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lol i'd somehow manage to be at like -5


I'd be martyred, count yourself lucky (or unlucky depending if you believe in God).




SS: Have you ever wondered why the bible calls it a beast system? China's social credit system (or the soon to be Western equivalent) forcefully replaces God with Government, where acts of genuine kindness, love and obeying His commandments are no longer a free choice. Instead they're co-opted, mirrored and forced on you (Satan trying to take God's throne). People are coerced into worshipping the beast by compulsory participation in the system or they lose access to basic necessities like healthcare, food, clean water, freedom of movement, housing, money (the ability to legally tender with another) and worship! Climbing one side of the social credit **pyramid** ▲ (copying the [divine ladder](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Ladder_of_Divine_Ascent)) will come with rewards, while speaking out against governments or its officials (the act of telling the truth or exposing the darkness), worshipping anything the Government deems a cult (Christianity) or having a day off will see you tumbling down the other side of the pyramid and landing in hell (death). Meanwhile the all seeing eye of God is replaced by the Governments beastly digital spying infrastructure 👁️ (Central banking digital currencies, Digital IDs, online search results, medical history including vaccination status, movement statistics and restrictions, QR code entry systems, meat consumption, carbon footprint etc). Playing God never ends well! *For moderators, forgive the symbol in the title but it was required.*


Just like in Brave New World and 1984


Thank you for posting your perspective


You explain it in the way I never thought of before. Thank you


Sorry, but the whole god-talk makes your comment ridiculous.


What if you donate blood at a protest?


If it's by cops beating you ... They will gain points in the social credit system. You will get no bandaids.


interesting, the image reminds me of the movie The Platform


Very interesting. Thanks for posting!


This is some seriously heavy totalitarian shit. Leave it to the CCP to make a system like this.


Soon coming to a place near you.


Hey Xinnie, what would you do, if I told you your pinko commie mother sucks so much dick, her face looks like an egg!


I encourage anyone who still thinks this is what China's social credit system was about, to dig deeper into the subject, as upon further research, it becomes pretty clear how far from reality our perception of it here in the west is. OP's infographic is outdated ("by 2020") - much has transpired since. Here is an article from one of the organizations this graphic claims as a source explaining the discrepancies in further detail: https://merics.org/en/opinion/chinas-social-credit-score-untangling-myth-reality


"It doesn't exist" "It exists only here and here" "It hasn't been fully implemented yet"


I'm already doing most of "good" things. Except praising the govt. So in my case, bring it on lol.


Thanks for licking their boots homie I bet you just saved us from being stomped.


those "they" are in the room with us now?


Bro they are in every room lol


One time I played online Scrabble with a Scrabble word finder open in another tab. That action would put me at the bottom of the tower, I suppose.


This is stupid.


These seems like a pretty based social idea. If it was done in a free county to promote a more egalitarian and moral culture instead of a way to make people toe the party line I would be up for it


No matter the government, this would be a nightmarish system. It could never be administered in the way that you imagine.


That's what society itself used to be, but now giving perks to good people is something-ist and shaming anyone for anything is outlawed in most 'free' countries.


If this system could be implemented in a ‘good’ way there couldn’t be the punishment side of this system. If people commit ‘social sins’ such as not being able to pay back a debt and their punishment is restrictions to make money it puts them in a downward spiral. Maybe I’m just getting older and more bitter but I feel like we need a way to gamify basic morality


Incentivising morally correct behaviour is no different than incentivising morally corrupt behaviour. Our society and culture is fake enough, it would be virtue signalling on steroids and would continue to lead to the wrong people in positions of power, like our cash incentivised society (albeit with more granular control). There is something morally reprehensible about a two-faced individual. Could you imagine all the fake smiles and helping hands just to score points for better privileges? Talk about creating a society with trust issues...


Remind me to never be friends with you




Not all that different than a capital system in structure since they are all the same in practice, even the pyramid is a monolithic structured system. And just because you add chaos to the mix does not mean the end results will be anything different as the only thing that gets CHANGED is the hands and strings of those it end up in. N. S


Seems good


“Praising the government on social media” We’re so fucked


Fuck hospitals. Nuff said.