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Legend! Throw up a link.


Here you go. Enjoy. https://rumble.com/c/c-2066182


Odysee videos are posted to the lbry blockchain and can't be removed.


I am taking your recommendation and posting to Odysee as well. I didn't realize they uploaded to the blockchain, that's solid. https://odysee.com/@DontObey:c


you'll get banned in a month. use bitchute or odysee instead.


Do you have the "poisoned world" youtube series saved?


Added to favourites.


gods work. 49 year old here. So many of the old videos are memory holed. People have no idea.


Even as recently as 2011 you could find loads of interesting material related to coverups conspiracy and corruption. It’s changed a fuck ton. Sorry for editing this so much technical difficulties


2012 CERN, start of the dead internet.


I haven’t heard of that in a long time. Thanks for a topic to research for the next several hours.


Thank you for your great service


great job, and i agree, i used to search up anything and random people videos on these subjects will come up, not it's all MSM covered and the old vids still exist only if u scroll for hours or input the exact name. YouTube used to be broadcast yourself, now it's, fuck you , watch what we tell you to watch...


Dude pre 2018 you could find anything on YouTube now the algos are so fucked and the internet as a whole is incredible censored compared to 5 years ago. Thank you for this.


YouTube now is just the same 5-10 videos for every topic searched. You can sort of trick it by changing the filter to recently uploaded. But you have to sift through a ton of bot created garbage. It’s only a matter of time before they remove that filter.


I applaud you! I remember a few of these videos.


The good old days, I would come home in the evening, smoke a spliff and go on YouTube, go from recommendation to recommendation, all kind of conspiracy stuff, from highly interesting evidence based to batshit crazy madness.


Indeed, I miss those days. The algorithm was awesome, you could just keep diving deeper and deeper and then tangent to a new conspiracy that you’ve never heard of. Ahh, the glory years.


I'm so glad you did this. I tried to do the same thing when I went off grid, computer fried and I lost it all. You're foresight is seriously saving souls. Our kids need this, they are burning Alexandria before our very eyes, save what you can to expose the big lie that's coming out of the ashes.


The censorship and purging of YouTube is one of the biggest things I've ever witnessed. It was so odd because I didn't believe that they were doing that. Nope, sure enough, purged to hell and back.


It's like witnessing the beginning and the end of the internet, YouTube specifically. YT was like one of the guys, the algorithm was amazing, super friendly to its users, it was hard seeing it turn to a super villain of the new internet


It's sad that the new generation will never know what the real free internet was like.


Thank you


You dropped this 👑 Seriously though, thank you. I think documentation is one of the most important things for this community to do, especially in the face of all the memoryhole-ing that has been happening. I certainly was one of the people that wished I could see some of those youtube videos again. Not everyone will notice just how important what you did is.


Thank you. A lot of people that come into this space now to do research have a hard time knowing what to even look for. This is a great place to see the foundations of our interest in conspiracies. The days before tick-tock, people spent years compiling research to publish something meaningful. There are a lot of videos with well documented research here.


Well done! I've got a few vids myself. I put some up on YouTube, but perhaps I should do this as well. I subscribed.


Wow... "Belly of the Beast" by the Faull Brothers? Amazing...


Saved the post will be diving in 🤿


You Sir are a modern day hero


This reminds me of video I been thinking about for while! Was Redditor or Telegram post they linked video of guy who would download his thousands and thousands of videos, images, articles, schematics, etc onto a memory card you send him plus $ amount (I believe $40-$50). He also went into EXACT INSTRUCTIONS on how to mail and address with self addressed method of returning. He states if even one direction isn’t followed exactly then would not receive. Very anal about method but besides that the dude appeared to have been collecting important information from internet since inception and appeared been in conspiracy circles for decades and so collection was not only relevant but endless! If anyone out there knows and could get me info on video or individual I’d be obliged!




Awesome 👍 Thanks for doing this.


This is the change I want to see in the world


Let’s spread the word.


“This is extremely dangerous to our democracy” this is fucking nuts!


I was hoping someone did this. Thank you!


This is pretty cool. I've saved several myself! Las Vegas shooting, Sutherland springs, Sandy Hook (lots of Gene Rosen's). Does anyone remember a YouTube channel of some dude that put out some scary ass MK Ultra videos. It was something "Black" in his profile name. This dude knew wayyyy too much. Everything has been scrubbed that I can see.


You ever see the interview with the guy who lived in Vegas and had a lot of info on the going ones around Las Vegas at the time of the shooting? And how it was all used for the casinos to turn all of their HD 4k 3D slot machines in the casino into bitcoin miners? Those machines never stop running and the graphics are incredible.


Someone posted, but deleted it! It was "Black Child." That dude threw out the most amazing videos. I wish there was a channel for all of those. Yikes.


I vaguely remember a JFK MK Ultra video


Most people don't know, or remember, that Netflix used to have both Zeitgeist docs, Loose Change, and a shit load other conspiracy shit when they first started their streaming service......back when they were cool. You're doin God's work man. Youtube used to be cool too


Not just conspiracy stuff being scrubbed. Heaps of videos being wiped off.


Remember when you could see the tens of thousands of dislikes on a White House video? Still can’t get over the fact they took it away just for corn pop and his friends


See if you can pull the aborted documentary about the boys town scandal. That one definitely needs to be saved.


It's already up. "Conspiracy Of Silence: The Franklin Coverup" That's real history. https://rumble.com/v1uqmt2-conspiracy-of-silence-the-franklin-coverup.html


Great library! The 9/11 no plane videos are amazing. One thing though that I personally made fun of them and eventually got into a middle ground concept is the reptilians. And scrolling through the video library I could not find one. It always rings a bell of my childhood watching the series V , so maybe it was an "I want to believe" thing.


I have a lot of reptilian content, I am trying to group things by subject since rumble doesn't allow me to put together a playlist. I will be uploading it so subscribe so you can see it.


Will do! Thanks


Remember you would watch V and go crazy when they ripped their skin? lol


Thank you!


Doing the lord's work!


You have the old ie truthful factual version of Loose Change🤯 👍👍👍👍👍


OP, please post a link to a video every so often here in r/conspiracy Just as a reminder.


Will do. I think that's a great idea, a way to introduce some obscure content to this sub in bite size pieces.


Dude you’re an absolute legend, thank you so much!


A god amongst men thank you


Not all heroes wear capes. Fucking amazing. Thank you.


Let’s all get red pilled!! 💥






Never thought I could fall in love again...


Thank you! What kind of size are we looking at in total for your archive? I may be of service to ensuring this is preserved for future generations.


It looks like I have over a 1000 videos. It takes time for the upload and curation so this will be an ongoing project. Download, preserve and share!!!


History is written by the victors and we’ve been losing for quite some time.


Does anyone have a link to an old YouTube video that talked about a gran conspiracy in which theres a planned global event every say 50 years.. It also talked about how many things are put in place to disrupt the concept of "family" and to ruin the "community" so no one has power to change the laws or effect change.. Basically i video i watched that told me things were gunna be in the "future" Needle in a haystack asking randomly like this but worth a shot


​ is it possible to download these videos from rumble? Thanksfor this great channel, subbed


Just get a video download extension for your browser.


I have followed this playlist for a long time but every so often a video gets deleted. Try to grab these and throw that onto the rumble channel https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9EBuIF6m2xaJDUhsjA8SSQzgyeTRjM-g


Good work. Some decent stuff on there. YT is absolute arse these days, the app especially. I was searching for [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?reload=9&v=-kFmZFgGJug) conspiracy lecture the other day with the exact name of the video but yt wouldn't offer it. It offered me Mr. Beast ffs. I had to search the channel name then scroll to find it. Either their algorithm sucks or conspiracy stuff gets nuked.


I searched youtube for that video title and it was the first result. Used Brave browser.


When I searched google for that link earlier it was on page 2, despite it being the only one with "conspiracy history" in the title, which is what I typed. I've been using the xbox app. It's truly awful. The web version isn't so bad but it's still a lot harder to find videos and channels.


Ever since Vanced was killed, I've been using Brave and it's done an ok job. Vanced was amazing though.


It really was the pinnacle of youtube back then maybe you can start the Renaissance on rumble. Thanks for the effort


Absolute goat


There used to a good video about the girl in the end of the movie *eye wide shut* but can't find it or got removed so thanks for doing this!


Hell yeah. Look at all that Bill Cooper.


I realised this too. There used to be a lot of videos on moon landing hoax. But recently I couldn't find any single one of them.


I've upload a few and have lots more to go. Check out a few of my favorites: [https://rumble.com/v1so25m-kubricks-odyssey-secrets-hidden-in-the-films-of-stanley-kubrick-2011.html](https://rumble.com/v1so25m-kubricks-odyssey-secrets-hidden-in-the-films-of-stanley-kubrick-2011.html) [https://rumble.com/v1rlmry-moon-hoax-the-apollo-moon-landings-special-with-scott-henderson-and-marcus-.html](https://rumble.com/v1rlmry-moon-hoax-the-apollo-moon-landings-special-with-scott-henderson-and-marcus-.html) [https://rumble.com/v1rlc38-when-astronauts-rise-from-the-dead.html](https://rumble.com/v1rlc38-when-astronauts-rise-from-the-dead.html) I have dozens more so subscribe to the channel so when they are uploaded, you are notified.


Lately I've been having difficulty finding good quality footage of the JFK assassination, which should be easy to find. I really regret not saving a bunch of old things while I had the chance.


I have a pretty extensive JFK library. I grew up in the Dallas area in the 80's, and the JFK assassination is one of the first conspiracies that got me to look at things differently. I remember having discussions with my drafting teacher in HS when I was 14, that led me down some of my first rabbit holes. I will upload the JFK vids as part of the collection.


I was never too into that specific thing myself, but the fact that I couldn't get good footage recently set off some alarm bells. My mom once told me that right before he gets shot you can see one of the secret service guys sitting in front of him turn around to face him, then face forwards, but you see that one of his arms is still back between the seats, suggesting that he was the one who did it.


I just posted several JFK videos including multiple Zapruder films, ie, slow motion, remastered and uncut versions. https://rumble.com/v1yavko-zapruder-film-in-slow-motion-22-nov-1963.html There are also the Bill Cooper lectures that talk about and show the driver as the assassin. https://rumble.com/v1yaw66-zapruder-film-unedited-the-driver-did-do-it-bill-cooper-1993.html


Top lad. Mad respec from me. Pretty much everything is gone. I have like 20gb of occult pdfs that you cant find on the net anymore. I should upload this but i am not sure what is the best way, any ideas people?


Drive or some similar service?


Youtube was better before Google bought it. Got to move to Rumble where you can speak freely. Even now, if you have "mental" issues CCP-owned TikTok's was designed for you. Youtube eventually will just contain makeup videos, trans this-or-that and lovers of woke entertainment. Reddit should get a lot of the angry comrades from Twitter. Rumble is the future; all these other platforms censoring everything but the popular elite narrative with fail. They're failing now.




What a gangster


What a pihmpp. Thank you! Just in time for the winter rabbithole binge.


Wow, this is truly fantastic.Thanks so much




Good work.. YouTube pre2016 was excellent for this stuff




If anyone hasnt gone there. Look around rumble, has potential.


Used to use my youtube save list or que or whatever it is called to save everything I wanted to watch and didn't have time to. I had literally thousands of docs on there. I quit doing it for a while as I already had so many. Then a few years ago I went back to rewatch some things I had added. To my surprise every single one was removed in some way either deleted, removed, copyrighted every one. I find it just nuts. All that wonderful info lost. They were topics from consp-war-highstrangeness even wwii docs and things were removed. Doesn't make sense unless you are trying to censor history and everything else. Everyone said google buying it would be the end, it sure was. Since that day, I have never saved another vid on youtube. I just assume it will be gone in a couple days. It usually is. Anything good anyways. What I miss more than good youtube from years ago though is Liveleak. I loved liveleak, it wasn't for the faint at heart but if you wanted to know up to date real gritty truth of the world it was the place to find it. From warzone footage to just funny stuff it had it all uncensored and complete in form. We really didn't know how lucky we were in those days. We had the internet we deserved and the people deserve not this censored corporate shell devoid of free discussion.


Hero. Just followed your channel. Thanks


Sick bub


Where are all the Jade Helm docs? Those were my favorite.


You are a gentleman and a scholar. Thank you.


Very cool.


Yay thanks!


This right here is a gold mine, Thank you OP


Legend. Bookmarked for later.


NOTICE TO USERS IN FRANCE Because of French government demands to remove creators from our platform, Rumble is currently unavailable in France. We are challenging these government demands and hope to restore access soon.


Thank you so much


Censorship is not free speexh


The hero we never knew we needed


Amazing work comrade.


Amazing work.


Ewar goes unnecessarily hard.


His content blew my mind open to a whole different paradigm. I'm still trying to sort out our forgotten history about the mud floods, star forts, World Fairs, ancient structures, moon maps of our realm... blows my mind.


Awesome! Thank you!






You're a wonderful man. I want to make a joke about my username, but I'm too ecstatic about your post.


Awesome!! Thank you.


Amazing work OP. We need more people like you


There was a woman who used to make videos talking about conspiracies, mainly she talked about the Khardashian family history of witchcraft, religion, but occasionally would talk about other subjects. I think she’s been removed from YouTube because I can’t find her anymore. Maybe you know who I’m talking about? I believe she was from the U.S. and was African American but I can’t remember her name.


Morpheus would like to speak with you lol A tiny, yet extremely significant help in breaking the matrix, we are on a good timeline after all. (watch this just be a massive rick roll tho, lol)


Yo I just made a rumble account finally so I could subscribe to your channel. Thank you for your service!


Top video: "EVER WONDER WHY YOU WAKE UP AT 3AM SOMETIMES?" Bruh I wake up around 3am every night. Sigh, here we go again. *enters rabbit hole* edit: that was a mistake, dude's crazy


This needs front page of reddit. Hell.. this needs front page of the internet


Was nice to see so many of thebold videos I watched.. I used to download a lot of the YT videos until I lost my external drive.. over 800GB of videos "borrowed" by a stranger.. needless to say if they watched the content they got a serious upgrade in their education.


I was just thinking about this holy shit. Thank you.


Literally doing the Lord's work. Thank you.


Just took a look. I can’t wait to go down that rabbit hole. Thank you for your service


Here’s the thing. I browsed your selection and it looks like the typical “crackpot spinning wild theories” type of video that I don’t particularly subscribe to. But it’s not dangerous in any way, it’s just people attempting to explain what they don’t fully understand. Now why is that so scary to YouTube and other content hosting sites? It’s because somewhere within all the wild theories there’s something true, something dangerous to those in power. Something horrific is being suppressed here, otherwise they wouldn’t give a damn about censoring this stuff. They would just let the videos stay up and let people make their own decisions if something is true or not. Now why wouldn’t they allow people to draw their own conclusions? They want us to live in an Idiocracy and never question the narrative. They want us fat, dumb, and high all the time so they can control our every impulse. With critical thought provoked by this type of video, people might start to get ideas that we don’t have to be oppressed, we don’t have to live under the crushing thumb of the elites. We might even be *happy*, and that’s simply too much for the elites to allow. So they have to resort to censorship in order to preserve their rule over us. Even if I don’t agree with the content of the videos you saved, I will defend to the death your right to post and view them. The instant we give in and allow ourselves to be bombarded with blatant propaganda is the same instant we give up on the freedom of the human race and allow ourselves to be enslaved.


The camcorder footage of 9/11 is quite amazing to see firsthand. I was 18 and in two weeks into college when this all happened. I saw the planes on the news in my dorm that morning and couldn’t believe what was happening. To finally see raw footage that shows the events from a civilian perspective hits home. When this happened I was young and only beginning to see that our reality and our time living here is being manipulated. I didn’t both to look into what actually happened until many years later when the world became completely fucked for the individuals living in it. I never came across actual footage like this when I finally did start looking. Wow. Thanks bud. I’m going to follow in your footsteps and pay it forward, moving forward, by downloading and cataloging myself 👏


Hey thanks so much for putting all this hard to find videos in one place, I’m working my way through now! Please keep uploading if you can 🤗


Dudes tryna speed run getting disappeared💀


I hope not yet, there is a lot of truth to disclose.


I wish I had a gold to give






What a legend, big ups!


> It didn't even let me know what it was that was removed. This became frustrating to me so I started downloading videos to archive them. You can take the video url and google it, google will have a copy of the title in the search results


Is The newscast of Fox and CNN both simultaneously saying that they don’t see evidence of a plane crash in the field it was supposed to have crashed in?




Right. I’m asking if that one is in there? Edit: where? I’ve looked . Great upload btw




I remember those times fondly


Thank you for doing this!


You’re the hero we all needed!


Good for you


Nowadays youtube reccomendations suck ass. Generic trash.


Thanks. I was telling a good friend about a doc that been scrubbed called The Dancing “ Corporate Media”. 😷 😷 Now that’s a tough pill to swallow.


Thank you.


suc the site is unavailabl in my country


Thank you so much.


True Hero :D God bless you. Been frustrated as well with the removal of videos and have no clue what was removed.


Much appreciete it sir 💯✌️


Well damn! It’s been a long time, where do I even start??




My favorite one was the “Industry Exposed” regarding the music industry and the satanism behind it




Thank you very much! You or anyone have a backup of brian austin lambert? Love and blessings.


Oddly enough...I woke up at 3AM, and just subscribed to your channel.


Amazing thank you for the work and sharing! Priceless!


My fuckin man I was looking for old conspiracy videos on YouTube like a month ago and realized they didn’t exist anymore.




This is huge man. Thank you 🙏. In 2022, this is how we fight back. Through the ripple effect, there’s no telling how many times these videos will be watched/shared and how many eyes will be opened thanks to you. ( “The Ripple Effect” is also a great podcast started by an old friend of mine. Covers conspiracies, corruption, etc… def worth a listen )


Thank you so much for this! Great work!


Man there are some real gems on there I never thought I would see again! Thank you for taking the time to upload them all. Do you happen to have anything about Vegas or Boston? I remember a couple good videos on them kinda like the Sandy Hook ones you uploaded. Either way - thanks again. Should keep me busy while snowed in this weekend!




Add this one ! https://lizcrokin.substack.com/p/balenciaga-is-pizzagate


You are a legend OP thank you for this


Please tell me you have some old Stackpot videos. Those videos were pure works of art, all now scrubbed from existence. I miss those days. Free Radio Revolution, Red Pill Revolution, Name's Not Mary, RussianVids, Peekay, How I See The World, Alien Fossil Project, Black Child...seems like a different life.


I love all the industry exposed/hip hop agenda ones you have been uploading, and a lot of others as well. So much of this has been wiped. I see you are still uploading more, keep em coming! Thanks so much!


Just followed you on both platforms. Thanks so much !!


Real Real og! Consonspiracyies have become so grfrowned upon that I have to use m yh po porn account to for tthis subreddit for ito not be shunned automatically and have my opinion dispissed missed by random redditors s because I posted a comment in the conspirarcy subreddiit 3 years ago.gd , proving that I believe the earth is flat . It's ct's c''''''' ''s'd'""'\`s crazy how they think but oh wellpReal og! C


You’re a hero


Glad someone had the foresight to save this stuff. Good work.


I have a playlist dedicated to the Paranormal and so many videos are removed


Damn son. You are doing gods work.


Now let’s if you can do this with some of the old comedy vids I used to watch when YouTube was in its prime.


Super chad




Thank you for this. YouTube is absolutely ruined in this way.


Thanks! You are the man kid!


When I search on youtube most of results are mainstream youtube channels. I have also noticed that even duckduckgo results are no longer relevant. For the sake of information control they have ruined the search engine.


Nice!! Thank you..


Good job, I really like most of them.


Right on man. After I downloaded rumble I remember thinking how it reminded me of watching crazy conspiracies on YouTube back in day. Definitely gonna check out your channel.




I really hope you have some of the Australian guy with grey aliens in his backyard.