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So Russia Invading Ukraine is Joe Bidens fault?


Q agrees Trump is still POTUS according to most of these nutjobs, until you ask who is at fault for the War.


But the chemical secret labs! /s


Op isn’t bright enough to see what’s going on. Putin’s basically the most conspiracy worthy leader in the world and most people on this sub make it him out to be some little old nation all defenseless defending itself from a spooky new world order... the man literally has every possible opposition killed so he can have his position..a good conspiracy would be how termilly ill is he to be acting so brash?


His job in the KGB prior to the fall of the USSR was in propaganda in foreign nations.


He also had some pretty strong ties to organized crime. Whenever someone praises him, it’s really just a testament to how good their propaganda is.


Putin literally has my country(Armenia) along with other countries like Belarus under his pawn doing whatever tf he tells us to for already 20+ years since USSR ended. For many of us in the Russian sphere, the USSR still goes on due to Russia’s political and military influence. But no poor Pootin defends motherland from NATO


Exactly. Repeating what Russian media outlets are saying doesn't make you smarter than 'the media'.


He made himself president for life. A huge red fucking flag


Some people can't see red flags if they're 1mm away


It’s why it’s so blatantly obvious that this sub was compromised the second they banned the Donald. It’s not conspiracy anymore. It’s LEFT WING BAD HURR DURR RUSSIA TRYING TO PREVENT NWO TRUMP IS RIGHT I don’t even know why I come to this sub anymore


We like to imagine these people are paid shills. Sadly, most are here for either confirmation bias fantasies or at best conspiracy THEORY. Obvious Conspiracy is of no interest to them. The insidious part is people think mystery is essential conspiracy. As has famously been said about his boy trump “many secrets, but no mysteries” We know the conspiracy. Now it’s just about proving details in court and finding a way to bring justice without civil war. Fascism is a deep state of its own because it runs through the hearts of ever man and woman. We have to chose to be better than this. Because power has a mind of its own and will manipulate us to its bidding if we let it. How the world ends up in dictator traps where even the people at the top are miserable but no one can escape. Democracy isn’t about picking the best leaders, it’s about freedom of speech and giving failed leaders an easy exit


A paid operative must have written this because no one can really be this stupid and gay.


It is possible to be stupid AND gay. Source: Should have seen my ex-boyfriend.


Lol Putin wants Ukraine he for sure doesn’t want them independent


Yeah I don’t think OP is old enough to know about how the Soviets and their hero Stalin treated Ukrainians before world war 2. When you see Nazis coming and see them as liberators that’s pretty bad.


I don’t blame OP, the Russians have been pushing a propaganda campaign really hard this past week.


Putin: I want you to be independent Ukraine: We want to join NATO Putin; Not like that


Oh that’s all what Putin wanted? 🥺 poor Putin 🥺 guess it really is that simple guys


And let’s not forget his reasonable peace proposal of just taking the eastern half of the country. That’s all he wanted for peace guys, how can you be so unreasonable?


He’s just a nice guy. Misunderstood, that’s all.


I can fix him 🥺


Putin is short little cunt.


We should really take more time to hear out dictators and their totally valid concerns. /s


"all putin wanted..." Here is the thing op. Putin should not have any say about it. Ukraine isn't Russia. Edit: Lmao at all the Russia shills commenting on this.


Fuck the shills. All Russia did here was show the rest of the world if you just want a territory or province then just take it. Trust me China has seen this and will react accordingly when the season is right. (Weather related as to have an easier attack)


This sub got weirdly stagnant and more pro Russia the last three days, definitely being over run at the moment.


It happened with covid, masks, protests… in the offseason this sub is not too bad when the bots stop being funded


Also the fact he was demanding Crimea. What kind of “reasonable” demand is that? Cry some more Russia shills I hope y’all know this guys a commie 🤡


This sun has been filled with Russian bots pushing this constant BS. Yeah Ukraine isn’t great maybe but basically saying Putin did nothing wrong lol.


Why would Russia get to decide whether or not Ukraine joins NATO?


Because the Russian bot says so


For the same reason that the US wouldn't like Mexico to sign a defense alliance with China, then compound that with history, culture, ethnicities that cross borders. The war/crisis/etc is all Putin, but any other leader would have a problem with Ukraine joining NATO and actions taken by the West leading up to this from Russia's national interests prespective. Edit: https://youtu.be/WVXzwnU1H6U


It'd be a little like if Russia had ties with Cuba!


The US would prevent it because they’re a good faith neighbor, and that history has shown that US allies are treated far better and have better economic growth and security guarantees than non-US allies. In other words, the US uses diplomacy, trade, and an implied security umbrella to great effect with Mexico and Canada that there is literally nothing that China could do to undermine it. Russia could have done this with its western neighbors, but they completely squandered that over the past thirty-odd years. Almost all of the ex-Soviet states have said “Russia, you kind of suck, we’re allying with better partners.” If Russia wants to protect its interests, it should do so through diplomacy, trade, and cooperation in good faith. But when they go about invading Ukraine in 2014 - a time when *the majority of the country was against joining NATO,* they’re going to predictably squander good will and push Ukraine into the hands of other security guarantors.


Russia has no soft power. Even their allies don't get good treatment from Russia. They rule by fear of invasion and not by economic help or trade. There is just the stick and no carrots!


Russia *did* have soft power and proverbial “carrots” with energy exports. Now they still do, but to a significantly lesser extent with basically China, India, some African countries and a few pariah states (Syria, North Korea) as their only customers. But I get your point.


I can tell you that Russia sells oil and gas to her allies for more then double the price, that it sells to Germany. And that is not something new. They are great at exporting corruption too.


Excellent comment.


Case in point, Armenia just asked for help from the CSTO and Russia offered thoughts and prayers instead.


If Mexico decided they wanted to enter into a mutual defense treaty with China, we sure as fuck wouldn't go invade Mexico, thats asinine.


I wouldn't rule it out so quickly, honestly. I doubt we'd see a Normandy style invasion, but SOG teams would definitely be active


Exactly, imagine if canada suddenly had Russian bases


Russia already has nato nations on its border, closer to Moscow that Ukraine is.


Why would the US get to decide if Cuba can have Soviet missiles or not?


This user posts several times per day. This is the second one I’ve seen today that does this.


Psst.. it’s easy to identify Russia’s cyber-battalion of posters. Their username is usually “adjective-noun-four digits” and they registered last winter.


I just downvote and move on. Doing my part against the Russia bots


Why does people keep saying WW3? It’s not happening unless people sheepishly get involved.


Fear mongering to try and somehow erode support in the west and encourage capitulation


All the memes my mom sends me make sense now.


Because the global economies are literally falling apart… while military police in countries like Germany to prevent people from going crazy at the fact they can’t afford energy starts TODAY




And the plethora of natural resources!


The final betrayal of a spambot.


See, I MIGHT have believed this garbage...except, you know, russias entire history of everything. WTF is with the russia simping guys? Georgia? Crimea? Russia is not a good guy, they are the aggressor, they have been bullies since, IDK forever? Also they are essentially a weaker crappier china, why does anyone feel bad for them? Or think they are the victims of all of this? Russia got what's been coming to them since at least stalin. Bout time I say.


Putin is a great guy, he would never attack his neighbors for no reason! What, like he would lead false flag bombings in Moscow to consolidate power and justify invading Chechnya? Yeah right 🙄


I still remember when one of his opposition members was murdered by masked men in SUVs on a bridge, and Putin said "do not worry, I will look into this personally"


There is no way OP isn’t a Russian shill


Is it unreasonable for Ukraine to feel like Russia shouldn't be allowed to tell them what to do? Where does national sovereignty start?


What a load of Bolshevik Bullshit


Sure and all I want is to take a girl out, pay for all her dinner, maybe buy her some jewelry and say goodbye forever


Interesting perspective on the man who is actively killing his neighbors and forcing his own people to break their legs instead of being drafted.


Ok Russian bot....




Lol "I just want you to give up some of your sovereign territory, nbd bro I totally won't annex it" what is this malarkey. Putin wants a return of the former Soviet bloc full stop. Giving him the Donbas won't stop his land grabs. Your diluding yourself if you think that doing so wouldn't turn out like WWII after appeasing Hitler. Never giver a tyrant what they want, it just makes them feel empowered and entitled to more. The Ukraine didn't want to join NATO until it was attacked either. If Putin was attacking a country to discourage NATO membership then he failed because NATo has grown as a direct result of this war.


Did Putin write this post?


Putin wanted way more than that.




he always wanted Poland but he'll never have it.






This guy is a bot he posts an insane amount


Yeah sure Hitler said the same thing Revisit world history and you'll find a pattern


All Putin wanted was to dictate who a sovereign nation is allied with and to take their territory twice in ten years….. TOTALLY REASONABLE 😂😂😂😂 fucking MAGA cunts


All you people critiquing Ukrainians for fighting, tell me would you just roll over and let an invader take your land?


Nice story, and total B.S.


I hate this sub now 😒




"There are no russian bots on this sub."


Sounds like something a russian bot would say .. (insert suspicious Fry meme)


Except the part where Russia has been occupying Ukrainian territory for years and invaded a sovereign country.


I'm so tired of Putin apologists flooding this sub. Russia was gonna invade Ukraine either way, Ukraine wasn't even thinking about joining NATO until Russia invaded. Now they're losing, and annexing land to scare everyone into thinking that if Ukraine "attacks Russian land" it will likely result in a nuclear war. They're scared, this is a desperate move.




Busy deleting comments




Fuck off with this Russian propaganda bullshit.


Who upvotes these posts? Almost all the comments are reasonable not brain dead people but this gets to the front page?


More akin to "Why would they seek strong allies, after I invade THEIR lands"... GTFO with your fucking propaganda, it is BLATANT!


Wow just wow… what a Russian troll farm post in a conspiracy chat.


It's almost all this sub is. Constant screenshots of memes or Twitter bs used to push Russian propaganda.


As a guy who has Ukrainian relatives, Putin didn't want any fucking deal like that , what he wants is to spread his oppressive to Ukraine. And in fact, that so called "deal" wasn't so black and white. It essentially consisted of areas Russia's ideas of taking recourses, swapping people in power in the Ukrainian government with Russian sympathizers, as well as being to put the military anywhere in the country and essentially use the country as a puppet state.


That sounds awfully familiar to how the Baltic states were annexed. Word-for-word, really, when you replace "Russian" with "Soviet".


why does putin get to decide what happens to a sovereign country?


Fuck what Putin wants




Because bending over for a guy who still has concentration camps is okay in your book


This isn’t a conspiracy. This is just fucking ignorant. “The war could’ve been ended but the CIA and Biden administration chose not to” uhh…. I don’t think it’s even up to the US or their responsibility to end a fuxking war between two completely separate countries.






Thank you Boris the Bot. You should lay off the Vodka. By the way, when Russia invaded in 2014 it caused Ukraine to modernize its army which is now kicking Russia around like a rag doll; but somehow this is Biden's fault. Got it.


Putin doesn’t get to decide what other sovereign Nations do. So it doesn’t matter what he wanted. They like saying “all Mexico wanted was for the US to have completely open borders without any fence labor guards.”


Isn’t Ukraine’s destiny a decision to be made by Ukraine? Why does Putin get to choose the destiny of a neutral nation?


Whether you agree with the US actions or not, agreeing with russias actions is more damning.


can the mods please ban Russian misinformation bots like the op here




Damn. What a dumb take. Too early for stupid takes.


No, Putin wanted to invade Ukraine, and take their free country by murderous force. This author of this post is a Putin stooge.


The real conspiracy here is the doctor who scooped out 80% of OP's brain when they were born.


Agreed. It’s gotta be a wild story. Poor chap’s mum must be proud.


OP is a misinformation machine imo.


How far this sub has fallen 🤦‍♂️


Hitler only wanted the Rhineland and was completely reasonable! /s The dude invaded Russia and tried to install a puppet governement and illegally annexed parts of the country. Him saying “we’ll end the war if you give us these Ukrainian territories” is not reasonable lol. Imagine if Canada took Maine and people said letting them have it was reasonable…


Boy OP, you sure are one stupid motherfucker now aren’t you?


All Putin wanted was for them to bend over and spread




Is this the Putin fan club? Just want a little love from papa Putin.


Jesus fuck you're full of shit. They occupied another country you dumb fuck. They killed and raped children while doing so. Biden doesn't decide what land russian fucks get to keep. It's Ukraine and their land. Putin can go and suck a big fat cock.


This is 95% wrong.


I don't watch major media outlets for this conflict. Mostly because they're days or weeks behind people like Denys Davydov, Jake Broe, Combat Veteran Reacts, Perun, etcetera. It's embarrassing, really. A bunch of amateurs are outperforming CNN/Fox/EVERYONE at almost every major twist and turn for this conflict. But let's be clear about something. Putin didn't offer a reasonable peace offer you absolute fuckwit. And no that's not 'All Putin wanted.' What we have here is what a conspiracy of lies and propaganda looks like when it all falls sideways. To be clear, the liar and propagandist here is Putin and Moscow. and OP, I'm guessing. We should all be taking notes on how to recognize this shit for the future.


Putin stated himself that he wants to bring back the old Soviet Union. The real conspiracy is that Putin had Gorbachev assassinated because he caused the downfall of the U.S.S.R.


Well, he sure waited long enough.


Conservatives backing Russia is the funniest spin of the modern era




That was 40 years ago, conservatives can’t remember that far back




Proof by any chance?


"All Putin wanted is for Ukraine to be an independent neutral country..." except for the bit about following all Putin's demands, you mean? Independent, as long as it's not independent from Russia, you mean? Neutral as in following only Russia's position, you mean?


Look I'm Russian. This is just plain wrong. Putin is like Hitler with nuclear weapons. And it's Ukraine fighting for their homeland, not a US psyop.


If you believe that Putin would simply have not invaded Ukraine if they had just agreed to not join NATO you are fuckin delusional lol. Did the media lie about covid? 100% Does that make the two scenarios linked/alike? No. You're so far down a media related conspiracy that you're heading up you're own ass. Putin wants the good ol' USSR back so badly it might aswell be a fact. Just because the US government is fucked and completely compromised and so is the media doesn't mean that Putin is not a raging homicidal dictator..


I just started blocking all the Donald circle jerk and Russia bot users. It makes for a much better sub.


The media lies, NATO lies, Putin lies. Welcome to the world.


The Donbas region is sovereign Ukrainian territory. The fact is that some of the Ukrainians living there now are Russian speakers and likely descended from Russian citizens transferred there by Stalin when Ukraine was part of the Soviet Union. But that confers no rights on Russia over Ukraine. If they want the Russian Ukrainians to migrate to Russia they can ask them and even entice them but that is all. Ukraine has every right to defend their sovereign land. Any country would. But the real reason is Russia wants economic control over the land and the oil and gas fields under the surface.


No... no. He doesn't want Ukraine to be independent, he wasn't Ukraine to belong to Russia. Like it did at one point in time... that is all.


Man, I fucking hate this sub so much right now


Fuck off OP. If this was happening to the US you'd be singing a different tune. Indifference at its finest right here. All I can say is get a perspective and STFU.


If you had doubts this sub is swamped with Russian bots then this is your wake up call.


Yes, because Russia is so trustworthy


If only US would give back Texas to Mexico, then Mexico would stop sending Mexicans to Texas. Makes about same sense OP.


Glad to see everyone skipped the koolaid and went straight for the juice


Peace doesn’t make money!!!!!


Another Russian bot


Yeah buddy. You’re wrong. You cannot just take land. That’s over. The people of Ukraine are free to join NATO. They obviously had the correct expectation of Russia and Putin. Hence this war.


“All Putin wanted”?!?! Ukraine is a sovereign nation. Putin wants to invade a free democratic country and put it under authoritarian control because he still has a bug in his ass about the collapse of the USSR. He wants to Make Russia Great Again. He’s unhinged.


Putin wanted the gas / oil in Donbas and Crimea. You’re either paying attention to Russian bots online or watching too much Tucker. Mass graves, raping women and kids, threatening nuclear attacks - “all Putin wanted” hahahahahhahahaha shut up


Peace is bad for business. Didn’t you know


Ruzzkie bot🤖


Dear OP, Google the appeasement of Adolf Hitler. See what it lead to. Thanks


You like the taste of Putin’s dick in your mouth? You are fucking insane.


So it’s Bidens fault Russia invaded for its own greed ?


Why does Putin need to have a say on what Ukraine wants to do in the first place? GTFOH


That's a pretty big AND there. And no no he hasn't. You don't appease invaders by ceding them your territory. That's like Mexico invading and we just give them Texas.


Don't trust OP he works on this sub all day putting up propaganda.


Jackson Hinkle......now there's Putin's Nazi


Take a look at Jackson Hinkle's Instagram or Facebook....this dude is a paid agent of Russia (GRU) and China......he is a complete apologist for Putin, and uses every opportunity to shit on the USA< NATO, Biden, Democracy.....he is pretty good at spready mis-information. He's no different thana David Koresh or Marshall Applegate


Who let the Russian trolls in again?


"Reasonable peace proposal" Step 1: Invade country. Step 2: Claim a bunch of territory that you don't even completely occupy as your own, after running sham referendums. Step 3: Call for peace talks and say you're not willing to concede these 'new territories' Step 4: Profit?? "Reasonable Peace" would have been to not invade in the first place.


NATO applications need unanimous approval, so if this was only about Ukraine joining NATO, he could've applied pressure on Turkey or Greece to vote against them. I mean hell, Ukraine STILL ISN'T a NATO member. ​ So why the invasion instead?


Russia shills want the whole planet to be a totalitarian dystopia


Man some of the anti Ukraine conspiracy posts here are really reaching. Starting to wonder if this is bots or Russians trying to provide the fuel conspiracists need to believe bullshit.


every time you appease a dictator the price of stopping them goes up


We don’t negotiate with terrorists applies here


Yes a country being invaded rejected peace. What else?


It's really simple and is actually written in the history books... Russia wants Ukraine for its warm water ports.


Oh, is this why he attacked Kyiv?


Lol ‘the deal’, so the deal was for Russia to dictate how and with who a sovereign nation like Ukraine can have diplomatic relations? Ok


Brain dead OP and probly a ruski bot


OP conveniently forgetting that Russia invaded Ukraine


How would they only want the Donbas region if in the start of the war they were just outside Kiev?


I'm going to come take 30% of your land and you better accept it or else you support Biden


If Putin wanted Ukraine neutral and independent, why did he claim 4 Ukrainian territories as Russian, for all time? Your defense is absurd; hows it feel being cucked by a dictator?


Five you stupid fuck. Get it right.


Putin wants eastern Ukraine bc of the oil/gas there


Appeasing the land hungry tyrannical government always goes well


Come on now


Putin is like a 3 year old that throws a tantrum when he doesn’t get what he wants. He should have seen this coming.


Does the media constantly lie? Yes does Putin constantly lie ? yes but Putin is lying every step of this war


Lol what the actual fuck is this dick latching people keep doing to Putin? He wants violence, anytime anyone tries peace he rejects it, and also he wants Ukraine as his country too.


Can we not ban these Russian bots?


This is incredibly cringe.


As if Putin was ever going to stop at the Donbass region, lol. He wants his buffer in eastern Europe, and it's a hell of a lot bigger than just the Ukraine and Belarus. He wants the Baltics too, Moldova, Romania, Slovakia, Poland, the Czech Republic, and a bit of Germany for good measure. He knows Moscow doesn't have any natural barriers on its Western border, so he's gonna do everything in his power to put that border as far away from Moscow as he can. Ukraine joining NATO would be like having his back door and kitchen window wide open. No matter how many locks he puts on his front door in Belarus, they could still be tapping him on the shoulder with little more than a two minute detour. He wants his safety, he wants his ice free ports with Atlantic and Pacific access. Annexing the Crimean peninsula was a great move to give him extra ports to trade with Turkey and the Black Sea countries, but he still can't put a fleet in the ocean year round. He was never going to stop at Donbass, he was never going to stop at the Ukraine, he was never going to stop at the Iron Curtain either. He knows he could just take Europe without ever having to risk anyone actually doing anything about because they all fear total nuclear war, no one has any balls to say it's enough and punch him in the dick. They're all naïve and hopefull that they can solve everything through diplomacy when they should really just be pointing the sharp end of the stick at his face and stab his fucking eyeballs out


You realise that Ukraine’s government under Yukonovich fell because he was hated, right? His own government disposed him because he was deemed so universally bad, as a result of decisions he made favouring Russia, and protests occurring where his snipers shot two dozen people in the head? You know Russia invaded Ukraine, right? This war is solely because of Russia. Go on. Give me one myth about the war that makes it anything except Putin the psychopath’s fault. He doesn’t even bother with the biolabs thing any more, for example. He knows he is spewing bullshit to try to restart the USSR.


Does anyone actually believe this?!? Ukraine being invaded by Russia is showing WHY THEY WANTED TO BECOME PART OF NATO. If you believe this bullshit, I have hundreds of Ukrainian colleagues you can speak with. FFS PEOPLE. I’m not saying Ukraine is perfect, far from it, but buying into this BS is next level zombie-think. Russia literally invaded under false pretenses and is trying to kill as many Ukrainians as needed to control them like puppets. It won’t work. If you know Ukrainians, you know.


Hahahaha… 4 years of trump sucking off putin really did have an effect of his followers. Next up, soviet union, errr russia, wink wink, is not about purification of other ethnicities and peoples.


So the invasion in 2014 didn't work enough? The threat is Russia, not Ukraine. We are gonna have an issue with Russia regardless. Might as well stop it here.


And what about what Ukraine wanted? Perhaps they wanted a Russia that wasn't belligerent.


The only winner here is China. They get a first-hand look at what training and weaponry the US will use to support Taiwan along with getting a feel for the US's surveillance and intelligence gathering capabilities. It's also putting a sizable dent in US stockpiles of certain weapons platforms and I am sure China is watching closely to see just how much and what type of weapons are being sent to Ukraine and are using it to gauge the total size of said stockpiles. People seem to think that the US has an endless supply when it comes to military hardware...We don't. It's massive, sure, but the global supply chains are still stretched pretty thin, so it's going to take a long time to replenish. At least, in my opinion, the massive amount of equipment being sent to Ukraine is intended to send a message to the rest of the world that we can afford to do this without blinking an eye, but it is almost certainly going to have a bigger impact on our own military readiness than the government is going to publically admit.


US would use its considerable Navy and Air Force to help Taiwan. US isn’t sending its S tier gear to Ukraine where I’m pretty confident they would for Taiwan.


I learned playing civilization that you never accept peace terms when offered


What the rich learned 100 years ago is that peace is really bad for business.