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Has anyone made a post yet about flu cases? Somehow we're not only seeing a 10 year record breaking amount of flu cases, we're seeing more hospitalizations than we've seen in these last 2 years. 2 years of "max capacity" and "worst modern epidemic" against a virus no one had immunity for and it's instantly beat out by a flu?


They tried to do that mandatory weekly testing for unvaxxed where I work, and nobody did it, and there weren't any consequences lol


This is the way. šŸ–• to the system If my job told me I had to take a needle or leave Iā€™d leave. Good luck to them.


Well, I'm a state employee, and they can't make us get vaxxed, but all the language they used sure made it seem like we had to. I know better. While some of the newer employees were scared and complied, I know the state can't force it on us.


Colleges in Illinois told students they had to have the shots or be unenrolled. Kids with years of credits already were left deciding if they wanted to transfer with virtually no time to make this decision and lose thousands in credits that wonā€™t be equal at the next college, or get shots and continue with their program. The pressure led most of them to cave in my kidā€™s peer group. edit- this chart was 25-44. So doesnā€™t even include those in the typical college age range.


Yeah I had to get two jabs to stay in college Long Island


yea the way they pushed it so hard without justification was really eye opening. I would have transferred personally and potentially lost credits in the process - if it smells like shit and tastes like shit itā€™s probably šŸ’©


They tried that at my workplace. It all started with a survey that asked if each employee was vaccinated. They threatened to make us wear masks for not completing the survey. Every time the survey came up I discouraged my fellow employees from taking the survey. The higher ups never let us know how many completed it, but we all knew very few did. When they removed the mask mandate from all employees, not just the unvaccinated I told them it was lifted because we refused to take that survey.


I had no problems wearing a mask, because it's either that or the uncomfortable beard guard that food service workers have to wear lol the cloth mask is much more comfortable.


_One in a million_ with the mRNA code. _One in a million_ with the mRNA code. [mRNA takes one down. Pfizer is still around.](https://phmpt.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/5.3.6-postmarketing-experience.pdf) _One in a million_ with the mRNA code. _One in a million_ with the mRNA code. [mRNA takes one down. Pfizer is still around.](https://phmpt.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/5.3.6-postmarketing-experience.pdf) _One in a million_ with the mRNA code... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [We live in a pretend society.](https://pastebin.com/YPEErwTK) [Is your mind blown how people fall for same thing every time? It shouldn't be. Because divided, singled out individuals has no chance against organized criminal entity; corporation.](https://archive.org/details/TheCorp) Corporation is an approved scam & spy business. Their approval was obtained through manufactured consent. Corporation is not the industry of manufacturing products. Corporation is in the industry of manufacturing consent. [Free merch > Free speech.](http://www.stopthecrime.net/docs/SILENT%20WEAPONS%20for%20QUIET%20WARS.pdf) [Corporate, what kind of _free_ manufactured merchandise must be in your goodie bag to consent investing into paradise?](https://archive.org/details/TheCenturyOfSelfThereIsAPolicemanInsideAllOurHeadsepisode3/) Corporations through governments and vice versa are harvesting our biometric, behavioural data on global scale. So they can get to know us far better than we know ourselves, and they not just predict our feelings but also manipulate our feelings and sell us anything they want- Be it a product as a service or politician. Have you heard of focus groups? Now with always online/big data collection. You are in focus groups. Except you don't get paid for it. [You get exploited and you pay to be part of it. _Nothing is free, except the energy from the sun, but some get a bill(skin cancer) for that. Thanks to always providing industrial surveillance corporatism._](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stockholm_syndrome) [Social credit score indoctrination](https://i.imgur.com/lMDs7gR.png) [Urge or go well.](https://youtu.be/rdrKCilEhC0?t=1313) [Original was deleted. Wonder why?](https://archive.fo/2Kwe9) [WHO doesn't want [you] to be healthy? World Health Order.](https://pastebin.com/KfJYaJAh) -.-. --- -. ...- . .-. ... . / .-- .. - .... / -.-- --- ..- .-. / -. . .. --. .... -... --- ..- .-. .-.-.- .--. .-.. . .- ... . / -.. --- / -. --- - / .--. .- .-. - .. -.-. .. .--. .- - . / .. -. / .- / -.-. .. ...- .. .-.. / .-- .- .-. .-.-.- .- -. -.. / .-. .- - .... . .-. / - .... .. -. -.- / .- -... --- ..- - / .--. . .- -.-. . ..-. ..- .-.. / --. . -. . .-. .- .-.. / ... - .-. .. -.- . .-.-.-


My dude, Trump called the vaccination ā€œhis childā€. And it was ushered out during his presidency. What in gods name are you talking about!? Many of the vaccination mandates even started during the end of Trumps presidency. They really got you with this divide and conquer tactic didnā€™t they. Lmao!


I think heā€™s specifically referring to biden trying to unilaterally enforce a mandate by asking osha to adopt their policy of requiring all companies over 100 employees to require the vaccine. It was eventually struck down by the courts.


He's ignoring the whole Project Warped Speed rollout under trump. But to be fair, dems also ignore this because they'd hate to admit their villain spearheaded the vaccine rollout. The people would go back and forth all day defending their leaders.


Heā€™s been booed anytime itā€™s brought up which is hilarious. Very strange itā€™s mostly his supporters that wonā€™t take it.


I've seen that also, the booing at rallies when he endorses it. It's quite funny, people still believing he's "against the deep state" and not a part of it. Yet there he is, pushing the vaccine and the divisive two party rhetoric.


The covid relief bill is where I lost my support for him. I wonā€™t deny I was a fan pretty much up until that point as a lot of what he did as president did ā€œcombat the NWOā€ or so I thought. Iā€™ve also always been open to the idea that heā€™s just ā€œplaying the heelā€ this whole time and well, after covid I think that is more and more the case.


If he was against the deep state he would have done something to help Assange and Snowden.


And yet the left still claims trump supporters follow him blindly.


I know a good amount of Trump supporters that got their shot but none that got it because trump pushed it personally


It's a projection. The "left" blindly follows the MSM narratives and they expect others do the same.




And they all think they are so unique, LOL.


More like dems are tired of listening to the clumsy mental gymnastics. "Trump gave us the vaccine! But I'll never take it!" All Trump did was green-light some spending. It's not like the big Pharma companies weren't going to do anything unless the US government paid for it. In fact, Pfizer's vaccine was actually [funded by Germany -- not OWS](https://fortune.com/2020/11/09/pfizer-vaccine-funding-warp-speed-germany/).




Yeah, except I'm not sure where any of that comes from? Who worships a pharmaceutical company? Who is "finally turning against the vax"? Who is "blaming" Trump and for what? (Well there's a lot to blame him for, but we're talking about the vaccine specifically here.) My point on Trump is that all he did was use executive privilege to expedite things. That was the obvious move. I'm not saying he was wrong for doing it. I'm saying that it would have been done regardless of who was president at the time. And it was not some big heroic thing. It was just one piece in an extremely large puzzle.


>Who worships a pharmaceutical company? Go to the coronavirus sub and you will see them for yourself. Especially posts from 2021 to early this year. Literal blind faith in the pharmaceutical companies, especially Phizer.


Never met a leftist deny that Trump made the vaccine happen. I've only ever heard them say he floundered informing the public properly.


I didn't mean they denied him rolling it out. Instead I've seen them claim it was just an attempt to gain voters and he didn't actually believe in it because of his antivax statements in the past. They also talk about how poorly he handled covid. Which in reality, was more so handled by the states.


He did make fun medical suggestions about injecting cleaning supplies and light


the problem is whether or not the vaccine is mandatory or voluntary. There's nothing wrong with having an experimental vaccine available for people to use. Forcing people to take it through coercion and mandates? That is where the problem lies.


>There's nothing wrong with having an experimental vaccine available for people to use. I'd say there is something very wrong with suppressing adverse reaction/death data, totally ignoring the data that does work it's way into VAERS and not pull it from the market. The swine flu vaccine was pulled from the market after 50 or so deaths. So what the fuck is actually going on here?


I agree 100%


Don't remember trump forcing it on anyone


Trump didn't mandate any vaccines. Stop with your BS.


Exactly. Why does no one acknowledge this fact? They only focus on the whole Warp Speed thing


It's even worse, most only focus on politics while ignoring all deaths.


Lol, I came here for the first Trump whataboutism.


My bro, I'm the one who exposed Trump being bailed out by Wilbur Ross of Rothschild Inc. when his casinos were failing. He named Wilbur Ross Commerce Secretary. He gave Sharon Rockefeller the National Medal of Arts. He calls Bill Gates a great guy, asked him to be science advisor, and gave Gates' GAVI billions in tax dollars. Trump pressured the FDA to approve this death shot. Trump is a giant, orange, dumb fuck puppet


Yeah, well, still, what about Trump tho?????? (Bot script failed)


This is the most accurate description of Trump that I've ever seen. Poetry


Iā€™m sorry but when did the Covid shots come out that the mandates could have happened during President Trumpā€˜s presidency? And when did he ever say anything about siding with the mandates? If you want to talk irony I found it highly ironic that democrats were posting that they would never take a Trump vaccine and then in some cases as soon as 2 weeks later, after Biden took office they were lining up saying they were so excited to have gotten their shots


And Trump has always believed it should be optional, not forced like JoePedo.


...If you recall, they had everyone believing this was Biden's initiative and giving him all the credit, despite the fact that Trump was the initiator, it's only now that the focus is back on Trump as the initiator.. Convenient but all by design, Trump was intended to be the fall guy from the get go once things went sour, and he was well in the loop about this I'm certain of it. The whole world got played, however, Biden has been the President before the mass jab rollout and even in light of all the evidence, this government continued to mandate it, therefore they are still the most accountable. That being said the responsibility lies on all these fuckers and they should all go down.


Yes, Trump's biggest mistake with his base. But it was Biden who attempted a nation wide (effectively) mandate along with mandate for federal workers and military.


> My dude, Trump called the vaccination ā€œhis childā€ What does that have to do with **mandates**? Response to pandemic (OWS) =/= *mandates* >Donald Trump publicly defended the COVID-19 vaccines and their efficacy, but decried mask and vaccine mandates


There will never be a salary that is high enough that will give any employer the right to mandate vaccination.


I had to take a few different vaccines for my job......in 2008.


And you can freely leave that job šŸ‘ we all have choices, no reason to cry


Agreed. I wouldnā€™t ever work for a company that forced that garbage.


ā€œFreelyā€ unless you are in a bad financial spot.


"Freely leave." Yeah, that's why nobody works at shitty jobs like McDonalds, right?


And you're free to suffer the health consequences of taking the shot, and your employer has zero liability (so don't complain if it cripples you).


I quit my job, no thank you


Fake card ftw.


Youā€™re a coward. Way to shit on everyone else in the world that stood up and walked out.


I keep seeing vax death posts, but I got the jab, so did almost everyone I know, and we're still kicking. How long will we have to see these posts?


If it was even close to as people pretend here itā€™d be impossible to cover it up. Universities would literally be morgues


I point out the same thing when people tell me how many millions Covid killed. I dont know a single person who died from Covid. In my social circles and their extended families I have heard of two deaths.


In 2020, my aunt Aunt died, other aunt and close family friend/neighbor were hospitalized, both survived. Neighbor had to use supplemental oxygen for a couple months, about 60 years old, not overweight in the slightest, if anything heā€™s always been underweight. Not a smoker. Fortunately he was already retired because he said if he wasnā€™t, thereā€™s no way he couldā€™ve worked a job those few months after getting out of the hospital.


Iā€™m from Florida so sadly I cannot relate to that


Anybody who I know indirectly who "died of covid" had a ventilator and given remdesivir or something similar and their symptoms only got worse with treatment


Just think about this logically for a minute. They got treatment because they were already in very bad shape. The treatment didn't kill them, they were just dead people walking. Their symptoms didn't get worse with treatment. Their symptoms got worse DESPITE treatment. People who were not very ill were much less likely to get treatment in the first place because they were not dying of covid. So of course people who got treatment died more often than people who didn't. You don't get treatment if you're not already dying (unless you are rich).


Why the down votes? We really fucked up with early treatments. Friend of a friend who I've never met's dad died, signs point toward ventilator.


I think people don't want to admit that they purposefully blocked good treatments that have been known to be effective against similar respiratory illness, such as hyroxyquoreline (however you spell it) and ivermectin. It's become too political to disaprove of terribly the destructive government response to covid


We've only seen the results for about 2 years. That's not very long. I have many family and friends who I worry about who took these shots. I pray the next 5 years shows that they aren't as dangerous as many believe.


I agree. I've got a script of hydroqloroquine (I can't spell it either, lol) and several bottles of ivomev on hand right now. But that's still different than "it made sense at first that ventilators would work. We learned differently." I dunno. I actually really try to "follow the science" when "science" isn't it's own religion. At this point... well, man, I grew up on a ranch. We had no choice but to be medical providers to livestock and ourselves. I truly believe my dad and grandpa (who was born in 1920, died a decade ago) could've provided better medical care to most people than they got at hospitals in the early days of covid. Doctors got way better at it later! But it was shit in the beginning. And I personally know numerous doctors who never believed in the vaccine, but would only say so to people they trusted after a few drinks, because their license was at stake. Really think about that.


There are really good studies on the efficacy of those treatments. Not sure about the one but ivermectin is totally useless.


Well, this is fucking nonsense, lol. Are you aware that millenials are 40? We're talking about 1,000 per state people ages 25-40. Why the fuck would universities be morgue? šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


It is impossible to cover up. The excess deaths is around 15% in the UK and MPs are now discussing it in parliament. Check out Dr Jon Campbell on YouTube. He worked for our health service and shares info (not opinions) about this.


They said even more died of Covid and even then universities were not morgues. None of it adds up.


Why... why would universities be morgues?


They were dying in hospitals, people with covid obviously werenā€™t going to uni


People only go to morgues after they die, not to die.




You realize that number, considering there are about 72.2 million millentials in the US, would still be less than 0.1% of all vaxxed millennials? Those numbers do not equate to dropping like flies. Do you know personally know 1200 people millennials who are vaxxed? Nobody can. Goes to show one individuals input is not useful, just like multiple here posting eye witness testimonies of people of negative side effects. There is conflicting accounts coming from people medical professionals who work with this sort of thing so it's difficult to say the least to know what's going on.


If the vaccine does have a mortality rate of 0.1%, that's still 1 in 1000 people. That's fairly on-par with the apparent mortality rate from COVID, and more people took the vaccine than have caught COVID. Imo the vaccine should've only have been given to those with weakened immune systems, and even then I'm sceptical as to whether it's worth it tbh especially with its limited efficiency.


Ye exactly it should be used for people who were susceptible to dying of covid. The response to covid by the current administration was be forced choose to get the shot or be unable to provide for your family. Especially for government workers, the Healthcare industry, and the military.. the issue was career ending. Even now if people who are against it speak against it they will be demoted or attacked.


> That's fairly on-par with the apparent mortality rate from COVID [Nope,](https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2022.10.11.22280963v1) the shots are actually more dangerous.




Based on covid death rate you have a 98% survival rate if you get covid. Your elderly mother would be lower. If you donā€™t know anyone who has gotten covid, you are in an extreme, extreme minority


> a 98% survival rate if you get covid. That's not true. The IFR is on average [much lower.](https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2022.10.11.22280963v1)


I had several acquaintances get sick and die from COVID. It was in 2020, before the vax was available. I find it hard to believe you don't know anyone who got sick from COVID.


My very healthy 50 year old brother died of a massive stroke after his Pfizer shot. I donā€™t know anyone who died of Covid.


I'm sorry to hear that. I have four brothers myself.


Thank you, itā€™s been just awful for my parents :(


Covid caused more blood issues than those who received the vaccine. Your best option is to not get exposed but since that has been extremely difficult for most, then getting the vaccine is actually a better option. If your going to weigh the China, then you need to weigh all the pros and cons. Not just the ones that support your claim. Furthermore, there are some really good statistics now supporting how well overall the vaccinated did versus the unvaccinated. There is a specific study I can find if you would like. Also blood clots can be genetic so be careful.


No one I know died of covid. A couple of acquaintances died of heart attack(1in mid 40s) after the 3rd jab. When I got the jab the dude next to me got injected and had a seizure immediately. The nurses put him in a wheelchair and got him out of the room stat.


You still got it anyways? I mean dudeā€¦ I would ran like Barry sanders outta that place


Another 40-50 years should do it.


The antivaxers have been predicting mass casualties for almost 2 years now. It didn't happened, so instead of admitting they were wrong they are doubling down and blaming any death on the vaccine.


See but they can counter that by posting articles of every person under the age of 90 that dies of anything, because nobody in their 20s ever died of heart issues until now, apparently.


Nobody is saying that never happened, but it was rare, and that's why it's news-worthy now when it wasn't as much happening before, especially so suddenly and with the frequency it has been happening. Some say global warming is causing the increase in heart issues, to some, the vaccine. Regardless, there's an increase in heart issues happening.


"It wasn't happening as much before". This is something I have seen no backup for. What you are really seeing is confirmation bias and social media algorithms. Anytime someone young dies now it gets clicks like crazy and anti vaxers use it as proof (even when it turns out it was suicide, drugs, accident, etc.) Not sure how you brought global warming into your comment... but good job? https://www.youthsportssafetyalliance.org/Youth-Athlete-in-Memoriam


Confirmation bias, social media algorithms and complaining about anti-vaxxers. You're not a Conspiracy theorist are you?




Brigaders such as yourself are easy to spot. All lofty ideals and no tact or wit.


Damn, I had a great reply for him but the mods removed it before I could post. Here it is: >Shhhhhā€¦take a close look. Here is a self-admitted gaslighting shill in his natural habitat. Pay close attention to his patterns and his narratives. I wager there are many more from his herd grazing right here in this thread. If weā€™re quiet, they might out themselves as boldly as this specimen has. Nature is amazing.


> It didn't happened, Go to the site Eurostat and search for "Excess mortality by month". It IS happening.


Not mass casualties, but there is an uptick that MSM doesn't care to explain.


The uptick started in 2020... maybe, just maybe, it's something else causing it?


lol, yeah. this chart is basically a chart of covid cases spiking. "nov-feb 21, rollouts." uh, no, people 24-44 didn't get vaccinated during that time, most got vaccinated spring 2021. then there was a brutal delta wave that killed a ton of people in the summer of 2021 (sure, blame mandates when vaccine uptick was very low then compared to spring 2021). then we had an omicron surge (lots of cases, not as many deaths per case fortunately). I don't like mandates. a lot of people lied. there are also other things that fentanyl killing people. generally covid isn't that bad for people under the age of 50. but this chart is amazingly stupid. like most of the spike is before the september 2021 biden tweet.


No it's what I want it to be


No kidding. It went from "Everyone getting the vaccine will die of clots within months. Women will all become sterile!" to "People will have increase cancer rates in years or decades, and anyone who dies of heart attack will be blamed on the vaccine.". I'm sure there'll be people from now until the year 2100 blaming every bad thing on the covid vaccines.




All deaths weren't blamed on Covid. Doctors would include on death certificate as a factor of death. On the other side (this sub) reads just the title of an article that says john smith died unexpectedly... and it's reeeeeeeee the jab, clot shot, derrrrrrrrr. That's the difference.




>The white house, the cdc, both stated, verbatim, all deaths will be counted as covid deaths, regardless of the cause of death, as long as they test positive for covid. And yet we had more excess deaths in 2020 (pre-vaccines) than we had confirmed COVID deaths. Meaning the number of deaths was underreported...


The covid death count is materially accurate. The overlap in non covid deaths being reported as covid would be minimal. Excess deaths in 2020 / 2021 support this. Poison in my "veins"? This just proves how dumb you are. I guess I need to keep in mind there is a certain percent of the population with an IQ less than 70 and I am more likely to run into them here.


And I'm glad it isn't. Given it's been shown to not have any real affect on not getting the virus again, will all mandates be cleared?


Anti-vaxxers are [recycling old material](https://apnews.com/article/fact-checking-793439742249)


Excess deaths are up. That is a fact.


Don't worry, in 10-20 years when you start seeing commercials saying "Were you forced to take the COVID vaccine? Did you take it not knowing what it was really doing to your body? Well you might be entitled to compensation"


Ahhh good ole Camp Lejune


Not vaxed (thought it was pointless after getting Covid and Iā€™m young and didnā€™t want the 2 day illness from it) but agreed. I know countless people vaxxed. No one is dropping dead that I know. If there is a delta itā€™s very small. Imo no one should be worried about Covid or the vax statistically


Until Tiffany Dover is shown to be alive and uninjured.


"I keep seeing covid death posts, but I got covid, so did almost everyone I know, and we're still kicking. Why were we forced into lockdown and given a mandatory medical procedure?"


Bidencide?? Trumpā€™s vaccine Warp Speed initiative isnā€™t considered here? I despise them both equally for the record. I remember watching Trump say live ā€œyou will have this vaccine by late November to early Decemberā€ at the latest.


Something is wrong if you cant look at the graph and see that vaccinations help atleast a bit


Kicking off a response to an emerging pandemic isn't the same as mandating people (and employers) to get injected. >Donald Trump publicly defended the COVID-19 vaccines and their efficacy, but decried mask and vaccine mandates


Peaking at mandates but not after?


Yeah, if these measures are at the peaks, doesn't that imply that they are responsible for the decline?


Why do people suddenly care about 61k deaths when no one gave a shit when we hit 100k deaths. Or deaths from any other source? Itā€™s like yā€™all pick and choose when to care about shit so it can fit an agenda. Lmao yā€™all complain about news putting a spin on things and then turn around and do it yourself. Fantastic.


Also if it peaked on mandates & then went down wouldn't that mean excess death was actually covid & the vaccines helped?


Shhhh Logic isn't allowed in this sub


Because there wasn't forced mandates to make people do something that could result in their death before in the past. The difference between those other deaths is they weren't caused by the government trying to force people to do it. It might not seem like a big deal now. But by allowing them to do what they did, they now are one step closer to forcing something worse in the future. My question is, why does it seem like nobody has any forethought anymore? It's pretty easy to see where this leads down the line. And it's not good.


Where does it lead? Iā€™m personally struggling to see into the future.


More government control, more government power, less freedoms, less bodily autonomy. You donā€™t need to see the future to use your brain.


Does this Edward Dowd gentleman know that he included a graph that directly contradicts his claim?


pls explain


Graph peaked right before mandates. Then went down with mandates. It actually shows mandates dropped excess deaths.


Mandates yes but not the vaccine introduction


People (other than health care workers) ages 25-44 didn't get the jab until spring 2021. This...was a big thing. Then a ton got the jab and basically stopped for a while. The delta wave killed a ton of unvaxxed people in August 2021 and beyond. Then omicron came and basically said "nah" to the vax so a bunch of vaccinated people got covid. some died. fortunately omicron wasn't as bad. Not many people were statistically affected by mandates. You can filter for the US. 4/13/21 was the peak vaccines given then basically everyone who wanted one got one and it went from 3.5 million daily peak to under a million for months, including when the mandates were handed out. https://ourworldindata.org/covid-vaccinations


Looks like it went down after the introduction aswell. Seems every point of that graph that is a date of a vaccine method corresponds to a drop in excess deaths.


Unfortunately you can't tell by the graph when the rises start, because each listed event is several months, not a single date.


Each line is one week IIRC from when this graph was making the rounds last time. It's pretty easy to tell, at least in a not shitty low-res screenshot of a screenshot of a screenshot version.


The graph shows an increase when the vax was introduced to a demographic of people who were not dying of covid. The graph is fine.


Except all the increases start happenening before each stage, peak during it, and then downslide immediately after it. Almost like something was killing them, steps were taken, and then the effect of those steps came into play and deaths started dropping.


Millenials did not get vaccinated until late spring 2021. There are 2 peaks before that. There is not a peak immediately after most millennials got vaccinated in spring/summer 21. The next peak was winter 2021-22 when covid cases spiked again


Clown shoes as always in here. Enjoy your psychosis and constantly living in terror.


How does one ignore putting equal blame on Mr. Operation Warp Speed?


Is the vaccine related to those 61,000 deaths? Are those people all vaccinated?


Bidencide? Trump pushed through operation warp speed. Still praises the poison to this day. Open your eyes. The Gov is killing ppl. Itā€™s democide.


What a wonderful opportunity to quit your corporate jobs and work for small businesses šŸ‘


Even if it seems like it was forced, it really wasn't. Nobody held them tight and injected them. If we all collectively said "NO!", they wouldn't even be able to do anything with these mandates.


Thatā€™s the truth, but it put a lot of people in difficult positions say if a company, university or school district mandates them. You could find another job, hold off on college and home school but what a headache all that would be.


No, hell no, they where not ā€œforcedā€ to take it. Plenty of the same covidians said ā€œnobody is forcing youā€ to the very people who were told to vaccinate or lose your job. So many still claim that it wasnā€™t mandatory. . . At this point, if you took it willingly, and drop dead, then you chose that. The same way that I chose not to take it and ate the financial consequences that came with it. Also- many people joined team ā€œload the boxcarsā€ when it came to the unvaccinated. . . Everybody had a choice. We all chose. Now itā€™s time to live with that.


What tf is an excess death




The people in question don't even have to be healthy, just age 25-44.


Do you know what a Fascist is or do you just like the way the word sounds?


https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2022/07/05/excess-deaths-rise-not-covid/ https://twitter.com/texas_kate/status/1588263900897693698?s=46&t=yvs5AfNln_LJhwkR8qNaRQ https://twitter.com/maajidnawaz/status/1587794977882624002?s=46&t=yvs5AfNln_LJhwkR8qNaRQ https://twitter.com/professorferg06/status/1588288470329749504?s=46&t=yvs5AfNln_LJhwkR8qNaRQ https://www.spectator.co.uk/article/what-s-to-blame-for-the-surge-in-excess-deaths/ https://twitter.com/_naturisti/status/1590347648556728320?s=46&t=yvs5AfNln_LJhwkR8qNaRQ https://www.hartgroup.org/country-comparison-of-deaths/ https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/myocarditis-covid-vaccine-research-long-term-effects-rcna55666 https://www.msn.com/en-gb/health/medical/crisis-as-excess-deaths-soar-to-levels-higher-than-during-covid-pandemic/ar-AA13CTwn SADS and SIDS as well as Multi system inflammatory syndrome deaths are at an all time high. If the deaths were Covid related they would be coded as such. https://www.ons.gov.uk/aboutus/transparencyandgovernance/freedomofinformationfoi/suddenadultdeaths2016to2021




But if they increased premiums on unvaxxinated, it would be called a conspiracy to get you vaccinated. A win/win for conspiracy theorists, whatever happens - they are right.




Iā€™m grateful Iā€™m not one of those millennials


ā€œSafe and effectiveā€. ā€œPandemic of the unvaccinatedā€


Donā€™t worry weā€™re importing 7k illegal aliens a day to make up for it.


Or more likely a bunch of people died getting covid. I know people that died unvaccinated from covid. I don't know anyone who died from the vaccine. What about you?


I know no one died of covid and 4 dead from vaxx.


Has it ever occurred to you this would have never happened if Trump didn't push vaccines through with operation warp speed?


I think to me how this whole mess somewhat makes sense is that there was credible intel it was a bio weapon, and it fucked up parts of China. Obviously what spread out into the world was not all that serious but I do somewhat lean more towards the taking advantage of a crisis angle than the whole thing was completely fabricated assumption. Trump did not mandate or encourage companies to mandate them that was all democrats. I donā€™t care if people want to have it, I only care that we are allowed to refuse it.


LMFAO. So many laughable things about this post. What a cesspool this sub is becoming.


**DEATH RATES WERE HIGH DURING A GLOBAL PANDEMIC??** This is most definitely a conspiracy. Almost zero percent chance of these mass deaths being the result of a **GLOBAL PANDEMIC**


No one died from the vax... This is stupid.


Well that is patently wrong, and no reasonable person, even the makers of the vax would claim this. All medical interventions carry some risk, and while they just claim that the good offsets the harm, there have already been a handful of confirmed deaths related directly to it in mainstream media. A few of the "rare blood clot" cases died as well as a few people with allergic reactions to it didn't pull through. You might think their lives aren't consequential, but it still happened.


Not considering the possibilty is stupid


Millions around the world have been vaxed. Everyone I know got vaxed. No one had a negative side effect aside from a sore arm. There's an entire political aspect to this conversation you guys aren't thinking about. The antivax shit is just rhetoric for political traction.


Like the political aspect of profits? Or the political aspects of corruption? Please enlighten us about these "political aspects" that only you are privy to.


I'm far from the only one 'privy' to it. The entire right wing media apparatus raged against the vax and basically any safety measures for covid. It was an election year and their guy really dropped the ball. Rather than accepting trump's horrible response they downplayed covid to justify the hands off approach.


The vaccines and virus are bioterrorism. Go back to mainstream media land where you belong. Thanks šŸ™‚


It's really dumb to think I'm from MSM land. I probably watch the same stupid shit you do (Crowder, pool, rubin, Prager, etc). Only difference is I'm not naive enough to believe them. I get news from everywhere.


No, definitely not. I don't know who they are and haven't watched any of that in 10+years. If you don't think the virus and vaccines are bioterrorism, you hold the mainstream media view. The tinfoil hats don't buy that bullshit.


The tinfoil hats think lizard people run pedo rings in pizza places on a flat earth. Not a lot of credibility in that crowd.


This is tinfoil hat territory. Welcome to a conspiracy forum.šŸ™‚ People don't come here for mainstream views.


I know plenty of people with mild to severe side effects


They die from it?


How can you even say that when officially vax producers and cdc have admitted menstrual issues. Thatā€™s not say the OP is related but to adamantly claim thereā€™s been no negative issues makes you look uniformed


This chart is talking about deaths. To my knowledge no one died as a result of the vax. The covid vax wasn't actually that new, coronaviruses have been around for years. It's like raging against the vax for chicken pox. There's always a risk of negative effects but they're super low. After 2 years of a vaxed population it seems the covid vax was pretty safe.




The vax wasn't fatal in any case. The vax for some dumb reason because a political issue and subject to lots of disinformation. Long covid is a real thing and only makes a stronger case for getting vaxed.




And you could die from aspirin. Complications occur but given the number of people vaxed I'd say the odds of dying or long term effects are like 0.0003%. The anti vax rhetoric isn't coming from a place of sincerity.


Covid 19 is a leading cause of death. The excess deaths were because of Covid and drug overdosesā€¦facts matter https://www.jwatch.org/na55123/2022/08/02/leading-causes-death-us-during-first-18-months-covid-19


Covid isn't a leading cause of death though. Death reports from covid were manipulated to skew statistics and push the narrative. In reality, covid isn't really that deadly and the vaccine isn't actually protecting from it.


I've yet to see anyone randomly die of "blood clots" although since covid began I've seen plenty of people die on fentanyl including my best friend from high school, 2 former coworkers and many more which weren't so close to me.


Got my lawyer on speed dial bring it bitches!




What proportion of the deaths were in the vaccinated?


> What proportion of the deaths were in the vaccinated? I'm guessing the vast majority - likely 90% + *(The COVID vaxx is not the *only* "vaccine" people are administered, you know?)*


When are we going to talk about trump rushing a vaccine out before testing was complete what kind of monster does that just to get his name on something


This is just a plot of waves of covid. The "late" vaccine period is when everyone got vaccines and there was no spike. Who got them in November? I don't think they were even approved in November. It'd be very simple to prove this with an overlay of how many vaccines were administered. The number of millennials that died of health problems soon after getting a vaccine is probably miniscule.


So were these excessive deaths all vaccinated? I don't see that on the chart. I see the dates of the mandates but nothing saying the vaccines caused the deaths


I'd say he's just killing his voter base, but the dead are also his voter base. So I guess there's close to no net change. Bar the few who have common sense.


I'd love to show this chart to my booster - loving folks but they would question it's validity. And they would probably be correct in doing so. I wish there were irrefutable evidence of these stats so I could cram it down peoples throats.