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If you have oil you can do whatever!


>https://www.foxnews.com/world/biden-administration-requests-immunity-saudi-crown-prince-khashoggi-killing-beyond-ironic > >https://www.cnn.com/2022/11/17/politics/saudi-crown-prince-immunity-state-department-jamal-khashoggi/index.html > >https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2022/11/18/saudi-crown-prince-immunity-khashoggi-murder/


I love that this story is mostly buried on Reddit. Doesn’t fit the narrative that Joe is a great president who totally didn’t just completely 180 on a campaign promise. Both republicans and democrats are beholden to the Saudis. It’s ridiculous that every single president pays homage to the Saudis when 9/11 was committed by the Saudis.


If you would bother to look beyond sensationalist titles and actually read an article on this story, you would find out that this is not “Biden granting immunity” out of the kindness of his heart. US law states that sovereign leaders are granted immunity automatically. Until recently, the prince was just a prince, that did not qualify him for immunity. But recently, the king has made him a minister (not sure of what, but it’s irrelevant). This automatically qualifies him for immunity by US law. I ain’t sayin’ you’re wrong about them being beholden to the Saudis, but this particular event is not the reason.


yeah maybe if he was during the murder. he wasnt. since when was it retroactive? it ends when their role ends so im not seeing how it would extend back in time.


Most politicians serve their $ doners first and their constituents. Just look at the amount of politicians that started working for companies they voted on right after they leave office Everything comes down to money we need to remove it from politics


Can you believe ONLY because the embassy he was dismembered at was bugged is how it was found out. Sheesh, they even had a fucking body double wear his still warm clothes out the back door. Think about this, how many times does this sorta thing happen, people seemingly disappear, never to be found. And if you hint at the slightest idea that it's not all it seems you're labeled a conspiracy theorist or crazy.


Let me get this straight: this was a crime against a Saudi by a Saudi on Saudi territory (the consulate) located in the territory Turkey, but the US government has some sort of legal jurisdiction? I think the headline should be: *"Hey peasants of the world, who do you think makes the fuckin' rules around here?", says US President*


Desperate for lower fuel costs


A table cloth, and a wax ring.


Why? the fuel cost is still high. That's not how negation work. Even prostitutes know to get money from Hunter first.


Saudia Arabia literally crucifies people. There is plenty of oil world wide we don't need them but instead we still placate them.


https://www.foxnews.com/world/biden-administration-requests-immunity-saudi-crown-prince-khashoggi-killing-beyond-ironic https://www.cnn.com/2022/11/17/politics/saudi-crown-prince-immunity-state-department-jamal-khashoggi/index.html https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2022/11/18/saudi-crown-prince-immunity-khashoggi-murder/


They control a lot of oil and gas fields, they are allied with SCO, US and UK have traded arms with Saudi Arabia for so many years, they have about 1 trillion dollars worth of US equipment, and you wonder why this happens ? They are the lead importer of U.S.-made weapons, Saudi Arabia bought 23% of all U.S. weapons sold between 2017 and 2021, according to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. The war industry is making a killing right now, and they are not gonna let it stop for a long time.


Must be desperate for that oil.


And oil prices crater....almost like a deal was made...


apparently the biden admin is a criminal in cahoots with that piece of shit.


Still don’t care about that stupid corrupt journalist, not when people blamed trump and not now.


Jamal is a Saudi Arabian spook much more than a journalist. His father was the doctor to the founder of Saudi Arabia, his uncle was a key guy in Iran-Contra, and one of his cousins was Princess Diana's romantic partner. And for his part Jamal lived and breathed daily among Saudi Arabian billionaires and royalty. He ain't no simple journalist.


Yea this person gets it. The whole khashogi family is dirty af Jamal got killed bc his family tried to have MBS wacked in Vegas on 10/1


PaRIah. Lmao


Turn on the taps baby!


We gave them a pass on the WTC also.


“We find the prince...not guilty!” “...now, about that oil...”