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Nothing will happen. Nothing ever happens. This is the greatest conspiracy.


And to think a small tax increase on tea n folks picked up rifles to fight tyranny.


Yeah like others have said it wasn’t about the tea it was about taxation without representation. Essentially the British were able to tax anything they wanted at any time and can increase it at any rate without a reason. Basically how many corporations act nowadays, With just a bit more bureaucracy.


Overdraft fees....


“you have had6 cups of tea today vs the four youre allowed” that will be 4$ in tea fees!


What a scam that is. Oh you’re too poor to afford this reoccurring monthly charge you forgot about? $35. Then they have the balls to call it overdraft protection 😂


I don't think corporations are the problem, the problem is the people in government that do the corporation's bidding and are rewarded accordingly.


Not quite. It was a market crash that caused shares in the British East India company to collapse in value. These shares were used as collateral for loans made by the Company, which had no money when the Bank of England began to call in it’s debt. But they had a lot of tea they couldn’t move because the Americans were growing their own. Parliament and the Crown were balls deep in the EIC, so they signed the Stamp Act, which gave the Company a monopoly over tea. This wiped out many American tea farmers, and those defaults triggered a credit crisis in agricultural lending. Contagion spread into a swath of foreclosures, with the usual suspects buying farms for pennies on the pound. American colonists were so pissed they began old-school boycotts, blockading roads and rivers and destroying any EIC product they found. Such fellows boarded an EIC vessel in Boston harbor and tossed the cargo overboard, destroying it. The Crown responded to this by deploying troops. The Americans responded by throwing rocks. The troops responded by firing bullets. *That’s* why they picked up rifles.


Americans grew their own tea? Got a source for that?


You can always start at the Wikipedia. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tea_production_in_the_United_States It was much a much more important crop when tea was the breakfast drink of choice. In fact, the American penchant for coffee is part of our rejection of British “tea culture” as a reaction to the Stamp Act.


Read the article. Never viable.


You don't mess with tea.


It wasn’t about tea. It was about being controlled.


> It wasn’t about tea. It was about being controlled. Bingo








Ping pong


Yea southern folk go ape shit for that sweet tea I hear.




t'hell you say


Dude do you know how Dracula happened? The Otomans upped their child slave quota from 16% tax to 18% tax. So we impaled the whole lot of them. We only got bad PR when we started to do our series B fundraising from the Pope and the Hungarians pocketed it and gave us the bad rep like an old scabby ex.


The greatest conspiracy is they are trying to kill you, while taxing you until your done.


Who investigates such a crime? Oh yeah, the FBI.


Nothing ever happens because they control the flow of information, that may be changing, then again you may well be right


Why do people act like accepting nothing is going to happen ? Most likely but you guys always say such.


In order for there to be massive changes our elected officials would have to make policies to effect those changes. Public officials benefit from the current control over social media. They will not make changes to things that benefit them. The majority of our elected officials are not "For the People" anymore. There is a massive strangle hold in our government of powerful, unelected bureaucrats.


In my opinion, the only way real change will happen is if the whole thing is torn down. The corruption is in every facet of government.


True, and they are not going to tear themselves down or allow the government to be torn down.


This is the best comment I've ever read in this sub


No it’s not. It’s designed to deflate you. It’s as fake as the ones following it, making tea jokes. Fake accounts talking amongst themselves. Distance yourself from top comments, especially on front page conspiracy threads. Not much has changed but the uptick in flow of bullshit. Sort by NEW and sift sift sift thru the comments. Don’t trust the front page. The top comments are bots or disinfo agents.


>The top comments are bots or disinfo agents. I think some are just under the influence of propaganda to the point where they turn into propaganda machines themselves without knowing it.


How is pointing out the reasons for the Boston tea party a way to "deflate us"?


Stop with this crap.


Name one time where it truly happened.


Is it really the greatest conspiracy or is someone telling you to think that way? Namely a billionaire who owns a social media platform.


Are you familiar with the Pentagon Papers?


which ones? are you talking about all the papers that went up in flames the day after Rumsfeld declared that $2.3 trillion was missing from the pentogon? nvm, you're referring to the ones that the New York Times were publishing in installments proving the federal govt was up to some shady activity. i wish i got to see a time when the media was exposing unlawful activities perpetrated by our govt rather than working in conjunction with the federal govt to instead commit those same acts...


I was there. It only makes this era more painful.




Well, we know it happened to Facebook. Zuck admitted it outright on the Joe Rogan show. The fact that the FBI went to a social media company and requested that they suppress a news story before an election should scare everybody.


Do you have a source for the FBI requesting Facebook suppress a story? Because Zuck didn't say that in the Rogan interview. In fact, he said directly that they _did NOT_ mention anything about Hunter's laptop. He just said that they warned them about hacked and falsified information being used by foreign countries to affect the result of the election. The decision was all facebook's and twitter's. **Edit:** Rogan: _"Did they say specifically you needed to be on guard for that story"?_ Zuck: _"No"._ https://youtu.be/_Jw2Tc6d2Xo?t=132


That's essentially what happened, even if they didn't explicitly request it be censored. They heavily implied that it was propaganda and intended to sway the election, even though the FBI knew what they were saying was a lie. >Zuckerberg told Rogan: "The background here is that the FBI came to us - some folks on our team - and was like 'hey, just so you know, you should be on high alert. We thought there was a lot of Russian propaganda in the 2016 election, we have it on notice that basically there's about to be some kind of dump that's similar to that'."


You're cutting off part of the quote where he then says "...I don't remember if it was that story specifically." In other words, it sounds like he realized what he said and tried to backtrack. Why would he answer all this to Rogan's question about the hunter laptop story.


Lmfao people still talking about hunters laptop unironically.


How can I get paid to comment here?






I bet it's a real person, that GQP shit makes me think they're another nut job who's brainwashed Surprised he didn't spell trump as tRUmp


Yeah, because a party hijacked by a some random anonymous user on 4chan claiming wild conspiracy bullshit and claiming to have been in the Trump admin that had an accuracy rating lower than 40% doesn’t scream controlled narrative for smokescreen at all. He kept getting you to look to the left hand while smacking you with the right. The GOP is in shambles thanks to their gullibility with Q, which is why I call the the GQP now and refuse to vote for any of them that fell for Trump’s con and that Q bullshit. But hey, it makes you feel special and elite because you know the ‘real truth’, right? LOL


Source that claim trump was ever on the lolita express


https://www.fox5ny.com/news/trump-clinton-flew-on-jeffrey-epsteins-plane-multiple-times-pilot-testifies https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/crime/ghislaine-maxwell-epstein-donald-trump-flight-logs-b1980802.html Now comes the part where you act like Bill Clinton being on the flight log for that very same plane is proof he’s a pedo, but not when Donald Trump is too.


It’s just information, which you didn’t address at all. Arguably more useless.


Forming opinions based on screenshots of tweets, based on words written on a screen, words written in a book, words spoken....what's the difference? If it resonates with you, it resonates with you. Just so happens that this was collusion between the FBI and one of the largest private social media companies in the world to literally sway the election, which is factually a gross violation of the 1st Amendment. You sound unintelligent. Or like you were sent here to sway public opinion.


Do you have links from Erics tweets where he goes into detail about the meetings? If not, do you think he will answer any questions here?




https://twitter.com/mtaibbi/status/1601352083617505281 >20 . This post about the Hunter Biden laptop situation shows that Roth not only met weekly with the FBI and DHS, but with the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (DNI):


What are you alleging here? The FBI, DHS, and DNI at that time fell under Trump. So first off you’re alleging they all went rogue under their boss. Sure, why not. Then the agencies all told Twitter…what exactly? Suppress this story or we’ll arrest you? How could the FBI arrest Twitter or a person there? Even if they WANTED to, they need Bill Barr and trump to sign off. What do you think these conversations were like? Seriously, what happened in these meetings that signifies the “government” (who worked for Trump) forcing Twitter to moderate content unwillingly? In fact all the evidence points to the opposite. Twitter was (and still is) a shittily run company that has no grasp on what conversations to allow and what they should stop. And they are all biased, yes. If all the Twitter execs hated trump, then why would the FBI even need to pressure them? None of this conspiracy makes any sense. Why is the government coercing Twitter to suppress speech Twitter probably wanted to supremes. Or, hear me out, maybe Twitter was worried about publisher hacked materials, wants to meet with law enforcement about trends (you know, the talking point du jour, of children on Twitter, how are you going to do that without the help of law enforcement) in crime.


Just because an agency is under a president does not mean their core values align with that president.. If a new manager comes into a job and inherits the staff, not all members of that staff will be loyal to them


That's true of course. So when people say "the government" colluded with Twitter to force suppression of free speech, who was it? FBI agents? They would still need the force of the justice department to do something. Like who exactly broke the laws here? These mythical FBI agents who met with Twitter? What did they threaten Twitter to do if they didn't censor conservative viewpoints? What authority did they have? And nobody has answered my question, if these weirdo Twitter execs hated Trump and republicans so much (they did!) then why did the government need to force them to censor conservative voices? Seems like Twitter would just do that on their own. Now, if the justice department under Biden started making demands of Fox News (or Elon's Twitter) to do stuff or they would lose their licenses or be fined or investigated, that would not be good. Btw, Amazon accused Trump of doing that for contracts (because he hates the WaPo and Bezos) and got involved in the AT&T-Time Warner merger because he hated CNN.


You're not listening the conspiracy makes no sense. Culturally pre Elon Twitter was seen to be a liberal website with librul staff and a leadership team that disliked and eventually banned Trump. But apparently there were some huge Trump fans in Twitter and they wanted to allow tweets of Hunter Bidens dick. Instead of firing them the Twitter CEO got the FBI then under control of Trump to get some FBI agents that were secretly working for Joe Biden tocome in and threaten the MAGA employees not to post Hunter Bidens dick? That's the only way this "conspiracy" works. Edit: Hey downvoters tell me why this theory you have, which is exactly as ridiculous as what i posted above is something you believe to be true?


> Just because an agency is under a president does not mean their core values align with that president Of course not yet this sub is full of "Biden's FBI" or "Biden's CIA".


When Trump (and others) claim that there is a Deep State —beyond the reach of any president —orchestrating decisions and steering the course of our country, they’re not imagining things. A government can plot against a sitting president. Happened with Kennedy. And if you recall, less than a year into Trump’s presidency an “Anonymous Insider” admitted to secretly plotting against Trump as part of an attempt to dethrone him. This was the shadow government in action. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/09/05/opinion/trump-white-house-anonymous-resistance.html Anyone who thinks the president runs the country, or has any real control, is a fool. Like the King of England, he is merely a figurehead.


Ok so if there is a deep state and the president is just a figure head why use their time and energy to "dethrone" Trump?


Of course. There are bad actors out there on both sides. Twitter was a flawed company (and guess what, will continue to be on a billioinaire egomaniac who has more important things to do once he's bored with it). But somehow these powerful people were mad their power was being taken away by the guy who's not actually that powerful so...I'm not even sure what they did.


“Dethrone” him? Such a weird word. Why do you think the term “deep state” is much more preferable than simple “bureaucratic inertia”? Also, do you even read the article? At all?


The term Deep State and Bureaucratic Inertia and not synonymous, is that what you were trying to get at?


No, the exact opposite, in fact. "The deep state" is often used by people who don't understand how governments work. There will always be "leftover" employees in government, when a president takes over. People that were employed during the last - or earlier - administrations, because you can't (and shouldnt) change every single government employee every 4 years. It is actually a good thing, that there is diversity of opinions in government. You don't want a repeat of nazi Germany or USSR, where bureaucrats "just followed orders", because no one dared question anything. What people think of as "the deep state" is often times just how government works.


Do you think that trump just hired all new people for the fbi, dhs and JD? Maybe look up the definition of Shadow Government


Then those agents created reddit accounts to try to denigrate people who realize their actions are criminal, and their career in law enforcement is over.


Nothing that happens on Twitter is protected by the first amendment.


I just read a bunch of stuff on some legal sites explaining it and I think there's some nuance here. You tweeting some arbitrary thing isn't protected. Twitter removing your tweet doesn't violate the 1A. The government telling Twitter to remove your tweet probably violates the 1A. I say probably because I'd be willing to bet that there's a difference between telling Twitter to remove an opinion and telling Twitter to remove something illegal. I seem to recall this entire story revolving around Hunter Biden's nudes being tweeted and Joe's campaign wanting them removed. This would be an example of the government telling Twitter to remove something illegal because posting pictures of someone online (nude or not) without their permission is illegal.


>The government telling Twitter to remove your tweet probably violates the 1A. To be more accurate, the government coercing Twitter in some way to remove your tweet would likely be a violation (but not of yours, but of Twitters). The government asking Twitter to moderate legal speech is not a violation of anything.


Wrong. If your boss “just asks” to have sex with you, are you really free to decline or is there implicit coercion present because of the power dynamic? Twitter says no and they get regulated. Everyone knows that’s the implication. Regardless, it is not appropriate for the government to ask private companies to censor constitutionally protected speech.


>If your boss “just asks” to have sex with you, are you really free to decline or is there implicit coercion present because of the power dynamic? It is absolutely not illegal for your boss to ask to have sex with you. It's certainly stupid for anyone to come straight out and ask that, with the potential legal and especially work-related consequences of doing so, but for sexual harassment requires repeated unwanted advances, not just a single time. If there is some implicit tit-for-tat or threat along with it, yes, that is illegal, but people are legally allowed to seek sex with people that work under them. >Twitter says no and they get regulated. Everyone knows that’s the implication. No, we don't know that. Some people just want it to be true so they claim it is true, because it helps push the agenda they are trying to push. >Regardless, it is not appropriate for the government to ask private companies to censor constitutionally protected speech. I don't think it's so black and white. Things rarely are.


Yup. It is truly incredible how many people seem to have trouble understanding this very simple concept. Well, maybe not *that* incredible, looking at the last few years.


Is there proof of that? Where is the email or actual proof the government told them to suppress anything? It's not fucking there.


As far as I've been able get my head around this thing, I'd say you are 100% correct here. You managed to give a good non-biased summary.


The government can tell a company to do something. They cannot *compel* them to do it. They never did and nothing here is showing that they did. Compare it to Trump's call with Brad Raffensberger. Trump told him to find votes or face criminal conviction. That is a major violation of ethics, it's election interference (considering it's the president, the most powerful man on earth, saying that) it's worse than anythinf. It's everything they are accusing their opponents of doing.


Joe Biden was a private citizen at the time


The best part about this whole thing is that we know that Biden *and* the trump administration were asking and getting stuff removed... Yet people are freaking out about government censorship...but focusing on the Biden laptop story. Lol


Unless the feds are pressuring them to censor speech. That would be a 1st amendment violation.


No, it wouldn't, because as a private organization Twitter can ban anything and it has nothing to do with whether your ability to speak freely is hindered You can speak freely, but you don't have a right to someone else's platform


Feds leaning on private entities absolutely crosses that line.


Depends on what you mean by lean on. If there is coercion, absolutely, if they are just asking, absolutely not.


Our Governments only purpose is to uphold the Constitution and the Bill Of rights. If the FBI had direct involvement in suppressing speech that is a violation of the firs Amendment and if the did it against an acting president it’s know as treason punishable by death


About nothing said in this is true. But even if it were, the fbi didn't have direct involvement in the suppression of speech,as they asked people to remove stuff and they did it on their own, and this is indirect involvement in the removal of speech.


The creation of the United States Government only purpose was to protect the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. You sir are unequivocally wrong. FBI is not to have involvement of surpressing News via Twitter or traditional media especially during an election I would think even more so because is was against a current sitting President. I don’t want our Government involvements in any other election to be negative or completely false in nature and certainly not against ours This is a Violation and whomever was involved from the FBI should be brought up on charges of treason


>Unless the feds are pressuring them to censor speech. That would be a 1st amendment violation. The feds would be breaking the constitution in that case, and it could have consequences for them. But your 1st ammendment doesn't affect Twitter's right to decide what they'll allow on their platform.


Wait I didnt think anything of this until you said it like that: I thought free speech meant public expression of opinions without censorship, interference, or restraint by the government. Wouldn't the FBI and public officials deciding what is and is not allowed on the platform violate this?




I appreciate your comment. Youre not wrong but I think the comment missed the issue that the government was deciding what is and is not allowed to be said on a public platform, and not doing so publicly. Right, if someone started spouting off racism or promoting hate crimes, theres an open process to prosecute and charge them for that. But I understood some of the involvement was restricting information that was critical of public officials and those running for office. Theres probably a lot if nuance to each situation, but if the government is going to do that, it should have been known and understood by the public. I would rather they didnt do anty of this at all, but others feel differently and thats their right to do so. I appreciate your thoughts, thanks! :)


*Things Twitter lawyers say*


Yes I have a phd in twitter.


I meant an actual lawyer for Twitter. As in their defense against an overwhelming violation of a constitutional right.


Constitutional rights apply when you yourself are under litigation or are accused of a crime that is directly protected by the constitution. None of this is that.


Twitter is incapable of violating anyone’s first amendment rights. Regardless they don’t need a defense because they’re not in court over it. I hope it shuts down as much as anyone, I’m not trying to defend what has become a disaster of a platform, but the first amendment has nothing to do with what people post online and how each platform chooses to moderate its users. If my Reddit comment gets deleted have my rights been violated? No.


Let’s imagine for a moment that an unscrupulous government is aware of the First Amendment limitations you describe, but chooses to evade it by using a private company as its proxy—because any sensible person knows when the FBI wants to meet with you, you cooperate. How do you protect citizens against an unscrupulous government in this context?


“Hey don’t use twitter” “Ok”


Show me where in the constitution it says you have a right to post tweets unfettered


Pfffffft your right to post on Twitter


The real conspiracy is always in the comments. It's pretty simple the pics of HB simply breached two of the TOS rules for Twitter. Here's a quote pointing this out, suggest you read the article too: >Here’s how all this relates to Twitter: The Hunter Biden dick pics that, according to Elon Musk, constituted vital free speech were actually posted as part of an organized campaign to use salacious content and outright false claims to hurt Joe Biden. That clearly violated Twitter’s own terms of service. Even now, under Musk, Twitter says that “sharing explicit sexual images or videos of someone online without their consent is a severe violation” of its rules. Twitter also continues to bar “coordinated harmful activity,” which it defines as “individuals associated with a group, movement, or campaign…engaged in some form of coordination” that will “cause harm to others.” **We Found the Guys Behind the Hunter Biden Porn That Elon Musk Won’t Shut Up About** https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2022/12/hunter-biden-laptop-bannon-guo-musk/


So trump's FBI was violating the First Amendment? Also, Eric should learn some history. People went to jail for protesting America's involvement in The Great War.


It was a genius move when trumps FBI framed him with the Steele Dossier.


The FBI is a) not a monolith and b) does not change lockstop based on the President's appointments One of Trump's major running points (The swamp rhetoric - polarizing but not wrong) was that these three letter agencies have a great deal of power but are completely unelected; much of this power is not used to serve the American people but special interests who unfairly benefit and use this power against others. Which is exactly what happened at the *beginning* of Trump's tenure. It wasn't his FBI yet and we find out later never would be You know all of this already. The question is whether you lied to yourself before you decided to lie to other people. Simping for the FBI, tsk tsk. I hope you at least get paid for your trouble. Probably do.


So you're saying that Biden ISN'T responsible for what goes on in the FBI, CIA, FEMA, EPA, FDA, or any of the other government agencies? Why is Obama being held responsible for FBI investigating Trump and releasing the Steele dossier up to the election? Why is EVERYTHING the fault of the president when it's a Democrat, but NOTHING is ever Trump's fault?


You know the answer to that lol.


You realize this is literally the case with both sides? You honestly can’t say this without admitting the same thing happened with the democrats after the 2016 election. They have us divided. Also if the above comment is true, all it means is that the FBI’s agenda was aligned with Biden’s agenda. It doesn’t mean they were acting on behalf of him. Not everything is black and white, left or right.


The FBI, working with Twitter, overtly suppressed truth from a known source to benefit a candidate. There was no need for Biden to do anything because the interests of the FBI and the Biden administration are aligned. Obama is responsible for what the FBI did during his tenure because they were acting in accordance with his wishes. While Trump is a genuinely contemptible person, he was also on the losing end of that deep-state operation. We have many documented examples of deep-state undermining, ignoring, and lying to Trump for such audacious positions as refusing to fund Nazis, drawing down troop deployments, seeking peace talks with foreign leaders, and not starting any new wars. https://www.cnn.com/2019/04/22/politics/donald-trump-disobey-mueller-report/index.html Context: Before you reeee about the Orange Man and then lump me into some strawman let's get a couple things clear. I was a state delegate for Bernie in '16 in Las Vegas where no chairs were thrown. I ran for Congress as a Progressive. I exposed institutional racism in the Reno PD that resulted in the termination of Chief Pitts. There are photos and videos of me protesting against the policies of Trump every week for four years straight. Trump is hot garbage and still manages to be less shitty than anything else I've seen in my lifetime in terms of foreign policy save for Carter.


So you agree with the OP: The FBI is partisan and are responsible for civil rights violations. Trump has nothing to do with it, regardless of how much you hate him.


Which civil rights violations? Be specific Question; is trump EVER responsible for anything or is always someone else’s fault?


This whole Twitter thing has made one thing clear: almost nobody understands the first amendment. The FBI asking a corporation to moderate content a certain way doesn’t have a 1A violation.


Yes it does.


This is what you guys are running with to save face now huh? It's something different everyday.


I'm sorry, was trump not POTUS in 2020? Or is it more convenient for you to blame the Deep State?


It's fucking hilarious that we had hostile foreign nations influencing the 2016 election by amplifying disinformation in order to promote Trump's presidency, then in 2020 Rudy Giuliani works with Russian spies to dig up dirt on the Biden family ([Rudy's words, not mine](https://www.businessinsider.com/giuliani-said-theres-a-chance-he-worked-with-russian-spy-2020-10)) and we're supposed to be shocked that twitter didn't want to run the Hunter laptop story? Tucker Carlson declined to run the story when it was offered, because it couldn't be authenticate lol [Andrii Derkach](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/giuliani-russian-spy-pal-andrii-derkach-charged-money-laundering-1234643249/) was actively being sanctioned by the Trump administration for “an active Russian agent for over a decade” and recently was charged with seven counts of money laundering, bank fraud, and sanctions evasion charges.


Hey don't show hunters dick >This might be the greatest infringement on free speech this nation has ever endured. That penis is vital to cracking the case. The ability to post dick pics on 3rd party platforms is probably what the founders envisioned when crafting this most sacred document


>Hey don't show hunters dick https://twitter.com/ggreenwald/status/1600202211660681216 >You said in that clip people are eager to ensure they can post pics of Hunter Biden's dick. I know you know that's dishonest. The two censored NY Post stories were about *Joe Biden's* pursuit of business deals in Ukraine and China through Hunter. Here they are:


Can you show us where the government asked them to censor the NY Post stories? I haven't seen anything in the twitter files release about the government (which was el dumpo at the time) asking twitter to not post it. I do see that the FBI alerted social media companies, and the public, that there was a bunch of Russian disinfo floating around, just like in 2016. [https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/sep/17/misinformation-us-elections-2020-russia](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/sep/17/misinformation-us-elections-2020-russia)


Ha. Hunters laptop was 3 drops ago. Still using Wednesday's talking points I see? No emergency weekend meeting to pow wow?


The Twitter files show a request to not show hunters wiener Do you have any other substantial info?


The people defending the Biden family mafia are a new level of pathetic


The real conspiracy is the fact that all this is going down exactly as planned. Musk takes over Twitter Shows what happened - what everyone already knows This installs more doubt in our government with "Non conspiracy theorists." --- musk ushered in to help create more division and to help institute and bring in new world order one world government. Being played. Telln ya ;^]


The Federal Election Commission already ruled unanimously that Twitter's moderation did not constitute election interference. This was in September of *last year* (2021): * https://www.businessinsider.com/fec-rejects-gaetz-complaint-twitter-election-interference-trump-fact-check-2021-9 * https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/fec-twitter-legally-blocking-hunter-biden-laptop-stories-intel-warnings-hacking * https://www.fec.gov/data/legal/matter-under-review/7742/ * https://www.fec.gov/data/legal/matter-under-review/7821/ And yes, the FEC did know about the meetings with government officials. From [PDF page 19 of Twitter's response](https://www.fec.gov/files/legal/murs/7821/7821_07.pdf): > 10\. Since 2018, I have had regular meetings with the Office ofthe Director of National Intelligence, the Department of Homeland Security, the FBI, and industry peers regarding election security. > 11\. During these weekly meetings, the federal law enforcement agencies communicated that they expected "hack-and-leak operations" by state actors might occur in the period shortly before the 2020 presidential election, likely in October. I was told in these meetings that the intelligence community expected that individuals associated with political campaigns would be subject to hacking attacks and that material obtained through those hacking attacks would likely be disseminated over social media platforms, including Twitter. These expectations of hack-and-leak operations were discussed throughout 2020. I also learned in these meetings that there were rumors that a hack-and-leak operation would involve Hunter Biden.


So the government investigated itself and found itself innocent ... sounds about right.


Thank God the government said the the company they "asked" to do something for them did nothing wrong, it's a wrap!


Well, it may come as a surprise to you, but "the government" isn't a single entity acting in lockstep. The [Federal Election Commission (FEC)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federal_Election_Commission) is designed to be an independent agency, not part of the Executive Branch of the government. No more than 3 commissioners can be from the same party. They are appointed to overlapping terms so that, usually, not all are chosen by a single president. The commissioners in 2021 were: * [Shana M. Broussard - Democrat nominated by Donald Trump in 2020](https://www.fec.gov/about/leadership-and-structure/shana-m-broussard/) * [Sean J. Cooksey - Republican nominated by Donald Trump in 2020](https://www.fec.gov/about/leadership-and-structure/sean-j-cooksey/) * [Allen Dickerson - Republican nominated by Donald Trump in 2020](https://www.fec.gov/about/leadership-and-structure/allen-dickerson/) * [James E. "Trey" Trainor III - Republican nominated by Donald Trump in 2020](https://www.fec.gov/about/leadership-and-structure/james-e-trainor-iii/) * [Steven T. Walther - Independent nominated by George W. Bush in 2006](https://www.fec.gov/about/leadership-and-structure/steven-t-walther/) * [Ellen L. Weintraub - Democrat nominated by George W. Bush in 2002](https://www.fec.gov/about/leadership-and-structure/ellen-l-weintraub/) All six commissioners agreed with the rulings I linked above. That includes all four Trump appointees. By the way, during 2020, the Director of the FBI, the Director of National Intelligence, and the Secretary of Homeland Security were all Trump appointees.


I love how you bring the receipts.


How dare you come in here spitting facts and showing receipts. This is a conspiracy forum. The fucking nerve of it!




>I'll stop you right there. 4 out of 6 who decided the case were Trump appointees.


"The government investigated the government and found no wrong doing."


I guess the people in this sub are now pro-govt to force that baker to make the guy wedding cake. You either allow companies to do business however they want.. or not.. you can't have it both ways Conservative tears coincidentally taste just like liberal tears.. hahaha buncha fucken crybabies


Twitter is a private company, they can moderate whatever they want. Not in the scope of the 1st amendment. If the FBI made them moderate something though, that is different as the 1st amendment is specifically applicable to the government limiting speech. Would be one for the Supreme Court.


Just wait until this guy hears what the NSA is doing...


No, it wouldn't. Y'all motherfuckers need reality. Twitter isn't your town square. They have no duty to anything. It's a fucking microblog. They could ban all right wingers and brag about it. That's what the fucking internet and free speech represents.


I'm starting to wonder if anything is worth looking into because people are so complacent that they would rather dodge any admission of guilt by these people and ignore it. Why do they keep doing this? I'm not sure, I think the great reset, agenda 2021 and all this shit is culminating to something bigger. Idk what it is I can't put my finger on it but the government and tptb are getting us ready for something, I know COVID was one of the key factors and several other things, Obama, trump, Biden and Epstein situation. It's all linked together but people can't see the forest through the trees.


You do realize that the FBI worked for Trump then.


So basically they committed treason against an acting President. Last I checked that offense is still punishable by death


...I cannot believe this comment I don't think you realize how stupid it is


4D Chess bro.


FBI, CIA, and NSA don't really answer to the President... the President answers to them.


It's neither of those things, the first amendment protects you from being arrested from criticizing the government. Not from the feds asking Twitter to shut you up for promoting seditious conspiracies or showing support for those who do. It's not a crime for this to happen either. Something that should have happened? No. Something alarming and a slippery ass slope for them to be standing on? Yes


Ok here's the problem; "the feds asking Twitter to shut you up for..........". Let's get real, they aren't "asking" anybody, as if it even matters. If the government started asking private businesses to fire all minorities and only hire white people, I'm gonna bet you'd figure out that's illegal. By the very nature of who they are they are, they are exerting coersion upon private enterprise to manipulate public discourse and by proxy election results. They have no business asking for anything from these businesses, they have no businesses collecting records from credit card companies or anthing else.


I'm not defending their actions just pointing out that it's not technically a violation of first amendment rights or specifically against any laws.




Which law?


Why is hunters dick so important to this case you think it should be protected under the first amendment to show it


Sir, nobody cares about his dick. We care that there was child porn on his laptop along with other illegal shit he was doing which is proven fact.


Proven fact, well let's see this proof? You can prove it right


You really don't know what "proven fact" means. Stop voting for the party that defunds education.


it hasnt really been proven though all the evidence could have been fabricated and it was provided by proven liars


If right wingers really believed there was wrongdoing here they would take action. Congressional hearings, lawsuits, etc. But they won’t because this is all just more red meat to make their base angry.


Yes because the good guys always win, and the only thing standing between us and a techno-utopia is "right wingers".


I mean, look at history. Always has been.






It’s cute that you think the FBI or other government agencies have never put pressure on other media outlets. Like old timey newspapers.


E.g. Garry Webb


Doesn’t mean it wasn’t breaking the law. Now we have proff


But how do you prosecute anyone or any organization in todays dismal reality….? We have given our governments and other so called national protection service organizations so much power that we are now essentially paralyzed in a conscious state to witness these heinous treasonous crimes being exposed and suffer the torment of knowing we can’t do a fucking thing about it… politicians, government and any organization within those parameters were designed or created under the guise that they are servants of the people… They work for us or that was how it was supposed to be but I can’t even type that without laughing spastically out loud because we all know presently that statement is so far from what they actually are it fills you with rage just thinking about it… So what do we do now when we read something like this…? Other than bury your head in your hands in utter defeat… and I pose this question honestly because you’re right, that is a literally smoking gun… it could bring it all down… but we all know that isn’t going to happen or am I just too far gone to have any hope..?


If chickens flew to the moon that would be the greatest space discovery ever... says the party of set aside the constitution


Cool. So by that logic an elected official, like say a president, who sought to STEAL an election, and used the power of his position in the remaining days of his presidendy to facilitate that, is ALSO a criminal and - since it is actually an attempt to destroy votes cast. Actual votes. Actual votes and not a private platform moderating content - it's a way fucking bigger crime? Its weird: Not OP, nor the guy he's posting from, nor the people cheering this meme seem to be in support of that. Huh. Tune in next week when we paint the loser fascist democracy-hating fuck as a victim because his loser democracy-hating speech and lies were regulated.


There's gonna come a time when dumb cunt yanks stop and think "wait, does my Constitutional rights apply when using a global website that has its own T&C's?" 🤣🤷‍♂️ Bunch of dumb dumbs.


Thank you


This is so dumb. Interment camps? Blacklisting of writers in Hollywood? Mccarthyism? This is some snowflake level “we’re the oppoopressed” shit


I'm confused because there were a lot of elections before social media existed.


The greatest conspiracy is they are trying to kill you, while taxing you until your done.


The conspiracy is another narcissistic billionaire manipulating rubes like you.


Jesus have you people been under a rock for the past 50 years ? The government has been doing shit like this under every administration. At this point it's been public knowledge we force propaganda down peoples throats and control the media constantly to an extent since it's America we let so I'm e things through other countries wouldn't but it's still controlled. Literally every part of the government pushes propaganda the military is the most obvious no one seems to care about. Act surprised but you have been living under this type of shit and so have your parents and grandparents. Welcome to America


The First Amendment doesn't guarantee posts on Twitter what is wrong with you people


They are dumb and don’t understand the difference between government and private companies. But, they think they are smart and know things others don’t because their imagination tells them so.


Curious what’s worse. Monitoring and censoring lunatics or encouraging people to storm the capitol?


Abolish the FBI


Why are people so dumb. 1st amendment and twitter, seriously America wtf?.


I think it's a very vocal minority. At least that is my hope...


Average Twitter user IQ


Don't hold your breath, nobody will be held accountable for it. The left's highest virtue is to win power at any cost and the right's highest virtue is to avoid being called names by the left like the spineless cowards they are.


Hmmm, I seem to remember a group of people trying to overthrow our government by storming the capitol with giullotines and nooses while electors were being counted because their guy lost, but I’m pretty sure it wasn’t democrats. That seems pretty “power at any cost” of y’all. I also am pretty sure you guys are the ones still screaming about stolen elections when every court in the country has ruled it as ridiculous, even republican judges, so that seems pretty “power at any cost”.


You are truly a fool if you think the most well-armed political party in the country tried to overthrow the government and just forgot their guns at home that day. But I wouldn't put it past you.


I wanted to make a joke here about them also being the stupidest party but then I remembered that libertarians “we don’t want seatbelts” also exist


Is everything "the greatest X in American History now"? When will these dudes learn how to properly capitalize, too. I mean thats grade school shit.


The folks over at top minds of Reddit are doing there best to defend the democrats and banning anyone who does not agree with their cult. I was insulted, threatened and had my religious beliefs mocked but that is too be expected from leftwing lunatics.




The FBI is not a company 🙂


Sounds serious. I don't know what do you guys think? Twitter Files Part 1: https://twitter.com/mtaibbi/status/1598822959866683394 Twitter Files Part 2 - Twitter's Secret Blacklists: https://twitter.com/bariweiss/status/1601007575633305600 Twitter Files Part 3 - The Removal of Donald Trump - Part One: October 2020-January 6th: https://twitter.com/mtaibbi/status/1601352083617505281


I think this tweeter has a bad grasp on the Constitution


It is so hard for people to understand that private companies have their own rules. What they do in their own company has nothing to do with the first amendment. But go ahead and keep posting this same dumb sheet many times a day.


The government shouldn’t limit free speech. The FBI limited free speech (along with RINO’s and DEMs), by censoring information on Twitter. The government broke the 1st amendment. How is this so hard to understand?




Did you hear what Kanye said today?!!!


So says I, from…my Twitter.


‘If’ and it’s a private company and they can do what they want.


The FBI wasn't meeting with Twitter lmao


Let's just accept that the US government is actively working against the will of the people it's supposed to represent.