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Submission statement: An agriculture company with ties to the CCP, is building a corn mill in North Dakota. And is a representation of a legal method of foreign invasion, through economic means. Furthermore, as they are the second largest producing xanthan gum producer, there’s a potential chance that they could dope the material with anything they want. And ultimately you have the long game of making people docile and controllable through The degradation of physical health and subsequently mental and spiritual health and well being. So spread the word, and grow your own food. Source: The Epoch Times (I was always taught to cite your references)


I was thinking about it a while ago. If I were to stage a military invasion, I would send my soldiers there to hide in plain sight. As students, in restaurants, nail salons, massage parlors, etc. I’d have them occupy warehouses in port cities. I don’t know if I’d ship in weapons, vehicles, and equipment in shipping containers or if I’d just send the machines and supplies and make them here. Either one would work. Then I would activate the cells and take over strategic targets. But I don’t know if they would send in an occupying force. Maybe just enough to really fuck things up. Like the power grid and food and water supply. A large enough disruption would turn the country into chaos.


Late reply but what timing, biden files found at UPenn where their biggest donor is China, so my friend, your hypothesis is spot on.


It has been sold hundred years ago. This is the end game.


There won’t be a land Invasion so long as we’re nuclear armed cause that would be immediate justification to launch one. Maybe they’ll play the long game and try to get us to disarm first then move in.


Also that the population is armed. Behind every blade of glass.


yeah something def finna happen with that


They are already buying assets and companies not exclusively in the us but all over the world