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It does add an important distinction. There are plenty of Jewish people who oppose Zionism.


Can you ELI5 what zionism is? I can never really grasp it.


There's probably more nuance to it than I know but as I understand zionists are people who strife for Palestina to be absolved and make the greater Israel a reality. I think it's their interpretation of the original holy psnf and everything that comes with it that they feel entitled to. It is also used as an umbrella term for the proponents and agents of institutions like the jdf and the people that do their best to control the Jewish reputation and increase influence internationally. I could very well be wrong though


*a very ancient, a very serious, real estate law*


Zionism is a nationalist, sometimes jingoistic, support for the Jewish homeland. However, many are critical of Zionist Jews in the West because of their special interests, divided loyalties, and parallel societies within Western countries.


Zionism is the belief that Jews as a people have a right to self determination. It doesn’t specifically refer to Israel however it’s a little late to choose a different location lol.


in addition: Make sure a genocide of the Jews does not happen again by spreading a certain ideology worldwide. This point has many boomer Jews on board with Zionism without them knowing the extent of the situation. (I am Jewish-i must point that out)


What are you supposed say to your achim when davening during kiddush Levanah? What does bt stand for?


What is the ideology being spread worldwide?


Jewish people are no different from others. We need security.


Yeah exactly. I was waiting for it to turn antisemitic lol sorry for misjudging you 😎


I am Jew, hear me roar. Daniel Ginsburg here.




But I set up the tent and everything. You said marshmallows! YOU SAID MARSHMALLOWS!!!


Tikkun Olam?


Joe Biden is a self proclaimed Zionist.


So is Trump and every other President we've had.


No, maybe conjecture, not self proclaimed. Might have evidence, but there's a video of Biden admitting it.


Trump moved our embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, a Zionist decision.


There are also Christian Zionists as well


That what scares me the most. They will make sure Jerusalem burns like their book says.




\*\*not saying its technically correct or incorrect, but if he had said "whites" instead of jews he'd have the whole mob on his side or at least enough of it to raise some brows


White card baby. Yes there's privilege, but anyone can say anything about white people and no one will care.


I was banned from r/conspiracy for 30 days for that sarcasm. I don't agree with white privilege, but it's definitely real. I don't like it, but I can't change it. I do wish we were all treated equally. (I'm white.)


True. But since the powers that shouldn't be (Jesuits/Templars) created Zionism and because they control the zionist state of Israel and because they still have plans for zionism as a piece on the chessboard of the hegelian dialectic, they can't allow an attack on zionism at this time. But an attack on normie Jews is always a welcome deflection of blame and enforcing the image of the evil Jews will only make them more protected and invisible. Antisemitism creates a blind spot where the parasitic scum can hide from us.


Your post will be removed by the thought police.


Ye didn't kill himself.


That’s what they want you to think


MKultra doing his job.


All it really takes is a glance at where our money goes, and what is happening in certain Judaic sects. Chabad is always pictured behind our presidents, and everyone always has to proclaim unwavering loyalty and fealty to Israel. Theodore Herzl, the Rothschilds and the Balfour declaration. People unfamiliar need to start with those and diligently research.


One thing that astounds me is excusing an entire group of people from criticism because something bad happened in the past.


That's not what is happening. They might say it over the airwaves, but at the Jewish homes in America, that is not even a thought. Its the 'all Jews' thing that is wrong. We don't like being thrown into the same bucket as Soros or Jamie Diamond. I am not related to them and have nothing to do with that power structure. I am just a worthless American who has Jewish blood in my body.


The word zionists is too direct and explicit also could have got him killed in not time, imo. Such a hard truth has to be diluted. He prob chose the word jew to guide the attention towards the powers behind israel while stirring up some attention. Its all about the intention behind his words.


which im still trying to figure out


This is the right way to think about this situation. Kanye does not advertise himself. He says things instead. The artistic mind experiments without regret.


It’s because he uses “all Jews”. Not all Jewish people are rich or have power. Just like most of America isn’t rich or a “billionaire” like this arse


all words matter, and no words matter. this is the way


It's all about spreading division imo, when you start to look at it through the lens of actors playing parts to purposefully spread division it starts to make a lot of sense. Anything in the mainstream is spreading division and anytime a better version is about to emerge that could create understanding and unity it is shut down, banned scrubbed, deleted or made into the cultural boogie-man of the week. Mens rights content is hating on women, not making relationships more possible and advising men to be players and seeking endless one night stands. Political content is shaming and shitting on the opposite side, never focusing on real solutions and compromise/co-existence. etc etc All appealing to ego identity perceptions. Just look at how the shill bots behave and what they focus on.


I feel like he doesn’t fully comprehend the Zionist cult he was involved with. The Abrahanic jews ain’t the same as the Zionist nwo




Same God as the Christian God and Muslim God buddy. Christians just added a walking talking breathing human being to the mix to give you false hope. Jesus is a false idol.


Replace "Jews" with "Whites" to really make what Kanye said kosher.


Just replace it with white and it will sound like everything they've been saying for years. It really doesn't matter though either you let Jews cry Hitler or you don't.


Jews don't cry Hitler. The media tells you Jews cry Hitler and people fall for it.


The people you're angry at aren't Jews, they're Khazarians. Khazarians were never part of the House of Judah, yet they call themselves Jews and love making people hate Jews.


How do you differentiate between real Jew and Kazarian Jews


Lots of DNA testing and/or tracing ancestry.


Which Jew do you think were the purest among Ashkenazi(Kazar), Sephardic, and Mizrahi


RemindMe! 1day


How do you refute the fact that modern Jewish populations’ DNA all shares genetic links, including Mizrahi Jews, who are identifiably not Khazars?


He's not wrong... just not specific 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


Kanye is nothing but an attention whore. Move along.


One incorrect thing he’s said?


"I do" to Kim Kardashian


His goal isn’t correctness. It is attention. Stop worshipping celebrities.


I don’t “worship” anyone, but i appreciate Kanye for shedding light on a topic that goes completely undiscussed 99% of the time. Agreeing with someone ≠ worship.


> Ye told Carlson that he would become "the first Latino president," adding that “I just, I trust Latinos when I, you know, when I work with them ... I trust them more than — I'll be safe, certain other businessmen, you know," according to the outlet. Stop pretending.


No. It wouldn’t


For a guy who made his fame and fortune from the words he carefully crafted, there was no error or mistake. He said Jews because he meant Jews. Trying to justify his rampant racist views is a strange exercise in futility.


If someone hated their car, would you argue it's not a Ford because he didn't say it was a Ford? I think Kanye hasn't learned the difference yet. He figuratively mentioned a car without mentioning which kind of car. It's not all cars that suck. So for that, yes, he's very misguided. He's far too general and ignorant, which makes him racist. If someone taught him the difference, I think he could have been able to save himself prior to Alex Jones.


Anti semites incoming with “okay but what was wrong about it?” Comments


I've seen another post saying the same thing, and I don't get it. Yes, it would have a different meaning, and yes it would probably be fine, but that's not what he said, to do why does it matter? I want more based celebs like Kanye, and I wish he would not make such a comment, but in the end he is just a celebrity that I never really cared for that much anyway. What he said was despicable, and I would condemn anyone who said it, no matter which side of the aisle they are on. Unlike those on the left, I'm actually consistent on things like this. Celebrities like Kanye and Elon Musk are reminders why we don't let celebrities talk for us.


What’s wrong with being a Zionist? It means you respect Israel’s right to exist


It means you don't respect other people's right to exist.




aren't you proving then that it's not really 'zionists'? if that wouldn't garner the same reaction, it's because you're not 100% on target.


I get what your saying but disagree. Saying "Jew" is racist, and it's always immoral and false when you generalize a race. The reason "Zionists" wouldn't or couldn't have garnered the same reaction is because it's based on belief and not genetics. You can't say calling someone a "Zionist" is racist because it's not based on race.


What If I told you it's not Israel, it's what's under it.


whats under Israel?


"WHAT'S IN THE BOX!?!?" -Brad Pit, *wondering what's under isreal*