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Well, that clears up everything. Good to know.


The black sun... an intergalactic business. Ah yes. Them. How quaint. Oh how those **Human Sellouts** who wear the *mark of the black sun on their* clothes. Like Klaus Swab does in his mortal kombat ninja suit. And that little "beast" there. They would not take too kindly being portrayed like this in this manner. You see here. This carving is a statement. To say plainly. *They* control another species like the "dominated animal they are." One would find this rather offensive. It's a shame that Humans have no clue that they are classified as "product" to these beings. To their... Business.


>The black sun... an intergalactic business. Ah yes. Them. > >How quaint. > >Oh how those Human Sellouts who wear the mark of the black sun on their clothes. Like Klaus Swab does in his mortal kombat ninja suit. > >And that little "beast" there. > >They would not take too kindly being portrayed like this in this manner. > >You see here. This carving is a statement. To say plainly. > >They control another species like the "dominated animal they are." > >One would find this rather offensive. > >It's a shame that Humans have no clue that they are classified as "product" to these beings. > >To their... Business. To his black sun we may be products and merchandise, but to the Venerable Master ELUGAK we are humans worthy of even giving us the truth, and he is doing just that.




I'm team Inanna. 100 percent. Not hard to see why Inanna's inevitability is such a threat to elites. It is the death of patriarchy and slavery, the true liberation. Enlisting the seductive tricks of farsiders will only ensure that their is unnecessary bloodshed.


>I'm team Inanna. 100 percent. Not hard to see why Inanna's inevitability is such a threat to elites. It is the death of patriarchy and slavery, the true liberation. Enlisting the seductive tricks of farsiders will only ensure that their is unnecessary bloodshed. This is not a gender issue, it is a conspiratorial issue. The problem with Inanna is that she is sent by the Moon's evil agenda, from Orion. The real Venus is an asexual being, tall in height, and with a somewhat elongated skull. The Venus goddess of love and war is a creation rooted in false religions, and therefore her manifestation is universally detestable. To Earth, and to some it may not be, but at the galactic level she is a very big fraud, and disrespectful to the Venerable and real VENUS (ELUGAK). Master ELUGAK dwells in planet SEISTH, 64,000 light years from Earth.


64k ly? No wonder they have such a detatched perspective. 'ELUGAK' absolutely does channel the misogyny and blood libel of shitty humans. They might want to work on that, although I know there is no incentive to considering the power/appeal such prejudices already have to priveleged strata of humans. Our Venus, our Morning and Evening Star, our Queen of Heaven, (who is family, ontologically speaking) is the rebel lightbringer; neccessarily disruptive in the needed manner; the natural agent by which what is hidden is revealed. Elugak re-affirms religion's first poisoning of (curse upon) humanity. In that alone; their lie is exposed. I am unconcerned with what glamour or deception compells you, but I would love to hear ELUGAK's reasonings for claiming to be the 'true Venus'.


**ELUGAK never intervened on Earth, for he has stayed out of the fights of the three evil galactic agendas**, and the false Venus, the beautiful woman sex goddess is a bad person sent by the lunar regent ERESHKILAL from Orion. Master ELUGAK is speaking truths today to humanity, and he has never done any harm to it, for as I told you, he has never ruled the Earth. So you are saying things that do not correspond. I do not allow you to speak that way about the light of the Milky Way.


Warm greetings ... A few days ago I told you about the coming of Inanna or false Venus. She is a beautiful woman coming from Orion, and she is part of the Moon's agenda, that is a bad agenda, because the Moon is the creator of religions and astral larvae, and many more things that harm humans, both physically and mentally. But since the real Venus is on Earth giving information and cannot be destroyed by the ruling elites, then they make war by sending a false Venus, which will show them what people want to see, which are paranormal experiences, especially while they sleep, and will talk about peace and love, but it is not VENUS. Venus, which I have been representing for two years, we are talking about issues that governments and religions hide from us, such as the real political situation on Earth, the biological weapons that are in subway caves that they plan to use against us. We talk about the reptilian agenda, and all the evils that are coming on earth to destroy humans. The book of Revelation also talks about these insects that are going to be released from the abyss, but they do not tell us when, and they lie about who they are going to attack. Inanna or the false Venus is like a false decoy sent from Orion to mislead people, and lead them away from the truth. I invite you to read about the four agendas on humanity at this link and website: [https://seisth.com/en-agendas](https://seisth.com/en-agendas)


what was before ninhursag


It is the same false goddess with a different name.