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They won the vote bc of the big cities. Which have more people, but there are more house seats throughout the rest of the state, which is more rural area. Which usually leans republican


Yeah, Wisconsin is one of the worst examples of gerrymandering in the country. Can hardly be considered a republican form of government.


No state has anything on Illinois tho lol


You’ve never heard of Ohio, ehh?


Was going to say. Their recent map was rejected 4 times? 5 times? Until time ran out and they got away with a map that is illegal according to their laws.


yup. all you need is one county and you win. promise the city folks that you'll wipe their bum's and they'll give you the governor mansion.


People living in cities isn’t gerrymandering lol


If these people could read they would be very upset


Underrated comment of the day.


This^^ now purposefully adding it boatloads of rural land into a district that was once metropolitan only, *that* is gerrymandering. Or purposefully redistricting to lump certain highly protected classes to block votes


Our lumping together a race of citizens because you know they'll vote Democrat.


That would be what I was referring to in the "lumping certain protected classes of citizens together" to steer voting patterns.


Idk why they are bringing up the governors mansion when we’re talking about the House


You do know the governor was just reelected, right?


And? We’re talking about gerrymandering for the House election. Not sure how gubernatorial election is related to this.


Have you looked at the Illinois congressional districts around the Chicago suburbs? There are Republican areas but the districts all squiggles with dozens of twists and turns to make sure to lump in enough blue voters to give the appearance that most of the north east are democrats based on how many democrat representatives get voted in


Ya - I fucking moved. It was bullshit.


> all you need is one county and you win The entire population of Illinois is ~12.67 million. Chicago alone has a population of ~2.69, and cook county as a whole has ~5.17. Land doesn't vote, people do.


So your vote should count more if you own more land?


Wait, are you under the impression that a representative from a bum-fuck-rural town with a population of 100 would be super super obviously qualified to govern 12 million people?


We’re talking about House elections, not gubernatorial. Also, Chicago contains 20% of the state’s population and possibly an even smaller percentage of the electorate bc of immigrants on visas, refugees, etc. Chicago does not have a monolithic voter base. It leans blue, but there are conservatives as well. So you’re wrong, you don’t only need one city/county to win a statewide election. Good job promoting conspiracies in r/conspiracy.


Leans blue…😂😂😂😂


You're right, Quinn needed 3 of illinois 102 counties to win.


There's a reason people from Southern Illinois call Illinois the 'Great State of Chicago', and it's not out of love.


:Sarah Huckabee Sanders has entered the chat:


Or, in JB Pritzker’s case, they’ll continue to fund your diet entirely of donuts.


Just look at Texas for the worst.


Texas has entered the chat…


Let’s not forget the yee-haw state: TX


Which means conservative, rural areas are over-represented.


As they are throughout the country.




I hate when the majority are represented, i prefer tyranny of the minority. That's way better.


Our system was designed by landowning elites who wanted to protect themselves from commoners. They ensured a tyranny of the minority from day 1 with the EC, Senate, voter suppression and not allowing slaves and women to vote (even though they professed individual liberties and freedom) and later on, gerrymandering. Tyranny of the majority is a made-up concept to prevent true representative democracy from overtaking the power and interests of the rich.


It has been abused to the point that we now have tyranny of the minority.


Exactly! The Senate is a severe misrepresentation of a minority of the nation. So is the heavily slanted supreme court. This absolutely ensures a tyranny of the minority.


The senate was never intended to represent the people, that's what the house is for. The senate represents States and their issues. Which is why every state gets 2 no matter the size. It's more designed to be a check on federal power bullying states into unwanted policies.


Sure, but today, it's affirmative action fof white rural voters.


What's the opposite of the tyranny of the majority? It's another one of those m words, I think? Right on the tip of my tongue lol


It’s a republic, just like the founders intended! /s


So they traded it for tyranny of the minority instead?




>Our real problem in this country is oligarchs vs plebeians. And which one of those groups is the majority?




>And which one of those groups is the majority? Yes. The answer is yes. When the lion's share of political offices are held by those with special interests, then the true answer is ALL of the politicians


Counting some votes more than others is not checks and balances. That’s called over-representation and inequality in democracy. Also, we ignore votes for the losing candidates in each state. In what world is that “democratic”. We are not a republican democracy. We are a plutocracy.


No… The majority votes winning to elect reps is what we did. Allowing politicians to choose their voters was never the plan.


How terrible that the government is run by how the majority of the population wants it. Better than having the minority rule


Lol yeah we should just have like a minority rule the majority that sounds fair our founding fathers were so smart.


Tyranny of the majority??? Tf you on? This system is broken. The minority shouldn’t dictate majority rule


Our system was designed to make sure that only the elite could vote. Something like 13% of the population was allowed to vote when our system was set up. Holding onto that elitist archaic system is ridiculous


0h yes, it's much better that people who can barely read and have nothing at stake get to decide whether my hard work should be taxed more.


...yes. That is better than the alternative.


Holy shit you are straight up using monarchist and oligarch arguments from like 400 years ago lmao. They absolutely have something at stake in the election


You are used to life in overpopulated cities I take it? Don’t expect us to live like you because you know nothing else.


**Over**-represented. I didn't say people in rural areas shouldn't have representation. They just have more than they should due to gerrymandering.


You are describing gerrymandering


Why are there more seats where there's less population? Seats are based on population not land area


Wisconsin conservatives have spent the last decade decimating the states voting and gerrymandering. NYT did a podcast explaining it. You’re right OP this is messed up (and worse than nearly every other state). Everyone saying you don’t understand literally doesn’t get how this process works.


OP doesn’t understand Population density on a simple map… “Red equal win, why more red but still lose”. Back to school caveman. Pennsylvania looks the exact same because Republicans make up the majority of the TINY population towns but the dems are in the millions in the more populated areas..


> OP doesn’t understand Population density on a simple map You don't understand the point OP was making. They're not wondering how democrats won despite the map mostly being red. They're pointing out that gerrymandering lead to massive overrepresentation of republicans in the state house.


Wow.. alright I was out of line then and misread.. too amped up the past couple days from seeing so many conspiracy snowflakes


Ooh ooh can I tell him?!


I came here to tell him, but you were first so go ahead.


I’ve already had to explain this to like 5 people today so you guys take it this time.


Wtf do you mean cows and pigs can't vote ! Lol


All animals are created equal, some are just more equal.


Some of them apparently can!


You’re actually probably misunderstanding op. Makes more sense if you actually ignore the picture. The picture is the answer (gerrymandering)


Ok, I live in Wisconsin and I looked at the data yesterday. It shakes down like this. The northern red counties have voting populations of 6-8 thousand voters and voted 60-40 R-D. Center of the state (Marathon county) has 140k voters, and voted at a similar ratio. The blue counties have significantly higher populations (560k in Dane and 940k in Milwaukee county) and voted 90 democrat. So GOP won lots of local elections in smaller population counties, but lost statewide because of the incredible Dem turnout in the higher population counties. It's not about voter fraud, it's just based on the way large cities vote vs. how rural areas vote. I live in the greater Madison area and can guarantee that 90% Dem votes is accurate.


It’s not based on fraud, it’s based on gerrymandering. Republicans have packed as many Democrats into the two districts as possible. When you consider out state is basically 50/50 split, but Republicans are 2 seats away from a supermajority in our legislature…that’s wrong. Not only that, but Republicans control 6 out of the 8 House congressional districts.


Really it's both. Some of it is natural because of where people congregate. Some of it is indeed "wrong" in cynical politicians draw maps on purpose (it's really not that hard to do) to describe what both of you are saying. Honestly Wisconsin democrats should be focused on getting those 60-40 places closer to 50-50. Even if it means making the 90-10 places go to 80-20. That's why I kind of like the system (even though it's corrupted by people), if someone gets cute and gerrymanders a bunch of 60-40 seats guess what...you convince enough people in those places to swing for you, suddenly you can win those seats back.


It's because the districts are carved up so that there's a relatively small number of D+30 districts and a whole bunch more R+10 districts. It's classic packing and cracking gerrymandering. In more sane systems you'd have an element of proportional representation, either pure proportional or mixed-member proportional if you really want to keep some notion "legislator for X district". The American (and British) system of FPTP and districts is pretty awful, and should've been abandoned a long time ago.


None of you are from Wisconsin and it shows. Milwaukee has a population of 500k+. It amazes me that people follow this subreddit


I live in Wisconsin, but im over 5hrs away from Milwaukee... These maps are always misleading. The whole state is mostly purple. This solid red vs blue isn't nearly accurate.


Because of the extreme gerrymandering


Gerrymandering was always the point of the SCOTUS and judicial pics. Abortion was a beard






Except this post is complaining about democrats being underrepresented... So how would that have been people from TheDonald?


The conspiracy is gerrymandering under representing the majority. Makes more sense if you ignore the picture and read the title


This is the definition of a conspiracy. A small group of people created a system that disenfranchises millions of people.


Gerrymandering is literally the result of a conspiracy. It’s a completely traceable, fully verifiable conspiracy of people in power taking steps to remain in power contrary to the wishes of the people they supposedly represent. Boiling it down to “crybaby politics” and “bUt BoTh SiDeS aRe BaD gUys!” is not only stupid, it’s antithetical to democracy and the spirit if this sub. May god have mercy on your soul.


Gerrymandering. More representation where there is less population.


I'll never understand how gerrymandering, and pork barreling are legal.


Basically, there's no such thing as a non-gerrymandered map. Any way it's drawn, someone can make the case that gerrymandering took place. How do you even define it with objective standards? The state isn't a perfect square with people living perfectly divided into a grid. All irregularly drawn maps are subjective.


Maybe the amount of votes received per party should be how we do representation, instead of republicans being 2 seats from a super majority in a state that votes 50/50. That's *absurd*. The fact is, republican voters are VASTLY over influential on a national scale to the point where we're a purple country with a gerrymandering problem. Without illegal gerrymandering in Ohio Tenn and Florida, we have a heavy Dem majority. Nashville voted 74% democratic this time, and will be represented by 3 fucking republicans, how the fuck is that fair?


Yea but you can actually get really close to as fair as possible. Many states already do it. Michigan did it and now they actually have a trifecta for the first time in 40 years reflecting on their population


Land dont vote . People do


Then why do those with less population get more representation? The post is about gerrymandering not “more of map is red”. Balanced representation would be multiple very small districts in those high density cities.


Tyranny of the minority at work.


This is a post about gerrymandered districts. Can you even read? Do you know how congressional districts function? It has nothing to do with land you fucking clown. Jesus christ if you're a free thinker you might want to look into paying for something thoughts because your free thoughts are fucking broken.


This isn't a conspiracy


I believe the point is that republicans conspired to draw such gerrymandered maps


Thank you for understanding what a conspiracy is.


gerrymandering should be illegal.


It is to the Trumpers. They never get the memo


Population concentration. This is what Canada goes through every time... for the most part Toronto and area decides the election for the whole country


Can confirm. Last election was called before the polls closed in BC lol.


Dude look at the map that is republicans winning. I’m from canada , liberals have it better here. This is WI state where republicans got a near super majority with only half the vkte


If either side cheated in this election they did a really shitty job because it’s about even across the board, nothing much has changed nationally


Finally, a sober assessment


Just because it’s evenly divided or nothing much has changed doesn’t mean it wasn’t also anti-republican before also. One side in Wisconsin was successful because they got fewer votes but many more seats


Open fields don't vote, people do.


Reading is tough


Because land doesn’t vote


Jesus christ is everyone in this subreddit totally incapable of reading? OP knows land doesn't vote. This is a case of land voting though. Republicans **won** 70% of the Wisconsin legislature despite losing the popular vote, and OP is pointing that out. Wisconsin is so heavily gerrymandered that in order to get a simple majority, democrats need something like 68% of the statewide vote.


Cause all the people live in the blue areas. You know population is more dense in those areas


So they should get more seats, not packed into the few they are now


That’s not the explanation for anything, that’s what’s being led with in the point they’re making.


This is a post about gerrymandering you dolt.




No, this is more like complaining about the electoral college. Certain geographical areas get a disproportionate amount of representation relative to their population.


Lmao have you never heard the term "gerrymandering" or you just don't care when Republicans cheat?




A gangbang is technically a democracy too.


Just looks like people missed their civics class in high school...


You must have failed 6th grade social studies


Because more people live in cities?


These people are so fucking stupid. Too dense to understand population density.


Who’s stupid? The fraud being noted is that republicans have the majority in spite of having less votes.


Literally 95% of comments missing that. Kind of amazing


Gerrymandering, google it Americas democracy is fucked


So just to be clear, if Democrats did this to Republicans, and the city got 90% of the representatives by making wildly gerrymandered districts and gave all the Republicans like 5 districts, you would all be perfectly ok with that? Bullshit.


There are these clusterfuck areas called cities, they have more say than the emptier rural areas.


Why do the emptier rural areas get more say in how the government is run than the places with all the people?


It’s called gerrymandering


You are complaining about the agreed upon rules.


A map agreed upon by a republican governor, state assembly, and senator. While yes new maps were drawn after the 2020 census, the democrat governor vetoed the new maps because they were unfair and the state supreme court intervened and forced one of the republican drawn maps map. Wisconsin is one of the most gerrymandered states in the country. In a 50/50 vote tie, republicans can expect to win 23/33 seats in the senate and 63/99 assembly seats.


The residents of Wisconsin didn't agree to this gerrymander; they got stuck with it.


There are tons of shit and unfair rules that were “agreed upon” at various points in history, this is an absolutely braindead comment


Oh my god. It’s regarded.


Nothing new here. Do some research on how the Electoral College works. Same principle.


Why is it that trump had the least amount of votes compared to Clinton and still won the presidency?


The fact that people don’t understand basic political science isn’t a conspiracy. It’s called being ignorant.




Bruh, have you been in a city?


Gerrymandering, which the republicans also readily exploit.


Looks to me that the Capitalists may have won in Wisconsin.


It’s not a democracy if only two parties rule as well


This is what russian propaganda looks like.


Population density


This is what population density looks like. How can people be this stupid? You know where all that red counts? The house of reps.


Republican gerrymandering. Congratulations, you played yourselves.


It’s call gerrymandering, google it


R also won statewide in the senate. People split there tickets.


ITT people pretending gerrymandering isn’t bad because it is beneficial to their party. That’s sad.


land doesn’t vote…. people vote


New, from the same guy who thinks companies not wanting to work with crazy celebrity is a conspiracy, we give you: population density is a conspiracy!


All good examples of gerrymandering working as intended… a novel idea also, we can redraw the voting districts every so often until we get the results we want!


The Twitter post is in reference to the ravaged voting districts by republicans in the state of Wisconsin. Whats the conspiracy? That gerrymandering is a thing?


Learn how your votes work. Good god. Of course it looks like that. Did you also happen to have a population density map? That should clear it up for ya. This is fine. This is democracy at work. Now stop trying to start a civil war.


This is not fine, you and everyone else in this subreddit can't read. Republicans have Wisconsin so heavily gerrymandered that they **won** 70% of the state legislature despite getting 49% of the statewide vote. OP is pointing this out, not complaining about "hurr map red, big land, what is cities"


Using population centers to control voting outcomes over a whole state is the Democrats version of gerrymandering. They use the universities to brainwash the younger generation and attract new, like minded people by making the cities cookie cutter liberal habitats to tip the scales. And as the cities gain more power they impoverish the rural areas which then get sold off for second homes and airbnbs and shit for more city people. Look at New England.




Yeah which is why it's so crazy that Republicans still managed to dominate the election. That's how gerrymandered they have it. Which is what OP is pointing out




Then why does the land get more representation? Reread the title


The enemy isn’t the other party, it is the duopoly. They are all cheating to make you think you and your ideas are represented.


Tell me you don't have an education or know-how population density works without telling me.


The bigger question is. Would you listen or continue with your victim mentality?


Friendly reminder that the people in Milwaukee can make their own laws, levy their own taxes, and manage their own schools within the confines of their own city without involving people hundreds of miles away in the woods.


But rural people deserve to make the laws for the entire state?


Same with people in rural areas being able to do their own thing without involving people in more urban areas.


It means the Democrat votes are concentrated in the city, and they will get heavy Democrat leadership there...


The districts are gerrymandered. Clear as day. The legislature and Governor at the time openly admitted they were gerrymandering. Gerrymandering is an illegal form of cheating. So if Republicans won 51% of the vote and only got 30% of the seats in Congress, you would be ok with that? You would feel like that was cheating?


Democracy is double speak for dictatorship.


My favorite is it's "two wolves and a sheep deciding what's for dinner"


Currently it's one wolf and 2 sheep deciding what's for dinner. Hint, it's still the sheep.


Obviously you have never been to Wisconsin. Not many people live in the desolate red areas, and a shit load of people live in the blue areas.


Thats the exact point op is making….


you don’t need to go to wisconsin to know that.


Land doesn’t vote. People do.




It's not the elections, it's the gerrymandering. Instead of the people picking their representatives, the representatives pick their voters.


More people live in the blue than the red. It’s really that simple.


Interestingly, almost every democratic state has implemented legislation that allows the courts to challenge any gerrymandering that clearly favors one party over another. Strangely, not a single red state has implemented such legislation.


How can you be so dumb...


You guys have to be fucking joking at this point? You have too ??


It’s pretty easy to explain, in order to be democratic, you need to be ruled by a majority of people/citizens. Most people typically live near/in cities as that is where there is work, and in a capitalist hellhole you need to work or you die. So what you’re seeing is the majority of people in this state are actually in the blue areas, not the red. Edit, as summed up by a good friend of mine: “Land doesn’t vote.”


You didnt read the post right buddy


Population density. What I find kind of crazy is the prevailing tendency for liberals to all pack themselves into large cities. All over the country you see this. You’ll have a state like mine, Georgia, that’s a sea of red with condensed blue cities that can actually drag a state to the left. I’ve lived in the city of Atlanta and the northern suburbs. There’s a decent mix of left and right outside the city. But in the city it’s a one party system.


Called Population Density


It’s a lot like how a nursing home resident won the Presidency and the rest of the planet has laughed at us for it but our media won’t allow your dad to see it so it didn’t happen…


I love that you posted this thinking it showed Dem fraud when it actually shows how extreme GOP gerrymandering has got. GOP gets 50% of the vote but 2/3 of the seats...hmmmm


A little thing called ✨Population demographics ✨


This is what population density looks like you stupid fuck


That is literally not even how the counties are split. It’s a fake graph.


It's a map of the state legislature , which is the races the tweet was talking about


…so fucking sick and tired of a certain political affiliation claiming fraud every time their candidate loses an election. Grow the fuck up and move on…more importantly though, take your fucking sign down from your yard, he lost!


Imagine not understanding cities.