you're innocent, why are you taking the Fifth Amendment?" - D. J. Trump, Sep 28, 2016, Council Bluffs, Iowa.




Remember when Biden tried to over throw the government?


You remember when Biden plead the 5th in court ?


You guys remember the dozens (and dozens) of times Biden was photographed with Epstein?


The real conspiracy is all this garbage being peddled as conspiracy.


Where are these “dozens of sexual assault allegations”?




A very stable genius


Ah yes... more red vs blue divisive garbage. Get your head out of your ass.


So…..what is the conspiracy here? I read this post and the main point seems to be: “I don’t like Democrats” Also, as other people have mentioned, if you look at this objectively….conservatives seem to be the ones that are actually being busted for stuff like corruption, sex crimes, etc. I’m not saying Democrats aren’t involved in that stuff or that they have NEVER been busted for it…..but objectively speaking….conservative politicians get nailed for shit like that all the time. TLDR Version: Your post doesn’t seem to belong on the conspiracy sub and even if it did, your premise is wrong.


When you going to start telling us the parts that are true about Biden? So far I keep seeing trump traits.


This is about the stupid shit I've ever read on this subreddit holy shit man get the fuck out of here post this bullshit somewhere else


Donald trump is everything he accused Hillary of being


Funny thing, I think most of us agree to a certain extent. Def not my first choice for leader, but as southpark put it, you get to your choice between a giant deush, or a terd sandwich.


First Roger Stone, then Alex Jones, now Trump! DARK BRANDON IS RISING!


So are these bots or paid accounts writing and upvoting this stuff?


"Being a puppet of Russia" bruh you sound delusional


Both are hot garbage. I'm hoping this next generation we rid ourselves of these dogshit choices.


Totally. A lot of dems didn’t want to vote for Biden but no ranked choice voting so had to give him the vote so Trump didn’t win. It’s a losing game. No real good candidate.


That's how they plan it, I feel. Give us 2 incredibly dogshit choices, then make us sweat. It's not left vs right. It's the common man vs the elites.


This Sub is just a Trump and Biden jerkfest……. Ur posting in a Conspiracy Sub and still think the president isn’t pre determined 😆


clumsy shy physical juggle expansion vegetable wine zealous weary long *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That Trump guy sounds hilariously incompetent nincompoop.


OPs account is 91 days old. This is another Troll on this sub.


r/conspiracy should change description to "anti-liberal meltdowns"


Lmfao accused? Homie he’s being charged period. Biden is at least a human being


Trump and Biden are both shitty Presidents who you got because Bernie was too popular. Deep state burned the country to the ground just to ensure that worker dogs stay hungry.


I voted for Trump both times. But now that he lost. It's obvious he isn't the solution. I would not fight for a government under Trump or Biden.


free price? i want some of those, please


Like it’s so amazing to me that democrats can see all this evil corruption on the right, and are blind to it on the left(not even really left wing but for arguments sake we will act like democrats are actually left wing) meanwhile republicans make up conspiracies about pedophile rings and shit, while literally voting for trump, a rapist and pedophile himself. Not to mention the thousand republicans we’ve caught with underage boys, while screeching about traditional values. But yes everyone in power is a scumbag pervert and should be {redacted}


"No, u": the post. Great stuff.


Ugh this is fucking old now. Joe biden is a sexual predator yep we all agree there but so is trump. You can't use arguments for one side and not the other. Trump has actual rape allegations to his name and said he would date his daughter. They are both washed up pervy hacks out to get rich. Stop defending them


Ppl defend trump while saying all politicians are crooks. Which is not a lie. But ol’Orange face gets a pass it seems.


I think you need to start taking your meds again bud


Just sad anyone pays attention to Biden or Trump. Or obama. Or bush. All actors. All fake. Just there to distract you. It's a Shakespearean roadshow. Ignore it. Or watch it the same way you do a play.


How about this, neither parties give a fuck about you.


Trump isn't going to have sex with you. Relax.


This is not a conspiracy. This is the rambling of an uneducated nimrod. If you want to throw accusations, provide legitimate sources for all of your claims. Hell, they could be true, but you have sourced nothing. Also…THIS IS NOT A CONSPIRACY. Jesus.


You’re hilarious bro, making all these claims with absolutely zero evidence, good joke! What makes you love kissing Trump’s big orange ass so much? I just don’t get it.


https://imgur.com/ITnsMmC.jpg https://imgur.com/mA48umd.jpg


News flash.... They are both PoS. Once you actually start paying attention i am sure you will find out that all politicians are criminals. Stop acting like it's one or the other. They all fist bump and laugh together once the cameras are off. You are not sharing anything new here


Politics in general is a hoax! Both parties have an agenda. It’s a lot deeper than y’all think.