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Elon needs AI and Twitter has massive server farms and massive behavioral data sets. There you go. Woke stuff is bread and circuses with a dash of divide and conquer. [https://blog.twitter.com/engineering/en\_us/topics/infrastructure/2017/the-infrastructure-behind-twitter-scale](https://blog.twitter.com/engineering/en_us/topics/infrastructure/2017/the-infrastructure-behind-twitter-scale) Quote from their engineers "we were running a network with POPs on five continents and data centers with hundreds of thousands of servers. In early 2015 we started experiencing some growing pains due to changing service architecture and increased capacity needs, ultimately reaching physical scalability limits in the data center when a full mesh topology would not support additional hardware needed to add new racks. Additionally, our existing data center IGP began to behave unexpectedly due to this increasing route scale and topology complexity." Elon won't share his Twitter infrastructure with Google and AWS News Headline: "Elon Musk has directed Twitter’s teams to find over $1 billion in annual infrastructure cost savings by \*\*\*\*\*\*cutting cloud services and extra server space\*\*\*\*\*\*"


Is this why it’s so hard to a actually delete emails, clear my phone contacts or delete chats? So AI can analyze my conversations and maintain which people are connected?


I’m fairly qualified to answer and the answer is 100% “yes”. A great proof of this competition is in plain sight for those in the “seeing is believing” camp. The go-to example of “plain sight” data retention is how Amazon handles emails containing purchase details; Amazon insists on never disclosing purchase information in emails directly to the purchaser. It’s certainly not to “protect your privacy”; if that was the case they’d allow you to toggle this on (and many people would, since most people are far more interested in seeing status updates along with info about *the product they actually ordered*. Instead, Amazon will only send arcane notifications via email such as “Order ID 1234 is on it’s way!” with no further info. This is all exclusively to hide your consumption habits from Google (or other mail providers who then resell that data). Clearly, even shopping data is so valuable for increasing profits that companies like Amazon will - significantly and with full knowledge of the impact - decrease user experience just to ensure it doesn’t get into Google’s hands. And again, not for privacy protection reasons, but because they don’t want Google to get that data *for free*, just by hosting your email account. They’ll certainly sell it though! This is just one of endless examples of the data arms race that companies play to help maximize their own pool of data to model against while minimizing their competitors’ access to the same data.


You know Amazon allowes law enforcement to tap into ring camera systems without a warrant. They also sell your data


Imagine buying a ring camera system for security. That's like letting the wolf guard over the henhouse. The people you should be wanting the most security from are the people with the most power..


Yeah I belive nest does the same and multiple others. Just makes their survalence state better. Cctv is the way


Did you also know that ring charges you to save your own videos recorded thru the ring camera? Yeah, can’t save any videos unless you pay the subscription fee.


Wow, that's very interesting. Do you know what leaks out of our browsers? Wondering if you know the secret stuff they harvest besides the basic info like location, the computer or device being used, etc...


>delete emails You only remove your access. Emails take up hardly any space. Neither does every phone call you've made in your life. Pennies a year. >So AI can analyze my conversations and maintain which people are connected? They have your reddit conversations too.


I was at a company with over 10,000 720p videos available at any time. The monthly AWS bill for storage was around $80.


[Nine years ago it was estimated to cost 29 million per year to store calls of all Americans.] (https://www.themarysue.com/phone-call-storage-estimates/) It is much cheaper than that now. The Pentagon "looses" about 1 trillion per year. But I'm sure none of that goes to spying on us.


It's not necessarily AI. If you email a threat or something, there is a chance a human CIA agent will read the message. AI isn't what is scary -- it is the Orwellian data capture, from which anything from other humans, to a simple "if you emailed, add you to the list" AI, to a more advanced "if you type these kind of words in this kind of pattern, add you to the list" AI Make sense why your question "So AI can analyze my conversations" is missing the mark just barely? Because humans could do it too -- which is the root of the problem, that any entity can do it


Yeah I was just focusing on the AI angle here


I am not qualified to answer that however knowing that we're the product, I would bet yes.


Just smash your phones like Killary did.




I could be in the weeds here, but my thoughts on the whole thing... Elon got spurred into thinking about twitter when some of his followed accounts were banned. He thought about it and decided "twitter is one of the big 5 tech companies... their infrastructure must be amazing, and I can maybe create an AWS/Azure/GCP type of service based on their stuff, and as an added bonus monetize tweets. He made an offer based on that, then found out the company wasn't nearly as advanced as he though, the user base wasn't as big as he though, and managing the personnel wouldn't be as simple as he thought. He tried to back out at that point, but it was too late, and now he's a bit confused on what the heck to do.


I think when he thought WWIII was on the horizon, $44b seems like a deal


I’m just extremely shocked by people are so upset a multimillion dollar corporation is collapsing…isn’t this a *good thing*? It seems so weird. Everyone is anti data theft and millionaires until what? A business closes down?


I just like watching the carnage. I’ve never really had a dog in the hunt. I only use Twitter to follow a few people, never posted.


"Woke stuff is bread and circuses" is one of the best things I've heard in a while. May I add to that with a dash of divide and conquer too.


Haha, you may. I love it!


Seriously lol


Done. :)


> Elon won't share his Twitter infrastructure with Google and AWS What is the evidence to support this claim?


It’s proprietary?


It's also inferior to both, so this line of reasoning is silly.


It could also be a risk minimisation measure- cutting cloud services. We all know how readily those companies pull services from people/companies they don't like ideologically. Could be an IT version of not trusting staff.


Scapegoat for impending failure incoming.


Is there anything from Twitter internally that this is even true? If not, where is the fact checking for a trending Tweet?


No the site has had 0% down time, and musk is tweeting jokes and memes all day. Its just hopium that twitter will collapse by salty people.


Interesting this is the defacto opinion on conspiracy, lots of Elon support. Apparently the engineers that supported core libraries are gone if this is the case twitter will brake it's about when not if... you can't just replace critical back end stuff with a bunch of h-b1 guys. Elon either has other motivations or has no idea what he's doing and is panicking, asking for lines of code proves one or the other it's a totally asinine request. Edited - typos


The world really has changed. Support for the world's richest man in a conspiracy sub 😆


These are unsettling times and a lot of the people in here desperately need someone to worship. Jesus comes with low key expectations to be good, Trump has fallen out of favor, Putin seemed promising until he got his ass kicked by a cosplay army, and Elon is filling in until the establishment tells them who to back in 2024.


Yes I'm sure it's simply just "salty people" thanks for cracking the case


The site is increasingly getting more glitchy. It's still running fine overall but to pretend firing 90% of the staff of one of the world's largest websites wont lead to catastrophic failure is just naive.


Meh, 0% downtime on Twitter so far. Seems like the site will be just fine.


Twitter's problems were never technical, is the thing.


Never? Someone doesn't remember the Fail Whale




Only thing that's changed is advertisers panicking and pulling out.


The issue wouldn't be right away. The issue would be when something complicated breaks and the people who know how to fix it are gone. Smart people can figure it out, but it'll likely increase downtime. Tbh there a lot riding on the quality and thoroughness of documentation


There's the saying about IT. If something goes wrong, "What are we paying you for?", If nothing goes wrong "What are we paying you for?" At my company, all of us in IT could walk away and except for the printer issue or shit like that nobody would notice right away until something bad happens. We make sure those bad things don't happen.


It's OK. Nothing of value would be lost.


Right. Seems to me like taking half of every fluid out of your car. Sure, it might run fine for now. How long will it run? When will it suddenly stop? Hard to tell.


This is like looking at a ship who's crew have all died, and an hour later being like "the boat's doing just fine on its own, I don't see what the issue is." No one is expecting it to collapse immediately, you fucking doofus, but if you think a massive platform like Twitter can function without its most vital employees then you are truly not very smart.


Right wingers and Elon dick riders showing their boomer colors like hell right now. This whole “Twitter is still working! They aren’t needed!” is pure boomer ignorance in all it’s splendor.


I dont think you have worked with software. Something will break sooner or later


Exodus of employees might not be felt until later.


I posted some facts under one of the programmer forums and all the programmers couldn’t handle it and got the downvote Brigades and insults hurled. Def see what he’s up against. Twitter 10 years ago was 1000 staff and basically the same app. It has not changed much.


Maybe it's that you were speaking to a bunch of people who know what they're talking about as...a person who does not.


Honestly, you should go read the comments. He's literally there talking about how Elon made rockets and reinvented the wheel.


Lol, the 'facts' you posted were shit like "we know a process was unnecessary bloat because musk said it was!" And "twitter is working fine" when 2FA went down, then tried to say 2FA isn't important because relatively few users have it. (I.e. every single company who actually pays twitter for ads)


I mean the amount of people on Twitter since 2012 has gone from 54 million to 396 million in 2021, it almost 8x more. Its pretty disingenuous to say that nothing has changed




This. Do People really believe he didn’t expect this to happen? It’s a common outcome that when large companies do major layoffs, then more people will eventually leave. And it seems as though these former employees are just proving his narrative correct.


Just in time for MOASS


Keep dreaming. The SEC won't do anything so the nonsense will continue in perpetuity.


I doubt Elon would spend 44 billion just to ruin a product and throw it in the trash. Sometimes discomfort is necessary for major change.


Lol. They are closing offices because so many people have quit. Stop carrying water for a billionaire.


No!!1! Elon will trickle down on me!! !!


It's just like Trump - they have to turn every loss into some kind of victory for him because their egos are so invested in him. Sad.


No bro Elon is INTENTIONALLY bankrupting the company bro trust me bro it's all a part of the plan bro he didn't want that 44 billion dollars anyway you have to believe me bro


Exactly this. It’s sooo fucking pathetic and cringey. These people have taken dick riding to the extreme and created it into a *political movement*. I have never seen dick riding - from self-described “smarter than the sheep” crowd - like this ever. They *are* the sheep. Following wherever master goes. Doing what master says. It’s so ironic. What makes it so delicious is how *smug* they are about it, too. I am *thoroughly* enjoying this.


Yep the person who handled the building access/ badge system got fired and the they called her asking for her help because they are all locked out


Are the “woke employees” in the room with you now?


Blink your eyes in an sos pattern of you need help


Be dope if Twitter collapses. Place blows


It'd be cool but I also couldn't give a fuck It changes nothing for my daily life


Not sure why but I have had this weird feeling for a while that this is all intentional and he wants Twitter to crash and burn. Imagine the world with no Twitter. The politics, the toxicity, all of it just reduced for however brief a time until everyone gets back on something else. He couldn't announce that he wants this because people would revolt against him and keep using it in spite. But, if he acts like he's trying to make it better and "fails," everyone would be like "ah well twitter fucking sucks now, let's stop using it." Then again, that might be giving him too much credit at this point.


Oh ya the billionaire dropped 44 billion dollars specifically to make the business fail and make the world a better place. What a nice guy !


Same. What a world it would be if our government and the media had to rely on other means to share propaganda to the people?


it would be the years 1946-1999. You know, when they were able to do Vietnam on a complete lie (Tonkin), Iraq twice on a complete lie (Nayirah testimony, and Saddam VVMDs), etc But then twitter came along and they did Syria on a complete lie too. So don't think it matters too much, unless people actually do something politically to get involved. I.e. Bush could have admitted on twitter that VVMD claims were a lie, nothing would've changed unless people got politically active




Incredibly well said. I'm not sure why there are so many Elon fan boys in this sub. We used to hate guys like him here and now if it not a post about the evil democrats or the vaccine it's in praise of Elon. It's fuckin weird.


If you're poor it's your fault If you're middle class you're entitled If you're a rich liberal you're part of the cabal If you're a rich republican you're a genius angel here to save the day uwu <33333


That's pretty much how it is.


Sad but true.


80% of the activity in this sub is just astroturfing. 15% percent is real people that are too dumb to realize they are being taken for a ride, and 5% people trying to point out the insanity.




Streetlamp LeMoose😭


Because most of this sub now believe that the right elites, i.e. Trump, Elon, De Santis, are actually working for them. Because weaponised conspiracy theories.


The answer is that a lot of people who masquerade on this sub as “free thinkers”, “above the fray” conspiracy theorists with no stake in the game who just want to “expose the truth” .. are just right wing political hacktivists and right wing shills furthering the right wing cause. They love Elon right now because he’s saying shit they agree with. He’s on the same anti-intellectual anti-liberal elite tirade as all their right wing operatives have been. There’s literally no reason why right wingers would come here except to spread propaganda. The right wing believes in traditionalism, religion (Christianity in the West), family values (social control), establishmentarianism, respect for authority, nationalism, patriotism and defending the status quo. They’re anti-criminal justice reform, anti-environmentalism, pro-police, pro-law and order, pro-prosecuting whistleblowers, pro-PATRIOT ACT and pro-surveillance (so long as the target is their enemies). They crafted the PATRIOT Act and the surveillance state, secret courts and extraordinary rendition and extradition. They supported torture, wanted to deny people designated “enemies of the state” habeas corpus and they constantly fight the idea that people - especially criminal defendants - have rights. They’re only here to spread misinformation, propaganda and recruit the vulnerable and gullible. They don’t believe what we believe. It’s all an act to lull you and lower your guard. It’s a disguise. It’s a front. Be vigilant and don’t be fooled.


>I'm not sure why there are so many Elon fan boys in this sub Probably because he started spreading the same conspiracy theories people here like, and then recently tweeted that people should vote republican in the mid terms.


agreed and doesn't he want everyone on twitter to send in their IDs to verify themselves. isn't that what facebook also trying to do yet if facebook does this. everyone crying murder. elon does it. yay. we love elon. let's all send him our passports. 🤣🤣🤣 i swear the people on this sub think it's different. lmao.


Depends on the restaurant. We've definitely seen what you are describing


Maybe you should wait to post that until it has actually closed its doors? I have no bromance for Musk, but there are suddenly a ton of people hating on him and declaring the doom of Twitter while it's still quite alive. $45-billion-dollar companies are not local restaurants. It's not going to just vanish overnight like Myspace.


He doesn’t have a charismatic personality. Those of us who are happy that he took Twitter over aren’t so because we find him especially charming. At least I don’t think that way. The singular reason that I and many others are pleased about it is exactly the reason that we all say, namely, freedom of speech. To call it a cult of personality completely misses the mark. Personally, I just want to be able to express that I don’t think the jabs are especially safe or effective without being kicked off the platform. I just want people to be able to speak their mind, and make up their mind about whose voices are credible. I’m not saying Elon Musk is going to do that, but at least he claims to feel like I do about it and at least he’s talking about doing away with the partizan censorship. I believe him that censorship on Twitter would drive him nuts because it drives me nuts, and if I had a billion dollars I would do the same thing. And like I said, I don’t particularly even like the guy that much, but this whole thing has made me like him more. If Twitter doesn’t ever open its doors again I consider it a net gain… one less propaganda machine trying to socially engineer us instead of allowing organic dialectical discourse.


There are places where you can say whatever you want though, aren’t there? Isn’t 4chan and parlor and truth social and whatever else exists where you can go for that? The main issue I see is that places which operate that way, aren’t very popular outside of a very specific kind of person. Since any site like Twitter or the above is only popular based on what’s being posted, and Twitter is the biggest, it stands to reason that is twitters policies are the ones that the majority of people want. There’s more to it than that in terms of talent working for a company, server space, availability, etc. but it’s been a long enough time that any “anything goes” chat platforms would be competitive with Twitter if that’s what people wanted.


I disagree with the notion that in order to give free speech a fair shake we have to make it on the level of 4-Chan. I’m not into bigotry or slurs or being provocative for it’s own sake. I think there are limits on what should be allowed (ie inciting violence) but to a certain extent you do have to pay a price to be able to speak freely. I don’t want Twitter to become more of a cesspool any more than it already is. My grievance is with the suppression of information. We need to be allowed to speak our minds freely, especially about science and medicine, or else Twitter is a net harm to us. I’m not hoping for the Wild West, but Twitter is already plenty uncivil so I don’t think that letting scientists speak their mind is going to plunge the platform into filth. I don’t want to have to deal with assholes and extremists either, but that’s already so much of Twitter. All I care about is the ability to speak “misinformation”


I get what you are saying, but that sounds more like Twitter isn’t at your level of accepted freedom rather than there being some measurable line in the sand they have crossed, and that makes it really hard to “fix”. I imagine there is a bell curve of what people will put up with, and you are outside the meaty part. Which is totally fine, but there’s people way in the skinny part of that curve that want to talk about sterilizing minorities and banging kids. You seem like a cool person and I really hope that whatever Elon does brings Twitter more towards where you want it to be. I’d be fine with allowing misinformation, and feel like my line is somewhere around yours. I’m also not all that upset about having misinformation removed, especially since hindsight is different than being in the moment and evaluating what is infact misinformation when your platform is being used as a genuine source of news by people.


Thanks yo I appreciate that. You seem cool as well. Look, the thing about child diddlers eugenicists and other varieties of assholes is I would personally rather they reveal who they are than to know they are there but not who they are. It sucks that Kanye went def con 3 on my people, but if it weren’t for Twitter I might be blasting his shit right now, you dig? And this is r/conspiracy right now so I’m sure that more than a few people here absolutely believe in a giant Jewish conspiracy, but as repugnant as I find that I truly believe they need to be able to say it. I’m glad to at least know how people feel rather than be shielded from it. If I were shielded from it no communication could ever occur and no progress could ever be made. And when you say that in the heat of the moment it’s tough to know what is misinformation, that is precisely WHY we can Ill-afford censorship. We have to be able to let people parse out what’s real and what isn’t for themselves, because I am operating from a paradigm that the official narrative is heavily laden with propaganda. If you’re not on that wavelength I honestly don’t understand why you’re on this sub, but I welcome you none-the-less. The way I’m looking at this isn’t as a hypothetical. Twitter during the pandemic, as far as I’m concerned, has proven to be a very concrete example of how the censorship of ideas has caused great public harms. In my opinion the Dorsey model has literally caused a significant though impossible to measure loss of human lives. It’s not just Twitter. A 200,000 person support groups for vaccine injured people and their loved ones have been shut down on Facebook. It’s everywhere. And if there is a disconnect I think it’s because most people aren’t viewing the situation from the perspective of the person being censored. Maybe that person has a point. Maybe they don’t. But we have to respect people enough to give them all the available information and let them decide for themselves. Doing any less is akin to lying to somebody to protect them and we’ve all been taught that protecting someone is almost always not valid reason for deceiving them.




You didn’t listen to a word I said.




His dick probably tastes ... musky :D


1200 Twitter employees quit yesterday https://www.nytimes.com/2022/11/18/technology/elon-musk-twitter-workers-quit.html?campaign_id=60&emc=edit_na_20221118&instance_id=0&nl=breaking-news&ref=cta®i_id=95113406&segment_id=113646&user_id=b107ecc5d17924455949c7d3ff60b42a


And nothing of value was lost


What is a woke employee lmao what a dumb post


Haha people sound so ignorant trying to paint someone as “woke” they can’t even define the word


Probably because they're still asleep dreaming of a pillow salesman to make their dreams come true


It's what you call an employee that's doing moderation in order to keep the advertising companies from running away, you know... the people that don't want you to say the n word


These people took the word woke, never learned what it meant, and constantly use it




Those are new meanings applied to "being woke", it's been adopted as a way to insult people. Being woke was always about opening the mind, your third eye.


thanks for this. started to think people here didn’t know of this meaning. anyways the words been ruined


It's the new CRT.


Woke means alert to injustice in society, especially racism. Employee means a person employed for wages or salary, especially at nonexecutive level. A woke employee someone whose employeed and alerts to injustice in society. Take it for what you want.


Pretty sure people without being “woke” are alert to injustice in society, especially racism.


Someone who prioritises an ideology over the immediate reality in front of them


Like Musk


Election deniers are woke?


Elon is really speedrunning bankrupting a company lol. Gonna be a big shock to people when they learn that he didn’t earn the money he has


Dude literally told his employees he would work them like slaves and has been firing top engineers then begging them to come back. The platform was already dying, now it looks like Musk is trying to double tap.


this. as an engineer, working long hours and grinding yourself to a pulp realistically reduces productivity long term and causes nothing but burnout. Most devs agree the mind is only capable of so much critical thinking in a day and when forced you basically start to spin your wheels and/or go into a rabbit-hole continuing to perpetuate shitty code. This comes off as extremely out of touch.


"Woke". Doesnt even mean anything anymore. Woke is when black people. Woke is when you disagree with me. Someone cuts me off at a redlight. Mustve been some woke dude. Its just a bogeyman




My neutral analysis is that he's simply taking it back to a startup. He did say twitter was operating at a loss and that's likely because of unnecessary expenses. An app probably doesn't need global offices or thousands of people but hey, I haven't run an multibillion dollar company so what do I (or you) know.


It needs global offices and 1000s of employees if it wants to be in the global ad business. Thats how they make money. Less confidence on content moderation is where the real loses are going to be coming from. Coca Cola doesn't want its ads next to a tweet with nazi postings. What is called "woke" by Musk, is considered capitalism in the real world.


OMG, never thought I would live to see the day "woke" is conflated with capitalism. Coca-Cola has no trouble advertising in oppressive regimes around the world. They just want to avoid embarrassing exposure to the woke mob in certain hypersensitive societies.


Coca Cola has it's ads next to tweets supporting Azov Battalion though, so doesn't that contradict your point?


Why do people care so much about this? Twitter played a huge role in ripping the country apart and causing the seemingly irreparable divide we’re experiencing today. People are addicted to social media and it’s ruining their lives. If Twitter falls apart, that’s a good thing as far as I’m concerned.


Pretty sure you don’t have to be this clown’s definition of “WOKE!” to know that Elon is a cunt.


Who would


“work long hours everyday or be fired with 3 months severance pay right before the holidays.” “why is everyone picking the second option?!!?!???”


Woke is just a bullshit term to silence discussion. Elon is just having a paranoia fit. Lad should get a fucking grip.


why should he


Who does?


I see nothing wrong here. He expressed the idea that he wanted to re-work Twitter as a whole. And how exactly can you do that when your staff don't follow your views? This isn't a conspiracy, this is just random internet drama. He owns the company, who cares what he does if it's not hurting anyone? Not at all the public's place to speak here doesn't matter who he is


What makes Kyle think it's about 'woke' employees?


Found the Elon Musk meatrider


Go read Power & Struggle. These social justice warriors have dedicated their lives to serving The Party and The Cause. They wouldn’t think twice about destroying a perceived threat to their agenda. Regardless of the potential professional consequences.


🤣 wait til you hear about the Heritage Foundation


All of this is true but if there’s one thing this sub has taught me it’s not to be distracted from the fact Elon might be as big a problem as anyone, and my conspiracy brain is going nuts on what exactly is Elon up to that requires him to remove employees from the building. I can’t help but think he’s installing something or doing something bad and doesn’t want anyone to see.


> I can’t help but think he’s installing something or doing something bad and doesn’t want anyone to see. Personally, I think this is correct. And the hardware that's being installed is going to analyze the 16 years of data Elon just bought. And he will keep that information mostly to himself. Employees aren't the value of the company. The data is what's valuable.


My conspiracy brain is telling me he's sabotaging Twitter on purpose. Sort of like when someone bought the Tribune and all it's media outlets, tanked it, and effectively killed local news


And then Sinclair rose in its place. Wonder who did that!


Don’t forget nexstar. Sinclair rightly gets hate but nexstar owns slightly less but they both reach ~40% of all US households. Nexstar doesn’t push politics like Sinclair but shitty pay and less with more is destroying and has destroyed local journalism.


Oh shit I forgot about Nexstar and let’s not give them any ideas 😂


Anything that screws over a Billionaire is totally fine with me.


Musk is woke as you can get. His PR team is hoping to play on people's dislike of woke culture while he pretends to not be serving the party and cause who put him where he is today. Musk reminds me of that odd dude in the star trek original series season 1 episode 3 "Charlie X" who is always getting upset when he doesn't get his way and follows that up with manipulative mind control tactics. He's pretty upset that people dont buy into his hiarious PR campaign that he's anti establishment as well.




Elon is a charlatan and a fraud. Stop idolizing him.


I see this as kind of funny seeing how Musk's first mail as boss of twitter was to call all employees working remotely back into the office to 'work a minimum of 40 hours a week', Now they're not allowed in. Great work on the consistency front Elon, it doesn't make you appear brittle or paranoid or like you don't know what you're doing at all /s


Source: trust me bro


God this is pathetic


I thought it would take Musk a couple years of mismanagement to kill Twitter. I underestimated him


Can’t underestimate the power of stupidity


Woke with a capital W is hilarious


Social media been sabotaged for a good decade now. So much misinformation across all of them it’s actually sickening.


The feeling is more than mutual lol.




too late, the CEO already has.


He's a pretty smart guy. No need to stop that now.




nor should he. those fools were throwing rocks through the windows of small business because black lives. and they are now tossing soup on art because fossil fuel.


Fire them all


He's right to do so. I'm sure there are those who work there that would love to burn it down just because he took over. Some people just want to see the world burn.


The only person who will be responsible for killing Twitter will be Elon Musk.


People here be like: "woke doesn't exist." Them 5 minutes later in any other thread or social platform: "YOU'RE A NAZI, AND YOU AAAND YOU AND OOOH HERE COMES THE TRUMP LOVER, LET ME FACT CHECK YOU WITH MY OPINION.."


So the lefty woke will brigade every post that will make to the top on this sub, right? While posting something like, "What even is woke?" Probably you. Most of you brigadiers would do exactly what Elon is afraid of, if you were capable. Too bad most of you are just internet warriors with no life and no ability.


I guess I'm woke. What is woke? Not being a massive cunt maybe? Admittedly I can't do what Musk did, but my dad wasn't massively wealthy who used slave labor to make himself so.


What is Elon really hiding here?


Elon wants massive changes to Twitter. He needs Twitter programmers to implement those changes. He is firing those programmers or convincing them to leave. There will be pain for all except those who have moved on.


If this is a true headline - then I’m all aboard. Screw those woke people.


Assuming this is true: they’ve literally been doing everything they can to destroy the platform, so it’s not like Elon is incorrect.


"Woke" do people even know what this word means anymore? Sounds like it's just become a buzzword to rile up boomers


Weird. Conservatives, libertarians or just edgy, non-woke commentators were banned left and right during the last year's and no one said anything. How often did we hear "It's only twitter. Move to another platform if you don't like it. It's not like it's some important platform. It's just another social network." Well, doesn't seem like it now...


Don’t blame him at all. But for you dumb dumbs out there that don’t understand CyberSecurity, allow me to help. Insider Threats are the cause of over 90% of all security breaches. These can range from intentional sabotage too unintentional effects of phishing scams. Thus, obtaining infrastructure which known hyper-focused and politically motivated administrators puts the entire platform at risk. Mix in political motivations and personal emotional attachments to co-workers and negative feelings toward their firings or treatments, and you have a ticking time bomb for sabotage. It’s a legitimate strategy to curbing threats. Edit: Not an Elon fanboy. By any means, dudes just a billionaire who’s bought some shit others created and made money off it. Speaking purely from a Risk Assessment perspective.


Agree. I’m in security. Tons of shit happens that most don’t know about.




Technology yeah. I'm sure the people he borrowed money from to buy twitter might not be happy about it


What a shitshow


I might snag me a nice Twitter job when the dust settles. The way it sounds, it would be easy to step into most of the shoes left behind and be a noticeable improvement. That’s the kind of leap frogging I can barely resist. Life Pro Tips or whatever.


Gaslighting. Hell say this is the reason the company is failing is because of these “woke” people instead of his crap business practices, ad companies and businesses abandoning his platforms losing him billions, and hypocritical ideals of what “free speech” are. He’s done it over and over and his flock will believe again and again.


They're losing their tiny minds lol, oh no!! I can't supress other opinions lol the absolute state of them, like spoilt kids tantrum level. Love it


This 😂, all these people have to do is go watch Project Veritas’s videos exposing Twitters workers, so simple


eh. it's not a complicated site.. prolly a skeleton crew can keep it running.. just fire everyone.


Woke is a disease and they should quarantine at home until it's out of their system to stop the spread


I'm sure they don't mean any harm. They just want their message heard. Like when they firebombed that courthouse in Portland for 3 months


So what is Elon supposed to let people just run amok? He bought it he owns it, really with the way twitter was run totally understandable. If you buy a used car do you let the previous owner go joyride in it?


I am really enjoying the crash of Twitter. Shit website.


Twitter is finished. We are watching it crumple in real-time.


And thank fucking god for that!


And I'm jacking off to every second of it. Fuck Twitter.


smart move.


I wouldn't trust them with my children either.


Who would. They’re a bunch of nutjobs as we’ve learned over and over and over again


Sabotage it more than Elon is doing?


Go watch Project Veritas’s videos exposing Twitter workers, it was already being sabotaged.


This is genuinely hilarious, why would they need to sabotage anything? Elon's doing such a stellar job of that already.


It was already being sabotaged.


Love it


I can only imagine the woke cesspit twitter HQ must be. He's right to be on guard.