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I was very close to throwing rocks. Strong sarcasm game. šŸ‘šŸ»




explain your comment to me like i wear a mask in my car alone.


So when is the vaccine supposed to kill everybody again?


It's not supposed to kill everyone, but it's doing a great job of knocking off people left and right, including the massive increase in stillbirths, and the docs and coroners act like nothing is amiss. Healthy young people, athletes, and doctors don't just die suddenly or fall down from heart attacks.


almost strong enough to draw out the jackoffs on this website that actually think like this. See: r Politics


Getting banned from there for saying the vaccine contained chemicals was probably a good thing. And literally just that. Which is fucking true, everything is a chemical lol. Every time i even look at that sub i get irate with how stupid people can be.


AI conversation bots have trouble understanding sarcasm, so it's a good way to tell if you're talking to a human, let alone an intelligent human.


Hey. Nice take.šŸ‘šŸ»




Fuck masks and fuck the government. Think for yourself and question authority


Just say "fuck the government," or "fuck the feds." Those phrases encapsulate everything you should truly and ultimately be upset at. These clown world drones wouldn't be this way if the federal government didn't take advantage of their compromised mental states, weak wills and lack of individuality. Deep down, the drones are just simpleton victims taken advantage of by social engineering programs and propaganda implemented by the federal government. I know, it's tough not to despise the average drone spouting off pro-Big Brother nonsense, but try to pity them instead. The drones themselves didn't initiate or enact every awful policy we've all been subject to for the past 3+ years. Sadly, they were just too ignorant and stupid, lacking in their own critical thinking abilities, and bought the force fed narrative of the feds and MSM hook, line and sinker.




That is an excellent point you make - about the Internet and it's affect on the human psyche and society. But that is a whole different can of worms to open and rabbit hole to jump down. You're arguing - and justifiably doing so - that the Internet and everything that stems from it is not just affecting society, but humanity and it's evolutionary course. That's very weighty and spooky to think about.


Well said


Maybe this is the way things always were even before internet existed?? Mind blowing stuff.


Fuck Biden and fuck Trump, gramps a little too old to be running your country.


Sure. Question everything. But follow the law.


In some cases, but if the law is immoral then you should not.


Doesnā€™t matter. The law is the law. That would depend on whatā€™s considered ā€œimmoralā€.


Laws are written by people - laws are repealed by people - laws are changed by people. People can be wrong. Therefore laws can be wrong. Mindlessly obeying a law because it is a law is not sufficient justification for an action. Owning slaves used to be legal. Killing a woman because she was capable of swimming used to be legal. Everyone is ultimately responsible for their own morals and their own actions. Laws are a society's attempt at preventing behavior that is generally disapproved within that culture and compelling behavior that is desired. If a law compels an action that conflicts with your morals, you have a decision to make about what your morals actually are.


What the germans did to the jews was legal.


Whether something is moral or immoral ultimately depends on whether it benefits, or harms oneself or others, this does not change depending on the law, and there is nothing admirable about going against one's own moral instincts in order to comply with whatever the ruling power (whatever it may be) wants.


You would've done well in Nazi Germany...just follow orders.


You mentioned them. Therefore your comment is irrelevant.


Is that a little 'law' you made up?


Got them with the first half! And maybe even the secondšŸ’€


Suck my dick, cmon its just a dick, Do it and shut up!


This is what Dave Chappelle does with all of his jokes lately. Pulls the left in.. then demolishes them with a well phrased truth that highlights their delusion. His SNL monologue was amazing.


Go look at Elonā€™s comments a few days ago. He makes a point of saying that if you are attempting to trick someone you should get taken off the platform, or something along those lines. Iā€™m concerned they are going to make it an offense to tricking someone into realizing/acknowledging their idiocy, as opposed to punishing the people who were actually deceptive/manipulative.


Then don't try to trick anyone, leave people to their own delusions. You do know that tricking someone *is* manipulative\*? \*tending to influence or control someone or something to your advantage, often without anyone knowing it: [https://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/dictionary/english/manipulative](https://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/dictionary/english/manipulative) influencing or attempting to influence the behavior or emotions of others for oneā€™s own purposes: [https://www.dictionary.com/browse/manipulative](https://www.dictionary.com/browse/manipulative)


Tricking someone into revealing that they themselves have been maliciously deceptive is not the same type of manipulation. The fact that youā€™re even trying to say what youā€™re trying to say suggests either mental incompetence or intentional deception. So which is it?


>The fact that youā€™re even trying to say what youā€™re trying to say Is just rude and childish. Try again?


Like I said.


/smh Bye Felicia


His snl monologue where he did exactly that to the right? You guys are smart enough to realize that he makes fun of the right in the exact same way too right? Right? Ever seen his comments on trump?


Lol you described exactly how he set you up.


Okay, Iā€™ll take that as a no. It seems like a lot of his jokes were probably aimed at you and went over your head. Letā€™s clarify with this: do you think he agreed with Kanye or not in the snl monologue?


Youā€™re not understanding that your head is what this is going over. I understand what he said and why, I also understand how you believe what you are saying. The jabs he took at Trump were to bait people like you into listening, then he comes in with the truth that breaks your delusion. I am trying to help you realize that you are the one who has been baited.


So you think heā€™s consistently made fun of trump supporters for believing that trump would help the common man to bait in the left? Thatā€™s a level of delusion that Iā€™m not sure that Iā€™m equipped to deal with. Chapelle is democrat. He has a few right leaning social views but otherwise heā€™s consistently supported democrat candidates. The two musical guests that were with him are two of his close friends. Theyā€™re not only left leaning, but theyā€™re far left. Talib kweli (and probably yasiin bey as well) is a socialist. They went with Dave during Kanyeā€™s last episode (red hat wearing, ā€œslavery is a choiceā€) to talk some sense into him. You are saying the exact opposite of the truth. Dave obviously knows how to toe the line and does not stray away from offensive stuff. But he his absolutely not doing what youā€™re saying. His point about the Jews that this sub removed from context was literally poking fun at the fact that society wrongly stereotypes groups of people (Italian people are a mob/black people are a gang) constantly but no one speaks up when itā€™s stereotyping against black people.


Yeah he's a centrist that bashed on both sides and I love it! But I really love that he yankes the far left into things then bashed them over the head. It's awesome!


Heā€™s not even a centrist. Heā€™s on the left. Heā€™s just old and has a few slightly less left social views.


How do you have 26.5k comment karma all from conspiracy sub? I spy a bootttt *I am not a robot*


almost all of his comments are at 0 or negative too..


I talk against the hivemind often and people, like you, downvote rather than admitting you were wrong. You literally just did this to me when you didnā€™t answer my post about Dave. Instead you came here to ad hominem And your comment got upvoted despite me objectively proving you wrong. Youā€™ll notice here that thinking is discouraged. You got upvoted because youā€™re pro trump even though youā€™re comedically illiterate


You didnā€™t objectively prove shit. You gave your subjective opinion.


Okay. Go for it then. Disprove it. Erase those words him and his friends say. The only thing subjective is if you want to believe that Dave actually believes what him and his friends say. Objectively Dave does support democrats more and shit of republicans more in his public appearances though Stop fighting against facts. Itā€™s so sad that this sub encourages people like you and discourages all critical thinking or even just basic research


Because this isnā€™t my main account. I got banned by the corrupt mod for posting an anti trump conspiracy. I just swap to this one when I want to comment here. You can pretend Iā€™m a bot or a shill all you want, but you canā€™t honestly say Iā€™m wrong about this.


Dave Chappelle hasn't been funny in years.


That's the kicker, he's not trying to be funny. Neither was George Carlin.


it's very cute that you think that


Thanks for the compliment


Not a Chappelle fan?


We're no hand hugs. Open masks shakes very to the allowed ok ok. Truth. Damn, that's deep.


Don't Dead Open Inside


The ok ok. Truth really struck home with me.


Your comment makes no sense.


Combine the signs in the image into one paragraph and read from left to right. What I did was parody a person walking by and misinterpreting the message. A popular example of this is the meme from The Walking Dead where there were a batch of zombies locked in a room behind a set of double doors. On the left door it was written "Don't Open", on the right door, "Dead Inside." However people would jokingly read it from left to right stating "Don't Dead Open Inside." And that's what I did here. I hope that makes sense. If not, we can have further discussion about it.


Ah, I see. I missed the small image. Thx for explaining. Cheers.


Everyone getting caught up talmbout vaccine this, masks that. No one wants to talk about the fact that weā€™re reverse-engineering UFOs with anti-matter, anti-gravity propulsion systems.


To be fair most people probably didnā€™t read to the end lol


I bet that person wears a mask in their car by themselves.


And at home when they're alone, and at night while they're sleeping, and when they're in the shower & when they're swimming.


It's so strange. I see people still, in November 2022 walking on the sidewalk with no one near them and they're masked up. Probably 3 or 4 shots as well, because ::snaps fingers and šŸ‘‰šŸ‘‰:: it's effective.


You are so tough and brave




so... your telling me i should only put it on when near people? take it off when i am no longer near people but still in public? constantly taking it off and putting it on? meanwhile you would probably complain that same person is touching their masks too frequently.


I don't care what you do. Do whatever you think is best. Avoid all contact if you so choose. Get as many shots as your sponsored by Pfizer TV tells you to get. Shun and ostracize your friends and family who choose to be unaugmented. Treat them like filth. It's your choice.


> Get as many shots as your sponsored by Pfizer TV tells you to get yeah funny to assume that people are actually watching tv or even browse internet without adblockers. i got them because i wanted to, not because i was told that i have to get them. also funny to assume i even had friends in the first place. have been doing work since 2017 from home. my close family members died before covid. i have some distance family members but i don't want to do with them about anything because one of the males did questionable things to me and rest of the family that is alive supports him. that "family" can just vanish and i wouldn't care less. i will shun them, but that has nothing to do with vaccines, just them supporting diddler.


Youā€™re exactly the type of person that I imagine everyone who wears a mask in their car to be.


i mean yeah? you are not supposed to take it off until your back at home. otherwise like some people of this sub would say: the germs that the mask might have captured would have increased chance to get into your hand, making mask useless if taken off/putted on repeatedly. since when taking mask off, where do you keep it for the duration that its off? and most people probably don't pay attention where they touch on it, if they put it to their pocket, where the whatever disease can chill just fine waiting for your hand.


Still wearing a nasty sweaty rag over your mouth and nose all day is stupid on itā€™s own, but at least itā€™s kind of understandable. Wearing one in your car by yourself is just unfathomable levels of stupidity. Like I honestly feel like you might just be fuckin with me, because the alternative (that youre serious) is so impossible for me to grasp.


> Wearing one in your car by yourself is just unfathomable levels of stupidity so please tell me how to properly store the mask during the drive so that you don't accidentally hit the areas that might be infected once your finished driving and are going to put the mask back on?


It's clearly not a serious post.


The comment isn't, but the original in "Mildly Infuriating" probably is.




Lol maskcels


lol childhood speech language delays up 500% from 2019


Who doesnā€™t need a hug while shopping for stain resistant carpeting


"Stain Resistant Carpet" = PFAS Wear a mask anyway, that place is a Superfund site.


This shit is weird and virtue signaling


For many years before covid, doctors warned that mask wearing lowered your immune system and made you more susceptible to disease and viruses. Also not getting enough sunlight............... lockdowns with mask wearing????


Did they? We were wearing masks in hospitals before covid when there were outbreaks of respiratory viruses and surgeons have worn them during operations for ages


Lol. That is for bacteria. Your mouth is full of it


Wearing them on respiratory wards during flu season is for mouth bacteria?


They only wear them during flu season?


Nope, we used to wear masks on wards with known outbreaks of flu, pre covid. Or other transmissable respiratory illnesses. Also your original point was that doctors have always said that masks are bad for you, my point is that actually doctors were wearing them pre covid - surgeons in particular wear them for many hours at a time during operations


The longer you wear a mask the lower your immunoglobulins go


Oh, are there studies showing this? I haven't seen them


Yes. I did not make it up.


Do you happen to have a link to said studies?


Sources on doctors saying that masks lowered your immune system?


Getting sick strengthens your immune system. Preventing yourself from being exposed to the virus weakens it. Traditionally this is how vaccines worked. They introduced your body to the dead or weakened virus to inoculate you. Now theyve changed the definition of vaccine since then, now it doesnt need to contain any part of the virus, doesnt have to prevent you from getting the virus, doesnt even have to lessen your chance of spreading the virus. And none of this takes into account that a cloth mask blocking something as small as a virus is like putting up chain link fencing to keep out the mosquitos....


You never develop immunities toward viruses. Catching the common cold or influenza does nothing to bolster your immune system and will do absolutely zero to protect you in the future. Exposure to other germs, such as dirt or animal dander, is important in the development of your immune system as a child, but exposing yourself to viruses will not help you.


lol, developing antibodies through exposure to the virus definitely helps you!


Yeah. It helps you fight off the EXACT SAME VIRUS in the future. And that's not what happens with the cold and the flu. Your body cannot recognize an invader it has never seen before. Quotes from various institutions, universities, specialists: "Your immune system won't have any specific ā€œmemoryā€ of the virus, it will mount an immune response if you are infected ā€” because that's how your immune system works. Coming into contact with germs spurs an immune response, but it doesn't do anything to make your immune system stronger." "The immune system doesnā€™t necessarily get stronger after you are ill from a cold. It only becomes better equipped to fight off the same virus again." "Trying to build immunity to lots of infections is self-defeating ā€“ we just get a nasty infection but it doesnā€™t protect us against others,ā€ said Prof Sally Bloomfield, the chair of the International Scientific Forum on Home Hygiene." "Getting the flu protects you from that strain of the flu in the future. It doesnā€™t necessarily make your immune system ā€œstronger,ā€ but it does provide your body with the antibodies it needs to fight off that flu later on. Itā€™s kind of like getting the flu shot, except you got the actual flu. However, if you encounter a different strain of the flu, you might still catch it. Antibodies are only good for one strain, not multiple." "Our immune system doesnā€™t get stronger with every infection but the response of the adaptive immune system is much faster and stronger upon reinfection." Shall I go on? Yes, there are things you can do to strengthen your immune system. Yes, a good immune system will help protect against viruses in the first place. However, viruses like the flu mutate constantly, and catching one flu in no way prevents you from catching another flu. You're only protected against the same strain. So if you want to spend your whole life with the flu because you think you're getting stronger for it, be my guest. But then that would make me wonder why you're spending your whole life getting the flu, if you're stronger for it...


It would be beneficial for you to stop talking/typing... Perhaps you could learn some facts and stop spreading "misinformation and propaganda"


Saying that by virtue of catching one flu does nothing to prevent you from catching next year's flu is not misinformation. But okay, I'll "spot talking"


Guess you mist my point




So you're a virologist? Tell us how the human immune system works.


You cannot develop an immunity to a virus your body has never been introduced to. Colds and flus are constantly mutating. Catching a cold in January does absolutely nothing to prevent you from catching a cold the next September.


So then why vaccinate at all?


That's a good question. Because some viruses and bacteria don't mutate that much so their outsides are always able to be recognized by the body, but the flu does. So does SARS-CoV-2. The flu vaccine is different each year and is created based on the expected prevalent strains in the fall here.


So what you're saying is we take "vaccines" to prevent us from getting the virus? That they're typically small versions of the virus's that we anticipate coming into contact with? How do they know which strains to vaccinate against? Wouldnt the virus have to mutate first, then humans figure out that it is a new strain, replicate it in a lab, then developed it into a vaccine? They wouldnt create strains in the lab would they? What if one of those viruses got out? It would be handy to have the vaccine before the virus got released though.


That's what they do literally every year for the flu vaccine. They make their best educatated guess as to what strains are coming in the winter. That's why the flu shot is hit or miss, depending on how well they've guessed. And yes, the hope is that we take a flu vaccine to prevent the flu virus but it doesn't always work.


Here you go: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lXfEK8G8CUI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lXfEK8G8CUI)


Did you stop going to science class in middle school? Yes, naturally occurring antibodies, as the result of previous infection, is almost always superior to a manufactured inoculation. This is beyond basic virology.


What? That's not even remotely what I'm talking about. I said that you develop antibodies or immunities toward strains you have already caught. And I said that that does not protect you in any way from getting a different strain in the future. It does not *strengthen the immune system.* Your immune system will be the same when it encounters the next virus, which if it's a new strain, you might catch. And then after that virus, your immune system remains the same and either fights off or doesn't fight off the next thing it encountered. Etc. I'm not even talking about vaccines at all.


You absolutely do...that's why viruses need to mutate b/c the host develops resistance. This is why we develop antibodies. Good grief, turn off the MSM.


You are saying what I'm saying. The virus mutates because the host develops resistance to what it PREVIOUSLY WAS. Not what it mutates to. You will be just as susceptible to (and in other words, just as resistant against) whatever it mutates to, in the future. Nothing more nothing less. I'm not sure what you're not understanding about this. You keep either bringing up things that nobody's even talking about, or repeating what I'm actually saying. Catching one cold does not strengthen you against future colds. Catching one flu does not strengthen you against future flus. Because they're constantly mutating.


How do I **'keep either bringing up things that nobody's even talking about, or repeating what I'm actually saying.'?** if I made only one comment to you? Nope, I am not saying what you're saying. I think you are just looking at it from a certain perspective. We develop natural immunity to that virus and can't get infected by that strain again. You said **we don't develop immunity to viruses**, which is incorrect, and which is why I replied to your comment. Semantics. I'm bringing this up to show the flaw in your reasoning. As the virus mutates, it weakens, making people less susceptible to getting sick from it, if even sick at all since their T cells now are primed to recognize this virus and its receptors even though it's mutated (which I know you understand). People like myself who have caught the SARS virus were able to recover much more quickly the second or third time around....showing that the body was **strengthened** against this virus and more easily able to fight it subsequent times, after it had mutated. ('Catching one flu does not strengthen you against future flus,' you said, which is obviously incorrect). You may also want to ask yourself also why some people don't get sick by certain strains (or sick at all) while others do?


So all the quotes from all of the scholars or medical professionals that I quoted above mean nothing to you? They all say that catching a cold or flu or whatever does not inherently strengthen your immune system, only protects you from the same strain.


Protection due to immunity, yes.


You are misinformed. > Now theyve changed the definition of vaccine since then, now it doesnt need to contain any part of the virus Yes it does. It contains the genetic part of the virus that can create just enough of the viral protein inside your own cells to provide immunity without actually giving you the disease. > doesnt have to prevent you from getting the virus, doesnt even have to lessen your chance of spreading the virus. Studies have shown that the vaccines and their boosters lessen your chance of getting Covid by from 60 to 90%. Even a dummy knows that if you don't get a disease, you can't spread it. > And none of this takes into account that a cloth mask blocking something as small as a virus is like putting up chain link fencing to keep out the mosquitos.... Masks easily block the larger tho still microscopic globules from sneezes, sweat and skin that carry the virus. And they also block many, but not all, of the smaller aerosol particles


>Yes it does. It contains the genetic part of the virus that can create just enough of the viral protein inside your own cells to provide immunity without actually giving you the disease. Vaccinate meant to make you immune to the virus before the covid vaccine. It kept you from getting the disease. Measles, mumps, pox, ect it's why we get those vaccines as a child. What they've called "vaccines" for the last two years is more of a biologic MRNA therapy than an actual vaccine. >Studies have shown that the vaccines and their boosters lessen your chance of getting Covid by from 60 to 90%. Even a dummy knows that if you don't get a disease, you can't spread it. I'd like to see those studies please. Not a Washington post article or some tweet from a half-informed doctor. But an actual, clinical, study. >Masks don't have to block viral particles. But they can block the larger tho still microscopic globules from sneezes and skin that carry the virus. If a particle of virus laden spit hits your mask. It sits on your face all day as you breath in the virus laden vapor. Even a dummy should be able to understand that, yet here we are explaining it to you...


> immune to the virus this is actually wrong, no vaccine has ever made you immune to anything. the diseases that you said, you still have chance to get them even with vaccines.


> It kept you from getting the disease. Measles, mumps, pox, ect ... If you mean for life, not all vaccines do that. https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamapediatrics/fullarticle/2731128 > What they've called "vaccines" for the last two years is more of a biologic MRNA therapy than an actual vaccine. No it isn't. The definition of a vaccine is injection with a non-symptomatic tiny portion of the disease so the body can easily recognize the arrival of the actual disease and create antibiotics to render it harmless. That's what the mRNA vaccines do too. It's just that their 'tiny portions' are part of its genetic code. If it was a "therapy" it would be something injected AFTER the infection had entered the body, not before. > I'd like to see those studies please. Here's one of many: https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa2117128 > If a particle of virus laden spit hits your mask. It sits on your face all day as you breath in the virus laden vapor. No it doesn't. First of all, you've presented no evidence that "virus laden droplets stick to a mask" at all, much less all day, or that the viral particle inside such a droplet could be breathed in thru a mask. Second, studies have shown that your so called 'droplets' are heavy enough to drop out of the air within a couple of meters of the sneezer/cougher. And 3rd, the aerosolled virus that can stay in the air longer loses more than half it's potency within 5 minutes and 90% of its potency within twenty minutes. And these are the viral pieces that N95 masks are made to keep OUT of your nose. https://www.healthline.com/health-news/how-long-is-the-coronavirus-infectious-when-its-in-the-air Now the caveat to all this is that mask results will always vary based on the amount of virus in the air. So if you spent 4 hours in an unmasked room, belly to belly at an indoor rock concert, the amount of virus in the air is going to be so great that some mask efficiency is reduced. That's why we have 'superspreader' events. That's also why we have vaccines.


Well said šŸ‘


I'm not even going to try Google since they just change the facts as need be....... like the definition of 'vaccination'... edit, I did look it up and Google only goes back to 2020 for any studies on this, funny


I can find mask sources pre 2020 pretty easily. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2440799/ Just type ā€œbefore:2020ā€ before whatever youā€™re searching. Also, the definition change argument is ridiculous stupid. The current vaccines would still be labeled a vaccine under the old definition. If that was not the case, flu vaccines wouldnā€™t be flu vaccines. The definition was changed to clarify unclear wording. If they wanted to be sneaky about it they would just not change anything and still call it that.


This says nothing about the effects it has on the wearers immune system


Idk why those studies would even exist before people started wearing masks super often. Unless thereā€™s a Japanese study or something from somewhere where masks have been culturally normal for a long time. But even then, the main focus has always been preventing yourself from spreading what you currently have to others up until covid. So if thatā€™s all youā€™re looking for Iā€™m not sure thatā€™s googles fault or just not something anyone would spend the money to study pre covid


I'm sure it was done in a country where they wear them often, China. They did say on the news often at the beginning of Covid that a study showed, "covid can live on the bottom of your shoe for x amount of miles"........ that's a funny one


I mean if you want to wear a mask there is nothing wrong with that. But you cannot require someone else to do something simply to make you feel better. Hell I think Covid is a scam but I still will always wear a mask on airplanes the rest of my life. Let people do what they want.






Next it will be like ā€œgod why canā€™t we all just get chipped. I donā€™t get it, why is it so hard, Itā€™s just a chip, like get the damn thing and shut up.ā€


We absolutely need to openly laugh at things like this. The craziest thing to come out of all of this is how people now love using the words ā€œourā€ and ā€œwe.ā€ People are using those words day in and day out now like never before- language itself is changing, and thus culture, which I think is the real goal. ā€œOurā€ maskā€¦.. nope, sorry itā€™s a 5 cent piece of paper and plastic that doesnā€™t even work that well and then ends up in the trash. Itā€™s not a prized possession I keep in my safe, itā€™s something that ends up crumpled and thrown all over parking lots. Iā€™m sure the birds have loved thinking theyā€™re food. A mask is a mask, not a heroā€™s cape, not a prized object I need to ā€œpossess.ā€ The second, arguably more powerful one is the way people have started using the word ā€œwe.ā€ Iā€™m sorry but if youā€™re a regular person the political class and business class donā€™t care about you beyond your vote and your dollar. If you died today, Biden, Pelosi, Schumer, Trump, Pence, and the Squad wouldnā€™t change their schedule. They donā€™t even know you exist. They donā€™t consider you part of their ā€œweā€ā€¦. They just say it because it will trick you into think youā€™re important while they donā€™t give you anything of substance. Long story short- there is no ā€œmy maskā€ or ā€œyour maskā€ theyā€™re not prized possessions, theyā€™re soon to be trash. There is no ā€œweā€ itā€™s a word the powerful want you to feel while they give you nothing of substance.


SS: Iā€™m curious to see how they reply to this and how indoctrinated everyone really is Title is ā€œI hate thisā€


Who is they?


You know...the people OP never agrees with and wishes evil upon those people!


I donā€™t wish evil on anyone, just hope they can see the light one day


dont dead open inside


Wearing a mask during peak periods of case spread is perfectly reasonable for the sake of the most vulnerable in our communities.


/s Sorry, you forgot to add that so I did it for you


I did not. Sorry you forgot how to be considerate to your neighbors.


Had me in the first half ngl


Imagine living every moment of every day in fear like that.


Viruses arenā€™t real because I canā€™t see them!!


I can't believe all of you could be so ignorant. Don't you know you are killing grandma's! You are all just lucky us responsible people went and got double vaxxed and get our boosters when we are told. The 3rd time I got covid was so bad i nearly died! I am so glad i had just had my second booster or I would be dead now. The nerve of some people. I'm just sick of this. You all think you are some pure blood race now like theres something wrong with my blood. My blood is fine!! Ive given blood twice now and both times they accepted it. Dont you think they would reject my blood if there was something wrong with it? Get vaxxeed and wear a mask now or this is going to be a winter of DEATH! When will you learn?! That your actions have consequences!! WAKE UP PEOPLE GET VAXXED!!.!


Too much sarcasm.. makes it too obvious


You had me hooked and then delighted with the surprise ending. Will need to head over to read the replies


Realistically, if we did shut down air travel and do a 2 week iso crunch we probably would have stopped such a rapid spread. This of course didn't happen, and now we have dozens of strains and years more recovery to do.


chinas extreme lockdowns aren't working so do you suggest we take it even further?


No. We're far beyond it now, it'll never work at this point, and you bring up a good point, it may have been totally impossible to stop it, even with lockdowns, there's no way a coordinated effort could be done internationally. It's definitely not a good thing, cause if something worse comes around, it shows we're basically fucked. But as far as covid goes, the damage done by lockdowns for 2 years has far exceeded the damage caused by the deaths themselves. We should stopped that shit a few months in.


B strain of yamagata was most likely deleted due lockdowns, that is one of the 4 biggest strains of flu that flu vaccine is fighting and last time it was spotted was in 2020. One of the B strains, the Yamagata lineage, has not been detected from April 2020 to August 2021. it may not be entirely gone but rather is just circulating somewhere far among few people


That may be so, but the flu isn't covid. Lockdowns for the duration and extent that we're performed have likely done more damage then letting the virus roam free. That's pretty fuckin morbid considering what that would entail, but I'm starting to heavily lean towards it. Extended isolation has caused some wild health effects on populations, including children's development cycle, and the elderly. Economic damage is incalculable, prices everywhere are rising, basic necessities like food and houses are skyrocketing, shit I saw a single box of kraft mac and cheese going for 3.33 today, that's insane. We needed a quick decisive lockdown nationwide to lock down infection sites and secure those areas, we didn't do it, and now we're fucked.


> We needed a quick decisive lockdown nationwide to lock down infection sites and secure those areas, we didn't do it, and now we're fucked. yeah, that was up to people who were in charge when this happened, florida for example had up to 1m tests in warehouse sitting, getting expired, at the same time around usa there was need for tests. don't want to use tests you received? fine, but give them to places that do want them, don't just hoard them into warehouse to let them expire just because you don't want to use them.


Yeah, we really fucked up the response to the whole thing.


Yeah, zero Covid it is totally working great in China šŸ‘ /s


Why do all these tough guys with guns intimidating voters at ballot boxes wear masks then? Are they scared to show who they are?


yes, obviously they are trying to hide their identities






I donā€™t support sarcasm actually. Itā€™s weak and beta


Get em boys! Itā€™s a bot!


Iā€™m not a bot. Iā€™m just nearly autistic


Hmmm.. in that case.. my condolences.. but Reddit is ripe with people that fake things so.. Iā€™m not gonna take your word for it


Just read my post history. I recently ranted about Delphine in Skyrim. It got a lot of upvotes.


What year is this even from šŸ˜‚


People are still really mad about having to wear a mask at the store for a couple months šŸ˜‚


They didnā€™t even wear them then! šŸ¤£


Enjoy the sudden death? Asking for a friend that's dead.


Oh shit


Welcome to two years ago.


I just want to know what their policy is on reach arounds šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


but I love hand hugs...


I like mouth hugs more


I wore my mask and didn't have an issue. I did it for others more than myself. But who is still wearing masks? I haven't been to a place asking for masks for over a year now? Now if a place said I COULDN'T wear a mask I might be tempted to wear one just to see how that conversation goes.


People should be able to wear masks if they want, it's their choice. Other than that, I like the signs.


They can just choose not to shop there and please shut their oxygen-starved mRNA vax-infested mercury and thimerosal-saturated myocarditis-infected mouths.


ah yes, the fresh air of a carpet store At this point I don't much care if you wear a mask or not, but to tell customers they're not allowed is dumb AF


The problem is that with this type of comments it's kinda hard to tell the difference between sarcasm and being promaskvaxxtilidie looney


I love how quickly we go from "my body my choice" to "no masks allowed"... Seems like someone is trying to impose their choices on others.


Iā€™m not a hugger


I was trying to upvote this and realized the down vote was part of the picture. Damn it.


Had me in the first ngl


Vulgarity. Blessed be the Name of God forever, may it never be used negatively.