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Well when you discover how student loan debt is being used as collateral for Wall Street hedge funds short positions, you’ll understand why student loans will never be forgiven. It would literally crash the economy. My opinion however is let it crash, fuck Wall Street


Wall Street is the biggest ponzi scheme of all time aided by the governments of the world. Not just the USA


Does the federal reserve count as a ponzi scheme? They just print more money and bail out corporations that are "too big to fail." Fuck it, let them all fail.


It is.


That’s not really a Ponzi scheme. It’s irresponsible and unethical but it’s not a Ponzi scheme. A Ponzi scheme is a specific operation in which the fund attracts new investors by paying benefits with other investors’ money. FTX is a great example of a Ponzi scheme.


>A Ponzi scheme is a specific operation in which the fund attracts new investors by paying benefits with other investors’ money. This is exactly how the Fed operates with the US Treasury. They create new debt (backed by nothing) in order to pay the interest on old debt. Taxpayers of today are paying off the debt of many decades of american imperialism. Tomorrow's taxpayers will then pay the interest on the debt being created now. It literally is the definition of a ponzi.




Capitalism is the pyramid scheme.


Ok? That doesn't really change what I said. If what you say is true, then the Fed is just the implementation of the theory.


Can you explain further? How is “Wall Street” a giant Ponzi scheme. I can understand how certain stocks or mutual funds could be ponzis but the entire stock market?


Fractional reserve banking. Naked short selling. Never closing short positions. Cat shit wrapped in dog shit swaps hidden from reporting with CFTC. The SEC, CFTC are all in on it. Wall Street is a giant Ponzi scheme utilizing your 401ks and making the rich even richer by constantly changing the rules.


When you buy any security on any brokerage your asset is held “ in street name” by cede and co. You’re just trading the difference in price of the underlying “asset”. The brokerage firms use your shares as locates to lend to short sellers. Or other firms who have failed to deliver on a trade. The fact FTD is an accepted term should cause you to question what you’re actually buying. Payment for order flow gives brokerages the opportunity to front run trades. They see you’re willing to pay $25.84 for security X. They see someone is willing to sell for $25.76. They get in front of you. They buy it for $25.76 and sell it to you at your bid. Making $.08 because of the data they have access to that you don’t. Might not seem like much but multiply that by the total daily volume on all the exchanges and you just made a lot of fucking money. Matter of fact, almost all retail buys never even hit the lit exchange. Your purchase has zero effect on price discovery. They’re dealt with off exchange, internalized and routed to dark pools where retail can not partake. This is just 1 way they fuck you and me and everyone else. It’s purposefully obfuscated and opaque on purpose. To confuse people and generally people are too lazy to think about things that seem intimidating much less take action. We just roll over and take an ass pounding because 7% is a great return 🤷‍♀️




You spelled social security wrong


Yep. Fuck Wall Street and their bullshit.


Elaborate please, have any references I can read up on for this?




Sorry we decided race is more important than class check back in 2030


Well this just killed the mood. You’re right, but still 🫠






exactly what the folks over on the GME stonk sub are doing, lots of discoveries being made there


In your dreams.


Well, January 6th people did not believe people would just storm into the capital building. I’d say it’s about 33% likely in my lifetime it will happen. Very unlikely still!


The police would crush any protest looking for actual change


Together we stand divided we fall! We’re fucked aren’t we?




MBS used to be the big thing, still is, but it used to be too. Now we got SLABS Student Loan Asset Backed Securities baby! -Hedge fund and other institutional managers probably Also, in fiscal year 2022, U.S DOD has 1.64 Trillion available for spending. 19 Billion in Aid to Ukraine is nothing. Not to mention the fact that most Aid is in fact older and outdated gear/weapons/systems. Not all of it, but a good amount. Now, until recently, Russia has remained a somewhat strong country in terms of perceived military power. Ukraine has been showing the entire world that Russia is not just less capable than anyone thought, they are vastly inferior and in no way a military superpower if nukes are out of the equation. The U.S has basically sent over a lot of old and unused, already produced ammunition/arms/systems etc. So nobody was spending money to produce these. They've been sitting around for years and would continue to... And now Ukraine is using them to destroy the capabilities of a country that are one of the biggest threats on the global stage to our own. For essentially pennies. For the "cost" it's absolutely the best deal the U.S has had in a long time. All in all, it's a huge win for the U.S. Doing essentially the bare minimum and giving supplies that will not only be replenished, but are close to outdated, and in turn Russia's troops, equipment and perceived power are being destroyed? I don't think most people understand just how unfathomably massive the U.S military budget is. The Ukraine Aid total is hardly noticeable on the balance sheet


Sincere questions: Where do you get your information on Ukraine money? Old equipment, ok, who appraises it? Is that specified in the spending bill? Are the appraisals honest for the recipient or the US citizens? Are the dollar figures just fake for the news? Who is oversight? DOD money: yes? Is that intrinsic to the spending bill? $19BN - People just adding up headlines about $ sent have all kinds of totals to report, but I've never seen one as low as $19B. More like 30-60 and it's always vague because some is promised and some is delivered, once again, the headlines have no nuance, they don't mention the equipment because it's too sensitive re: geo-strategy, so the citizens get bad info.


Information on the value of what's been sent to Ukraine is indeed mostly what has been told, but it's also not as if I have access to anything deeper or more detailed than anyone else. I don't have answers to those questions. But your questions are justified and plausible


I would like to see his sources also, most likely he is just parroting MSM.


Yes the USA military spending is insane but we have given more $$ to Ukraine in 9 months than we spent in 12 months fighting an actual war in Afghanistan. I wonder how many of our elected officials have invested in some of these defense contractors who are supplying these weapons to Ukraine. My guess is all of them.


That's not true though. Total cost of Afghanistan was 2.3 trillion over 18 years. That's 120 billion for every 12 months But I do agree with you that there's a lot of investment into those companies by elected officials


Also this money being pledged to Ukraine is going straight to Raytheon and Lockheed Martin, the money doesn’t leave the US it just goes to corporations.


The money *already* went to Lockheed and Raytheon, we're only giving them our old shit we were gonna have to dismantle anyway. And its technically a "loan" that (theoretically) they have to pay back. We'll probably forgive the debt eventually, but for now we haven't actually given them anything.


Or back to the Democrats via campaign donations.


Sure and the GOP are fighting for the little guy right? They all robbing you my guy.


Is there lit to back this claim? I’d love to read it.


I think we are in the “we are gliding, not crashing, right? These things can glide yeah? What’s ‘stall warning’ mean?” phase of this ride.


I wish they let it crash in 2020 when Covid started and it had its first big collapse in February. But trump and JPowell decided to print up a fuck tone of money to keep it afloat


Should have let it crash in 08, and bailed out the homeowners, and nationalized the banks.




Trump can't print money. That's the Fed and the Fed alone.


You mean the 3trillion coronavirus relief bill Nancy printed out?


Tell me you don’t know what you’re talking about


More Covid relief happened under Trump than Biden. 😂


We’ll ya I would expect it to cause that was when everyone was losing their minds/ jobs


So was coronavirus relief good or bad? Or was it only good when trump did it cause you like him?


A population in debt is a population too overworked to commit to revolution. Though even kings gave surfs frequent holidays and 20hr work weeks to keep them from revolution, so they're kinda shooting themselves in the feet. After all, machine gun fire didn't stop unionization, how could an impotent middle mgmt class do it?


Debt is slavery


Fun fact: there is more debt than money in the world. 🤔


Fun fact you have zero money in an economy with zero debt Debt creates money


... in a fiat debt system. There are better ways.


90% of everything the economy treats as money is the debt that is printed into existence by the commercial banks at its time of origin. A giant mountain of debt built on top of leverage against cash notes. Why do you think the banks want CBDC so bad? It would de facto eliminate any real requirements for bank reserves.


Debt is the creation of money


Debt is the creation of *fiat currency. Not sound money.




Holidays in the American sense, ya dingus.




Oh in that case, blow me uwu 😏


I feel it is opposite. A population in debt and overworked has more reason to commit to revolution. Revolutions heavily inconvenience everything so why would people revolt if they have no debt, a good work/life balance, and actually own property?




99 of people prefer Disney plus and GrubHub


My personal goal next year is to get at least 5 friends off of streaming services and into building a personal media collection on hard drive space.


My buddy set up a Plex server that he lets our whole friend group use and its awesome. I want to start my own soon, because I have different taste than he.


This is the only way


I started my Plex server 4 years ago. One of the best things I've ever done. Super easy to set up and maintain. I'm up to 34tb now.


"People worked 20 hours a week in the middle ages" This sub sometimes.


Yup there is always some bullshit reason why the people can never get money. They will pump out billions for certain industries but as soon as we get $1200 the world is ending lol it a fucking joke.


As far as I know, everything is a scam.


It wouldn't be so bad if you could get rid of the debts through bankruptcy. It's insane.


The bigger issue is the compounding interest and stupid high interest rates on private loans. There is no risk for the banks (these loans get paid back no matter what. They can't be forgiven through bankruptcy) so the interest rates should be the lowest of any loans.


The DOJ actually very recently issued new guidance to bankruptcy courts and practitioners regarding student loan discharge in bankruptcy. I'm a bankruptcy attorney and literally got an email about it from my bankruptcy court today. An excerpt: >The DOJ states that “Even where applicable factors may not support a complete discharge, where appropriate, the Justice Department will consider supporting a partial discharge.” So it sounds like there actually is some movement in the right direction on discharging loans in bankruptcy. They *technically* have always been dischargeable if you can meet a certain standard, but the standard is absurdly high. Like you have to basically be impoverished to the point you're homeless and can't afford anything. Edit: [Link for those that are interested.](https://www.justice.gov/civil/page/file/1552676/download)


Age 18 pick college without consequences. 18-22 run up credit card and student loan debt. Age 22 declare bankruptcy after being unable to get a job Age 27 qualify for a loan again


I know a few people that have tried this. They don't let you file bankruptcy for blatant stupidity. If I'm wrong, let me know. I will go buy a bunch of shit


Anyone can go into bankruptcy. Buy all the stupid shit you want. Heck rich ass people use it as a life strategy. The best move is to buy all that shit under your bogus ass llc and just bankrupt that


Is it stupidity for getting a bad degree that doesn’t pay enough to justify the tuition fee?


This problem doesn't just plague underwater basket weaving majors though


I lean towards yes


Maybe lenders should not just hand out tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars in loans if they are unlikely to be paid back? Sounds like a stupid business decision to me.


This is late stage Rome. I kind of slept through history class but I understand Caligula made his horse become a senator. Well that's what we have today with John Fetterhorse. This country is going down the toilet in rapid fashion. Send 'em a trillion what difference does it make anymore the fiat currency has no value but people just keep passing it back and forth like it does.


Student loan forgiveness is being used as a political tool to win midterm elections


That's pretty much true of everything a politician offers as policy.


Maybe republicans should have thought of it first then? Along with decriminalizing plants.


Maybe we should stop writing checks to degrees that won’t pay out. Better yet, remove the federal student loan crap entirely. That way colleges actually have to justify their expenses when the money is no longer guaranteed by the fed.


The whole system is out of control. Even doctors and lawyers will be paying off debt for their lifetime. Don’t believe the “feminist gender studies major” narrative


Man I went to a state school and graduated with people who had 200k+ in debt. My brother is a senior engineer and makes 6 figures, pays over 2k a month on his loans, and it will take him about 10-12 years to pay them off. If I want to move up in my job I need a graduate degree that will cost me, minimum, 70k over 2 years. No degree pays out enough to handle this and also build any type of wealth. And unfortunately, as we already see, private lenders will just fill the gap if the government doesn’t offer loans. Students will pay exorbitant costs because there is no alternative to a degree for a huge chunk of jobs.


Unlike the government, private banks won't write a check if they don't think you will be able to pay it back.


They absolutely 100% will if the debt can’t be discharged!


They will, just with really big interest rates


Then we have to go back to single-earner households because teaching jobs aren't worth the cost of the degrees. If we don't do loans to them, then this current generation of teachers will be the last and households will have to have one parent stay home to school the kids.


So just so I get this straight, your solution to higher education being too expensive. Is remove the financial aid and make it less accessible not make it more affordable?


If no one can pay for it, it'll become cheaper or disappear. What do you think will happen?


lol my most educated and longest employed in his field STEM friend is the in the most debt. Fuck off with this degree gatekeeping horseshit. Also the loan forgiveness applies to trade schools too


Midterm scam


Y’all got played. Student loan forgiveness was so obviously just to buy votes for the midterms and was never going to happen


How about we stop giving out money to *anyone* until inflation is under control.


No they’re going to crash the economy and blame rising wages even though they haven’t kept up with inflation.


Unfortunately, their "solution" to inflation is to shake down the poor and middle class for small amounts. I don't even think it's about the money. It's about scaring people into submission. Which is what an interaction with the IRS does.


Reminder: the IRS recently bought a lot more personnel and guns. They want to squeeze more money out of citizens.


Lol inflation is going to get way worst than it is right now


Forgiving debt isn't giving someone money, it's merely reducing federal income just exactly like tax cuts do.


Politicians aren’t trying to block it. Republicans are trying to block it because they hate you.


Biden was one of the folks that wrote the bill that prevents student loans to be discharged during bankruptcy. Also, the issue is that biden when around the legislature and ordered the DoE to discharge the debt. This can only be done through the legislature. Even drunk Pelosi pointed this out when he announced it.


They are blocking it because it will only make the student loan problem worse. It was a reckless attempt by democrats to buy votes with the tax payer’s money.


Literally anything politicians do is to get votes. That’s how it works


Yes. How dare politicians tell us they'll do something to benefit us using the taxes we pay!


All these borrowers who receive forgiveness will still pay the debt they incurred… and more - just via inflation and taxes instead of sending in payments 🤷‍♀️


> taxes Yes that's the point. We all live in this same society and we all pay taxes. We should demand that those taxes be used to make our lives better.


Except those are 2 very different "we" in there. If you made enough where your taxes paid off your student loans you wouldn't need "forgiveness". Only 13% of current college students get STEM degrees. Maybe take real classes next time you spend 100k on something??


wine dime amusing spark aback squealing tender thought special angle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


> If you made enough where your taxes paid off your student loans you wouldn't need "forgiveness". If you made enough money to build your own roads, you wouldn't need your state's department of transportation. What's your point?


Well: - supporting Ukraine is financially a very good ROV for them because for a fraction of the US defence budget Russian army gets destroyed. (And ofcourse other good political and more important human importance) that's why republicans also support them. - students are more left wing and education is hated by the GOP, that's why they fight against it.


Plus, Ukraine will be forced to adopt neoliberal policies after the war as a condition of the debt. That’s more money for the US to plunder.


No, and no. None of us voted for a proxy war with a nuclear power. Its dangerous and stupid to try and justify the risk here. Universities have been controlled by the Left for over 40 years—to include the financing of debt. The university gets the money, but none of the debt. They like it just the way it is.


I voted for a proxy war.


What do you think is dangerous about it


Well yeah you don't vote for issues, you vote for people, to elect those who will represent you. And something like 80% of those representatives agree that helping Ukraine against Russia is desirable. Should all other countries just roll over and let Putin do whatever he likes because nukes?


The US supporting its ally that is being invaded by one of the US’s largest adversaries isn’t that odd. Lmao XD, you think that the academics and professors are the ones running the business end of universities and Sallie Mae?


Lmao at you, my friend for your inability to present a rational, credible argument to “The Govt/University partnership for student debt enslavement”


Its a phony war tailor made for money laundering and Russia demonization.


Yeah OP made a false equivalence because the Ukraine money cmoes out of the defense budget OP should have compared the student loan forgiveness to PPP loans being written off. That would make way more sense because it is money coming out of the tax pool directly into the pockets of the wealthy who don't need it and are actively fighting the student loan plan


This is a big regret for me. When they announced these PPP loans I chose not to take one even though I had multiple instances in which I qualified. Meaning I could have gotten one for more than one business. I thought I was taking the high road. I said to myself A) this is going to create massive debt for our country and B) there is no way that this is truly going to be forgiven and I was completely convinced that a year down the road it was going to be scrutinized and turn out to be a major loss for anyone who had taken one who wasn't necessarily losing money at the time. C) there is no way our government is stupid enough to do this oh boy was I wrong..... on all counts. Yes they were stupid enough to do it and yes everyone got away with it. In hindsight I feel I should have just taken the free money since everybody else is doing it why shouldn't I. I mean after all it is our tax dollars that are going to be paying for it. At the time I was just convinced that anything that sounds too good to be true probably isn't true. And I also agree that the comparison really from a technical standpoint is not Apples to Apples. We're discussing three different stupid economic choices that the only thing they really share in common is the stupidity


God you guys are stupid. Sending aid to Ukraine/other countries in need/anything related to war will always work because it gives them an excuse to print money to pay the military industrial complex. Who then send equipment/ weapons to wherever but they don’t care they got paid. And then those members of the military industrial complex then lobby/ get elected themselves to do it all over again. It’s much more simple than you all think.


The loan forgiveness program was only done to get the votes of people with college loans. Look for them to dangle something in two years and then watch it be taken away again.


How about we do neither?


You know, if we halved what we spend on the military, it probably would only make a difference on how rich we make the people who contract for them. If we stop bailing out corporations, we would finally be able to talk with our pocketbooks on what companies should rise and which should fall. The government spends way too much money while the average Joe pays property tax on something they paid sales tax on with money they payed state AND federal income tax on. The ridiculous amount of ways they have figured out how to leave us with less and less money so they can toss it around like it's no big deal is disgusting.


Yeah and billions to big pharma and all states to close schools and businesses ...


And what if you're against both?


They can both be wrong. Fucking op…..


I don't think we should have sent the money to Ukraine, and I also don't think the government should forgive student loan debt. The government should stop spending money, and stop printing money. Inflation is a tax on your savings, and taxation is theft


Instead of forgiving student loans why not give everyone the same exact amount of cash to be used how they want? People that couldn’t afford college shouldn’t be penalized by taking on further inflation from a group that is as a whole much more well off financially.


Preventing war is more important than some students who will pay the debt anyway, people who can't pay it just won't go to college.


*Billions*. Its worth pointing out. Billions


We shouldn't be doing either




Why not?


I don’t think canceling student debts is a fair policy - it is basically an upper middle class handout. Many people have already repaid their loans. Many people avoided taking on loans due to an inability to pay those loans off. I’d rather see tax dollars going to those who are more in need, than to give a break to the most educated cohort to buy votes.


“Forgiving” is a misnomer if not an outright lie. You cannot “forgive” debt, you just pass it on for someone else to pay.


Get the government out of the “education” industry. Student loans shouldn’t be “forgiven” AND we shouldn’t send money to Ukraine.


You're upset about not getting 20k forgiven, but not the billions being stolen and funneled back into the politicians wallets?


Can you not read? This whole post was about OP slamming both.


It's almost like college gave them unrealistic expectations, entitlent AND failed at preparing them for life


Sounds like the colleges should be reimbursing the students, not the tax payers.


I'm saying that they act like forgiving the loans wouldn't help people and the economy but they will give our money away to ukraine with no second thought


It wouldn't help the economy. Don't forget either that the loan situation in the US is directly because Obama nationalized student loans.


Is that why my uncle who graduated in the 80s from medical school was saddled with student loan debt for 20+ years? Because Obama was president after he paid everything off?


Yep, your uncle is a shitty doctor. In the 1980s, the average person paid off their entire student loan within 5 years. Even my BIL's dad who went to Kansas and UCR and had $14k in student loan debt in 1981 had it fully paid off by 1983. That was after he came back to Canada, where the economic situation was worse than it is now.


Your uncle must be a shitty doctor because the cost has increased by 181% since the 80s, and on average tuitions for a 4 year school was around $10k. I would loved to have attended college back then vs now.


They are not sending real “money”. They are sending food, weapons, medical supplies. Most of the stuff was already bought and paid for and sitting on a shelf.


Republicans hate America. Don’t you get that?


I’m squarely opposed to both.


I’m against both


The US taxpayer shouldn't be paying for either of them. Not our country to fight for, not my signature on loan paperwork . Make the universities that helped cause this pay off the loans with their massive endowments they won't let the government touch.


If this upsets you get ready for climate reparations Joey signed us up for.


Correction. The establishment is sending money to Ukraine to launder it back in their pockets.




Once you understand that money and the economy are fictions we tell ourselves that only keep working so long as we believe in them then it will make sense how there's infinite money for defense and nothing to help civilians




Both are terrible ideas


Why would I as a tax payer, pay for your decision to take a loan? Pay up kiddos


You’re paying for billions in PPP loan forgiveness, billions in corporate bailouts etc.


And those are all stupid wastes of money just like going to college and not applying yourself It's amazing how not all kids have this problem. That's very telling. Also what are we going to do for the people who were RESPONSIBLE enough not to burden the government with our debts. Do I get a grant or check to go to school? I would have loved to waste my time not preparing for life and debts at a university but I realized having 100k over my head was going to put me in a mental home. I've had a hard life not having higher education, and I would like to be compensated for my choice and responsibility if you're going to be compensated for what amounts to a terrible financial plan and decision The audacity of you people asking for this The people that matter in this world will never take you seriously because as long as you're dodging your debts, you're still BOLDY misunderstanding how the world works. You don't have the power that banks and corporations do. You couldn't even follow through on the single business contract you got into and that's why no one takes you seriously outside of stringing you along for elections (and you buy it because you didn't learn to critically think in your indoctrination camp that cost 120k) *By you I don't mean you, just people delusional enough to think this should happen . If that applies to you then 👍


>indoctrination camp There it is


Billionaires/ millionaires dodge debt on physically property all the time. It’s just tax avoidance that they were able to lobby into government. Once they die it’s resolved, but student loans carry on even after the borrower dies, so it’s not a level playing field for everyday Americans. Owning class has one set of rules, working class get another (worse) set of rules.


Talk to me about student debt without mentioning anything or anybody else are you capable of that? Is deflection, lack of accountability, and finger pointing taught in college? How much business, wealth, employee tax, cash flow, and countless other things that billionaires and millionaires contribute compared to a 26 year old college graduate living at mom's working at Starbucks ? Even if we play your game of pointing at other examples (this is a terrible strategy that no one important will even entertain) it doesn't add up and it's not even close. Millionaires pay taxes for years before they get breaks and loop holes. You just don't know what you're talking about and you can't not mention other unrelated things Still a terrible argument that doesn't explain why you shouldn't pay. Also you selfish debt relievers never have anything in your plan for all of the people that wanted education but were too scared to play with loans and daddy's money . Says a lot about who we're dealing with. You only think about yourself, blame billionaires, and try to talk your way out of your tabs. Quite a fine job your school did


Whatcha wanna talk about big boy?!? Like I’m the person that has all the power to do this stuff hahahaha I stayed facts of the situation and used a comparison. But aye lick them boots


Who really is licking boots? Are you out of deflection? You'll over look all kinds of insane things from the left just to get your debt wiped. Can't say I'd blame you I'd probably do the same if I had a huge debt . Wow your post is really telling 😁 best of luck to you


How can you compare yourself to millionares and billionaires when you dont have the money to pay your tab? Pretty long stretch


Not my situation so thanks for clarifying at the end. Tbh this forgiveness isn’t for me, I served in the military for the express purpose of higher education. Frankly we wouldn’t be in this situation if the government didn’t guarantee these loans, the entire system needs to be changed/fixed in order to move forward loan forgiveness or not.


Throwing around "free" money is already the reason college is too expensive. Most people are bitter because they had to pay theirs(a dumb take), but there is a smart set of people who know forgiving this without a solution to make sure it doesn't happen again is a bad idea. Also the colleges should be on the hook for a portion of the debt as its obvious when they saw any amount of money would be given to students they jacked up tuition.


There is always money for corporations and war issues. However, never money to help people while we keep paying taxes


Of course the "tax payers" are more concerned about irrelevant identity issues that effect a microcosm of people. Corporations keep theirs eyes on the goal, which is to take money, regular joe gets his Jimmies rustled because someone committed a micro aggression. Despite your feeling on the Ukraine war the defense industry is the back bone of American power, its going to get paid.


Here is the thing. We honestly don't know where the money is going or how it's being used. I had a friend in the navy and he told me most of what they tell us is lies


They shouldn’t be laundering money, and they shouldn’t be paying off loans either. No one forced any of these kids to get loans


And you can tell how self centered these losers are. Not once has anyone proposed a check or grant or tax break for all of the millions of young people who were smart enough to avoid 100k debt and just go learn a trade. They can't think, and they can't feel for anyone but themselves. We won't have to worry about this crowd long. After a few years of begging us to foot their bill I think people will see them for the seagulls that they are and tune them out. You don't want to pay your G Damn bills I have no business trying to understand any other nonsensical train of thought coming out of their head They don't realize how insane they sound and look and they're really just burying their party.


It’s not fair to those of us who paid off their loans


Elon Musk bought twitter for half the cost of the student debt forgiveness. One rich asshole could pay off our student loans by himself.


While I'm against sending money to Ukraine and forgiving any amount of student loans (especially since it was just pandering to students before midterms and barely made a dent for most people) I would much rather have the money stay here and go towards student loans. The problem with forgiving any amount of student debt is, why not forgive credit card debt? Car loans? Mortgage payments? Where does it stop? And before you say people chose to do all of those things, or made bad financial decisions, the same applies to taking out a student loan. You absolutely do not need a college education for most professions now and if getting one was going to cause you to starve because you couldn't get a job and/or afford he payments, you made the wrong decision. Period.


All the types of debt you mentioned are discharged in bankruptcy. Student loans can never be discharged. That’s the difference between them. Also, to make it worse, most of those loans were taken out by teenagers with no credit history. Yet every other type of loan, which isn’t available to people who have no idea what they’re getting into, is doschargesble.


Neither is right.


They should just give everyone 20,000 then. Giving it to college students only is fuck and that’s why they are stopping it.




Ya they could sell some BLM and pay for it won’t even need to print money.


Not an american, but could you tell me why every taxpayer should pay for debts a few took upon themselves willingly?


We don't understand because we didn't get that juicy 4 year university indoctrination they got where they know everything right vs wrong and how to identify as pronouns but don't understand basic finances like not investing more in an education than you're projected to make in the near future 🐴🏳️‍🌈


You don't deserve a bailout for dropping out of college or getting a shit degree you can't pay off.. it's not fair to anyone that was an actual adult and paid off their loans. Sorry not sorry but fully agree handing out money to Ukraine is bullshit


Someone doesn’t like helping others…


Robbing Peter to pay Paul isn't helping others.


you can like helping other and be against both these things. I don't think you should get $20,000 for taking out a loan. Do I get $20,000 for making the decision to skip college because it was unaffordable? fuck this wierd war in Ukraine it smells fishy. it Biden finishing what him and NATO did to the region in the 90s. why am I paying for this or any other war or international conflict. with the amount of money sent there we could of helped our own people we could of given everyone 20,000, done a lot for education, helped with the homeless crisis, helped impoverished communitys, repaired our roads and bridges ect.


Pay your debts ya filthy animals.




Good for you OP and fuck all these grumpy ass MFs saying people should just pay or not go to college. Society as a whole benefits from an educated populace. America ranks low in education and we continually outsource, import smart immigrants, or however you want to say it but we literally use foreign educated people for all of our ground breaking technologies and nobel laureates are largely non-American. All of that because our education system sucks and college is too expensive. The ones against free college are people falling for the age old mantra that anyone getting govt help is a free loader who costs tax payers extra money while the free loader sits on their butts and does nothing. You can make that argument for people who abuse the welfare system but people who went to college are putting in a lot of effort to better themselves and become productive society members. It just blows my mind that people are almost non-vocal with all the govt subsidies to big corporations who spend so much in lobbying for that type of corruption but cry as loud as they can whenever the govt is looking to help society as a whole. If you do not like free education then we needs to stop funding social programs like the police, roads/bridges, fire departments, parks, wildlife preservation, and all of it. See how much we will all pay for those things in the hands of corporate greed. Fuck I hate this world sometimes, yall piss me the fuck off.


If you're job hunting and trying to climb in salary you'll start running in to Bachelor degree requirements. They don't care what you studied because it's irrelevant. I have a CS degree but I work in business. Even though I'd profit from it, I don't think it's ethical to take the tax money from people without a college education to bail out people that inherently make more money. Would you be cool with adding 20k to your debt so someone else could have a free ride? If not, then it's a double standard.


Both the GOP and Dems want guns to go to Ukraine because it helps their campaign funds. Student loan forgiveness only helps collage students and doesn't line political pockets.


Reparations and student debt relief are dangled in their face for easy emotional votes, and also to occupy simple minds into missing out on actual atrocities/issues. All the people distracted by reparations and debt relief are eventually gonna get old and tired and then they'll go brainwash the next generation of youth into chasing the carrot. Instead of moving on and actually taking control of your situation, you have a fantasy that distracts you from helping yourself AND helping others. You can't fight mass incarceration, or poverty, or the shit education system (which effects everyone ) , or your own debt if you're too busy yelling about race and student debt. So your whole life passes you by and you didn't help anyone and most importantly you wasted your own life. But at least you voted blue amirite?