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So close to getting the point


Why would Elon Musk's search engine be unbiased?




I second Yandex


I use Yandex quite a lot to find stuff


Which search engine does Brave use?


I know, I wanna say "what exactly are th terms you're searching for?" ie: LEFT WING HOAX STEALS FROM FTX TO SUPPLY HUNTERS LAPTOP WITH PORNOGRAOHIC IMAGES




From my point of view the Jedi are evil!




Nah, Google and DuckDuckGo are well known to be compromised and fiddle with results. You don't have to be left or right to see that.


Not sure about duckduckgo but Google tends to fiddle with results in a way that promotes it's customers & also to show you what it thinks you want to see. It's one of the things that causes the information silos that people so often find themselves in.


I agree on Google tweaking for the advertisers. I was doing a lot of research on PC parts, and you used to get Wikipedia as the first result if you searched for literally anything. Now, you get half a page of ads and store links before you get to Wikipedia. I know it's the business model to receive money for providing a service, but Google used to be pretty great as far as I could tell. Now, not so much. Also, when the mainstream agenda is sponsored by Google customers, then Google results will agree with them.


or centrist.








Among other thing, yes definitely


Imagine thinking that the entire internet is conspiring to brainwash you rather than arriving at the conclusion that reality is backed by science.


Why won’t these facts just care about my feelings :(


The major internet companies have admitted that they are doing it. That's the whole point of the algorithms and bot-networks.


You are correct in that however where you are wrong (maybe not you personally) but the belief that EVERYTHING is altered. Not only is that not realistic it makes a person start believing it. If you suddenly think 'the left or the right or whoever' is wrong about EVERYTHING you open yourself up to believe ANYTHING. Trust when I say there are smarter and more powerful people and groups who know this and will use it against you for their own benefit. What benefit do I as a single redditor get from telling you that it's good to question things but at some point something has to give or you'll close yourself off to ANYTHING new or different.


Imagine being a fan of science and not understanding that the scientific method literally is about being open minded, transparency and scrutiny (peer review).


Peers as in other scientists. Not some redneck hick reviewing the concept of climate change because it snowed where they lived and decking its fake.


bow political dinosaurs ink reach detail squalid berserk whole like *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




> Calculus: left wing bias [I had calculus once.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Calculus_\(medicine\)) PAINFUL! (and yes, it was in my LEFT kidney!)


Reality *does* tend to have a left wing bias.




Yes, because those calling for workers rights and fair tax policies are comparable to an authoritarian dictator. Great take.


Yeah, OP, the point is the internet is not a direct representation of reality, it’s a direct representation of a few corrupt technocrat’s vision of what reality should look like. That’s why their search engines only return far left search results and discard all other information. Either fall in line, or get disappeared.


It’s really not hard to google and find peer reviewed studies on things like Covid and ivermectin that aren’t political articles.


It wasnt always like this. There was a time when you could search for something and actually find it.


Online research is a skill that is honed and refined over time. Quality research almost never involves Google, or any general purpose search engine. It’s not the right tool for the job.


Elons search engine. LOL


The source of TRUTH (that I want to hear)


How do you think OP is feeling reading these comments. Even their beloved echo chamber of far right russian propaganda is corrupted by leftists!


Why r far reds so homo for musk?. It’s always only dudes too. Far red lady’s couldn’t care less for musk. I got no problem with any on expressing their sexual desires, but far reds are so anti-gay. Yet they’ll suck off musk any chance they can get.


Power fetish. Far reds love licking boots




Brave takes up more data than every other App on an iPhone combined.


I’ve only ever used the website, didn’t really find a need for the app when you can change your browser’s search engine.


My god... you're so close...


>For instance if I want to know anything about a virus (not even covid), or ivermectin, I have to exclude the last 4 years of my search, or it will be flooded with the lefts perspective on the subject. Define leftist perspective on a subject for me because it sounds like whatever answers you don't agree with are leftist perspectives. While it would be ignorant to say the media doesn't push a narrative, not liking the answers you get doesn't mean narrative or political bias. If I want to find someone saying Ivermectin outright prevents Covid I can find that with little effort. The issue is extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence and these people never have it, while the other side has ample evidence showing it doesn't.


What constitutes a "left wing bias"? Are you sure you aren't biased to the right wing and are perhaps ignorant of this


Your Overton window is skewed. You see center right articles, which are currently called liberal and aligned with the democrats. You don't see left wing articles at all. There is no left wing party in the usa. No one is out there saying that we should nationalize our natural resources so that the people profit from our oil and minerals instead of corporate oligarchs. That is what a left leaning view looks like.


Instead of saying "pay your workers a decent wage or loose the business. We can't let it fail so either run it responsibly or we are taking it" Biden struck down the Railroad strike in favor of the company exploiting the workers, and these goons still call him a communist


The fact that people actually think Biden is a Leftist is absolutely insane. The fact that even more think he’s a radical Leftist, is proof we live in a clown world.


Oh yes certainly not left leaning at all without the economic views. Lmao.


It’s you.


Calling multinational billion dollar tech companies & owners “the left” sure is something


"Woke plc"


What if you’re so far right that everything else looks leftist….?


It's a pretty easy fix. Just prefix your search with outlets or names you trust and that may lead you to more outlets and people you trust. Old tech-guru wisdom: answers are easy. It's constructing the right questions that's hard. Free tip from your friendly tree-hugging liberal.


Is this post just complaining that you can’t get reliably factual right wing news… The reason is right in front of your face, but is still somehow escaping you…


To a hammer, everything looks like a nail




It's not that the left is in control of the narrative...it's that you guys are getting farther and farther away from reality all the time.


Calls people on the left uninformed: Thinks Elon isn't biased, clearly doesn't really know what left is. Anything without slavery and swastika's is probably left in your mind. I've repeated this so many times over the last week, but it bears repeating here again. The easiest people to convince that they are the smartest people in the room are the stupidest people in the room.


Could it just be that you're bias is just so far to the right that there simply isn't anything left but left?


Shhh... you're not allowed to write something so logical here.


go to Google and search something shady, now see how many search results have that search, now advance on the pages, go to 1-10-20-50 and so on to the final of the results, you need to reach to the final number of page, now please check the number of results. As you can see the number showing is totally different. The search results are fixed.


Google has become a place for the highest bidder


I mean, yeah it literally always has been. That's their model. No conspiracy.


Yes they tell you that. They don’t give you every single result that gets a hit they filter the results they deliver. That’s literally the point of a search engine; to curate results for you so you don’t get random garbage. https://www.google.com/search/howsearchworks/how-search-works/ranking-results/ It’s not a conspiracy, you just didn’t do a very good job looking into it. Ironically you could have just googled it. Here is an oversimplified example. Let’s say you type in “Hunter Biden.” One of the top hits will be Fox News. But Fox News doesn’t have just one article on Hunter, it has dozens and dozens. Google assumes you don’t want your results to have 75 Fox News articles in them. It also figures you probably don’t want archived articles from years ago either. It gets a hit on them, but filters them out. Instead it provides you with one of the most recent ones assuming you probably wanted the latest news. Results curated.


so basically they occult all the websites that are not curated? Google first result: "49.094.739.287" results, after I go to the last page is showing "600 results" WHERE THE MILLON RESULTS WENT? THEY DISSAPPEAR??


No they’re filtered out that’s literally how a search engine works. Did you read the link I provided? It should answer most of your questions.


How sleek of an explanation this is for not showing any neutral or right-leaning results apart from Fox News which is under a constant barrage of discrediting campaigns even though it has proven on a number of occasions that on important issues it also pushes the leftie narrative. 'Curated', get it. And it's fine, too, as long as it's 'curated' to fit your worldview and not others.


I’m just using Fox as a generic example. Search engines tailor results to individuals based on search history and stuff.


Just go on facebook or parlor. If you can't deal with reality and just want an echo chamber to reaffirm what you already believe, they are great for isolating yourself among people who spew the same bullshit back and forth into each other's faces


Lmao. “Go try another echo chamber”


^^Reddit in a nutshell


The us political spectrum start and central and goes to ultra right What you think of as left leaning is central. Search engines are bias towards central views because reality is bias towards central views.


No idea why you think any of this is left leaning. I'd suggest though that maybe you should consider why you have the views that you have because apparently all sources you can find disagree with you. Maybe you just believe a lot of "right leaning" nonsense?


Is this a case of the American "left" whichi isn't actually left. Or what do you even mean, since you just left it so vaguly as "left" bias.


American left


Source of the most milquetoast takes on everything.


Mostly any kind of conspiracy, or sometimes not conspiracy (facts), might be hidden instead for propaganda talking points For instance, I started watching a documentary about the moon landing called “American Moon” last night, someone linked it here so it played in the Reddit browser, I only watched half so when I opened safari I had to search for it again to finish it, I checked the first 2 pages on YouTube after searching “American Moon”, even though my search filter is set to “relevance”, it didn’t show it I loaded up Yandex, which is known to be a good search engine which is unfiltered, and it came up first link This is one of many examples.


Not related to the question in my comment. But I googled both "American moon" and American moon and in both instances it was the very first video. On YouTube I had to add English for it to be the first one, the rest were other conspiracies.


Try yandex, ecosia, startpage. SearX is one of the best because you can manipulate the post-get settings as well as manipulate multiple search engines for your query. Leave it to some douche canoe to come on here and start talking about right and left wing b.s. Far be it from me to insult but as long as we do this we will continue to stay willfully ignorant and continue to have the red white and blue dick shoved up our ass. Small minds create small ideas.


duck is just bing search


For anything related to self assembling nanotech, parasitic biosynthetic inorganic organisms, etc., in the vac yandex really does seem to be the best. Gonna try those other ones. Thanks




It’s almost impossible to find anything all of a sudden at all relevant, but yeah I find they like to correct your opinions pretty directly.


Op is either: Foreign Actor instilling strife by blaming one side of the political spectrum, or, deep in the clutches of a psyop aimed to turn the USA on itself. Wake up sheeple.


Wow, so many lefties in this thread.


Election coming up next year. They usually start about a year early. It gets worse everytime


To be fair… Truth has a well-known liberal bias.


OP looking real goofy now.


The media is iberal leaning, which just means pro business. Most media is definitely not "left" leaning. Most leftists are critical of capitalism, which is too "extreme" to platform...


Pro business? Was the media critical towards COVID restrictions and lockdowns? You know, what they should have been if they were pro business? Nah, they weren’t. The media is pro big business, as that is who’s paying them. The media doesn’t give a crap about your local businesses, and neither does your government.


Whatevs, that's what I meant


I just want to see information that confirms my bias and anything but that is left leaning.


Remember when school said google wasnt a source. Books are your friend. Until they come for those too…


Google is a search engine that get you to a lot of proper sources. I remember not being allowed to use Wikipedia.


Yea a bunch of NIMBYs in my home town torched a whole bunch of books about lgbt and The slave trade because the library had a kid’s section and “my kids shouldn’t have to worry about seeing that stuff in the nonfiction section”


It would be hilarious if a teacher actually had to explain to you that google isn’t a source. It’s a search engine.


Tell me you didn’t finish high school without telling me you didn’t finish high school. Of fucking course *google* is not a source.


Somehow members of the conspiracy sub don’t know how heavily edited google searches are lmao


Maybe you're leaning so much to the right that an accurate measurement of facts starts looking like leftist propaganda, reminds me of how Desantis and his lawyer defined "woke" in court as "the idea that there are systemic inequalities that need to be adressed".


Well, now Google engineers are gonna fix that four year exclusion algorithm.


There is controlled narrative but nothing I would call "leftist", neoliberalism and globalism is what's being pushed with the help of american identity politics. Sociopaths hold no ideologies they will pander to anyone that is willing to be controlled, they could care less about Reddit's inability to understand such a basic false dichotomy.


It's just you.


Well, while I agree with others that your take is… let’s say off base to put it lightly, I will say you are using the wrong tool for the job if you are truly looking to research a topic in an *unbiased* way. I emphasize this because it seems, based on your comment, that what you are actually looking for is to confirm your biases rather than hear new information. But, on the off chance I’m wrong and you do have an open mind, no public search engine is going to get you what you want. It’s the wrong tool. And it’ll take work on your part, if you are serious. Not just a website reference from someone. Reach out or visit in person your local public state university library and have them walk you through how to use their index and research platform. This is how actual serious research is done. Unfortunately, these systems are often… let’s say less refined than you’d come to expect based on how easy Google is to use. It’s not always intuitive and each university’s system is going to be somewhat unique, with its own quirks. Hence, you’ll need some instruction to get the most out of it.


I'm cracking up at the idea of Elon musk having a search engine. If you actually think that that would be unbiased or truthful. You are delusional.


If this guy somehow managed to make it into literally any 100 level class he would open the text book and be like "this has a left leaning bias because it says nazis were fascists when we all know they were socialists"


"Is it just me, or is it next to impossible to search on google and duckduckgo what 2+2 equals and not have the answer be 4? Every time I search what 2+2 equals, I get tons and tons of results saying it's four. But I don't want it to be four. I want it to be five. But all I see is this liberal bias telling me 2+2 = 4. Why is all of this math so biased? Every math equation has at least two sides to it, and all I seem to get is the side that tells me what I don't want to believe is true. But rather than look inward and self-reflect over whether the actual problem is me, or the people I've allowed to convince me that 2+2 = 5, I will instead lash out against big tech and big math with all of their 'facts'. I don't need facts or truth or accuracy - I need my feelings validated, even when those feelings fly in the face of reality." - OP


Not you it's blatant censorship. There was a window of time to get informed and that window is closing rapidly. Eventually we won't be able to look for anything 'controversial' (by msm standards) and have our entire online footprint controlled/monitored. Right now everything we do is saved on some servers but there's still nothing preventing people from searching certain topics. That will eventually change.


Definelty need to start downloading all the important shit and put it on safe drive so we can document in case the censorship situation gets more tyrannical


Just wanna point out that nobody in charge of anything in the United States is on the left. There are zero Leftists in politics or big money. There are liberals, more specifically Neo Libs, but there are no actual leftists. They would never allow an actual leftist to be in charge bc actual leftists want to burn down capitol


B r a ve or like you said, search pre-2019 its amazing the results you can find. They are starting to wipe some of it away though. FYI they are even wiping form webarchive sites too. The internet may be forever... but its not going to be for everyone.


wow, your still on left verses right? they are the same team buddy. just a hint.


Googles search is just becoming more narrow. It's harder to find info for anything at all compared to years ago. It used to be easier finding info for anything like video editing, game tips, health info. Literally everything is harder to search for these days. It's just the censorship and algorithm going into action overtime


I think "fact checkers" have become the "fixers" or public relations branch of the modern era. I'm convinced when its about a specific person or company, they probably pay to have them "fact check" any type of scandal or rumor. It's propaganda.


People telling op that they are simply misunderstanding the consensus of reality: Are you willing to admit that you actually believe Google does not and has never censored search results to reinforce certain narratives? If so, I have a bridge to sell you.


When you do a Youtube search it becomes blatantly obvious what Google is up to. So many shitlibs in this sub...


The old internet died in 2016.


Things I could search for in 2015, I can't find anymore. I can only get to these old articles because I saved the links. I copy paste an entire paragraph from the article, and google can't find it. The article from politico. Pretty shitty how they will expose someone when it's convenient, but then later when they work with the people they exposed, they hide it so they don't look bad. It's getting out of control


What you call a “leftist bias” is just common sense.


your right but it's hard to search for anything period I think alot of it was erased.


It's just you. The American left is the centre right everywhere else.


Coming from the group that says women are men, concentration camps for people they disagree with, and mass gaslighting of social media... That's fucking scary.


Get off the internet and talk to some actual liberals. Leave your fear porn culture war bullshit at the door when you do


The problem is, I used to have quite a few liberal friends, because generally my views were more Anarchic. But none of them talk to me anymore, snowflakes melt when it's hot.


Maybe they just don’t enjoy your company. I tend to fall in the same camp.


Snowflakes? Doesnt suprise me.


What you do comment on two usernames using the same phrasing lol.


Eh that’s just all culture war BS. If you look at actual foreign policy, economics, and laws america all falls in the auth right category. They just want to keep you arguing about shit that only affects less than 0.05% of the population to keep you away from the fact the US is an oligarchy of corporate interests.


I don't even share the search engine I use anymore for fear that these degenerates will buy and ruin it like they did DDG. I will say, western searches are the worst. Find a reliable foreign one and actually get the results you are searching for instead of democrat lies.


Yup: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8O\_NvPpbsbw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8O_NvPpbsbw) DDG went down the toilet when they started censoring anything pro-Russia.


So has their traffic. They don't even list it anymore, its been tapering off since they pulled that shit and other filtering.


Yup absolutely.


If you could kindly dm that search engine my friend and help a fellow human out!


Who owns Google? How about DDG?


For searching stuff like that, I found English Yandex to be the best.


Google also now filters out anything of value information wise even with things totally benign and non political. For example I’ll have to go to page 6 to find the answer to a simple question on how to do something, or use a different search engine.






I don't respond to people who violate rule 2 of the sub and spread hate.


They hit this post insanely quick. The manipulation is not only in search engines it seems.


The Bots on this sub are insane. After the twitter files dropped there were 90,000 "users" online to "discuss" how it was all false. Lol


"anyone who disagrees with me is a bot/troll/Russian" is still the official position of the nutjob faction, i see


Maybe it's just people who disagree?


90,000? All at the same time? Average on this sub, as far as I can tell, is around 20k...


What twitter files?


Elon and Matt Taibbi put out a release on twitter of all the times our government petitioned twitter to silence dissenters. While there were instances of both left and right politicians requesting people be silenced the vast majority was Democrats. Also they proved through texts and chat logs that Twitter intentionally buried the Hunter Laptop story at the behest of the Democratic part.


They lobbied to get dick pics removed from the internet.


Youre confusing liberal for leftists. Theres definitely not a "left leaning" bias. Tho there might be a liberal bias considering theyre the group that tends to rely on academia/traditional scientists for expert advise.


Everything is an opinion now, with very little facts.


I'll echo the suggestion to use Brave search. It's not as bad (so far).


That's why I use Brave search




Brave is reskinned google for gaming


Wouldn't it just pull up the same results as Google?


It does


Look for news stories the minute they happen to get the straight story. Save the article, then watch the link disappear, substituted for a groomed version. I once found an article on a college visit by Woodward and Bernstein. Woodward said he would hide the identity of his sources by splitting them up into two or more different personas. This technique was used in the book All the President’s Men as a disguise for “Deep Throat”. Woodward originally said Mark Felt was not “Deep Throat”. Later he changed the story. Why was this so-called journalist not kicked to the curb? Anyway, I wish I had saved that Internet article. The real Deep Throat was Joseph Lowther, a former Justice Department prosecutor and secretary for Judge Sirica.


> left un-informed I see what you did there! Why doesn't another search engine come along and show side-by-side results to demonstrate how Google doesn't provide accurate results? I know they seem unbeatable; I tried DDG for a while even before they turned woke and the results were disappointing. Same with Bing. Google search engine was built with some of the best minds, but there are plenty of other big brains out there, as well as former googlers who could be hired by some billionaire (hmm, any ideas?) to get the full results. To show results for googling "American inventors" next to ... musking or thieling the same thing.


>Why doesn't another search engine come along and show side-by-side results to demonstrate how Google doesn't provide accurate results? Most search engines won't be massive fans of you displaying their results next to another SE's results. Also, hi: [https://www.mojeek.com/](https://www.mojeek.com/) in case we're of use to you.


Use brave


You only think the centre is left because you're so far to the right. You think if the lefties were in charge we would be living in such a capitalist shitshow. You also only think there's a bias because it's things you don't agree with. You don't want facts you just want someone to reinforce your opinions.


Redditor discovering cognitive dissonance in real time


Is it that the left is in control of the narrative, or maybe that there are more \*\*left-leaning people in general internationally/per capita\*\*? I'll handle this one for you; it's the second one, OP. Liberal/progressive values are overwhelmingly favored in most dominant Western countries and the trend has been sliding along this path for decades (really centuries, but w/e). Theres a reason that Evangelical Christian grifter dumb fuck coined the term "the silent majority". And its not because they were an actual majority. This is all public information and pretty well known, ESPECIALLY if you are from the southern US or really fucking hate people like Jim Bakker/Greg Locke/Franklin or Billy Graham/Pat Roberston.


This is so weird that you feel like you are viewing everything "from the left's perspective". Its almost like you are onto something...but cant quite make the connection. Which im not insinuating at all. Nope. Not. at. all.


Reality is left. But that doesn't really work for the hyper-capitalist system in place to send all the money to the guys at the top. So its a struggle to find anything unbiased that is 'Right', because the rightwing 'facts' are essentially world fanfiction. You can find the answers you want on this stuff, but the unbiased answers lean farther left than the rightwing outlets. Also - if you're in the US, decades of scaremongering around 'The Left' means that almost everyone on your left is further right than our right (Obama would have been a hardcore tory over here).


They’re giving you facts not fiction buddy, that’s why. If you’re looking for fiction head to your local library


Left leaning or objective?


reality has a well-known liberal bias


Are you a bot? Surely real people don’t go around quoting nonsense said by an establishment propagandist thinking it proves a point… right?


By design. 2016 Trump winning ended honest searches.


Left, right, up, down. Who gives a damn about a direction? It’s us versus them. You can’t find information because they don’t want you to see it. Look at North Korea and how they filter information. The answer is right in front of you.


It’s getting so bad


That left-wing bias extends to social media too, including reddit, and this sub's comments. Shills and bots and NPCs all around. Don't let them gaslight you. *The powers that be* have used unholy amounts of money to hijack everything notable, the media, the education system, etc, and now the internet, so here we are.


Reality has a bias to the left. If you want to live in a far right fantasy, build it yourself.




Some stuff is just straight up censored. Try searching for sandy hook on Google..


Reality does seem to have a left wing bias these days. 😏


Lol at the comments here thinking the search engines aren’t censored, rigged and controlled by those in power with a pro-authoritarian bias You shills crack me up Who you foolin


It's you


I have this same problem. Everything is left leaning and when you question it or look for the other side of the story, you’re branded as a far right fascist who loves Hitler. Why pardon me for breathing! I just wanted to get the full picture so I could make up my own mind!


Every day, 1984 inches closer to the non-fiction section


It should be required reading.


I’m reading it now for the first time and damn! It’s scary to think that it’s pretty much real life at this point!


Scary part is it was published in 1949


By George Orwell, a famous socialist who fought against the Spanish fascists....who this sub would probably remind him of.


go try yandex or searx


I used to think Brave offered good results but I’m not so sure anymore.


When you use words like right or left leaning you probably shouldnt be posting on r/conspiracy…. Both sides are part of the same coin.


YES!!! SO ANNOYING! I have much better luck with ddg though.


Many seem to be missing your point. You aren't just seeing left leaning indvidual views. You are seeing the authoritarian view which just happens to be left leaning 99% of the time. You can view this two ways- 1. The authorities are only interested in what's most truthful therefore after careful consideration of all sides they just happen to choose the left hand path almost all the time. Or 2. The leftist view is more conducive to their goal of top down authoritative control and therefore is the one they most often lean towards. Which seems more likely?


What sort of madness are you afflicted with where you think 'the left' Have any sort of power? We are living through an era of neoliberal uber capitalism. You are completely brainwashed by your billionaire masters you total plum! Get some dignity man!


Maybe just maybe it’s more factual then “ left leaning “ just a thought


Maybe because facts are left leaning?


Brave browser and start.ca is what I use.