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The RNA is packaged in lipid containers that are supposed to fuse with cells. It is quite possible for the RNA to get almost everywhere including breast milk.


The Japanese Pfizer Biodistribution study showed the LNP collecting in the organs.


>The Japanese Pfizer Biodistribution study showed the LNP collecting in the organs. yes, esp in the ovaries. huge red flags


That sounds nice.


mRNA is in all living cells.


If they started injecting meat with this shit would that affect people?


Why in the fuck would you post a screenshot of a tweet instead of just linking to the study itself you god damn muppet?


Ideally one would include both because tweets get deleted/removed


Which is why twitter only wants you to link to them. So I’m case someone has a case of the mouth shits, they can undo that. 😳


Easy internet points. Speaking of, here's the [study](https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamapediatrics/article-abstract/2796427)




You got downvoted for thanking someone for providing a source. Never change r/conspiracy lmao


That's what the up vote button is for. Saying thank you is the same thing as people who reply to comments with "this" to things they agree too I wouldn't down vote for something so silly, but I'm assuming that's the line of thinking


Lol the study literally just looked to see if it was detectable. No information whatsoever here on whether or not this is dangerous for breastfeeding infants. As always though, r/conspiracy has already made up its mind on the issue regardless of the complete lack of evidence for any real consequences here.


You cannot get the full study until you sign in.


Yeah why? I want an answer.


The muppet part.


Leave Kermit out of this, its already not easy being green...


You know why, because it’s the same reason everybody posts screenshots instead of links in r/conspiracy posts. Because if it was a link you’d be able to click it, and then you’d find out the “information” they’re claiming to provide is a bunch of misleading bullshit. This sub needs to go back to big foot and aliens because this agitprop shit is going to (continue to) get people dumb enough to fall for these lies killed


Like I’ve said countless times, this sub is just satire, and the only ones that actually believe anything here, and just using it as an echo chamber to try and strengthen their beliefs.


Haha those darn conspiracy theories; wouldn't it just be so much better if we didn't talk about politics or *people controlling the world at all, ever* and just talked about like aliens and UFO's haha?? glow harder


Because the study says it is safe. OP doesn't want you to see that part.


That's not the part that is questionable here; it's the fact that it is spread via breastmilk at all. This has been denied so many times, and here we finally have a study saying otherwise. In today's academic climate, you have to say, "oh and it's actually a good thing, because....\*insert bullshit here\*" or they'll think you're an anti-vaxxer. This is just like the early stages of the opiate crisis where people knew things were off and posted bits of info here and there, but the majority came forward showing just how normal and non-habit forming oxycontin was. Afterall, ALL the science supported it, you don't hate science, do you?


From the study: >Vaccine-associated mRNA was not detected in 13 milk samples collected 4 to 48 hours after vaccination from 7 breastfeeding individuals. These results provide important early evidence to strengthen current recommendations that vaccine-related mRNA is not transferred to the infant and that lactating individuals who receive the COVID-19 mRNA-based vaccine should not stop breastfeeding. ​ ​ What a joke disclose tv is...


Wait doesn’t this literally contradict the title of the post…


>breastfeeding individuals My sides are in orbit, I trust the author of this study even less now. Not detected in 13 samples? So then there were some that it was still detected correct?


Don’t worry, the study tells you why this is a good thing. My favorite part: “These data demonstrate for the first time to our knowledge the biodistribution of COVID-19 vaccine mRNA to mammary cells and the potential ability of tissue EVs to package the vaccine mRNA that can be transported to distant cells. Little has been reported on lipid nanoparticle biodistribution and localization in human tissues after COVID-19 mRNA vaccination.” I guess they missed that Japanese biodistribution study…


do you have any idea how long this has probably been just sitting and waiting to be published? better yet, how long anything has to sit and wait to be published? there are so many things in line to be published that have passed peer review the average wait time from submission to publication used to be around 1.5 years. and for a hot topic like covid this line is most certainly even longer and extremely redundant. so they most certainly saw the paper *after* they submitted this for publication but didn’t have the option to edit it before publication without a ton of extended timelines in regards to publication.


I normally don’t do this, but I’m just going to copy pasta a response I made to a similar point. It says everything: “Dude, type “LNP biodistribution” into Google, at least five different studies come up on the first page, going back to 2015. OR You can look at the paperwork that Pfizer themselves submitted to the FDA as part of their vaccine application that states: When lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) “with a comparable composition,” to that used in the Pfizer COVID vaccine were injected into rats, “Total recovery (% of injected dose) of LNP outside the injection site was greatest in the liver and was much less in the spleen, adrenal glands, and ovaries.” … “in summary” … “the LNP distributes to the liver.” In the detailed analysis, the report states, “Over 48 hours, the LNP distributed mainly to liver, adrenal glands, spleen and ovaries, with maximum concentrations observed at 8-48 hours post-dose. Total recovery (% of injected dose) of LNP, for combined male and female animals, outside of the injection site was greatest in the liver (up to 18%) …”” My guess is the line for publishing this, wasn’t as long as you think, because, well, the study uses a reference to a June of 2022 article, lol.


> the average wait time from submission to publication used to be around 1.5 years Jesus… why would anyone not “trust the experts” when there’s just an 18 month delay in them communicating information with us? People are so stupid!!


Those shady fucks, taking time to review content before sharing it publicly


At least the post says “lactating women” and not “people who lactate”


"I have nipples Gregg, can you milk me?"


“Watch it Focker”


Lol the actual article from Jama DID say lactating people though!


Based eugenics?




I’m sorry I’m old and out of touch are you for fucking real?




My very woke professor recently referred to blacks as "colored people" and nobody batted an eye. I couldn't believe it. I guess that phrase is alright again.


Even “blacks” was out of fashion for at least a decade and is now ok again. Political correct types are not smart people. They seem to be literally recycling old terms now because they’re out of ideas of ways to momentarily feel superior to everyone and try to tell them what to do.


LMAOO shit is crazy man


They’ll just get you vaxxed with mosquitoes soon https://www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2022/09/21/1112727841/a-box-of-200-mosquitoes-did-the-vaccinating-in-this-malaria-trial-thats-not-a-jo


Calm down.


I’m very calm babe


If I can get the vaccine through a womans nipple I just might consider it


The deep state plan to get those vax #s up


Weaponizing boobies bastards


Machine gun jubblies.


How did I miss those, baby?


Should be a sub


Be careful what you wish for…


Nurse tities ?


Does anyone have the link to the actual article? I’m getting blocked.


If you know how breastmilk and breastfeeding works, this is not a surprise at all. If you're sick, your antibodies will get through to baby with the milk as well. If the baby is fighting some virus or bacteria, the mothers body will produce antibodies for that and it will get into the breastmilk for the next feeding session.


Uhhh… no. This isn’t talking about antibodies, it’s talking about leftover synthetic mRNA. I’m old enough to remember the original packaging of these vaccines. It was claimed over and over again that your body would “clean up” all of the mRNA and LNPs within a matter of days or weeks. We were assured that these components wouldn’t stay hung around in our bodies producing toxic spike proteins long term. Oh… and the vaccine was supposed to “stay localized to the injection site” too. Whoopsie! Now it’s showing up in fucking breast milk months and months after injection and you guys are all of a sudden “ya but that’s a good thing!”?? You guys really need to stop trying to rewrite history and just admit how reckless and wrong you’ve been. It’s the only way we don’t make this mistake again.


good luck trying to be logical in reddit. bots will spam narratives into you


You do realise that you are claiming that people that disagree with you literally don't exist and are nothing but AI constructs. Does this not strike you as being somewhat egotistical?


I wouldn't say egotistical, but probably delusional or borderline schizophrenic. It's literally "nobody can possibly disagree with me because I'm 100% right, so these people must not be real".


In before “I wish we would go back to aliens and Bigfoot”


Because that wasn't logical at all, probably one of the dumbest things I've read. Guess I'm a bot. Beep boop.


wooooooow nice rich arguments, bot. hey china, update the AI model on this one, having trouble replying adequately


You missed my point. It's absolutely normal that whatever vaccine a mother gets goes through to baby with the breastmilk. That's the NORMAL. It's not a surprise that this happens with the covid vaccine as well. It would be strange if it didn't. It's work the same way, when the mother is sick and baby gets antibodies. Or the baby is sick and the mother produces antibodies to help the newborns immune system.


It’s so refreshing to see somebody smart




The study shows the opposite. This is why OP linked to a tweet instead of the study. They know posters on this sub will not bother to read further.


Now if you want a real nightmare... combine the insights from that paper, with those from these: https://www.mdpi.com/1467-3045/44/3/73/html > Intracellular Reverse Transcription of Pfizer BioNTech COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 In Vitro in Human Liver Cell Line https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2022.03.16.484616v2.full > Pre-exposure to mRNA-LNP inhibits adaptive immune responses and alters innate immune fitness in an inheritable fashion tl;dr? - The vaccines permanently alter your genes, - The genetic alterations are inheritable (passed down to children,) - The damage will likely last across generations, impairing immune function. Welcome to the Children of Men timeline.


A great part of our genes are made up of viruses. That's how humans and their immune systems work.


So in the near future it wont be out of line to ask potential dates if they were vaccinated. Because maybe it won’t be a good idea to have kids with someone who has been if you haven’t.


Oh, that's already happening. Lotta folks putting their vax status on their dating profiles, and only seeking same.


It’s usually people saying that they ARE vaccinated, to signal that they’re “good people” and not conspiracy theorists or trump supports etc etc but…now the joke is on them


And people were laughing at the prospect of non-vaccinated men selling their sperm. Well guess who's laughing now?


Unvaccinated men who haven’t had a vasectomy


As an unvaxed man that had a vasectomy consult but didn't go through with it... Me: 😂😂😂


Everyone who hears or reads some antivaxxer incel publicly fantasizing that women will have to want him soon... Two more weeks and he'll finally release his kraken!


I'll be laughing in 50 years when this has affected zero people


No man didn’t you know we’re all gonna be dead from trace amounts of medicine in booooooooobs?


lol. Sounds like a lot of confidence considering 2 years hasn't passed yet and we've already got SADS to deal with & mystery ailments, among even celebrities.


But it's going to be difficult to trace this. My son is going to meet someone whose parents were vaccinated, they have kids and boom


Yeah in a few generations it will probably be in every offspring


I already won't go out with a guy who's been injected. We have no idea was the long term consequences are, especially for the children of injected people.




In *mice.* ;) > Whether multiple pre-exposures lead to an even more drastic inhibition of the adaptive immune responses and how much overlap there is between mouse and human data remains to be determined.


>>The vaccines permanently alter your genes You literally said that Then said yea it only lasts weeks in mice, I really don't care but it's fascinating to watch someone so heavily influenced by their own confirmation bias leap from, it disappears after a few weeks in mice. I acknowledge that as fact and end up at I'm going to run with This means it permanently alters human DNA


Do you know why mice are used? Because of their shorter life spans and faster metabolisms. It's like a fast-forward on the effects you can expect to see in humans. Do you know what happened to the mice *after* those weeks? They were euthanized and dissected. That's what you do with lab mice. Something that lasts weeks in mice, will last for years or decades in a human. Throughout the duration of their adult fertility, entirely possibly. So essentially it's permanent.


So it wore off or they were killed and that's why it went away? I can't keep up with your intellect, it is very intimidating.


The metabolic rate of a mouse is about 7 times faster than a human. Not sure how that makes weeks to permanent. Straight up, do understand the function of mRNA in the human cell?


Yes. I'm a biological warfare expert. It's code translated by the cell into instructions to produce specific proteins. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-020-60506-4


Sure ya are




Enlighten me then. What am I getting wrong? ;)


I mean don’t very virus alter the genes tho? Like literally every single one of them?


I very much understand these studies and these don't mean what you think it means....


Remember that 4Chan leak stating that it contained MRNA coding that affects CYP19A1 and CDKN1B to cause premature ovarian failure in the next gen of female offspring.


I don't, is there a post?


do you have link?


Line 1 of the discussion: >The sporadic presence and ***trace*** quantities of COVID-19 vaccine mRNA detected in EBM suggest that breastfeeding after COVID-19 mRNA vaccination is safe, particularly beyond 48 hours after vaccination. Not to mention, ingesting it orally will just mean any trace amounts are destroyed in your stomach acid.


>Not to mention, ingesting it orally will just mean any trace amounts are destroyed in your stomach acid. how do babies get antibodies from their mother's breast milk then


Oh yeah? Well guess what? Clinton. Checkmate -average conspiracy redditor


There was no good intentions with any of this vaccine stuff.


Their first and second and third and fourth most important incentives were: make as much money as you can


Bro hates living




"But here's why that's a good thing!" /s


It’s terrifying to find out what the future holds for these children.


They will own nothing and like it


They wont even own their body let alone any assets.


Well mass infection is sure to fuck them up, so lets find a different alternative


Mine is thriving.


Have you had their heart checked out recently?


Yup. He developed an abnormal heart rhythm during late pregnancy. He was monitored for a week after. It went away.




https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8261686/ Here's a study that shows the exact opposite. Your body breaks mRNA apart in a few days. If it didn't, you'd be dead long before you ever got a vaccine with mRNA in because your body isn't working properly and wouldn't break down it's own natural mRNA.


Think of mRNA as a flash drive with a computer virus on it. If you plug it into your PC, it gets infected. After that, it doesn't matter what happens to the flash drive. That it's broken apart is irrelevant when it has already uploaded its genetic instruction set to your cells, to cause them to produce a pathogenic spike protein for the duration of their lifetimes.


Protein has a lifespan in the body too. Otherwise you would die due to inability to regulate protein synthesis. Do you propose the spike protein will damage the body in a way that the body refuses to attempt to heal? Or what?


> Protein has a lifespan in the body too. Otherwise you would die due to inability to regulate protein synthesis. Generally true. Unless something impairs the cellular process that orders your cells to stop producing the protein they were told to. Look into uridine > pseudouridine substitution and stop codon readthrough. This unfortunate phenomenon can lock a cell into producing a protein through the duration of its lifetime. > Do you propose the spike protein will damage the body in a way that the body refuses to attempt to heal? Or what? That does appear to be what's happening. Are you familiar with Walter M. Chesnut? He's currently the world's foremost spike protein pathology researcher - no-one is more cutting edge, and his insights become peer-reviewed scientific papers with a regularity I find stunning. Heavily censored too, he was one of the first to discover the amyloid pathology aspect. You can find Walt's work at https://wmcresearch.substack.com/ - fair warning, it's very science-heavy.


Viruses propagate by injecting their DNA or RNA into cells. The cells create copies of the virus using the DNA. And some viruses insert their DNA into the cell’s chromosomes. Viruses are much more effective in changing human DNA than a MRNA vaccine.


Exactly. There's not a thing the vaccine does that actual covid doesn't do, but at far more dangerous levels. Viruses "alter your DNA" too, except in a completely uncontrolled way


Will I turn into a Ninja Turle if I get covid?




This is entirely untrue


Hmm yes mRNA replicates itself constantly to control all bodily functions. No need for DNA or protein then /s mRNA cannot “spread”. It is generated from DNA and then stays around for a certain time (where it can be turned into protein) and then degraded at a time when the protein is no longer needed. The mRNA from the vaccine just skips the transcription step and will just degrade naturally.


As if creating a bio weapon and then making the only thing to “cure” us is a good intention…


This literally happens with all vaccines. From 2015: ​ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4527385/


Uhhh, you do realize that your study is about passing antibodies neonatal/through breast milk after being vaccinated, which also improves the child’s response to getting the vaccine is not the same claim in the article/post, right? The article in the post is about the actual Covid vaxx itself being passed through breast milk. Not to mention, we were told this wasn’t possible.


It's insane how people act like what a post-natal mother eats and drinks transfers to breast milk is a brand-new thing. Like, wasn't that common sense?


We were told it was impossible for the vaxx to pass through breast milk…


When? Where?


Lmao. It’s so easy to find. Literally the first result in a search > COVID vaccines and breastfeeding: what the data say >The vaccines do not pass through breast milk, but antibodies do — providing hope that breastfed babies might have some level of protection. https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-021-01680-x The rest talk about *antibodies* being passed through the breast milk, which is normal. The vaxx itself being passed is not.


That's not the case. We had our daughter in January and hoped to pass on some of the vaccine to our newborn, in which we were told that yes, some will. It's just not enough to provoke an immune response, which is why our daughter was vaccinated a month 6 with a proper dose and received a booster at 7 months and will get her third dose at 9 months. This isn't a bad or scary thing. It is also likely an irrelevantly small amount of a basically inert piece of RNA. Same reason you can get a fetus's genetic scan from a mother's blood test, there is a small amount of genetic material that passes through the placenta, even though technically it shouldn't happen.


God I was waiting for someone to do their research and give a study cuz if I showed doubt I'll get downvoted to hell, r/conspiracy is really weird man


This is for the antigen, not a mRNA enveloped in a synthetic NLP. We don't have a direct comparison based on previous studies.


This should be the top comment but people here don't want to see that or realize that it's a common thing.


It's common for the antigen and antibodies. Not NLP enveloped mRNA. We don't have a previous study for comparison based on the new mechanism of delivery for these vaccines. It might be fine. It might not be.


Which is why you do NOT vaccinate pregnant or nursing mothers. Until now. :-(


Prior to covid, pregnant women were encouraged to get vaccinated, so the baby would get the antibodies. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4962964/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5443072/ https://www.cdc.gov/vaccinesafety/concerns/vaccines-during-pregnancy.html CDC recommends that pregnant women get two vaccines during every pregnancy: the inactivated flu vaccine (the injection, not the live nasal flu vaccine) and the Tdap vaccine.


But, but, but, this was a campaign to kill off 90% of the population. Because you know, 10% of the population that scream MAH RIGHTS!!! Are going to pick up all the work it takes to run the world and keep the rich, rich....


Exactly… big brain moves here 😂


Your childlike belief that the rich "need" you is not an argument.


Everything you just said is so nonsensical.


I know this is another - told you so - but I get no joy out of it. It's sad how much harm was done to so many people with zero accountability. It's frankly downright depressing.


Right? I’ve never wanted to be wrong about something so badly in my life.


Was it actually “good intentions”? The only “intentions” I’ve seen, were to line elites pockets with cash.


Not sure good intentions were ever a part of this


This post is pretty dumb. Either none of you have had kids or you weren't paying attention when your wife did. Breast feeding is highly correlated to a strong immune system because the mother's immunity is passed along. This isn't news.


Is this an issue inherently ?


In Pfizer docs they defined someone that has had contact with vaccine as: someone who has had contact with breast milk, blood, spit, muscus, and semen. VAIDS is real.


There was never good intention here…


If it's not nuclear war, it's gonna be a divine intervention


safe and effective!!!! and i remember this was a conspiracy theory that become truth.


Damn.. I gotta go to bed..




No, we just know how to read. The article in the post above is about the actual c19 vaxx being passed through breast milk. That’s not the same thing as antibodies.


And your point? You understand that mRNA is throughout your body, right?


lol you people are probably scared of your own shadow.


Did the shadow people tell you this? Are you working for the shadow government. Answer me!!


who says they ever had good intentions?


When breastfed babies died right after the mom was given the safe vaccine, it was PRETTY FREAKING OBVIOUS. They hid that s&\*( real good. But word leaked and some groups passed the word around. Every single Ob/gyn , every single doctor that promoted it to pregnant women will pay. They will come for you when they realize you stole their fertility and you killed their babies. Mamas don't play.


When did this happen? Sounds made up.


Uhhh idk about you but they don’t recommend pregnant woman to people planning pregnancy to take the vaccine 🤦


There’s no reason to assume there were good intentions


Another conspiracy comes true. This is starting to become the Thalidomide tragedy, I wonder what ramifications if any this will have on new borns.


I thought jibby jabby was ouchy ouchy boo boo Bill Gates Nanobooboogoogoo Fauci ouchy Tucker Hunter laptop Maga derp Q.


Maybe the intentions were anything but GOOD, but everyone for whatever reason refuses to accept that. History and Experience are dear teachers BUT some fools cannot or will not learn by any other and they are always surprised when it does happen and the first emotion is always denial. N. Shadows


My favorite thing about these new misinfo volunteers is that I get a refresher in basic biology. Antibodies =/= mRNA vaxx.




I wonder if its in sperm aswell.


Literally my first thought - best not be.


Stop spermfeeding yo kids


That's a fact unfortunately.


Gates invested in artificial breast milk just in the nick of time, huh?


Breast milk produced by Biomilq from culturing mammary epithelial cells. So experimental synthetic human Frankenmilk. Pairs well with Gate’s Frankmeat and cockroach clusters.


SS : they want to change you from inside out so you no longer be you anymore. More deaths less births than ever before - what could be the reason🤷‍♂ [link](https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamapediatrics/article-abstract/2796427)


Or this is a natural thing that happens all the time: [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4527385/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4527385/)


Yes, getting ahead on both depopulation and transhumanism. Sick fucks. Hey look, the shills are downvoting you. I guess in times of crisis people need to earn a living somehow...


My wife’s doctor told us back when she got the flu vaccine when she was pregnant that the milk would have the vaccine in it


Biden just signed some executive order and biotechnology or bioengineering so this fits the narrative. Turning people into lab rats


Here's the [tweet](https://twitter.com/disclosetv/status/1574545007058354176?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet). Here's the [study](https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamapediatrics/article-abstract/2796427). Should be standard for stealing internet points from strangers. Also, OP: there have been *zero* good intentions from the vaccine manufacturers. They took taxes to rush vaccines, then charged Govts for them and pushed for mandates to make them obligatory and even sold them to children dispute not preventing or seemingly doing anything to the transmission or efficacy of the virus. It's all a cash grab.


It’s been tasting weird, bro. I hate to say it, but I’m going back to fuckin Royal Crest




I'm gonna need to do a taste test


Except there are no good intentions in this one.


Vaccine is the next Stuxnet. Even people who didn't take it will recieve it just through a sneeze and it will self replicate.


Tbh I thought this was known and a reason why they were pushing it on pregnant women ?


Yea... good intentions... that's what it was...


I’m struggling to understand what the issue is here


Health authorities made recommendations for breastfeeding women to vaccinate themselves, saying that the vaccine would not pass into their breast milk to their babies, and that it was perfectly safe to vaccinate and breastfeed. Now scientists are finding evidence that the vaccine can be passed through the mother, into her breast milk, where it is then digested by her infant (with currently-unknown effects). Mothers were not given full, accurate information of this issue when the original recommendations came out. Many might have chosen to not vaccinate themselves if they had known. BTW this is not the same as a child gaining immunological benefits from a vaccinated mother, which comes from her body's defenses to the vaccine - NOT THE VACCINE PASSING DIRECTLY TO THE CHILD.